0 Old HSK word(s):

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HSK -Characters and beyond:

(English: a great number of people or things) (S)erster Steuermann (S)Leute (S)allewir alle [da4 huo3] 大夥
Boat People (Gesch) [chuan2 min2] 船民
die Politische Konsultativkonferenz des Chinesischen VolksPolitisches Konsultativkomitee des Chinesischen Volkes, CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Committee) [zheng4 xie2] 政协
New People's Army (Pol) [xin1 ren2 min2 jun1] 新人民军
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals [ren2 dao4 dui4 dai4 dong4 wu4 xie2 hui4] 人道对待动物协会
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Org) [shan4 dai4 dong4 wu4 zu3 zhi1] 善待动物组织
People's Action Party (S) [xin1 jia1 po1 ren2 min2 xing2 dong4 dang3] 新加坡人民行动党
People's Bank of China (Wirtsch) [zhong1 guo2 ren2 min2 yin2 hang2] 中国人民银行
People's Choice Award [quan2 mei3 min2 xuan3 jiang3] 全美民选奖
People's Insurance Company of China [zhong1 guo2 cai2 xian3] 中国财险
People's Insurance Company of China [zhong1 guo2 ren2 min2 cai2 chan3 bao3 xian3 gu3 fen4 you3 xian4 gong1 si1] 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司
Peoplemover (Sport)Peoplemover (Geo) [lü3 ke4 jie2 yun4 xi4 tong3] 旅客捷运系统
Peoples Temple (religiöse Mördersekte) (Geo) [ren2 min2 sheng4 dian4 jiao4] 人民圣殿教