like: ten
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VNEN mười * ten *
VNEN thập * ten *

thập thập mười ten

all words:
VNEN Nó bị kết án ba năm tù * He was sentenced to prison for three years *
VNEN a lô * hello (on phone, in announcements), attention! *
VNEN an bần * content with one’s poverty, satisfied with one’s (poor) fate *
VNEN an lạc * peace and comfort or contentment *
VNEN an phận * content, happy *
VNEN an phận thủ thường * content with one’s situation *
VNEN anh quân * enlightened or wise king, monarch *
VNEN anh ách ánh * glistening, gleaming *
VNEN anh ánh * gleaming, glimmering, glistening *
VNEN bai * (1) to stretch out, extend
(2) byte
VNEN biết dường nào * to such an extent *
VNEN biền ngẫu * couplet, parallel sentences, parallel constructions *
VNEN bành trướng * to develop, expand, spread, extend *
VNEN bành trướng ảnh hương * to extend one’s influence *
VNEN bá đạo * authoritarian, dictatorial, potent; short-cut *
VNEN bách chu niên * centenary, centennial celebration *
VNEN bánh mật * molasses-sweetened glutinous rice cake *
VNEN bát nhã * (Buddhism) prajna, enlightenment *
VNEN bây * (1) shameless, brazen
(2) this, this extent
VNEN bét * (1) last, least, lowest (in a series, ranking)
(2) to be (badly) beaten, beaten to a pulp
(3) dead drunk
VNEN bò lê bò càng * beaten until one is unable to walk *
VNEN bóng bàn * table tennis, ping pong *
VNEN bô bin ăng ten * antenna loading coil *
VNEN bùa * written charm, amulet *
VNEN bút cứ * written evidence, handwriting *
VNEN bút tích * autograph, written document *
VNEN bút đàm * to hold a written conversation (using Chinese characters) *
VNEN bươn * to hasten, hurry *
VNEN bạt ngàn * innumerable and extensive *
VNEN bạt vía * frightened out of one’s wits *
VNEN bạt vía kinh hồn * frightened, scared out of one’s wits *
VNEN bản lãnh * capabilities, competence, capacity, ability, fundamental *
VNEN bản mệnh * life, existence, one’s lot, one’s fate, one’s fortune *
VNEN bảo mẫu * kindergartener, governess *
VNEN bảo trì * maintenance; to maintain, service *
VNEN bảo trì cao cấp * depot maintenance *
VNEN bảo trì dã chiến * field maintenance *
VNEN bảo trì trung cấp * field maintenance *
VNEN bất bình * unhappy, displeased, indignant, discontented; discontent *
VNEN bất kỳ * (1) any, arbitrary
(2) unexpected, unintended
VNEN bất lực * incapable, incompetent, ineffective, impotent, powerless, helpless; impotence *
VNEN bất mãn * dissatisfied, unhappy, discontented *
VNEN bất nhất * inconsistent *
VNEN bất thành văn * unwritten *
VNEN bất tài * incapable, talentless, incompetent *
VNEN bấy * (1) tender, immature, green, (2) that, that extent *
VNEN bầu không khí căng thẳng * a tense atmosphere *
VNEN bắt giam trái phép * illegal detention *
VNEN bằng lòng * (1) happy, satisfied, content
(2) to agree
VNEN bằng sáng chế * patent *
VNEN bẹp * crushed, deformed, misshapen, flattened *
VNEN bẹp dí * flattened, squashed *
VNEN bẹp rúm * flattened, deformed *
VNEN bẹt * flattened, squashed, flat, elongated *
VNEN bền chí * persevering, patient, persistent *
VNEN bền gan * steady, tenacious *
VNEN bệ kiến * to attend an audience given by the sovereign *
VNEN bệnh bất lực * impotence *
VNEN bệnh giả * to fake illness, pretend to be sick *
VNEN bị khép án tử hình * to be sentenced to death *
VNEN bị kết án tù * to be sentenced to prison *
VNEN bị kết án tử hình * to be sentenced to death *
VNEN bị mối gặm * termite-eaten *
VNEN bị tuyên án tù chung thân * to be sentenced to life in prison *
VNEN bị tù chung thân * to be sentenced to life imprisonment *
VNEN bị tử hình * to be sentenced to death *
VNEN bị xử tử hình * to be sentenced to death *
VNEN bị xử án * to be judged, sentenced *
VNEN bị xử án tù * to be sentenced to jail *
VNEN bị đe dọa * to be threatened, menaced *
VNEN bị đánh * to be hit, be beaten *
VNEN bịt tai * to cover one’s ears, stop one’s ears, refuse to listen *
VNEN bỏ ngoài tai * to pay no attention to, turn a deaf ear to, ignore *
VNEN bộ mã mở rộng * extended code set *
VNEN bộ tụ điện ăng ten * antenna shortening condenser *
VNEN bới tác * to fasten up one’s hair *
VNEN ca rô ten * carotin, carotene *
VNEN cam lòng * to content oneself with, resign oneself *
VNEN cam phận * content; to resign oneself to one’s fate *
VNEN canh điền * tenant farmer, till, cultivate *
VNEN cao minh * enlightened, intelligent, gifted *
VNEN cao thế * high voltage, high tension *
VNEN chim cánh cụt * penguin, aptenodytes *
VNEN chiếu cố * to patronize, pay attention to, take care of, consider, make allowance for, patronize *
VNEN chiều hướng * direction, tendency, trend *
VNEN cho đến mức nào * to what extent *
VNEN chuẩn độ * standard, title (of gold), grade content (of ore) *
VNEN chán ngán * bored, (sick and) tired of, utterly discontented *
VNEN chán nản * disheartened, dispirited; to discourage, depress *
VNEN chán tai * boring to listen to *
VNEN chân nhân * enlightened monk *
VNEN chèo kéo * to invite with insistence, solicit *
VNEN chép tay * handwritten; to write down, copy by hand *
VNEN chìa * (1) key
(2) to stretch out, extend, show, produce
VNEN chìa tay ra * to extend one’s hand, hold out one’s hand *
VNEN chìa tay ra đón ai * to extend one's hand to greet *
VNEN chín nẫu * (of fruit) be too ripe, rotten, overripe *
VNEN chính sử * history written by the imperial court *
VNEN chíp * to keep to tighten *
VNEN chói * to shine, glisten *
VNEN chói chang * blazing, intense *
VNEN chú mục * to gaze at, concentrate one’s attention upon *
VNEN chú trọng * to pay attention, attach importance *
VNEN chú tâm * to concentrate on, pay attention to *
VNEN chú tâm đến vùng Âu Châu * to pay attention to, concentrate on Europe *
VNEN chú ý * to pay attention; note *
VNEN chú ý nghe * to listen with both ears *
VNEN chăm chú * to be attentive, concentrate; concentrating, with concentration *
VNEN chăm chăm * fixedly, intently *
VNEN chăm sóc * care, attention, supervision; to see to, look after, take care of, attend on (upon), care for *
VNEN chưa từng có trước đây * never before seen, previously nonexistent, unprecedented *
VNEN chất chưởng * inconsistent in words, erratic, unreliable *
VNEN chắp nối ăng ten * to connect an antenna *
VNEN chặt cụt * shorten, chop off, cut off *
VNEN chết đòn * to be beaten black and blue *
VNEN chỉ dụ * royal decrees and ordinances, royal written orders and proclamations *
VNEN chối đây đẩy * deny persistently *
VNEN chồn lòng * disheartened *
VNEN chớ thây * not worthy of our attention *
VNEN chớp * (1) lightning (bolt), flash, flare
(2) to display, show, lighten, blink, wink, project, show
(3) to steal, swipe, pinch, snatch
VNEN chục lần * dozen times, ten times *
VNEN chục ngàn * tens of thousands *
VNEN chục triệu * tens of millions *
VNEN chủ ngữ * subject (of a sentence) *
VNEN chủ trương * to advocate, assert, maintain, allege, claim, contend; claim, contention *
VNEN chủ tâm * intention, aim; intentionally *
VNEN chức quyền * competence, right of one’s office *
VNEN chừng * about, approximately; rough measure, rough extent, rough estimate *
VNEN chữ viết * writing system, written language *
VNEN con gì * (used at the end of a sentence to denote that something has long started) *
VNEN con gì nữa * (used at the end of a sentence to denote that something has long started) *
VNEN con mèo kêu ngoao ngoao * the kitten was crying meow *
VNEN cuộc sống * life, existence *
VNEN cuộc đời * life, existence *
VNEN cá ươn * rotten, spoiled fish *
VNEN cách quãng * intermittent *
VNEN cái khuy * to fasten buttons, button *
VNEN cái tóc * to fasten hair *
VNEN cái áo * to fasten clothes *
VNEN cán * (1) to manage, attend to
(2) to grind
(3) handle, rod, staff, grip
(4) talent, skill
VNEN cáo bịnh * to feign illness, pretend to be sick *
VNEN cáo lão * to resign under pretence of advanced age *
VNEN cáo ốm * to feign illness, pretend to be sick *
VNEN cân * (1) to weigh; equal, balanced; balance, scales
(2) tendon, muscle, nerve
(3) towel, handkerchief
(4) one kilogram
VNEN câu * (1) phrase, expression, sentence
(2) to fish, go fishing
VNEN câu kép * compound sentence, phrase *
VNEN câu nói * saying, word, sentence, utterance, statement *
VNEN câu văn * phrase, sentence *
VNEN câu văn nôm lắm * a very simple sentence *
VNEN câu đơn * simple sentence, phrase *
VNEN cây vợt * tennis-racket, tennis player, ping-pong star *
VNEN có bụng * intentional, have intention, plan to do something *
VNEN có chủ tâm * intentionally, on purpose *
VNEN có khuynh hướng * to have a tendency *
VNEN có mặt * to be present, be attending *
VNEN có nhiều khi * many times, often *
VNEN có tính * to intend, expect; to have (be of) a quality, nature *
VNEN có ý * to intend, mean; intentionally *
VNEN có ý định * to intend, have the intention *
VNEN cõi * world, area, extent, country, region *
VNEN cùng quẫn * straitened *
VNEN * (1) sentence
(2) owl
(3) blow, shot, hit (with the knuckles)
VNEN căng * (1) to stretch, strain, tighten
(2) camp
VNEN căng thẳng * tense, tight, strained, stressed; tension, stress; to become tense, strained *
VNEN căng thẳng đang lên cao * tensions are rising *
VNEN cơ lỡ * be in straitened or reduced or strained circumstances, be hard up *
VNEN cơ ngơi * property, power, potential *
VNEN cơi nới * build an extension *
VNEN cơm áo * food and clothing, means of support or subsistence *
VNEN cười giòn * laugh aloud in the fullness of one’s content *
VNEN cường độ * intensity, strength *
VNEN cạnh huyền * hypotenuse *
VNEN cạnh tranh * to contend, compete; competition *
VNEN cấp tốc * swift, urgent, very fast, intense *
VNEN cần quan tâm * to need, deserve attention *
VNEN cần vụ * server, attendant (to a high-ranking official) *
VNEN cẩn thận * attentive, watchful, careful, prudent, cautious *
VNEN cắm lều * to pitch a tent *
VNEN cắt ngắn * cut short, shorten, cut down *
VNEN cắt xén * to clip, cut, shorten, edit, truncate *
VNEN cố * (1) to make an effort, try (very hard)
(2) great grandfather
(3) to pawn
(4) reason
(5) old, former, late (deceased)
(6) intentional, premeditated
(7) firm, strong
(8) innate, original
(9) to look after, care for, turn one’s head
VNEN cố chấp * stubborn, obstinate, persistent *
VNEN cố tình * purposely, intentionally *
VNEN cố ý * deliberate, premeditated, purposeful, intentional, willful; to intend; purposely, intentionally, on purpose *
VNEN cổ văn * ancient literature, classical written Chinese; classical (i.e. Chinese) *
VNEN cột ăng ten * antenna mast *
VNEN cởi * to take off, loosen, unfasten, unwrap *
VNEN cởi ra * to unfasten, take off *
VNEN cử tọa * attendance, audience, hearer, listener *
VNEN cực hình * death sentence; torture *
VNEN da láng * patent, enameled *
VNEN dai như đỉa đói * tenacious like a hungry leech *
VNEN dan * stretch, reach out, stretch out, extend *
VNEN dang * to spread out, stretch, extend *
VNEN diện mạo * face, countenance *
VNEN dung lượng * capacity, volume, content; to have a capacity of, hold *
VNEN dung mạo * countenance, face *
VNEN dung nhan * countenance *
VNEN dã tâm * wicked intention, bad ambition *
VNEN dòng họ * (extended) family, clan *
VNEN dòng điện ăng ten * antenna current *
VNEN dường * degree, extent; to seem, be just like *
VNEN dạn dày sương gió * weather-beaten, seasoned *
VNEN dập dờn * intermittent *
VNEN dậu * tenth year of the Chinese zodiac (“rooster”) *
VNEN dễ nghe * easy to listen to, pleasing to the ear *
VNEN dịu giọng * lower the tone, soften the tone *
VNEN dọa * to threaten, intimidate, menace *
VNEN dọa dẫm * to threaten *
VNEN dọa giết * to threaten to kill, death threat *
VNEN dọa nạt * to threaten, intimidate *
VNEN dỗ dành * soothe (someone) into obedience, soothe (someone) into listening *
VNEN dụng ý * to intend to *
VNEN dự * to attend, be present, participate, take part *
VNEN dự hội nghị * to attend a conference *
VNEN dự tang lễ * to attend a funeral *
VNEN dự thánh lễ * to attend mass, a religious ceremony *
VNEN dự thính * attend (as an observer, as a guest) *
VNEN dự thầu * to put in a bid or tender, make a bid, submit a tender *
VNEN dự yến tiệc * to attend a banquet *
VNEN dự định * to plan, expect; intention *
VNEN ganh gổ * compete with a bad intention *
VNEN gay * tense, tough, hard, heated *
VNEN gay go * tense, hard, terrible, desperate *
VNEN ghép ăng ten * to couple an antenna *
VNEN ghì * to tighten, hold tight *
VNEN gia hạn * to extend (a deadline), renew *
VNEN gia đinh * servant, attendant *
VNEN gian tình * dishonest intention *
VNEN giong * to hasten, hurry *
VNEN già trái non hột * pretend to be courageous *
VNEN giày ba ta * tennis shoes, sneakers *
VNEN giày vải * canvas shoe, tennis shoe, sneakers *
VNEN giác ngộ * to awaken, realize, be enlightened, come to reason *
VNEN giám thị * observer, proctor, superintendent *
VNEN giáo điều * dogma, commandment, tenet *
VNEN giáo đạo * enlighten, teach, instruct *
VNEN giăng * to hang up, stretch, extend, spread *
VNEN giăng màn * to stretch, extend, spread *
VNEN giả dạng * to pretend, feign *
VNEN giả hèn * to pretend to be weak *
VNEN giả làm * to pretend to, fake *
VNEN giả ngố * to play stupid, pretend to be stupid *
VNEN giả vờ * to fake, pretend *
VNEN giả đui giả điếc * to pretend to be deaf and blind *
VNEN giảm huyết áp * low blood pressure, hypotension *
VNEN giảm nhẹ * to cut down, lighten *
VNEN giảm án * to commute, mitigate, reduce a sentence *
VNEN giấy sáp * stencil *
VNEN giấy trắng mực đen * in black and white, in written form *
VNEN giầy ten nít * tennis shoes *
VNEN giằng co * to pull about, pull around; tension *
VNEN giẹp * flat, fattened; to flatten *
VNEN gài * to bolt, fasten, attach *
VNEN gân * nerve, sinew, tendon, vein *
VNEN gân cốt * tendons and bones *
VNEN gây căng thẳng * to cause, create tension *
VNEN gây thêm căng thẳng * to increase tension(s) *
VNEN gò gẫm * forge (written style) *
VNEN góp mặt * to attend, participate *
VNEN găng * tense (tight) *
VNEN gạo mùa * tenth-month rice, autumn rice *
VNEN gấp ba lần * three times as often, three times as much *
VNEN gấp chục lần * ten times more than *
VNEN gấp chục lần lớn hơn * ten times bigger than *
VNEN gắt gao * intense, desperate, keen; to intensify; severe, hard *
VNEN hay * (1) interesting, well; or
(2) have the habit of doing; often, frequently
VNEN hiện hữu * existent, existing, present *
VNEN hiện sinh * existentialism, existentialist *
VNEN hiện ‎‎‎ý * present intention *
VNEN hiệu thế * potential difference *
VNEN hoạnh tài * ill-gotten gains *
VNEN hoảng * frightened, scared, panic-stricken, in terror *
VNEN huyết sử * bloody history, history written in blood *
VNEN huyết thư * letter written in blood, very moving letter *
VNEN huyết áp cao * high blood pressure, hypertension *
VNEN huyết áp thấp * low blood pressure, hypotension *
VNEN hài lòng * happy, satisfied, content *
VNEN hàm lượng * content(s), quality *
VNEN hàng chục * several dozen, tens of *
VNEN hàng chục ngàn * (many) tens of thousands *
VNEN hãi hùng * terrible, terrifying, awful, frightening *
VNEN hãy nghe tôi nói hết đã * hear me out, listen *
VNEN hét lác * threaten blusteringly, browbeat *
VNEN hình mạo * face, appearance, countenance *
VNEN hòa dịu * detente *
VNEN hòng * in order to; to expect, hope, intend, aim; about, nearly *
VNEN hóng chuyện * listen with a gaping mouth *
VNEN hôi tanh * to smell bad (like rotten fish) *
VNEN * (1) to threaten
(2) wood owl
VNEN hù dọa * to menace, threaten, make threats *
VNEN hăm dọa * to threaten *
VNEN * rotten, bad, spoiled, naughty; to become bad, go bad *
VNEN hạ tuần * last ten days of a month *
VNEN hả dạ * content; to one’s heart’s content *
VNEN hảo ý * good intention *
VNEN hầu hạ * to attend to (someone) *
VNEN hầu như * almost, almost as if, almost to the extent that *
VNEN hết vía * frightened to death *
VNEN hể hả * satisfied, content *
VNEN hốt hoảng * panic-stricken, frightened out of one’s wits, scared to death *
VNEN hớ hênh * exposing indecently (part of one’s body) by inadvertence *
VNEN hớn hở * merry, radiant; to beam, brighten up (one’s face) *
VNEN hở cơ * let the cat out of the bag, expose unintentionally one’s weak spot *
VNEN hủ * old, outmoded, rotten *
VNEN hửng * to brighten suddenly (after darkness) *
VNEN hữu ý * intentional, wilfull *
VNEN khiếp sợ * to be afraid, fear; frightened, afraid *
VNEN khoái chí * happy, glad, content, satisfied *
VNEN khoái ý * be satisfied, content *
VNEN khuy bấm * press-stud, snap-fastener *
VNEN khuy móc * hook fastener *
VNEN khuynh hướng * inclination, tendency *
VNEN khuynh hướng chung * common tendency *
VNEN khuếch trương * to develop, extend *
VNEN khám thai * antenatal examination, prenatal check-up, pregnancy *
VNEN khí * air; instrument, utensil, vessel *
VNEN khí cụ * tool, instrument, utensil *
VNEN khóa * (1) school year, academic year, term
(2) to lock, fasten; lock
VNEN khóa kéo * zip, zip-fastener, zipper *
VNEN khóc giả * fake crying, pretending to cry *
VNEN không khí căng thằng * tense atmosphere *
VNEN không để ý * to not pay attention *
VNEN không để ý lắm * to not pay much attention *
VNEN không để ý đến * to not pay attention to *
VNEN khả năng * ability, capablity, competence *
VNEN khất nợ * to request a deferral, extension of a loan *
VNEN khẩn trương * tense *
VNEN kinh * (1) frightened, terrified
(2) capital city
(3) Chinese classics
(4) pass through, experience
(5) economics
(6) warp, longitude
VNEN kinh cụ * be frightened *
VNEN kinh hoàng * frightened, scared, terrified *
VNEN kinh hoảng * frightened, scared *
VNEN kinh hoảng thật sự * really scared, very frightened *
VNEN kinh khủng * frightening, terrifying, scared; very (much) *
VNEN kiên định * firm, consistent *
VNEN kiến tập * listen in (for practice), visit (elementary and secondary schools) *
VNEN kiếp * life, existence, generation *
VNEN kiều dưỡng * indulge, pamper, coddle, tend, cherish *
VNEN kéo dài * to stretch, extend, lengthen; to last (time) *
VNEN kéo dài cuộc sống * to extend one’s life *
VNEN kéo dài mãi tận khuya * to extend into late at night *
VNEN kéo dài trong nhiền thập niên * to last, extend for several decades *
VNEN kéo dài đến ngày nay * to extend until the present day *
VNEN kêu xin * beseech attention and granting of one’s wish *
VNEN kìa * hey (getting someone’s attention); before the day before yesterday, before the year before last year; over there, within sight *
VNEN ký kết một hiệp định * to sign an agreement, intention *
VNEN kấu trĩ viên * kindergarten *
VNEN kết * to fasten together, join *
VNEN kết án * to condemn, convict, sentence *
VNEN kệ * (1) shelf
(2) to ignore, leave alone, pay no attention to
VNEN kỹ năng * ability, skill, competence *
VNEN linh vị * tablet on which written the name of the dead *
VNEN liệt dương * impotent, with out sexual power *
VNEN lo * (1) worried, anxious, afraid; to worry, fear, frighten
(2) to care about, look after
VNEN long lanh * sparkling, glistening *
VNEN long nhan * dragon countenance, the emperor’s countenance *
VNEN luôn * continuously, non-stop, on and on, often, frequently, right away, immediately, at once, all at the same time, all in one operation, always *
VNEN làm bất mãn * to make someone unhappy, discontent *
VNEN làm bộ * conceited; to pretend to *
VNEN làm e sợ * to frighten someone *
VNEN làm mùa * make preparations for the tenth-month rice crop *
VNEN làm nổi bật lên * to make noticeable, bring out, call attention to *
VNEN làm rất thường * to do sth very often *
VNEN làm rẽ * tenancy farming, hold land on lease-hold system, pay half of *
VNEN làn sóng bất mãn * a wave of discontent *
VNEN lán * tent, hat, shack *
VNEN lán trại * camp, tent *
VNEN lãnh án * to receive a sentence, verdict *
VNEN lãnh án tù chung thân * to receive a life sentence *
VNEN lãnh án tử hình * to receive the death penalty, be sentenced to death *
VNEN lên án * to accuse, sentence *
VNEN lên án tử hình * to sentence to death *
VNEN lúa mùa * tenth-month rice, winter crop *
VNEN lăm le * to attempt, intend *
VNEN lũa * to decompose; rotten *
VNEN * (1) to ignore, pretend not to see
(2) blue
VNEN lơ đễnh * inattentive, heedless, careless, thoughtless *
VNEN lưng tròng * eyes moistened with tears *
VNEN lưu tâm * to pay attention, heed *
VNEN lưu ý * to pay attention, note *
VNEN lập tâm * plan, plot, intend, contemplate *
VNEN lật đật * hurriedly, hastily; to hurry, hasten *
VNEN lắng nghe * to listen (closely, carefully) *
VNEN lắng nhắng * fussy, ostentations *
VNEN lắng tai nghe * to listen attentively, listen with all one’s *
VNEN lều * tent, shed, hut, cottage *
VNEN lễ nghĩa * politeness and reason *
VNEN lễ phép * politeness, courtesy; polite, courteous *
VNEN lộ liễu * evident, obvious, manifest, patent, evidently, obviously *
VNEN lộc nhung * the tender horns of a young stag *
VNEN lờ * to pretend not to know, refuse to acknowledge *
VNEN lỡ tay * unintentionally, inadvertently, accidentally, by mistake *
VNEN lục thần hoàn * a patent medicine for enlivening spirit *
VNEN manh tâm * to intend to, mean to *
VNEN muôn * ten thousand, many *
VNEN muôn dặm * ten thousand miles, a great distance, very far away *
VNEN muôn một * for the smallest part; if ever, one chance out of ten thousand; if by chance *
VNEN muôn nghìn * myriad, ten thousand *
VNEN mà! * (the speaker insists on the content of the sentence) *
VNEN mát lòng * be easy at heart, contented *
VNEN mát mặt * contented, well-off *
VNEN máy nghe * listening device, hearing aid, bug *
VNEN mâu thuẫn * to contradict, conflict; conflicting, contradictory, inconsistent; contraction, inconsistency, conflict, confrontation *
VNEN mãn ý * satisfied (with), content (with) *
VNEN * batten, sesame *
VNEN mè lợp nhà * roof batten sesame *
VNEN mèo con * kitten, kitty *
VNEN mím * to tighten *
VNEN móp * flattened, hollow, sunken *
VNEN môi nó mím chặt lại * his lips tightened *
VNEN mùi hôi * bad odor, stench, stink, reek *
VNEN mùi thối * bad smell, stench, stink, reek *
VNEN múm * swell one’s cheeks while tightening one’s lips *
VNEN mươi * ten (in 20, 30, 40, etc.) *
VNEN mười * ten *
VNEN mười giờ * ten o’clock *
VNEN mười năm trôi qua kể từ khi * ten years had passed since *
VNEN mười phút * ten minutes *
VNEN mười phút đồng hồ * ten minutes *
VNEN mười điều răn * the ten commandments *
VNEN mưỡu * verse written in the six-eight-word distich meter introducing a song *
VNEN mượn tiếng * under the pretence of, under the pretence that *
VNEN mạch ăng ten * antenna circuit *
VNEN mấy chục * several dozen, several tens of *
VNEN mấy chục ngàn * (several) tens of thousands *
VNEN mẫu giáo * motherly instruction, nursery, kindergarten *
VNEN mặc kệ * not to bother about ~, not to pay attention to ~, take *
VNEN mặc xác * to leave alone, ignore, not to pay attention to *
VNEN mặt mày * expression, look, countenance, face, facial expression *
VNEN mặt mũi * face, countenance *
VNEN mềm * soft, tender, flexible *
VNEN mềm lòng * to soften, be emotionally involved *
VNEN mệnh * lot, fate, fortune; life, existence; order, command *
VNEN mỏ khoét * person who eats often *
VNEN mối * (1) termite, white ant
(2) house lizard
(3) end (of entangled thread or string), beginning (of an involved story); [CL for feelings, tensions, relationships], cause for (hope, worry, danger), customer, passenger
(4) liaison, go-between
VNEN mối căng thẳng * tension *
VNEN mối đe dọa cho sự tồn tại * a threat to the existence *
VNEN mồng * (prefix for 1st ten days of month) *
VNEN mồng mười tháng giêng * the tenth of January *
VNEN một chục * (a group of) ten *
VNEN một câu * phrase, sentence *
VNEN một câu nói * phrase, sentence, statement, utterance *
VNEN một mực * to persist, insist; steadfastly, persistently *
VNEN một phần mười * one tenth *
VNEN một điều đáng lưu ý là * one thing deserving attention is *
VNEN mở rộng * to widen, enlarge, expand, extend; expansion *
VNEN mục lục * (table of) contents, catalog, list *
VNEN mục nát * rotten, decayed, corrupt *
VNEN mục ruỗng * rotten to the core, thoroughly corrupt *
VNEN mụp * tender cabbage shoot *
VNEN mức * level, amount, degree, measure, extent, standard *
VNEN mỹ ý * good intention *
VNEN nam cao * tenor *
VNEN ngay ngáy * be on tenterhooks *
VNEN nghe * to hear, listen, feel, obey *
VNEN nghe cho kỹ * to listen carefully *
VNEN nghe kỹ * to listen carefully *
VNEN nghe lén * to eavesdrop, listen to secretly *
VNEN nghe lời * to listen to, comply with (advice), obey *
VNEN nghe nhạc * to listen to music *
VNEN nghe ra * understand, listen to reason *
VNEN nghe sách * listen to lecture, take course *
VNEN nghe theo * listen and obey, obey, take (somebody’s) advice *
VNEN nghe thấy * to hear (as a result of listening) *
VNEN nghe tôi cho kỹ * listen to me carefully *
VNEN nghe xong * to finish listening *
VNEN nghe! * (used at the end of imperative sentences) hear me? *
VNEN nghiêm * grave, strict, severe, stern, solemn; Attention! *
VNEN nghiệp vụ * professional competence or knowledge, specialist skill or knowledge *
VNEN ngoài ý muốn * unintentional *
VNEN ngoại diên * denotation, extension *
VNEN ngày xanh * tender days, youth *
VNEN ngó ngàng * look at, attend to, see to *
VNEN ngăm * tanned, dark-skinned, tawny; to threaten, intimidate *
VNEN ngăm trả thù * to threaten revenge *
VNEN ngưng công việc lại mươi phút * to knock off for ten minutes *
VNEN người pha rượu * bartender *
VNEN ngắn ngủn * too short, shortened, undersized, dwarfish, stunted *
VNEN ngỏ ý * make known one’s intention, express one’s intention *
VNEN ngộ sát * manslaughter, unintentional homicide *
VNEN ngớp * be frightened, dread *
VNEN ngủ cho béo mắt * to sleep to one’s heart’s content *
VNEN ngự bút * the imperial autograph, written by the emperor *
VNEN nheo nhéo * call stridently and insistently *
VNEN nhiều * much, many, a great deal, plentiful, often, numerous, abundant, a great deal *
VNEN nhiều khi * often *
VNEN nhiều lúc * many times, often, frequently *
VNEN nhiệm kỳ * term of office, tenure of office *
VNEN nho nhoe dạy đời * to have pretensions to lecture other people *
VNEN nhuần * moisten, damp, wet, refreshing *
VNEN nhuệ độ * acuteness *
VNEN nhà bạt * canvas tent *
VNEN nhà quần vợt * tennis player *
VNEN nhà rạp * canvas tent (set up temporarily for a ceremony) *
VNEN nhà trừng giới * prison, penitentiary, reformatory *
VNEN nhà tập thể * tenement house *
VNEN nhãn áp * ocular tension, eye-tension *
VNEN nhãng tai * miss inadvertently, miss because of inattention, not listen properly *
VNEN như cơm bữa * frequent, very often, daily, everyday *
VNEN như kiềng ba chân * firmly, consistently *
VNEN như thường được gọi * as it is often called *
VNEN nhạy cảm * highly discerning, very sensitive, tender, delicate *
VNEN nhấp nhem * weak and intermittent *
VNEN nhấp nhổm * be on tenterhooks, be anxious *
VNEN nhất mực * steadfastly, persistently *
VNEN nhất quán * consistent; consistence *
VNEN nhắc nhỏm * recall often, remind repeatedly, speak of frequently *
VNEN nhắc nhở * to remind, call to attention *
VNEN nhắm mắt làm ngơ * to ignore, look the other way, pretend not to see, turn a blind eye to *
VNEN nhằm mục đích * to intend, have as a goal or purpose *
VNEN nhẳn * intermittent *
VNEN nhẳn đau bụng * to have an intermittent pain in one’s stomach *
VNEN nhụt chí * dispirited, discouraged, low-spirited, disheartened *
VNEN nhủng nhẳng * refuse to listen to *
VNEN nhủng nhẳng cưỡng lời cha mẹ * to refuse to listen to and act against one’s parents advice *
VNEN nhựa bột * gluten *
VNEN niên thiếu * young, tender *
VNEN niệt * cord for cattle; to bind, fasten, tie fast *
VNEN non * (1) slightly less than, just under
(2) young, inexperienced, tender, premature
(3) mountain
VNEN non dại * of tender age *
VNEN non nớt * young, tender, green *
VNEN non trẻ * infancy, of tender age-young *
VNEN nêu * to raise, bring up, set, pose, state, display; (tent) pole *
VNEN nêu cao * to intensify, heighten, uphold *
VNEN nóng lỏng * molten, liquid *
VNEN núc * tighten, twist tight *
VNEN năm chục * fifty (i.e. five tens) *
VNEN năng * ability; often, frequently, many a time *
VNEN nơm nớp * (be) on tenterhooks, (be) in a state of suspense; fearful, nervous *
VNEN nạn đói vẫn còn đe dọa một phần lớn dân số * famine still threatens a majority of the population *
VNEN nạt * to threaten *
VNEN nản chí * discouraged, disheartened *
VNEN nằng nặc * ask with annoying insistence *
VNEN nặng lòng * feel deep concern in, pay great attention to *
VNEN nẹt * to threaten *
VNEN nồi mười * a cooking pot for ten men *
VNEN nồng * (of smell, scent) strong, (of feeling) strong, ardent, warm, intense *
VNEN nồng hậu * warm, intense, deep *
VNEN nồng nàn * intense, deep, profound *
VNEN nồng thắm * intense, profound, passionate, ardent *
VNEN nội dung * subject, contents (of a speech, document); platform, purport, context *
VNEN nội dung những dữ kiện * contents of data *
VNEN nội dung thông điệp * contents of a message, message or letter body *
VNEN oan nghiệt * potenbially disastrous from one's own doings *
VNEN pha rượu * to tend bar, mix drinks *
VNEN phán quyết * decision, sentence; to decide *
VNEN phán quyết cuối cùng * final sentence *
VNEN phát khiếp * be terrified, be frightened or startled (with) *
VNEN phó hội * attend a meeting *
VNEN phúc án * to review a sentence *
VNEN phấp phỏng * be on tenterhooks, be in anxious suspense *
VNEN phần mười * tenth *
VNEN phần nào * in part, partly, some extent, a certain degree *
VNEN phần nội dung * contents (of a letter, message) *
VNEN phỉ * satisfied, content; to slander, defame *
VNEN phỉ chí * satisfied, content *
VNEN phỉ dạ * to one’s heart’s content *
VNEN phớt tĩnh * to be indifferent, pretend not to know, ignore *
VNEN phục dịch * to serve, labor, wait upon, do hard work, attend to *
VNEN phục thiện * listen to reason *
VNEN phụng sự * to serve, attend; service *
VNEN quan tâm * to pay attention, take an interest, concern; interest (in something) *
VNEN quan tâm trước tình trạng * to pay attention to a situation *
VNEN quang độ * luminous intensity, luminosity *
VNEN quảng canh * extensive farming *
VNEN quần vợt * tennis *
VNEN quần áo bị nhậy cắn * moth-eaten clothing *
VNEN ra đời * to be born, come into being, come into existence *
VNEN ràng * to fasten, bind, tie up *
VNEN rên đe dước búa * to be in a life-threatening situation *
VNEN rút vào thế thủ * to tighten up, pull back, make more conservative *
VNEN rũa * to be rotten *
VNEN rưng rức * sharp, intense, bitter *
VNEN rạng rở lên * to brighten up *
VNEN rạp * tent, booth flat on the ground, theater *
VNEN rất nhiều lần * very many times, very often *
VNEN rất quan tâm về * to pay a lot of attention to *
VNEN rắp mong * have the intention (to) *
VNEN rắp tâm * wake up one’s mind, be bent on, intend (to), have the *
VNEN rồ * (1) mad, crazy
(2) to accelerate, hasten
VNEN rộng khắp * extensive, far-reaching, outspread, widespread *
VNEN rộng rãi * broad, extensive, spacious, widespread, roomy, wide, generous, free *
VNEN rợn * frightened, scared *
VNEN rợp đất * cover a large extent of earth (with flags) *
VNEN rửa tội * to baptize, christen *
VNEN san bằng * to destroy, flatten *
VNEN sinh hoạt * life, living, activity, existence; lively *
VNEN sinh hoạt phí * subsistence fee *
VNEN siết * to cut off, slash off; to squeeze, wring, fasten, tighten *
VNEN siết chặt tiêu chuẩn * to tighten standards *
VNEN soi rọi * light up, shed light on, enlighten *
VNEN soi sáng * to (bring to) light, illuminate, shed light on, enlighten *
VNEN sáng lên * to brighten up *
VNEN sáng mắt lên * one’s eyes brighten, one’s eyes light up *
VNEN sân đánh quần vợt * tennis court *
VNEN sót nhau * placental retention *
VNEN săn sóc * to look after, take care of, care for, attend to, nurse *
VNEN sĩ số * number of pupils, number of attendants *
VNEN sơ ý * negligent, inattentive *
VNEN sạm nắng * suntanned, weather-beaten *
VNEN sắc mặt * face, complexion, countenance *
VNEN sẽ * (future tense marker), shall, will *
VNEN sổng sểnh * unwatched, left unattended *
VNEN sợ hãi * fearful, frightened, afraid *
VNEN sợ đến độ * to be so afraid that, be afraid to such an extent that *
VNEN sụt thế * fall of potential *
VNEN sức căng * tension *
VNEN sự an cư cho dân chúng * a contended life for the people *
VNEN sự bất mãn * unhappiness, discontent *
VNEN sự chăm chú * attentive *
VNEN sự hiện hữu * existence, presence *
VNEN tan xương nát thịt * be smashed, beaten to a pulp *
VNEN ten nít * tennis *
VNEN tham dự * to participate, take part, attend; participation *
VNEN tham gia * to adhere, participate, take part, contribute to, attend; contribution, participation *
VNEN thau tháu * to accelerate, quicken, hasten, press forward, talk fast, act rapidly *
VNEN thi viết * written examination *
VNEN thiên hướng * inclination, proclivity, tendency *
VNEN thiên khải * revelation, enlightenment *
VNEN thiết ta * earnest, insistent *
VNEN thiết tha * earnest, insistent, keen *
VNEN thiếu úy * second lieutenant, sublieutenant *
VNEN thiện ý * good faith, good intention *
VNEN thoái chí * disheartened, dispirited, low-spirited, discouraged *
VNEN thu ngắn * to shorten *
VNEN thuyết lý * to make somebody listen to reason *
VNEN thành văn * written *
VNEN thành ý * good intention, good will *
VNEN thái độ bất nhất * an inconsistent attitude *
VNEN thâu ngắn * to shorten *
VNEN thê thiết * compassionate, tender, pitying *
VNEN thính giả * listener, audience *
VNEN thò * to extend, stretch out, reach out, stick out, jut out *
VNEN thò tới * to extend to, reach to *
VNEN thói * habit, practice, tendency, manner, way *
VNEN thông tuệ * enlightened wisdom, sagacious *
VNEN thúc giục * to push, urge, hasten, hurry, press *
VNEN thơ * letter, mail; poetry, verse; to be young, tender *
VNEN thơ ấu * young (age), tender *
VNEN thư sướng * satisfied, contented, pleased *
VNEN thường hay nhắc đến * to mention frequently, refer to often *
VNEN thường khi * often, frequently *
VNEN thường năng * normally, often, usually *
VNEN thường thường * usually, often *
VNEN thường được so sánh với * often compared with *
VNEN thượng tuần * first ten days of a month *
VNEN thượng tá * senior lieutenant-colonel *
VNEN thượng tướng * lieutenant general, three-star general *
VNEN thượng úy * senior lieutenant *
VNEN thất đảm * panic, stampede, be frightened *
VNEN thần sắc * look, complexion, countenance *
VNEN thần thế * powerful, potent, mighty *
VNEN thẩm quyền * authority, competence, jurisdiction *
VNEN thập * ten *
VNEN thập bội * (to increase) tenfold *
VNEN thập can * the ten heaven’s stems' cyclical terms *
VNEN thập giới * the ten commandments (of Christianity) *
VNEN thập điện * the ten great halls (Buddhist) *
VNEN thắt * to tie, tighten, strap, become narrow *
VNEN thắt chặt * to tighten, strengthen, stabilize *
VNEN thắt chặt hầu bao * tighten the purse strings *
VNEN thắt lưng buộc bụng * to save, tighten one’s belt *
VNEN thế hiệu * potential *
VNEN thế năng * potential energy *
VNEN thỉnh thoảng * from time to time, now and then, sometimes, every so often, occasionally *
VNEN thịt thăn * fillet, tenderloin *
VNEN thịt ôi * rotten meat *
VNEN thỏa mãn * to content, satisfy, fulfill, meet, answer *
VNEN thối chí * be disheartened *
VNEN thối nát * corrupt, rotten *
VNEN thối rữa * to decompose, become rotten or putrescent *
VNEN thổ cư * land tenure *
VNEN thời niên thiếu * the tender age, the young days *
VNEN thụ nghiệp * attend a school *
VNEN thụ án * to serve one’s term or time or sentence, do porridge *
VNEN thủ phận * be content with one’s lot *
VNEN tiếng viết * written language *
VNEN tiếp viên hàng không * flight attendant *
VNEN tiềm lực * potential *
VNEN tiềm năng * potential, potentiality *
VNEN tiềm tàng * potential, latent; to hide, conceal *
VNEN tiềm ẩn * latent, implicit *
VNEN tiền thân * forerunner, precursor; formerly, previously, previous life or existence *
VNEN tiền tệ * money, (legal) currency, (legal) tender *
VNEN toan * to attempt, intend, plan, try (to do) *
VNEN toan tính * to intend *
VNEN ton ton * to run, hasten, go quickly *
VNEN toại chí * content, satisfied *
VNEN toại lòng * content, satisfied, pleased *
VNEN trai lơ * libertine, licentious, attentive to ladies, flirtations *
VNEN tranh * (1) picture, painting
(2) to compete, contend, dispute
VNEN tranh công * to contend with somebody for merits *
VNEN tranh giành * to dispute, contend, fight over, struggle for *
VNEN trung tuần * mid-month, second ten days of the month *
VNEN trung tá * lieutenant colonel *
VNEN trung tướng * lieutenant general, major general *
VNEN trung úy * first lieutenant *
VNEN truy nã gắt gao * intense search *
VNEN tràn cung mây * to one’s heart’s content *
VNEN trá danh * to pose as, pretend to be *
VNEN trá hiệu * to pose as, pretend to be *
VNEN trì * (1) to hold, support, persistent
(2) late, slow, tardy
(3) pond
(4) courtyard
(5) to run a race
VNEN trình tòa * to register (model, patent) *
VNEN trình độ * degree, extent, level, standard, qualification *
VNEN trói buộc * to tie, fasten, bind *
VNEN trù tính * to plan, intend *
VNEN trùng thập * double ten th day of th lunar month) *
VNEN trú ẩn * to take refuge, find shelter; hidden, latent *
VNEN trước sau như một * consistent *
VNEN trường mẫu giáo * kindergarten *
VNEN trạng mạo * appearance, look, bearing, physiognomy, countenance *
VNEN trạy * glistening, glittering, shining *
VNEN trận bão dai * persistent storm *
VNEN trỏi * to tighten *
VNEN trớn * impulse, impact, momentum, impetus, situation, tendency *
VNEN trờn trợn * be a little frightened, scared *
VNEN tua * fringe, tassel feeler, antenna *
VNEN tuyên phán * to make a decision, read a sentence *
VNEN tuyên án * to announce, declare a verdict, (pronounce a) sentence *
VNEN tuyên án tử hình * to sentence to death *
VNEN tuần nhật * decade, period of ten days, week *
VNEN tuệ giác * (Buddhism) to be both enlightened and enlightening *
VNEN tuệ tâm * (Buddhism) enlightened soul *
VNEN tà tâm * ill will, evil intention *
VNEN tà ý * bad intention *
VNEN tá điền * tenant, tenant farmer *
VNEN tái thẩm * (of sentence) review, (of decision) revise, review *
VNEN tình hình khẩn trương * tense situation *
VNEN tình trạng căng thẳng * a tense situation *
VNEN tình ý * intention *
VNEN tí toe tí toét * to laugh often *
VNEN tí toét * to laugh often *
VNEN tính * (1) to intend, contemplate, plan to
(2) to count, calculate, compute
VNEN tính chất hiện hữu * physical existence *
VNEN tù treo * suspended sentence *
VNEN tùy hành * attendant *
VNEN túc khiên * sin of a previous existence (Buddhism) *
VNEN túc trái * debts of a previous existence (Buddhism) *
VNEN tăng bội * to intensify, multiply *
VNEN tăng cường an ninh * to increase, tighten security *
VNEN tăng gia * to increase, intensify *
VNEN * (1) silk, fine thread
(2) young, tender
VNEN tư tưởng an phận * contentness *
VNEN tạp ký * written observation or remark (in newspaper) *
VNEN tảng * (1) to pretend, fake
(2) [CL for big stones, heavy objects], slab, block
VNEN tảng lờ * to feign ignorance, pretend, fake; to turn away from, ignore, neglect *
VNEN tấc * one tenth meter *
VNEN tẩn mẩn * minute detail, trifle; patiently attentive, careful *
VNEN tắt * (1) to be shortened, abbreviated
(2) to turn off, extinguish, switch off, turn off
(3) to die out, be extinct
VNEN tặc * (1) rebel
(2) ill intention
VNEN tỉnh ngộ * to be disillusioned, be enlightened, see reason *
VNEN tỏ ra chú ý đế * to pay attention to *
VNEN tống chung * to attend a funeral *
VNEN tống táng * to attend a funeral *
VNEN tồn tại * to exist, remain, survive, last; existence, life *
VNEN tổn thọ * to shorten one’s life *
VNEN tới cái gì nữa * what else, to what (further) extent, how much more *
VNEN tới cỡ nào * to what extent, how much *
VNEN từ cú * sentence *
VNEN tử tù * prisoner under death penalty or sentence *
VNEN tự nhận * to call oneself, pretend to be; to recognize *
VNEN tự tích * hand writing, written evidence *
VNEN tự tại * be satisfied, content, easy *
VNEN tự xưng * to assume, proclaim oneself, pretend (to be someone) *
VNEN u phẫn * latent resentment, hatred *
VNEN ung * (1) cancer, ulcer, boil
(2) rotten (egg)
(3) meek
VNEN uốn thẳng * to straighten out *
VNEN viên giác * perfect enlightenment *
VNEN viết tay * to write by hand; handwritten; handwriting *
VNEN viết theo kiểu đàn ông * written from a man’s perspective, point of view *
VNEN vui tai * nice to listen to, pleasing to the ear *
VNEN vài chục ngàn * (several) tens of thousands *
VNEN vàn * ten thousand *
VNEN vây vo * to show off, play the fool, put on airs, ostentatious *
VNEN vòi vĩnh * to clamor for, claim insistently *
VNEN vô năng * incapable, unfit, incompetent *
VNEN vô tài * incompetent, untalented *
VNEN vô tâm * inadvertent, unintentional *
VNEN vô tình * indifferent, apathetic, unintentional, unknowing, unwitting *
VNEN vô ý * to not be paying attention; unintentionally *
VNEN vôn pha * wolfram, tungsten *
VNEN văn bút * (written) literature *
VNEN văn ngôn * literary language, written language *
VNEN vạn * ten thousand *
VNEN vạn kiếp * ten thousand existences, eternally *
VNEN vạn phúc * ten thousand happinesses *
VNEN vần vũ * conditions threatened rain *
VNEN vặc vặc * bright, glistening clean *
VNEN vốn vã * eager, attentive *
VNEN vỗ béo * to feed up, fatten *
VNEN vỗ lợn cho béo * to fatten pigs *
VNEN vội vã * hastily, hurriedly, (in a) hurry; to rush, hasten *
VNEN vờ * to feign, pretend, act *
VNEN vờ vịt * to feign, pretend *
VNEN vụ giằng co * tension *
VNEN vụ án * sentencing, verdict, case *
VNEN vừa lòng * happy, content, satisfied *
VNEN vừa ý * pleasant, pleasing; content, happy, pleased *
VNEN xem trọng * to pay attention to, attach importance to *
VNEN xiết * to seize, grab, tighten *
VNEN xiểng liểng * badly defeated, beaten hollow *
VNEN xu hướng * tendency, inclination *
VNEN xu thế * general trend, tendency *
VNEN xú khí * stench, stink, offensive smell, strong odor *
VNEN xúng xính * (of clothes) ample, large, spacious, ostentatious, pompous *
VNEN xảy ra rất thường * to happen a lot, take place often *
VNEN xẹp * flat, flattened, deflated *
VNEN xẹt * (1) to become flat, be flattened
(2) to whiz past
VNEN xử khiếm diện * to be sentenced in absentia *
VNEN xử tội * to convict, sentence *
VNEN xử tử * to sentence to death, execute, put to death *
VNEN xử vắng mặt * to try in absentia, sentence or condemn by default *
VNEN xử án * to hear or try a case, judge, sentence *
VNEN yêu đào * tender peach, beautiful girl *
VNEN yếu mềm * tender, soft, weak, feeble; to feel fondness or affection for somebody *
VNEN à * (1) (indicates surprise, sympathy)
(2) (sentence starting particle), oh, by the way
(3) to rush, flood
VNEN ác ý * malice, ill intention, malignity, ill will *
VNEN án * (1) sentence, judgment, verdict
(2) altar; tall, high desk or table
(3) to examine
(4) to block, obstruct, barricade
(5) case (legal)
(6) to station, locate, position (troops)
VNEN án treo * suspended sentence *
VNEN án tù chung thân * sentence of life in prison *
VNEN án tử hình * death-sentence, death penalty *
VNEN án văn * sentence, ruling *
VNEN ánh * (1) light, glare, shine, luster, glisten, glitter, sparkle; ray, beam, shaft (of light)
(2) clove
(3) sparkling, glistening
VNEN âm thầm * deep, profound, quiet, latent, secret; to keep quiet, secret *
VNEN èo èo * scold loudly and persistently *
VNEN ôi * (1) spoiled, rotten
(2) (exclamation of surprise or to get sb’s attention)
VNEN úng * rotten, spoiled (fruit) *
VNEN úng thủy * spoiled, rotten (due to water) *
VNEN ý chí * will, intention *
VNEN ý hướng * tendency, inclination *
VNEN ý kiến bất nhất * inconsistent ideas *
VNEN ý định * intention, will, thought, idea, plan *
VNEN ý định bành trướng * expansionist intention *
VNEN ý đồ * intention, design *
VNEN ăn * (1) to eat (away at), attack, corrode, cost; to attend, celebrate, take part in (a event where food is served)
(3) to earn illegally
VNEN ăn chay tiệc * to feast, attend a party *
VNEN ăn cưới * to attend a wedding (banquet), reception *
VNEN ăn cỗ * to attend a feast, banquet *
VNEN ăn dè * to practice economy or thrift, tighten one’s belt *
VNEN ăn hỏi * to celebrate an engagement, attend an engagement party *
VNEN ăn tiệc * to attend a banquet, feast *
VNEN ăng ten * antenna *
VNEN ăng ten chống phá sóng * anti-jamming antenna *
VNEN ăng ten căn bản * dipole antenna *
VNEN ăng ten cần * whip antenna *
VNEN ăng ten hình bầu dục * disk (shaped) antenna *
VNEN ăng ten hình đĩa * disk (shaped) antenna *
VNEN ăng ten hướng sóng * directional antenna *
VNEN ăng ten khung * loop antenna *
VNEN ăng ten kép * doublet antenna *
VNEN ăng ten nữa sóng * half wave antenna *
VNEN ăng ten phát * transmitting antenna *
VNEN ăng ten phần tư sóng * quarter wave antenna *
VNEN ăng ten treo * trailing antenna *
VNEN ăng ten trừ nhiễu âm * noise antenna *
VNEN ăng ten vô hướng * omnidirectional antenna *
VNEN ăng ten ứng chế * fishpole antenna *
VNEN đau thắt * intense pain *
VNEN đau đáu * be on tenterhooks, feel anxious *
VNEN đe dọa * to threaten, menace; threat *
VNEN đe dọa nền an ninh Trung Quốc * to threaten the China’s security, safety *
VNEN đe dọa nền an ninh trong vùng * to threaten the security, safety of a region *
VNEN đe dọa trực tiếp * to threaten directly *
VNEN đeo đẳng * pursue persistently and eagerly, pursue steadily, follow *
VNEN đi học * to attend school, go to school, study *
VNEN đi họp * to be present at a meeting, attend a meeting *
VNEN đi lễ * to go to church, attend religious ceremonies *
VNEN điều hợp ăng ten * antenna tuning *
VNEN điều khoản mở rộng * extended terms *
VNEN điều kinh * to induce or hasten menstrual flow *
VNEN điều đáng chú ý là * the thing deserving attention, pay attention to, is *
VNEN điều đáng lưu ý là * a thing deserving attention is *
VNEN điểm trang * adorn oneself, smarten (oneself) up *
VNEN điện cao thế * high voltage, high tension *
VNEN điện thế * electric potential, potential *
VNEN điện thế ăng ten * antenna voltage *
VNEN đuốc tuệ * enlightenment of the Buddhist tenets, the light of knowledge *
VNEN đành lòng * satisfied, contented *
VNEN đành phận * resign oneself to one’s fate, be content with one’s lot *
VNEN đáng chú ý * to deserve, merit, warrant attention *
VNEN đáng lưu ý * to deserve, merit attention *
VNEN đáng ngại * threatening, formidable, worthy of fear, troubling *
VNEN đánh bóng * to polish, brighten *
VNEN đánh quần vợt * to play tennis *
VNEN đánh đôi * to team up, gang up, play a double (tennis) *
VNEN đánh đơn * play a single (at tennis) *
VNEN đã * (past tense marker); first; after, following *
VNEN đèn trời * wisdom (foresight, enlightenment) of higher level *
VNEN đê điều * dykes and dyke-maintenance *
VNEN đón nghe * to receive (and listen to) *
VNEN đôi co * to spat, contend *
VNEN đúng mức * in the right measure, the right extent, in the right degree, moderate *
VNEN đưa tay * to extend one’s hand *
VNEN đưa tay ra * to extend one’s hand *
VNEN đưa đám * to attend (someone’s) funeral *
VNEN đường huyền * hypotenuse *
VNEN được sao hay vậy * be content with what you have *
VNEN đại gia đình * extended family *
VNEN đại tướng * general, lieutenant general *
VNEN đấu thầu * to bid for, contract, put in (make) a tender *
VNEN đấu thủ * contender, player (in a competition) *
VNEN đấu tranh sinh tồn * struggle for life or existence or survival *
VNEN đầu ngô mình sở * uncoordinated, incoherent, inconsistent *
VNEN đẩy nhanh * to hasten *
VNEN đập bẹt ra * to flatten *
VNEN đắt lời * be listened to *
VNEN đẳng thế * equipotential *
VNEN đặt câu * to construct, build a sentence *
VNEN đến cỡ nào * to what extent, to what size *
VNEN đến một mức nào đấy * to a certain extent (measure, degree) *
VNEN đến như thế này * to this extent *
VNEN đến như vậy * to that extent, so much, to such a degree *
VNEN đến nỗi * to such an extent that, such a degree that *
VNEN đến thế * to that extent *
VNEN đến đâu * to a certain extent *
VNEN đến độ * to the extent (that), the point (that) *
VNEN đến độ hầu như * almost as if, almost to the extent that *
VNEN đến độ lố bịch * to a ridiculous extent *
VNEN đề cao * to uphold, raise, heighten, think highly of *
VNEN để tâm * to pay attention to, mind *
VNEN để ý * to pay attention, regard, take notice of *
VNEN để ý kỹ * to pay careful attention *
VNEN để ý một điều * to pay attention to sth, notice something *
VNEN để ý tới * to pay attention to *
VNEN để ý đến * to pay attention to *
VNEN đệ thập * tenth *
VNEN định * to intend, plan, fix, determine, ascertain *
VNEN định bụng * to intend (to do something) *
VNEN định tâm * have as one’s purpose, purpose, intend *
VNEN đồ lề * implement, utensil *
VNEN đồng bóng * inconsistent *
VNEN động dung * change one’s countenance *
VNEN đời * dynasty; life, existence, generation *
VNEN đời người * human life, human existence *
VNEN đủ sức * able, competent *
VNEN đừng có làm bộ * don’t pretend *
VNEN ơi * (exclamation to get sb’s attention) *
VNEN ươn * spoiled, rotten; to spoil, taint (fish) *
VNEN ướm lòng * sound out intentions, put out feelers *
VNEN ướm lời * sound somebody out, ask tentatively *
VNEN * (phrase ending particle indicating politeness or respect) *
VNEN ải * (1) to defile, pass
(2) to mould, mildew, disintegrate, rot; rotten
(3) to hang
(4) pass (mountain)
(5) trial, ordeal, obstacle, hurdle
(6) to make loose, aerate (soil)
VNEN ấu trĩ viên * kindergarten *
VNEN ẩn nhiệt * latent heat *
VNEN ẩn tàng * implicit, hidden, concealed, latent *
VNEN ẩn ý * secret, hidden intention, implication, hint *
VNEN ậm ọe * menacing, threatening, menacingly, threateningly *
VNEN ẹp * to crush, flatten, deflate *
VNEN ốm đòn * badly beaten up, dead beat, exhausted *

GNOT: content Spatial • volume
GNOT: (written) 1 June Temporal • indications of time
GNOT: not often Temporal • frequency
GNOT: often Temporal • frequency
GNOT: to listen (to) Qualitative • audibility
GNOT: to fasten Qualitative • physical condition
SNOT: to listen to (the radio) Free time, entertainment • radio, TV, etc.,

OPD : Listen to a CD. A classroom
OPD : Dictate a sentence. Studying
OPD : Put the sentences in order. Studying
OPD : antenna The Telephone
OPD : ten Numbers
OPD : ten thousand Numbers
OPD : 1:10, one-ten, ten after one Time
OPD : $10.00 = ten dollars Money
OPD : tenant Apartments
OPD : manager , superintendent Apartments
OPD : rotten banana Fruit
OPD : plastic utensils Fast Food Restaurant
OPD : mittens Seasonal Clothing
OPD : tennis shoes Shoes and Accessories
OPD : hook and loop fastener Making Clothes
OPD : Shorten the pants. Making Alterations
OPD : fabric softener Doing the Laundry
OPD : high blood pressure / hypertension Illnesses and Medical Conditions
OPD : Seek medical attention. Taking Care of Your Health
OPD : listen to ... Heart Medical Care
OPD : Take a written test. Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
OPD : lieutenant governor Government and Military Service
OPD : sentence the defendant The Legal System
OPD : Pay attention to warnings. Emergency Procedures
OPD : Fasten your seat belt. An Airport
OPD : flight attendant An Airport
OPD : gas station attendant Taking a Trip
OPD : Listen carefully. Interview Skills
OPD : extension cord Tools and Building Supplies
OPD : parking attendant A Hotel
OPD : maintenance A Hotel
OPD : sentence English Composition
OPD : Indent the first sentence in a paragraph. English Composition
OPD : kitten Domestic Animals and Rodents
OPD : tennis court The Park and Playground
OPD : tent Outdoor Recreation
OPD : table tennis Individual Sports
OPD : tennis Individual Sports
OPD : tennis racket Sports Equipment
OPD : pretend Hobies and Games

FN: ten num Cardinal_numbers

VSLW123 nghe ☊ (S) to listen to, to hear vsl1
VSLW123 thường ☊ (S) usually, often vsl1
VSLW123 chúng tôi ☊ (S) we (excluding the listener) vsl1
VSLW123 chúng ta ☊ (S) we (including the listener) vsl1
VSLW123 định ☊ (S) to intend vsl1
VSLW123 kéo dài ☊ (S) to prolong, to extend vsl2
VSLW123 căng ☊ (S) tense vsl2
VSLW123 mẫu giáo ☊ (S) kindergarten vsl2
VSLW123 thường xuyên ☊ (S) frequent, often vsl3
VSLW123 chú ý ☊ (S) to pay attention vsl3
VSLW123 chú ý ☊ (S) to pay attention vsl3
VSLW123 hài lòng ☊ (S) pleased, content vsl3
VSLW123 gắn ☊ (S) to install, to fasten, to stick, to glue vsl3
VSLW123 dự ☊ (S) to attend vsl3
VSLW123 tha hồ ☊ (S) to one's heart content vsl3
VSLW123 dự định ☊ (S) to intend, to plan vsl3
VSLW 45 Hay/Thường ☊ (S) often [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 tham dự ☊ (S) to attend [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 Đại sứ đặc mệnh toàn quyền ☊ (S) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nội dung ☊ (S) content [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 chuyên sâu ☊ (S) intensive [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 sự quan tâm ☊ (S) attention/ care [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 cố tình ☊ (S) deliberately, intentionally [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 việc gia hạn, gia hạn ☊ (S) extension, to extend [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 rút ngắn ☊ (S) to shorten [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tiềm năng ☊ (S) potential [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 mở rộng ☊ (S) to extend [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 chiều hướng ☊ (S) tendency [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 ý định ☊ (S) intention, willing [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 sự chú ý ☊ (S) attention [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 thắt chặt ☊ (S) to tighten [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 căng thẳng ☊ (S) tension [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hăm dọa ☊ (S) threatening, to threaten [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tiềm ẩn ☊ (S) potential, implicit [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 cường độ ☊ (S) intensity [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bền bỉ ☊ (S) enduring, persistent [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 văn bản ☊ (S) written document [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 gay gắt ☊ (S) intense, harsh [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bất bình ☊ (S) to discontent [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 trái với ☊ (S) to be inconsistent with, on the contrary [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tuyên án ☊ (S) to sentence [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 chuyên sâu ☊ (S) intensive [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 án phạt ☊ (S) sentence [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tiềm năng ☊ (S) potential [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nhất quán ☊ (S) consistent [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 mang tính nhất quán ☊ (S) consistent [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 tiềm tàng ☊ (S) latent [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 tuyên phạt ☊ (S) to sentence [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 (thức ăn) ôi thiu ☊ (S) bad/rotten (food) [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 kiên định ☊ (S) consistent [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 một cách cố ý ☊ (S) intentionally [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 hư hỏng ☊ (S) spoiled / rotten [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 sự bất bình ☊ (S) discontent [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 chim sợ cành cong ☊ (S) once bitten, twice shy [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 bất tài ☊ (S) incompetent [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Anh chưa ăn bánh xèo lần nào hả? You (to a male) haven't eaten Vietnamese pancake, have you? vsl1
VSLS Chưa. Tôi chưa ăn món đó lần nào hết. Có ngon không? Not yet. I haven't eaten that dish. Is it delicious? vsl1
VSLS 10 người. Bố mẹ anh ấy sinh 8 người con, 2 trai, 6 gái. Ten people. His parents have (lit. bore) 8 children, two boys, 6 girls. vsl1
VSLS Thảo thường thức dậy từ lúc 6 giờ sáng. I often get up at 6:00 am. vsl2
VSLS Chẳng hạn như về âm nhạc. Thảo thích nghe loại nhạc gì? For instance, about music. What type of music do you like to listen to? vsl2
VSLS Căng lắm. Không thể đi trễ về sớm như ở công ty cũ được. Very tense. (I) can't arrive late and leave early like at the former company. vsl2

DUOS Mẫu giáo The kindergarten /kindergarten Alphabet Introduction 2
DUOS Mười người ten people Numbers
DUOS Một nửa của mười là năm. A half of ten is five. Numbers
DUOS Tôi mua chiếc máy tính thứ mười của tôi. I buy my tenth computer. Ordinal numbers
DUOS Đừng nghe họ. Do not listen to them. Common Phrases 2
DUOS sự lịch sự The politeness Nominalization
DUOS Nhà sư đang lắng nghe tôi. The monk is listening to me. Jobs 1
DUOS Tôi không thích sự bất lịch sự của bạn. I do not like your impoliteness. Attributes
DUOS sự bất lịch sự  impoliteness Attributes
DUOS Những con mèo của cô ấy thường xuyên ăn cá. Her cats often eat fish. Frequency
DUOS Cô ấy có khoảng mười con chó. She has about ten dogs. Adverbs
DUOS Bạn ăn chưa? Have you eaten yet? Adverbs
DUOS Cô ấy cố gắng giải thích nhưng bạn không nghe. She tries to explain but you do not listen. Verbs 3
DUOS bởi by (passive sentence) Passive
DUOS Cảm ơn, tôi đã ăn rồi. Thank you, I have eaten already. Common Phrases 3
DUOS Các khách hàng người Việt Nam thích sự lịch sự và sự kiên nhẫn. The Vietnamese customers like politeness and patience. People
DUOS Nội dung của bài kiểm tra rất khó. The content of the test is very hard. Abstract Objects 1
DUOS Nội dung content Abstract Objects 1
DUOS Chúng tôi đã mua mười trái dừa. We bought ten coconuts. Miscellaneous
DUOS Không phải cố tình. It is not intentional. Miscellaneous
DUOS cố tình intentional Miscellaneous
DUOS Quần vợt tennis Sports
DUOS Bài hát của anh ấy về thời trang đang được nghe rất nhiều. His song about fashion is being listened to a lot. Arts
DUOS Sự chú ý attention Abstract Objects 2
DUOS Cuốn sách đó đã được viết bởi nhiều tác giả. That book was written by many authors. Jobs 2
DUOS Mười người có bao nhiêu bàn tay? How many hands do ten people have? Medical
DUOS Thể tích của mười chai rượu the volume of ten bottles of wine Science
DUOS Lịch sử được viết bởi người chiến thắng. History is written by the winners. History
DUOS Anh ấy đe doạ tôi. He threatens me. History
DUOS Họ đe doạ chúng tôi bằng một con dao. They threaten us with a knife. History
DUOS đe doạ threaten History
DUOS Hình phạt của tôi là bản án mười năm. My punishment is the ten-year sentence. Abstract Objects 3
DUOS Tôi không mê tín nhưng tôi tin khoa học có thể giải thích sự tồn tại của ma. I am not superstitious, but I believe science can explain the existence of Paranormality
DUOS Hãy dịu dàng với những đứa trẻ. Be tender with the children. Reduplicative Words
DUOS dịu dàng tender Reduplicative Words

50L Tôi đọc một câu. * I read a sentence. 008
50L Tôi viết một câu. * I write a sentence. 008
50L Bây giờ là mười giờ. * It is ten o’clock. 010
50L Họ thích nghe nhạc. * They like to listen to music. 015
50L Tôi đã quên cái đó mất rồi. * I’ve forgotten it. 025
50L Ở gần đây có sân quần vợt không? * Is there a tennis court nearby? 046
50L Bạn có hay tới đây không? * Do you come here often? 048
50L Tôi có hẹn lúc mười giờ. * I have the appointment at ten o’clock. 059
50L Tôi thường xuyên bị nhức đầu. * I often have headaches. 059
50L Tháng thứ mười là tháng mười. * The tenth month is October. 063
50L Bạn hỏi thầy giáo nhiều không? * Do you often ask the teacher questions? 064
50L Không, tôi không hỏi thầy ấy nhiều. * No, I don’t ask him questions often. 064
50L Tôi đánh quần vợt. * I play tennis. 065
50L Sân quần vợt ở đâu? * Where is the tennis court? 065
50L Tôi không hiểu câu này. * I don’t understand the sentence. 066
50L Anh ấy đã quên kính của anh ấy. * He has forgotten his glasses. 069
50L Chị ấy nghe nhạc, trong lúc chị ấy làm việc nhà. * She listens to music while she does her work. 097
50L Bạn ăn gì chưa? * Have you already eaten something? 102
50L Chưa, tôi chưa ăn gì hết. * No, I haven’t eaten anything yet. 102