0 Old HSK word(s):

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Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

Attenborough (Eig) [ai4 tan3 bo1 luo2] 艾坦波罗
Borough [zi4 zhi4 cheng2 zhen4] 自治城镇
Borough [zi4 zhi4 shi4] 自治市
Herzog von Marlborough [ma3 er3 ba1 luo2 gong1 jue2] 马尔巴罗公爵
Hillsborough-Katastrophe [xi1 si1 bao3 can3 ju4] 希斯堡惨剧
John Churchill, 1. Herzog von Marlborough [yue1 han4 qiu1 ji2 er3] 约翰丘吉尔
London Borough of Greenwich [ge2 lin2 wei1 zhi4] 格林威治
London Borough of Greenwich [ge2 lin2 wei1 zhi4 cun1] 格林威治村
Loughborough (Geo) [la1 fu1 bao3] 拉夫堡
Scarborough Fair [si1 ka3 bu4 luo2 ji2 shi4] 斯卡布罗集市