0 Old HSK word(s):
* *

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

flow, circulate, drift / class
a star, planet / any point of light

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

B Die Umwelt: Der Weltraum: Meteor + * +

Meteorschwarm (S) [liu2 xing1 qun2] 流星群
Bolid (S)Bolid (S) [huo3 liu2 xing1] 火流星
Fliegender Komet, Meteorhammer (Sport) [liu2 xing1 chui2] 流星锤
Leoniden [shi1 zi5 zuo4 liu2 xing1 yu3] 狮子座流星雨
Meteorit (S) [liu2 xing1 yun3 shi2] 流星陨石
Meteoritenschauer, Meteorschauer (S, Astron) [liu2 xing1 yu3] 流星雨
Meteoroid, Sternschnuppe, Meteorit (S) [liu2 xing1] 流星
Meteoroid, Sternschnuppe, Meteorit (S) [liu2 xing1 ti3] 流星体
Meteorschwarm [cheng2 qun2 de5 liu2 xing1 ti3] 成群的流星体
Perseiden [ying1 xian1 zuo4 liu2 xing1 yu3] 英仙座流星雨

1.2 Sternhimmel Meteor + Meteor + 流星 +
1.2 Sternhimmel Sternschnuppe + Shooting star + 流星 +