1 Old HSK word(s): ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

coagulate / congeal / freeze
to become solid, solidify / strength

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

betonieren (V) [shi3 ning2 gu4] 使凝固
Blutgerinnung (S) [xie3 ning2 gu4] 血凝固
Blutgerinnung (S, Med) [xie3 ye4 ning2 gu4] 血液凝固
erstarren, starr werden (S, Phys) [ning2 gu4] 凝固
Gefrierpunkt, Erstarrungspunkt (S) [ning2 gu4 dian3] 凝固点
Koagulans [ning2 gu4 ji4] 凝固剂
Napalm (Chem) [ning2 gu4 qi4 you2 dan4] 凝固汽油弹

2.22 Unempfindlichkeit Erstarrung + Solidification + 凝固 +