0 Old HSK word(s):
* *

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

crow, rook, raven / black, dark
to hold up with palm / to support, rely on
nation, country, state

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

Dystopie (Lit) [fan3 wu1 tuo1 bang1] 反乌托邦
Utopie (S) [wu1 tuo1 bang1] 乌托邦
Utopie (S, Pol) [wu1 tuo1 bang1] 乌托邦

3.5 Nirgends Utopie + Utopia + 乌托邦 +
3.5 Nirgends Utopia + Utopia + 乌托邦 +
11.26 Einbildung, Wahn Utopien + Utopias + 乌托邦 +
11.26 Einbildung, Wahn Utopist + Utopian + 乌托邦 +
11.26 Einbildung, Wahn utopisch + Utopian + 乌托邦 +