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Duolingo Topics


Basic 1 Alphabet Introduction 1 Possession Demonstrative Determiners Plurals Alphabet Introduction 2 Basics 2 Negation Common Phrases Classifiers 1 Animals 1 Clothing Food Questions 1 Verbs 1 Objects Questions 2 Colors Adjectives 1 Conjunctions Numbers Continuous Ordinal numbers Verbs 2 Dates and Time Family Comparison Prepositions 1 Geography Common Phrases 2 Countries 1 Nominalization Jobs 1 Future Attributes Verbs 2.5 Adjectives 1.5 Frequency Objects 2 Conjunctions 2 Adverbs Modal Verbs Places Ask and tell the time Countries 2 Past Travel Verbs 3 Passive Prepositions 2 Education Common Phrases 3 Common Phrases 4 Common Phrases 5 Reflexive Determiners Relative Clauses People Abstract Objects 1 Verbs 4 Animals 2 Communication Nature Adjectives 2 Miscellaneous Politics Sports Arts Abstract Objects 2 Classifiers 2 Jobs 2 Medical Science Economics Astronomy Adjectives 3 Verbs 5 Vietnam History Abstract Objects 3 Military Paranormality Classifier 3.1 Reduplicative Words Informal Expressions Reduplicative Words 2

E2 = chống = against | E2 = chồng = husband |
E3 = bố = father | E3 = bộ = set (classifier) |
E4 = chỉ = only, merely |

E1 = vò = (1) jar, [CL for jarfulls]
(2) to rumple, crumble, crush, rub, scratch
(3) tangled silk thread | E1 = vó = hoof lift net | E1 = vô = (1) in-, im-, (negative prefix)
(2) in, at, on
(3) to go into, enter [= vào] | E1 = võ = martial, military | E1 = vơ = to gather, collect, pick up, grab, snatch | E1 = vỏ = shell, skin, exterior, bark, crust, peel, husk, sheath; tire | E1 = vố = trick | E1 = vồ = to grab, seize, spring upon, pounce | E1 = vỗ = to clap, pat, slap | E1 = vớ = (1) to seize, snatch, grab
(2) sock | E1 = vờ = to feign, pretend, act | E1 = vở = (1) notebook, exercise book
(2) [CL for plays] | E1 = vỡ = to break, rupture | E1 = vợ = wife |
E2 = chong = to keep lit, lighted | E2 = chòng = to tease | E2 = chóng = to be fast, rapid | E2 = chõng = bamboo bench, bamboo bed | E2 = chống = oppose, against; anti- | E2 = chồng = (1) husband
(2) stack |
E3 = bò = (1) cow, bull, ox
(2) to crawl, creep | E3 = bó = to tie (in a bunch), bundle; bundle, bunch | E3 = bô = (1) old man, elder
(2) bed pan, chamber pot | E3 = bõ = (1) worthwhile
(2) old servant | E3 = bơ = (1) butter
(2) shameless; to ignore
(3) helpless | E3 = bọ = insect, bug, flea, worm | E3 = bỏ = (1) to leave, quit, abandon (a policy), drop, divorce
(2) to insert, put, invest (into) | E3 = bố = (1) father; chap, fellow, guy, buddy
(2) to terrorize
(3) to spread, disseminate, publish
(4) cloth | E3 = bồ = (1) friend, pal, chum; close
(2) basket
(3) reed, rush | E3 = bổ = (1) to hit, split, cleave, open (a fruit)
(2) nutritious, nourishing
(3) to add, complement, supplement
(4) to appoint, name | E3 = bộ = (1) section, part department, ministry
(2) gear, part, device
(3) radical (of a Chinese character)
(4) collection, set, pack (cards), suit (clothes)
(5) appearance, mean, behavior, bearing
(6) step, pace
(7) [CL for laws]
(8) land
(9) foot
(10) re | E3 = bớ = hello, hi, hey | E3 = bờ = shore, bank, fence, rim, edge, border, limit, side | E3 = bở = (1) crumbly
(2) gainful, profitable | E3 = bợ = to be shameless, flatter |
E4 = chi = to pay, spend; to cost; what | E4 = chì = lead (metal) | E4 = chí = (1) will, volition
(2) to, up to | E4 = chỉ = (1) only
(2) to lead
(3) to point, indicate, show, point out
(4) thread | E4 = chị = older sister, you (to young woman), your wife, Miss |

N087 Family vợchồngbốchị