0 Old HSK word(s):

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from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

kastel' château castle Schloss, Kastell замокъ zamek

aerkastelo + + castle in the sky + +
Kaslebajo + + Castlebay + +
Kaslobaro + + Castlebar + +
Kastelburgo + + Castlebury + +
kastelo + + castle + + citadel fort stronghold

#aerkastelo #castle in the sky #Kaslebajo #Castlebay #Kaslobaro #Castlebar #Kastelburgo #Castlebury #kastelo #castle

+ + + castle / city, town / municipality Earth 成 (VOLLENDEN) cheng2 +

3.44 Geschlossen Schloss + Castle + 城堡 +
8.2 Ansiedlung, Stadt Burg + Castle + 城堡 +
9.74 Zuflucht Castle + Castle + 城堡 +