C + + * * he2 nucleus/ atomic nucleus/ pit/ stone 1.Kern, Stein, 2. Kern, Atomkern, nuklear, atomar 3. untersuchen, nachprüfen + + +
D 核桃 + + * * he2tao walnut Walnuß + + +
D 核武器 + + * * he2wu3qi4 nuclear weapon Kernwaffe + + +
D 核心 + + * * he2xin1 core/ kernel Kern, Zentrum + + +
D 考核 + + * * kao3he2 examine/ assess überprüfen, abschätzen + + +

5 trung tâm 核心 6 khảo hạch 考核

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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seed, kernel, core, nut / atom
son, child / KangXi radical 10

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

核' + * * + pit/ stone nucleus
核不擴散' + 核不扩散* * + nuclear nonproliferation/
核事件' + 核事件* * + nuclear incident/
核仁' + 核仁* * + nucleolus (within nucleus of cell)/
核僵持' + 核僵持* * + nuclear equipoise/ nuclear stalemate
核兒' + 核儿* * + pit (stone of a fruit)/
核冬天' + 核冬天* * + nuclear winter/
核准' + 核准* * + to authorize/ to investigate then ratify
核出口控制' + 核出口控制* * + nuclear export control/
核分裂' + 核分裂* * + nuclear fission/
核動力' + 核动力* * + nuclear power/
核動力航空母艦' + 核动力航空母舰* * + nuclear-powered aircraft carrier/
核勢' + 核势* * + nuclear potential/
核原料' + 核原料* * + nuclear material/
核反應' + 核反应* * + nuclear reaction/
核反應堆' + 核反应堆* * + nuclear reactor/
核反擊' + 核反击* * + nuclear counter strike/
核合成' + 核合成* * + nucleosynthesis/
核問題' + 核问题* * + the nuclear problem/
核四' + 核四* * + Fourth Nuclear Power Plant near New Taipei City 新北市/
核四級共振' + 核四级共振* * + nuclear /
核國家' + 核国家* * + nuclear nations/
核地雷' + 核地雷* * + nuclear land mine/ nuclear mine
核均勢' + 核均势* * + nuclear parity/
核型' + 核型* * + karyotype (genetics)/
核大國' + 核大国* * + a nuclear power (country)/
核威' + 核威* * + nuclear strength/ nuclear might
核威懾' + 核威慑* * + nuclear deterrence/
核威懾力量' + 核威慑力量* * + nuclear deterrent/
核威懾政策' + 核威慑政策* * + policy of nuclear intimidation/
核子' + 核子* * + nuclear/ nucleus
核子醫學' + 核子医学* * + nuclear medicine/
核定' + 核定* * + to audit and determine/ to check and ratify to apprais
核實' + 核实* * + to verify/ to check
核對' + 核对* * + to check/ to verify to audit
核對峙' + 核对峙* * + nuclear stalemate/
核對帳目' + 核对帐目* * + to verify accounting records/
核導彈' + 核导弹* * + nuclear missile/
核小體' + 核小体* * + nucleosome/
核屏蔽' + 核屏蔽* * + nuclear shielding/
核工業' + 核工业* * + nuclear industry/
核工業部' + 核工业部* * + Ministry of Nuclear Industry/
核工程' + 核工程* * + nuclear engineering/
核廢物' + 核废物* * + nuclear waste/
核彈' + 核弹* * + nuclear warhead/
核彈頭' + 核弹头* * + nuclear reentry vehicle/ nuclear warhead
核心' + 核心* * + core/ nucleus
核戰' + 核战* * + nuclear warfare/
核戰斗部' + 核战斗部* * + nuclear warhead/
核技術' + 核技术* * + nuclear technology/
核推進' + 核推进* * + nuclear propulsion/
核擴散' + 核扩散* * + nuclear proliferation/
核查小組' + 核查小组* * + inspection team/
核柱' + 核柱* * + nuclear column/
核桃' + 核桃* * + walnut/ CL:個|个
核桃仁' + 核桃仁* * + walnut /
核模型' + 核模型* * + nuclear model/
核武' + 核武* * + nuclear weapon/
核武器' + 核武器* * + nuclear weapon/
核武庫' + 核武库* * + nuclear arsenal/
核熱' + 核热* * + nuclear heat/
核燃料' + 核燃料* * + nuclear fuel/
核燃料後處理' + 核燃料后处理* * + nuclear fuel reprocessing/
核燃料燃耗' + 核燃料燃耗* * + nuclear fuel burnup/
核爆炸' + 核爆炸* * + nuclear explosion/
核爆炸裝置' + 核爆炸装置* * + nuclear explosion device/
核物理' + 核物理* * + nuclear physics/
核球' + 核球* * + core/ pellet central bu
核當量' + 核当量* * + nuclear yield/
核發電' + 核发电* * + nuclear power generation/
核發電廠' + 核发电厂* * + nuclear power plant/
核相互作用' + 核相互作用* * + nuclear interaction/
核磁共振' + 核磁共振* * + nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)/
核算' + 核算* * + to calculate/ accounting
核糖' + 核糖* * + ribose/
核糖核酸' + 核糖核酸* * + ribonucleic acid (RNA)/
核糖體' + 核糖体* * + ribosome/
核素' + 核素* * + nuclide/
核結構' + 核结构* * + nuclear structure/
核聚變' + 核聚变* * + nuclear fusion/
核能' + 核能* * + nuclear energy/
核能源' + 核能源* * + nuclear power/
核自旋' + 核自旋* * + nuclear spin/
核苷' + 核苷* * + nucleoside/
核苷酸' + 核苷酸* * + nucleotide/
核裁軍' + 核裁军* * + nuclear disarmament/
核裂變' + 核裂变* * + atomic fission/ nuclear fission fission
核裝置' + 核装置* * + nuclear device/
核設施' + 核设施* * + nuclear facility/ nuclear installation
核試' + 核试* * + nuclear weapons test/
核試爆' + 核试爆* * + a nuclear test/
核試驗' + 核试验* * + nuclear test/
核試驗堆' + 核试验堆* * + nuclear test reactor/
核試驗場' + 核试验场* * + nuclear test site/
核談判' + 核谈判* * + nuclear negotiations/
核證模型' + 核证模型* * + verification model/
核變形' + 核变形* * + nuclear deformation/
核軍備' + 核军备* * + nuclear arms/
核輻射' + 核辐射* * + nuclear radiation/
核轉變' + 核转变* * + nuclear transformation/ nuclear transmutation
核轟炸' + 核轰炸* * + nuclear bomb/
核轟炸機' + 核轰炸机* * + nuclear bomber (aircraft)/
核連鎖反應' + 核连锁反应* * + nuclear chain reaction/
核酮糖' + 核酮糖* * + ribulose (type of sugar)/
核酸' + 核酸* * + nucleic acid/ RNA or DNA
核銷' + 核销* * + to audit and write off/
核門檻' + 核门槛* * + nuclear threshold/
核防御' + 核防御* * + nuclear defense/
核陀螺' + 核陀螺* * + nuclear gyroscope/
核電' + 核电* * + nuclear power/
核電廠' + 核电厂* * + nuclear power plant/
核電磁脈衝' + 核电磁脉冲* * + nuclear electro-magnetic pulse/
核電站' + 核电站* * + nuclear power plant/
核電荷數' + 核电荷数* * + electric charge on nucleus/ atomic number
核鹼基' + 核碱基* * + nucleobase/
核黃素' + 核黄素* * + riboflavin (vitamin B2)/
覈' + * * + variant /
覈實' + 核实* * + to veri also written 核實|核实/
覈查' + 核查* * + to examine/ to inspect

nuclear Atom- นิวเคลียร์ nucléaire nuclear nucleare ydinaseiden

nucleus Kern นิวเคลียส noyau núcleo nucleo tuma

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1084 核桃 坚果 +
1185 核桃 压碎 +
1660 扩散 +
2100 核电站 +
2101 桃核 不能 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT


核心 핵심. + + 考核 심사하다. + +

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