0 Old HSK word(s):
* *

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

electricity / electric / lightning
inquire / ask / examine / reproach

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

Interfax [guo2 ji4 wen2 chuan2 dian4 xun4 she4] 国际文传电讯社
PCCW (Org) [dian4 xun4 ying2 ke1] 电讯盈科
Telekommunikation (S) [dian4 xun4 gong1 cheng2] 电讯工程
The Daily Telegraph [mei3 ri4 dian4 xun4 bao4] 每日电讯报

19.14 Elektronik Nachrichtentechnik + Telecommunications + 电讯 +
19.15 Telefon Fernmeldewesen + Telecommunications + 电讯 +
19.15 Telefon Telekommunikationsbereich + Telecommunications + 电讯 +