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Duolingo Topics


Basic 1 Alphabet Introduction 1 Possession Demonstrative Determiners Plurals Alphabet Introduction 2 Basics 2 Negation Common Phrases Classifiers 1 Animals 1 Clothing Food Questions 1 Verbs 1 Objects Questions 2 Colors Adjectives 1 Conjunctions Numbers Continuous Ordinal numbers Verbs 2 Dates and Time Family Comparison Prepositions 1 Geography Common Phrases 2 Countries 1 Nominalization Jobs 1 Future Attributes Verbs 2.5 Adjectives 1.5 Frequency Objects 2 Conjunctions 2 Adverbs Modal Verbs Places Ask and tell the time Countries 2 Past Travel Verbs 3 Passive Prepositions 2 Education Common Phrases 3 Common Phrases 4 Common Phrases 5 Reflexive Determiners Relative Clauses People Abstract Objects 1 Verbs 4 Animals 2 Communication Nature Adjectives 2 Miscellaneous Politics Sports Arts Abstract Objects 2 Classifiers 2 Jobs 2 Medical Science Economics Astronomy Adjectives 3 Verbs 5 Vietnam History Abstract Objects 3 Military Paranormality Classifier 3.1 Reduplicative Words Informal Expressions Reduplicative Words 2

E2 = ám chỉ = allude to | E2 = canh = soup | E2 = cành = branch | E2 = cạnh = next to | E2 = ria mép = moustache | E2 = thiết bị = equipment |
E3 = dép = slipper | E3 = hình ảnh = picture | E3 = ở trọ = to lodge (sleep, rest) |
E4 = kể = to tell | E4 = tượng đài = statue |

E1 = có tình = taking into consideration others’ feelings, feeling | E1 = có tính = to intend, expect; to have (be of) a quality, nature | E1 = cố tình = purposely, intentionally | E1 = nô lệ = slave, slavery | E1 = nộ lệ = slave | E1 = tre = bamboo tree | E1 = trẻ = young | E1 = trề = purse, pout (one’s lips) | E1 = trể = to pout | E1 = trễ = late | E1 = tàu ngầm = submarine | E1 = tầu ngầm = submarine |
E2 = canh = (1) soup
(2) to guard, watch over
(3) to plow
(4) to change, alter
(5) 7th cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac | E2 = cành = (1) branch, limb (of a tree)
(2) landscape, view, scenery, scene | E2 = cánh = (1) wing, pedal
(2) [CL for sails] | E2 = cạnh = (1) edge, side; beside, next to, near
(2) to struggle, quarrel, fight, argue | E2 = cảnh = (1) to warn
(2) to warn
(3) scenery, scene, view, site, landscape, situation, condition
(4) border, limit | E2 = thiết bì = leaden | E2 = thiết bị = to prepare, get ready, make ready, build up, build out; device, equipment | E2 = ám chỉ = to allude to, hint at, insinuate, refer to, imply |
E3 = dép = sandal (shoe) | E3 = dẹp = to put down, repress, quell | E3 = hình ảnh = image, photograph; graphic(s) | E3 = vệ sinh = hygiene, sanitation; sanitary | E3 = ở trọ = to stay at, board at |
E4 = dùa = gather (together), collect | E4 = dưa = melon, salted vegetables | E4 = dứa = pineapple | E4 = dừa = coconut | E4 = dựa = to lean on, stand against, incline, be based (on) | E4 = ke = quay, duck | E4 = kè = (1) to follow closely, trail
(2) basket
(3) embankment
(4) latania | E4 = ké = (1) to pool one’s money
(2) to bend, bow
(3) xanthium | E4 = kê = (1) to list, mention, declare
(2) to prop up | E4 = kẻ = individual, single, person, man; to write (on a sign) | E4 = kẽ = crevice | E4 = kế = (1) ruse, scheme, stratagem
(2) to reckon, computer, -meter
(3) to succeed, continue, inherit; heir
(4) next to, adjoining | E4 = kề = close to, near to; to move close to | E4 = kể = (1) to include
(2) to list, mention, declare, consider; to relate, tell (a story)
(3) individual, person | E4 = kệ = (1) shelf
(2) to ignore, leave alone, pay no attention to | E4 = tượng đài = statue, statuary |

N208 Miscellaneous tàu ngầmthiết bịhình ảnhtượng đài
N209 Miscellaneous nô lệria mépvệ sinh
N210 Miscellaneous cố tìnhám chỉở trọdừa
N211 Miscellaneous trecànhdépkể