Beginner Level Advanced Level



1945 本 sách cơ bản . nguyên bản . bản chất .
1945 版 xuất bản . . .
1945 板 tấm bảng . . .
(1) edition, version, tablet, block, copy, print, piece, document, edition, impression
(2) [CL for scripts, songs, plays, statements, treaties]
(3) root, basis, base, origin, source

OXF3000N sự nhắm (bắn) mục tiêu ý định nhắm tập trung hướng vào aim
OXF3000N bảng chữ cái bước đầu điều cơ bản alphabet
OXF3000N thuộc bảng chứ cái alphabetical
OXF3000N lo âu lo lắng băn khoăn anxious
OXF3000N lo âu lo lắng băn khoăn anxiously
OXF3000N bẩn thỉu thối hỏng go bad
OXF3000N nung nướng bằng lò bake
OXF3000N cái cân làm cho cân bằng tương xứng balance
OXF3000N băng đai nẹp band
OXF3000N dải băng băng bó bandage
OXF3000N quán bán rượu bar
OXF3000N sự mặc cả sự giao kèo mua bán bargain
OXF3000N cơ sở cơ bản nền móng đặt tên đặt cơ sở trên cái gì base
OXF3000N cơ bản cơ sở basic
OXF3000N cơ bản về cơ bản basically
OXF3000N bánh quy biscuit
OXF3000N bánh mỳ bread
OXF3000N bàn chải chải quét brush
OXF3000N việc buôn bán thương mại kinh doanh business
OXF3000N bận bận rộn busy
OXF3000N bởi bằng by
OXF3000N bánh ngọt cake
OXF3000N thủ đô tiền vốn chủ yếu chính yếu cơ bản capital
OXF3000N giấy chứng nhận bằng chứng chỉ certificate
OXF3000N vải khăn trải bàn áo thầy tu cloth
OXF3000N bạn đồng nghiệp colleague
OXF3000N buôn bán thương mại commercial
OXF3000N hội đồng ủy ban sự ủy nhiệm sự ủy thác commission
OXF3000N ủy ban committee
OXF3000N bâng khuâng ái ngại concerning
OXF3000N hội nghị sự bàn bạc conference
OXF3000N bánh quy cookie
OXF3000N bản sao bản chép lại sự sao chép copy
OXF3000N cây Thánh Giá nỗi thống khổ sự băng qua cross
OXF3000N ngày ban ngày day
OXF3000N phân phát phân phối sự giao dịch thỏa thuận mua bán deal
OXF3000N cuộc tranh luận cuộc tranh cãi tranh luận bàn cãi debate
OXF3000N mức độ trình độ bằng cấp degree
OXF3000N cục sở ty ban khoa gian hàng khu bày hàng department
OXF3000N bàn (học sinh viết làm việc) desk
OXF3000N đồ bẩn thỉu đồ dơ bẩn vật rác rưởi dirt
OXF3000N bẩn thỉu dơ bẩn dirty
OXF3000N bản phác thảo sơ đồ thiết kế phác thảo thiết kế draft
OXF3000N bản vẽ bức vẽ sự kéo drawing
OXF3000N nhà xuất bản sự xuất bản edition
OXF3000N người thu thập và xuất bản chủ bút editor
OXF3000N ngang bằng người ngang hàng ngang tài sức equal
OXF3000N bằng nhau ngang bằng equally
OXF3000N bản chất thực chất cốt yếu yếu tố cần thiết essential
OXF3000N về bản chất về cơ bản essentially
OXF3000N ngay cả ngay lại còn bằng phẳng điềm đạm ngang bằng even
OXF3000N hợp lý công bằng thuận lợi fair
OXF3000N hợp lý công bằng fairly
OXF3000N gian lận không công bằng bất lợi unfair
OXF3000N gian lận không công bằng bất lợi unfair
OXF3000N gian lận không công bằng bất lợi unfairly
OXF3000N gian lận không công bằng bất lợi unfairly
OXF3000N bạn chân thành yours faithfully
OXF3000N liên bang federal
OXF3000N bằng phẳng bẹt nhẵn dãy phòng căn phòng mặt phẳng flat
OXF3000N chân bàn chân foot
OXF3000N đóng băng đông lạnh freeze
OXF3000N đóng băng đông lạnh freeze
OXF3000N kết bạn với make friends with
OXF3000N tình bạn tình hữu nghị friendship
OXF3000N sự đông lạnh sự giá lạnh làm đông làm đóng băng freeze
OXF3000N sự đông lạnh sự giá lạnh làm đông làm đóng băng freeze
OXF3000N cơ bản cơ sở chủ yếu fundamental
OXF3000N keo hồ gắn lại dán bằng keo hồ glue
OXF3000N khung thành bàn thắng đích mục đích goal
OXF3000N vàng bằng vàng gold
OXF3000N thóc lúa hạt hột tính chất bản chất grain
OXF3000N cho ban cấp sự cho sự ban sự cấp grant
OXF3000N tay bàn tay trao tay truyền cho hand
OXF3000N cái móc bản lề hook
OXF3000N băng nước đá ice
OXF3000N ban đầu lúc đầu chữ đầu (của 1 tên gọi) initial
OXF3000N vào lúc ban đầu ban đ initially
OXF3000N sự công bằng justice
OXF3000N bàn phím keyboard
OXF3000N chân (người thú bàn..) leg
OXF3000N trình độ cấp vị trí bằng ngang bằng level
OXF3000N cấp chứng chỉ cấp bằng cho phép license
OXF3000N bản đồ map
OXF3000N bạn bạn nghề giao phối mate
OXF3000N bằng phương tiện by means of
OXF3000N tình trạng bừa bộn tình trạng lộn xộn người nhếch nhác bẩn thỉu mess
OXF3000N (thuộcgốc nguồn gốc căn nguyên nguyên bản original
OXF3000N probản thân chúng ta bản thân chúng tôi ourselves
OXF3000N đích thân bản thân về phần rôi đối với tôi personally
OXF3000N bản sao chụp sao chụp photocopy
OXF3000N Panh (đơn vị (đo lườngở Anh bằng 0 58 lít ở Mỹ bằng 0 473 lít) pint
OXF3000N bản đồ kế hoạch vẽ bản đồ lập kế hoạch dự kiến plan
OXF3000N mặt phẳng mặt bằng plane
OXF3000N chất dẻo làm bằng chất dẻo plastic
OXF3000N bản tấm kim loại plate
OXF3000N cơ bản chủ yếu nguyên lý nguyên tắc principle
OXF3000N in xuất bản sự in ra print
OXF3000N chứng chứng cớ bằng chứng sự kiểm chứng proof
OXF3000N panh (= 0 58 lít (E) 0 473 lít (A)) pint
OXF3000N sự công bố sự xuất bản publication
OXF3000N công bố ban bố xuất bản publish
OXF3000N công việc nghề xuất bản publishing
OXF3000N bản ghi sự ghi bản thu sự thu thu ghi chép record
OXF3000N báo cáo tường trình bản báo cáo bản tường trình report
OXF3000N đi tàu thuyền nhổ neo buồm cánh buồm chuyến đi bằng thuyền buồm sail
OXF3000N việc bán hàng sale
OXF3000N kế hoạch làm việc bản liệt kê lên thời khóa biểu lên kế hoạch schedule
OXF3000N điểm số bản thắng tỷ số đạt được thành công cho điểm score
OXF3000N bản thân mình self
OXF3000N bán sell
OXF3000N thượng nghi viện ban giám hiệu senate
OXF3000N vụt qua chạy qua ném phóng bắn đâm ra trồi ra shoot
OXF3000N sự bắn sự phóng đi shooting
OXF3000N bạc đồng bạc làm bằng bạc trắng như bạc silver
OXF3000N bạn chân thành của anh chị.. (viết ở cuối thư) Yours sincerely
OXF3000N đất trồng vết bẩn soil
OXF3000N không biết làm sao bằng cách này hay cách khác somehow
OXF3000N chất liệu bản chất substance
OXF3000N về thực chất về căn bản substantially
OXF3000N bản tóm tắt summary
OXF3000N công tắc roi tắt bật đánh bằng gậy roi switch
OXF3000N cái bàn table
OXF3000N tấm bản thẻ phiến tablet
OXF3000N giải quyết khắc phục bàn thảo đồ dùng dụng cụ tackle
OXF3000N băng băng ghi âm dải dây tape
OXF3000N nguyên văn bản văn chủ đề đề tài text
OXF3000N thương mại buôn bán buôn bán trao đổi trade
OXF3000N sự kinh doanh việc mua bán trading
OXF3000N lời kết thúc thư (bạn chân thành của...) yours truly
OXF3000N gian lận không công bằng bất lợi unfair
OXF3000N gian lận không công bằng bất lợi unfair
OXF3000N gian lận không công bằng bất lợi unfairly
OXF3000N gian lận không công bằng bất lợi unfairly
OXF3000N bản dịch sang một ngôn ngữ khác version
OXF3000N người hầu bàn người đợi người trông chờ waiter
OXF3000N người nữ hầu bàn waitress
OXF3000N bánh xe wheel
OXF3000N bằng lòng vui lòng muốn willing
OXF3000N sự bằng lòng sự vui lòng willingness
OXF3000N sự làm chứng bằng chứng chứng kiến làm chứng witness
OXF3000N làm bằng gỗ wooden
OXF3000N lat thước Anh (bằng 0 914 mét) sân có rào yard

They publish many books. Họ xuất bản nhiều quyển sách. Verbs 2
publish xuất bản Verbs 2
 The cat is using the tablet (computer). Con mèo đang dùng máy tính bảng. Objects 2
tablet máy tính bảng Objects 2
Finally that man will publish the book. Cuối cùng, người đàn ông đó sẽ xuất bản quyển sách. Adverbs
When will they publish that book in Greece? Khi nào họ sẽ xuất bản quyển sách kia ở Hy Lạp? Countries 2
map bản đồ Travel
The man has an important text. Người đàn ông có một văn bản quan trọng. Education
She sends me an inportant document. Cô ấy gửi cho tôi một văn bản quan trọng. Education
text văn bản Education
He does not agree with himself. Anh ấy không đồng ý với bản thân. Common Phrases 3
You should not punish yourself. Bạn không nên tự trừng phạt bản thân. Common Phrases 3
I will introduce myself. Tôi sẽ giới thiệu bản thân. Common Phrases 3
oneself bản thân Common Phrases 3
You are using the latest version. Bạn đang dùng phiên bản mới nhất. Abstract Objects 1
That famous book has twenty-nine versions. Cuốn sách nổi tiếng đó có hai mươi chín phiên bản. Abstract Objects 1
That famous book has twenty-nine versions. Cuốn sách nổi tiếng đó có hai chín phiên bản. Abstract Objects 1
version phiên bản Abstract Objects 1
Does her tablet explode? Cái máy tính bảng của cô ấy nổ không? Verbs 4
There is a big spider on the tablet. Có một con nhện lớn trên cái máy tính bảng. Animals 2
I write this report. Tôi viết bản báo cáo này. Classifiers 2
That is not a constitution. Đó không phải là một bản hiến pháp. Classifiers 2
CF ( documents) bản Classifiers 2
France is a capitalist country. Pháp là một nước tư bản. History
capitalist tư bản History
What is your verdict? Bản án của bạn là gì? Abstract Objects 3
verdict Bản án Abstract Objects 3
My punishment is the ten-year sentence. Hình phạt của tôi là bản án mười năm. Abstract Objects 3
He is chic but rude. Anh ấy bảnh bao nhưng cộc cằn. Reduplicative Words
chic bảnh bao Reduplicative Words
dandy bảnh bao Reduplicative Words

Japan is in Asia. Nước Nhật Bản ở châu Á. * 007
I need a city map. Tôi cần một cái bản đồ thành phố. * 027
Do you have a city map for me? Bạn có bản đồ thành phố cho tôi không? * 043
Do you want to take a road map? Bạn muốn mang theo bản đồ đường không? * 049
Do you have the city map? I had it just now. Bạn có bản đồ thành phố không? Vừa xong tôi vẫn còn. * 084
I could not find the way because I had no city map. Tôi đã không tìm được đường, bởi vì tôi không có bản đồ thành phố. * 084
I had to buy a city map. Tôi đã phải mua bản đồ thành phố. * 084

like: Bản
to show the nature (of something) biểu lộ bản chất
grid north bắc bản đồ
desktop publishing chế bản điện tử
illustrations các bản vẽ
to have one’s headquarters in có bản doanh ở
to have a background in physics có căn bản vật lý học
local community cộng đồng bản xứ
gold standard kim bản vị
film script, screenplay kịch bản phim
to make an estimate, draw up an estimate làm bản ước lượng
to fit hinges into a door lắp bản lề vào cửa
the wood-blocks of folk woodcuts mộc bản tranh dân gian
a treaty một bản hiệp ước
an official report, statement một bản tin chính thức
a piece of music một bản đàn
the level of Japanese investment has declined considerably mức đầu tư của Nhật Bản đã sụt giảm đáng kể
silver standard ngân bản vị
a man of a firm stuff người có bản lãnh cao cường
indigenous, local people người dân bản xứ
humanism nhân bản chủ nghĩa
one’s own efforts những cố gắng bản thân
to train one’s fighting skill and spirit rèn luyện bản lĩnh chiến đấu
accurate copy sao y bản chánh
bimetallism song bản vị
to correct, fix a draft sửa bản thảo
on a map trong bản đồ
on a competitive basis trên căn bản cạnh tranh
on a wide, broad basis trên một căn bản rộng rãi
constant capital tư bản bất biến
loan capital tư bản cho vay
capitalist tư bản chủ nghĩa
fixed capital tư bản cố định
monopoly capitalism tư bản lũng đoạn
to struggle with one’s own self tự đấu tranh với bản thân
operational startup document văn bản nghiệm thu
local, native culture văn hóa bản xứ
to publish the collected works of an author xuất bản toàn bộ tác phẩm của văn hào
map code ám hiệu bản đồ
map coordinate code ám hiệu tọa độ bản đồ
to type a draft đánh máy bản thảo
general headquarters đại bản doanh
to set up headquarters đặt bản doanh
based on đặt căn bản trên
local currency đồng tiền bản địa
foreign language version (software) ấn bản ngoại ngữ
first edition, first printing ấn bản thứ nhất
Vietnamese language version ấn bản tiếng Việt
dein của bạn 你的 nǐ de
dein của bạn 你的 nǐ de
schmutzig dơ (miền nam việt nam), bẩn (miền bắc việt nam) 脏的 zāng de
verkaufen bán mài
spanisch tây Ban Nha 西班牙的 Xībānyá de
gegrillt của (phân từ), nướng bằng than (bất định cách) 烧烤的 shāokǎo de
Spanien nước Tây Ban Nha 西班牙 Xībānyá
dein của bạn 你的 nǐ de
dein của bạn 你的 nǐ de
verunreinigen làm bẩn 弄脏 nòngzāng
ausverkauft bán hết 售完 shòuwán
geschäftlich về việc buôn bán 生意上的 shēngyìshàng de
mit dem Bus fahren đi bằng xe buýt 坐公共汽车 zuò gōnggòng qìchē
verbinden băng bó 连接 lián jiē
glatt bằng phẳng 光滑的 guāng huá de
den Tisch decken trải bàn 摆餐桌 bǎi cān zhuō
flach bằng phẳng 平坦 píng tǎn
dreckig bẩn 脏的 zāng de
gerecht công bằng 公平的 gōng píng de
verbinden băng bó 连接 lián jiē
mit Waren handeln mua bán hàng 货物交易 huò wù jiāo yì
handeln, agieren thương lượng, mua bán 行动 xíng dòng
instinktiv theo bản năng 本能的 běn néng de
mündlich bằng lời nói 口头的 kǒu tóu de
sich duzen xưng là bạn 用你称呼对方 yòng nǐ chēng hū duì fāng
grundsätzlich cơ bản 基本的 jī běn de
fleckig vết bẩn 有污点的 yǒu wū diǎn de
wesentlich căn bản 根本上的 gēn běn shàng de
diskutieren bàn bạc, thảo luận 讨论 tǎolùn
handgeschrieben viết bằng tay 手写的 shǒuxiě de
zynisch mỉa mai, nhạo báng, giễu cợt 挖苦的 wākǔ de
sich mit jemandem anfreunden kết bạn với ai đó 与某人交朋友 yǔ mǒurén jiāo péngyǒu
anfänglich ban đầu, khởi đầu 开始的 kāishǐ de
eine Strafe androhen dọa bằng án phạt 以惩罚威胁 yǐ chěngfá wēixié
ist gleich bằng 等于 děngyú
ausgleichen cân bằng tài khoản 使 ... 均衡 shǐ ... jūnhéng
uneben gồ ghề, không bằng phẳng 不平整的 bù píngzhěng de
tippen đánh máy (bàn phím) 键入 jiànrù
einheimisch bản xứ 当地的, 土生土长的 dāngdì de, tǔshēng-tǔzhǎng de
gemauert bằng tường 砌好砖的 qì hǎo zhuān de
häkeln đan, thêu bằng kim móc 钩花 gōuhuā
zerstampfen giã bằng chày 捣烂 dǎolàn
mit Stäbchen essen ăn bằng đũa 用筷子吃 yòng kuàizi chī
schaufeln xúc bằng xẻng chǎn
sich beratschlagen bàn bạc, hỏi ý kiến 商议 shāngyì
auf Zehenspitzen schleichen đi rón rén bằng đầu ngón chân 蹑手蹑脚 nièshǒu-nièjiǎo
jemanden verspotten nhạo báng ai đó 取笑某人 qǔxiào mǒurén
zufrieren đóng băng 结冰 jiébīng
segnen ban phúc, phù hộ 为 ... 祈福 wèi ... qǐfú
Albanien Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 Ā'ěrbāníyà
Japan Nhật Bản 日本 Rìběn
Bayern bang Bavaria 巴伐利亚 Bāfálìyà
Rheinland bang Rhineland 莱茵兰 Láiyīnlán
Sachsen bang Saxons 萨克森 Sàkèsēn
eingeboren bản xứ, bản địa, thổ dân 当地的 dāngdì de
dein của bạn
der Tisch bàn
der Kellner người bồi bàn
das Brot bánh mì
das Brötchen bánh mì nhỏ
das Sandwich bánh sandwich
der Keks bánh bích qui
der Stadtplan bản đồ thành phố
die Kellnerin nữ bồi bàn
der Kellner người bồi bàn
das Menü bảng thực đơn
die Pizza bánh pizza
der Balkon ban công
der Freund bạn
das Eishockey môn hockey trên băng
der Hamburger bánh hamburger
der Toast lát bánh mì nướng
der Kuchen bánh ngọt
der Apfelkuchen bánh táo
der Keks bánh bích qui
der Pfannkuchen bánh bột mì rán với trứng và sữa tươi
der Champagner rượu sâm banh
der Sekt rượu sâm banh
schmutzig dơ (miền nam việt nam), bẩn (miền bắc việt nam)
der Fuß bàn chân
die Füße những bàn chân
der Führerschein bằng lái xe
der Tankwart nhân viên bán xăng
der Fahrplan bảng giờ tàu, bảng giờ xe chạy
verkaufen bán
spanisch tây Ban Nha
gegrillt của (phân từ), nướng bằng than (bất định cách)
der Metzger người bán thịt
der Zeitungshändler người bán báo
der Ausverkauf bán hết
die Zahnbürste bàn chải đánh răng
die Bäckerei cửa hàng bánh
das Musikgeschäft cửa hàng băng đĩa nhạc
Spanien nước Tây Ban Nha
dein của bạn
verunreinigen làm bẩn
die Hand bàn tay
die Theaterkasse quầy bán vé ở nhà hát
ausverkauft bán hết
der Fahrkartenautomat máy bán vé tự động
der Verkäufer người bán hàng
der Keks bánh bích qui
geschäftlich về việc buôn bán
mit dem Bus fahren đi bằng xe buýt
die Einteilung bản hướng dẫn
die Basis cơ sở, cơ bản, nền tảng
glatt bằng phẳng
der Bäcker người làm bánh
das Gebäck bánh qui
den Tisch decken trải bàn
das Brot streichen quết bành mỳ
der Dreck Đồ bẩn thỉu
flach bằng phẳng
dreckig bẩn
die Schultafel bảng học
die Halbinsel bán đảo
der Kompass la bàn
der Sessel ghế bành
der Beweis bằng chứng
gerecht công bằng
der Schuss bắn
der Adler chim đại bàng
verbinden băng bó
die Wunde verbinden băng bó vết thương
der Verkauf bán
die Ausgabe (einer Zeitung) bản
der Reifen bánh xe
die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) Điều kiện mua bán tổng quát
der Handel mua bán
mit Waren handeln mua bán hàng
handeln, agieren thương lượng, mua bán
instinktiv theo bản năng
mündlich bằng lời nói
der Schlitten xe trượt băng
das Bügeleisen bàn là (nv), bàn ủi (sv)
sich duzen xưng là bạn
das Konzept bản kế hoạch
grundsätzlich cơ bản
der Händler người buôn bán
der Fleck vết bẩn
das Original nguyên bản
die Torte bánh
die Freundschaft tình bạn
das Band ru băng, băng
der Instinkt bản năng
der Bericht bản báo cáo, bài bình luận
das Gleichgewicht sự cân bằng
fleckig vết bẩn
wesentlich căn bản
diskutieren bàn bạc, thảo luận
handgeschrieben viết bằng tay
zynisch mỉa mai, nhạo báng, giễu cợt
sich mit jemandem anfreunden kết bạn với ai đó
der Kumpel bạn thân
die Tafel bảng
das Abitur bằng tốt nghiệp trung học
anfänglich ban đầu, khởi đầu
der Genosse bạn, đồng chí
der Großhändler người bán buôn, bán sỉ
der Einzelhändler người bán lẻ
der Verlag nhà xuất bản
das Sportgeschäft cửa hàng bán đồ thể thao
das Urheberrecht bản quyền
die Auktion sự bán đấu giá
das Zeugnis văn bằng
die Angelegenheit besprechen bàn, thảo luận về một vấn đề
die Abteilung phòng, ban
die Urkunde giấy chứng nhận, chứng chỉ, văn bằng
eine Strafe androhen dọa bằng án phạt
ist gleich bằng
die Bilanz bảng cân đối tài chính
die Steuererklärung bản báo cáo thuế
ausgleichen cân bằng tài khoản
uneben gồ ghề, không bằng phẳng
die Tastatur bàn phím
tippen đánh máy (bàn phím)
das Klebeband băng dính
einheimisch bản xứ
der Grundriss bản vẽ, thiết kế
gemauert bằng tường
der Bandit băng đảng
die Bande băng, nhóm
der Hehler người buôn bán đồ trộm cắp
der Schmutz vết bẩn
häkeln đan, thêu bằng kim móc
die Gasheizung lò sưởi bằng khí ga
zerstampfen giã bằng chày
das Marzipan bột bánh hạnh nhân
das Weißbrot bánh mì trắng
das Vollkornbrot bánh mỳ ngũ cốc, bánh mì nâu
mit Stäbchen essen ăn bằng đũa
der Unfallbericht bản báo cáo tai nạn
das Ersatzrad, der Reservereifen bánh dự phòng
der Kilometerzähler bảng táp lô, bảng tính kilomét
das Zahnrad bánh răng
schaufeln xúc bằng xẻng
die Anzeigetafel bảng tỉ số
sich beratschlagen bàn bạc, hỏi ý kiến
der Doppelgänger bản sao
das Bügelbrett bàn để là quần áo
die Tischdecke khăn trải bàn
das Möbelgeschäft cửa hàng bán đồ nội thất, cửa hàng đồ gỗ
auf Zehenspitzen schleichen đi rón rén bằng đầu ngón chân
die Sternschnuppe sao băng
der Ausschlag chứng phát ban
der Hautausschlag chứng phát ban ở da
die Blasenentzündung viêm bàng quang
die Kniescheibe xương bánh chè
die Handfläche gan bàn tay, lòng bàn tay
der Fußtritt cú đá bằng chân
jemanden verspotten nhạo báng ai đó
das Testament bản di chúc
der Eisberg tảng băng
die Eiszeit thời kì băng hà
der Gletscher khối băng trôi
der zunehmende Mond trăng bán nguyệt đầu tháng
der abnehmende Mond trăng bán nguyệt cuối tháng
zufrieren đóng băng
segnen ban phúc, phù hộ
die Segnung lễ ban phúc
der Halbmond trăng bán nguyệt
der Altar bàn thờ
Albanien Albania
Japan Nhật Bản
Bayern bang Bavaria
Rheinland bang Rhineland
Sachsen bang Saxons
eingeboren bản xứ, bản địa, thổ dân
der Heckenschütze người bắn tỉa
der Waffenstillstand sự ngừng bắn, sự đình chiến

Es ist viel preiswerter, mit dem Zug zu fahren. Đi bằng tàu thì rẻ hơn nhiều. (Lektion 4, Nr. 32)
Daher überlegt er, das Geld mit seiner Kreditkarte vom Geldautomaten zu holen. Vì vậy anh ấy cân nhắc việc rút tiền bằng thẻ tín dụng từ máy rút tiền tự động. (Lektion 5, Nr. 43)
Er kommt zu einem Café und setzt sich an einen freien Tisch. Anh ấy vào một quán cà phê và ngồi vào một bàn trống. (Lektion 6, Nr. 53)
Die Kellnerin kommt zu ihm herüber. Người bồi bàn đến chỗ anh ấy. (Lektion 6, Nr. 54)
Ja, sicher. Wir haben auch Kuchen und Kekse! Có chứ. Chúng tôi có cả bánh ngọt và bánh quy. (Lektion 6, Nr. 59)
Mit uns können Sie alle wichtigen Sehenswürdigkeiten besuchen. Với chúng tôi bạn sẽ tham quan những danh lam thắng cảnh nổi tiếng. (Lektion 7, Nr. 64)
Tri spricht mit einer Frau am Frühstücktisch. Tri nói chuyện với một phụ nữ ở bàn ăn sáng. (Lektion 9, Nr. 81)
Und hier ist die Wettervorhersage für morgen. Và bây giờ là bản tin dự báo thời tiết cho ngày mai. (Lektion 10, Nr. 97)
Kein Problem, ich werde einen Blick auf meine Karte werfen. Không sao, mình sẽ xem bản đồ. (Lektion 11, Nr. 104)
Aber Tri kann die Karte nicht finden, sie ist nicht in seinen Taschen. Nhưng Tri không tìm thấy bản đồ. Nó không nằm trong túi. (Lektion 11, Nr. 105)
Nach dem Salat bringt der Kellner das Hauptgericht. Sau món salat người bồi bàn bưng món chính ra. (Lektion 12, Nr. 118)
Ein Ort für Sie und alle Ihre Freunde. Một địa chỉ dành cho bạn và cho cả bạn của bạn. (Lektion 13, Nr. 132)
Im Winter bieten wir auch Eishockey an. Vào mùa đông chúng tôi có cả môn hockey trên băng. (Lektion 13, Nr. 134)
Wenn Sie interessiert sind, fragen Sie einfach einen unserer Trainer, er wird Ihnen jede Frage beantworten. Nếu quan tâm, xin liên hệ với huấn luyện viên của chúng tôi, anh ấy sẽ trả lời mọi câu hỏi của các bạn. (Lektion 13, Nr. 136)
Er möchte heute Abend ein Fest für seine Freunde machen, weil er wieder nach Hause zurück gekommen ist. Anh ấy muốn tố chức một bữa tiệc tối nay để chiêu đãi bạn bè, vì anh ấy đã trở về nhà. (Lektion 14, Nr. 140)
Für den Nachtisch: Schokolade, Plätzchen, Süßigkeiten, Kuchen, Schlagsahne, Eiscreme, Apfelkuchen. Cho món tráng miệng: sô-cô-la, bánh giáng sinh, kẹo, bánh ngọt, kem sữa, cà-rem, bánh táo. (Lektion 14, Nr. 146)
Alkohol: Rotwein, Weißwein, Bier, trockener Champagner, Rum, Wodka, Sekt. Rượu: rượu vang đỏ, rượu vang trắng, bia, sâm-banh chua, Rum, Wodka, Sekt. (Lektion 14, Nr. 147)
Zum Frühstück: Honig, Toast, Butter, Joghurt, Ananas, Eier, Brötchen, Pfannkuchen, Mehl, Ahornsirup. Cho bữa sáng: mật ong, bánh mì nướng, bơ, ja-ua, trái thơm, trứng, bánh mì, bánh trứng chiên, bột mì, si-rô. (Lektion 14, Nr. 149)
Tri ist ein sehr guter Koch und er mag es, Freunde einzuladen. Tri là một đầu bếp giỏi và anh ấy thích mời bạn bè. (Lektion 14, Nr. 153)
Ich hasse die kleine schmutzige Küche und den grauen Keller des Wohnheims, aber das macht nichts. Em không thích cái bếp nhỏ bẩn thỉu và cái hầm tối của khu tập thế, nhưng không sao. (Lektion 16, Nr. 175)
Tri hat seinen Führerschein vor einigen Wochen gemacht. Tri có bằng lái cách đây vài tuần. (Lektion 19, Nr. 210)
Er fragt den Tankwart. Anh ấy hỏi người bán xăng. (Lektion 19, Nr. 216)
Er fragt die Frau, die am Ticketschalter arbeitet, nach dem günstigsten Weg zu fliegen. Anh ấy hỏi người phụ nữ đang làm việc ở quầy bán vé về đường bay rẻ nhất. (Lektion 20, Nr. 231)
Sicher, ich hole dich an der spanischen Gaststätte ab. Tất nhiên rồi, em sẽ đón anh ở cạnh nhà nghỉ Tây Ban Nha. (Lektion 21, Nr. 252)
Dies ist bequem und reine Baumwolle. Ich mag es. Cái này thật vừa và bằng sợi cotton. Anh thích nó. (Lektion 22, Nr. 259)
Ein Freund von mir isst es immer roh. Người bạn của anh ăn không cần gia vị. (Lektion 23, Nr. 282)
Er hat viele Andenken für seinen Bruder und seine Freunde gekauft. Anh ấy mua rất nhiều quà làm kỷ niệm cho anh trai và bạn bè. (Lektion 24, Nr. 295)
Er musste einige englische Bücher im Buchladen und einige CDs im Musikladen kaufen. Anh ấy đã mua vài quyến sách tiếng Anh ở tiệm sách và vài đĩa CD ở tiệm băng đĩa nhạc. (Lektion 24, Nr. 296)
Deo, Duschgel, Kamm, Seife, Zahnbürste. Phấn khử mùi, xà tắm, lược, xà bông, bàn chải đáng răng. (Lektion 24, Nr. 311)
Sie haben preiswerten Silber- und Goldschmuck. Họ có những đồ trang sức bằng vàng bạc giá phải chăng. (Lektion 25, Nr. 316)
Meine Großmutter hat einen sehr wertvollen Ring aus Spanien. Bà em có một cái nhẫn rất quý từ Tây Ban Nha. (Lektion 25, Nr. 319)
Tri verlor die Kontrolle, bekam Panik. Tri mất kiểm soát, trở nên bấn loạn. (Lektion 27, Nr. 347)
Es sieht wie ein perfektes Picknick im Auto aus. Nhìn giống như một chuyến picnic tuyệt vời bằng ô-tô. (Lektion 28, Nr. 371)
Okay, haben Sie eine Karte? OK, chị có bản đồ không? (Lektion 28, Nr. 375)
Ich habe es auf deinem Tisch neben den Blumen vergessen. Em đã đế quên nó ở trên bàn cạnh bó hoa. (Lektion 31, Nr. 411)
Aber dieser Film ist ausverkauft. Nhưng bộ phim này đã bán hết vé rồi. (Lektion 34, Nr. 470)
Trang bringt Lan das Alphabet bei: Trang dạy Lan bảng chữ cái. (Lektion 35, Nr. 493)
Am Ticketschalter musst du sehr lange warten. Am besten benutzt du den Fahrscheinautomaten. Ở quầy bán vé anh phải đợi rất lâu. Tốt nhất là anh dùng máy bán vé tự động. (Lektion 37, Nr. 532)
Wir könnten ein Video ausleihen. Chúng ta có thế thuê băng video. (Lektion 38, Nr. 555)
Also gut, ich hole das Video. Ich bin in einer Sekunde zurück. Được rồi,anh đi thuê băng đây. Anh về ngay. (Lektion 38, Nr. 557)
Seine Tante backte immer diese schrecklichen Kekse. Dì của anh luôn làm những cái bánh quy kinh khủng. (Lektion 40, Nr. 571)
Jeder musste ihr erzählen, wie gut sie schmeckten. Nhưng mọi người phải kế cho cô ấy nghe bánh ngon như thế nào. (Lektion 40, Nr. 572)
Er spielte laute Rockmusik mit seiner Elektrogitarre. Anh chơi rock ồn ào bằng ghi-ta điện. (Lektion 40, Nr. 578)
Dort unterschreiben sie den neuen Mietvertrag. Ở đó họ ký một bản hợp đồng mới thuê nhà. (Lektion 43, Nr. 626)
Wenn wir die Lampe neben das Sofa und den Kerzenständer auf den Tisch stellen, dann gibt das ein romantisches Licht. Nếu chúng ta để cây đèn cạnh bộ sa lông và cái chân đèn cầy trên bàn, thì sẽ có một ánh sáng lãng mạn. (Lektion 45, Nr. 647)
Ich fände es sinnvoll, wenn wir dort anstatt einer Tapete Kacheln anbringen würden. Anh thấy rất có ích, nếu chúng ta có thể lát bằng gạch men thay cho giấy dán tường. (Lektion 45, Nr. 651)
Wofür brauche ich denn diese Einteilung? Vậy anh cần cái bản hướng dẫn này để làm gì? (Lektion 46, Nr. 661)
Jetzt möchte er sich per E-Mail beim Verkäufer, der den Fernseher verschickt hat, beschweren. Giờ anh muốn viết E-mail để than phiền tới người bán hàng, người mà đã gửi cái TiVi. (Lektion 47, Nr. 668)
Mit dem Knopf am Fernseher kann ich ihn nur einschalten und ausschalten. Tôi chỉ có thể bật và tắt bằng cái nút bấm trên TiVi. (Lektion 47, Nr. 671)
Für Freunde kochen Nấu ăn cho bạn bè (Lektion 48, Nr. 678)
Trang und Tri wollen für ihre Freunde kochen. Trang và Trí muốn nấu ăn cho bạn bè của họ. (Lektion 48, Nr. 679)
Sie sitzen am Küchentisch und besprechen die letzten Vorbereitungen. Họ ngồi bên bàn bếp và nói về việc chuẩn bị cuối cùng. (Lektion 48, Nr. 680)
Lass uns den fertigen Obstsalat in den Kühlschrank stellen und den Tisch decken. Chúng ta để trái cây trộn xong vào tủ lạnh và trải bàn. (Lektion 48, Nr. 688)
Dann werden wir mit dem Auto dort hinfahren und die Fahrräder mitnehmen. Thế thì chúng ta đi tới đó bằng xe hơi và sẽ mang theo xe đạp. (Lektion 50, Nr. 708)
So können wir uns selbst versorgen und uns für unsere Radtouren Brote streichen. Vậy chúng ta nên tự chuẩn bị và quết bánh mỳ cho tua xe đạp. (Lektion 50, Nr. 709)
Trang und Tri suchen sich im Café einen Tisch. Trang và Trí tìm một bàn trong quán café. (Lektion 55, Nr. 779)
Wir aber waren mit dem Rad unterwegs. Nhưng chúng con du lịch bằng xe đạp. (Lektion 55, Nr. 786)
Ich wollte eigentlich mit einem Wohnwagen den Norden des Landes erkunden. Thực ra thì anh muốn thám hiểm tới phía bắc của đất nước bằng ô tô. (Lektion 56, Nr. 792)
Meine Unterkunft lag direkt am Hafen auf einer Halbinsel. Nơi trú ngụ của anh nằm ngay cạnh bến cảng trên một bán đảo. (Lektion 56, Nr. 795)
Guten Tag! Was kann ich für Sie tun? Xin chào! Tôi có thể làm gì cho bạn? (Lektion 58, Nr. 818)
Ich habe schon mehrmals versucht, Sie zu erreichen. Tôi đã cố gắng nhiều lần để điện thoại được cho bạn. (Lektion 58, Nr. 819)
Leider war immer belegt. Tiếc là máy luôn bận. (Lektion 58, Nr. 820)
Ich werde die Karten für Sie reservieren. Tôi sẽ dành riêng vé đó cho bạn. (Lektion 58, Nr. 825)
Meine Kollegin wird sie Ihnen geben. Nữ đồng nghiệp của tôi sẽ đưa nó cho bạn. (Lektion 58, Nr. 827)
Welches Mobilfunknetz würdest du mir empfehlen? Bạn có thể giới thiệu mạng điện thoại nào đó cho tôi không? (Lektion 59, Nr. 834)
Ich würde das Netz wählen, in dem die meisten Freunde und Verwandten von dir telefonieren. Tôi sẽ chọn mạng mà bạn và người thân của bạn điện thoại. (Lektion 59, Nr. 835)
Selbstverständlich nehme ich das gleiche Netz wie du. Đương nhiên tôi lấy cái mạng điện thoại giống bạn. (Lektion 59, Nr. 836)
Hast du schon mal darauf geachtet, ob du du eher am Tag oder am Abend telefonierst? Bạn đã từng để ý, rằng bạn điện thoại nhiều vào ban ngày hay tối không? (Lektion 59, Nr. 837)
Ich werde darauf verzichten, tagsüber zu telefonieren. Tôi sẽ từ bỏ việc điện thoại ban ngày. (Lektion 59, Nr. 838)
Abends ist es billiger. Vào ban tối thì rẻ hơn. (Lektion 59, Nr. 839)
Da stimme ich dir zu, so mache ich es auch. Tôi đồng ý với bạn, vì tôi cũng làm thế. (Lektion 59, Nr. 840)
Vergiss nicht, deinen Freunden mitzuteilen, dass deine alte Nummer ungültig wird. Đừng quên thông báo với bạn bè của bạn, rằng số cũ sẽ vô hiệu. (Lektion 59, Nr. 841)
Er hat sich in den Sessel gesetzt und den Fernseher eingeschaltet. Anh ngồi lên ghế bành và bật TiVi. (Lektion 60, Nr. 844)
Zu viele Beweise lagen gegen ihn vor. Quá nhiều bằng chứng được phô bày chống lại anh ta. (Lektion 63, Nr. 895)
Sie aber haben ihn angegriffen, geschlagen und mit einer Waffe bedroht. Nhưng chúng tấn công, đánh anh ta và đe dọa bằng vũ khí. (Lektion 64, Nr. 913)
Von einer Umleitung wird Tri daran gehindert, auf dem schnellsten Weg zur Arbeit zu fahren. Bằng đường vòng đã cản trở Trí trên con đường nhanh nhất đi tới chỗ làm. (Lektion 67, Nr. 954)
Tri ist mit seinem Motorrad zu einer Industriemesse aufgebrochen. Trí đi bằng xe máy tới triển lãm công nghiệp. (Lektion 68, Nr. 964)
Der Autoverkauf Bán ô tô (Lektion 69, Nr. 980)
Schon lange wollte er sich eigentlich einen neueren, besseren Wagen kaufen und den alten verkaufen. Thực sự là lâu rồi anh đã muốn mua cái xe mới, tốt hơn và bán cái xe cũ đi. (Lektion 69, Nr. 983)
Guten Tag. Ich möchte eine Anzeige aufgeben, in der ich meinen Wagen zum Verkauf anbiete. Xin chào. Tôi muốn đăng một mẩu tin quảng cáo rằng tôi muốn bán xe. (Lektion 69, Nr. 985)
Gebrauchtes Auto in bestem Zustand zu verkaufen. Bán xe cũ trong tình trạng tốt nhất. (Lektion 69, Nr. 987)
Wenn Sie mir jetzt noch Ihre Telefonnummer sagen könnten ... Nếu bây giờ bạn còn có thể nói cho tôi số điện thoại của bạn… (Lektion 69, Nr. 991)
Ihre Anzeige wird nächste Woche in drei Ausgaben erscheinen. Tuần sau mẩu tin quảng cáo của bạn sẽ được in làm ba bản. (Lektion 69, Nr. 993)
Dann werde ich Rücksicht darauf nehmen und Ihnen das Auto fünf Prozent billiger geben. Tôi sẽ lưu tâm đến việc đó và bớt cho bạn năm phần trăm. (Lektion 70, Nr. 1005)
Ich werde passend und bar bezahlen, wenn ich den Wagen abhole. Tôi sẽ thu xếp kịp thời và trả bằng tiền mặt khi đến lấy xe. (Lektion 70, Nr. 1007)
Bei einem Autohändler hätte er nicht so viel bekommen. Giao cho một người bán xe thì anh không thể nhận được nhiều như thế. (Lektion 70, Nr. 1009)
In der Morgendämmerung sitzen Trang und Tri am Frühstückstisch und lesen Zeitung. Vào lúc bình minh Trang và Trí ngồi bên bàn ăn sáng và đọc báo. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1025)
Trang und Tri wollen am Samstagabend ausgehen und haben sich mit Freunden in einer Bar verabredet. Trang và Trí muốn ra ngoài vào buổi tối thứ bảy và họ đã hẹn với bạn bè trong quán bar. (Lektion 73, Nr. 1041)
Wo ist das Bügeleisen? Cái bàn là ở đâu rồi? (Lektion 73, Nr. 1043)
Du findest es im Bad. Bàn là anh sẽ thấy trong phòng tắm. (Lektion 73, Nr. 1044)
In der Bar angekommen, begrüßen die beiden ihre Freunde. Tới quán bar, họ chào hỏi hai người bạn. (Lektion 73, Nr. 1046)
Ich war mit Freundinnen in einer Bar. Em cùng những bạn gái trong quán bar. (Lektion 74, Nr. 1057)
Du hast mit Freunden gegenüber von uns gesessen und hattest ein sehr charmantes Lächeln. Anh ngồi ăn cùng bạn bè đối diện và có một nụ cười rất quyến rũ. (Lektion 74, Nr. 1058)
Trang hält eine Kopie in der Hand und liest Tri laut vor: Trang cầm bản copy trên tay và đọc cho Trí nghe: (Lektion 75, Nr. 1068)
Liebe Familie, wir möchten Euch herzlich zu unserer Hochzeit am Samstag, den 12. Mai, einladen. Chúng tôi thân mời gia đình bạn tới dự lễ thành hôn của chúng tôi vào thứ 7, ngày 12.05 tới. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1069)
Dort stoßen wir mit Sekt an. Ở đó chúng ta sẽ cụng ly bằng rượu sâm banh. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1072)
Wir freuen uns auf Euer Kommen! Chúng tôi vui mừng với sự góp mặt của các bạn! (Lektion 75, Nr. 1074)
Bitte sagt uns bald Bescheid, ob Ihr mit uns feiert. Làm ơn hãy thông báo cho chúng tôi, liệu các bạn có tiệc tùng chung với chúng tôi hay không. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1075)
Kreative Darbietungen während der abendlichen Feier sollten mit dem Hochzeitsplaner abgesprochen werden. Những tiết mục sáng tạo trong bữa tiệc tối, các bạn nên thông báo với người lập kế hoạch cho lễ cưới. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1077)
Sie haben beide ihre Verwandten und Freunde eingeladen. Họ mời người thân và bạn bè cả hai bên. (Lektion 77, Nr. 1093)
Diesmal wird die Hochzeitstorte angeschnitten, ein mehrstöckiges Wunderwerk mit viel Sahne. Lúc này thì bánh cưới, một tác phẩm tuyệt vời nhiều tầng với nhiều kem tươi sẽ được cắt. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1125)
Alle Gäste bilden eine lange Warteschlange. Jeder will ein Stück der Torte. Tất cả khách khứa tạo thành một hàng dài. Ai cũng muốn một miếng bánh. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1126)
Die Kinder spielen Fangen zwischen den Hochzeitsgästen und bestaunen den Tisch mit den vielen Geschenken. Trẻ con thì chơi đuổi bắt giữa những khách cưới và ngắm nghía cái bàn với nhiều quà tặng. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1127)
Der Skorpion ist eine leidenschaftliche Kämpfernatur und verfolgt sein Ziel bis zum Ende. Bọ cạp là một người có bản tính chiến đấu mãnh liệt và theo đuổi mục đích đến cuối cùng. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1142)
Fische sind sanft, bescheiden und introvertiert und haben einen Instinkt, auf den sie sich gut verlassen können. Song ngư nhẹ nhàng, khiêm tốn và kín đáo, còn có một bản năng làm cho người khác trông cậy vào mình. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1146)
Können Sie mir erklären, wie das ablaufen wird? Bạn có thể giải thích cho tôi, quá trình của nó như thế nào không? (Lektion 81, Nr. 1151)
Das heißt also: Es gibt im Journalismus wesentlich mehr Männer in Führungspositionen als Frauen. Có nghĩa là: Trong giới báo chí cơ bản có nhiều nam giới ngồi ở vị trí lãnh đạo nhiều hơn nữ giới. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1187)
Wie ungerecht! Thật chẳngcông bằng! (Lektion 83, Nr. 1188)
Das mache ich, wenn ich das Schließfach in der Bank ausgeleert und mich im Rathaus abgemeldet habe. Anh sẽ làm việc đó, sau khi anh rút hết mọi thứ trong tủ an toàn ở nhà băng và đăng ký tạm vắng tại tòa thị chính xong. (Lektion 84, Nr. 1200)
Es ist leider besetzt. Rất tiếc máy đang bận. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1253)
Mein Kollege ist im Moment nicht zu sprechen. Đồng nghiệp của tôi hiện đang bận. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1254)
Er spricht gerade auf der anderen Leitung. Ông ấy đang bận tiếp đầu dây khác. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1256)
Wie kann ich Sie erreichen? Tôi có thể liên lạc với anh / chị bằng cách nào? (Lektion 86, Nr. 1268)
Die Verbindung wird gehalten. Xin bạn chờ máy / Máy đang kết nối. (Lektion 87, Nr. 1281)
Alle unsere Leitungen sind zur Zeit belegt. Tất cả các đầu dây hiện tại đều đang bận. (Lektion 87, Nr. 1293)
Vielen Dank für dein Schreiben. Xin cám ơn bức thư mà bạn đã gửi. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1327)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Xin cám ơn câu hỏi của bạn đã gửi. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1328)
Vielen Dank für deine schnelle Antwort. Xin chân thành cám ơn câu trả lời rất nhanh chóng của bạn. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1330)
Ich freue mich bald von dir zu hören. Mong sớm gặp lại bạn. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1337)
Ihr Schreiben vom 02.08. Về bức thư / văn bản của anh / chị ngày 02.08. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1343)
Diese Nachricht ist streng vertraulich! Bức thư / Văn bản trên đây tuyệt đối bảo mật. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1349)
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Các bạn đồng nghiệp thân mến (Lektion 91, Nr. 1368)
Im Anhang dieser E-Mail finden Sie das Dokument, das Sie angefragt haben. Trong phần đính kèm của thư này anh / chị sẽ tìm thấy văn bản được yêu cầu. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1381)
Leider konnte ich das Dokument nicht herunterladen. Rất tiếc tôi không thể tải văn bản xuống được. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1382)
Das Dokument lässt sich nicht öffnen. Văn bản không thể mở được. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1383)
Gerne schicke ich Ihnen das Dokument in einem anderen Format zu. Tôi sẽ gửi cho anh / chị văn bản ở dạng khác. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1384)
Wenn Sie diese E-Mail versehentlich erhalten haben, bitten wir Sie, diese zu löschen. Nếu bức thư này bị gửi nhầm đến bạn, xin vui lòng xóa bức thư này. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1390)
Kannst du mir bitte eine Kopie dieser E-Mail schicken? Anh / Chị có thể gửi cho tôi bản sao của Email đó được không? (Lektion 92, Nr. 1405)
Ich beziehe mich auf Ihr Fax vom 19. November. Tôi muốn hỏi về bản fax 19.11. (Lektion 93, Nr. 1409)
Mit diesem Fax schicke ich Ihnen die Bestätigung unseres Auftrags. Tôi xác nhận đặt hàng của chúng tôi qua bản fax này (Lektion 93, Nr. 1411)
Haben Sie das Fax schon nach Lissabon geschickt? Anh / Chị đã gửi bản fax này sang Lissabon chưa? (Lektion 93, Nr. 1414)
Ich habe deine Faxnachricht nicht bekommen. Tôi không nhận được bản fax. (Lektion 93, Nr. 1419)
Ich schreibe gerade an meiner Doktorarbeit zum Thema Energiepolitik in Japan. Tôi đang viết luận văn tiến sĩ về đề tài: „Chính sách năng lượng ở Nhật Bản“ (Lektion 94, Nr. 1433)
Ich bin Abteilungsleiter. Tôi là trưởng phòng / trưởng ban. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1437)
Darf ich Ihnen meinen Lebensgefährten vorstellen? Xin phép được giới thiệu người bạn đời của tôi. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1446)
Darf ich Ihnen meine Lebensgefährtin vorstellen? Xin phép được giới thiệu người bạn đời của tôi. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1447)
Haben Sie einen Partner? Chị đã có bạn đời chưa? (Lektion 96, Nr. 1524)
Haben Sie eine Partnerin? Anh đã có bạn đời chưa? (Lektion 96, Nr. 1525)
Wie geht es Ihrem Partner? Bạn đời của anh / chị khỏe không? (Lektion 96, Nr. 1528)
Das möchte ich gerne mit Ihnen persönlich besprechen. Về vấn đề này tôi muốn bàn riêng với ông / bà / anh / chị . (Lektion 97, Nr. 1541)
Können wir das Problem telefonisch besprechen? Chúng ta có thể bàn về vấn đề đó qua điện thoại được không? (Lektion 97, Nr. 1557)
Anbei finden Sie eine Liste mit unseren aktuellen Preisen. Tôi xin gửi quý khách bảng giá hiện thời của chúng tôi: (Lektion 98, Nr. 1571)
Würden Sie uns bitte ein Ansichtsexemplar zuschicken? Anh / Chị có thể gửi cho chúng tôi một bản mẫu tham khảo được không? (Lektion 98, Nr. 1584)
Leider ist dieser Artikel ausverkauft. Rất tiếc mặt hàng này đã bán hết. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1589)
Dieser Artikel wird erst in zwei Monaten wieder lieferbar sein. Sản phẩm này sẽ được bán lại sớm nhất là sau hai tháng nữa. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1591)
Aufgrund der gestiegenen Produktionskosten mussten wir unsere Preise für Endkunden leider nach oben korrigieren. Vì chi phí sản xuất tăng nên chúng tôi rất tiếc phải nâng giá bán cho khách hàng. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1592)
Ich halte die Berichterstattung zu diesem Thema für einseitig und voreingenommen. Tôi cho rằng bản báo cáo về đề tài này khá phiến diện và thiên lệch. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1640)
Die Kollegen der Marketingabteilung werden uns zunächst die Verkaufszahlen der letzten drei Monate vorstellen. Anschließend analysieren und diskutieren wir diese Zahlen. Các đồng nghiệp bên phòng tiếp thị sẽ giới thiệu với chúng ta doanh số bán hàng của ba tháng vừa qua. Tiếp đó chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau phân tích và thảo luận về những con số này. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1649)
Wer schreibt das Protokoll zu dieser Besprechung? Hôm nay ai sẽ viết biên bản cuộc họp? (Lektion 100, Nr. 1650)
Ich hoffe, dass Sie alle das Protokoll der letzten Sitzung nochmals durchgelesen haben. Tôi hi vọng quý vị đều đã đọc qua biên bản của cuộc họp lần trước. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1652)
In meinem kurzen Referat möchte ich Ihnen einen Überblick über unsere aktuellen Projekte geben. Từ bản thuyết trình ngắn này, tôi muốn gửi đến quý vị một cái nhìn tổng quát về những dự án hiện nay của chúng ta. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1653)
In dieser Tabelle finden Sie die aktuellen Verkaufszahlen für Mai und Juni. Doanh số bán hàng hiện tại của tháng năm và tháng sáu được thể hiện qua bảng thống kê trên đây. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1656)
Leider haben wir heute keine Zeit mehr um dieses Thema zu besprechen. Rất tiếc hôm nay chúng ta không còn thời gian để bàn về đề tài này nữa. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1673)
Bitte füllen Sie dieses Formular aus. Xin vui lòng điền vào bản khai sau. (Lektion 101, Nr. 1678)
Das Formular können Sie hier herunterladen. Quý vị có thể tải bản khai ở đây. (Lektion 101, Nr. 1679)
Haben Sie alle Formulare ausgefüllt? Quý vị đã điền hết bản khai chưa? (Lektion 101, Nr. 1680)
Dieses Formular bekommen Sie von meiner Kollegin. Ihr Büro ist im 2. Stock. Quý vị có thể nhận được bản khai từ đồng nghiệp của tôi ở tầng hai. (Lektion 101, Nr. 1681)
Kann ich Ihnen die Formulare auch per E-Mail zuschicken? Tôi có thể gửi ngài bản khai này qua Email được không? (Lektion 101, Nr. 1698)
Lassen Sie uns zusammenarbeiten und das Problem gemeinsam lösen. Chúng ta hãy cùng nhau bàn bạc để đưa ra cách giải quyết cho vấn đề này. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1714)
Wir könnten diesen Auftrag extern vergeben. Chúng ta có thể bàn giao hợp đồng này cho một đối tác bên ngoài. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1717)
Ich habe viel über meinen Traumberuf und auch mich selbst gelernt. Tôi đã học được thêm nhiều về nghề nghiệp mơ ước và về bản thân. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1767)
Voraussetzung für eine Bewerbung ist ein Diplom mit der Note "gut" oder "sehr gut". Điều kiện yêu cầu cho đơn xin việc là bằng tốt nghiệp đại học loại khá hoặc giỏi. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1798)
Mit diesem Schreiben schicke ich Ihnen Kopien meiner Zeugnisse. Kèm theo thư này là bản copy các chứng chỉ của tôi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1828)
Meinen Lebenslauf schicke ich Ihnen mit diesem Schreiben. Tôi gửi kèm theo thư này bản lý lịch tự thuật. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1829)
Anbei finden Sie meinen Lebenslauf und Kopien meiner Zeugnisse. Kèm theo đây là bản lý lịch tự thuật và bản copy các chứng chỉ của tôi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1830)
Anbei finden Sie meinen Lebenslauf und meine übersetzten und beglaubigten Zeugnisse. Kèm theo đây là bản lý lịch tự thuật và bản dịch có công chứng các chứng chỉ. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1831)
Anbei finden Sie meinen Lebenslauf. Kèm theo đây bản lý lịch cá nhân của tôi. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1835)
Mein Lebenslauf ist ohne Lücken. Bản lý lịch cá nhân của tôi đầy đủ. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1836)
Ich habe den Führerschein der Klasse B. Tôi có bằng lái xe hạng B. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1859)
Erzählen Sie bitte etwas von sich. Xin hãy kể về bản thân. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1869)
Wie schätzen Sie Ihre Spanisch-Kenntnisse ein? Kiến thức về tiếng Tây Ban Nha của anh / chị thế nào? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1906)
Ich spreche Englisch, Spanisch und Deutsch. Tôi biết nói tiếng Anh, tiếng Tây Ban Nha và tiếng Đức. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1913)
Ich habe seit meinem Studium einen internationalen Freundeskreis. Từ khi học đại học tôi quen nhiều bạn nước ngoài. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1915)
Wir können Ihnen eine Teilzeitstelle anbieten. Chúng tôi đề nghị anh / chị một vị trí làm việc bán thời gian. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1984)
Unser Verlag ist spezialisiert auf Kinderbücher. Nhà xuất bản của chúng tôi chuyên về sách thiếu nhi. (Lektion 110, Nr. 2011)
Bitte sortiere alle Kundenanfragen, die du schon erledigt hast, aus und lege mir den Rest auf den Schreibtisch. Xin hãy sắp xếp tất cả các yêu cầu của khách hàng mà anh / chị đã xử lý ra và để lên bàn cho tôi phần còn lại. (Lektion 111, Nr. 2026)
Wer hat diesen Entwurf gezeichnet? Er ist wirklich gut geworden! Ai đã vẽ bản phác thảo này? Nó thật sự rất tốt! (Lektion 111, Nr. 2029)
Wer sitzt an diesem Schreibtisch? Ai ngồi ở bàn này? (Lektion 111, Nr. 2030)
Ich arbeite in einem schönen Büro: Ich habe einen großen Schreibtisch und wenn ich aus dem Fenster schaue, kann ich über die ganze Stadt blicken. Tôi làm việc ở một văn phòng rất đẹp: Tôi có một cái bàn làm việc to và nếu nhìn ra ngoài cửa sổ tôi có thể nhìn thấy toàn bộ thành phố. (Lektion 111, Nr. 2033)
Um dieses Programm installieren zu können, müssen Sie zunächst unseren Lizenzbedingungen zustimmen. Để cài đặt chương trình này, anh / chị phải chấp thuận các điều kiện về bản quyền. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2041)
Läuft die Beta-Version des neuen Programms mittlerweile stabil? Phiên bản Beta của chương trình mới chạy có ổn định không? (Lektion 112, Nr. 2044)
Bitte kopiere diese Tabelle in das neue Dokument. Xin hãy copy bảng này vào tài liệu mới. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2055)
Heute möchte ich Ihnen die Verkaufszahlen des letzten Quartals vorstellen. Hôm nay tôi muốn được trình bày với quý vị doanh số bán hàng của quý vừa rồi. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2089)
In diesem Diagramm habe ich den Anstieg der Kosten in einer Kurve veranschaulicht. Trong biểu đồ này tôi đã minh họa sự gia tăng kinh phí bằng một đường đồ thị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2103)
Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass wir mit der Entwicklung der Verkaufszahlen zufrieden sein können. Cuối cùng có thể nói rằng chúng tôi rất hài lòng với sự phát triển của doanh số bán hàng. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2114)
Am Tisch neben der Tür finden Sie den Ausdruck der Zusammenfassung meiner Präsentation. Das Dokument können Sie sich gerne mitnehmen. Trên bàn bên cạnh cửa, quý vị sẽ nhìn thấy bản in tóm tắt bài diễn thuyết của tôi. Tài liệu này quý vị có thể lấy theo ý muốn. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2119)
Ich habe eine Frage zu Tabelle 2. Hier scheint etwas nicht zu stimmen. Tôi có một câu hỏi về bảng biểu 2. Ở đây có điều gì đó không hợp lý. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2126)
Ich habe Bedenken. Tôi đang băn khoăn. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2139)
Der Entwurf gefällt mir. Bản phác thảo rất hợp ý tôi. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2159)
Der Entwurf gefällt mir nicht. Bản phác thảo không hợp ý tôi. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2160)
Wann ist der Abgabetermin? Thời hạn bàn giao là khi nào? (Lektion 116, Nr. 2191)
Ich finde dieses Produkt gut. Ich benutze es selbst. Tôi thấy sản phẩm này tốt. Bản thân tôi cũng sử dụng nó. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2249)
Dieses Produkt ist im Angebot: Es kostet jetzt nur noch die Hälfte. Sản phẩm này đang có khuyến mại, giá bán còn một nửa so với giá bán bình thường. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2250)
Darf ich Ihnen unsere Preisliste geben? Tôi có thể đưa cho quý khách bảng giá của chúng tôi được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2334)
Darf ich die Preisliste sehen? Tôi có thể xem bảng giá được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2341)
Dürfen wir Ihnen unseren Newsletter zuschicken? Chúng tôi có thể gửi đến cho quý khách các bản thông tin mới được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2347)
Das ist das Programm der Konferenz. Đây là bản chương trình của buổi hội nghị. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2368)
Ich würde diese Sache gerne bei einem Geschäftsessen besprechen. Tôi rất vui lòng được bàn luận thêm về điều này tại bữa ăn. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2410)
Wir haben einen Tisch reserviert. Chúng tôi đã đặt trước một bàn. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2416)
Auf welchen Namen haben Sie reserviert? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà đã đặt bàn dưới tên nào? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2417)
Haben Sie einen Tisch für acht Personen frei? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có còn bàn trống nào cho tám người không? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2418)
Bitte schicken Sie die Ware an uns zurück und legen die eine Kopie Ihrer Rechnung bei. Xin hãy gửi hàng lại cho chúng tôi và gửi kèm một bản sao hóa đơn. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2516)
Ist es möglich die Rechnung in monatlichen Raten zu bezahlen? Chúng tôi có thể thanh toán hóa đơn này bằng việc trả góp hàng tháng được không? (Lektion 126, Nr. 2555)

335 She speaks Spanish, but she doesn't speak Italian. Cô ấy nói tiếng Tây Ban Nha, nhưng cô ấy không nói tiếng Ý.
794 She's been to Spain twice. Cô ấy từng đến Tây Ban Nha hai lần.
847 Giselle and I are friends. I know her very well. Giselle và tôi là ban, Tôi biết rất rõ về cô ấy.
1227 ding on Friday. Esteban đang học một khoá tiếng Anh trong kì này. Khoá học sẽ kết thúc vào Thứ sáu này.
1383 Marisol can speak Italian and Spanish, but she can't speak French. Marisol biết nói tiếng Ý và tiếng Tây Ban Nha nhưng cô ấy không biết nói tiếng Pháp.
1434 I know Ms. Thompson has a job, but she's always home during the day. She must work at night. Tôi biết cô Thompson có việc làm nhưng cô ấy luôn ở nhà suốt ban ngày. Cô ấy hẳn là đi làm đêm.
1442 For this job, you must know both Spanish and German. Với công việc này, bạn phải biết cả tiếng Tây Ban Nha lẫn tiếng Đức.
1675 There are fty (50) states in the United States. Có năm mươi tiểu bang ở nước Mĩ.
2128 I waste a lot of time daydreaming. Tôi lãng phí nhiều thời gian mơ giữa ban ngày.
2307 Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. Bangkok là thủ đô Thái Lan.
2315 UCLA is in L.A. Đại học California Los Angeles nằm ở bang Los Angeles.
2432 Not all the tourists in the group were Spanish. Some of them were French. Không phải tất cả khách du lịch trong đoàn đều là người Tây Ban Nha. Một vài trong số họ là người Pháp.
2575 Esteban always wears nice clothes. He's always well dressed. Estaban luôn mặc quần áo đẹp. Anh ấy luôn ăn mặc đẹp.
2938 Oscar left home at the age of eighteen (18) and went o to Spain. Oscar bỏ nhà ở tuổi mười tám và đi đến Tây Ban Nha.

accept sth: You just have to accept the fact that we're never going to be rich. accept
accept sth: I don't accept his version of events. accept
accept sth as sth: Can we accept his account as the true version? accept
You have to accept the consequences of your actions. accept
Will you accept a cheque? accept
accept sth for sth: My article has been accepted for publication. accept
For this course a pass in English at grade B is acceptable. acceptable
You need a password to get access to the computer system. access
Take out accident insurance before you go on your trip. accident
Hotel accommodation is included in the price of your holiday. accommodation
I must ask you to accompany me to the police station. accompany
The text is accompanied by a series of stunning photographs. accompany
You've been absent six times according to our records. according to
What's your account number please? account
How do you account for the show's success? account for sth
The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the company's revenue. account for sth
a highly accurate electronic compass accurate
You need to hit the ball accurately. accurately
Even a small success gives you a sense of achievement (= a feeling of pride). achievement
Are you prepared to acknowledge your responsibility? acknowledge
You could tell she was just putting on an act. act
A Committee on Safety of Medicines was set up under the Act. act
Have you ever acted? act
A libel action is being brought against the magazine that published the article. action
Just press the button to see your favourite character in action. in action
animals that are active only at night active
Your proposal is being actively considered. actively
There are lots of people there who can actually help you. actually
Actually, I'm busy at the moment—can I call you back? actually
It's amazing how soon you adapt. adapt
adapt yourself to sth: It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings. adapt
Shall I add your name to the list? add
add A and B together: If you add all these amounts together you get a huge figure. add
The waiter can't add up. add up, add sth up
Add up all the money I owe you. add up, add sth up
Pasta's basic ingredients are flour and water, sometimes with the addition of eggs or oil. addition
The government provided an additional £25 million to expand the service. additional
What's your name and address? address
I'll give you my address and phone number. address
Is that your home address? address
What's your email address? address
address sth to sb/sth: Address your application to the Personnel Manager. address
Are you adequately insured? adequately
adjust sth: Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly. adjust
adjust sth to sth: Adjust your language to the age of your audience. adjust
adjust yourself to sth: You'll quickly adjust yourself to student life. adjust
admire sb/sth: I really admire your enthusiasm. admire
You have to admire the way he handled the situation. admire
I've just been admiring your new car. admire
admit sb/sth to/into sth: You will not be admitted to the theatre after the performance has started. admit
admit to sth: Don't be afraid to admit to your mistakes. admit
Why don't you just admit defeat (= recognize that you cannot do sth) and let someone else try ? admit
Admit it! You were terrified! admit
You must admit that it all sounds very strange. admit
Why can't you two act like civilized adults? adult
It's cheaper if you book the tickets in advance. in advance (of sth)
She closed the door firmly and advanced towards the desk. advance
an unfair advantage (= sth that benefits you, but not your opponents) advantage
You will be at an advantage (= have an advantage) in the interview if you have thought about the questions in advance. advantage
He took advantage of my generosity (= for example, by taking more than I had intended to give). take advantage of sth/sb
When you're a child, life is one big adventure. adventure
If you want to attract more customers, try advertising in the local paper. advertise
advertise (for sb/sth): We are currently advertising for a new sales manager. advertise
Put an advertisement in the local paper to sell your car. advertisement
Ask your teacher 's advice / Ask your teacher for advice on how to prepare for the exam. advice
Let me give you a piece of advice. advice
advise (sb) against sth/against doing sth: I would strongly advise against going out on your own. advise
advise sth: I'd advise extreme caution. advise
I'd advise you not to tell him. advise
advise that...: They advise that a passport be carried with you at all times. advise
They advise that a passport should be carried with you at all times. advise
it is advised that...: It is strongly advised that you take out insurance. advise
advise doing sth: I'd advise buying your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August. advise
Your lawyer can advise you whether to take any action. advise
Your opinion will not affect my decision. affect
None of them could afford £50 for a ticket. afford
Are you afraid of spiders? afraid
afraid of doing sth: I started to feel afraid of going out alone at night. afraid
afraid to do sth: Don't be afraid to ask if you don't understand. afraid
I can't help you, I'm afraid. I'm afraid
I've told you time after time not to do that. after
Shut the door after you. after
I'm always having to clean up after the children (= clean the place after they have left it dirty and untidy). after
Your name comes after mine in the list. after
After you (= Please go first). after
After you with the paper (= Can I have it next?). after
So you made it after all! after all
I'll call you after I've spoken to them. after
Are you ready for this afternoon's meeting? afternoon
Where were you on the afternoon of May 21? afternoon
Could you say it again, please? again
I've told you again and again (= many times) not to do that. again
You'll soon feel well again. again
Are you for or against the death penalty? against
I'd advise you against doing that. against
The evidence is against him. against
She needs more friends of her own age. age
When I was your age I was already married. age
You can book at your local travel agency. agency
Our agent in New York deals with all US sales. agent
If you're going to rent out your house while you're abroad, you'll need someone to act as your agent here. agent
A good salesperson has to be aggressive in today's competitive market. aggressive
How long ago did you buy it? ago
agree to sth: Do you think he'll agree to their proposal? agree
agreement to do sth: They had made a verbal agreement to sell. agreement
You'll have to get your parents' agreement if you want to go on the trip. agreement
You need to work hard to keep ahead. ahead
An extra £10 million in foreign aid has been promised. aid
He was breathing only with the aid of a ventilator. aid
My criticism wasn't aimed at you. aim
It only takes three hours by air (= in a plane). air
A surprise air attack (= from aircraft) was launched at night. air
Music filled the night air. air
'What have you done?' Ellie cried in alarm. alarm
He pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol. alcohol
Is your mother still alive? alive
I was glad to hear you're alive and well. alive
All the people you invited are coming. all
You've had all the fun and I've had all the hard work. all
'Thanks very much for your help.' 'Not at all, it was a pleasure.' not at all
How much time would you allow for the trip? allow
You need to allow three metres of fabric for the dress. allow
allow sb to do sth: His parents won't allow him to stay out late. allow
You're allowed an hour to complete the test. allow
I sometimes allow myself the luxury of a cigar. allow
allow sth: No dogs allowed (= you cannot bring them in). allow
You won't be allowed up (= out of bed) for several days. allow
Are you getting along all right in your new job? all right
'They're off to Spain next week.' 'It's all right for some, isn't it?' (= some people are lucky) all right
Do you feel all right? all right
Your work is all right but I'm sure you could do better. all right
Are you sure it's all right for me to leave early? all right
'Can you do it?' 'Oh, all right.' all right
a close ally and friend of the prime minister ally
I don't like going out alone at night. alone
I've told you before—leave my things alone! leave/let sth alone
You'll find his office just along the corridor. along
I was just walking along singing to myself. along
We're going for a swim. Why don't you come along? along
I'll be along (= I'll join you) in a few minutes. along
Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. alphabet
arranged/listed/stored alphabetically alphabetically
You're not leaving already, are you? already
We can have the dress altered to fit you. alter
You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two alternatives. alternative
We had no alternative but to fire Gibson. alternative
Do you have an alternative solution? alternative
alternative energy (= electricity or power that is produced using the energy from the sun, wind, water, etc.) alternative
The agency will make travel arrangements for you. Alternatively, you can organize your own transport. alternatively
I don't altogether agree with you. altogether
You owe me £68 altogether. altogether
Always lock your car. always
We're not always this busy! always
Did you always want to be an actor? always
Why are you always complaining about my cooking? always
It's OK, you're among friends now. among
The insurance company will refund any amount due to you. amount
You will receive a bill for the full amount. amount
Small amounts will be paid in cash. amount
His earnings are said to amount to £300 000 per annum. amount to sth
This will amuse you. amuse
You can ask for a chemical analysis of your tap water. analysis
bread and butter and
a table, two chairs and a desk and
I cooked lunch. And I made a cake. (= you are emphasizing how much you have done) and
I'll come and see you soon. and
We stopped and bought some bread. and
'We talked for hours.' 'And what did you decide?' and
Miss another class and you'll fail. and
Jan slammed her fist on the desk in anger. anger
You can look at the issue from many different angles. angle
angry with/at sb about/for sth: I was very angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake. angry
to celebrate your wedding anniversary anniversary
I was annoyed with myself for giving in so easily. annoyed
Would you like another drink? another
answer to sth: I can't easily give an answer to your question. answer
Have you had an answer to your letter? answer
As if in answer to our prayers, she offered to lend us £10 000. answer
Write your answers on the sheet provided. answer
Do you know the answer (= the right one) to question 12? answer
The sender of the first correct answer to be drawn will receive £100. answer
answer sth: You haven't answered my question. answer
answer (sb): Come on, answer me! Where were you? answer
If you're worried about your health, share your anxieties with your doctor. anxiety
You can't go out without any shoes. any
Take any book you like. any
Any teacher will tell you that students learn at different rates. any
I need some stamps. Are there any in your bag? any
I'll take any you don't want. any
'Which colour do you want?' 'Any of them will do.' any
Is your father feeling any better? any
If you don't tell them, nobody will be any the wiser (= they will not find out about it). any
Anybody can use the pool—you don't need to be a member. anybody
Did anyone see you? anyone
Would you like anything else? anything
If you remember anything at all, please let us know. anything
It's too expensive and anyway the colour doesn't suit you. anyway
Anyway, I'd better go now—I'll see you tomorrow. anyway
Did you go anywhere interesting? anywhere
Do you know anywhere I can buy a second-hand computer? anywhere
Apart from their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain. apart from
You've got to help. Apart from anything else you're my brother. apart from
Three days later a rash appeared. appear
They are both great but you can't compare apples and oranges. apples and oranges
Special conditions apply if you are under 18. apply
apply to sb/sth: What I am saying applies only to some of you. apply
You should apply in person/by letter. apply
appoint sb to sth: She has recently been appointed to the committee. appoint
Do you have an appointment? appointment
You can't really appreciate foreign literature in translation. appreciate
Your support is greatly appreciated. appreciate
I would appreciate any comments you might have. appreciate
I would appreciate it if you paid in cash. appreciate
appreciate sb doing sth: We would appreciate you letting us know of any problems. appreciate
approach sb/sth: As you approach the town, you'll see the college on the left. approach
Now that the problem has been identified, appropriate action can be taken. appropriate
Do the plans meet with your approval? approval
The plan will be submitted to the committee for official approval. approval
Senior management have given their seal of approval (= formal approval) to the plans. approval
approve of sb/sth: Do you approve of my idea? approve
The committee unanimously approved the plan. approve
Use these figures as an approximate guide in your calculations. approximate
The total cost will approximate £15 billion. approximate
The two buildings were approximately equal in size. approximately
We went to Japan last April. April
argue with sb: I don't want to argue with you—just do it! argue
A storm arose during the night. arise
He held the dirty rag at arm's length (= as far away from his body as possible). arm
The cost would be somewhere around £1 500. around
How do you make the wheels go around? around
This is our new office—Kay will show you around. around
arrange to do sth: Have you arranged to meet him? arrange
The books are arranged alphabetically by author. arrange
arrangement for sth: I'll make arrangements for you to be met at the airport. arrangement
arrangement with sb (to do sth): You can cash cheques here by prior arrangement with the bank. arrangement
arrest sb for doing sth: You could get arrested for doing that. arrest
I was pleased to hear you arrived home safely. arrive
A letter arrived for you this morning. arrive
Send your application to arrive by 31 October. arrive
to fire/shoot an arrow arrow
an arts degree art
Have you seen that article about young fashion designers? article
Police have issued an artist's impression of her attacker. artist
Whoever made this cake is a real artist. artist
Treat me as a friend. as
You can use that glass as a vase. as
You're as tall as your father. as
I haven't known him as long as you (= as you have known him). as
As you were out, I left a message. as
It sounds as though you had a good time. as if/as though
It's my birthday. As if you didn't know! as if/as though
'Don't say anything' 'As if I would! ' (= surely you do not expect me to) as if/as though
ashamed of yourself: You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies. ashamed
You act as if you're ashamed to be seen with me. ashamed
ask to do sth: Did you ask to use the car? ask
ask sb to do sth: All the students were asked to complete a questionnaire. ask
ask sth: Why don't you ask his advice? ask
ask sb for sth: Why don't you ask him for his advice? ask
ask sth of sb: Can I ask a favour of you? ask
ask sb sth: Can I ask you a favour? ask
How old are you—if you don't mind me/my asking? ask
Did you ask the price? ask
+ speech: 'Where are you going?' she asked. ask
ask sb + speech: 'Are you sure?' he asked her. ask
He was so exhausted that he fell asleep at his desk. asleep
assist sb: We'll do all we can to assist you. assist
assist sb in doing sth: We will assist you in finding somewhere to live. assist
a sales assistant in a department store assistant
Maybe one of our assistants can help you make your choice? assistant
He is closely associated in the public mind with horror movies. associate
You wouldn't normally associate these two writers—their styles are completely different. associate
Do you belong to any professional or trade associations? association
The book was published in association with (= together with) English Heritage. association
assure sb (that)...: You think I did it deliberately, but I assure you (that) I did not. assure
She's perfectly safe, I can assure you. assure
I won't let you down, I can assure you of that. assure
At night you can see the stars. at
What are you doing at the weekend? at
What are you looking at? at
Can you read a car number plate at fifty metres? at
The book retails at £19.95. at
You can reach me at 637-2335, extension 354. at
attach sth: I attach a copy of my notes for your information. attach
I attach a copy of the spreadsheet (= send it with an email). attach
attach sth to sth: Attach the coupon to the front of your letter. attach
The guerrillas attack at night. attack
attack sb: A woman was attacked and robbed by a gang of youths. attack
attack sb with sth: The man attacked him with a knife. attack
attempt to do sth: I will attempt to answer all your questions. attempt
Are you being attended to, Sir? (= for example, in a shop). attend to sb/sth
Can I have your attention please? attention
If you want to pass your exams you'd better change your attitude! attitude
You're taking a pretty selfish attitude over this, aren't you? attitude
She tried to attract the attention of the waiter. attract
Attractions at the fair include a mini-circus, clowns, dancers and a jazz band. attraction
Your new glasses are very attractive. attractive
Who is your favourite author? author
best-selling author Paul Theroux author
an automatic rifle (= one that continues to fire as long as the trigger is pressed) automatic
You will automatically get free dental treatment if you are under 18. automatically
We'll send you a copy as soon as it becomes available. available
Average earnings are around £20 000 per annum. average
You should avoid mentioning his divorce. avoid
He lies awake at night worrying about his job. awake
award sth (to sb): The judges awarded equal points to both finalists. award
He was awarded damages of £50 000. award
As you're aware, this is not a new problem. aware
aware that...: Were you aware that something was wrong? aware
Put your toys away. away
You've put me in an awkward position. awkward
It makes things awkward for everyone when you behave like that. awkward
Write your name on the back of the cheque. back
He was shot in the back of the knee. back
If you'd like to come round the back (= to the area behind the house), I'll show you the garden. back
Do you sleep on your back or your front? back
They had their hands tied behind their backs. back
I think you've got that sweater on back to front. back to front
Have you been talking about me behind my back? behind sb's back
They went ahead and sold it behind my back. behind sb's back
Could you call back later, please? back
Could you go back to the beginning of the story? back
You've combed your hair back. back
back sth + adv./prep.: If you can't drive in forwards, try backing it in. back
I'll back you up if they don't believe you. back sb/sth up
The writer doesn't back up his opinions with examples. back sb/sth up
The rebels backed up their demands with threats. back sb/sth up
There was a lot of background noise (= that you could hear, but were not listening to). background
background information/knowledge background
Can you give me more background on the company? background
In spite of their very different backgrounds, they immediately became friends. background
I lost my balance and fell backwards. backwards
'Ambulance' is written backwards so you can read it in the mirror. backwards
Too much work is bad for your health. bad
Have you been a bad boy? bad
The hero gets to shoot all the bad guys. bad
You're heading for a bad attack of sunburn. bad
You're a bad liar! bad
a bad copy/diet bad
Smoking gives you bad breath. bad
Things are bad enough without our own guns shelling us. bad
'How are you?' 'Not too bad.' not bad
the delicious smell of baking bread bake
bake sth for sb: I'm baking a birthday cake for Alex. bake
bake sb sth: I'm baking Alex a cake. bake
to check your bank balance (= to find out how much money there is in your account) balance
Athletes need a good sense of balance. balance
I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates. balance
She cycled round the corner, lost her balance and fell off. balance
This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions. balance
Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island. balance
His wife's death disturbed the balance of his mind. balance
balance between A and B: Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation. balance
balance out: The good and bad effects of any decision will usually balance out. balance
balance sth (out): This year's profits will balance our previous losses. balance
His lack of experience was balanced by a willingness to learn. balance
She tries to balance home life and career. balance
balance (on sth): How long can you balance on one leg? balance
balance sth (on sth): The television was precariously balanced on top of a pile of books. balance
She balanced the cup on her knee. balance
ban sb from sth: He was banned from the meeting. ban
ban sb from doing sth: She's been banned from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated. ban
She always ties her hair back in a band. band
All babies in the hospital have name bands on their wrists. band
a rock/jazz band band
She's a singer with a band. band
a military band band
Don't bandage the wound too tightly. bandage
His injured leg was all bandaged up. bandage
He smashed the window with an iron bar. bar
a five-bar gate (= one made with five horizontal bars of wood) bar
the island's only licensed bar (= one that is allowed to sell alcoholic drinks) bar
a sandwich bar bar
I picked up a few good bargains in the sale. bargain
Show your ticket at the barrier. barrier
You can use our apartment as a base in New York. base
What are you basing this theory on? base sth on/upon sth
basic information/facts/ideas basic
the basic principles of law basic
basic to sth: Drums are basic to African music. basic
The campsite provided only basic facilities. basic
My knowledge of French is pretty basic. basic
basic human rights basic
the cost of basic foods basic
Yes, that's basically correct. basically
The two approaches are basically very similar. basically
There have been some problems but basically it's a good system. basically
Basically, there's not a lot we can do about it. basically
He basically just sits there and does nothing all day. basically
And that's it, basically. basically
on a regular/permanent/part-time/temporary basis basis
If you're looking for your file, it's on the table. be
I've never been to Spain. be
Life is unfair. be
'How are you?' 'I'm very well, thanks.' be
Is your jacket real leather? be
be mine, yours, etc.: The money's not yours, it's John's. be
be for me, you, etc.: This package is for you. be
How much is a thousand pounds in euros? be
If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be alive today. if it wasn't/weren't for...
You will be told what to do. be
What have you been doing this week? be
You're not hungry, are you? be
'Are you coming with us?' 'No, I'm not.' be
You are to report this to the police. be
The ice is too thin to bear your weight. bear
You shouldn't have to bear the blame for other people's mistakes. bear
How can you bear to eat that stuff? bear
bear sb doing sth: I can't bear you doing that. bear
beat sth + adv./prep.: She was beating dust out of the carpet (= removing dust from the carpet by beating it). beat
You can't beat Italian shoes. beat
She looked stunningly beautiful that night. beautiful
Could you give me a bed for the night (= somewhere to sleep)? bed
Are you a beer drinker? beer
Turn left just before (= before you reach) the bank. before
Your name is before mine on the list. before
Do it before you forget. before
You should have told me so before. before
begin at/with sth: Let's begin at page 9. begin
begin by doing sth: She began by thanking us all for coming. begin
I was beginning to think you'd never come. begin
When will you begin recruiting? begin
begin with sth: Use 'an' before words beginning with a vowel. begin
'I'm thinking of a country in Asia.' 'What does it begin with (= what is the first letter)?' begin
'What was it you didn't like?' 'Well, to begin with, our room was far too small.' to begin with
On behalf of the department I would like to thank you all. on behalf of sb, on sb's behalf
They behave differently when you're not around. behave
Will you kids just behave! behave
behave yourself: I want you to behave yourselves while I'm away. behave
Don't forget to lock the door behind you (= when you leave). behind
He was shot from behind as he ran away. behind
'Where does she come from?' 'Spain, I believe.' believe
believe sb: I don't believe you! believe
Believe me, she's not right for you. believe
believe (that)...: People used to believe (that) the earth was flat. believe
I do believe you're right (= I think sth is true, even though it is surprising). believe
Do you believe in God? believe in sb/sth
Do you believe in capital punishment? believe in sth
Are you sure these documents belong together? belong
Several of the points you raise do not belong in this discussion. belong
Have you ever belonged to a political party? belong to sth
The islands belong to Spain. belong to sb
The temperatures remained below freezing all day. below
Slowly bend from the waist and bring your head down to your knees. bend
She was bent over her desk writing a letter. bend
Bend your knees, keeping your back straight. bend
Mark the pipe where you want to bend it. bend
You took that bend very fast! bend
It will be to your benefit to arrive early. benefit
Most crime victims benefit greatly by talking about their experiences. benefit
Do this exercise with your knees bent (= not with your legs straight). bent
Is that your best suit? best
They've been best friends (= closest friends) since they were children. best
It's best if you go now. best
I'm not in the best position to advise you. best
Which one do you like best? best
Painting is best done in daylight. best
Do as you think best (= what you think is the most suitable thing to do). best
We're the best of friends (= very close friends). best
Fifty pounds is the best I can offer you. best
You have to be over 16 to bet. bet
You can bet (that) the moment I sit down, the phone will ring. bet
bet sb (that)...: I'll bet you (that) he knows all about it. bet
I hear you're taking bets on whether she'll marry him. bet
'Liverpool are bound to win.' 'Do you want a bet? ' (= I disagree with you, I don't think they will.) bet
If you can only exercise once a week, that's better than nothing (= better than taking no exercise at all). better
Can you think of a better word than 'nice'? better
You'd be better going by bus. better
You'll feel all the better for a good night's sleep. better
You'll like her when you know her better. better
You'd better go to the doctor about your cough. had better/best (do sth)
You'd better not do that again. had better/best (do sth)
Q comes between P and R in the English alphabet. between
The paper had fallen down between the desk and the wall. between
This is just between you and me / between ourselves (= it is a secret). between
She's got nothing beyond her state pension. beyond
At the auction (= a public sale where things are sold to the person who offers the most), the highest bid for the picture was £200. bid
You are making a big mistake. big
Do you really think we can take on the big boys (= compete with the most powerful people)? big
You're a big girl now. big
I usually go to work by bike. bike
I'll be sending you the bill for the dry-cleaning! bill
a degree in biology biology
How far is human nature determined by biology? biology
Please state your date and place of birth. birth
a packet of chocolate biscuits biscuit
a selection of cheese biscuits biscuit
The cake has a biscuit base (= one made from crushed biscuits). biscuit
'Are you tired?' 'Yes, I am a bit.' bit
I can lend you fifty pounds, if you want. That should help a bit. bit
Can you move up a bit? bit
a bit of cake bit
Does your dog bite? bite
Come here! I won't bite! (= you don't need to be afraid) bite
Stop biting your nails! bite
bite off sth/sth off: He bit off a large chunk of bread/He bit a large chunk of bread off. bite
She took a couple of bites of the sandwich. bite
a film made in black and white black and white
Call her if you like, but don't blame me if she's angry. don't blame me
'I just slammed the phone down when he said that.' 'I don't blame you!' I don't blame you/her, etc. (for doing sth)
If you lose your job, you'll only have yourself to blame. only have yourself to blame
Sign your name in the blank space below. blank
If you can't answer the question, leave a blank. blank
to give blood (= to have blood taken from you so that it can be used in the medical treatment of other people) blood
+ adv./prep.: You're not blowing hard enough! blow
The recent bomb attacks are a serious blow for the peace process. blow
Give your nose a good blow (= clear it completely). blow
The room was decorated in vibrant blues and yellows. blue
She has a seat on the board of directors. board
The board is/are unhappy about falling sales. board
discussions at board level board
the Board of Education (= a group of elected officials who are in charge of all the public schools in a particular area) board
He had ripped up the carpet, leaving only the bare boards. board
a blackboard board
I'll write it up on the board. board
a noticeboard board
a bulletin board board
The exam results went up on the board. board
She jumped off the top board. board
a chessboard board
He removed the figure from the board. board
You need to bring the whole staff on board. on board
It's good to have you on board (= working with us) for this project. on board
You can take a boat trip along the coast. boat
'How are you going to France?' 'We're going by boat (= by ferry ).' boat
I'd like to book a table for two for 8 o'clock tonight. book
book sb + adv./prep.: I've booked you on the 10 o'clock flight. book
book sb sth (+ adv./prep.): I've booked you a room at the Park Hotel. book
a border town/state border
It is difficult to define the border between love and friendship. border
bore sb: I'm not boring you, am I? bore
bore sb with sth: Has he been boring you with his stories about his trip? bore
He was born in a small village in northern Spain. born
borrow sth: Can I borrow your umbrella? borrow
borrow sth (from sb/sth): How much did you have to borrow to pay for this? borrow
She borrowed £2 000 from her parents. borrow
borrow (from sb/sth): I don't like to borrow from friends. borrow
borrow sth off sb: I had to borrow the money off a friend. borrow
I like being my own boss (= working for myself and making my own decisions). boss
For this job you will need a good knowledge of both Italian and Spanish. both
I don't know why I bother! Nobody ever listens! bother
If that's all the thanks I get, I won't bother in future! bother
bother with/about sth: It's not worth bothering with (= using) an umbrella—the car's just outside. bother
I don't know why you bother with that crowd (= why you spend time with them). bother
He doesn't bother much about his appearance. bother
bother to do sth: He didn't even bother to let me know he was coming. bother
bother doing sth: Why bother asking if you're not really interested? bother
be bothered about sth: You don't sound too bothered about it. bother
bother sb that...: Does it bother you that she earns more than you? bother
Let me know if he bothers you again. bother
Sorry to bother you, but there's a call for you on line two. bother
I'm not bothered about what he thinks. be bothered (about sb/sth)
'Where shall we eat?' 'I'm not bothered.' (= I don't mind where we go). be bothered (about sb/sth)
All this has happened because you couldn't be bothered to give me the message. can't be bothered (to do sth)
You have to be prepared to start at the bottom and work your way up. bottom
your bottom lip bottom
Put your clothes in the bottom drawer. bottom
Their house is at the bottom end of Bury Road (= the end furthest from where you enter the road). bottom
to go up a hill in bottom gear bottom
You've done so much work—you're bound to pass the exam. bound
You're bound to be nervous the first time (= it's easy to understand). bound
You need brains as well as brawn (= intelligence as well as strength) to do this job. brain
Which brand of toothpaste do you use? brand
You pay less for the supermarket's own brand. brand
You pay less for the store brand. brand
a loaf/slice/piece of bread bread
white/brown/wholemeal bread bread
break sth: a broken night's sleep (= a night during which you often wake up) break
to break an agreement/a contract/a promise/your word break
All the windows broke with the force of the blast. break
Fire broke out during the night. break out
She's just broken up with her boyfriend. break up (with sb)
Do you want bacon and eggs for breakfast? breakfast
I want you to breathe in and hold your breath for as long as possible. breathe in
Take a deep breath and then breathe out when I tell you. breathe out
Deep breathing exercises will help you relax. breathing
Greyhounds were originally bred as hunting dogs. breed
The school is built of brick. brick
We crossed the bridge over the river Windrush. bridge
Please be brief (= say what you want to say quickly). brief
Let me tell you briefly what happened. briefly
Why are you so bright and cheerful today? bright
Do you have any bright ideas (= clever ideas)? bright
Thanks. You've been brilliant (= very helpful). brilliant
Hello Simon! What brings you here? bring
bring sb/sth (with you): Don't forget to bring your books with you. bring
bring sb/sth to sth: She brought her boyfriend to the party. bring
The band have just brought out their second album. bring sth out
the broad plains of the American West broad
a broad smile/grin (= one in which your mouth is stretched very wide because you are very pleased or amused) broad
Most of the programmes are broadcast in English. broadcast
Broadly speaking, I agree with you. broadly
brown bread brown
a package wrapped in brown paper brown
After the summer in Spain, the children were brown as berries. brown
Brown doesn't (= brown clothes do not) suit you. brown
a toothbrush brush
brush strokes (= the marks left by a brush when painting) brush
a dustpan and brush brush
Apply the paint with a fine brush. brush
build sth of/in/from sth: a house built of stone build
apartment blocks built in brick and concrete build
burn sth: Sorry—I burnt the toast. burn
Your hand looks badly burnt. burnt
That balloon will burst if you blow it up any more. burst
Your letter got buried under a pile of papers. bury
Shall we walk or go by bus? bus
My private life is none of your business (= does not concern you). business
It's no business of yours who I invite to the party. business
It's been a pleasure to do business with you. business
When he left school, he went into business with his brother. business
The line is busy—I'll try again later. busy
the busy signal busy
Have you had a busy day ? busy
This is one of the busiest times of the year for the department. busy
We had a busy weekend lined up. busy
a busy main road busy
Are you busy tonight? busy
I'm afraid the doctor is busy at the moment. Can he call you back? busy
I'll be too busy to come to the meeting. busy
The principal is a very busy woman. busy
She was always too busy to listen. busy
a very busy life busy
busy with sth/sb: Kate's busy with her homework. busy
James is busy practising for the school concert. busy
Let's get busy with the clearing up. busy
They were busy enjoying themselves at the party. busy
'Here's the money I owe you.' 'But that's not right—it was only £10.' but
to button/unbutton your buttons button
Choose 'printer' from the menu and click with the right mouse button. button
The windows slide down at the touch of a button. button
buy (sth): Where did you buy that dress? buy
If you're thinking of getting a new car, now is a good time to buy. buy
buy sth from sb: I bought it from a friend for £10. buy
Have you found a buyer for your house ? buyer
The house is heated by gas. by
May I pay by cheque? by
I will contact you by letter. by
to travel by boat/bus/car/plane by
to travel by air/land/sea by
Switch it on by pressing this button. by
Can you finish the work by five o'clock? by
By the time (that) this letter reaches you I will have left the country. by
I could tell by the look on her face that something terrible had happened. by
By law, you are a child until you are 18. by
I took him by the hand. by
She seized her by the hair. by
Pick it up by the handle! by
We rented the car by the day. by
We only sell it by the metre. by
6 multiplied by 2 equals 12. by
6 divided by 2 equals 3. by
Excuse me, I can't get by. by
Bye! See you next week. bye
a piece/slice of cake cake
to make/bake a cake cake
a chocolate cake cake
a birthday cake cake
a cake tin (= for cooking a cake in) cake
a cake pan cake
calculate how much, what, etc.: You'll need to calculate how much time the assignment will take. calculate
By my calculation(s), we made a profit of £20 000 last year. calculation
I'll call round and see you on my way home. call
I'll call a taxi for you. call
call sb sth: I'll call you a taxi. call
My brother called me from Spain last night. call
+ speech: 'See you later!' she called. call
Will you call the kids in for lunch? call
Did you call? call
Are you calling me a liar? call
He was in the front room, or the lounge or whatever you want to call it. call
I make it ten pounds forty-three you owe me. Let's call it ten pounds. call
call sb/sth + adj.: Would you call it blue or green? call
Call yourself a friend? So why won't you help me, then? call
We call each other by our first names here. call
Are you prepared to tell your story on camera? on camera
Do you go camping? camping
Can you call back tomorrow? can
Please let us know if you cannot attend the meeting. can
She can speak Spanish. can
You can take the car, if you want. can
Can I read your newspaper? can
Can I take you home? can
Can you help me with this box? can
Can you feed the cat, please? can
We can eat in a restaurant, if you like. can
No charge will be made if you cancel within 10 days. cancel
capable of sth: You are capable of better work than this. capable
I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you. capable
I'll leave the organization in your capable hands. capable
capacity to do sth: your capacity to enjoy life capacity
Please write in capitals/in capital letters. capital
to set up a business with a starting capital of £100 000 capital
English is written with a capital 'E'. capital
capture sth: The animals are captured in nets and sold to local zoos. capture
'How did you come?' 'By car.' car
Are you going in the car? car
She won £20 at cards. card
I put the meal on (= paid for it using) my card. card
The model of the building was made of card. card
a model made out of cardboard cardboard
Fragile—handle with care (= written on a container holding sth which is easily broken or damaged) care
Who's taking care of the children while you're away? take care of sb/sth/yourself
You should take better care of yourself. take care of sb/sth/yourself
He threatened to fire me, as if I cared! care
What made you decide on a career as a vet? career
That will be a good career move (= something that will help your career). career
careful when/what/how, etc.: You must be careful when handling chemicals. careful
Be careful what you say. careful
careful (that)...: Be careful you don't bump your head. careful
After careful consideration we have decided to offer you the job. careful
Carry on until you get to the junction, then turn left. carry on
Carry on with your work while I'm away. carry on (with sth), carry sth on
Let me carry your case for you. case
You will each be given the chance to state your case. case
In your case, we are prepared to be lenient. case
I cannot make an exception in your case (= for you and not for others). case
You'd better take the keys in case I'm out. (just) in case (...)
You probably won't need to call—but take my number, just in case. (just) in case (...)
In case (= if it is true that) you're wondering why Jo's here—let me explain... (just) in case (...)
How much cash do you have on you? cash
Payments can be made by cheque or in cash. cash
Customers are offered a 10% discount if they pay cash. cash
Local schools have been starved of cash for a number of years. cash
Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said. catch
catch sth from sb: I think I must have caught this cold from you. catch
You wouldn't catch me working (= I would never work) on a Sunday! catch
You've caught me at a bad time (= at a time when I am busy). catch
How many fish did you catch? catch
Go on ahead. I'll catch up with you. catch up (with sb)
I'll catch you up. catch up (with sb)
Animal welfare campaigners raised £70 000 for their cause last year. cause
Are you causing trouble again? cause
cease to do sth: You never cease to amaze me! cease
He ordered his men to cease fire (= stop shooting). cease
How do people celebrate New Year in your country? celebrate
the central committee (= of a political party) central
a long table in the centre of the room centre
certain of sth/of doing sth: If you want to be certain of getting a ticket, book now. certain
certain of/about sth: Are you absolutely certain about this? certain
I think there's a bus at 8 but you'd better call to make certain. make certain (that...)
She was certainly attractive but you couldn't call her beautiful. certainly
'Do you think all this money will change your life?' 'Certainly not.' certainly
a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (= a British qualification for teachers) certificate
chain sb/sth up: The dog was chained up for the night. chain
I've been chained to my desk all week (= because there was so much work). chain
a table and chairs chair
Sit on your chair! chair
an old man asleep in a chair (= an armchair ) chair
This is your big chance (= opportunity for success). chance
Tonight is your last chance to catch the play at your local theatre. chance
change sth: Can you change a £20 note? change
change out of sth: You need to change out of those wet things. change
change sth with sb: Can I change seats with you? change
That back tyre needs changing. change
You've changed all the furniture around. change sth around/round
Don't forget your change! change
The ticket machine gives change. change
Do you have any change for the phone? change
Could you give me change for a ten pound note (= coins or notes that are worth this amount)? change
Let's get away for the weekend. A change of scene (= time in a different place) will do you good. change
Can you just listen for a change? change
The newsletter is a useful channel of communication between teacher and students. channel
Steps are being taken to implement a ceasefire through diplomatic channels. channel
Have you read the chapter on the legal system? chapter
I'm leaving the school in your charge. charge
Be careful you don't leave yourself open to charges of political bias. charge
The restaurant charged £20 for dinner. charge
charge sb for sth: We won't charge you for delivery. charge
charge for sth: Do you think museums should charge for admission? charge
charge sth: Don't worry. I'll charge it (= pay by credit card). charge
Do you give much to charity? charity
to live on/off charity (= to live on money which other people give you because you are poor) charity
a sales chart (= showing the level of a company's sales) chart
His job was to chart the progress of the spacecraft. chart
The kids chased each other around the kitchen table. chase
We were chased by a bull while crossing the field. chase
chat (to/with sb): My kids spend hours chatting on the phone to their friends. chat
chat away (to/with sb): Within minutes of being introduced they were chatting away like old friends. chat
chat about sth/sb: What were you chatting about? chat
The printer isn't exactly cheap at £200. cheap
immigrant workers, used as a source of cheap labour (= workers who are paid very little, especially unfairly) cheap
You can live very cheaply in Italy. cheaply
You're not allowed to look at the answers—that's cheating. cheat
You little cheat! cheat
Are you accusing me of being a cheat? cheat
check (with sb) (what/whether, etc...): You'd better check with Jane what time she's expecting us tonight. check
She gave me the minutes of the meeting to read and check. check
Check your work before handing it in. check
Check over your work for mistakes. check over/through sth
Could you give the tyres a check? check
It is vital to keep a check on your speed (= look at it regularly in order to control it). check
You're not your usual cheerful self today. cheerful
You're in a cheerful mood. cheerful
a cheese sandwich/salad cheese
You can obtain the product from all good chemists. chemist
a degree in chemistry chemistry
a cheque for £50 cheque
to pay by cheque cheque
chew (at/on/through sth): After the operation you may find it difficult to chew and swallow. chew
In this business, you have to learn to take criticism on the chin. take sth on the chin
chocolate chip cookies (= biscuits containing small pieces of chocolate) chip
a chocolate cake chocolate
There is a wide range of choices open to you. choice
After a delicious meal with free wine, the choice is yours: a quiet drink in the bar, the late night disco or a stroll along the beach beneath a starry sky. choice
I don't like his choice of friends (= the people he chooses as his friends). choice
You choose, I can't decide. choose
choose whether, wat, etc...: You'll have to choose whether to buy it or not. choose
choose to do sth: We chose to go by train. choose
How often do you go to church? church
Grants are awarded according to your financial circumstances. circumstance
When you're old, people treat you like a second-class citizen. citizen
You could have claimed the cost of the hotel room from your insurance. claim
claim (on sth) (for sth): You can claim on your insurance for that coat you left on the train. claim
claim (that)...: He claims (that) he was not given a fair hearing. claim
You can make a claim on your insurance policy. claim
Make sure your claims for expenses are submitted by the end of the month. claim
Complete a claim form (= an official document which you must use in order to request money from an organization). claim
The singer has denied the magazine's claim that she is leaving the band. claim
Are you still doing your French evening class? class
a clean driving licence/driver's license clean
Electric buses are a clean, environmentally friendly way to travel. clean
Are your hands clean? clean
It is your responsibility to keep the room clean and tidy. clean
Keep your room neat and clean. clean
Have you cleaned your teeth? clean
You'd better get cleaned up. clean (yourself) up
On a clear day you can see France. clear
You'll need to keep a clear head for your interview. clear
Your meaning needs to be clear. clear
You'll do as you're told, is that clear? clear
This behaviour must stop—do I make myself clear (= express myself clearly so there is no doubt about what I mean)? clear
She won the election by a clear majority. clear
It is clear from the graph that sales have dropped sharply. clear
clear about/on sth: Are you clear about the arrangements for tomorrow? clear
As the dust cleared, we saw that the whole ceiling had come down. clear
clear sth/sb: I had cleared my desk before I left. clear
It's your turn to clear the table (= to take away the dirty plates, etc. after a meal). clear
clear A (of B): I cleared my desk of papers. clear
clear B (from/off A): Clear all those papers off the desk. clear
I'm fed up with clearing up after you! clear up, clear sth up
Clear up your own mess! clear up, clear sth up
By lap two Walker was two metres clear of the rest of the runners. clear
How clever of you to work it out! clever
He's too clever by half, if you ask me (= it annoys me or makes me suspicious). clever
He's clever with his hands. clever
That (= what you just did) wasn't very clever, was it? (= it wasn't sensible) clever
click sth: He clicked his fingers at the waiter. click
Click here to add your opinion to the survey. click
Can you climb down? climb
The hands of the clock crept slowly around. clock
Pay close attention to what I am telling you. close
Jo is a very close friend. close
close relatives, such as your mother and father, and brothers and sisters close
This is the closest we can get to the beach by car. close
The President was shot at close range (= from a short distance away). close
bandages made from strips of cloth cloth
Wipe the surface with a damp cloth. cloth
Bring a change of clothes with you. clothes
Travel is by coach overnight to Berlin. coach
She took her feet off the pedals and coasted downhill. coast
The plane coasted down the runway. coast
Our horse coasted home (= won easily) by three lengths. coast
You're just coasting—it's time to work hard now. coast
to put on/take off your coat coat
It's written in code. code
Tap your code number into the machine. code
You'll catch your death of cold (= used to warn sb they could become ill if they do not keep warm in cold weather). cold
We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years. colleague
collect sth (for sth): We collected over £300 for the appeal. collect
It's amazing how she collects friends. collect
collect sth: to collect data/evidence/information collect
Your suit will be ready for collection on Tuesday. collection
What's your favourite colour? colour
Do you dream in colour? colour
a colouring book (= with pictures that you can add colour to) colour
colour sth: How long have you been colouring (= dyeing ) your hair? colour
a column of text column
She comes to work by bus. come
What time did you come (= to my house)? come
Your breakfast is coming soon. come
Thanks for coming (= to my house, party, etc.). come
come (to sth) (with sb): Are you coming to the club with us tonight? come
come doing sth: Why don't you come skating tonight? come
We'll let you know if any vacancies come up. come up
These ink stains won't come out of my dress. come out (of sth)
Oh, come on—you know that isn't true! come on
'She doesn't try hard enough.' 'That's rich, coming from you (= you do not try hard either).' come from sth
Your mother hasn't yet come round from the anaesthetic. come around/round
Where do you come from? come from...
With DVD, you can watch the latest movies in the comfort of your own home. comfort
If it's any comfort to you, I'm in the same situation. comfort
comfort food (= food that makes you feel better) comfort
Are you comfortable? comfortable
If you're all sitting comfortably, then I'll begin. comfortably
You should be able to live comfortably on your allowance. comfortably
You must obey the captain's commands. command
command that...: The commission intervened and commanded that work on the building cease. command
The commission commanded that work on the building should cease. command
Have you any comment to make about the cause of the disaster? comment
We were just commenting on how well you look. comment
a commission to design the new parliament building commission
You get a 10% commission on everything you sell. commission
He earned £2 000 in commission last month. commission
In this job you work on commission (= are paid according to the amount you sell). commission
the European Commission commission
The government has set up a commission of inquiry into the disturbances at the prison. commission
a commission on human rights commission
commission sth: Publishers have commissioned a French translation of the book. commission
He's busy for the next month with filming commitments. commitment
She's on the management committee. committee
The committee has/have decided to close the restaurant. committee
a committee member/a member of the committee committee
a committee meeting committee
The player was fined by the disciplinary committee. committee
basic features which are common to all human languages common
You'd think he'd have the common courtesy to apologize (= this would be the polite behaviour that people would expect). common
They communicated in sign language. communicate
a pleasant evening in the company of friends company
I've had some difficulties, but they were nothing compared to yours (= they were not nearly as bad as yours). compare
The education system bears/stands no comparison with (= is not as good as) that in many Asian countries. comparison
You can draw comparisons with the situation in Ireland (= say how the two situations are similar). comparison
His problems seemed trivial by comparison. by comparison
a shop selling clothes at competitive prices (= as low as any other shop) competitive
You have to be highly competitive to do well in sport these days. competitive
complaint (against sb/sth): I believe you have a complaint against one of our nurses. complaint
You will receive payment for each complete day that you work. complete
She's just completed a master's degree in Law. complete
2 000 shoppers completed our questionnaire. complete
Our sales information is processed by computer. computer
concentrate sth: Nothing concentrates the mind better than the knowledge that you could die tomorrow (= it makes you think very clearly). concentrate
Tiredness affects your powers of concentration. concentration
He can't grasp the basic concepts of mathematics. concept
concern sb that...: It concerns me that you no longer seem to care. concern
Don't interfere in what doesn't concern you. concern
Please pay attention because this information concerns all of you. concern
What are your main concerns as a writer? concern
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any queries or concerns about this work. concern
concern (over sth/sb): The report expressed concern over continuing high unemployment. concern
conclude sth (from sth): What do you conclude from that? conclude
conclude by doing sth: He concluded by wishing everyone a safe trip home. conclude
conclude sth (with sth): The commission concluded its investigation last month. conclude
New evidence might lead to the conclusion that we are wrong. conclusion
concrete evidence/proposals/proof concrete
They have agreed to the ceasefire provided their conditions are met. condition
You are in no condition (= too ill/sick, etc.) to go anywhere. condition
confident that...: I'm confident that you will get the job. confident
Please write to confirm your reservation (= say that it is definite). confirm
confirm what/when, etc...: Can you confirm what happened? confirm
confirm sb in sth: I'm very happy to confirm you in your post. confirm
Her diary was a record of her inner conflict. conflict
These results conflict with earlier findings. conflict
confusion between letters of the alphabet like 'o' or 'a' confusion
Congratulations on your exam results! congratulation
The towns are connected by train and bus services. connect
They are connected by marriage. connected
The fall in retail sales is directly connected with the decline in employment. connected
How did you make the connection (= realize that there was a connection between two facts that did not seem to be related)? connection
I am writing to you in connection with your recent job application. in connection with sb/sth
to suffer/face/take the consequences of your actions consequence
Have you considered the possible consequences? consequence
At a conservative estimate, he'll be earning £50 000. conservative
You wouldn't consider marrying a man for his money, then? consider
consider sb/sth + adj.: consider sb/sth (to be) sth: Consider yourself lucky you weren't fired. consider
Who do you consider (to be) responsible for the accident? consider
You should consider other people before you act. consider
The committee consists of ten members. consist of sb/sth
consist doing sth: Most of the fieldwork consisted of making tape recordings. consist of sb/sth
Ross was his most constant and loyal friend. constant
You must learn how to construct a logical argument. construct
consult sb about sth: Have you consulted your lawyer about this? consult
consult with sb (about/on sth): Consult with your physician about possible treatments. consult
consult sb: You shouldn't have done it without consulting me. consult
a consumer society (= one where buying and selling is considered to be very important) consumer
She blushed at the sudden contact of his hand against her arm. contact
Have you kept in contact with any of your friends from college (= do you still see them or speak or write to them)? contact
I'll give you my contact details (= telephone number, email address, etc.). contact
I've been trying to contact you all day. contact
He tipped the contents of the bag onto the table. content
a table of contents (= the list at the front of a book) content
Your tone of voice is as important as the content of what you have to say. content
You should be able to guess the meaning of the word from the context. context
continue (with sth): Are you going to continue with the project? continue
continue sth: The board of inquiry is continuing its investigations. continue
I want you to continue as project manager. continue
+ speech: 'In fact,' he continued, 'I'd like to congratulate you.' continue
Stop smoking and you will see a continuous improvement in your health. continuous
contract between A and B: These clauses form part of the contract between buyer and seller. contract
The situation when we arrived was in marked contrast to the news reports. contrast
When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast. contrast
The book explores contrasting views of the poet's early work. contrasting
contribute sth (to/towards sth): We contributed £5 000 to the earthquake fund. contribute
contribute (to/towards sth): Would you like to contribute to our collection? contribute
Do you wish to contribute? contribute
contribute to sth: Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many ways. contribute
the control panel control
She lost control of her car on the ice. control
Please keep your dog under control! bring/get/keep sth under control
control yourself: I was so furious I couldn't control myself and I hit him. control
Try to control your breathing. control
Can't you control your children? control
It is very convenient to pay by credit card. convenient
You'll find these meals quick and convenient to prepare. convenient
You can use a microwave or cook it in a conventional oven. conventional
Hot water is converted to electricity by a turbine. convert
convince sb/yourself (of sth): You'll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job. convince
convince sb/yourself (that)...: I'd convinced myself (that) I was right. convince
Where did you learn to cook? cook
chocolate chip cookies cookie
cool sth: The cylinder is cooled by a jet of water. cool
We cooled off with a swim in the lake. cool down/off
I will send you a copy of the report. copy
The thieves replaced the original painting with a copy. copy
You should make a copy of the disk as a backup. copy
a copy of 'The Times' copy
The book sold 20 000 copies within two weeks. copy
a corner table/seat/cupboard corner
Write your address in the top right-hand corner of the letter. corner
I hit my knee on the corner of the table. corner
a speck of dirt in the corner of her eye corner
Do you have the correct time? correct
'Are you in charge here?' 'That's correct.' correct
Am I correct in saying that you know a lot about wine? correct
Do you know the correct way to shut the machine down? correct
I think you've made the correct decision. correct
Have you spelled it correctly? correctly
Read through your work and correct any mistakes that you find. correct
Their eyesight can be corrected in just a few minutes by the use of a laser. correct
They issued a statement correcting the one they had made earlier. correct
A new computer system has been installed at a cost of £80 000. cost
The total cost to you (= the amount you have to pay) is £3 000. cost
cost sb sth: The meal cost us about £40. cost
This is costing the taxpayer £10 billion a year. cost
cost sth to do sth: The hospital will cost an estimated £2 million to build. cost
Such behaviour could cost you your place in the team. cost
Could I use your phone, please? could
Could you babysit for us on Friday? could
I could do it now, if you like. could
You couldn't have left it on the bus, could you? could
'Have some more cake.' 'Oh, I couldn't, thank you (= I'm too full).' could
You could always try his home number. could
Don't go over that line or your throw won't count. count
count to/up to sth: She can count up to 10 in Italian. count
count sb/sth to do sth: I'm counting on you to help me. count on sb/sth
I'll be with you in a minute. There are a couple of things I have to do first. couple
a young/an elderly couple couple
Do you need any more glasses? I've got a couple I can lend you. a couple
a two-year postgraduate course leading to a master's degree course
'Don't you like my mother?' 'Of course I do!' of course
'Will you be there?' 'Course I will.' of course
'Can I come, too?' 'Course you can.' of course
'Are you going?' 'Of course not.' of course not
'Do you mind?' 'No, of course not.' of course not
There wasn't enough evidence to bring the case to court (= start a trial). court
During the court hearing, the prosecutor said she would seek maximum prison sentences. court
$100 should cover your expenses. cover
Your parents will have to cover your tuition fees. cover
the sales team covering the northern part of the country (= selling to people in that area) cover
cover sb/sth with sth: The wind blew in from the desert and covered everything with sand. cover
Cover the chicken loosely with foil. cover
She covered her face with her hands. cover
The walls were covered with pictures. covered
The ice cracked as I stepped onto it. crack
The company crashed with debts of £50 million. crash
With a sweep of his hand he sent the glasses crashing to the floor. crash
Are you crazy? We could get killed doing that. crazy
The crowd went crazy when the band came on stage. crazy
You're so beautiful you're driving me crazy. crazy
Would you like milk or cream in your coffee? cream
cream cakes (= containing cream) cream
Do you have this blouse in cream? cream
a cream linen suit cream
You have a credit balance of £250. credit
We bought the dishwasher on credit. credit
Your credit limit is now £2 000. credit
The safest way to pay for mail order goods is by credit card. credit card
In times of crisis I know which friends I can turn to. crisis
Bake until the pastry is golden and crisp. crisp
Your decision is critical to our future. critical
All you ever do is criticize! criticize
I've put a cross on the map to show where the hotel is. cross
Sign your name on the form where I've put a cross. cross
Put a cross beside the name of the candidate you wish to vote for. cross
to cross France by train cross
cross over sth: He crossed over the road and joined me. cross
The straps cross over at the back and are tied at the waist. cross
to cross your arms/legs (= place one arm or leg over the other) cross
Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind (= make sb suffer because it will be good for them later). cruel
+ speech: 'You're safe!' Tom cried in delight. cry
Her answer was greeted with cries of outrage. cry
Would you like a cup of tea? cup
She's won several cups for skating. cup
Will you be able to cure him, Doctor? cure
'Are you really an artist?' Sara asked curiously. curiously
your current employer current
This scene was cut from the final version of the movie. cut
cut sth (from...) (to...): Could you cut your essay from 5 000 to 3 000 words? cut
cut sth in/into sth: He cut the loaf into thick slices. cut
cut sth (from sth): He cut four thick slices from the loaf. cut
cut sb sth: I cut them all a piece of birthday cake. cut
cut sth for sb: I cut a piece of birthday cake for them all. cut
cut through sth: You need a powerful saw to cut through metal. cut
If we don't sell more we'll have to cut back production. cut sth back
Your hair could do with a cut (= it is too long). cut
Do you live with your mum or your dad? dad
Make sure you insure your camera against loss or damage. damage
Smoking seriously damages your health. damage
Do you know any other Latin American dances? dance
The band finished with a few slow dances. dance
Do you want to dance? dance
the hidden dangers in your home danger
Even if you have dark skin, you still need protection from the sun. dark
Darker colours are more practical and don't show stains. dark
Please give your name, address and date of birth. date
Anyone who knows of the vehicle's whereabouts from that date until 7 March is asked to contact Bangor police station. date
Thank you for your letter dated 24th March. date
Our friendship dates back to the late 70s. date back (to...), date from...
We can't go there today. You can go another day. day
He works at night and sleeps during the day. day
Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night. day
It's been a long day (= I've been very busy). day
Did you have a good day? day
He was shot dead by a gunman outside his home. dead
Have you dealt with these letters yet? deal with sth
Did you cut a deal (= make one)? deal
It's a deal! (= I agree to your terms) deal
He's one of my dearest friends. dear
Do you believe in life after death? death
debate whether, what, etc...: The committee will debate whether to lower the age of club membership to 16. debate
an outstanding debt of £300 debt
The club is £4 million in debt. debt
It's hard to stay out of debt when you are a student. debt
It's up to you to decide. decide
I can't tell you what to do—you'll have to decide for yourself. decide
Why did you decide to look for a new job? decide
The final decision is yours. decision
The decisions by the management committee will affect everyone in the company. decision
Do you have anything to declare? declare
The town fell into (a) decline (= started to be less busy, important, etc.) after the mine closed. decline
They decorated the room with flowers and balloons. decorate
The cake was decorated to look like a car. decorate
a table decoration decoration
sleep deeply (= in a way that makes it difficult for you to wake up) deeply
defend sth: How can you defend such behaviour? defend
define sth as sth: Life imprisonment is defined as 60 years under state law. define
The difficulty of a problem was defined in terms of how long it took to complete. define
Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow? definite
I'm not sure—I can find out for definite if you like. definite
'Was it what you expected?' 'Yes, definitely.' definitely
'Do you plan to have children?' 'Definitely not!' definitely
Please say definitely whether you will be coming or not. definitely
What's your definition of happiness? definition
Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (32°F) or zero/nought degrees Celsius (0°C). degree
I agree with you to a certain degree. degree
Most pop music is influenced, to a greater or lesser degree, by the blues. degree
My brother has a master's degree from Harvard. degree
She has a degree in Biochemistry from Queen's University. degree
We apologize for the delay in answering your letter. delay
delay sth: The judge will delay his verdict until he receives medical reports on the offender. delay
the delicate ecological balance of the rainforest delicate
his delicate hands delicate
I admired your delicate handling of the situation. delicate
a river scene painted in delicate watercolours delicate
'Can you stay for dinner?' 'I'd be delighted (to)!' delighted
delighted that...: I was delighted that you could stay. delighted
The jury finally delivered its verdict. deliver
deliver sth: Do you have your milk delivered? deliver
Please pay for goods on delivery (= when you receive them). delivery
When can you take delivery of (= be available to receive) the car? delivery
demonstrate sth (to sb): Let me demonstrate to you some of the difficulties we are facing. demonstrate
demonstrate (to sb) how, what, etc...: Let me demonstrate to you how it works. demonstrate
the departures board departure
He was the sort of person you could depend on. depend on/upon sb/sth
Depend upon it (= you can be sure) we won't give up. depend on/upon sb/sth
depend sb/sth doing sth: Can we depend on you coming in on Sunday? depend on/upon sb/sth
You can depend on his coming in on Sunday. depend on/upon sb/sth
depend sb/sth to do sth: You can depend on her to be (= she always is) late. depend on/upon sb/sth
Starting salary varies from £26 000 to £30 500, depending on experience. depending on
He either resigned or was sacked, depending on who you talk to. depending on
'Your job sounds fun.' 'It depends what you mean by 'fun'.' that depends, it (all) depends
They normally ask you to pay $100 (as a) deposit. deposit
They'll probably ask you to leave a deposit. deposit
describe sb/sth (to/for sb): Can you describe him to me? describe
describe how, what, etc...: Describe how you did it. describe
Police have issued a description of the gunman. description
a personal pain that goes beyond description (= is too great to express in words) description
new and original designs design
The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models. design
design sb sth: Could you design us a poster? design
enough money to satisfy all your desires desire
He has expressed a desire to see you. desire
The house had everything you could desire. desire
The dessert can be topped with cream, if desired (= if you like). desire
He used to be a pilot but now he has a desk job. desk
the check-in desk desk
the reception desk desk
Stores are getting desperate after two years of poor sales. desperate
Somewhere out there was a desperate man, cold, hungry, hunted. desperate
They've destroyed all the evidence. destroy
You have destroyed my hopes of happiness. destroy
The central argument is that capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction (= creates the forces that destroy it). destruction
He fought the illness with courage and determination. determination
They had survived by sheer determination. determination
the development of basic skills such as literacy and numeracy development
This device enables deaf people to communicate by typing messages instead of speaking. device
a devoted son/friend/fan devoted
Do you keep a diary (= write one regularly)? diary
The writer's letters and diaries are being published next year. diary
a Spanish-English dictionary dictionary
to have a healthy, balanced diet diet
What a difference! You look great with your hair like that. difference
I'll lend you £500 and you'll have to find the difference (= the rest of the money that you need). difference
Your age shouldn't make any difference to whether you get the job or not. make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
Now he spoke in a different and kinder voice. different
She offered us five different kinds of cake. different
They are sold in many different colours. different
It's really difficult to read your writing. difficult
Your writing is really difficult to read. difficult
I had no difficulty (in) making myself understood. difficulty
When do you have dinner? dinner
What time do you serve dinner? dinner
It's your turn to cook dinner. dinner
I'd like to take you out to dinner tonight. dinner
You'll have to get used to his direct manner. direct
Protect your child from direct sunlight by using a sunscreen. direct
There's a direct train to Leeds (= it may stop at other stations but you do not have to change trains). direct
Could you direct me to the station? direct
He was directed to a table beside the window. direct
The exhibition provides evidence of several new directions in her work. direction
He's on the board of directors. director
His clothes were covered in dirt. dirt
First remove any grease or dirt from the surface. dirt
The problem with white is that it soon shows the dirt. dirt
He picked up a handful of dirt and threw it at them. dirt
Pack the dirt firmly round the plants. dirt
a dirty joke/book dirty
He's got a dirty mind (= he often thinks about sex). dirty
dirty hands/clothes dirty
a dirty mark dirty
Try not to get too dirty! dirty
I always get given the dirty jobs (= jobs that make you become dirty). dirty
Even friends disagree sometimes. disagree
I hate to disappoint you, but I'm just not interested. disappoint
disappointed (in/with sb/sth): I'm disappointed in you—I really thought I could trust you! disappointed
I was very disappointed with myself. disappointed
disappointed (that...): I'm disappointed (that) it was sold out. disappointed
Losing your job doesn't have to be such a disaster. disaster
Disaster struck when the wheel came off. disaster
This recording is available online or on disc. disc
They were selling everything at a discount (= at reduced prices). discount
a discount shop (= one that regularly sells goods at reduced prices) discount
Do you give any discount? discount
discuss sth with sb: Have you discussed the problem with anyone? discuss
the problem of controlling pests and disease with organic gardening methods disease
disgust (at/with sth): She expressed her disgust at the programme by writing a letter of complaint. disgust
dislike sb/sth: Why do you dislike him so much? dislike
I've told you all my likes and dislikes. dislike
She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post. dismiss
In the US, distance is measured in miles. distance
The beach is within walking distance of my house (= you can walk there easily). distance
You'll never get the ball in from that distance. distance
What was it that distinguished her from her classmates? distinguish
The male bird is distinguished from the female by its red beak. distinguish
Does your cat have any distinguishing marks? distinguish
Make sure that your weight is evenly distributed. distribute
the unfair distribution of wealth distribution
The map shows the distribution of this species across the world. distribution
He was arrested on drug distribution charges. distribution
marketing, sales and distribution distribution
I'm sorry to disturb you, but can I talk to you for a moment? disturb
If you get up early, try not to disturb everyone else. disturb
Don't disturb the papers on my desk. disturb
do sth: to do a drawing/painting/sketch do
do sth for sb: I'll do a copy for you. do
do sb sth: I'll do you a copy. do
What do you do (= what is your job)? do
How are you doing (= how are you)? do
What are you doing this evening? do
Are you doing anything tomorrow evening? do
What have you done to your hair? do
What can I do for you (= how can I help)? do
What have you done with (= where have you put) my umbrella? do sth with sb/sth
What have you been doing with yourselves (= how have you been passing the time)? do sth with sb/sth
'What do you want to see me about?' 'It's to do with that letter you sent me.' be/have to do with sb/sth
You live in New York, don't you? do
You'd better see a doctor about that cough. doctor
Copies of the relevant documents must be filed at court. document
One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police. document
You will be paid in American dollars. dollar
Do you have a dollar? dollar
Output consists of both exports and sales on the domestic market. domestic
Close the door behind you, please. door
'Can I help you?' asked the man at the door. door
Text and graphics are printed at 300 dots per inch. dot
The island is a small green dot on the map. dot
I had to bend double to get under the table. double
'Do you think England will win?'—'I doubt it.' doubt
We're already two goals down (= the other team has two goals more). down
Did you get that down? down
Have you got me down for the trip? down
Go down the road till you reach the traffic lights. down
There was only space for a half-dozen tables. dozen
This is only the first draft of my speech. draft
the final draft (= the final version) draft
I'll draft a letter for you. draft
The sack is too heavy to lift—you'll have to drag it. drag
Students will study various plays and dramatic texts. dramatic
She drew me onto the balcony. draw
You draw beautifully. draw
He drew a circle in the sand with a stick. draw
The report drew a grim picture of inefficiency and corruption. draw
in the top/middle/bottom drawer of the desk drawer
a pencil/charcoal drawing drawing
a drawing by Paul Klee drawing
a drawing of a yacht drawing
a collection of children's drawings drawing
He did/made a drawing of the old farmhouse. drawing
Don't think about it. You'll only give yourself bad dreams. dream
dream of/about sb/sth: I dreamt about you last night. dream
dream of/about doing sth: I wouldn't dream of going without you (= I would never go without you). dream
dress for/in/as sth: You should dress for cold weather today. dress
There's no need to dress up—come as you are. dress up
What would you like to drink? drink
You're driving yourself too hard. drive
It's enough to drive you to drink (= to make you start drinking too much alcohol). drive
Can you drive? drive
Shall we drive (= go there by car) or go by train? drive
What car do you drive? drive
Someone drove the car away in the night. drive away, drive sb/sth away
Who was the driving force (= the person with the strongest influence) in the band? driving
You must drop your speed in built-up areas. drop
She started a degree but dropped out after only a year. drop out (of sth)
If you want the job, you must be prepared to take a drop in salary. drop
Mix a few drops of milk into the cake mixture. drop
Would you like a drop of brandy? drop
He was charged with pushing drugs (= selling them). drug
I'm afraid this cake has turned out very dry. dry
Hot sun and cold winds can soon dry out your skin. dry out, dry sth out
I'll wash and you can dry up. dry up, dry sth up
due for sth: The band's first album is due for release later this month. due
He was taken to the hospital during the night. during
There wasn't a speck of dust anywhere in the room. dust
dust sth: Could you dust the sitting room? dust
I don't want you to visit me simply out of a sense of duty. duty
your duties as a parent duty
to do your duty for your country duty
Your duties will include setting up a new computer system. duty
What time do you go off duty? on/off duty
The ruling overturned the court's earlier decision. early
You're early! I wasn't expecting you till seven. early
She earned a living as a part-time secretary. earn
Your money would earn more in a high-interest account. earn
You could feel the earth shake as the truck came closer. earth
All important points are numbered for ease of reference (= so that you can find them easily). ease
The museum is easily accessible by car. easily
eastern Spain eastern
It's easy for you to tell me to keep calm, but you're not in my position. easy
Would you like something to eat? eat
We ate at a pizzeria in town. eat
Do you feel like eating out tonight? eat out
Come on. Eat up your potatoes. eat up, eat sth up
Buy the large economy pack (= the one that gives you better value for money). economy
Don't put that glass so near the edge of the table. edge
a paperback/hardback edition edition
She collects first editions of Victorian novels. edition
the electronic edition of 'The Guardian' edition
Tonight's edition of 'Panorama' looks at unemployment. edition
The story was in Tuesday's edition of 'The New York Times'. edition
The dictionary is now in its eighth edition. edition
The article appeared in the evening edition of 'The Mercury'. edition
He spoke in an educated voice. educated
a Bachelor of Education degree education
You dealt with the situation very effectively. effectively
You should put more effort into your work. effort
The local clubs are making every effort to interest more young people. effort
You've got some egg on your shirt. egg
You can park on either side of the street. either
You can keep one of the photos. Either of them—whichever you like. either
There are two types of qualification—either is acceptable. either
election (to sth): a year after her election to the committee election
Ask somebody else to help you. else
Haven't you got anything else to wear? else
Why didn't you come? Everybody else was there. else
Hurry up or else you'll be late. or else
Thanks for your email. email
I didn't want to embarrass him by kissing him in front of his friends. embarrass
it embarrasses sb to do sth: It embarrassed her to meet strange men in the corridor at night. embarrass
I'm glad you offered—it saved me the embarrassment of having to ask. embarrassment
No new evidence emerged during the investigation. emerge
it emerges that...: It emerged that the company was going to be sold. emerge
She showed no emotion at the verdict. emotion
'I can assure you,' she added with emphasis, 'the figures are correct.' emphasis
full-time/part-time employment employment
My life seems empty without you. empty
She emptied the contents of her bag onto the table. empty
The software enables you to create your own DVDs. enable
You've got something on the end of your nose. end
That's his wife sitting at the far end of the table. end
Our end-of-season sale starts next week. end
You can try your best to impress the interviewers but in the end it's often just a question of luck. in the end
The word I'm thinking of ends in '-ous'. end in sth
The debate ended in uproar. end in sth
end doing sth: I ended up doing all the work myself. end up
+ adv./prep.: If you go on like this you'll end up in prison. end up
They used to be friends but they are now sworn enemies (= are determined not to become friends again). enemy
The £500 million programme is centred around energy efficiency and renewable power sources. energy
When did you get engaged? engaged
I phoned earlier but you were engaged (= using your phone). engaged
a degree in engineering engineering
He spoiled my enjoyment of the game by talking all through it. enjoyment
Do you get any enjoyment out of this type of work? enjoyment
Have you made enough copies? enough
I'll have to make a few enquiries (= try to find out about it) and get back to you. enquiry
Knock before you enter. enter
Enter Hamlet (= for example as stage directions in the text of a play). enter
entertain sb: Barbecues are a favourite way of entertaining friends. entertain
The entertainment was provided by a folk band. entertainment
enthusiasm (for sth): I can't say I share your enthusiasm for the idea. enthusiasm
enthusiastic about sb/sth: You don't sound very enthusiastic about the idea. enthusiastic
enthusiastic about doing sth: She was even less enthusiastic about going to Spain. enthusiastic
I entirely agree with you. entirely
entitle sb to sth: You will be entitled to your pension when you reach 65. entitle
entitle sb to do sth: This ticket does not entitle you to travel first class. entitle
I'll meet you at the main entrance. entrance
two pieces of wood equal in length/of equal length equal
equal to sb/sth: One unit of alcohol is equal to half a pint of beer. equal
2x plus y equals 7 (2x+y=7) equal
A metre equals 39.38 inches. equal
Her hatred of religion is equalled only by her loathing for politicians. equal
This job could be done equally well by a computer. equally
Send €20 or the equivalent in your own currency. equivalent
The car is quite small, especially if you have children. especially
I made it especially for you. especially
it is essential that...: It is essential that you have some experience. essential
The essential difference between Sara and me is in our attitude to money. essential
There are three essentially different ways of tackling the problem. essentially
The pattern is essentially the same in all cases. essentially
Essentially, what we are suggesting is that the firm needs to change. essentially
He was, essentially, a teacher, not a manager. essentially
The article was essentially concerned with her relationship with her parents (= it dealt with other things, but this was the most important). essentially
The committee was established in 1912. establish
Let's establish some ground rules. establish
I can give you a rough estimate of the amount of wood you will need. estimate
estimate sth (at sth): The satellite will cost an estimated £400 million. estimate
The price is given in dollars or euros. euro
You know even less about it than I do. even
You need an even surface to work on. even
I'll see you tomorrow evening. evening
What do you usually do in the evening? evening
He found that the report he had written had been overtaken by events (= it was no longer relevant). event
Don't you ever get tired? ever
If you're ever in Miami, come and see us. ever
'Have you ever thought of changing your job?' 'No, never/No I haven't.' ever
'Have you ever been to Rome?' 'Yes, I have, actually. Not long ago.' ever
We wish you every success. every
One in every three marriages ends in divorce. every
Have you asked everybody? everybody
Didn't you like it?Everybody else did. everybody
Everyone brought his or her partner to the party. everyone
'How's everything with you?' 'Fine, thanks.' everything
evidence (of sth): There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer. evidence
The room bore evidence of a struggle. evidence
evidence (for sth): We found further scientific evidence for this theory. evidence
evidence (that...): There is not a shred of evidence that the meeting actually took place. evidence
Have you any evidence to support this allegation? evidence
On the evidence of their recent matches, it is unlikely the Spanish team will win the cup. evidence
The cave contained evidences of prehistoric settlement. evidence
I was asked to give evidence (= to say what I knew, describe what I had seen, etc.) at the trial. evidence
He was released when the judge ruled there was no evidence against him. evidence
You cannot pretend there's no evil in the world. evil
an exact copy/replica of the painting exact
Do exactly as I tell you. exactly
You haven't changed at all—you still look exactly the same. exactly
Your answer is exactly right. exactly
Where exactly did you stay in France? exactly
Exactly what are you trying to tell me? exactly
'So he told you you'd got the job?' 'Not exactly, but he said they were impressed with me.' not exactly
The hotel was really filthy and I'm not exaggerating. exaggerate
Your proposals are still under examination. examination
The chapter concludes with a brief examination of some of the factors causing family break-up. examination
Can you give me an example of what you mean? example
Just to give you an example of his generosity—he gave me his old car and wouldn't take any money for it. example
It is important to cite examples to support your argument. example
Japan is often quoted as the prime example of a modern industrial nation. example
He is a captain who leads by example. example
There is a similar word in many languages, for example in French and Italian. for example
You can all come? Excellent! excellent
except sb/sth: The sanctions ban the sale of any products excepting medical supplies and food. except
All his novels are set in Italy with the exception of his last. with the exception of
I buy you lunch and you fix my computer. Is that a fair exchange? exchange
Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera? exchange
I'll type your report if you'll babysit in exchange. exchange
exchange A for B: You can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel. exchange
excited (by sth): Don't get too excited by the sight of your name in print. excited
The news caused great excitement among her friends. excitement
Try excluding fat from your diet. exclude
Lunch costs £10 per person, excluding drinks. excluding
Late again! What's your excuse this time? excuse
You don't have to make excuses for her (= try to think of reasons for her behaviour). excuse
excuse sb: You must excuse my father—he's not always that rude. excuse
excuse sb for sth/for doing sth: I hope you'll excuse me for being so late. excuse
You might be excused for thinking that Ben is in charge (= he is not, but it is an easy mistake to make). excuse
excuse sb doing sth: Excuse my interrupting you. excuse
Excuse me, could you let me through? excuse me
Oh, excuse me. I didn't see you there. excuse me
advertising/business/sales, etc. executives executive
How often do you exercise? exercise
The museum contains some interesting exhibits on Spanish rural life. exhibit
Have you seen the Picasso exhibition? exhibition
The problem only exists in your head, Jane. exist
This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence. existence
expand sth: We've expanded the business by opening two more stores. expand
expect sth of sb/sth: That's not the sort of behaviour I expect of you! expect
expect to do sth: You can't expect to learn a foreign language in a few months. expect
Do you really expect me to believe you? expect
Are you expecting visitors? expect
expect sth (of sb): Are you clear what is expected of you? expect
'Will you be late?' 'I expect so.' expect
expect (that...): 'Who's eaten all the cake?' 'Tom, I expect/I expect it was Tom.' expect
Can I give you something towards expenses? expense
You can claim back your travelling/travel expenses. expense
Do you have any previous experience of this type of work? experience
We all learn by experience. experience
Experience has taught me that life can be very unfair. experience
proved by experiment experiment
Facts can be established by observation and experiment. experiment
experiment in sth: the country's brief experiment in democracy experiment
Can you explain how the email system works? explain
explain why, how, etc...: Well, that doesn't explain why you didn't phone. explain
I really don't see why I should have to explain myself to you. explain yourself
'I had to see you,' he said, by way of explanation. explanation
explore sth (for sth): The city is best explored on foot. explore
to expose yourself to ridicule expose
You could be exposing yourself to unnecessary risks when driving alone. expose
express yourself: Teenagers often have difficulty expressing themselves. express
express yourself + adv./prep.: Perhaps I have not expressed myself very well. express
She expresses herself most fully in her paintings. express
express yourself + adj.: They expressed themselves delighted. express
He's a pain in the butt, if you'll pardon the expression. expression
Freedom of expression (= freedom to say what you think) is a basic human right. expression
What's your extension number? extension
The government has promised an extra £1 billion for health care. extra
Metallic paint is an optional extra (= a thing you can choose to have or not, but must pay more for if you have it). extra
You need to be extra careful not to make any mistakes. extra
Do you have this sweatshirt in an extra large size? extra
Their new CD is selling extremely well. extremely
I would be extremely grateful if you could have a word with her. extremely
A surgeon needs a good eye and a steady hand. eye
to make/avoid eye contact with sb (= to look/avoid looking at them at the same time as they look at you) eye
And remember, I'll have my eye on you so you'd better behave. have your eye on sb
You can't just close your eyes to his violence. shut/close your eyes to sth
You should have seen the look on her face when I told her! face
What are you pulling a face at now? pull/make faces/a face (at sb)
Do you think it's funny to make faces behind my back? pull/make faces/a face (at sb)
Stand with your feet apart and your hands facing upwards. face
Which direction are you facing? face
You have to face up to your responsibilities. face up to sth
How do you account for the fact that unemployment is still rising? fact
I haven't spoken to anyone in English for days and that's a fact. fact
First, some basic facts about healthy eating! fact
If you're going to make accusations, you'd better get your facts right (= make sure your information is correct). fact
It's about time you learnt to face (the) facts (= accepted the truth about the situation). fact
I used to live in France; in fact, not far from where you're going. in (actual) fact
What will you do if you fail? fail
I fail to see (= I don't understand) why you won't even give it a try. fail
The success or failure of the plan depends on you. failure
a fair and breezy day fair
The day was set fair with the spring sun shining down. fair
a fair complexion fair
All her children are fair (= they all have fair hair). fair
We've still got a fair bit (= quite a lot) to do. fair
She has always been scrupulously fair. fair
demands for a fairer distribution of wealth fair
fair (to sb): We have to be fair to both players. fair
to receive a fair trial fair
free and fair elections fair
It's not fair! He always gets more than me. fair
The new tax is fairer than the old system. fair
They are fair and decent employers. fair
his vision of a fairer, kinder society fair
a fair deal/wage/price/question fair
The punishment was very fair. fair
In the end, a draw was a fair result. fair
I give you fair warning, I'm not always this generous. fair
fair to sb (to do sth): Was it really fair to him to ask him to do all the work? fair
fair on sb (to do sth): It's not fair on the students to keep changing the timetable. fair
fair to do sth: It's only fair to add that they were not told about the problem until the last minute. fair
I think it is fair to say that they are pleased with this latest offer. fair
fair that...: It seems only fair that they should give us something in return. fair
To be fair, she behaved better than we expected. fair
'You should really have asked me first.' 'Right, okay, fair comment.' fair
I know him fairly well, but I wouldn't say we were really close friends. fairly
I think you'll find it fairly difficult (= you do not want to say that it is very difficult). fairly
He has always treated me very fairly. fairly
I have great faith in you—I know you'll do well. faith
Her friend's kindness has restored her faith in human nature. faith
to lose your faith faith
a faithful servant/friend/dog faithful
I have been a faithful reader of your newspaper for many years. faithful
The temperature fell sharply in the night. fall
She slipped on the ice and fell. fall
Buying a cheap computer is a false economy (= will not actually save you money). FALSE
to rise/shoot to fame overnight fame
familiar to sb: The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery. familiar
By now you will be familiar with the one-way system in the centre of town. familiar
Are you familiar with the computer software they use? familiar
He's a friend of the family (= he is known and liked by the parents and the children). family
The support of family and friends is vital. family
I always think of you as one of the family. family
your family background family
fancy doing sth: Do you fancy going out this evening? fancy
How far have you got with that report? far
Plan your route in advance, using main roads as far as possible. far
far back: The band made their first record as far back as 1990. far
far into sth: We worked far into the night. far
Have you come far? far
countries as far apart as Japan and Brazil far
How far is it to your house from here? far
As far as I can see, you've done nothing wrong. as far as I know, as far as I can remember, see, tell, etc.
As far as I am concerned, you can do what you like. as/so far as I am concerned
She's doing fine as far as French is concerned, it's her German I'm worried about. as/so far as sb/sth is concerned, as/so far as sb/sth goes
What do you think of the show so far? so far, thus far
They made for an empty table in the far corner. far
How fast were you going? fast
fasten sth: Fasten your seatbelts, please. fasten
You'll get fat if you eat so much chocolate. fat
You should cut down on fats and carbohydrates. fat
You've been like a father to me. father
fault (for doing sth): It's your own fault for being careless. fault
Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today? favour
Thanks for helping me out. I'll return the favour (= help you because you have helped me) some time. favour
I'm all in favour of (= completely support) equal pay for equal work. in favour (of sb/sth)
These biscuits are great favourites with the children. favourite
The band played all my old favourites. favourite
'Are you coming climbing?' 'No fear!' no fear
Don't worry, you have nothing to fear from us. fear
fear doing sth: She feared going out at night. fear
Which features do you look for when choosing a car? feature
feature sb/sth: The latest model features alloy wheels and an electronic alarm. feature
a federal republic federal
a federal law federal
state and federal income taxes federal
fee-paying schools (= that you have to pay to go to) fee
feed sb/sth/yourself: Have you fed the cat yet? feed
Slugs and snails feed at night. feed
feel sth: Can you feel the bump on my head? feel
Try to tell what this is just by feeling it. feel
He felt a hand on his shoulder. feel
feel sb/sth/yourself doing sth: He felt a hand touching his shoulder. feel
Can you feel the tension in this room? feel
You'll feel better after a good night's sleep. feel
I know exactly how you feel (= I feel sympathy for you). feel
We'll go for a walk if you feel like it. feel like sth/like doing sth
I didn't mean to hurt your feelings (= offend you). feeling
'I really resent the way he treated me.' 'I know the feeling (= I know how you feel).' feeling
'I'm going to miss you.' 'The feeling's mutual (= I feel exactly the same).' feeling
He's a nice old fellow. fellow
my fellow passengers on the train fellow
a rock festival (= where bands perform, often outdoors and over a period of several days) festival
fetch sb sth: Could you fetch me my bag? fetch
You can pass with as few as 25 points. few
Could you give me a few more details? few
fight against sb: My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain. fight
Did you have a fight with him? fight
I had a fight with the ticket machine, which was being temperamental. fight
a street/gang fight fight
the latest trade/sales/unemployment, etc. figures figure
Write the figure '7' on the board. figure
a six-figure salary (= over 100 000 pounds or dollars) figure
Are you any good at figures? figure
figure (as sth) (in/on/among sth): Do I still figure in your plans? figure
figure how, what, etc...: Have you figured out how much the trip will cost? figure sb/sth out
A stack of files awaited me on my desk. file
Your application will be kept on file (= in a file, to be used later). file
The crack in the wall had been filled with plaster. fill
The ditches had filled up with mud. fill up (with sth), fill sth up (with sth)
the film version of the novel film
I'd like to return to the final point you made. final
I'll give you $500 for it, and that's my final offer! final
Are you finally going to tell me why I'm here? finally
And finally, I would like to thank you all for coming here today. finally
a diploma in banking and finance finance
It's about time you sorted out your finances. finance
The firm's finances are basically sound. finance
find sth + adj.: You may find your illness hard to accept. find
You may find it hard to accept your illness. find
find sth for sb: Can you find a hotel for me? find
find sb sth: Can you find me a hotel? find
find sth for sb: Can you find my bag for me? find
find sb sth: Can you find me my bag? find
find what, when, etc...: Can you find out what time the meeting starts? find out (about sth/sb), find out sth (about sth/sb)
a brush with a fine tip fine
Don't worry. Your speech was fine. fine
You go on without me. I'll be fine. fine
You're a fine one to talk! (= you are not in a position to criticize, give advice, etc.) fine
'How are you?' 'Fine, thanks.' fine
'How's your throat?' 'It's fine as long as I don't cough.' fine
fine sb sth (for sth/for doing sth): The company was fined £20 000 for breaching safety regulations. fine
The match was finely balanced throughout. finely
finish (sth): Haven't you finished your homework yet? finish
I thought you'd never finish! finish
finish with sth: The symphony finishes with a flourish. finish
We might as well finish up the cake. finish
I need about an hour to finish off this report. finish sth off
finished with sb/sth: I'm not finished with you yet. finished
to return fire (= to fire back at sb who is shooting at you) fire
The gunmen opened fire on (= started shooting at) the police. fire
Their vehicle came under fire (= was being shot at). fire
He ordered his men to hold their fire (= not to shoot). fire
I'll give you covering fire while you try to escape. fire
We had to fire him for dishonesty. fire
The officer ordered his men to fire. fire
fire on sb/sth: Soldiers fired on the crowd. fire
fire sth: They ran away as soon as the first shot was fired. fire
fire (sth) (into sth): He fired the gun into the air. fire
fire (sth) (at sb/sth): Missiles were fired at the enemy. fire
Bake the cakes until they are firm to the touch. firm
We have no firm evidence to support the case. firm
They remained firm friends. firm
Keep your eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead. firmly
your first impressions first
Your first duty is to your family. first
'Do you want a drink?' 'I'll finish my work first.' first
When did you first meet him? first
First of all, let me ask you something. first of all
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. at first
fish pie fish
fish for sth: You can fish for trout in this stream. fish
fit sth: The facts certainly fit your theory. fit
I'd like to have a desk in the room but it won't fit. fit
I'll try and fit you in after lunch. fit sb/sth in, fit sb/sth in/into sth
Do these plans fit in with your arrangements? fit in (with sb/sth)
fit to do sth: Your car isn't fit to be on the road! fit
This is not a fit place for you to live. fit
She tries to keep fit by jogging every day. fit
The car won't start—can you fix it? fix
They fixed the rent at £100 a week. fix
Chapattis are a kind of flat Indian bread. flat
flat shoes (= with no heels or very low ones) flat
low buildings with flat roofs flat
People used to think the earth was flat. flat
The sails hung limply in the flat calm (= conditions at sea when there is no wind and the water is completely level). flat
The road stretched ahead across the flat landscape. flat
The desert was flat, mile after mile. flat
Do you live in a flat or a house? flat
The bird is easily recognized in flight (= when it is flying) by the black band at the end of its tail. flight
The smell of new bread floated up from the kitchen. float
Can you float on your back? float
Police have issued flood warnings for Nevada. flood
Is this the first time that you've flown? fly
fold sth (up): He folded the map up and put it in his pocket. fold
First, fold the paper in half/in two. fold
fold (away/up): The table folds up when not in use. fold
Have you been following the basketball championships? follow
Sorry, I don't follow you. follow
I don't want you to follow my example and rush into marriage. follow
Why didn't you follow my advice? follow
Follow this road until you get to the school, then turn left. follow
follow (from sth): I don't see how that follows from what you've just said. follow
A detailed news report will follow shortly. follow
follow sth with sth: Follow your treatment with plenty of rest. follow
Follow me please. I'll show you the way. follow
You should follow up your phone call with an email or a letter. follow sth up
The band has a huge following in Italy. following
Do you like Italian food? food
'How tall are you?' 'Five foot nine' (= five feet and nine inches). foot
The nurse hung a chart at the foot of the bed (= the part of the bed where your feet normally are when you are lying in it). foot
My feet are aching. foot
to get/rise to your feet (= stand up) foot
Come on lads—on your feet and do some work! foot
walking around the house in bare feet (= not wearing shoes or socks) foot
Please wipe your feet (= your shoes) on the mat. foot
a foot pump (= operated using your foot, not your hand) foot
There's a letter for you. for
We got a new table for the dining room. for
What can I do for you (= how can I help you)? for
Can you translate this letter for me? for
Shaking your head for 'No' is not universal. for
Are you for or against the proposal? for
a machine for slicing bread for
Are you learning English for pleasure or for your work? for
What did you do that for (= Why did you do that)? for
Copies are available for two dollars each. for
I'm warning you for the last time—stop talking! for
There's no need for you to go. for
Is it clear enough for you to read? for
a member of the sales force force
He controlled himself by sheer force of will. force
The rioters were taken away by force. force
We will achieve much more by persuasion than by brute force. force
plans to seize power by force of arms (= by military force) force
force sth: to force a lock/window/door (= to break it open using force) force
You could tell she was foreign by the way she dressed. foreign
Could you possibly forget about work for five minutes? forget
Let's forget our differences and be friends. forget
forget (about sth): 'Why weren't you at the meeting?' 'Sorry—I forgot.' forget
Aren't you forgetting something? (= I think you have forgotten to do sth) forget
Before I forget, there was a call from Italy for you. forget
I was forgetting (= I had forgotten) (that) you've been here before. forget
forget (sb) doing sth: I'll never forget hearing this piece of music for the first time. forget
I'd never forgive myself if she heard the truth from someone else. forgive
He formed a band with some friends from school. form
The band formed in 2007. form
Do you know how to form the past tense? form
form sth into sth: Form the dough into balls with your hands. form
The table was formed of two large slabs of stone. form
form sth: These hills were formed by glaciation. form
form sth: I formed many close friendships at college. form
'How do you do?' she said formally. formally
By a stroke of fortune he found work almost immediately. fortune
You don't have to spend a fortune to give your family tasty, healthy meals. fortune
Respect and friendship provide a solid foundation for marriage. foundation
The bed frame is made of pine. frame
What do you like to do in your free time (= when you are not working)? free
He held out his free hand and I took it. free
We're offering a fabulous free gift with each copy you buy. free
You can't expect people to work for free (= without payment). free
free to do sth: You are free to come and go as you please. free
'Can I use the phone?' 'Please, feel free (= of course you can use it).' free
Enjoy the freedom of the outdoors (= where you can do what you want). freedom
freedom (to do sth): complete freedom to do as you wish freedom
The book is now freely available in the shops (= it is not difficult to get a copy). freely
I froze with terror as the door slowly opened. freeze
The smile froze on her lips. freeze
Can you freeze this cake? freeze
These meals are ideal for home freezing. freeze
Some fruits freeze better than others. freeze
Every time she opens the window we all freeze. freeze
It may freeze tonight, so bring those plants inside. freeze
freeze (up): The pipes have frozen, so we've got no water. freeze
freeze sth (up): Ten degrees of frost had frozen the lock on the car. freeze
Water freezes at 0°C. freeze
a toothpaste that leaves a nice fresh taste in your mouth fresh
fresh evidence fresh
fresh bread/flowers fresh
This is my friend Tom. friend
Is he a friend of yours? friend
She's an old friend (= I have known her a long time). friend
He's one of my best friends. friend
a close/good friend friend
a childhood/family/lifelong friend friend
I heard about it through a friend of a friend. friend
She has a wide circle of friends. friend
We've been friends for years. be/make friends (with sb)
They had a quarrel, but they're friends again now. be/make friends (with sb)
Simon finds it hard to make friends with other children. be/make friends (with sb)
This software is much friendlier than the previous version. friendly
a close/lasting/lifelong friendship friendship
friendships formed while she was at college friendship
friendship with sb: He seemed to have already struck up (= begun) a friendship with Jo. friendship
friendship between A and B: It's the story of an extraordinary friendship between a boy and a seal. friendship
Your friendship is very important to me. friendship
He threatened the intruders with a gun and frightened them off. frighten sb/sth away/off, frighten sb/sth away from sth
frightened of sth: What are you frightened of? frightened
You can see the island from here. from
The store sells everything from shoelaces to computers. from
translating from English to Spanish from
You need a break from routine. from
You can tell a lot about a person from their handwriting. from
Is Portuguese very different from Spanish? from
From now on you can work on your own. from... on
Keep your eyes to the front and walk straight ahead. front
Write your name in the front of the book (= the first few pages). front
Don't give up. You still have your whole life in front of you. in front of
the front wheels of the car front
I'm absolutely frozen! frozen
You look frozen stiff. frozen
Fill in your full name and address. full
They sell a full range of hair and beauty products. full
You can't run on a full stomach. full
I fully understand your motives. fully
Have fun! (= Enjoy yourself) fun
I decided to learn Spanish, just for fun. fun
It's not much fun going to a party on your own. fun
'What do you say to a weekend in New York?' 'Sounds like fun.' fun
I'm short of funds at the moment—can I pay you back next week? fund
There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view. fundamental
A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required. fundamental
a question of fundamental importance fundamental
Hard work is fundamental to success. fundamental
It's funny how things never happen the way you expect them to. funny
Oh very funny! You expect me to believe that? funny
the fur trade fur
fur-lined gloves fur
Can you stand a bit further away? further
Think further back into your childhood. further
Have you any further questions? further
a £3 000 gain from our investment gain
board games game
Let's have a game of table tennis. game
Leave a gap between your car and the next. gap
We think we've identified a gap in the market (= a business opportunity to make or sell sth that is not yet available). gap
'You mean you believe all that garbage?' he said. garbage
Detectives have spent months gathering evidence. gather
Can you all gather round? I've got something to tell you. gather
Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears. gear
The car pulled up with a screech of brakes and a grinding of gears. gear
first/second, etc. gear gear
low/high gear gear
bottom/top gear gear
What gear are you in? gear
He drove wildly, crashing through the gears like a maniac. gear
In general, Japanese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare. in general
This is a crucial year for your relationships in general and your love life in particular. in general
generous (with sth): to be generous with your time generous
Thank you—you're a real gentleman. gentleman
Ladies and gentlemen! Can I have your attention, please? gentleman
Gentlemen of the jury! gentleman
Can I help you, gentlemen? gentleman
There's a gentleman to see you. gentleman
'You miss them, don't you?' he asked gently. gently
Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article. genuine
a degree in geography geography
We'd better call a taxi and get you home. get
You got in very late last night. get
What time did you get here? get
You'll never get him to understand. get
get sb/sth doing sth: Can you really get that old car going again? get
You'll soon get used to the climate here. get
I wouldn't go there alone; you might get (= be) mugged. get
get sb/sth + adj.: Don't get your dress dirty! get
After a time you get to realize that these things don't matter. get
You'll like her once you get to know her. get
I got this cold off (= from) you! get
He got a 'C' in Chemistry and a 'B' in English. get
What (= What presents) did you get for your birthday? get
get sth: Where did you get (= buy) that skirt? get
Did you manage to get tickets for the concert? get
get sth for sb: Did you get a present for your mother? get
get sb/yourself sth: Did you get your mother a present? get
Why don't you get yourself a car? get
$100 will get you the basic model. get
You can get the basic model for $100. get
How much did you get for your car? get
I tried calling you several times but I couldn't get through. get through (to sb)
Be quiet and get on with your work. get on with sth
How did you get on at the interview? get on
Are you sure you know what you're getting into? get into sth
You should get into the routine of saving the document you are working on every ten minutes. get into sth
What time do you get into Heathrow? get in, get into sth
Don't be tempted to cheat—you'll never get away with it. get away with sth
What time did you get back last night? get back
I never lend books—you never get them back. get sth back
How does she get by on such a small salary? get by (on/in/with sth)
I can just about get by in German (= I can speak basic German). get by (on/in/with sth)
A good lawyer might be able to get you off. get off (with sth), get sb off (with sth)
get doing sth: I hope to get around to answering your letter next week. get round/around to sth
Could you get me up at 6.30 tomorrow? get up, get sb up
Thank you for your generous gift. gift
gift (for doing sth): He has the gift of making friends easily. gift
I had lunch with a girlfriend. girlfriend
I'll give you a ring. give
We'll give you all the help we can (= help you in every way we can). give
Go for a walk. It'll give you an appetite. give
give sb sth: You've given me your cold. give
We need your help—please give generously. give
give sb sth (for sth): How much will you give me for the car? give
give sth for sth: I gave £50 for the lot. give
give sth to sb: Give the letter to your mother when you've read it. give
give sb sth: Give your mother the letter. give
give sb sth: What are you giving your father for his birthday? give
Did you give the waiter a tip? give
Give me your name and address. give
I was hoping you would give me a job. give
Can I give you a ride to the station? give
I'll give you (= allow you to have) ten minutes to prepare your answer. give
give doing sth: You ought to give up smoking. give sth up
Could you give me back my pen? give sb back sth, give sth back (to sb)
Could you give me my pen back? give sb back sth, give sth back (to sb)
'I passed the test!' 'I'm so glad (for you).' glad
I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. glad
glad (that)...: I'm glad (that) you're feeling better. glad
glad to do sth: I'm glad to meet you. I've heard a lot about you. glad
I cut myself on a piece of broken glass. glass
The commission is calling for a global ban on whaling. global
Has your headache gone yet? go
+ noun: The gun went 'bang'. go
'How did your interview go?' 'It went very well, thank you.' go
How's it going (= is your life enjoyable, successful, etc. at the moment)? go
Where do you want the piano to go (= be put)? go
I want this memo to go to all managers. go
Do you go to church (= regularly attend church services)? go
He goes to work by bus. go
I think you should go to the doctor's. go
Are you going home for Christmas? go
Are you going to Dave's party? go
She crashed into a waiter and his tray of drinks went flying. go
I always start the day by going through my email. go through sth
She went through the company's accounts, looking for evidence of fraud. go through sth
Certain formalities have to be gone through before you can emigrate. go through sth
Go over your work before you hand it in. go over sth
+ speech: 'You know,' he went on, 'I think my brother could help you.' go on
The heating goes off at night. go off
Can I go back to what you said at the beginning of the meeting? go back (to sth)
Once you have made this decision, there will be no going back (= you will not be able to change your mind). go back (to sth)
go doing sth: It's unprofessional to go round criticizing your colleagues. go around/round
I'll go ahead and tell them you're on the way. go ahead
He headed the ball into an open goal (= one that had nobody defending it). goal
Liverpool won by three goals to one. goal
United conceded two goals in the first half. goal
You need to set yourself some long-term goals. goal
Do you believe in God? god
I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give... (= in a court of law) god
made of solid/pure gold gold
The company name was spelled out in gold letters. gold
Too much sun isn't good for you. good
It's probably good for you to get some criticism now and then. good
Shut your mouth, if you know what's good for you (= used as a threat). good
This book is no good to me: I need the new edition. good
Can you speak into my good ear? good
'How are you?' 'I'm good.' (= used as a general reply to a greeting) good
You can stay up late if you're good. good
good (of sb) (to do sth): It was very good of you to come. good
It is good practice to supply a written report to the buyer. good
good at sth: to be good at languages/your job good
Thank you, good question. good
Did you have a good time in London? good
It's good to see you again. good
We are still friends, though, which is good. good
It's a good thing (= it's lucky) you came early. good
Your work is just not good enough. good
This is as good a place as any to spend the night. good
You'll never marry her—she's much too good for you. good
I'm only telling you this for your own good. good
What's the good of (= how does it help you) earning all that money if you don't have time to enjoy it? good
What good is it redecorating if you're thinking of moving? good
Do you think these latest changes will do any good? do good, do sb good
Don't you think talking to her would do some good? do good, do sb good
I'm sure a few days off would do you a power of good (= improve your health). do good, do sb good
Goodbye! It was great to meet you. goodbye
leather/cotton/paper goods goods
central/federal government government
the governor of Arizona governor
the Arizona governor governor
grab (sth): She grabbed the child's hand and ran. grab
grab sth from sb/sth: Jim grabbed a cake from the plate. grab
grab at sth: She grabbed at the branch, missed and fell. grab
Let's grab a sandwich before we go. grab
Grab a seat, I won't keep you a moment. grab
the basic rules of grammar grammar
The bank finally granted me a £500 loan. grant
grant sth to sb/sth: The bank finally granted a £500 loan to me. grant
We would be grateful for any information you can give us. grateful
I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible. grateful
I would be most grateful if you would keep this matter confidential. grateful
It's great to see you again. great
'I'll pick you up at seven.' 'That'll be great, thanks.' great
You've been a great help, I must say (= no help at all). great
There was a great big pile of books on the table. great
He cut himself a great thick slice of cake. great
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you here today. great
You've been a great help. great
Your help would be greatly appreciated. greatly
You have no grounds for complaint. ground
The case was dismissed on the grounds that there was not enough evidence. ground
You're on dangerous ground (= talking about ideas that are likely to offend sb or make people angry) if you criticize his family. ground
He lost his balance and fell to the ground. ground
You've grown since the last time I saw you! grow
Why don't you grow up? grow up
It's time you grew up. grow up
guarantee sth: Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed. guarantee
guarantee sb sth: The ticket will guarantee you free entry. guarantee
guarantee to do sth: We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week. guarantee
guarantee sb sth: These days getting a degree doesn't guarantee you a job. guarantee
You can't get in; the whole place is guarded. guard
guess where, who, etc...: Can you guess where I've been? guess
guess sth: Can you guess his age? guess
guess what, where, etc...: You'll never guess what she told me. guess
guess (that)...: You would never guess (that) she had problems. She's always so cheerful. guess
I guess (that) you'll be looking for a new job now. guess
'Are you ready to go?' 'Yeah, I guess so.' guess
'Who's going to win?' 'Your guess is as good as mine.' your guess is as good as mine
She took her arm and guided her across the busy road. guide
The health and safety officer will guide you through the safety procedures. guide
She guided us through the busy streets to the cathedral. guide
The jury found the defendant not guilty of the offence. guilty
to fire a gun at sb gun
a gun battle between rival gangs gun
At the end of the film the bad guy gets shot. guy
You need to change your eating habits. habit
I'd prefer you not to make a habit of it. habit
These things have a habit of coming back to haunt you. habit
No goals were scored in the first half. half
A jumble sale will be held in the village hall on Saturday. hall
He struck her on the head with a hammer. hammer
Let me give you a hand with those bags (= help you to carry them). hand
Do you need a hand with those invoices? hand
The neighbours are always willing to lend a hand. hand
Put your hand up if you know the answer. hand
Give me your hand (= hold my hand) while we cross the road. hand
He killed the snake with his bare hands (= using only his hands). hand
a hand towel (= a small towel for drying your hands on) hand
a hand drill (= one that is used by turning a handle rather than powered by electricity) hand
The fabric was painted by hand. by hand
Could you hand these books out, please? hand sth out (to sb)
You must all hand in your projects by the end of next week. hand sth in (to sb)
to hand in your notice/resignation (= formally tell your employer that you want to stop working for them) hand sth in (to sb)
She resigned and handed over to one of her younger colleagues. hand over (to sb), hand sth over (to sb)
I'll hand you over to my boss. hand sb over to sb
Nobody's going to hand you success on a plate. hand sth to sb on a plate
You've got to hand it to her—she's a great cook. have (got) to hand it to sb
The sale was handled by Adams Commercial. handle
handle yourself: You have to know how to handle yourself in this business (= know the right way to behave). handle
She had committed suicide by hanging herself from a beam. hang
At that time you could hang for stealing. hang
hang sth (out): Have you hung out the washing? hang
Have you hung the wash? hang
Now hang on a minute—you can't really believe what you just said! hang on
You hang around here in case he comes, and I'll go on ahead. hang around (...)
You'll never guess what's happened! happen
What's happened to your car? happen to sb/sth
Do you know what happened to Gill Lovecy (= have you any news about her)? happen to sb/sth
happy (with sb/sth): Are you happy with that arrangement? happy
happy (about sb/sth): If there's anything you're not happy about, come and ask. happy
You don't look very happy today. happy
happy for sb: I'm very happy for you. happy
happy (that)...: I'm happy (that) you could come. happy
You are hard to please, aren't you? hard
You must try harder. hard
You can hardly expect her to do it for free. hardly
'Couldn't you have just said no?' 'Well, hardly (= of course not), she's my wife's sister.' hardly
It wouldn't do you any harm to smarten yourself up. it wouldn't do sb any harm (to do sth)
I hate to think what would have happened if you hadn't been there. hate
hate sb/yourself: The two boys hated each other. hate
hate sb/yourself for sth/for doing sth: I hated myself for feeling jealous. hate
She had some friends with her. have
We had some friends to dinner last night. have
You've had your hair cut! have
How many driving lessons have you had so far? have
She'd got him by the collar. have
Have you got time to call him? have
Do you have a client named Peters? have
The house has gas-fired central heating. have
Have you got a job yet? have
She's got a BA in English. have
I can't see you this week—I've got a lot on. have (got) sth on
You can have your files back after we've checked them. have sth back
'Have you seen it? ' 'Yes, I have/No, I haven't.' have
Had they left before you got there? have
You don't have to knock—just walk in. have to
First, you have to think logically about your fears. have to
Do you have to go? have to
Have you got to go? have to
You simply have to get a new job. have to
You've got to try this recipe—it's delicious. have to
the head gardener/waiter, etc. head
I sometimes wonder what goes on in that head of yours. head
I wish you'd use your head (= think carefully before doing or saying sth). head
When will you get it into your head (= understand) that I don't want to discuss this any more! head
Who's been putting such weird ideas into your head (= making you believe that)? head
Where are you two headed? head
Can you forecast where the economy is heading? head
heal sth: This will help to heal your cuts and scratches. heal
Exhaust fumes are bad for your health. health
Smoking can seriously damage your health. health
Your (very) good health! (= said before drinking alcohol to express good wishes for sb's health and happiness) health
As long as you have your health, nothing else matters. health
Keep healthy by eating well and exercising regularly. healthy
hear sb/sth do sth: Did you hear him go out? hear
hear what...: Didn't you hear what I said? hear
hear sth: Did you hear that play on the radio last night? hear
hear sb/sth/yourself do sth: Be quiet—I can't hear myself think! (= it is so noisy that I can't think clearly) hear
Have you ever heard him lecture? hear
I hear what you're saying (= I have listened to your opinion), but you're wrong. hear
Haven't you heard? She resigned. hear
hear about sb/sth: I was sorry to hear about your accident. hear
I've heard about people like you. hear
I was delighted to hear your good news. hear
I hear you've been away this weekend. hear
hear what, how, etc...: Did you hear what happened? hear
I look forward to hearing from you. hear from sb, hear sth from sb
Have you no heart? heart
I've dialled the number so many times I know it by heart. by heart
She's learnt the whole speech off by heart. by heart
The heat wasn't on and the house was freezing. heat
You should not go out in the heat of the day (= at the hottest time). heat
What type of heating do you have? heating
a heavy cake heavy
Please state your height and weight. height
You can adjust the height of the chair. height
The table is available in several different heights. height
What the hell do you think you are doing? hell
'Do you understand?' 'Hell, no. I don't.' hell
Hello John, how are you? hello
help yourself: If you want another drink, just help yourself. help
help yourself/sb to sth: Can I help you to some more salad? help
The map wasn't much help. help
Was the information I gave you any help? help
help with sth: You should qualify for help with the costs of running a car. help
Thank you for all your help. help
help (with sth): Do you need any help with that? help
Can I be of any help to you? help
She stopped smoking with the help of her family and friends. help
helpful (for sb) (to do sth): It would be helpful for me to see the damage for myself. helpful
You may find it helpful to read this before making any decisions. helpful
The manager will be free soon—you can wait for her here. her
Here's the money I promised you. here
Here is your opportunity. here
I'm here to help you. here
Here you are. This is what you were asking for. here you are
a friend of hers hers
She must be very proud of herself. herself
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. hesitate
If you'd like me to send you the book, then please don't hesitate to ask. hesitate
Hi, there! How're you doing? hi
He hid behind a false identity. hide
An eagle circled high overhead. high
His desk was piled high with papers. high
She speaks highly of you. highly
an interstate highway highway
When did you see him? him
Did you see the manager himself? himself
bicycles for hire, £2 an hour hire
James has sold his car. his
a friend of his his
You must place these events in their historical context. historical
a degree in History history
Spain was one of the hardest hit countries. hit
hit sb/sth with sth: He hit the nail squarely on the head with the hammer. hit
He was hit by a sniper. hit
a hit record/single hit
We can hold your reservation for three days. hold
I don't think that branch will hold your weight. hold
hold sth (+ adv./prep.): Hold your head up. hold
The wood is held in position by a clamp. hold
hold sth + adj.: I'll hold the door open for you. hold
I'll hold on to your mail for you until you get back. hold on to sth, hold onto sth
Can you hold on? I'll see if he's here. hold on
Do you think that mixed-ability classes hold back the better students? hold sb/sth back
It's very windy—you'd better hold on to your hat. hold on (to sth/sb), hold on to sth/sb
She tried to keep hold of the child's hand. hold
Make sure you've got a steady hold on the camera. hold
Where are you going for your holidays this year? holiday
I often think about my friends back home. home
I'll call you from home later. home
I phoned you last night, but you weren't at home. at home
What time did you get home last night? home
How much homework do you get? homework
honest (about sth): Are you being completely honest about your feelings? honest
Give me your honest opinion. honest
You can't honestly expect me to believe that! honestly
upholding the honour of your country honour
Hang your towel on the hook. hook
'Nobody blames you.' 'I should hope not!' I should hope so/not, so I should hope
Don't raise your hopes too high, or you may be disappointed. hope
to honk your car horn horn
to sound/toot your horn horn
In this section you'll find horror and science fiction. horror
You can make a curry hotter simply by adding chillies. hot
Do you like this hot weather? hot
The minimum wage was set at £5.80 an hour. hour
What are your office hours? hour
What time do you leave the house in the morning (= to go to work)? house
Be quiet or you'll wake the whole house! house
the housing market (= the activity of buying and selling houses, etc.) housing
I'll show you how to load the software. how
Do you remember how (= that) the kids always loved going there? how
How ever did you get here so quickly? how
How are you? how
How are you feeling now? how
How was your trip? how
How often do you go swimming? how
How kind of you to help! how
I'm not going. How about you? how about...?
'I think you owe me some money.' ' How come?' how come?
However you look at it, it's going to cost a lot. however
Contact with other people is a basic human need. human
It's only human to want the best for your children. human
He's really very human when you get to know him. human
He gave a humorous account of their trip to Spain. humorous
Whatever you do, don't lose your sense of humour. humour
The film is only funny if you appreciate French humour (= things that cause French people to laugh). humour
hunt sth: Whales are still being hunted and killed in the Arctic. hunt
I've hunted everywhere but I can't find it. hunt
You'll have to hurry if you want to catch that train. hurry
hurry sb: I don't want to hurry you but we close in twenty minutes. hurry
Why are you in such a hurry to sell? in a hurry to do sth
Did you hurt yourself? hurt
Stop it. You're hurting me. hurt
hurt sb/sth: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. hurt
'Island' begins with (an) I/'I'. I
He and I are old friends. I
There was ice on the windows. ice
The lake was covered with a sheet of ice. ice
My hands are as cold as ice. ice
You'll soon get the idea (= understand). idea
The whole idea of going was so that we could meet her new boyfriend. idea
What gave you the idea that he'd be here? idea
The brochure should give you a good idea of the hotel. idea
If this is your idea of a joke, then I don't find it very funny. idea
identify sb/sth as sb/sth: The bodies were identified as those of two suspected drug dealers. identify
Many of those arrested refused to identify themselves (= would not say who they were). identify
Their identities were kept secret. identity
Do you have any proof of identity? identity
a plan to strengthen the corporate identity of the company identity
the basic essentials of life, i.e. housing, food and water i.e.
If you see him, give him this note. if
I'll only stay if you offer me more money. if
You can stay for the weekend if you like. if
You would know what was going on if you'd (= you had) listened. if
Even if (= although) you did see someone, you can't be sure it was him. if
She glares at me if I go near her desk. if
Do you know if he's married? if
Listen to the tune and see if you can remember the words. if
I am sorry if I disturbed you. if
I'd be grateful if you would keep it a secret. if
Do you mind if I turn the TV off? if
If you ask me, she's too scared to do it. if
If you think about it, those children must be at school by now. if
If you remember, Mary was always fond of animals. if
I'll go if you're going. If not (= if you are not) I'd rather stay at home. if not
Are you ready? If not, I'm going without you. if not
Do you want that cake? If not, I'll have it. if not
If I were you I'd start looking for another job. if I were you
illustrate sth with sth: His lecture was illustrated with photos taken during the expedition. illustrate
illustrate sth: To illustrate my point, let me tell you a little story. illustrate
a wooden image of the Hindu god Ganesh image
I had an imaginary friend when I was a child. imaginary
I won't tell you his reaction—I'll leave that to your imagination. imagination
Don't let your imagination run away with you (= don't use too much imagination). imagination
Nobody hates you—it's all in your imagination. imagination
Use your imagination! (= used to tell sb that they will have to guess the answer to the question they have asked you, usually because it is obvious or embarrassing) imagination
Is it my imagination or have you lost a lot of weight? imagination
With a little imagination, you could turn this place into a palace. imagination
imagine (that)...: Close your eyes and imagine (that) you are in a forest. imagine
imagine what, how, etc...: Can you imagine what it must be like to lose your job after 20 years? imagine
imagine sth: There's nobody there. You're imagining things. imagine
They were charged with living off immoral earnings (= money earned by working as a prostitute ). immoral
imply (that)...: Are you implying (that) I am wrong? imply
State your reasons in order of importance. importance
important (to sb): It's very important to me that you should be there. important
She was sitting importantly behind a big desk. importantly
Honestly, you're impossible at times! impossible
You'll have to play better than that if you really want to make an impression (= to make people admire you). impression
an initial/a lasting impression impression
She gives the impression of being very busy. impression
Try and smile. You don't want to give people the wrong impression (= that you are not friendly). impression
Sales figures continue to show signs of improvement. improvement
improvement in/on/to sth: There is still room for improvement in your work. improvement
This is a great improvement on your previous work. improvement
sitting in an armchair in
He dipped his brush in the paint. in
Say it in English. in
She wrote in pencil. in
Put it in writing. in
I paid in cash. in
the government's inability to provide basic services inability
He escaped death by an inch. inch
include doing sth: Your duties include typing letters and answering the telephone. include
include sb/sth (as/in/on sth): You should include some examples in your essay. include
a weekly disposable income (= the money that you have left to spend after tax, etc.) of £200 income
They receive a proportion of their income from the sale of goods and services. income
increase sth (by sth): They've increased the price by 50%. increase
an increase of 2p in the pound on income tax increase
'Do you agree?' 'Indeed I do/Yes, indeed.' indeed
'You said you'd help?' 'I did indeed—yes.' indeed
Cuba gained independence from Spain in 1898. independence
a man of independent means (= with an income that he does not earn by working) independent
indicate sb/sth (to sb): She took out a map and indicated the quickest route to us. indicate
indicate sth: A red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day. indicate
indicate that...: Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power. indicate
indicate sth: Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy. indicate
to find something out by indirect methods indirect
infect sb/sth with sth: people infected with HIV infect
influence (with sb): She could probably exert her influence with the manager and get you a job. influence
influence (on sb/sth): Those friends are a bad influence on her. influence
There seem to be several influences at work in (= affecting) his writing. influence
Don't let me influence you either way. influence
Research shows that most young smokers are influenced by their friends. influence
I don't want to influence you. It must be your own decision. influence
I am pleased to inform you that you have won first prize in this month's competition. inform
an information desk information
Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries. ingredient
an initial payment of £60 and ten instalments of £25 initial
in the initial stages (= at the beginning) of the campaign initial
My initial reaction was to decline the offer. initial
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was often known by his initials JFK. initial
Just write your initials. initial
Initially, the system worked well. initially
The death toll was initially reported at around 250, but was later revised to 300. initially
My contract is initially for three years. initially
You won't get much help. You'll have to use your initiative. initiative
Don't do that. You'll do yourself an injury (= hurt yourself). injury
written in ink ink
insert sth: Position the cursor where you want to insert a word. insert
Inside the box was a gold watch. inside
You'll feel better with a good meal inside you. inside
You've got your sweater on inside out. inside out
'Please come with us.' 'Very well then, if you insist.' insist
They insist on playing their music late at night. insist on doing sth
What would you do, for instance, if you found a member of staff stealing? for instance
In the first instance, notify the police and then contact your insurance company. in the first instance
Now I can walk to work instead of going by car. instead of
The new management intends to institute a number of changes. institute
Always read the instructions before you start. instruction
He phoned you on my instructions. instruction
the instrument panel instrument
You insult my intelligence! (= you are treating me as if I am stupid) insult
Can you claim for the loss on your insurance? insurance
intend sth (by sth): What exactly did you intend by that remark? intend
The original intention was to devote three months to the project. intention
These plants will add interest to your garden in winter. interest
Do your parents take an interest in your friends? interest
Could I interest you in this model, Sir? interest sb in sth
interested (to do sth): We would be interested to hear your views on this subject. interested
There's a talk on Italian art—are you interested (= would you like to go)? interested
It is particularly interesting to compare the two versions. interesting
You can buy our goods over the Internet. Internet
an Internet service provider (= a company that provides you with an Internet connection and services such as email, etc.) Internet
Her evidence suggests a different interpretation of the events. interpretation
Sorry to interrupt, but there's someone to see you. interrupt
interrupt with sth: Would you mind not interrupting with questions all the time? interrupt
interrupt sb/sth (with sth): I hope I'm not interrupting you. interrupt
We interrupt this programme to bring you an important news bulletin. interrupt
Interviews and questionnaires are the most important tools in market research. interview
Which post are you being interviewed for? interview
She turned and walked off into the night. into
Can you translate this passage into German? into
Bands from London introduced the craze for this kind of music. introduce
introduce yourself (to sb): Can I introduce myself? I'm Helen Robins. introduce
'Kay, this is Steve.' 'Yes, I know—we've already introduced ourselves.' introduce
By way of introduction, let me give you the background to the story. introduction
a letter of introduction (= a letter which tells sb who you are, written by sb who knows both you and the person reading the letter) introduction
Many children invent an imaginary friend. invent
invitation to do sth: I have an open invitation (= not restricted to a particular date) to visit my friend in Japan. invitation
Admission is by invitation only. invitation
Have you ordered the wedding invitations yet? invitation
invite sb to sth: Have you been invited to their party? invite
involve yourself (in sth): Parents should involve themselves in their child's education. involve
involved with sb/sth: You're too emotionally involved with the situation. involved
a steam iron iron
an irritating cough/rash irritating
I'm not bothered about the cost—you're the one who's making an issue of it. issue
If you have any issues, please call this number. issue
You're just avoiding the issue. issue
They issued a joint statement denying the charges. issue
The police have issued an appeal for witnesses. issue
'Where's your car?' 'It's in the garage.' it
Did you see it? it
Yes, I was at home on Sunday. What about it? (= Why do you ask?) it
It's your mother on the phone. it
Was it you who put these books on my desk? it
It's Spain that they're going to, not Portugal. it
Have you any idea of its value? its
The village itself is pretty, but the surrounding countryside is rather dull. itself
He's only talking to her to make you jealous. jealous
She took a job as a waitress. job
Many women are in part-time jobs. job
Did they offer you the job? job
join sb (for sth): Will you join us for lunch? join
Do you mind if I join you? join
join sb in doing sth: I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing Ted and Laura a very happy marriage. join
It costs £20 to join. join
The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge. join
No way am I doing that. You must be joking! you're joking, you must be joking
She's going out with Dan? You're joking! you're joking, you must be joking
Did you have a good journey? journey
I'm afraid you've had a wasted journey (= you cannot do what you have come to do). journey
the panel of judges at the flower show judge
a federal judge judge
What gives you the right to judge other people? judge
Judging by her last letter, they are having a wonderful time. judge
It's not something I can give you rules for; you'll have to use your judgement. judgement
I'd like to reserve judgement until I see the report. judgement
Do you want a ride? Jump in. jump
jump sth: Can you jump that gate? jump
Somehow he survived the jump from the third floor of the building. jump
You're just in time. just
You can get there just as cheaply by plane. just
When you arrived he had only just left. just
I was just going to tell you when you interrupted. just
I didn't mean to upset you. It's just that I had to tell somebody. just
Just because you're older than me doesn't mean you know everything. just
just (to do sth): I waited an hour just to see you. just
'Can I help you?' 'No thanks, I'm just looking.' (= in a shop/store) just
Come and see me later—I'm busy just now. just now
'Did you reach your sales target?' 'Just about.' just about
He demanded, not without justice, that he should be allowed to express his views. justice
You don't need to justify yourself to me. justify
He scarcely earns enough to keep himself and his family. keep
Can you keep a secret? keep
Keep your passport in a safe place. keep
She had trouble keeping her balance. keep
keep sb/sth doing sth: I'm very sorry to keep you waiting. keep
The enemy kept up the bombardment day and night. keep sth up
If you do not keep up with the payments you could lose your home. keep up with sth
You just have to keep yourself busy and keep going. keep going
Keep going, Sarah, you're nearly there. keep going
Check your answers in the key at the back of the book. key
The key is, how long can the federal government control the inflation rate? key
We'll have a duplicate key cut (= made). key
Key (in) your password. key
How are the kids (= your children)? kid
Do you have any kids? kid
He tried to kill himself with sleeping pills. kill
Flour is sold by the kilogram. kilogram
You're making progress of a kind. of a kind
As well as his salary, he gets benefits in kind. in kind
She insulted him and he responded in kind. in kind
You've been very kind. kind
Soft water is kinder to your hair. kind
kind (of sb) (to do sth): It was really kind of you to help me. kind
Thank you for your kind invitation. kind
'Do have another.' 'That's very kind of you (= thank you).' kind
Would you be kind enough to close the window? kind
knock sth (against/on sth): Be careful you don't knock your head on this low beam. knock
knock against/on sth: Her hand knocked against the glass. knock
know sth: Do you know any Japanese? know
know how, what, etc...: Do you know how to use spreadsheets? know
Do you two know each other (= have you met before)? know
She's very nice when you get to know her. know
Do you know the play (= have you seen or read it before)? know
know (sth): 'You were right—someone's been spreading rumours about you.' 'I knew it!' know
I know exactly how you feel. know
know sth: Do you know his address? know
know (of/about sth): 'You've got a flat tyre.' 'I know.' know
'There's no one in.' 'How do you know? ' know
You know about Amanda's baby, don't you? know
I don't know about you, but I'm ready for something to eat. know
'Isn't that his car?' 'I wouldn't know./How should I know? ' (= I don't know and I am not the person you should ask.) know
'What are you two whispering about?' 'You don't want to know ' (= because you would be shocked or wouldn't approve). know
Well, you know, it's difficult to explain. you know
Guess who I've just seen? Maggie! You know—Jim's wife. you know
You know that restaurant round the corner? It's closed down. you know
I'm not stupid, you know. you know
I don't know if I can come, but I'll let you know tomorrow. let sb know
manual labour (= work using your hands) labour
There's a lady waiting to see you. lady
Can I take your coats, ladies? lady
a table/desk/bicycle, etc. lamp lamp
We made the journey by land, though flying would have been cheaper. land
We shall be landing shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts. land
Give your instructions in everyday language. language
She has a good command of the Spanish language. language
a qualification in language teaching language
Is English an official language in your country? language
I wouldn't marry you if you were the last person on earth! last
When did you see him last? last
last sb: These shoes should last you till next year. last
last (out): Can you last (out) until I can get help? last
What are you doing up at this late hour? late
I'm afraid you're too late to apply for the job. be too late
Have you heard the latest news? latest
laugh (at/about sth): You never laugh at my jokes! laugh
+ speech: 'You're crazy!' she laughed. laugh
She is not afraid to laugh at herself (= is not too serious about herself). laugh at sb/sth
What made you go into law? law
a federal/state law law
Do not think you are above the law (= think that you cannot be punished by the law). law
to lay the table lay
lay B with A: The floor was laid with newspaper. lay
How many layers of clothing are you wearing? layer
lead (sb/sth) by sth: The champion is leading (her nearest rival) by 18 seconds. lead
lead sb (to sth): What led you to this conclusion? lead
If you lead, I'll follow. lead
to increase/widen your lead lead
Manchester lost their early two-goal lead. lead
If we look at the league table we can see Bolton are bottom with 21 points. league
learn sth from doing sth: You can learn a great deal just from watching other players. learn
learn (about sth): She's very keen to learn about Japanese culture. learn
learn of/about sth: I learnt of her arrival from a close friend. learn
I've known her at least as long as you have. at least
You could at least listen to what he says. at least
The soles are made of leather. leather
leave sth (for sb): Someone left this note for you. leave
leave sb sth: Someone left you this note. leave
leave sb/sth + adv./prep.: You can leave the cooking to me. leave
'Where shall we eat?' 'I'll leave it entirely (up) to you (= you can decide).' leave
leave sth (to sb): She left £1 million to her daughter. leave
leave sb sth: She left her daughter £1 million. leave
leave sth: Red wine leaves a stain. leave
leave sb sth: I'm afraid you leave me no choice. leave
How many tickets do you have left? leave
leave sth/sb behind: Don't leave any of your belongings behind. leave
leave sth until...: Why do you always leave everything until the last moment? leave
Look left and right before you cross the road. left
Twist your body to the left, then to the right. left
Sit on the floor, stretching your legs out in front of you. leg
The driver was more than three times over the legal limit (= the amount of alcohol you are allowed to have in your body when you are driving). legal
You are legally entitled to a full refund. legally
lend (out) sth (to sb): I've lent the car to a friend. lend
lend sb sth: Can you lend me your car this evening? lend
Did you see the length of his hair? length
As time passed, she saw less and less of all her old friends at home. less and less
lesson to sb: Let that be a lesson to you (= so that you do not make the same mistake again). lesson
Let us get those boxes down for you. let
Don't let her upset you. let
Let your body relax. let
I'll give you a key so that you can let yourself in. let
This machine won't let you down. let sb down
Let go! You're hurting me! let sb/sth go, let go (of sb/sth)
a business/thank-you, etc. letter letter
There's a letter for you from your mother. letter
You will be notified by letter. letter
'B' is the second letter of the alphabet. letter
Write your name in capital/block letters. letter
The tables are not on a level (= the same height). level
a decision taken at board level level
She drew level with (= came beside) the police car. level
licence (to do sth): You need a licence to fish in this river. licence
licensing hours (= the times when alcohol can be sold at a pub, etc.) license
Life can be difficult when you move to a new town. life
Life isn't like in the movies, you know. life
How do you find life in Japan? life
I'll give you a lift to the station. lift
Do you have a light? light
Check your car before you drive to make sure that your lights are working. light
She could just see by the light of the candle. light
You are probably well enough to take a little light exercise. light
You only need to apply light pressure. light
The aluminium body is 12% lighter than if built with steel. light
Lighter shades suit you best. light
The stage was lit by bright spotlights. light
What's it like studying in Spain? like
This new girlfriend of his—what's she like? like
You do it like this. like
Do you like their new house? like
Which tie do you like best? like
How did you like Japan (= did you find it pleasant)? like
You've got to go to school, whether you like it or not. like
like it when...: I like it when you do that. like
Do what you like—I don't care. like
You can dye your hair whatever colour you like. like
like to do sth: I didn't like to disturb you. like
like sth: Would you like a drink? like
Would you like to come with us? like
like sb/sth to do sth: We'd like you to come and visit us. like
'Shall we stop now?' 'If you like.' if you like
If you like, we could go out this evening. if you like
Like I said (= as I said before), you're always welcome to stay. like
You can't drive—you're over the limit (= you have drunk more alcohol than is legal when driving). limit
The amount of money you have to spend will limit your choice. limit
I've limited myself to 1 000 calories a day to try and lose weight. limit
Just keep going in a straight line; you can't miss it. line
Please move; you're right in my line of vision (= the direction I am looking in). line
Be careful to stay out of the line of fire (= the direction sb is shooting in). line
Your bill includes line rental. line
The company's lines have been jammed (= busy) all day with people making complaints. line
If you hold the line (= stay on the telephone and wait), I'll see if she is available. line
Look at line 5 of the text. line
Write the title of your essay on the top line. line
to learn your lines line
He was convicted of illegally importing weapons across state lines. line
Your feet must be behind the line when you serve (= in tennis ). line
evidence for a strong causal link between exposure to sun and skin cancer link
your upper/lower/top/bottom lip lip
a bar selling snacks and liquid refreshment (= drinks) liquid
Is your name on the list? list
Her novel shot to the top of the best-seller list. list
Towns in the guide are listed alphabetically. list
Listen! What's that noise? Can you hear it? listen
You haven't been listening to a word I've said! listen
None of this would have happened if you'd listened to me. listen
Why won't you listen to reason? listen
Listen, there's something I have to tell you. listen
'Which do you want?' 'I'll take the little one.' little
Here's a little something (= a small present) for your birthday. little
You soon get used to the little difficulties. little
If you have any spare milk, could you give me a little? little
Where do you live? live
Small birds live mainly on insects. live on sth
You can't live on forty pounds a week. live on sth
a live recording made at Wembley Arena live
the band's new live album live
You're talking a load of rubbish. load
She's got loads of friends. load
Can you help me load the dishwasher? load
load sth (up) (with sth): Men were loading up a truck with timber. load
Do you live locally (= in this area)? locally
Did you lock the door? lock
Don't forget to lock up at night. lock up, lock sth up
It's a good idea to have locks fitted on all your windows. lock
How long a stay did you have in mind? long
The table is six feet long. long
Have you been here long? long
The party went on long into the night. long
How long have you been waiting? long
Will you be away for long? for (so) long
I'm sorry I haven't written to you for so long. for (so) long
You made me look a complete fool! look
look (to sb) as if.../as though...: You look as though you slept badly. look
look where, what, etc...: Can't you look where you're going? look
look for sb/sth: Where have you been? We've been looking for you. look
Are you still looking for a job? look
If you look carefully you can just see our house from here. look
Don't look now, but there's someone staring at you! look
You should look out for pickpockets. look out for sb/sth
Do look out for spelling mistakes in your work. look out for sb/sth
I'll look out for you at the conference. look out for sb/sth
Your ankle's swollen—I think the doctor ought to look at it. look at sth
Who's going to look after the children while you're away? look after yourself/sb/sth
Don't worry about me—I can look after myself (= I don't need any help). look after yourself/sb/sth
look doing sth: We're really looking forward to seeing you again. look forward to sth
Can you look up the opening times on the website? look sth up
It's going to rain today by the look of it (= judging by appearances). look
I don't like the look of that guy (= I don't trust him, judging by his appearance). look
Make sure you get a good look at their faces. look
It's an interesting place. Do you want to take a look around? look
The potatoes were sold loose, not in bags. loose
During the night, somebody had cut the boat loose from its moorings. loose
Emergency food supplies were brought in by lorry. lorry
Poetry always loses something in translation. lose
lose sth (on sth/by doing sth): You have nothing to lose by telling the truth. lose
lose on sth/by doing sth: We lost on that deal. lose
lose (sth) (by sth): He lost by less than 100 votes. lose
At that moment he lost his balance and fell. lose
You will lose your deposit if you cancel the order. lose
Sit down or you'll lose your seat. lose
loss of earnings (= the money you do not earn because you are prevented from working) loss
Your cheque must have got lost in the post. lost
The strike cost them thousands of pounds in lost business. lost
We would be lost without your help. lost
'How many do you need?' 'A lot.' lot
Have some more cake. There's lots left. lot
Thanks a lot for your help. lot
She spoke in a very loud voice. loud
love of your country love
I just love it when you bring me presents! love
I love it in Spain (= I like the life there). love
You're going to love this. They've changed their minds again. love
love to do sth: Come on Rory, the kids would love to hear you sing. love
If you love each other, why not get married? love
to love your country love
'Can I get you anything?' 'A cup of tea would be lovely.' lovely
How lovely to see you! lovely
It's been lovely having you here. lovely
You've got yourself into a lovely mess, haven't you? lovely
They were speaking in low voices. low
a low wall/building/table low
Can you turn the music lower—you'll wake the baby. low
a loyal friend/supporter loyal
It was a stroke of luck that we found you. luck
You're in luck (= lucky) —there's one ticket left. luck
You're out of luck. She's not here. luck
The best of luck with your exams. the best of luck (with sth), good luck (with sth)
lucky (to do sth): His friend was killed and he knows he is lucky to be alive. lucky
lucky (that...): You were lucky (that) you spotted the danger in time. lucky
You can think yourself lucky you didn't get mugged. lucky
You stay there with the luggage while I find a cab. luggage
a machine for making plastic toys machine
The potatoes are planted by machine. machine
You must be mad to risk it. mad
Do you believe in magic? magic
He suddenly appeared as if by magic. magic
Your cheque is in the mail. mail
We do our business by mail. mail
mail sth (to sb/sth): Don't forget to mail that letter to your mother. mail
mail sb sth: Don't forget to mail your mother that letter. mail
mail sth (to sb/sth): The virus mails itself forward to everyone in your address book. mail
mail sb sth: Can you mail me that document you mentioned? mail
Be careful crossing the main road. main
'Where do you export to?' 'France, mainly.' mainly
to maintain law and order/standards/a balance maintain
He makes a living as a stand-up comic. make
make sb/sth + adj.: You've made my nose too big (= for example in a drawing). make
The holes in the cloth were made by moths. make
Can you make yourself understood in Russian? make
What makes you say that (= why do you think so)? make
You've made a terrible mess of this job. make
It's important to try and make something of (= achieve sth in) your life. make
We'll make a tennis player of you yet. make
make sth: to make a table/dress/cake make
to make bread/cement/paper make
make sth (out) of sth: What's your shirt made of? make
You made that up! make sth up
How can I make up for the way I've treated you? make up (to sb) for sth
I'll make it up to you, I promise. make up (to sb) for sth
male bonding (= the act of forming close friendships between men) male
Some teenagers were hanging out at the mall. mall
Can you manage that suitcase? manage
He has to manage on less than £100 a week. manage
a computer program that helps you manage data efficiently manage
Let's meet up again—can you manage next week sometime? manage
manage with/without sb/sth: How do you manage without a car? manage
I don't know exactly how we'll manage it, but we will, somehow. manage
Can you manage another piece of cake? (= eat one) manage
How did you manage to persuade him? manage
We couldn't have managed without you. manage
The management is/are considering closing the factory. management
My role is to act as a mediator between employees and management. management
time management (= the way in which you organize how you spend your time) management
the sales/marketing/personnel manager manager
It is bad manners to talk with your mouth full. manner
We don't have very many copies left. many
You can't have one each. We haven't got many. many
How many children do you have? many
The exhibition has helped put the city on the map. put sb/sth on the map
an unexplored region that has not yet been mapped map
It is now possible to map the different functions of the brain. map
scientific discoveries which help to map our distant past map
Grammar information enables students to map the structure of a foreign language onto their own. map sth on/onto sth
Why have you marked this wrong? mark
to get a good/poor mark in English mark
What's the pass mark (= the mark you need in order to pass)? mark
'You're wearing a tie!' 'Full marks for observation.' mark
The children left dirty marks all over the kitchen floor. mark
market stalls/traders market
They have cornered the market in sportswear (= sell the most). market
the Japanese market market
She works in sales and marketing. marketing
All of her children's marriages ended in divorce. marriage
How long have you been married? married
Are you enjoying married life? married
I began sifting through the mass of evidence. mass
He has a Master's in Business Administration. master
If you suspect a gas leak do not strike a match or use electricity. match
a pine table with four matching chairs matching
A male bird sings to attract a mate. mate
workmates/teammates/playmates/classmates mate
my room-mate/flatmate mate
Sorry mate, you'll have to wait. mate
All right, mate? mate
They've been best mates since school. mate
I was with a mate. mate
'What material is this dress made of?' 'Cotton.' material
Some people prefer the older version to the new one. It's a matter of taste. matter
Just as a matter of interest (= because it is interesting, not because it is important), how much did you pay for it? matter
What's the matter with you today (= why are you behaving like this)? matter
She may need your help with some business matters. matter
That's a matter for you to take up with your boss. matter
And then there's the little matter of the fifty pounds you owe me. matter
I decided to take matters into my own hands (= deal with the situation myself). matter
'I suppose you'll be leaving soon, then?' 'No, as a matter of fact I'll be staying for another two years.' as a matter of fact
They don't last long no matter how careful you are. no matter who, what, where, etc.
Call me when you get there, no matter what the time is. no matter who, what, where, etc.
'What did you say?' 'Oh, it doesn't matter' (= it is not important enough to repeat).' matter
As long as you're happy, that's all that matters. matter
He's been in prison, you know—not that it matters (= that information does not affect my opinion of him). matter
It doesn't matter to me what you do. matter
The job will require you to use all your skills to the maximum. maximum
What is the absolute maximum you can afford to pay? maximum
You may come in if you wish. may
'Are you going to sell your house?' 'Maybe.' maybe
Maybe you should tell her. maybe
'You should stop work when you have the baby.' 'Maybe, but I can't afford to.' maybe
You're taller than me. me
What time would you like your evening meal? meal
Your friendship means a great deal to me. mean
$20 means a lot (= represents a lot of money) when you live on $100 a week. mean
mean to be/do sth: Do you have any idea what it means to be poor? mean
mean sth: What did she mean by leaving so early (= why did she do it)? mean
I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to. mean
mean sb/sth to do sth: I didn't mean you to read the letter. mean
You're meant to (= you are supposed to) pay before you go in. mean
mean (that)...: I never meant (that) you should come alone. mean
mean sth: What did he mean by that remark? mean
'Perhaps we should try another approach.' 'What do you mean? (= I don't understand what you are suggesting.)' mean
What do you mean, you thought I wouldn't mind? (= of course I mind and I am very angry) mean
I always found him a little strange, if you know what I mean (= if you understand what I mean by 'strange'). mean
I know what you mean (= I understand and feel sympathy). I hated learning to drive too. mean
I see what you mean (= I understand although I may not agree), but I still think it's worth trying. mean
'But Pete doesn't know we're here!' 'That's what I mean! (= that's what I have been trying to tell you.)' mean
Do you mean Ann Smith or Mary Smith? mean
You mean (= are you telling me) we have to start all over again? mean
mean sth to sb: Does the name 'Jos Vos' mean anything to you (= do you know who he is)? mean
mean (that)...: The flashing light means (that) you must stop. mean
I don't quite get your meaning (= understand what you mean to say). meaning
What's the meaning of this? I explicitly told you not to leave the room. meaning
Have you any means of identification? means
The load was lifted by means of a crane. by means of sth
The doctor will see you again next week. Meanwhile, you must rest as much as possible. meanwhile
Stress can be extremely damaging to your health. Exercise, meanwhile, can reduce its effects. meanwhile
measure sth (in sth): A ship's speed is measured in knots. measure
Do you know your measurements (= the size of parts of your body)? measurement
a medical certificate (= a statement by a doctor that gives details of your state of health) medical
Did you take your medicine? medicine
A T-shirt can be an excellent medium for getting your message across. medium
Where did you first meet your husband? meet
Pleased to meet you. meet
Nice meeting you. meet
There's someone I want you to meet. meet
The committee meets on Fridays. meet
Will you meet me at the airport? meet
meet sb: Did you meet anyone in town? meet
a committee/staff meeting meeting
I'll be in a meeting all morning—can you take my calls? meeting
melting ice melt
Little is known about the third member of the band. member
Have you got enough memory available to run the program? memory
What is your earliest memory? memory
Are you sure? Memory can play tricks on you. memory
Do you have a mental picture of what it will look like? mental
'Thanks for all your help.' 'Don't mention it.' don't mention it
You've got the job. The interview will be a mere formality. mere
That's another fine mess you've got us into. mess
We've had an urgent message saying that your father's ill. message
I've been trying to get you all day—don't you ever listen to your messages? message
The frame is made of metal. metal
His picture was right/bang (= exactly) in the middle of the front page. middle
You can't leave in the middle of the meeting! middle
Let's have a midnight feast tonight (= a secret meal that children like to have in the middle of the night). midnight
You might try calling the help desk. might
Might I use your phone? might
Do you take milk in your tea? milk
Sorry—your name has gone right out of my mind. mind
Keep your mind on your work! mind
Your mind's not on the job. mind
As for avoiding you, nothing could be further from my mind (= I was not thinking of it at all). mind
Do you have anyone in mind for this job? have sb/sth in mind (for sth)
Have you made up your minds where to go for your honeymoon? make up your mind, make your mind up
You'll never persuade him to stay—his mind's made up (= he has definitely decided to go). make up your mind, make your mind up
Come on—it's make your mind up time! make up your mind, make your mind up
Mind your head! (= for example, be careful you don't hit it on a low ceiling) mind
Mind your language! (= don't speak in a rude or offensive way) mind
mind how, where, etc...: Mind how you go! (= often used when you say goodbye to sb) mind
Mind where you're treading! mind
mind (that)...: Mind you don't cut yourself—that knife's very sharp. mind
You must be home for dinner, mind. mind
I don't mind helping if you can't find anyone else. mind
'Would you like tea or coffee?' 'I don't mind—either's fine.' mind
Don't mind me (= don't let me disturb you) —I'll just sit here quietly. mind
Do you mind if I open the window? mind
mind sb doing sth: Are you married, if you don't mind me asking? mind
Are you married, if you don't mind my asking? mind
mind doing sth: Would you mind explaining that again, please? mind
Do you mind driving? I'm feeling pretty tired. mind
I hope you don't mind the noise. mind
mind sb/sth doing sth: Do your parents mind you leaving home? mind
Do your parents mind your leaving home? mind
Have you broken it? Never mind, we can buy another one. never mind
This isn't where I intended to take you—but never mind, it's just as good. never mind
I'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind. if you don't mind, if you wouldn't mind
Can you read that form carefully, if you wouldn't mind, and then sign it. if you don't mind, if you wouldn't mind
I've heard they're getting divorced. Mind you, I'm not surprised—they were always arguing. mind you
He's a friend of mine (= one of my friends). mine
What are your minimum requirements for the job? minimum
As an absolute minimum, you should spend two hours in the evening studying. minimum
Could I see you for a minute? minute
I'll be with you in a minute, Jo. minute
Just minutes into the second half of the game Robinson scored his second goal. minute
What did you miss most when you were in France? miss
'Is Ann there?' 'You've just missed her (= she has just left).' miss
You can't afford to miss meals (= not eat meals) when you're in training. miss
to miss a turn (= to not play when it is your turn in a game) miss
The sale prices were too good to miss. miss
You missed a good party last night (= because you did not go). miss
'Are you coming to the school play?' 'I wouldn't miss it for the world.' miss
You're missing the point (= failing to understand the main part) of what I'm saying. miss
The hotel is the only white building on the road—you can't miss it. miss
Your mother will know who's moved in—she doesn't miss much. miss
When you painted your bedroom, you missed a bit (= of the wall) under the window. miss
miss (sb/sth): How many goals has he missed this season? miss
That's all, thank you, Miss Lipman. miss
Fill in the missing words in this text. missing
You must try to learn from your mistakes. mistake
I took your bag instead of mine by mistake. by mistake
I think you must be mistaking me for someone else. mistake sb/sth for sb/sth
You are completely mistaken about Jane. mistaken
If you mix blue and yellow, you get green. mix
mix sth: With this range of paints, you can mix your own colours. mix
mix sth for sb: Why don't you mix a cocktail for our guests? mix
mix sb sth: Why don't you mix our guests a cocktail? mix
I think you must be mixing me up with someone else. mix sb/sth up (with sb/sth)
Don't tell me you're mixed up in all of this? be/get mixed up in sth
a pair of wool mix socks (= made of wool and other materials) mix
a cake mix mix
cake mixture mixture
Are you listening, Mom? mom
Could you wait a moment, please? moment
We're busy at the moment (= now). moment
Have I caught you at a bad moment? moment
Are you busy next Monday? Monday
If the item is not satisfactory, you will get your money back. money
Can you lend me some money until tomorrow? money
The rent is £300 per month. month
Have you read this month's 'Physics World'? month
to be in a foul/filthy mood mood
The job was to call on all her diplomatic skills and moral courage (= the courage to do what you think is right). moral
Could you repeat that once more (= one more time)? more
I'm more than happy (= extremely happy) to take you there in my car. more
I will torment you no more (= no longer). more
They left for Spain early this morning. morning
See you tomorrow morning. morning
I'll give you a call in the morning. in the morning
Who do you think will get (the) most votes? most
As most of you know, I've decided to resign. most
What did you enjoy (the) most? most
Don't talk with your mouth full (= when eating). mouth
It's your turn to move. move
You can hardly move in this pub on Saturdays (= because it is so crowded). move
You can't move for books in her room. move
There's room for another one if you move up a bit. move over
What's the date of your move? move
The management have made no move to settle the strike. move
Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of movement. movement
Have you seen the latest Miyazaki movie? movie
Please help me get this job—you know I would do as much for you. as much
multiply A by B: 2 multiplied by 4 is/equals/makes 8 (2×4 = 8) multiply
multiply A and B (together): Multiply 2 and 6 together and you get 12. multiply
It was a charming piece of music. music
Can you read music (= understand the signs in order to play or sing a piece of music)? music
I must ask you not to do that again. must
You mustn't say things like that. must
Must you always question everything I say? (= it is annoying) must
'Do we have to finish this today?' 'Yes, you must.' must
You must be hungry after all that walking. must
You simply must read this book. must
I haven't been feeling myself recently (= I have not felt well). myself
I needed space to be myself (= not influenced by other people). myself
I myself do not agree. myself
The band was financed by a mystery backer. mystery
a mystery tour (= when you do not know where you are going) mystery
Stop biting your nails! nail
What's your name? name
Please write your full name and address below. name
Do you know the name of this flower? name
Are you changing your name when you get married? name
Can you name all the American states? name
The manager has named his side for the semi-final. name
He had a narrow escape when his car skidded on the ice. narrow
The shop sells only a narrow range of goods. narrow
a narrow circle of friends narrow
They are afraid of losing their national identity. national
It's only natural to worry about your children. natural
It was my natural instinct to defend myself. natural
'Did you complain about the noise?' 'Naturally.' naturally
the changing nature of society nature
It's difficult to define the exact nature of the problem. nature
The future by its very nature is uncertain. nature
It's not in his nature to be unkind. nature
She is very sensitive by nature. nature
We appealed to his better nature (= his kindness). nature
Do you live near here? near
This colour is nearest (to) the original. near
a neat desk neat
If necessary, you can contact me at home. necessary
need sth/sb: Do you need any help? need
It's here if you need it. need
Don't go—I might need you. need
What do you need your own computer for? You can use ours. need
I don't need your comments, thank you. need
You don't need to leave yet, do you? need
All you need to do is complete this form. need
need (not) do sth: You needn't bother asking Rick—I know he's too busy. need
I need hardly tell you (= you must already know) that the work is dangerous. need
All you need bring are sheets. need
need (not) have done sth: You needn't have worried (= it was not necessary for you to worry, but you did) —it all turned out fine. need
Need you have paid so much? need
We will contact you again if the need arises. need
need (for sb/sth) to do sth: There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow. need
a programme to suit your individual needs need
The compass needle was pointing north. needle
We've had a lot of support from all our friends and neighbours. neighbour
'Which do you like?' 'Neither. I think they're both ugly.' neither
a nervous glance/smile/voice (= one that shows that you feel anxious) nervous
a mosquito net (= used to protect you from mosquitoes ) net
a network of friends network
You never help me. never
'Would you vote for him?' 'Never.' never
Never ever tell anyone your password. never
I never knew (= didn't know until now) you had a twin sister. never
'I told my boss exactly what I thought of her.' 'You never did!' (= 'Surely you didn't!') never
I should tell you, I'm completely new to this kind of work. new
You're new here, aren't you? new
new to sb: Our system is probably new to you. new
I like your new hairstyle. new
When do you start your new job? new
He's made a lot of new friends. new
Do you have her new phone number? new
Let me show you my new dress. new
Have you read her new novel? new
Have you heard the news? Pat's leaving! news
Tell me all your news. news
Have you had any news of Patrick? news
Do you want the good news or the bad news first? news
Can you put the news on? news
Round here, you leave school at sixteen and next thing you know, you're married with three kids. next
Did you have a nice time? nice
You look very nice. nice
nice (to do sth): Nice to meet you! (= a friendly greeting when you meet sb for the first time) nice
nice (doing sth): It's been nice meeting you. nice
nice (that...): It's nice that you can come with us. nice
If you ask her nicely she might say yes. nicely
These animals only come out at night. night
They sleep by day and hunt by night. night
Did you hear the storm last night? night
Where did you spend the night? night
You're welcome to stay the night here. night
You'll feel better after you've had a good night's sleep. night
She doesn't like to walk home late at night. night
'Are you ready?' 'No, I'm not.' no
'It's not very good, is it?' 'No, you're right, it isn't (= I agree).' no
There's no bread left. no
They are a small but noisy pressure group (= they try to attract attention to their ideas by frequent discussion and argument). noisy
You're talking nonsense! nonsense
'I won't go.' 'Nonsense! You must go!' nonsense
I can't wait for this nonsense to end so that we can all be friends again. nonsense
Most of the translation he did for me was complete nonsense. nonsense
It is normal practice to inform somebody if you want to leave early. normal
He blew his nose (= cleared it by blowing strongly into a handkerchief ). nose
Stop picking your nose! (= removing dirt from it with your finger) nose
Don't you eat meat? not
'What did you do at school?' 'Not a lot.' not
'Will it bother you if I smoke?' 'Not at all.' not at all
She not only wrote the text but also selected the illustrations. not only... (but) also...
a £5 note note
Can I borrow your lecture notes? note
The sleeve notes include a short biography of the performers on this recording. note
a new edition of 'Hamlet', with explanatory notes note
Just a quick note to say thank you for a wonderful evening. note
She left a note for Ben on the kitchen table. note
note sth: Note the fine early Baroque altar inside the chapel. note
There's nothing you can do to help. nothing
'What's that in your pocket?' 'Oh, nothing.' nothing
Get out! It's nothing to do with you (= you have no right to know about it). be/have nothing to do with sb/sth
You must give one month's notice. notice
The bar is closed until further notice (= until you are told that it is open again). notice
You are welcome to come and stay as long as you give us plenty of notice. notice
There was a notice on the board saying the class had been cancelled. notice
Don't take any notice of what you read in the papers. notice
It will not have escaped your notice that there have been some major changes in the company. notice
notice how, what, etc...: Did you notice how Rachel kept looking at her watch? notice
to write/publish/read a novel novel
Where are you living now? now
I am now ready to answer your questions. now
What do you want now? now
Talking to him will get you nowhere. get/go nowhere, get sb nowhere
I could give you any number of (= a lot of) reasons for not going. number
I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number (= wrong telephone number). number
What is your account number, please? number
The song reached number 5 in the charts. number
Think of a number and multiply it by two. number
You owe me 27 dollars? Make it 30, that's a good round number. number
Glass and plastic objects lined the shelves. object
If you're late, you'll defeat the whole object of the exercise. object
to meet/achieve your objectives objective
You must set realistic aims and objectives for yourself. objective
Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals' behaviour. observation
He began by making a few general observations about the report. observation
observe sb/sth: Have you observed any changes lately? observe
I want you to observe all the details. observe
I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report. obtain
Further details can be obtained by writing to the above address. obtain
I know you don't like her but try not to make it so obvious. obvious
'I didn't realise it was a formal occasion.' 'Obviously!' (= I can see by the way you are dressed) obviously
They marked the occasion (= celebrated it) with an open-air concert. occasion
Oddly enough, the most expensive tickets sold fastest. oddly
a friend of mine of
Can't you throw out that old bike of Tommy's? of
a map of India of
some of his friends of
It was kind of you to offer. of
Off you go! off
How many days did you take off? off
an island off the coast of Spain off
You need to take the top off the bottle first! off
They knocked £500 off the car. off
a capital offence (= one for which sb may be punished by death) offence
No one will take offence (= feel upset or insulted) if you leave early. offence
They'll be offended if you don't go to their wedding. offend
Neil did not mean to offend anybody with his joke . offend
She managed to offend her boyfriend's parents as soon as she opened her mouth. offend
offer (of sth): Thank you for your kind offer of help. offer
You can't just turn down offers of work like that. offer
They've decided to accept our original offer. offer
The original price was £3 000, but I'm open to offers (= willing to consider offers that are less than that). offer
See next week's issue for details of more free offers. offer
Are you going to the office today? office
The matter was passed on to me, as your commanding officer. officer
The country's official language is Spanish. official
I only knew the official version of events. official
The official story has always been that they are just good friends. official
How often do you go to the theatre? often
It is not often that you get such an opportunity. often
You can't come tonight? Oh well, see you next week then. oh
Oh, Sue! Could you help me a moment? oh
Are you OK? OK
Whatever you decide, it's okay by me. OK
She's an old friend of mine (= I have known her for a long time). old
At thirty years old, he was already earning £40 000 a year. old
There's a mark on your skirt. on
Put it down on the table. on
Hang your coat on that hook. on
on your birthday on
She tested us on irregular verbs. on
to be on the committee/staff/jury/panel on
Whose side are you on (= which of two or more different views do you support)? on
You can't feed a family on £50 a week. on
You can get me on 020 7946 0887. on
If you like a good story, read on. on
The band are on (= performing) in ten minutes. on
I once met your mother. once
I can't do everything all at once—you'll have to be patient. all at once
The water is fine once you're in! once
Do you want one or two? one
I'll see you at one (= one o'clock). one
One of my friends lives in Brighton. one
One day (= at some time in the future) you'll understand. one
I'd like an ice cream. Are you having one, too? one
My favourite band? Oh, that's a hard one (= a hard question). one
What made you choose the one rather than the other? one
We think of you as one of the family. one
You only have to look at her to see she doesn't eat enough. only
He was only teasing you. only
If you do that, it will only make matters worse. only
I'm open to suggestions for what you would like to do in our classes. open
driving along the open road (= part of a road in the country, where you can drive fast) open
He was breathing through his open mouth. open
The book lay open on the table. open
open sth: You need just one pound to open a bank account with us. open
open sth: Open the map on the table. open
Open your books at page 25. open
She laid the book flat and opened it up. open sth up
Can you talk openly about sex with your parents? openly
If you want my opinion, I think you'd be crazy not to accept. opinion
opportunity (to do sth): You'll have the opportunity to ask any questions at the end. opportunity
an equal opportunities employer opportunity
It's not easy having a relationship when you live at opposite ends of the country. opposite
I sat opposite him during the meal (= on the other side of the table). opposite
Write your address opposite (= next to) your name. opposite
There are various options open to you. option
option (to do sth): A savings plan that gives you the option to vary your monthly payments. option
This particular model comes with a wide range of options (= things you can choose to have when buying sth but which you will have to pay extra for). option
Is your sister older or younger than you? or
Are you coming or not? or
a side order (= for example, vegetables or salad that you eat with your main dish) order
Get your ideas into some sort of order before beginning to write. order
Is your work permit in order? in order
order (sth): I ordered a beer and a sandwich. order
Have you ordered yet? order
order (sth) (for sb): Will you order for me while I make a phone call? order
order sb sth: Shall I order you a taxi? order
order sth for sb: Shall I order a taxi for you? order
The officer ordered them to fire. order
ordinary people like you and me ordinary
I'll invite people if you can organize food and drinks. organize
You should try and organize your time better. organize
Isn't it time you started to get organized? organized
The room still has many of its original features. original
I think you should go back to your original plan. original
At the end of the lease, the land will be returned to the original owner. original
The original intention was to record about 80 speakers, divided equally between males and females. original
an original idea original
That's not a very original suggestion. original
an original thinker original
The original manuscript has been lost. original
Only original documents (= not photocopies) will be accepted as proof of status. original
This painting is a copy; the original is in Madrid. original
Send out the photocopies and keep the original. original
At that price, you could have bought an original! original
The school was originally very small. originally
Originally, we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Greece. originally
I can't see you now—some other time, maybe. other
I'll wear my other shoes—these are dirty. other
I don't know any French people other than you. other than
'Ought I to write to say thank you?' 'Yes, I think you ought (to).' ought to
This is delicious. You ought to try some. ought to
You ought to have come to the meeting. It was interesting. ought to
He's a friend of ours. ours
Let's just relax and enjoy ourselves. ourselves
Out you go! (= used to order sb to leave a room) out
a statue made out of bronze out
You're out of luck—she left ten minutes ago. out
Brown goes on to the semi-finals but Lee is out. out
You scored six out of ten. out
The book you wanted is out on loan. out
Word always gets out (= people find out about things) no matter how careful you are. out
Out with it! (= say what you know) out
Your guess was a long way out (= completely wrong). out
We outlined our proposals to the committee. outline
You should draw up a plan or outline for the essay. outline
an outline map/sketch outline
You can't open the door from the outside. outside
You have to pay to make outside calls. outside
You can park your car outside our house. outside
You may do as you wish outside working hours. outside
Take the cake out of the oven. oven
The lake was frozen over. over
Cover her over with a blanket. over
You get an A grade for scores of 75 and over. over
It's all wrong—you'll have to do it over. over
Please change the wheels over (= for example, put the front wheels at the back). over
Let's ask some friends over (= to our home). over
Hand over the money! over
He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself. (all) over again
The balcony juts out over the street. over
There was a lamp hanging over the table. over
over 3 million copies sold over
owe sb sth for sth: How much do I owe you for the groceries? owe
You owe it to your staff to be honest with them. owe
owe sb sth: You owe me a favour! owe
Thanks for sticking up for me—I owe you one (= I owe you a favour). owe
I think you owe us an explanation. owe
I saw it with my own eyes (= I didn't hear about it from somebody else). own
Is the car your own? own
Your day off is your own (= you can spend it as you wish). own
She lives on her own. (all) on your own
Do you own your house or do you rent it? own
Don't tell me what to do—you don't own me! own
Why don't you just own up and hope she forgives you? own up (to sth/to doing sth)
pack sth (with sth): Fans packed the hall to see the band. pack
Did you pack the camera? pack
pack sb sth: I've packed you some food for the journey. pack
He found a part-time job packing eggs. pack
Are you packing up already? It's only 4 o'clock. pack up, pack sth up
Send for your free information pack today. pack
You can buy the envelopes in packs of ten. pack
A large package has arrived for you. package
a package of hamburger buns package
Attractive packaging can help to sell products. packaging
a packet of biscuits/cigarettes/crisps packet
A packet of photographs arrived with the mail. packet
You get more aches and pains as you get older. pain
Is your back still painful? painful
Paint the shed with weather-resistant paint. paint
A friend painted the children for me (= painted a picture of the children). paint
I've had enough of the pair of you! pair
You look pale. Are you OK? pale
an advisory panel panel
We have two politicians on tonight's panel. panel
a panel discussion panel
His desk was covered with books and papers. paper
Immigration officials will ask to see your papers. paper
Have you seen today's paper? paper
a package wrapped in brown paper paper
Experience is more important for this job than paper qualifications (= that exist on paper, but may not have any real value). paper
a park bench park
You can't park here. park
You can't park the car here. park
Just park your bags in the hall until your room is ready. park
Have you learned your part yet? part
an encyclopedia published in 25 weekly parts part
Which part of Japan do you come from? part
Come and visit us if you're ever in our part of the world. part
You need to be able to work as part of a team. part
There is one particular patient I'd like you to see. particular
Is there anything in particular you'd like for dinner? in particular
Come to the New Year disco and bring your partner! partner
a marriage partner partner
Did you go to the party? party
How did you pass the evening? pass
You'll pass a bank on the way to the train station. pass
Can you pass these pictures around for everyone to look at, please? pass sth around/round
Pass the book on to me when you've finished with it. pass sth on (to sb)
Much of the discount is pocketed by retailers instead of being passed on to customers. pass sth on (to sb)
She bears more than a passing resemblance to (= looks very like) your sister. passing
The past month has been really busy at work. past
You'd try the patience of a saint! patience
You'll just have to be patient and wait till I'm finished. patient
Are you paying in cash or by credit card? pay
pay sb (for sth): Would you mind paying the taxi driver? pay
pay sb/sth to do sth: I don't pay you to sit around all day doing nothing! pay
it pays to do sth: It pays to keep up to date with your work. pay
it pays sb to do sth: It would probably pay you to hire an accountant. pay
pay (for sth): You'll pay for that remark! pay
I'll pay a call on (= visit) my friends. pay
pay sb sth: I'll pay you a call when I'm in town. pay
I had to pay out £500 to get my car repaired. pay sth out
I'll pay you back next week. pay sb back (sth), pay sth back (to sb)
You can pay back the loan over a period of three years. pay sb back (sth), pay sth back (to sb)
Did he ever pay you back that $100 he owes you? pay sb back (sth), pay sth back (to sb)
payment in instalments/in advance/by cheque/in cash payment
What method of payment do you prefer? payment
He agreed to make ten monthly payments of £50. payment
We'd like you to accept this gift in payment for your kindness. payment
the peace movement (= that tries to prevent war by protesting, persuading politicians, etc.) peace
a pencil drawing pencil
She scribbled a note in pencil. pencil
Shall I pencil you in for Friday? (= for a meeting) pencil sth/sb in
a state pension pension
to live on a pension pension
That car of yours should have been pensioned off years ago. pension sb off
the native peoples of Siberia people
Well I'm sorry—but nobody's perfect (= used when sb has criticized you). perfect
a perfect copy/fit/match perfect
'Will 2.30 be OK for you?' 'Perfect, thanks.' perfect
You know perfectly well what I mean. perfectly
'Do you understand?' 'Perfectly.' perfectly
I'm looking forward to seeing you perform. perform
one of the band's rare live performances performance
'Are you going to come?' 'Perhaps. I'll see how I feel.' perhaps
'You could do it yourself.' 'Yeah, perhaps.' perhaps
Perhaps it would be better if you came back tomorrow. perhaps
I think perhaps you've had enough to drink tonight. perhaps
Perhaps you'd like to have a wash before the others arrive. perhaps
Perhaps you would be good enough to let him know we are on our way. perhaps
You can have it for a trial period (= in order to test it). period
Which period of history would you most like to have lived in? period
permission (for sth): You must ask permission for all major expenditure. permission
poems reprinted by kind permission of the author permission
With your permission, I'd like to say a few words. permission
permit sb/yourself to do sth: Visitors are not permitted to take photographs. permit
permit sb/sth to do sth: Cash machines permit you to withdraw money at any time. permit
The verdict was murder by a person or persons unknown. person
a salesperson person
This insurance policy covers you against personal injury or death. personal
Nothing personal (= I do not wish to offend you), but I do have to go now. personal
Will you do it for me as a personal favour? personal
I'd like to talk to you about a personal matter. personal
She's a personal friend of mine (= not just somebody I know because of my job). personal
personal details (= your name, age, etc.) personal
He maintained order by sheer force of personality. personality
Do you know him personally (= have you met him, rather than just knowing about him from other people)? personally
You will be held personally responsible for any loss or breakage. personally
Have you had any dealings with any of the suspects, either personally or professionally? personally
Do you have any pets? pet
a pet shop (= where animals are sold as pets) pet
the initial/final phase of the project phase
a degree in philosophy philosophy
I need you to phone the story in before five. phone sth in
a photo album (= a book for keeping your photos in) photo
I'll take a photo of you. photo
Make as many photocopies as you need. photocopy
Can you get these photocopied for me by 5 o'clock? photocopy
Please enclose a recent passport-sized photograph of yourself. photograph
Did you see the film about Antarctica? The photography was superb! photography
Is there any physical evidence to suggest that a crime has been committed? physical
The centre offers activities for everyone, whatever your age or physical condition. physical
a degree in physics physics
She picked the best cake for herself. pick
Have I picked a bad time to talk to you? pick
He picked the nuts off the top of the cake. pick
to pick your teeth (= use a small sharp piece of wood to remove pieces of food from your teeth) pick
She picked up Spanish when she was living in Mexico. pick sth up
Where did you pick up that idea? pick sth up
I'll pick you up at five. pick sb up
Have you got any pictures of your trip? picture
a piece of cake/cheese/meat piece
He cut the pizza into bite-sized pieces. piece
He arranged the documents in neat piles. pile
She looked in horror at the mounting pile of letters on her desk. pile
piles of dirty washing pile
A message had been pinned to the noticeboard. pin
The bedroom was decorated in pale pinks. pink
Do you want to go for a pint later? pint
Copper pipe is sold in lengths. pipe
A basic sense of rhythm and pitch is essential in a music teacher. pitch
I beg you to have pity on him. pity
I don't want your pity. pity
a pity (that...): It's a pity that you can't stay longer. pity
It would be a great pity if you gave up now. pity
Is there a place on the form to put your address? place
Put it back in its place when you've finished with it. place
Come and sit here—I've saved you a place. place
Would you like to change places with me so you can see better? place
I've set a place for you at the table. place
She had marked her place with a bookmark. place
You can use milk in place of cream in this recipe. in place of sb/sth, in sb's/sth's place
We may never discover what took place that night. take place
plain yogurt (= without sugar or fruit) plain
covers in plain or printed cotton plain
plan (for sth): Do you have any plans for the summer? plan
Your best plan (= the best thing to do) would be to go by car. plan
plan sth: We're planning a trip to France in the spring—are you interested? plan
She left by plane for Berlin. plane
Japanese car plants plant
The pipes should be made of plastic. plastic
The tanks were mainly constructed of steel plates. plate
sandwiches on a plate plate
a pile of dirty plates plate
a plate of sandwiches plate
In the distance a band was playing. play
play sb at sth: Have you played her at squash yet? play
You'll have to play inside today. play
Stop playing with your food! play with sth
'Can I help you?' he asked pleasantly. pleasantly
'Would you like some help?' 'Yes, please.' please
You can't please everybody. please
The boss should be pleased with you. pleased
pleased (that...): I'm really pleased that you're feeling better. pleased
pleased (to hear, know, etc. sth): I'm pleased to hear about your news. pleased
You're coming? I'm so pleased. pleased
I was pleased to hear you've been promoted. pleased
Aren't you pleased to see me? pleased
Pleased to meet you (= said when you are introduced to sb). pleased
Thank you for your invitation, which I am very pleased to accept. pleased
I am pleased to inform you that the book you ordered has arrived. pleased
We request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of our daughter Lisa. pleasure
Are you in Paris on business or pleasure? pleasure
It's a pleasure to meet you. pleasure
There's plenty more paper if you need it. plenty
The cost is £22, plus £1 for postage. plus
The plus side of working at home is that you can be more flexible. plus
Information about safety procedures is in the pocket in front of you (= on a plane). pocket
Turn out your pockets (= empty your pockets). pocket
Take your hands out of your pockets! pocket
a pocket dictionary (= one that is small enough to fit in your pocket) pocket
They won on points (= by scoring more points rather than by completely defeating their opponents). point
I'll wait for you at the meeting point in the arrivals hall. point
At this point I don't care what you decide to do. point
Can you explain that point again? point
The point is you shouldn't have to wait so long to see a doctor. point
Do you see my point (= understand)? point
You have a point (= your idea is right) —it would be better to wait till this evening. point
I take your point (= understand and accept what you are saying). point
OK, you've made your point! point
A compass needle points north. point
point (at/to/towards sb/sth): 'What's your name?' he asked, pointing at the child with his pen. point
point that...: I should point out that not one of these paintings is original. point out (to sb), point sth out (to sb)
to hunt with poison arrows poison
Police suspect a local gang. police
Check the terms of the policy before you sign. policy
polish sth (up) (with sth): He polished his glasses with a handkerchief. polish
The performance was greeted with polite applause. polite
What are your political sympathies? political
Have you heard about poor old Harry? His wife's left him. poor
'I have stacks of homework to do.' 'Oh, you poor thing.' poor
I'll pop over and see you this evening. pop
Why don't you pop in (= visit us) for a drink next time you're in the area? pop
'Our dog got into the neighbour's garden again!' 'You'll be popular.' popular
The band's success is largely due to the popular appeal of the lead singer. popular
Japan has a population of nearly 130 million. population
The gang entered the building posing as workmen. pose
I should like to apply for the position of Sales Director. position
to declare/reconsider/shift/change your position position
What would you do in my position? position
position to do sth: I'm afraid I am not in a position to help you. position
Make sure that you are working in a comfortable position. position
She was learning to change her hand from first to third position (= on the strings of a violin ). position
'Are you sure?' 'Positive.' positive
We have no positive evidence that she was involved. positive
This is proof positive that he stole the money. positive
The report ended on a positive note. positive
The manuscript is just one of the treasures in their possession. possession
The gang was caught in possession of stolen goods. possession
You cannot legally take possession of the property (= start using it after buying it) until three weeks after the contract is signed. possession
Please make sure you have all your possessions with you when leaving the plane. possession
Bankruptcy is a real possibility if sales don't improve. possibility
Selling the house is just one possibility that is open to us. possibility
The course offers a range of exciting possibilities for developing your skills. possibility
It is possible to get there by bus. possible
This wouldn't have been possible without you. possible
Use public transport whenever possible (= when you can). possible
Expansion was made possible by the investment of government money. possible
With the possible exception of the Beatles, no other band has become so successful so quickly. possible
We will get your order to you as soon as possible. as quickly, much, soon, etc. as possible
Try to give as much detail as possible in your answer. as quickly, much, soon, etc. as possible
'Will you be around next week?' 'Possibly.' possibly
'I'm sure he didn't mean to be rude.' 'Quite possibly (= you may be right), but the damage has been done.' possibly
You can't possibly mean that! possibly
How could you possibly think that I had anything to do with it! possibly
Could you possibly open that window? possibly
Three soldiers were shot dead at a border post. post
I'll send the original to you by post. post
I'll put the information in the post to you tomorrow. post
Have you opened your post yet? post
Payment should be sent by return of post (= immediately). post
Do you get a second post here? post
post sth (off) (to sb): Have you posted off your order yet? post
Is it OK if I post the cheque to you next week? post
post sb sth: Is it OK if I post you the cheque next week? post
Could you post this letter for me? post
You can buy your stamps at the post office. post office
Will you peel the potatoes for me? potato
potential (for doing sth): The European marketplace offers excellent potential for increasing sales. potential
I've spent £25 on food today. pound
What would you do if you won a million pounds? pound
pour (sth): Will you pour the coffee? pour
pour sth for sb: I've poured a cup of tea for you. pour
pour sb sth: I've poured you a cup of tea. pour
The mustard is sold in powder form. powder
powder skiing (= on fine dry snow) powder
It is not within my power (= I am unable or not in a position) to help you. power
I will do everything in my power to help you. power
The drug may affect your powers of concentration. power
to have sb in your power (= to be able to do what you like with sb) power
Only the intervention of powerful friends obtained her release. powerful
You need to practise every day. practise
Do you still practise your religion? practise
to say your prayers prayer
Can you give a more precise definition of the word? precise
Doctors found it hard to establish the precise nature of her illness. precise
It's precisely because I care about you that I don't like you staying out late. precisely
I would prefer it if you didn't tell anyone. prefer
prefer sb/sth to do sth: Would you prefer me to stay? prefer
prefer that...: I would prefer that you did not mention my name. prefer
Many people expressed a strong preference for the original plan. preference
He got his girlfriend pregnant and they're getting married. pregnant
Was going to college a good preparation for your career? preparation
I had been preparing myself for this moment. prepare
Her condition is not improving as we hoped. You must prepare yourselves for the worst. prepare
How much are you prepared to pay? prepared
Your presence is requested at the meeting. presence
You can't use it in its present condition. present
You've got to forget the past and start living in the present. present
present yourself + adv./prep.: You need to present yourself better. present
present sth (to sb): The committee will present its final report to Parliament in June. present
Are you presenting a paper at the conference? present
The trial was adjourned following the presentation of new evidence to the court. presentation
a presentation copy (= a free book given by the author or publisher ) presentation
The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products. presentation
Do you have any comment, Mr President? president
She pressed down hard on the gas pedal. press
You need to be able to handle pressure in this job. pressure
Teenagers may find it difficult to resist peer pressure. pressure
The pound came under pressure from foreign currencies today, increasing the chances of a rise in interest rates. under pressure
You'll be taking the car, presumably? presumably
You look so pretty in that dress! pretty
The book contains a number of photographs not previously published. previously
Boat for sale, price £2 000 price
house/retail/oil/share prices price
Can you give me a price for the work (= tell me how much you will charge)? price
a price list price
price (for sth/for doing sth): Loneliness is a high price to pay for independence in your old age. price
Being recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for being famous. price
It's time to swallow your pride (= hide your feelings of pride) and ask for your job back. pride
pride (in sth): I take (a) pride in my work. pride
The primary aim of this course is to improve your spoken English. primary
Stick to your principles and tell him you won't do it. principle
There are three fundamental principles of teamwork. principle
The magazine was sued for printing a libellous article about her family. print
They printed 30 000 copies of the book. print
Do you want your address printed at the top of the letter? print
I'm printing a copy of the document for you. print
Click on the icon when you want to print. print
How many copies shall I print out? print sth off/out
How many sets of prints would you like? print
a colour print print
a framed set of prints print
This information must not be disclosed without prior written consent. prior
Please give us prior notice if you need an evening meal. prior
You need to get your priorities right (= decide what is important to you). priority
You need to get your priorities straight. priority
I won £500 in prize money. prize
You're probably right. probably
As you probably know, I'm going to be changing jobs soon. probably
Let me know if you have any problems. problem
It's a nice table! The only problem is (that) it's too big for our room. problem
Stop worrying about their marriage—it isn't your problem. problem
'Can I pay by credit card?' 'Yes, no problem.' no problem
We're not sure whether we still want to proceed with the sale. proceed
Find which food you are allergic to by a process of elimination. process
We're in the process of selling our house. process
We need new product to sell (= a new range of products). product
If it's a legal matter you need to seek professional advice. professional
You must not let your personal reactions interfere with your professional judgement. professional
You need a professional to sort out your finances. professional
Net profit (= after you have paid costs and tax) was up 16.1%. profit
The sale generated record profits. profit
We should be able to sell the house at a profit. profit
Did you see that programme on India last night? programme
Which programme do you want to watch? programme
The next edition of the book is projected for publication in March. project
promise yourself sth: I've promised myself some fun when the exams are over. promise
promise (that...): Do I have your promise that you won't tell anyone about this? promise
You haven't gone back on your promise, have you? promise
He failed to fulfil his early promise. promise
promote sth: The band has gone on tour to promote their new album. promote
Her promotion to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise. promotion
Her job is mainly concerned with sales and promotion. promotion
Your pronunciation is excellent. pronunciation
positive/conclusive proof proof
proof of sth: Can you provide any proof of identity? proof
Keep the receipt as proof of purchase. proof
These results are a further proof of his outstanding ability. proof
proof that...: There is no proof that the knife belonged to her. proof
Eat some proper food, not just toast and jam! proper
When are you going to get a proper job? proper
You acted perfectly properly in approaching me first. properly
The basic ingredients are limestone and clay in the proportion 2:1. proportion
You haven't drawn the figures in the foreground in proportion. proportion
Loam is a soil with roughly equal proportions of clay, sand and silt. proportion
propose to do sth: What do you propose to do now? propose
propose doing sth: How do you propose getting home? propose
What would you propose? propose
A place in the semi-finals is in prospect (= likely to happen). prospect
They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind. protect
The victim's widow protested at the leniency of the sentence. protest
proud of sb/sth/yourself: Your achievements are something to be proud of. proud
He was proud of himself for not giving up. proud
prove sth: They hope this new evidence will prove her innocence. prove
'I know you're lying.' 'Prove it!' prove
Are you just doing this to prove a point? prove
What are you trying to prove? prove
prove sth to sb: Just give me a chance and I'll prove it to you. prove
In this country, you are innocent until proved guilty. prove
prove sb/sth/yourself to be/have sth: You've just proved yourself to be a liar. prove
We'll buy everything you produce, provided of course the price is right. provided
Provided that you have the money in your account, you can withdraw up to £100 a day. provided
This may be the band's last public appearance together. public
the publication date publication
the publication of his first novel publication
a delay in the publication of the exam results publication
The newspaper continues to defend its publication of the photographs. publication
The band dressed up as the Beatles as a publicity stunt. publicity
The first edition was published in 2007. publish
He works for a company that publishes reference books. publish
Most of our titles are also published on CD-ROM. publish
Pictures of the suspect were published in all the daily papers. publish
The editors published a full apology in the following edition. publish
She hasn't published anything for years. publish
University teachers are under pressure to publish. publish
a publishing house (= company) publishing
a job in publishing publishing
You push and I'll pull. pull
Pull your chair nearer the table. pull
Stop crying and pull yourself together! pull yourself together
He shot out his right arm and landed a punch on Lorrimer's nose. punch
My parents used to punish me by not letting me watch TV. punish
There is little evidence that harsher punishments deter any better than more lenient ones. punishment
Keep your receipt as proof of purchase. purchase
The company has just announced its £27 million purchase of Park Hotel. purchase
If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will give you a full refund. purchase
The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier. purchase
Please ensure that you purchase your ticket in advance. purchase
These reports are pure speculation (= there is no evidence that they are true). pure
Classical dance in its purest form requires symmetry and balance. pure
push sb to do sth: No one pushed you to take the job, did they? push
Push hard when I tell you to. push
You push and I'll pull. push
Try and push your way through the crowd. push
The car won't start. Can you give it a push? push
Can you help me put this letter into good English, please? put
It's time you put a stop to this childish behaviour. put
Put yourself in my position. What would you have done? put
Put your name here. put
Did you put sugar in my coffee? put
Put your hand up if you need more paper. put
He put his fist through a glass door. put
They've put up the rent by £20 a month. put sth up
We can put you up for the night. put sb up
Have you put out clean towels for the guests? put sth out
Do you mind if I put some music on? put sth on
Don't be put off by how it looks—it tastes delicious. put sb off
We've put the wedding forward by one week. put sth forward
Put that knife down before you hurt somebody! put sth down
If you use something, put it back! put sth back
Could you put me through to the manager, please? put sb/sth through (to sb/...)
to acquire/gain/get/obtain/have/hold qualifications qualification
In this job, experience counts for more than paper qualifications. qualification
Previous teaching experience is a necessary qualification for this job. qualification
qualify (for sth): If you live in the area, you qualify for a parking permit. qualify
To qualify, you must have lived in this country for at least three years. qualify
qualify sb (for sth): Paying a fee doesn't automatically qualify you for membership. qualify
qualify sb (for sth): This training course will qualify you for a better job. qualify
qualify sb to do sth: The test qualifies you to drive heavy vehicles. qualify
It's (a) quarter to four now—I'll meet you at (a) quarter past. quarter
It's quarter of four now—I'll meet you at quarter after. quarter
The question is, how much are they going to pay you? question
It's just a question of deciding what you really want. just/merely/only a question of (sth/doing sth)
These cakes are very quick and easy to make. quick
Would you like a quick drink? quick
It's quicker by train. quick
Are you sure this is the quickest way? quick
Have you finished already? That was quick! quick
He fired three shots in quick succession. quick
Her quick hands suddenly stopped moving. quick
Could you keep the kids quiet while I'm on the phone? quiet
I've decided to resign but I'd rather you kept quiet about it. keep quiet about sth, keep sth quiet
I'm quite happy to wait for you here. quite
Quite frankly, I don't blame you. quite
I've had quite enough of your tantrums. quite
Are you quite sure? quite
You'll be quite comfortable here. quite
'You've no intention of coming back?' 'I'm quite sorry, but no, I have not.' quite
'It will all be gone tomorrow.' 'Can I quote you on that? ' quote
Did you hear the interview with him on the radio? radio
a radio cassette player radio
He was unable to contact Blake by radio. radio
to keep in radio contact radio
to travel by rail rail
rail travel/services/fares rail
I'm glad you raised the subject of money. raise
Don't tell her about the job until you know for sure—we don't want to raise her hopes (= make her hope too much). raise
She raised the gun and fired. raise
He raised a hand in greeting. raise
Somehow we managed to raise her to her feet. raise
You just don't rank (= you're not good enough). rank
The guard fired four shots in rapid succession. rapid
You will rarely, if ever, have to wait longer than an hour. rarely
At the rate you work, you'll never finish! rate
The walls were not white, but rather a sort of dirty grey. rather
Why didn't you ask for help, rather than trying to do it on your own? rather than
'Do you want to come with us?' 'No, I'd rather not.' would rather... (than)
Would you rather walk or take the bus? would rather... (than)
'Do you mind if I smoke?' 'Well, I'd rather you didn't.' would rather... (than)
He reached across the table to squeeze her hand. reach
reach sth: Can you reach the light switch from where you're sitting? reach
Daytime temperatures can reach 40°C. reach
The beach can only be reached by boat. reach
I hope this letter reaches you. reach
You never know how he is going to react. react
The market reacted by falling a further two points. react
read sth: Don't believe everything you read in the papers. read
read sth: I can't read your writing. read
Can you read music? read
I'm trying to read the map. read
Have you read any Steinbeck (= novels by him)? read
Are you a 'Times' reader? reader
Are you any good at map reading? reading
a reading lamp/light (= one that can be moved to shine light onto sth that you are reading) reading
She has a reading knowledge of German (= she can understand written German). reading
Are you nearly ready? ready
'Shall we go?' 'I'm ready when you are!' ready
ready for sth: Can you help me get everything ready for the party? ready
She never had any real friends at school. real
a realistic drawing realistic
You're out of touch with reality. reality
realize (that)...: I didn't realize (that) you were so unhappy. realize
realize how, what, etc...: I don't think you realize how important this is to her. realize
realize (sth): I hope you realize the seriousness of this crime. realize
What do you really think about it? really
He really likes you. really
'Did you enjoy the book?' 'Not really ' (= 'no' or 'not very much'). really
Do you really expect me to believe that? really
'She's resigned.' 'Really? Are you sure?' really
reason (why...): I'd like to know the reason why you're so late. reason
Give me one good reason why I should help you. reason
'Why do you want to know?' 'No reason ' (= I do not want to say why). reason
You have no reason to accuse him of laziness. reason
to lose your reason (= become mentally ill) reason
Any reasonable person would have done exactly as you did. reasonable
We have reasonable grounds for believing that you are responsible. reasonable
You must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information that you provide is correct. reasonable
You must submit your claim within a reasonable time. reasonable
We sell good quality food at reasonable prices. reasonable
recall what, when, etc...: Can you recall exactly what happened? recall
Have you used it recently (= in the recent past)? recently
You can leave a message with reception. reception
the reception desk reception
A champagne reception was held at the Swallow Hotel. reception
He'll be famous one day. What do you reckon (= do you agree)? reckon
'They'll never find out.' 'You reckon? ' (= I think you may be wrong about that) reckon
the automatic recognition of handwriting and printed text by computer recognition
Do you recognize this tune? recognize
recognize sb/sth by/from sth: I recognized her by her red hair. recognize
recognize sb/sth (as sth): recognized qualifications recognize
recommend sb/sth: Can you recommend a good hotel? recommend
recommend sb/sth (to sb) (for/as sth): I recommend the book to all my students. recommend
recommend sb to do sth: We'd recommend you to book your flight early. recommend
recommend how, what, etc...: Can you recommend how much we should charge? recommend
The report criticizes the government's record on housing. record
to play a record record
You should keep a record of your expenses. record
The band is back in the US recording their new album. record
record (sth): Did you remember to record that programme for me? record
Tell me when the tape starts recording. record
You should record all your expenses during your trip. record
a recording of English music for clarinet and orchestra recording
the recording industry (= the industry that records and sells music) recording
to recover your sight recover
recover yourself: She seemed upset but quickly recovered herself. recover
I've marked the corrections in red (= in red ink). red
The skirt was reduced to £10 in the sale. reduce
You may refer to your notes if you want. refer to sb/sth
You know who I'm referring to. refer to sb/sth (as sth)
The map reference is Y4. reference
Please quote your reference number when making an enquiry. reference
With reference to your letter of July 22... in/with reference to
As regards the first point in your letter... as regards sb/sth
She has said nothing regarding your request. regarding
Call me if you have any problems regarding your work. regarding
the Basque region of Spain region
Could you sign the hotel register please, sir? register
regret sth: If you don't do it now, you'll only regret it. regret
regret that...: I regret that I am unable to accept your kind invitation. regret
regret to do sth: We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful. regret
it is regretted that...: It is to be regretted that so many young people leave school without qualifications. regret
It is with great regret that I accept your resignation. regret
What is your greatest regret (= the thing that you are most sorry about doing or not doing)? regret
Do you want regular or diet cola? regular
Do you take regular exercise? regular
the strict regulations governing the sale of weapons regulation
Are you related to Margaret? related
a relation by marriage relation
a party for friends and relations relation
Are you in a relationship? relationship
her friends and relatives relative
I'll only relax when I know you're safe. relax
a relaxing evening with friends relaxing
the latest new releases release
Do you have the relevant experience? relevant
You should rely on your own judgement. rely on/upon sb/sth
rely to do sth: You can rely on me to keep your secret. rely on/upon sb/sth
Despite threats of strike action, the management remain hopeful that an agreement can be reached. remain
Only about half of the original workforce remains. remain
It remains to be seen (= it will only be known later) whether you are right. remain
Any remaining tickets for the concert will be sold on the door. remaining
What exactly did you mean by that last remark? remark
remark that...: Critics remarked that the play was not original. remark
remember to do sth: Remember to call me when you arrive! remember
remember sth: Did you remember your homework (= to bring it)? remember
remember (sth): I'm sorry—I can't remember your name. remember
You were going to help me with this. Remember? remember
remember how, what, etc...: Can you remember how much money we spent? remember
remember (that)...: Remember (that) you may feel sleepy after taking the pills. remember
remember (sb/sth): This is Carla. Do you remember her? remember
remember doing sth: Do you remember switching the lights off before we came out? remember
You remind me of your father when you say that. remind sb of sb/sth
I don't have the remotest idea what you're talking about. remote
stain removal removal
It was impossible to remove the stain from the tablecloth. remove
How much rent do you pay for this place? rent
a high/low/fair rent rent
rent sth from sb: Who do you rent the land from? rent
repeat sth to sb: I don't want you to repeat a word of this to anyone. repeat
repeat what...: Can you repeat what I've just said word for word? repeat
+ speech: 'Are you really sure?' she repeated. repeat
I'm sorry—could you repeat that? repeat
Are you prepared to repeat these allegations in court? repeat
replace sb/sth with/by sb/sth: It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with snacks. replace
You'll be expected to replace any broken glasses. replace
+ speech: 'I won't let you down,' he replied confidently. reply
I am writing in reply to your letter of 16 March. reply
a reply-paid envelope (= on which you do not have to put a stamp because it has already been paid for) reply
Morocco scored four goals without reply to win the game. reply
You should report for duty at 9.30 a.m. report
report sth (to sb): Have you reported the accident to the police yet? report
report sb (to sb) (for sth/for doing sth): She threatened to report him to the authorities for hunting without a licence. report
I'm going to report you if you do that again! report
Call me urgently if you have anything to report. report
report (on sth) (to sb): The committee will report on its research next month. report
The committee will publish their report on the health service in a few weeks. report
Can you give us a progress report? report
The carvings represent a hunting scene. represent
The map represents Italy in the 12th century. represent
Local businesses are well represented on the committee (= there are a lot of people from them on the committee). represent
The committee includes representatives from industry. representative
a sales representative representative
Is a questionnaire answered by 500 people truly representative of the population as a whole? representative
It is illegal to reproduce these worksheets without permission from the publisher. reproduce
The results are reproduced in Table 2. reproduce
All illustrations are reproduced by kind permission of the Mercury Gallery. reproduce
Most reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land. reproduce
reproduce itself: cells reproducing themselves (= making new ones) reproduce
You can request a free copy of the leaflet. request
Call us now if you'd like to request a record for someone (= ask for it to be played on the radio). request
You are requested not to smoke in the restaurant. request
Do you require anything else? (= in a shop/store, for example) require
require that...: We require that you comply with the following rules:... require
the basic requirements of life requirement
a software package to meet your requirements requirement
You rescued me from an embarrassing situation. rescue
rescue sb/sth: They were eventually rescued by helicopter. rescue
A wealthy benefactor came to their rescue with a generous donation. rescue
reserve sth for sb/sth: I'd like to reserve a table for three for eight o'clock. reserve
She said this in the tone of voice she reserved for addressing small children. reserve
She found it difficult to make friends because of her natural reserve. reserve
resist (sth): I finished the cake. I couldn't resist it. resist
A healthy diet should help your body resist infection. resist
Time is your most valuable resource, especially in examinations. resource
I have the greatest respect for your brother. respect
The government responded by banning all future demonstrations. respond
You can rely on him to respond to a challenge. respond
response to sb/sth: In response to your enquiry... response
responsibility (for sth): We are recruiting a sales manager with responsibility for the European market. responsibility
rest (from sth): to have/take a rest from all your hard work rest
Try to get some rest—you have a busy day tomorrow. rest
How would you like to spend the rest of the day? rest
Take what you want and throw the rest away. rest
rest sth + adv./prep.: Rest your head on my shoulder. rest
Such kindness restores your faith in human nature (= makes you believe most people are kind). restore
This cream claims to restore your skin to its youthful condition. restore
Having small children tends to restrict your freedom. restrict
There are no restrictions on the amount of money you can withdraw. restriction
Have you had your results yet? result
to retain your independence retain
The house retains much of its original charm. retain
We all wish you a long and happy retirement. retirement
Completed questionnaires should be returned to this address. return
Write your return address (= the address that a reply should be sent to) on the back of the envelope. return
Can I buy you lunch in return for your help? in return (for sth)
reveal (that)...: The report reveals (that) the company made a loss of £20 million last year. reveal
it is revealed that...: It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed. reveal
You should reverse the order of these pages. reverse
We did a similar trip to you, but in reverse. in reverse
a review body/date/panel review
to review the evidence review
to review your failures and triumphs review
Review your work before you turn it in. review
a revised edition of a textbook revise
I'll prepare a revised estimate for you. revise
Have you started your revision yet? revision
You deserve a reward for being so helpful. reward
A £100 reward has been offered for the return of the necklace. reward
After a steep climb you will be rewarded by magnificent views from the summit. reward
a rich chocolate cake rich
to be filthy/stinking (= extremely) rich rich
Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there. get rid of sb/sth
How often do you go riding? ride
Don't be ridiculous! You can't pay £50 for a T-shirt! ridiculous
Did you get the answer right? right
It was Monday you went to see Angie, right? right
Let me get this right (= understand correctly) —you want us to do an extra ten hours' work for no extra pay? right
Have you got the right money (= the exact amount) for the bus fare? right
You're not holding it the right way up. right
Are you sure you've got that on the right way round? right
I'm glad you split up. She wasn't right for you. right
right (to do sth): You're right to be cautious. right
You were quite right to criticize him. right
It seems only right to warn you of the risk. right
You guessed right. right
I'll be right with you (= I am coming very soon). right
I'm right behind you on this one (= I am supporting you). right
He sold the rights for $2 million. right
right (to sth): Everyone has a right to a fair trial. right
right (to do sth): You have no right to stop me from going in there. right
What gives you the right to do that? right
You're quite within your rights to ask for your money back. right
You did right to tell me about it. right
ring for sb/sth: Just ring for the nurse (= attract the nurse's attention by ringing a bell) if you need her. ring
ring (up): David rang up while you were out. ring
I'm ringing about your advertisement in the paper. ring
ring for sth: Could you ring for a cab? ring
Will you answer the telephone if it rings? ring
He isn't here now—could you ring back later? ring back, ring sb back
I'll ask Simon to ring you back when he gets in. ring back, ring sb back
I'll give you a ring tomorrow. give sb a ring
They rose from the table. rise
a calculated risk (= one that you think is small compared with the possible benefits) risk
You have no right to take risks with other people's lives. take a risk, take risks
He was shot by a member of a rival gang. rival
You will find scenery to rival anything you can see in the Alps. rival
The house is on a very busy road. road
It takes about five hours by road (= driving). road
It would be better to transport the goods by rail rather than by road. road
A last-minute goal robbed the team of victory. rob sb/sth of sth
You can't trust them. They'll rob you blind as soon as your back is turned. rob sb blind
a rock band/star rock
Protesters pelted the soldiers with rocks. rock
a cave with striking rock formations (= shapes made naturally from rock) rock
Wallpaper is sold in rolls. roll
roll sth up: Roll up your sleeves. roll
Why don't you ever give me flowers? I wish you'd be more romantic. romantic
There's room for one more at the table. room
Do you have room for a computer on your desk? room
I'll move the table—it takes up too much room. room
room (to do sth): Make sure you have plenty of room to sit comfortably. room
What would you say was the root cause of the problem? root
I pulled the plant up by (= including) the roots. root
root crops/vegetables (= plants whose roots you can eat, such as carrots) root
rough wooden tables rough
a rough draft of a speech rough
a rough sketch rough
The skin on her hands was hard and rough. rough
Trim rough edges with a sharp knife. rough
'What do you want?' she demanded roughly. roughly
The child was watching it all with big round eyes (= showing interest). round
round brackets (= in writing) round
How do you make the wheels go round? round
The road's blocked—you'll have to drive the long way round. round
Pass the biscuits round. round
They were all sitting round the table. round
Make exercise a part of your daily routine. routine
He rubbed a hand wearily over his eyes. rub
rub sth/yourself with sth: Rub the surface with sandpaper before painting. rub
I rubbed a clear patch on the window with my fingers. rub
rub at sth: I rubbed at the stain on the cloth. rub
She rubbed her hair dry quickly with a towel. rub
In some cultures, people traditionally greet each other by rubbing noses. rub
rub on/against sth: The wheel is rubbing on the mudguard. rub
a ball made of rubber rubber
Rubbish! You're not fat. rubbish
You're talking a load of rubbish. rubbish
Why are you so rude to your mother? rude
rude (to do sth): It's rude to speak when you're eating. rude
How rude of me not to offer you something to drink! rude
'What do you want?' she asked rudely. rudely
The crops were ruined by the late frost. ruin
The first rule is to make eye contact with your interviewer. rule
You've got your rivals running scared. run
Your nose is running (= mucus is flowing from it). run
run sth: Could you run the engine for a moment? run
Can you run as fast as Mike? run
Could we run through your proposals once again? run through sth
sad (to do sth): We are very sad to hear that you are leaving. sad
If you think I'm going to help you again, you're sadly (= completely) mistaken. sadly
It is with great sadness that we report the death of James Banks yesterday. sadness
It would be safer to take more money with you in case of emergency. safe
Keep your passport in a safe place. safe
Your secret is safe with me (= I will not tell anyone else). safe
Here's your passport. Now keep it safe. safe
Do you go sailing often? sail
The vessel can be propelled by oars or sail (= sails). sail
She's on a salary of £24 000. salary
He gets a basic salary plus commission. salary
base salary salary
regulations governing the sale of alcoholic beverages sale
I haven't made a sale all week. sale
She gets 10% commission on each sale. sale
Retail sales fell in November by 10%. sale
a sales drive/campaign (= a special effort to sell more) sale
a sales and marketing director sale
She works in sales/in the sales department. sale
The Weldon Group has a 6 000 strong sales force. sale
The sale starts next week. sale
sale prices sale
Tickets are on sale from the booking office. on sale
The new model goes on sale next month. on sale
I'm sorry, it's not for sale. for sale
They've put their house up for sale. for sale
an increase in the number of stolen vehicles being offered for sale for sale
a 'for sale' sign for sale
I bought the same car as yours (= another car of that type). same
I think the same as you do about this. same
I'd like one the same as yours. same
'I'd like to see a sample of your work,' said the manager. sample
Would you like a sample of the fabric to take home? sample
He had the satisfaction of seeing his book become a best-seller. satisfaction
satisfy sb/yourself (that)...: Once I had satisfied myself (that) it was the right decision, we went ahead. satisfy
The goalie saved brilliantly from Johnson's long-range shot. save
save sb doing sth: If you phone for an appointment, it'll save you waiting. save
save sth on sth: The government is trying to save £1 million on defence. save
save on sth: I save on fares by walking to work. save
save sth (up) (for sth): You should save a little each week. save
I've saved almost £100 so far. save
Thanks for doing that. You saved my life (= helped me a lot). save
With the new boiler you can make big savings on fuel bills. saving
say sth/sb: You could learn the basics in, let's say, three months. say
say (that)...: Say you lose your job: what would you do then? say
say sth: Say what you like (= although you disagree) about her, she's a fine singer. say
Anna thinks I'm lazy—what do you say (= what is your opinion)? say
say to sb/yourself + speech: I said to myself (= thought), 'That can't be right!' say
'That's impossible!' 'So you say (= but I think you may be wrong).' say
'What do you want it for?' 'I'd rather not say.' say
If you don't invest in this, you're saying no to a potential fortune. say no (to sth)
a scale model/drawing scale
the scales of justice (= represented as the two pans on a balance (5)) scale
The salary scale goes from £12 000 to £20 000. scale
scare sb: You scared me. scare
a scare story (= a news report that spreads more anxiety or fear about sth than is necessary) scare
You gave me a scare! scare
scared (to do sth): People are scared to use the buses late at night. scared
I have a hectic schedule for the next few days. schedule
Where did you go to school? school
Where did you go to school? school
Shall I meet you after school today? school
A penalty in the last minute of the game levelled the score 2-2. score
Fraser scored again in the second half. score
score sth: to score a goal/try/touchdown/victory score
We scratched some of the dirt away. scratch
You can scratch my name off the list. scratch
A wooden screen hid one corner of the room. screen
The movie will be coming to your screens shortly. screen
Can you do a printout of this screen for me (= of all the information on it)? screen
You need to screw all the parts together. screw
to travel by sea sea
Make sure you've signed the cheque before sealing the envelope. seal
The committee has been searching for new ways to tackle youth unemployment. search
the cricket/hunting/shooting, etc. season season
He scored his first goal of the season on Saturday. season
to take your seat (= to begin your duties, especially in Parliament) seat
Would you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat? (= on a plane) seat
Italy scored a second goal just after half-time. second
Osaka is Japan's second-largest city. second
The spreadsheet application is second only to word processing in terms of popularity. second
I'll be with you in a second. second
He scored again in the dying seconds (= the last few seconds) of the game. second
I didn't know you were a secret football fan. secret
Can you keep a secret? secret
The shed comes in sections that you assemble yourself. section
It was difficult to maintain a secure foothold on the ice. secure
Job security (= the guarantee that you will keep your job) is a thing of the past. security
We'll have a great time, you'll see. see
see what, how, etc...: Go and see what the kids are doing, will you? see
'Will you be able to help us?' 'I don't know, I'll have to see.' see
The way I see it, you have three main problems. see
see (that)...: Can't you see (that) he's taking advantage of you? see
'Can we go swimming?' 'I don't see why not (= yes, you can).' see
Are you seeing anyone (= having a romantic relationship with anyone)? see
You ought to see a doctor about that cough. see
What is it you want to see me about? see
I can only see you for five minutes. see
Did you see that programme on Brazil last night? see
see what, how, etc...: Did you see what happened? see
If you watch carefully, you'll see how it is done. see
see sb/sth do sth: I saw you put the key in your pocket. see
On a clear day you can see for miles from here. see
Will you see to the arrangements for the next meeting? see to sth
You see, the thing is, we won't be finished before Friday. you see
Do whatever seems best to you. seem
It is important to select a software package that suits your requirements. select
select what, which, etc...: Select what you want from the options available. select
A selection of readers' comments are published below. selection
You'll soon be feeling your old self again (= feeling well or happy again). self
Now we have to try and sell the idea to management. sell
You really have to sell yourself at a job interview. sell
sell (sth): The magazine sells 300 000 copies a week. sell
Their last album sold millions. sell
The book sold well and was reprinted many times. sell
The new design just didn't sell (= nobody bought it). sell
sell for/at sth: The pens sell for just 50p each. sell
Most supermarkets sell a range of organic products. sell
Do you sell stamps? sell
to sell insurance sell
sell sth (to sb) (for sth): I sold my car to James for £800. sell
sell sb sth (for sth): I sold James my car for £800. sell
sell (sth) (at sth): They sold the business at a profit/loss (= they gained/lost money when they sold it). sell
We offered them a good price but they wouldn't sell. sell
The Church sold off the land for housing. sell sth off
In the nineties most state-owned industries were sold off. sell sth off
The tickets sold out within hours. sell out, be sold out
This week's performances are completely sold out. sell out, be sold out
a Senate committee senate
She sent the letter by airmail. send
to send sth by mail send
Have you sent a postcard to your mother yet? send
send sb sth: Have you sent your mother a postcard yet? send
I'll send you a text message. send
He was a true friend, in every sense of the word (= in every possible way). sense
You should have the sense to take advice when it is offered. sense
Can't you talk sense (= say sth sensible)? sense
a strong sense of purpose/identity/duty, etc. sense
I could hardly believe the evidence of my own senses (= what I could see, hear, etc.). sense
It makes sense to buy the most up-to-date version. make sense
You're far too sensitive. sensitive
The prisoner has served (= completed) his sentence and will be released tomorrow. sentence
separation (from sb/sth): the state's eventual separation from the federation separation
the latest in a series of articles on the nature of modern society series
serious (about doing sth): Is she serious about wanting to sell the house? serious
She doesn't have a serious boyfriend. serious
You can't be serious! (= you must be joking) serious
You think I did it?Be serious! (= what you suggest is ridiculous) serious
You're not seriously expecting me to believe that? seriously
Smoking can seriously damage your health. seriously
Why can't you ever take anything seriously? take sb/sth seriously
You can't take anything she says very seriously. take sb/sth seriously
Are you being served? serve
Left you, did she? It serves you right for being so selfish. it serves sb right (for doing sth)
10% will be added to your bill for service. service
The committee met in closed session (= with nobody else present). session
I rely on you to set a good example. set
Could you set the table for dinner? set
The table was set for six guests. set
I set my watch by (= make it show the same time as) the TV. set
She set a tray down on the table. set
A gang of boys were setting off fireworks in the street. set sth off
You can borrow my keys—I have a spare set. set
It's time you settled your differences with your father. settle
She settled down in an armchair to watch television. settle down
When are you going to get married and settle down? settle down
If you're looking for a photo of Alice you'll find several in here. several
Her hair was tied severely in a bun. severely
to sew by hand/machine sew
sew sth on: Can you sew a button on for me? sew
How can you tell what sex a fish is? sex
Please indicate your sex and date of birth below. sex
sex discrimination (= the act of treating men and women differently in an unfair way) sex
a sex shop (= one selling magazines, objects, etc. that are connected with sex) sex
These drugs may affect your sex drive (= your interest in sex and the ability to have it). sex
sexual orientation (= whether you are heterosexual or homosexual ) sexual
a sexual partner (= a person who you have sex with) sexual
'Who are you?' he asked, his voice shaking. shake
He dismissed the idea with a firm shake of his head (= turning it from side to side to mean 'no'). shake
Shall I send you the book? shall
It's a shame (that) you didn't say something sooner. shame
The island was originally circular in shape. shape
You can recognize the fish by the shape of their fins. shape
His ideas had been shaped by his experiences during the war. shape
The two friends shared everything—they had no secrets. share
share (sth with sb): Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group? share
There isn't an empty table. Would you mind sharing? share
How much was your share of the winnings? share
She read out the list in sharp, clipped tones. sharp
It was very sharp of you to see that! sharp
shave sb/sth/yourself: The nurse washed and shaved him. shave
'What does your sister do?' 'She's a dentist.' she
The road was covered with a sheet of ice. sheet
Place the dough on a baking sheet (= for cooking sth in an oven). sheet
a clean/blank sheet of paper (= with no writing on it) sheet
Have you changed the sheets (= put clean sheets on the bed)? sheet
earrings made out of coconut shell shell
People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire. shelter
shift (from...) (to/towards/toward...): The balance of power shifted away from workers towards employers. shift
shift sth: Could you help me shift some furniture? shift
The night shift has/have just come off duty. shift
Raw materials and labour come by ship, rail or road. ship
He was the type of person who would give you the shirt off his back. the shirt off sb's back
Don't touch that wire or you'll get a shock. shock
If you think the job will be easy, you're in for a shock. shock
shock sb (to do sth): She enjoys shocking people by saying outrageous things. shock
shock sb: It shocks you when something like that happens. shock
What's your shoe size? shoe
a shoe brush shoe
Cameras ready? OK, shoot! shoot
The movie was shot in black and white. shoot
His hand shot out to grab her. shoot
The band's last single shot straight to number one in the charts. shoot
shoot sth + adv./prep.: He shot out his hand to grab her. shoot
to shoot pheasants shoot
Don't shoot—I surrender. shoot
shoot (sth) (at sb/sth): troops shooting at the enemy shoot
The police rarely shoot to kill (= try to kill the people they shoot at). shoot
shoot sth (from sth): He shot an arrow from his bow. shoot
They shot the lock off (= removed it by shooting). shoot
shoot sb/sth/yourself: A man was shot in the leg. shoot
He shot himself during a fit of depression. shoot
The guards were ordered to shoot on sight anyone trying to escape. shoot
shoot sb/sth + adj.: Three people were shot dead during the robbery. shoot
Several planes were shot down by enemy fire. shoot sb/sth down
Terrorist groups claimed responsibility for the shootings and bomb attacks. shooting
Police rushed to the scene of the shooting and found one person dead and three wounded. shooting
a butcher's shop shop
a butcher shop shop
I'm just going down to the shops. Can I get you anything? shop
Good shot! shot
The man fired several shots from his pistol. shot
Someone took a shot at the car. shot
You shouldn't drink and drive. should
A present for me? You shouldn't have! (= used to thank sb politely) should
You should stop worrying about it should
I should wait a little longer, if I were you. should
'She doesn't think she'll get a job.' 'She should worry, with all her qualifications (= she does not need to worry).' should
The map shows the principal towns and rivers. show
show sb sth: I'll go first and show you the way. show
He showed me our location on the map. show
show sb which, what, etc...: Show me which picture you drew. show
Can you show me how to do it? show
show sth: You have to show your ticket as you go in. show
Have you shown your work to anyone? show
show sb sth: Have you shown anyone your work? show
Has anyone shown you round yet? show sb around/round (sth)
Will you tell Mike to shut up? shut up
Keep your eyes shut. shut
sick of sb/sth: I'm sick of the way you've treated me. sick
I'm sick and tired of your moaning. sick
I'm sick to death of all of you! sick
We are getting heartily sick of your attitude. sick
If you eat any more cake you'll make yourself sick. sick
a sick feeling in your stomach sick
I was sick three times in the night. be sick
the darker side of human nature side
It's good you can see the funny side of the situation. side
I just want you to hear my side of the story first. side
Will you keep your side of the bargain? side
Write your name on the side of the box. side
Brush the sides of the tin with butter. side
They drive on the left-hand side of the road in Japan. side
Keep on your side of the bed! side
He crossed the bridge to the other side of the river. side
It's best if you can get someone local to show you the sights. sight
Leave any valuables in your car out of sight. sight
Keep out of sight (= stay where you cannot be seen). sight
The soldiers were given orders to shoot on sight (= as soon as they saw sb). sight
to lose your sight (= to become blind) sight
At first sight, it may look like a generous offer, but always read the small print. at first sight
a dollar/pound sign ($/£) sign
sign (that...): If an interview is too easy, it's a sure sign that you haven't got the job. sign
sign sth: Sign your name here, please. sign
You haven't signed the letter. sign
All I get is a busy signal when I dial his number (= his phone is being used). signal
hand signals (= movements that cyclists and drivers make with their hands to tell other people that they are going to stop, turn, etc.) signal
Don't fire until I signal. signal
Did you signal before you turned right? signal
signal (to sb) (for sth): He signalled to the waiter for the bill. signal
signal which, what, etc...: You must signal which way you are going to turn. signal
Can you witness my signature on my will, please? signature
Your work has shown a significant improvement. significant
Your decision will significantly affect your future. significantly
made of pure silk silk
You silly boy! silly
made of solid silver silver
They've had to sell the family silver to pay the bills. silver
similar (in sth): The two houses are similar in size. similar
We had a simple meal of soup and bread. simple
The runway is simply a strip of grass. simply
You can enjoy all the water sports, or simply lie on the beach. simply
Anyway, to put it simply, we still owe them £2 000. simply
The original building has long since (= long before now) been demolished. since
Will you sing a song to us? sing
sing sb sth: Will you sing us a song? sing
Are you still single? single
All these jobs can now be done by one single machine. single
a single honours degree (= for which you study only one subject) single
The wheels started to sink into the mud. sink
Good morning, sir. Can I help you? sir
'Thank you very much.' 'You're welcome, sir. Have a nice day.' sir
Thank you, Sir Paul. sir
Do you have any brothers or sisters? sister
My best friend has been like a sister to me (= very close). sister
She was sitting at her desk. sit
You could get into a situation where you have to decide immediately. situation
In your situation, I would look for another job. situation
What size do you take? size
Do you have these shoes in (a) size 5? size
The glass can be cut to size (= cut to the exact measurements) for you. size
an area the size of (= the same size as) Wales size
You should have seen the size of their house! size
Remove the skins by soaking the tomatoes in hot water. skin
to have dark/fair/olive, etc. skin skin
She skied her tee shot. sky
Can you give me something to help me get to sleep (= start sleeping)? sleep
Did you have a good sleep? sleep
a slice of bread slice
You can slide the front seats forward if necessary. slide
a slightly different version slightly
'Are you worried?' 'Only slightly.' slightly
The ship slipped into the harbour at night. slip
She slipped over on the ice and broke her leg. slip
That dress is too small for you. small
This is too big—have you got a small one? small
You look very smart in that suit. smart
smash sth + adv./prep.: Mark smashed his fist down on the desk. smash
smash sth + adv./prep.: They had to smash holes in the ice. smash
smell sth doing sth: Can you smell something burning? smell
Smell this and tell me what you think it is. smell
Are you coming outside for a smoke? smoke
How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? smoke
Do you mind if I smoke? smoke
Do you smoke? smoke
You're too young to smoke. smoke
Would you like smoking or non-smoking? (= for example, in a restaurant) smoking
The car's improved suspension gives you a smoother ride. smooth
a lotion to make your skin feel soft and smooth smooth
Over the years, the stone steps had worn smooth. smooth
Would you be so kind as to lock the door when you leave? so
I'm so glad to see you. so
I haven't enjoyed myself so much for a long time. so
It's not so easy as you'd think. so
I might be away next week. If so, I won't be able to see you. so
We are very busy—so much so that we won't be able to take time off this year. so
Programs are expensive, and even more so if you have to keep altering them. so
I hear that you're a writer—is that so (= is that true)? so
'I prefer the first version.' 'So do we.' so
But I gave you a map so you wouldn't get lost! so
You've been smoking again.' 'So?' so
So, what have you been doing today? so
a busy social life social
Join a social club to make new friends. social
social advancement (= improving your position in society) social
The room was softly lit by a lamp. softly
His partner left and he had to soldier on alone. soldier on
As yet, they have no solid evidence. solid
It was so cold that the stream had frozen solid. solid
Do you have a better solution? solution
You can't solve anything by just running away. solve
I'll see you again some time, I'm sure. some
You'll find some in the drawer. some
We must stop him from seeing her somehow. somehow
Somehow or other I must get a new job. somehow
Somehow, I don't feel I can trust him. somehow
She looked different somehow. somehow
It's quite something (= a thing that you should feel happy about) to have a job at all these days. something
Sometimes I go by car. sometimes
Maine & Sons, Grocers (= the name of a company on a sign) son
She sold the house soon after her husband died. soon
How soon can you get here? soon
Sooner or later you will have to make a decision. sooner or later
sorry (that)...: I'm sorry that your husband lost his job. sorry
We're sorry to hear that your father's in hospital again. sorry
sorry (about sth): We're very sorry about the damage to your car. sorry
If you say you're sorry we'll forgive you. sorry
You'll be sorry if I catch you! sorry
Oh, I'm sorry. Have I taken the one you wanted? I'm sorry
I'm sorry, I'd rather you didn't go. I'm sorry
I'm sorry to have to tell you you've failed. I'm sorry
Did I stand on your foot? Sorry! sorry
Sorry to bother you, but could I speak to you for a moment? sorry
Sorry? Could you repeat the question? sorry
'What sort of music do you like?' 'Oh, all sorts.' sort
For dessert there's a fruit pie of some sort (= you are not sure what kind). sort
What sort of price did you want to pay? (= approximately how much) sort
What sort of time do you call this? (= I'm very angry that you have come so late.) sort
'Do you understand?' 'Sort of.' sort of
I'm really busy—can you sort it? sort
If you can wait a moment, I'll sort it all out for you. sort sth/sb/yourself out
You load up the car and I'll sort the kids out. sort sth/sb/yourself out
Could you turn the sound up/down? sound
The sound quality of the tapes was excellent. sound
sound like sb/sth: You sounded just like your father when you said that. sound
sound as if/as though...: I hope I don't sound as if/as though I'm criticizing you. sound
Your local library will be a useful source of information. source
southern Spain southern
That desk takes up too much space. space
I'll clear a space for your books. space
Put it in the space between the table and the wall. space
Take some spare clothes in case you get wet. spare
We've got a spare bedroom, if you'd like to stay. spare
Do you speak English? speak
speak in sth: Would you prefer it if we spoke in German? speak
Speaking of travelling, (= referring back to a subject just mentioned) are you going anywhere exciting this year? speak
'Do you know him?' 'Not to speak to.' (= only by sight) speak
speak (with sb) (about sth/sb): Can I speak with you for a minute? speak
Please speak up—we can't hear you at the back. speak up
a native speaker of English speaker
What are your special interests? special
She's a very special friend. special
a specialist in Japanese history specialist
You need to see a specialist. specialist
We came specially to see you. specially
I gave you specific instructions. specific
'I'd like your help tomorrow.' 'Can you be more specific (= tell me exactly what you want)?' specific
I specifically told you not to go near the water! specifically
The newspaper, or more specifically, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the photographs. specifically
freedom of speech (= the right to say openly what you think) speech
This expression is used mainly in speech, not in writing. speech
Increasing your walking speed will help to exercise your heart. speed
Can you try and speed things up a bit? speed up, speed sth up
How do you spell your surname? spell
spell sth + adj.: You've spelt my name wrong. spell
spend sth on sth/on doing sth: She spent £100 on a new dress. spend
spend (sth doing sth): The company has spent thousands of pounds updating their computer systems. spend
How do you spend your spare time? spend
spend sth on sth: How long did you spend on your homework? spend
a spinning ice skater spin
My head is spinning (= I feel as if my head is going around and I can't balance). spin
His theories on economics are enough to make your head spin (= make you feel very confused). spin
spin sth (round/around): to spin a ball/coin/wheel spin
We placed our bets and the croupier spun the roulette wheel. spin
You must try and keep your spirits up (= stay cheerful). spirit
We're concerned about your spiritual welfare. spiritual
split sth: Don't tell me you've split another pair of pants! split
The committee split over government subsidies. split
She's split up with her boyfriend. split up (with sb)
Don't let him spoil your evening. spoil
Don't eat too many nuts—you'll spoil your appetite (= will no longer be hungry at the proper time to eat). spoil
I won't tell you what happens in the last chapter—I don't want to spoil it for you. spoil
a wooden spoon spoon
Remove the onion from the oil with a slotted spoon. spoon
What's your favourite sport? sport
His jacket was covered with spots of mud. spot
spread sth: Why not pay monthly and spread the cost of your car insurance? spread
spread sth between sb/sth: We attempted to spread the workload between the departments. spread
spread (A on/over B): to spread butter on pieces of toast spread
spread (B with A): pieces of toast spread with butter spread
spread sth: Using too much water could spread the stain. spread
to spread a cloth on a table spread
Sue spread the map out on the floor. spread
Papers had been spread out on the desk. spread
Do you have to spread yourself out all over the sofa? spread out, spread yourself out
The springs in the sofa have gone (= they no longer return to their original position). spring
The floor was tiled in squares of grey and white marble. square
to squeeze the trigger of a gun (= to fire it) squeeze
We have 20 part-time members of staff. staff
We did the first stage of the trip by train. stage
Don't worry about the baby not wanting to leave you—it's a stage they go through. stage
Wait here to have your passport stamped. stamp
stamp B on A: I'll stamp the company name on your cheque. stamp
The maker's name was stamped in gold on the box. stamp
I can't stand it when you do that. stand
How do you stand him being here all the time? stand
to stand on your head/hands (= to be upside down, balancing on your head/hands) stand
How can you stand by and see him accused of something he didn't do? stand by
It's time to stand back and look at your career so far. stand back (from sth)
You'll look taller if you stand up straight. stand up
Always stand up for your friends. stand up for sb/sth
You must stand up for your rights. stand up for sb/sth
a bicycle/microphone/cake, etc. stand stand
You'd better lower your standards if you want to find somewhere cheap to live. standard
I've put a star by the names of the girls in the class. star
start as sth: She started as a secretary but ended up running the department. start
Have you any idea where the rumour started? start
Do you start the day with a good breakfast? start
You're always trying to start an argument. start
It's time you started on your homework. start
Can you start (= a new job) on Monday? start
start by doing sth: Let's start by reviewing what we did last week. start
When the band started out, they couldn't afford much equipment. start out
We started off by introducing ourselves. start off
I'll paint the ceiling if you make a start on the walls. start
the states of Victoria and Western Australia state
the southern states of the US state
Look at the state of you! You can't go out looking like that. state
You're not in a fit state to drive. state
a state prison/hospital/university, etc. state
a state tax state
state education state
families dependent on state benefits (= in Britain, money given by the government to people who are poor) state
state how, what, etc...: State clearly how many tickets you require. state
Your statement is misleading. statement
a formal/ a public/a written/an official statement statement
The police asked me to make a statement (= a written account of facts concerning a crime, used in court if legal action follows). statement
My bank sends me monthly statements. statement
'Do you want a drink?' 'No, thanks, I can't stay.' stay
Can you stay behind after the others have gone and help me clear up? stay
stay doing sth: They stayed talking until well into the night. stay
He's staying with friends this weekend. stay
I wish you'd stay out of my business! stay out of sth
I want you to stay away from my daughter. stay away (from sb/sth)
a steady boyfriend/girlfriend (= with whom you have a serious relationship or one that has lasted a long time) steady
Such fine work requires a good eye and a steady hand. steady
I'll report you to the police if I catch you stealing again. steal
Thieves stole jewellery worth over £10 000. steal
The frame is made of steel. steel
The bridge is reinforced with huge steel girders. steel
You row and I'll steer. steer
It's a big step giving up your job and moving halfway across the world. step
Having completed the first stage, you can move on to step 2. step
I'll explain it to you step by step. step
a step-by-step guide to building your own home step
Stick your bags down there. stick
Can you stick this on the noticeboard? stick
Stick 'em up! (= put your hands above your head — I have a gun!) stick
Don't stick your fingers through the bars of the cage. stick
a stiff brush stiff
Do you still live at the same address? still
There's still time to change your mind. still
Can't you sit still? still
Most of the houses are built of stone. stone
a flight of stone steps stone
stop sth: I stopped the tape and pressed rewind. stop
Can you stop the printer once it's started? stop
stop sb/sth: I want to go and you can't stop me. stop
stop sb/sth from doing sth: There's nothing to stop you from accepting the offer. stop
You can't stop people from saying what they think. stop
stop sb/sth doing sth: You can't stop people saying what they think. stop
Can't you just stop? stop
stop sb/sth: Stop me (= make me stop talking) if I'm boring you. stop
Stop it! You're hurting me. stop
Is this your stop? stop
You can store coffee beans in the freezer to keep them fresh. store
Shall I tell you a story? story
Now for a summary of tonight's main news stories. story
Her novels always have the same basic story. story
I'll come straight to the point—your work isn't good enough. straight
Can you stretch your arms out straighter? straight
I can't shoot straight (= accurately). straight
You should try not to place too much strain on muscles and joints. strain
Relax, and let us take the strain (= do things for you). strain
You will learn to cope with the stresses and strains of public life. strain
She felt strange sitting at her father's desk. feel strange
There was a complete stranger sitting at my desk. stranger
a street map/plan of York street
It's not safe to walk the streets at night. street
It was time to take the political struggle onto the streets (= by protesting in large groups in the streets of a city). street
This job seems right up your street. (right) up your street
street sports such as skateboarding and skating street
street newspapers sold by the homeless street
You have shown great strength of character. strength
It may take a few weeks for you to build up your strength again. strength
When you have an injury you start putting stress on other parts of your body. stress
You stress the first syllable in 'happiness'. stress
stress that...: I must stress that everything I've told you is strictly confidential. stress
stretch sth: The exercises are designed to stretch and tone your leg muscles. stretch
How does the idea strike you? strike
He fell, striking his head on the edge of the table. strike
He struck the table with his fist. strike
He wrapped the package in brown paper and tied it with string. string
a white tablecloth with red stripes stripe
He won by two strokes (= in golf, by taking two fewer strokes than his opponent). stroke
Are you feeling stronger now after your rest? strong
You're in a strong position to negotiate a deal. strong
You need strong nerves to ride a bike in London. strong
There is strong evidence of a link between exercise and a healthy heart. strong
You have a strong case for getting your job back. strong
a stone/brick/wooden structure structure
Your essay needs (a) structure. structure
study (sth): How long have you been studying English? study
I don't know how you can eat that stuff! stuff
They sell stationery and stuff (like that). stuff
Could you move all that stuff off the table? stuff
The band did some great stuff on their first album. stuff
It was stupid of you to get involved. stupid
Have you thought about having your hair in a shorter style? style
furniture to suit your style of living style
I like your style (= I like the way you do things). style
I wish you'd change the subject (= talk about sth else). subject
The course teaches you the theory but there's no substitute for practical experience. substitute
substitute for sb/sth: Nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you. substitute
substitute B with/by A: Butter can be substituted with margarine in this recipe. substitute
Can you find someone to substitute for you at the meeting? substitute
You will have to work hard if you are to succeed. succeed
What's the secret of your success? success
She was surprised by the book's success (= that it had sold a lot of copies). success
Why are you in such a hurry? such
'Well, did they offer it to you?' 'No, not as such, but they said I had a good chance.' as such
Stop sucking your thumb! suck
suffer for sth: He made a rash decision and now he is suffering for it. suffer
sufficient for sth/sb: Is £100 sufficient for your expenses? sufficient
Do you take sugar (= have it in your tea, coffee, etc.)? sugar
How many sugars do you take in coffee? sugar
suggest itself (to sb): A solution immediately suggested itself to me (= I immediately thought of a solution). suggest
suggest sb/sth for sth: Who would you suggest for the job? suggest
suggest sb/sth: Can you suggest a good dictionary? suggest
suggest how, what, etc...: Can you suggest how I might contact him? suggest
suggest (that)...: All the evidence suggests (that) he stole the money. suggest
suggest sth to sb: What do these results suggest to you? suggest
Do you have any suggestions? suggestion
suggestion (for/about/on sth): I'd like to hear your suggestions for ways of raising money. suggestion
suit sb/sth: Choose a computer to suit your particular needs. suit
If we met at 2, would that suit you? suit
If you want to go by bus, that suits me fine. suit
Blue suits you. You should wear it more often. suit
You will be fined the sum of £200. sum
a news summary summary
a two-page summary of a government report summary
a summary judgement summary
Which team do you support? support
The witness's story was not supported by the evidence. support
Support the baby's head when you hold it. support
She supported herself through college by working as a waitress in a local bar. support
If you raise it at the meeting, I'll support you. support
I wrapped a bandage around my ankle to give it some support. support
Her family and friends have given her lots of support. support
Thanks for all your support on the day of the funeral. support
Can I rely on your support (= will you vote for me) in the election? support
Getting a visa isn't as simple as you might suppose. suppose
Why do you suppose he resigned? suppose
I suppose all the tickets have been sold now, have they? suppose
I suppose you think it's funny, do you? (= showing anger). suppose
Let us suppose, for example, that you are married with two children. suppose
I could take you in the car, I suppose (= but I don't really want to). suppose
suppose (that)...: I don't suppose (that) I could have a look at your newspaper, could I? suppose
You're supposed to buy a ticket, but not many people do. be supposed to do/be sth
You were supposed to be here an hour ago! be supposed to do/be sth
How was I supposed to know you were waiting for me? be supposed to do/be sth
'Yes and no.' 'What is that supposed to mean?' (= showing that you are annoyed) be supposed to do/be sth
I haven't seen it myself, but it's supposed to be a great movie. be supposed to do/be sth
You're not supposed to walk on the grass. not be supposed to do sth
You don't sound very sure. sure
Are you sure you don't mind? sure
sure of sth: I hope you are sure of your facts. sure
sure about sth: Are you sure about that? sure
sure how, whether, etc...: Ask me if you're not sure how to do it. sure
I'm not sure whether I should tell you this. sure
sure of sth: You're always sure of a warm welcome there. sure
You're sure to get lost if you don't keep to the path. sure
They scored another goal and made sure of victory. make sure (of sth/that...)
Our staff will do their best to make sure you enjoy your visit. make sure (of sth/that...)
'Will you be there?' 'For sure.' for sure
Surely you don't think I was responsible for this? surely
You'll need a large smooth surface for rolling out the pastry. surface
I have a surprise for you! surprise
it surprises sb that...: It surprises me that you've never sung professionally. surprise
it surprises sb to do sth: Would it surprise you to know that I'm thinking of leaving? surprise
I'm surprised at you, behaving like that in front of the kids. surprised
surprised (that...): You shouldn't be surprised (that) he didn't come. surprised
Don't be surprised if I pretend not to recognise you. surprised
You'd be surprised how many people voted for him. surprised
surround sth/sb with sth: The lake is surrounded with/by trees. surround
From the top of the hill you can see all the surrounding countryside. surrounding
an aerial survey (= made by taking photographs from an aircraft) survey
87% of the 1 000 companies surveyed employ part-time staff. survey
The children had to survive by begging and stealing. survive
'How are you these days?' 'Oh, surviving.' survive
Don't worry, it's only a scratch—you'll survive. survive
survive on sth: I can't survive on £40 a week (= it is not enough for my basic needs). survive
suspect (sth): If you suspect a gas leak, do not strike a match or even turn on an electric light. suspect
it is suspected that...: It was suspected that the drugs had been brought into the country by boat. suspect
Do you have a list of likely suspects? suspect
You have a very suspicious mind (= you always think that people are behaving in an illegal or dishonest way). suspicious
Didn't you notice anything suspicious in his behaviour? suspicious
swear at sb/sth: Why did you let him swear at you like that? swear
swear (that)...: I swear (that) I'll never leave you. swear
swear that...: Are you willing to stand up in court and swear that you don't recognize him? swear
swear to do sth: Remember, you have sworn to tell the truth. swear
He started having night sweats. sweat
The palms of his hands began to sweat. sweat
a packet of boiled sweets sweet
swim sth: Can you swim backstroke yet? swim
When did you switch jobs? switch
How do you switch this thing on? switch off/on, switch sth off/on
A list of symbols used on the map is given in the index. symbol
I'm here if you need a sympathetic ear (= sb to talk to about your problems). sympathetic
You have to wait until the drugs have passed out of your system. system
a table of contents (= a list of the main points or information in a book, usually at the front of the book) table
Table 2 shows how prices and earnings have increased over the past 20 years. table
a kitchen table table
A table for two, please (= in a restaurant). table
I'd like to book a table for tonight (= in a restaurant). table
to set the table (= to put the plates, knives, etc. on it for a meal) table
to lay the table table
to clear the table (= take away the dirty plates, etc. at the end of a meal) table
He questioned her next morning over the breakfast table (= during breakfast). table
Children must learn to behave at table. table
a billiard/snooker/pool table table
take sth to do sth: What did you take his comments to mean? take
If you take my advice you'll have nothing more to do with him. take
Will you take $10 for the book (= will you sell it for $10)? take
The store took (= sold goods worth) $100 000 last week. take
I wish you'd take me seriously. take
to have your picture/photo taken take
Did you take notes in the class? take
Do you take sugar in your coffee? take
Will you take your books off the table? take
Can you take (= hold) the baby for a moment? take
He took her hand/took her by the hand (= held her hand, for example to lead her somewhere). take
take sth (with you): I forgot to take my bag with me when I got off the bus. take
take sth to sb/sth: Take this to the bank for me, would you? take
take sb: It's too far to walk—I'll take you by car. take
to take off your coat take sth off
Two burgers to take away, please. take sth away
The table takes up too much room. take up sth
I won't take up any more of your time. take up sth
Her time is fully taken up with writing. take up sth
talk (to/with sb) (about sth): Talk to your doctor if you're still worried. talk
talk (to/with sb) (about sb/sth): Who were you talking to just now? talk
What are you talking about? (= used when you are surprised, annoyed and/or worried by sth that sb has just said) talk
I don't know what you're talking about (= used to say that you did not do sth that sb has accused you of). talk
How tall are you? tall
He was busy tapping away at his computer. tap
He kept tapping his fingers on the table. tap
a blank tape (= a tape that has nothing recorded on it) tape
I lent her my Bob Marley tapes. tape
Police seized various books and tapes. tape
adhesive/sticky tape tape
Set yourself targets that you can reasonably hope to achieve. target
a thankless task (= an unpleasant one that nobody wants to do and nobody thanks you for doing) task
Do you want a taste? taste
Taste it and see if you think there's enough salt in it. taste
You can taste the garlic in this stew. taste
to pay over £1 000 in tax tax
Income tax will be deducted by your employer. tax
Any interest payments are taxed as part of your income. tax
I came home by taxi. taxi
Would you like tea or coffee? tea
Do you take sugar in your tea? tea
teach (sb to do) sth: Could you teach me to do that? teach
How much teaching do you actually do? teaching
Whose team are you in? team
Whose team are you on? team
the sales team team
Their story will move you to tears (= make you cry). tear
technical drawing (= especially taught as a school subject) technical
You can reserve seats over the telephone. telephone
telephone sth: You can telephone your order 24 hours a day. telephone
I recognize you. Aren't you on television? on (the) television
tell sth: It was hard to tell the difference between the two versions. tell
tell A from B: Can you tell Tom from his twin brother? tell
tell which, what, etc...: The kittens look exactly alike—how can you tell which is which? tell
tell how, if, etc...: 'That's not an original.' 'How can you tell?' tell
The only way to tell if you like something is by trying it. tell
tell sb sth: Do what I tell you. tell
Are you sure you're telling the truth? tell
tell sb how, what, etc...: I can't tell you how happy I am. tell
What did I tell you? (= you should have listened to my advice) tell
Are you telling me you didn't have any help with this? (= I don't believe what you have said) tell
tell sb where, what, etc...: Tell me where you live. tell
tell sb how, where, etc...: This gauge tells you how much fuel you have left. tell
Did you get told off? tell sb off (for sth/for doing sth)
to take sb's temperature (= measure the temperature of sb's body using a special instrument) temperature
Not brilliant, Robyn, but I'll give you ten out of ten for effort. ten out of ten (for sth)
You look terrible, you'd better sit down. terrible
Your driving is terrible! terrible
You'll be in terrible trouble if you're late again. terrible
I'm terribly sorry—did I hurt you? terribly
Would you mind terribly if I didn't come today? terribly
test (sth): We test your English before deciding which class to put you in. test
My job is to lay out the text and graphics on the page. text
a computer that can process text text
printed text text
Highlight the area of text on screen and press the 'delete' key. text
Can you act out this scene without referring to the text? text
a literary text text
'Macbeth' is a set text this year. text
Read the text carefully and then answer the questions. text
He loves me more than you do. than
You should know better than to behave like that. than
I'd rather email than phone, if that's OK by you. than
Thank God you're safe! thank God/goodness/heaven(s) (for sth)
thanks (for doing sth): Thanks for lending me the money. thanks
thanks (for sth): Many thanks for your support. thanks
'How are you?' 'Fine, thanks (= thanks for asking).' thanks
'Would you like a coffee?' 'Oh, thanks.' thanks
'Do you want to come with us?' 'I'd love to, thanks.' thanks
'Would you like some more?' 'No thanks.' thanks
Thanks a lot for all you've done. thanks a lot
Everyone knows about it now, thanks to you! thanks to sb/sth
thank you (for sth): Thank you for your letter. thank you
thank you (for doing sth): Thank you very much for sending the photos. thank you
'Would you like some help with that?' 'Oh, thank you.' thank you
'Would you like some more cake?' 'No thank you.' thank you
Have you forgotten about that money I lent you last week? that
Do you remember when we went to Norway? That was a good trip. that
The watch (that) you gave me keeps perfect time. that
That's it for now, but if I get any news I'll let you know. that's it
You don't love me any more, is that it? that's it
How's the (= your) baby? the
You're the third person to ask me that. the
With him, you should always expect the unexpected. the
You get paid by the hour. the
How often do you go to the theatre? theatre
Theirs are the children with very fair hair. theirs
What are you doing with those matches? Give them to me. them
Did you eat all of them? them
They seemed to be enjoying themselves. themselves
They themselves had had a similar experience. themselves
There wasn't anyone who hadn't enjoyed themselves. themselves
I've been invited too, so I'll see you then. then
There's a room free in Bob's house next week but you can stay with us until then. then
If you miss that train then you'll have to get a taxi. then
'My wife's got a job in Glasgow.' 'I take it you'll be moving, then.' then
'You haven't done anything to upset me.' 'So what's wrong, then?' then
Why don't you hire a car? Then you'll be able to visit more of the area. then
That sounds fine in theory, but have you really thought it through? in theory
'Aren't you supposed to be retired?' 'Yes, in theory.' in theory
There comes a point where you give up. there
It's there, right in front of you! there
'Have you seen my pen?' 'Yes, it's over there.' there
I'm not going in there—it's freezing! there
The money's there if you need it. there
There you are—that'll be £3.80, please. there you are
OK, there you go. there you are
They (= the things you are carrying) go on the bottom shelf. they
They now say that red wine is good for you. they
a thick slice of bread thick
a thick coat (= one made of heavy cloth) thick
thickly sliced bread thickly
Roll out the pastry to a thickness of 1 cm. thickness
The board is available in four thicknesses. thickness
You need something to cheer you up—I know just the thing! thing
There's another thing I'd like to ask you. thing
'Why did you tell her our secret?' 'I did no such thing!' thing
Why do you make things so difficult for yourself? thing
Shall I help you pack your things? thing
Bring your swimming things with you. thing
Put your things (= coat, etc.) on and let's go. thing
Can you pass me that thing over there? thing
Turn that thing off while I'm talking to you! thing
He's good at making things with his hands. thing
You'd think she'd have been grateful for my help (= but she wasn't). think
think to do sth: Who would have thought to find you here? think
think where, how, etc...: We couldn't think where you'd gone. think
think (about sth): I can't tell you now—I'll have to think about it. think
I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking (= said when you have upset or offended sb accidentally). think
think sth: You're very quiet. What are you thinking? think
think (that)...: Do you think (that) they'll come? think
I didn't think you liked sports. think
Am I right in thinking that you used to live here? think
think sth (about sth): What did you think about the idea? think
Well, I like it. What do you think? think
Have you thought of a name for the baby yet? think of sth/sb
Don't you ever think about other people? think about/of sb/sth
I've been thinking over what you said. think sth over
Can't you think up a better excuse than that? think sth up
Digging is thirsty work (= makes you thirsty). thirsty
How long have you been living in this country? this
Well, make up your mind. Which do you want? This one or that one? this
I think you'll find these more comfortable than those. this
Is this your bag? this
What's this I hear about you getting married? this
Jo, this is Kate (= when you are introducing them). this
Do it like this (= in the way I am showing you). this
Do you want me to come this Tuesday (= Tuesday of this week) or next Tuesday? this
We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. thoroughly
'Have you ever been to Australia?' 'No. I'd like to, though.' though
You are always in my thoughts. thought
thought of (sb/sth) doing sth: I don't like the thought of you walking home alone. thought
'Why don't you try the other key?' 'That's a thought!' thought
I'd like to hear your thoughts on the subject. thought
a robe embroidered with gold thread thread
He is unlikely to be a threat to the Spanish player in the final. threat
threaten sb with sth: The attacker threatened them with a gun. threaten
Go through this gate, and you'll see the house on your left. through
I'd never have got through it all (= a difficult situation) without you. through
You can only achieve success through hard work. through
Our team is through to (= has reached) the semi-finals. through
'Did you stop in Oxford on the way?' 'No, we drove straight through.' through
I tried to call you but I couldn't get through. through
throw sb sth: Can you throw me that towel? throw
I don't need that—you can throw it away. throw sth away
You must take the exam—you can't throw away all that work! throw sth away
You'll be thrown out if you don't pay the rent. throw sb out (of...)
a ticket office/machine/collector ticket
a tidy desk tidy
Can you tidy away your clothes, please? tidy sth away
They tied him to a chair with cable. tie
Shall I tie the package or tape it? tie
to tie a ribbon tie
Can you help me tie my tie? tie
Tie up your shoelaces! tie
The gang tied up a security guard. tie sb up
Can't you wait till we get home? till
Just wait till you see it. It's great. till
It doesn't matter if you don't win every time (= every time you play). time
Next time you're here let's have lunch together. time
When was the last time you saw her? time
How many times (= how often) do I have to tell you not to do that? time
Did you have a good time in Spain? time
Time's up—have you worked out the answer yet? time
I don't want to take up too much of your precious time. time
Did you have to wait a long time to see the doctor? time
At one time (= at a period of time in the past) Emily was my best friend. time
A visit to the museum will take you back in time to the 1930s. time
Do you have the time? time
What time do you make it? time
What time do you have? time
Can she tell the time yet (= say what time it is by looking at a clock)? time
What time do you finish work? time
By the time you get there the meeting will be over. time
You'll feel differently about it when the time comes (= when it happens). time
There's no rush—take your time. take your time (over sth), take your time to do sth/doing sth
You have to be firm, but at the same time you should try and be sympathetic. at the same time
Our representatives are ready to help you at all times. at all times
It's about time you cleaned your room! it's about/high time
I have a busy timetable this week (= I have planned to do many things). timetable
a tin of varnish tin
He gave the waiter a generous tip. tip
the tips of your fingers tip
the tip of your nose tip
tip sb: Did you remember to tip the waiter? tip
She tipped the dirty water down the drain. tip
Pace yourself or you'll tire yourself out in the first half of the race. tire sb/yourself out
His poems were published under the title of 'Love and Reason'. title
Give your name and title (= Mr, Miss, Ms, Dr, etc.). title
I'll explain to you where everything goes. to
What have you done to your hair? to
the Japanese ambassador to France to
We won by six goals to three. to
I am going to tell you a story. to
To be honest with you, I don't remember what he said. to
Can you touch your toes? (= by bending over while keeping your legs straight) toe
He kicked the earth with the toe of his boot. toe
Get all the ingredients together before you start cooking. together
She nailed the two boards together. together
All together now: 'Happy birthday to you...' together
I sent my order, together with a cheque for £40. together with
Have you flushed the toilet? toilet
Do you need the toilet? toilet
Could you tell me where the ladies' toilet is, please? toilet
a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich tomato
I'll see you the day after tomorrow. tomorrow
Trust you to lower the tone of the conversation (= for example by telling a rude joke). tone
Don't speak to me in that tone of voice (= in that unpleasant way). tone
It's very rude to stick your tongue out at people. tongue
Will you have dinner with me tonight? tonight
research tools like questionnaires tool
Some of them carried the guns which were the tools of their trade (= the things they needed to do their job). tool
The wheels of the car began to turn. turn
She turned the wheel sharply to the left. turn
Could you turn the TV up? turn sth up
If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep. turn over
turn that...: It turned out that she was a friend of my sister. turn out
Why did she turn down your invitation? turn sb/sth down
When it's your turn, take another card. turn
Please wait your turn. turn
a twice-monthly/yearly newsletter twice
You can't put all the blame on him. It takes two to make a marriage. it takes two to do sth
What do you charge for this type of work? type
What do you charge for work of this type? type
How fast can you type? type
Typical interview questions are 'Why do you want to study law?' or 'Why did you choose this college?' typical
This race will be the ultimate test of your skill. ultimate
Ultimately, you'll have to make the decision yourself. ultimately
Let us know if you're unable to come. unable
I've just become an uncle (= because your brother/sister has had a baby). uncle
Have you looked under the bed? under
an annual income of under £10 000 under
Under the terms of the lease you had no right to sublet the property. under
You'll be under anaesthetic, so you won't feel a thing. under
I understand how hard things have been for you. understand
understand (that...): I quite understand that you need some time alone. understand
If you want to leave early, I'm sure he'll understand. understand
understand sb doing sth: I quite understand you needing some time alone. understand
understand (sth): Can you understand French? understand
Do you understand the instructions? understand
I don't want you doing that again. Do you understand? understand
The committee has little or no understanding of the problem. understanding
We must tackle the problem with sympathy and understanding. understanding
Take a deep breath and see how long you can stay underwater. underwater
How long have you been unemployed? unemployed
unfair criticism unfair
unfair (on/to sb): It seems unfair on him to make him pay for everything. unfair
It would be unfair not to let you have a choice. unfair
They had been given an unfair advantage. unfair
unfair dismissal (= a situation in which sb is illegally dismissed from their job) unfair
Life seems so unfair sometimes. unfair
It's so unfair! unfair
She claims to have been unfairly dismissed. unfairly
You're putting me in a most unfortunate position. unfortunate
Do you have to wear uniform? uniform
The basic unit of society is the family. unit
a degree from the university of life the university of life
You won't get paid for time off unless you have a doctor's note. unless
I won't tell them—not unless you say I can. unless
He hasn't got any hobbies—unless you call watching TV a hobby. unless
Unless something unexpected happens, I'll see you tomorrow. unless
Have a cup of tea—unless you'd prefer a cold drink? unless
If you're unlucky enough to get trapped in a lift, remember not to panic. unlucky
She said some very unpleasant things about you. unpleasant
It would be unreasonable to expect somebody to come at such short notice. unreasonable
She is still a little unsteady on her feet after the operation. unsteady
an unsteady hand unsteady
an untidy desk untidy
Why do you have to be so untidy? untidy
You're not going out until you've finished this. until
You can stay on the bus until London (= until you reach London). until
Lay the cards face up (= facing upwards) on the table. up
You look nice with your hair up (= arranged on top of or at the back of your head). up
Up you come! (= said when lifting a child) up
Sales are well up on last year. up
Do your coat up; it's cold. up
Is anything up? You can tell me. up
She was pacing up and down in front of her desk. up and down
It's not up to you to tell me how to do my job. be up to sb
Shall we eat out or stay in? It's up to you. be up to sb
upset sb/yourself: This decision is likely to upset a lot of people. upset
Try not to let him upset you. upset
I understand how upset you must be feeling. upset
Place your hands on the table with the palms facing upwards. upwards
use sth: Can I use your phone? use
Have you ever used this software before? use
How often do you use (= travel by) the bus? use
I have some information you may be able to use (= to get an advantage from). use
You can't keep using your bad back as an excuse. use
I hope you haven't used all the milk. use
You have to use the past tense. use
I'm sure you'll think of a use for it. use
You can throw those away—they're no use to anyone. be no use (to sb)
You should make use of your contacts. make use of sth/sb
You used to see a lot of her, didn't you? used to
useful (to do sth): It can be useful to write a short summary of your argument first. useful
Your knowledge of German may come in useful (= be useful in a particular situation). useful
He didn't sound like his usual happy self. usual
They asked me why I wanted the job and why I thought I was suitable—you know, the usual thing. usual
usual (for sb/sth) (to do sth): It is usual to start a speech by thanking everybody for coming. usual
We usually go by car. usually
You look tired—you should take a vacation. vacation
The winner will receive a prize to the value of £1 000. value
They're only £40—not bad value, really. value
value sb/sth (as sth): I really value him as a friend. value
vary according to sth: Prices vary according to the type of room you require. vary
'What time do you start work?' 'It varies.' vary
Your help made a vast difference. vast
Are you the driver of this vehicle? vehicle
There are two versions of the game, a long one and a short one. version
the latest version of the software package version
the de luxe/luxury version version
She gave us her version of what had happened that day. version
Their versions of how the accident happened conflict. version
the film version of 'War and Peace' version
The English version of the novel is due for publication next year. version
'Do you like it?' 'Yeah, I do. Very much.' very
'Is it what you expected?' 'Oh yes, very much so.' very
'Are you busy?' 'Not very.' very
Sit down—you're blocking my view. view
This evidence supports the view that there is too much violence on television. view
view (sb/sth as sth): When the car was first built, the design was viewed as highly original. view
How do you view your position within the company? view
You should view their offer with a great deal of caution. view
We visited towns and villages all over Spain. village
He reacted to the idea with some violence. violence
Most stars are not visible to the naked eye. visible
Cats have good night vision. vision
The Prime Minister is visiting Japan at the moment. visit
You should visit your dentist at least twice a year. visit
If you have time, pay a visit to the local museum. visit
a home visit (= when your doctor visits you) visit
Do you get many visitors? visitor
vital that...: It is vital that you keep accurate records when you are self-employed. vital
your active vocabulary (= the words that you use) vocabulary
your passive vocabulary (= the words that you understand but don't use) vocabulary
Reading will increase your vocabulary. vocabulary
to raise/lower your voice (= to speak louder/more quietly) voice
Keep your voice down (= speak quietly). voice
How do you measure the volume of a gas? volume
Sales volumes fell 0.2% in June. volume
vote (for/against sb/sth): Did you vote for or against her? vote
How did you vote at the last election? vote
wages of £200 a week wage
a weekly wage of £200 wage
Tax and insurance are deducted from your wages. wage
You'll just have to wait your turn (= wait until your turn comes). wait
wait (for sb): There's a letter waiting for you at home. wait
Can you wait a second while I make a call? wait a minute/moment/second
Waiter, could you bring me some water? waiter
wake (up): What time do you usually wake up in the morning? wake
'How did you get here?' 'I walked.' walk
I walked across Scotland with a friend. walk
She just walked up to the desk and asked to see the manager. walk up (to sb/sth)
The fields were divided by stone walls. wall
It's easy to be distracted and let your attention wander. wander
Try not to let your mind wander. wander
want sth: Do you want some more tea? want
The last thing I wanted was to upset you. want
want (to do sth): What do you want to do tomorrow? want
'It's time you did your homework.' 'I don't want to!' want
You can come too, if you want. want
want sb/sth to do sth: Do you want me to help? want
want sb/sth doing sth: I don't want you coming home so late. want
want sb/sth + adj.: Do you want your coffee black or white? want
Where were you living when war broke out? war
The government has declared war on drug dealers. war
Are you warm enough? warm
You'll be as warm as toast in here. warm
Heat the bread until it is warm to the touch. warm
Come in and warm yourself by the fire. warm
warm (up): As the climate warms (up) the ice caps will melt. warm
If you're thinking of getting a dog, be warned—they take a lot of time and money. warn
warn (sb) against/about sth: The guidebook warns against walking alone at night. warn
'I'm warning you!' said James, losing his patience. warn
Doctors issued a warning against eating any fish caught in the river. warning
to give sb fair/advance/adequate warning of sth warning
Let me give you a word of warning. warning
Those grease stains won't wash off. wash off
These ink stains won't wash out. wash out
a pile of dirty washing washing
Would you hang the washing out (= hang it outside to dry)? washing
waste sth on sth: Why waste money on clothes you don't need? waste
You're wasting your time trying to explain it to him (= because he will not understand). waste
waste sb/sth as sth: You're wasted as a sales manager—you should have been an actor. waste
'Would you like to play?' 'No thanks—I'll just watch.' watch
watch what, how, etc...: Watch what I do, then you try. watch
Could you watch my bags for me while I buy a paper? watch
watch sth/yourself: Watch yourself! (= be careful, because you're in a dangerous situation) watch
Watch your bag—there are thieves around. watch
Watch your head on the low ceiling. watch
watch where, what, etc...: Hey, watch where you're going! watch
clean/dirty water water
She declined the offer with a wave of her hand. wave
You came all this way to see us? way
Look both ways (= look left and right) before crossing the road. way
Which way (= for which party) are you going to vote? way
Can you tell me the way to Leicester Square? way
That's no way to speak to your mother! way
way (that...): It's not what you say, it's the way that you say it. way
I told you we should have done it my way! way
Infectious diseases can be acquired in several ways. way
I generally get what I want one way or another (= by some means). way
I didn't leave you. It was the other way round (= you left me). the other way round
The letter should be on its way to you. on your/the/its way
By the way, I found that book you were looking for. by the way
Oh by the way, if you see Jackie, tell her I'll call her this evening. by the way
You'll have to move—you're in my way. in the/sb's way
'Do you want to help?' 'No way!' (there is) no way
We'd (= the company would) like to offer you the job. we
the weakness of the dollar against the pound weakness
It's important to know your own strengths and weaknesses. weakness
Can you spot the weakness in her argument? weakness
You'll wear yourself out if you carry on working so hard. wear yourself/sb out
Did you have good weather on your trip? weather
'Are you going to the beach tomorrow?' 'It depends on the weather.' weather
a weather map/chart weather
Have you been invited to their wedding? wedding
All her friends could hear wedding bells (= they thought she would soon get married). wedding
Are you doing anything over the weekend? weekend
How much do you weigh (= how heavy are you)? weigh
She weighed the stone in her hand (= estimated how heavy it was by holding it). weigh
Bananas are sold by weight. weight
welcome sb to sth: It is a pleasure to welcome you to our home. welcome
Your letter was very welcome. welcome
You're welcome to use the pool. welcome
'Thanks for your help.' 'You're welcome.' you're welcome
Thank you for your warm welcome. welcome
Welcome home! welcome
These animals make very good pets if treated well (= with kindness). well
The surface must be well prepared before you start to paint. well
How well do you know Carla? well
I was well annoyed, I can tell you. well
He liked her well enough (= to a reasonable degree) but he wasn't going to make a close friend of her. well
They sell books as well as newspapers. as well (as sb/sth)
I'm better now, thank you. well
Well, I suppose I could fit you in at 3.45. well
Oh, very well, then, if you insist. well
'Do you want to come?' 'Well, I'm not sure.' well
Well? Are you going to tell us or not? well
western Spain western
You'll get wet (= in the rain) if you go out now. wet
Try not to get your shoes wet. wet
What is your name? what
What kind of music do you like? what
What you need is a good meal. what
What about you, Joe? Do you like football? what about...?
What? I can't hear you. what?
'I asked her to marry me.' 'You what? ' what?
What did you do that for (= why did you do that)? what for?
Do whatever you like. whatever
You have our support, whatever you decide. whatever
gear wheels wheel
He braked suddenly, causing the front wheels to skid. wheel
One of the boys was pushing the other along in a little box on wheels. wheel
She was killed when she was crushed under the wheels of a bus. wheel
This is the first time I've sat behind the wheel since the accident. wheel
A car swept past with Laura at the wheel. wheel
Do you want to take the wheel (= drive) now? wheel
When did you last see him? when
Until when can you stay? when
Call me when you've finished. when
Can you spare five minutes when it's convenient? when
You can ask for help whenever you need it. whenever
Whenever she comes, she brings a friend. whenever
Where do you live? where
Where (= in what book, newspaper, etc.) did you read that? where
Sit wherever you like. wherever
You are entitled to a free gift whether you accept our offer of insurance or not. whether
I'm going whether you like it or not. whether
Your claim ought to succeed, in which case the damages will be substantial. which
You can go swimming while I'm having lunch. while
shoes mended while you wait while
Don't you know it's rude to whisper? whisper
+ speech: 'Can you meet me tonight?' he whispered. whisper
They spoke in whispers. whisper
He scored the winning goal just seconds before the final whistle. whistle
The train whistled and shot into the tunnel. whistle
white bread white
Do you take your coffee black or white? white
Who are you phoning? who
Send it to whoever is in charge of sales. whoever
Come out of there, whoever you are. whoever
I've sold the whole lot. the whole lot
The author whom you criticized in your review has written a reply. whom
Why were you late? why
Tell me why you did it. why
'I would like you to go.' 'Why me? ' why
I know you did it—I just want to know why. why
Jenny has a wide circle of friends. wide
You'll be in time if you hurry. will
How long will you be staying in Paris? will
I'll check this letter for you, if you want. will
He wouldn't come—he said he was too busy. will
Will you send this letter for me, please? will
You'll water the plants while I'm away, won't you? will
You'll do it this minute! will
Will you be quiet! will
If it's made of wood it will float. will
I don't want to go against your will. will
I was forced to sign the agreement against my will. against your will
They keep a list of people (who are) willing to work nights. willing
Would you be willing to help me with my essay? willing
Willing hands pulled him to safety. willing
I would never willingly upset you. willingly
'Will you help me?' 'Willingly.' willingly
win against sb/sth: France won by six goals to two against Denmark. win
He won £3 000 in the lottery. win
How many states did the Republicans win? win
win yourself/sb sth: You've won yourself a trip to New York. win
Wind the bandage around your finger. wind
wind sth forward/back: He wound the tape back to the beginning. wind
The box was fastened with a rusty wire. wire
It was very wise to leave when you did. wise
I wish you wouldn't leave your clothes all over the floor. wish
wish sb/sth/yourself + adv./prep.: She wished herself a million miles away. wish
You may stay until morning, if you wish. wish
'I'd rather not talk now.' '(Just) as you wish.' wish
I don't wish (= I don't mean) to be rude, but could you be a little quieter? wish
If you wish really hard, maybe you'll get what you want. wish
I'm sure that you will get your wish. wish
Cut it with a knife. with
It is treated with acid before being analysed. with
The bag was stuffed with dirty clothes. with
Sprinkle the dish with salt. with
Are you pleased with the result? with
Don't stand with your hands in your pockets. with
Unless you return the form within seven days, the offer will be withdrawn. withdraw
withdraw sth from sth: The drug was withdrawn from sale after a number of people suffered serious side effects. withdraw
I'd like to withdraw £250 please. withdraw
You should receive a reply within seven days. within
We are now within range of enemy fire. within
Can you see without your glasses? without
Don't go out without your coat. without
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. without
Without wanting to criticize, I think you could have done better. (= used before you make a critical comment) without
I was just beginning to wonder where you were. wonder
wonder (about sth): 'Why do you want to know?' 'No particular reason. I was just wondering.' wonder
+ speech: 'What should I do now?' she wondered. wonder
I wonder if you can help me. wonder
I was wondering whether you'd like to come to a party. wonder
You've all been absolutely wonderful! wonderful
It's wonderful to see you! wonderful
It's wonderful what you can do when you have to. wonderful
All the furniture was made of wood. wood
furniture made of a variety of different woods wood
a wooden box wooden
I give you my word that this won't happen again. word
I give you my word of honour (= my sincere promise) ... word
to keep your word (= do what you promised) word
I can't prove it—you'll have to take my word for it (= believe me). word
Could I have a quick word with you (= speak to you quickly)? word
Do you know the words to this song? word
What's the Spanish word for 'table'? word
He was a true friend in all senses of the word. word
Tell me what happened in your own words. word
a word-for-word translation word for word
It works by electricity. work
work to do sth: The committee is working to get the prisoners freed. work
work with sb/sth: Do you enjoy working with children? work
work what, where, etc...: Can you work out what these squiggles mean? work sth out
Is this all your own work (= did you do it without help from others)? work
When do you leave for work? work
Her friends from work came to see her in the hospital. work
What line of work are you in (= what type of work do you do)? work
full-time/part-time/unpaid/voluntary work work
The accountant described his work to the sales staff. work
I have some work for you to do. work
Stop talking and get on with your work. work
temporary/part-time/casual workers worker
a map of the world world
You look as if you haven't got a care in the world! in the world
You had me worried for a moment—I thought you were going to resign! you had me worried
worry over sb/sth: There's no point in worrying over things you can't change. worry
It must be worrying for you not to know where he is. worrying
Don't tell her that—you'll only make things worse. worse
The increase in taxes means that we'll be £30 a month worse off than before. be worse off (than sb/sth)
If the worst comes to the worst, we'll just have to sell the house. if the worst comes to the worst
Our house is worth about £100 000. worth
If you answer this question correctly, it's worth five points. worth
It's worth making an appointment before you go. worth
If you went to see him, he would be delighted. would
I wish you'd be quiet for a minute. would
Would you mind leaving us alone for a few minutes? would
Would you open the door for me, please? would
Would you like a sandwich? would
Would you have dinner with me on Friday? would
I'd hate you to think I was criticizing you. would
I'd rather come with you. would
I'd rather you came with us. would
I wouldn't have any more to drink, if I were you. would
The nurse wrapped a bandage tightly around my ankle. wrap
He wore a copper bracelet on his wrist. wrist
write sb (out) sth: I'll write you a receipt. write
Can you write and confirm your booking? write
write sb: Write me while you're away. write
write in/on/with sth: Please write in pen on both sides of the paper. write
write sth: Write your name at the top of the paper. write
The teacher wrote the answers on the board. write
The 'b' had been wrongly written as a 'd'. write
Write down the address before you forget it. write sth down
He is leaving the band to concentrate on his writing. writing
creative writing writing
There was writing all over the desk. writing
Who's this from? I don't recognize the writing. writing
All telephone reservations must be confirmed in writing. in writing
Could you put your complaint in writing? in writing
You must get it in writing. in writing
written instructions written
written communication skills written
a written apology written
a written contract written
Is anything wrong? You look worried. wrong
I have something wrong with my foot. wrong
You're holding the camera the wrong way up! wrong
wrong (about sth/sb): You were wrong about Tom; he's not married after all. wrong
You think you've beaten me but that's where you're wrong. wrong
Correct me if I'm wrong (= I may be wrong) but didn't you say you two knew each other? wrong
If you do what she tells you, you won't go far wrong. go wrong
No, you've got it all wrong. She's his wife. get sth wrong
For a quick lunch you can't go wrong with pasta. you can't go wrong (with sth)
'I'm going to be rich one day.' 'Oh yeah?' (= I don't believe you.) oh yeah?
'You'll be fine.' 'Yeah, right.' yeah, right
'Is this your car?' 'Yes, it is.' yes
'Are you coming? Yes or no?' yes
'I've never met her before.' 'Yes, you have.' yes
'Would you like a drink?' 'Yes, please/thanks.' yes
Yes? How can I help you? yes
Mrs Smith has just won £2 million—yes!—£2 million! yes
'They've scored another goal.' 'Yes!!' yes
I'll put you down as a yes. yes
'Are you ready?' 'No, not yet.' yet
He'll be busy for ages yet. yet
You said you knew the way. you
I thought she told you. you
Can I sit next to you? you
I don't think that hairstyle is you (= it doesn't suit your appearance or personality). you
You girls, stop talking! you
You stupid idiot! you
You learn a language better if you visit the country where it is spoken. you
It's a friendly place—people come up to you in the street and start talking. you
I like your dress. your
Excuse me, is this your seat? your
The bank is on your right. your
Dentists advise you to have your teeth checked every six months. your
In Japan you are taught great respect for your elders. your
Is that book yours? yours
Is she a friend of yours? yours
My hair is very fine. Yours is much thicker. yours
Have you hurt yourself? yourself
You don't seem quite yourself today (= you do not seem well or do not seem as happy as usual). yourself
You can try it out for yourselves. yourself
You yourself are one of the chief offenders. yourself