Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

anim' âme soul Seele душа dusza

anima + + of the soul + + spiritual
animaciaĵo + + animation + + animated work
animacio + + animation + +
animado + + animation + +
animala + + animal + +
animala magnetismo + + animal magnetism + +
animala odoro + + animal smell + +
animalo + + animal (as opposed to vegetable or mineral) + +
animaloj + + Animal kingdom + +
anime + + mentally + +
animeco + + animation + +
animeo + + anime (Japanese animation) + +
animi + + to animate + + enliven vitalize inspire
animilo + + animus + +
animisma + + animistic + +
animismo + + animism + +
animisto + + animist + +
animita + + animated + +
animkonflikto + + conflict of conscience + +
animo + + soul + + spirit
animstato + + mood + + state of mind
animzorgado + + chaplaincy + +
animzorganto + + chaplain + +

#anima #of the soul #animaciaĵo #animation #animacio #animation #animado #animation #animala #animal #animala magnetismo #animal magnetism #animala odoro #animal smell #animalo #animal (as opposed to vegetable or mineral) #animaloj #Animal kingdom #anime #mentally #animeco #animation #animeo #anime (Japanese animation) #animi #to animate #animilo #animus #animisma #animistic #animismo #animism #animisto #animist #animita #animated #animkonflikto #conflict of conscience #animo #soul #animstato #mood #animzorgado #chaplaincy #animzorganto #chaplain

#animo #灵魂 心灵