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Basic 1 Alphabet Introduction 1 Possession Demonstrative Determiners Plurals Alphabet Introduction 2 Basics 2 Negation Common Phrases Classifiers 1 Animals 1 Clothing Food Questions 1 Verbs 1 Objects Questions 2 Colors Adjectives 1 Conjunctions Numbers Continuous Ordinal numbers Verbs 2 Dates and Time Family Comparison Prepositions 1 Geography Common Phrases 2 Countries 1 Nominalization Jobs 1 Future Attributes Verbs 2.5 Adjectives 1.5 Frequency Objects 2 Conjunctions 2 Adverbs Modal Verbs Places Ask and tell the time Countries 2 Past Travel Verbs 3 Passive Prepositions 2 Education Common Phrases 3 Common Phrases 4 Common Phrases 5 Reflexive Determiners Relative Clauses People Abstract Objects 1 Verbs 4 Animals 2 Communication Nature Adjectives 2 Miscellaneous Politics Sports Arts Abstract Objects 2 Classifiers 2 Jobs 2 Medical Science Economics Astronomy Adjectives 3 Verbs 5 Vietnam History Abstract Objects 3 Military Paranormality Classifier 3.1 Reduplicative Words Informal Expressions Reduplicative Words 2

[ D ] give up + [ A ] soup + [ D ] to get up + [ D ] to check, checkup + [ D ] stood up + [ D ] group + [ A ] noodle soup +

E2 = bó tay = give up | E2 = canh = soup |
E3 = dậy = to get up |
E4 = canh = soup | E4 = leo cây = stood up | E4 = nhóm = group |
E5 = kiểm tra = to check, checkup | E5 = phở = noodle soup |

E2 = bằng = (1) equal to, the same as, even, level, flat, calm, peaceful, safe
(2) to use, be made of; to travel by (means of), be transported by, run (using some fuel)
(3) friend, comrade
(4) diploma, certificate
(5) by means of, with, in (language)
(6) proof, evidence, sup | E2 = cạy = (1) to rely on
(2) to pry up | E2 = ém = to hide, hush up, cover up | E2 = đàn = (1) musical instrument
(2) flock, herd, band, drove, group |
E3 = bôi = (1) to smear, rub out, blot out, be careless
(2) cup | E3 = bọn = crew, crowd, gang, group | E3 = ràng = to fasten, bind, tie up | E3 = rằng = that; to answer, speak up | E3 = đàn = (1) musical instrument
(2) flock, herd, band, drove, group | E3 = đàng = (1) see đương
(2) group |
E4 = buộc = to force, compel, oblige; to tie up | E4 = cạy = (1) to rely on
(2) to pry up | E4 = dửng = on end, erect, upright, ruffle up | E4 = giẫy = to (make) even, (make) level, dig up, unearth, pull up, settle, arrange, fix up | E4 = kê = (1) to list, mention, declare
(2) to prop up | E4 = lên = to go up, arise, come up | E4 = mở = to open, start, begin, turn on, set up | E4 = nhóm = to gather, group, collect; group | E4 = nâng = to raise, support, lift, pick up | E4 = nống = broad flat drying basket; prop up; endeavor, push up | E4 = ràng = to fasten, bind, tie up | E4 = rằng = that; to answer, speak up | E4 = tay = (1) hand, sleeve
(2) person, party, group | E4 = thẩm = to suck up | E4 = trồi = to emerge, rise, go up, come up | E4 = từ = from, since, of; to leave; to turn down; word, expression, vocabulary; temple guard; to renounce, give up |
E5 = giẫy = to (make) even, (make) level, dig up, unearth, pull up, settle, arrange, fix up | E5 = giẫy = to (make) even, (make) level, dig up, unearth, pull up, settle, arrange, fix up | E5 = lạc quan = optimistic; to be optimistic, get one’s hopes up | E5 = rối = tangled, entangled, mixed up | E5 = tốc = speed; to turn up (over), blow up | E5 = từ = from, since, of; to leave; to turn down; word, expression, vocabulary; temple guard; to renounce, give up |
E6 = bôi = (1) to smear, rub out, blot out, be careless
(2) cup | E6 = diễn đàn = platform, forum, mailing list, newsgroup | E6 = từ = from, since, of; to leave; to turn down; word, expression, vocabulary; temple guard; to renounce, give up |
E7 = mở = to open, start, begin, turn on, set up |
