2 Old HSK word(s): ** B ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

exist, live, be / survive / remain
item, article / clause / fund

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof


Abfalldeponie (S) [la1 ji1 chu3 li3 chu4] 垃圾处理处
Abfalldeponie (S) [la1 ji1 chu3 li3 de5] 垃圾处理地
Abfalllagerungsstätte, Mülldeponie (S)Müllhalde (S, vulg) [dui1 fang4 la1 ji1 chang3] 堆放垃圾场
Bezeugung (S)Deponierung (S)Zeugenaussage (S)Zeugnis (S) [zheng4 ci2] 证词
Deponie (S) [cun2 fang4 fei4 zha1 de5 chang3 suo3] 存放废渣的场所
Deponie (S) [la1 ji1 dui1 fang4 chang3] 垃圾堆放场
Deponie (S) [tian2 mai2 chang3] 填埋场
Deponie (S)Müllkippe (S) [la1 ji1 dui1] 垃圾堆
Deponie (S, Geo) [la1 ji1 dui1 tian2 qu1] 垃圾堆填区
Deponieabdichtung (S) [cun2 fang4 mi4 du4] 存放密度
deponieren (V) [shi3 chen2 dian4] 使沉淀
deponieren, ablagern, ablegen (V) [cun2 fang4] 存放
einlegen, speichern, deponieren, lagern (V) [chu3 cun2] 储存
geordnete Deponie, sanitary landfilling [wei4 sheng1 yan3 mai2 chang3] 卫生掩埋场
offene Deponie (S) [lu4 tian1 qing1 dao3 chang3] 露天倾倒场

1.25 Abfall Deponie + Landfill + 垃圾填埋场 +