Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters: * * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
7F36 + + + earthen crock or jar / rad. 121 Earthenware 缶 (WEINKRUG) fou3 +
7F38 + + + earthen jug, crock, cistern Earthenware 工 (ARBEIT) gang1 +
7F50 + + + jar, jug, pitcher, pot 灌/雚 Earthenware 灌/雚 (FISCHREIHER) guan4 +
7F44 + + + exhaust, run out, use up / empty Earthenware 磬 (KLANGSTEIN) qing4 +
7F3A + + + be short of, lack / gap, deficit Earthenware 决 (DURCHBRUCH) que1 +
7F45 + + + crack, fissure, split Earthenware 虔 (FROMM) xia4 +
7F42 + + + long necked jar or bottle Earthenware 罂 (FLASCHE_KRUG) ying1 +


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