like: to look
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VNEN coi thấy * to look *

all words:
VNEN béo tốt * plump and healthy; to look prosperous *
VNEN bảo trọng * to look after oneself, take care of oneself *
VNEN bộn rộn * busy; to look busy *
VNEN chiêm * (1) (of a rice harvest) fifth lunar month
(2) to look up to, admire, observe
(3) to divine
(4) Cham
VNEN chăm sóc trẻ em * to look after a child *
VNEN coi * to look at, see, consider, watch *
VNEN coi chừng * to look out, watch, be cautious *
VNEN coi sóc * to look after, take care of, supervise, mind *
VNEN coi thấy * to look *
VNEN có tướng * to look, have an appearance *
VNEN có vẻ ngạc nhiên * to look surprised, appear surprised *
VNEN cố * (1) to make an effort, try (very hard)
(2) great grandfather
(3) to pawn
(4) reason
(5) old, former, late (deceased)
(6) intentional, premeditated
(7) firm, strong
(8) innate, original
(9) to look after, care for, turn one’s head
VNEN * to collate, compare; to look for, search (information) *
VNEN dễ coi * nice to look at, easy on the eyes *
VNEN giương mắt * to look at with wide open-eyes *
VNEN giống y như * to look just like *
VNEN háy * to look askance at, look black at someone *
VNEN khan * to look, watch, look after *
VNEN kiếm * to look for, search, obtain *
VNEN kiếm việc làm * to look for a job, for work *
VNEN kén chồng * to look for a husband *
VNEN liếc xéo * to look sideways, look askance *
VNEN lãm * to look, see *
VNEN lườm * to look askance, scowl *
VNEN lấm lét * to look slyly *
VNEN lịch lãm * to look over *
VNEN muốn * (1) to desire, want
(2) to look like (weather)
VNEN mò kim đáy biển * to look for a needle in a haystack *
VNEN mưu lợi * to look for profit, gain *
VNEN mới ốm dậy nước da nhợt nhạt * to look pale, recovering from and illness *
VNEN nghinh * to look sideways; receive, greet, meet *
VNEN nghênh * (1) to look round, look about one; (20 to welcome *
VNEN nghếch chùm quả trên cây * to look up at bunch of fruit on a tree *
VNEN ngó * to look at, see *
VNEN ngó lại * to look back *
VNEN ngó ra * to look out, look outside *
VNEN ngước nhìn * to look up at *
VNEN ngưỡng mộ * to look up to, admire; admiration *
VNEN ngắm cảnh * to look at scenery *
VNEN ngắm nghía * to look at, admire, gaze at, stare at, scrutinize, examine *
VNEN ngừa mặt * to look up *
VNEN nheo * to look with one eye, close one eye slightly *
VNEN nhìn * to look (at), see, regard, appear *
VNEN nhìn chung quanh * to look around *
VNEN nhìn chăm chắm * to look fixedly at *
VNEN nhìn lui * to look behind *
VNEN nhìn lên * to look up *
VNEN nhìn lại 20 năm * to look back over the last 20 years *
VNEN nhìn lại * to look back, look again, take another look *
VNEN nhìn một vòng chung quanh * to look around (once) *
VNEN nhìn ngắm * to look at, gaze at *
VNEN nhìn nhau * to look at each other *
VNEN nhìn quanh * to look around *
VNEN nhìn quanh quất * to look around *
VNEN nhìn ra * to look out *
VNEN nhìn ra ngoài * to look out(side) *
VNEN nhìn ra xa * to look off into the distance *
VNEN nhìn ra xa xăm * to look off into the distance *
VNEN nhìn sang chung quanh * to look around *
VNEN nhìn sang hai bên * to look on both sides *
VNEN nhìn sau * to look behind *
VNEN nhìn sâu vào * to look deeply into *
VNEN nhìn thẳng vào * to look directly at *
VNEN nhìn thẳng vào mắt * to look directly into (sb’s) eyes *
VNEN nhìn trước * to look ahead *
VNEN nhìn trước nhìn sau * to look around *
VNEN nhìn vào * to look at, look into *
VNEN nhìn vào mắt * to look (sb) in the eye *
VNEN nhìn vào trong * to look at, look inside, look in *
VNEN nhìn xoáy * to look around, look over *
VNEN nhìn xuống * to look over, look down on *
VNEN nhìn xuống đất * to look down at the ground *
VNEN quan sát * to look at, look around, observe, watch *
VNEN quen mặt * familiar face; to look familiar *
VNEN soi * to look at oneself (e.g. in a mirror) *
VNEN soi gương * to look in a mirror *
VNEN săn sóc * to look after, take care of, care for, attend to, nurse *
VNEN săn sóc một người bịnh * to look after a sick person *
VNEN sưu * (1) to look, search for, seek
(2) forced labor, taxes
VNEN thăm dò dầu lửa * to look for oil *
VNEN tim * (1) heart
(2) to look for, search for, pursue
VNEN tra cứu tài liệu * to look for information, consult a reference *
VNEN tra từ điển * to look up in a dictionary *
VNEN trông * to look, appear, have the appearance of, -looking *
VNEN trông coi * to look after, keep an eye on, watch *
VNEN trông giống như * to look like (something) *
VNEN trông nom * to look after, take care of, overlook, supervise, administer *
VNEN trông thì nghệch nhưng rất khôn * to look only dull but be actually clever *
VNEN trông vào * to look to, depend on *
VNEN trông vẻ nghếch ngác * to look bewildered *
VNEN tìm các thị trường mới * to look, search for new markets *
VNEN tìm cơ hội * to look for an opportunity (to do something) *
VNEN tìm dầu * to look for, search for oil *
VNEN tìm giải pháp * to look for a solution *
VNEN tìm khắp bờ bụi * to search hedges and bushes, to look for everywhere *
VNEN tìm phương tiện * to look for a way (to do something) *
VNEN tìm việc làm * to look for a job *
VNEN tầm phương * to look for one’s lover *
VNEN tự liệu * to look after oneself, shift for oneself, fend for *
VNEN vun đắp * to look after *
VNEN vẻ mặt bần thần * to look haggard *
VNEN vếch * to look up, perk up, prick up *
VNEN xem kết quả * to look at the results *
VNEN xịu * to look sullen *
VNEN yểu tướng * to look sickly, show sign of a premature death *
VNEN đúng tuổi * to look one’s age *
VNEN đưa mắt nhìn * to look at *
VNEN đưa mắt nhìn quanh * to look around *
VNEN đảo mắt nhìn quanh * to look around *
VNEN nhìn ngang nhìn ngửa * to look back and forth *
VNEN nhìn về phía * to look towards *

GNOT: to look Qualitative • visibility
GNOT: to look at Qualitative • visibility
GNOT: to look Qualitative • physical condition
SNOT: to look well Health and body care • personal comfort

VSLW123 có vẻ ☊ (S) to seem, to look vsl3
VSLW123 trông ☊ (S) to look, apprear vsl3
VSLW123 trông có vẻ ☊ (S) to seem to be, to look like vsl3
VSLW123 tìm ☊ (S) to find , to look for vsl3
VSLW123 tìm ☊ (S) to find , to look for vsl3
VSLW123 trông ☊ (S) to look, to seem vsl3
VSLW123 nhìn ra ☊ (S) to look out vsl3
VSLW 45 tìm ☊ (S) to look for [ Topic Reading ]