Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:
+ + + pour / water / irrigate, flood 水, 氵 灌/雚 Water 灌/雚 (FISCHREIHER) guan4 +
+ + + jar, jug, pitcher, pot 灌/雚 Earthenware 灌/雚 (FISCHREIHER) guan4 +
+ + + crane, grus japonensis / stork / Ciconia species (various) 灌/雚 Bird1 灌/雚 (FISCHREIHER) guan4 +
+ + + the badger 灌/雚 Dog 灌/雚 (FISCHREIHER) huan1 +
+ + + cheek bones 灌/雚 Head2 灌/雚 (FISCHREIHER) quan2 +