0 Old HSK word(s):
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Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

god of the soil and altars to him / group of families / company, society
mix / intersect / exchange, communicate / deliver

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

Gemütlichkeit (S) [she4 jiao1 xing4] 社交性
gesellig (Adj) [ai4 she4 jiao1] 爱社交
gesellig (Adj) [shan4 yu2 she4 jiao1] 善于社交
Gesellschaft (S) [she4 jiao1 jie4] 社交界
Gesellschaft (S) [she4 jiao1 ju4 hui4] 社交聚会
gesellschaftliche Interaktion (S)sozial (Adj) [she4 jiao1] 社交
Gesellschaftstanz (S) [she4 jiao1 wu3] 社交舞
Lebedame (S) [she4 jiao1 ming2 yuan2] 社交名媛
Personenkreis (S)Umgang (S) [she4 jiao1 juan4 zi3] 社交圈子
Prominente (S) [she4 jiao1 ming2 liu2] 社交名流
soziale Fähigkeit (S) [she4 jiao1 neng2 li4] 社交能力
Soziale Phobie (S) [she4 jiao1 kong3 ju4 zheng4] 社交恐惧症
Verkehrssprache (S) [she4 jiao1 yu3 yan2] 社交语言