5 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** B ** C ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

palm of hand, sole of foot, paw
pipe, tube, duct / woodwind music

Hsk Characters: *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
638C + + + palm of hand, sole of foot, paw 手, 扌 Hand1 掌 (HANDFLÄCHE) zhang3 +


JANG + 丈, 仗, 傽, 匞, 匠, 場, 墻, 壮, 壯, 奘, 奨, 奬, 妝, 嬙, 将, 將, 嶂, 帳, 庄, 廧, 張, 戕, 掌, 暲, 杖, 樟, 檣, 欌, 漳, 漿, 牂, 牆, 状, 狀, 獐, 璋, 瘴, 章, 粧, 糚, 羘, 腸, 臓, 臟, 臧, 荘, 莊, 萇, 葬, 蒋, 蔣, 蔵, 薔, 藏, 装, 裝, 賬, 贓, 贜, 鄣, 酱, 醤, 醬, 鏘, 長, 障, 餦, 髒, 麞
+ 손바닥 장 (the palm of the hand)
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