like: to receive
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VNEN thụ * to receive *

all words:
VNEN bái lĩnh * to receive a gift (from someone above oneself) *
VNEN chữa bệnh * to cure, heal; to receive medical treatment *
VNEN hưởng oen phe * to receive welfare *
VNEN hưởng trợ cấp * to receive a grant, assistance *
VNEN lãnh * to receive, draw *
VNEN lãnh lương * to receive a wage, salary *
VNEN lãnh án * to receive a sentence, verdict *
VNEN lãnh án tù chung thân * to receive a life sentence *
VNEN lãnh án tử hình * to receive the death penalty, be sentenced to death *
VNEN lĩnh bằng * to receive a degree, diploma *
VNEN nhận giấy phép * to receive permission *
VNEN nhận sự tán đồng * to receive approval *
VNEN nhận thư * to receive a letter *
VNEN nhận được khiếu nại * to receive a complaint *
VNEN nhận đủ * to receive completely *
VNEN nhập * to bring in, put in, import; to join, enter, add; to receive *
VNEN nhập trội hơn xuất * to receive more than one spends *
VNEN oa trữ * to conceal, to receive, to harbor *
VNEN oa trữ đồ ăn cắp * to receive stolen goods *
VNEN phụng * (1) male phoenix
(2) to receive (from a superior), serve, obey, honor
VNEN rước * to receive, greet, welcome *
VNEN tay bắt mặt mững * to receive someone with open arms *
VNEN thu nhập * income; to receive, collect *
VNEN thu nạp * to receive, admit, accept *
VNEN thu phát * to receive and transmit *
VNEN thụ * to receive *
VNEN thụ huấn * to receive training *
VNEN thụ hưởng * to receive, enjoy *
VNEN thụ ân * to receive a favor *
VNEN thừa * (1) left over, superfluous, extra
(2) to take advantage of
(3) to inherit
(4) to receive (from above)
(5) to take charge
(6) to help, assist
VNEN thừa tiếp * to receive, welcome *
VNEN thừa ân * to receive a favor *
VNEN tiếp * (1) to receive
(2) to continue
VNEN tiếp khách * to receive guests or visitors *
VNEN tiếp kiến * to receive (an official, dignitary), accept *
VNEN tiếp một phái đoàn * to receive, meet a delegation *
VNEN tiếp nhận * to receive, admit, accept *
VNEN tiếp phát * to receive and issue *
VNEN vắng tin * not to receive any news (from) not to hear (from) *
VNEN vắng tiếng * not to receive any news (from) *
VNEN đón nghe * to receive (and listen to) *
VNEN đón nhận tin * to receive news *
VNEN đón tiếp * to receive, welcome *
VNEN đón tiếp nồn nhiệt * to receive warmly *
VNEN được thưởng * to receive, be awarded *
VNEN ẩn nặc * to receive (stolen property, stolen goods) *
VNEN ứng tiếp * to receive (guests), entertain *

SNOT: to receive/to get Relations with other people • correspondence

VSLW123 đón ☊ (S) to welcome, to receive, to pick up vsl1
VSLW123 lĩnh/lãnh ☊ (S) to receive vsl1
VSLW123 nhận ☊ (S) to receive vsl1
VSLW123 lĩnh (lãnh) ☊ (S) to receive vsl3
VSLW123 lĩnh (lãnh) ☊ (S) to receive vsl3
VSLW 45 nhận ☊ (S) to receive [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 nhận ☊ (S) to receive [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nhận ☊ (S) to receive [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hưởng ☊ (S) to enjoy, to receive [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hưởng ☊ (S) to receive [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tiếp thu ☊ (S) to receive, to acquire [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tiếp thu ☊ (S) to receive [ Basic Reading ]

DUOS Tôi không muốn nhận gạch. I do not want to receive heavy criticism. Informal Expressions