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Duolingo Topics


Basic 1 Alphabet Introduction 1 Possession Demonstrative Determiners Plurals Alphabet Introduction 2 Basics 2 Negation Common Phrases Classifiers 1 Animals 1 Clothing Food Questions 1 Verbs 1 Objects Questions 2 Colors Adjectives 1 Conjunctions Numbers Continuous Ordinal numbers Verbs 2 Dates and Time Family Comparison Prepositions 1 Geography Common Phrases 2 Countries 1 Nominalization Jobs 1 Future Attributes Verbs 2.5 Adjectives 1.5 Frequency Objects 2 Conjunctions 2 Adverbs Modal Verbs Places Ask and tell the time Countries 2 Past Travel Verbs 3 Passive Prepositions 2 Education Common Phrases 3 Common Phrases 4 Common Phrases 5 Reflexive Determiners Relative Clauses People Abstract Objects 1 Verbs 4 Animals 2 Communication Nature Adjectives 2 Miscellaneous Politics Sports Arts Abstract Objects 2 Classifiers 2 Jobs 2 Medical Science Economics Astronomy Adjectives 3 Verbs 5 Vietnam History Abstract Objects 3 Military Paranormality Classifier 3.1 Reduplicative Words Informal Expressions Reduplicative Words 2

E2 = bệnh = Sick | E2 = bệnh nhân = patient | E2 = lần = time | E2 = lưng = back | E2 = mắt = eye | E2 = mất = to lose | E2 = mặt = face | E2 = miệng = mouth | E2 = tai = ear |
E3 = cánh tay = arm | E3 = cuộc hẹn = appointment | E3 = đau = pain | E3 = đầu = head | E3 = mắt = eye | E3 = mất = to lose | E3 = mặt = face | E3 = ngực = chest | E3 = sức khoẻ = health | E3 = xe cấp cứu = ambulance |
E4 = cẳng chân = leg | E4 = chế độ ăn kiêng = diet | E4 = có thể = able to, maybe | E4 = cơ thể = body | E4 = dịch bệnh = plague | E4 = gãy = to break | E4 = khuôn = face | E4 = răng = tooth | E4 = rằng = that |
E5 = bàn chân = feet | E5 = chăm sóc = to care for, to take care of | E5 = có = there is/are | E5 = cổ = neck, ancient | E5 = cổ = neck, ancient | E5 = cỏ = grass | E5 = cờ = flag | E5 = kiểm tra = to check, checkup | E5 = lưỡi = tongue | E5 = thuốc = medicine |
E6 = bác sĩ thú y = veteranarian | E6 = chấn thương = injured | E6 = đau = pain | E6 = đầu = head | E6 = sự điều trị = treatment | E6 = trường hợp khẩn cấp = emergency |
E7 = cảm cúm = flu | E7 = chùa = temple, pagoda | E7 = chưa = yet, still | E7 = chứa = to contain | E7 = chữa = cure | E7 = lây lan = to spread | E7 = thị lực = eyesight |
E8 = trái tim = heart |
E1 = bàn tay = hand | E1 = bận tay = to be busy, have one’s hands full | E1 = da = skin, hide | E1 = dã = wild, savage, rustic; to neutralize the effect of (alcohol) | E1 = dạ = (1) polite yes, (introductory word of respect), OK
(2) stomach, abdomen, heart, feeling
(3) night | E1 = mau = quick, fast, speedy, rapid | E1 = mui = top, roof, hood (of car) | E1 = màu = color | E1 = máu = blood | E1 = mâu = lance, spear | E1 = mùi = (1) smell, scent, odor, color
(2) eighth year of the Chinese zodiac (“goat” or “sheep”) | E1 = múi = knot (of a narrow band of cloth or silk), segment, zone, section, slice (of a fruit) | E1 = mũi = nose, front, tip | E1 = mấu = notch, tooth | E1 = mầu = secondary crop; wonder, working, miraculous | E1 = mẩu = piece, bit | E1 = mẫu = (1) hectare (c. 3600 sq. meters)
(2) model, pattern, sample, form, specimen | E1 = mậu = 5th cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac | E1 = mụi = left over (as odds and ends, leavings) | E1 = ngón tay = finger | E1 = nào = which, any, every | E1 = náo = noisy; to cause a disturbance, raise an uproar, raise a din | E1 = não = brain, cerebrum | E1 = nạo = to scrape, grate, clean (out) | E1 = ung thư = cancer | E1 = ứng thù = behave well in society |
E2 = bênh = to protect, defend, take the side of, support | E2 = bềnh = to surge up, emerge; to float, bob | E2 = bệnh = disease, sickness, ailment; sick | E2 = bệnh nhân = sick person, patient | E2 = lan = to spread | E2 = lung = (1) careful (of thinking)
(2) cage [= lồng] | E2 = làn = (1) basket
(2) [CL for waves, winds, trails] | E2 = lán = tent, hat, shack | E2 = lùng = to hunt, look for | E2 = lăn = to roll in, over | E2 = lũng = valley | E2 = lưng = (1) back
(2) capital, funds | E2 = lấn = to infringe, transgress, encroach | E2 = lần = time, turn, round, occurrences | E2 = lẩn = to slip away, steal off | E2 = lẫn = and, together, with | E2 = lận = (1) to cheat, deceive
(2) be stingy | E2 = lằn = fold, wrinkle | E2 = lẳn = fleshy and solid | E2 = lủng = (1) to perforate, piece
(2) numberless, plentiful | E2 = lừng = to rise, resound | E2 = miếng = (1) fragment, piece, bit, morsel, bit, mouthful
(2) (fighting) trick, technique, move | E2 = miểng = splinter, fragment, shard, chip, flake | E2 = miệng = mouth, opening | E2 = mát = cool, fresh | E2 = mất = (1) to die, pass away, vanish
(2) to lose, spend, take (money, time) | E2 = mật = (1) honey, molasses
(2) gall, bile
(3) secret, confidential, classified
(4) dense, thick, close, intimate | E2 = mắt = eye | E2 = mặt = (1) right
(2) face, surface, dial
(3) side, aspect | E2 = tai = ear; mishap, accident, calamity | E2 = tài = skill, talent, gift; skilful, talented | E2 = tái = again; rare, half done, pale | E2 = tãi = to spread chin | E2 = tại = at, in; because (of) | E2 = tải = to transport, convey, carry, manage |
E3 = cánh tay = arm | E3 = mát = cool, fresh | E3 = mất = (1) to die, pass away, vanish
(2) to lose, spend, take (money, time) | E3 = mật = (1) honey, molasses
(2) gall, bile
(3) secret, confidential, classified
(4) dense, thick, close, intimate | E3 = mắt = eye | E3 = mặt = (1) right
(2) face, surface, dial
(3) side, aspect | E3 = ngúc = prison, jail | E3 = ngục = prison, jail | E3 = ngực = chest, breast, bosom | E3 = sức khỏe = strength, health | E3 = đau = pain; painful, ill | E3 = đâu = where, here, this; at all (negation marker) | E3 = đấu = to struggle, fight, compete | E3 = đầu = (1) beginning, first
(2) head, mind, pole, end, hood (of a car) | E3 = đậu = (1) bean
(2) to pass an examination
(3) to park (a car), perch, set (bird) |
E4 = có thể = can, perhaps, maybe, may, might, could | E4 = cô thế = alone and helpless | E4 = cơ thể = organism, body | E4 = dịch bệnh = epidemic (disease) | E4 = gay = tense, tough, hard, heated | E4 = gáy = nape, back of neck | E4 = gây = (1) to cause, bring about, create, set up
(2) to quarrel | E4 = gãy = to be broken, break | E4 = gạy = call forth (someone’s ideas, confidences) | E4 = gảy = flip of, poke and turn upside down, play, pluck | E4 = gầy = thin | E4 = gẫy = to break, be broken (stick-like object) | E4 = gậy = cane, stick, rod, staff | E4 = khuôn = mold, model, shape, pattern | E4 = rang = to roast | E4 = ràng = to fasten, bind, tie up | E4 = ráng = yellow cloud; to try to do sth | E4 = răng = tooth | E4 = rạng = (1) to dawn, become dawn
(2) to straddle, sit astride | E4 = rằng = that; to answer, speak up | E4 = rặng = row, range, chain, line |
E5 = bàn chân = foot | E5 = chăm sóc = care, attention, supervision; to see to, look after, take care of, attend on (upon), care for | E5 = co = to contract, shrink, pull back | E5 = cò = (1) trigger
(2) stork, egret
(3) police chief
(4) (postage) stamp | E5 = có = to be, have, exist; there is, there are | E5 = cô = (1) aunt (father’s sister); Miss (form of address for a young lady), etc.
(2) lonely, isolated, solitary | E5 = cơ = (1) foundation
(2) occasion, opportunity, circumstance
(3) odd
(4) regiment
(5) machine, mechanism, motor, engine
(6) airplane
(7) hunger, famine
(8) muscle
(9) outburst, crisis | E5 = cọ = (1) to rub, polish
(2) palm tree | E5 = cỏ = grass | E5 = cố = (1) to make an effort, try (very hard)
(2) great grandfather
(3) to pawn
(4) reason
(5) old, former, late (deceased)
(6) intentional, premeditated
(7) firm, strong
(8) innate, original
(9) to look after, care for, turn one’s head | E5 = cổ = (1) neck, collar
(2) ancient, old, out of date, old fashioned
(3) drum
(4) merchant
(5) blind
(6) leg
(7) share, stock | E5 = cỗ = (1) set
(2) feast, banquet | E5 = cớ = cause, reason, ground, pretext | E5 = cờ = (1) flag, banner, colors
(2) chess | E5 = cỡ = size, stature, caliber; on the order of | E5 = kiểm tra = to control, inspect, examine, check | E5 = lưới = net, screen, network | E5 = lười = lazy | E5 = lưỡi = tongue; blade, sickle, (classifier for bladed objects) | E5 = thuốc = cigarette, medicine (also as a field of study); product | E5 = thuộc = (1) to belong, of, part of, occupation
(2) to know by heart
(3) to tan, cure | E5 = thước = yard, meter, yardstick, ruler | E5 = tóc = hair (on head) | E5 = tốc = speed; to turn up (over), blow up | E5 = tộc = family, clan |
E6 = chấn thương = trauma | E6 = khám = to check, examine, search | E6 = khảm = to encrust, inlay, enchase | E6 = khắm = ill-smelling | E6 = mai = tomorrow | E6 = mài = to rub, file, whet | E6 = mái = (1) roof
(2) (of a bird) female | E6 = mãi = (for) a long time, always for ever, for good, unceasingly, continually; to continue, go on | E6 = mại = to sell | E6 = mải = absorbed (in a task), engrossed (in something) | E6 = đau = pain; painful, ill | E6 = đâu = where, here, this; at all (negation marker) | E6 = đấu = to struggle, fight, compete | E6 = đầu = (1) beginning, first
(2) head, mind, pole, end, hood (of a car) | E6 = đậu = (1) bean
(2) to pass an examination
(3) to park (a car), perch, set (bird) |
E7 = chua = acid, tart, sour, sharp | E7 = chùa = pagoda, Buddhist temple | E7 = chúa = (1) God; lord, master
(2) very, extremely | E7 = chưa = not yet, yet (to happen) | E7 = chứa = to contain, hold, store, keep, lodge (persons) | E7 = chửa = to be pregnant, be with child, be in the family way | E7 = chữa = to cure, repair, correct | E7 = lây lan = to spread (disease) | E7 = thị lực = eyesight |
E8 = trái tim = heart |

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