2 Old HSK word(s): ** B ** D

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rice growing in field, rice plant
offspring, child / fruit, seed of / 1st terrestrial branch

Hsk Characters: *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
+ + + rice growing in field, rice plant Grain 舀 (SCHÖPFKELLE) dao4 +

Daocheng (Ort in Sichuan) (Eig, Geo) [dao4 cheng2] 稻城
Genreis (S, Bio) [zhuan3 ji1 yin1 dao4] 转基因稻
Inagaki Gorō (Eig, Pers, 1973 - ) [dao4 yuan2 wu2 lang2] 稻垣吾郎
Inazo Nitobe (Eig, Pers, 1862 - 1933) [xin1 du4 hu4 dao4 zao4] 新渡户稻造
Junichi Inamoto (Eig, Pers, 1979 - ) [dao4 ben3 run4 yi1] 稻本润一
Klebreis [nuo4 dao4] 糯稻
Kreis Daocheng (Provinz Sichuan, China) (Eig, Geo) [dao4 cheng2 xian4] 稻城县
Reis (Bio) [dao4]
Reis (Bio) [dao4 mi3] 稻米
Reis (S) [dao4 shu3] 稻属
Reisfeld (S) [dao4 tian2] 稻田
Reisfeld (S) [shui3 dao4 tian2] 水稻田
Reisterrasse (S, Agrar) [shui3 dao4 ti1 tian2] 水稻梯田
Schweinefleisch in Bambus gewickelt (S, Ess) [zhu2 tong3 dao4 xiang1 zha2 rou4] 竹筒稻香扎肉
Vogelscheuche (Wirtsch) [dao4 cao3 ren2] 稻草人
Waseda-Universität (S) [zao3 dao4 tian2 da4 xue2] 早稻田大学
Wasserreis (S) [shui3 dao4] 水稻