like: upon
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all words:
VNEN bông * (1) cotton
(2) flower, blossom, [CL for flowers]
(3) coupon
(4) to joke, jest, kid around
VNEN chú mục * to gaze at, concentrate one’s attention upon *
VNEN chăm sóc * care, attention, supervision; to see to, look after, take care of, attend on (upon), care for *
VNEN chụp * to spring upon and seize; to take (photographs) *
VNEN cung phụng * provide, supply; to wait upon, serve *
VNEN cúi luồn * to fawn (upon), grovel (before) *
VNEN cưỡng hôn * forced marriage; to force a marriage (upon) *
VNEN cổ phiếu * coupon, share certificate, share (of stock) *
VNEN giày xéo * trample upon *
VNEN giả thù * revenge oneself (upon for), take vengeance (on for), avenge *
VNEN hạ sơn * go down the mountain (upon completion of training) *
VNEN hạch sách * to insist upon *
VNEN hầu * (1) almost, nearly, virtually
(2) to wait upon, serve
(3) in order to
(4) monkey
VNEN hầu bóng * to invoke, call upon spirits *
VNEN khi nên * when fortune smiles upon you, when you are favored by fortune *
VNEN khi đến đó * upon arriving (there), after reaching (that place) *
VNEN kêu gọi cộng đồng người Việt * to call upon the Vietnamese community *
VNEN kêu gọi nhà cầm quyền * to appeal to, call upon (the) authorities *
VNEN lêu * hoot at, spit upon, deride *
VNEN lúc chia tay * upon leaving, upon taking leave *
VNEN lăn xả * to rush at, fall upon, dash at *
VNEN lớp lớp * layer upon layer, batch after batch *
VNEN minh tâm * engraved upon one’s memory *
VNEN miếu hiệu * posthumous name conferred upon a king *
VNEN mua việc * bring upon oneself more trouble (by doing unnecessary extra work) *
VNEN * (1) to faint, lose consciousness, unconscious
(2) to dote upon, be crazy about, infatuated
VNEN nghị tội * deliberate upon the punishment *
VNEN ngoặc tay * link forefingers (in sign of a contract agreed upon) *
VNEN ngày xưa * (1) once upon a time
(2) formerly, old times, old days
VNEN ngày xửa ngày xưa * once upon a time *
VNEN ngẫm * to ponder, reflect upon, think over, consider *
VNEN ngẫm nghĩ * reflect upon, cogitate *
VNEN ngắm * to behold, view, gaze upon, contemplate; to take aim at *
VNEN nhảy xổ * bounce upon *
VNEN nại * (1) patient
(2) to call upon
(3) salt-marsh
VNEN nại chứng * call upon (witness) *
VNEN nịnh * flatter, fawn on, fawn upon *
VNEN phỉ nhổ * to spit (at, upon), insult *
VNEN phổi bò * wear one’s heart upon one’s sleeve *
VNEN phụ thuộc gia đình * to be dependent upon one’s family *
VNEN phục dịch * to serve, labor, wait upon, do hard work, attend to *
VNEN siểm nịnh * to fawn upon *
VNEN sàm nịnh * to fawn upon (someone) *
VNEN tem phiếu * coupons *
VNEN thăm nom * visit, call on or upon, look after, take care of *
VNEN tiếp liền * thereupon, following *
VNEN tòng thuộc * to depend upon *
VNEN tạc * to carve, engrave on (upon), cherish *
VNEN vin * rely upon, pull down (a tree branch) lop off (a branch) depend on (argument) *
VNEN vòng mép * punishment inflicted upon he pupils (in the old days) (draw a *
VNEN vồ * to grab, seize, spring upon, pounce *
VNEN vồ lấy * to spring upon *
VNEN vồ lấy nạn nhân * to spring upon a victim *
VNEN xâm hại * to encroach upon, injure *
VNEN xốc tới * dart, pounce (upon), assault, assail, attack suddenly *
VNEN xổm * squat down upon the hams or heels, squat, crouch *
VNEN áp đặt * to impose, force upon *
VNEN ôm chân * to fawn upon, toady to *
VNEN đề cập * to deal with, touch upon, mention, bring up, speak about *
VNEN đổ dồn * flock into, concentrate upon *
VNEN động chạm * to refer to, touch upon *
VNEN * to rush (upon), pounce *

SNOT: to be operated upon Health and body care • ailments– accidents

B2 upon (prep.)

OXF3000: trên upon
OXF3000N trên ở trên upon

BNC6000 : upon [ Rank: 431 ] prep 👪

OPD : coupons Back From the Market

FN: upon prep Spatial_contact

VSLW123 đề cập đến ☊ (S) to touch upon, to mention about vsl3
VSLW 67 rình ☊ (S) to watch for / to spy upon [ Advanced Reading ]