Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

net' net net in’s Reine начисто na czysto

neta + + cleanly cut + + neat precise net (weight
netaksata + + unrated + +
netaksebla + + inappreciable + + inestimable invaluable priceless
netaŭga + + inappropriate + + inept unfit unsuitable
netaŭge + + inappropriately + + ineptly
netaŭgeco + + unsuitability + +
netbalo + + netball + +
nete + + carefully prepared + + in the final analysis
netigi + + to finalize + + put in finished form
netipa pneŭmonio + + severe acute respiratory syndrome + + SARS
neto + + corrected copy + + final copy
netolerebla + + intolerable + + unbearable
netolereble + + intolerably + +
netolerema + + intolerant + +
netonala + + atonal + +
netradukita + + untranslated + +
netraktita + + unhandled + +
netraktita escepto + + unhandled exception + +
netransitiva + + intransitive + + non-transitive
netrovebla + + missing + +
netrovebla miso + + undetectable fault + +
netuŝebla + + untouchable + +
netuŝeblulo + + untouchable + +
netuŝenda + + inviolable + +
netuŝi + + to not touch + +
netuŝumino + + touch-me-not + +
netute + + not entirely + +

#neta #cleanly cut #netaksata #unrated #netaksebla #inappreciable #netaŭga #inappropriate #netaŭge #inappropriately #netaŭgeco #unsuitability #netbalo #netball #nete #carefully prepared #netigi #to finalize #netipa pneŭmonio #severe acute respiratory syndrome #neto #corrected copy #netolerebla #intolerable #netolereble #intolerably #netolerema #intolerant #netonala #atonal #netradukita #untranslated #netraktita #unhandled #netraktita escepto #unhandled exception #netransitiva #intransitive #netrovebla #missing #netrovebla miso #undetectable fault #netuŝebla #untouchable #netuŝeblulo #untouchable #netuŝenda #inviolable #netuŝi #to not touch #netuŝumino #touch-me-not #netute #not entirely

#elektromagneta kampo #电磁场 #fonetiko #语音学 发音学 #infaneto #婴儿 小孩 #kamioneto #货车 #kineta energio #动能 #magneta disko #磁碟 #magneta kampo #磁场 #magneto #磁铁 #magnetofono #录音机 #magnetoskopo #录影机 #malneto #草稿 #marioneto #木偶 #netransitiva verbo #不及物动词 #netuŝuminfloro #凤仙花 #netuŝumino #凤仙花 #organeto #细胞器