0 Old HSK word(s):
* *

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

water, liquid, lotion, juice
central / center, middle / in the midst of / hit (target) / attain

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

abtauchen (V) [qian2 ru4 shui3 zhong1] 潜入水中
aquatisch (Adj)wässerig (Adj) [shui3 zhong1] 水中
aus dem Wasser herausnehmen (V) [zi4 shui3 zhong1 qu3 chu1] 自水中取出
Das Mädchen aus dem Wasser < Filmtitel > (Eig, Werk, Autor: M. Night Shyamalan) [shui3 zhong1 de5 nü3 ren2] 水中的女人
Geduldsprobe (S) [shou3 cha1 ru4 tang4 shui3 zhong1] 手插入烫水中
Hyperhydration (S) [shui3 zhong1 du2] 水中毒
untertauchen (V) [jin4 ru4 shui3 zhong1] 浸入水中