3 Old HSK word(s): ** C ** C ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

source, origin, beginning
offspring, child / fruit, seed of / 1st terrestrial branch
to be able / can, permitted to / ability

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

amu + + atomic mass unit + +
atoma + + atomic + +
atoma horloĝo + + atomic clock + +
atomcentralo + + atomic power station + +
atome + + atomically + +
atomeco + + atomicity + +
atomenergio + + atomic energy + +
atomfiziko + + atomic physics + +
atomfuzio + + atomic fusion + + nuclear fusion
atomhorloĝo + + atomic clock + +
atomkerno + + atomic nucleus + + atomic core
atommaso + + atomic + +
atommilito + + atomic war + +
atomnumero + + atomic number + +
atompezo + + atomic weight + +
atompilo + + atomic pile + +
atomreaktoro + + atomic reactor + +
atomteorio + + atomic theory + +
nedisigebla ago + + atomic (trans)action + + inseparable action

#amu #atomic mass unit #atoma #atomic #atoma horloĝo #atomic clock #atomcentralo #atomic power station #atome #atomically #atomeco #atomicity #atomenergio #atomic energy #atomfiziko #atomic physics #atomfuzio #atomic fusion #atomhorloĝo #atomic clock #atomkerno #atomic nucleus #atommaso #atomic #atommilito #atomic war #atomnumero #atomic number #atompezo #atomic weight #atompilo #atomic pile #atomreaktoro #atomic reactor #atomteorio #atomic theory #nedisigebla ago #atomic (trans)action


1 Atomenergie + Atomic + 原子 +
13.18 Physik atomar + atomic + 原子 +