5 Old HSK word(s): ** B ** B ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

to look at, look forward / to hope, expect
distant, remote, far / profound
mirror / lens / glass / glasses

Hsk Characters: *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
955C + + + mirror / lens / glass / glasses 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 竟 (UNERWARTET) jing4 +


GYEONG + 京, 亰, 俓, 倞, 傾, 儆, 冂, 冏, 剄, 剠, 勁, 勍, 卿, 哽, 囧, 坰, 境, 并, 庚, 径, 徑, 惸, 慶, 憬, 憼, 扃, 擎, 敬, 景, 暻, 更, 梗, 檠, 涇, 炅, 烱, 焭, 煢, 熲, 璟, 璥, 瓊, 畊, 痙, 硬, 磬, 竟, 競, 竸, 絅, 経, 綆, 經, 罄, 耕, 耿, 脛, 莖, 褧, 謦, 警, 軽, 輕, 逕, 鏡, 頃, 頚, 頸, 顈, 駉, 驚, 鯁, 鯨, 黥
+ 거울 경 (거울: a mirror)
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