like: pen
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VNEN cây viết * pen *

all words:
VNEN Cha, mắc quá * Oh, that’s too expensive! *
VNEN Nam Vang * Phenom Penh *
VNEN Ngũ Giác Đài * (the) Pentagon *
VNEN Thiên xà * Serpentarius, Ophiuchus *
VNEN ban phát * to distribute, dispense *
VNEN binh phí * military expenditures *
VNEN biến cố * event, happening, occurrence *
VNEN biệt hiệu * alias, nickname, penname, pseudonym *
VNEN biệt lập * independent, separate *
VNEN bung * (1) to burst, break open
(2) to stew, cook for a long time
VNEN buông miệng * open one’s mouth to speak *
VNEN buồng thoáng * open cubicles *
VNEN bào chế * pharmacy, druggist; to dispense, prepare medicines, make up medicines *
VNEN bán bình nguyên * peneplain *
VNEN bán sống bán chất * for one’s life, as if one’s life depended on it *
VNEN bán đảo * peninsula *
VNEN bán đảo Cao Ly * the Korean peninsula *
VNEN bán ảnh * penumbra *
VNEN bánh treo * suspension wheel *
VNEN bìu dái * penis-shaped *
VNEN bí danh * pseudonym, pen name *
VNEN bóc vỏ * to open *
VNEN * (1) to compensate for, make up for
(2) messed up, disheveled (hair)
VNEN bù hao * compensate for a loss, make up for a loss *
VNEN bù lại * in return (for), in exchange, as compensation (for) *
VNEN bù lỗ * in compensation for losses *
VNEN bù trừ * to balance, complement, compensate, make up for *
VNEN bút * pen, pencil, brush (writing instrument) *
VNEN bút bi * ballpoint pen *
VNEN bút chiến * pen war, polemic *
VNEN bút chì * pencil *
VNEN bút chổi * big pen brush *
VNEN bút danh * pen-name, nom de plume, pseudonym *
VNEN bút giá * a pen rest, a stand for pens *
VNEN bút lông * pen brush, quill, (writing) brush *
VNEN bút lông ngỗng * quill pen *
VNEN bút máy * fountain pen *
VNEN bút mặc * pen and ink, literature *
VNEN bút mực * ink pen, fountain pen *
VNEN bút nghiên * pen and ink tray, writing materials *
VNEN bút nguyên tử * ballpoint pen *
VNEN bút pháp * style of handwriting, penmanship *
VNEN bút phớt * felt-pen *
VNEN bút sáng * light pen *
VNEN bút sắt * pen nib *
VNEN bất cứ khi nào * whenever (something happens) *
VNEN bật mở * to pop open, snap open *
VNEN bật ra * to break apart, crack open *
VNEN bắt đền * to claim damages, demand compensation or restitution *
VNEN bằng không * if not, else, otherwise, as if nothing had happened *
VNEN bằng thừa * in vain, pointless, as if nothing had happened *
VNEN bẹp * crushed, deformed, misshapen, flattened *
VNEN bệnh xá * infirmary, hospital, dispensary, sick bay, clinic *
VNEN bị dị ứng penixilin * to be allergic to penicillin *
VNEN bỏ ngỏ * to leave open (door or window) *
VNEN bỏ thì giờ * to spend time (on sth) *
VNEN bỏ tiền ra * to invest in, spend money on *
VNEN bỏ tiền đầu tư * to invest money, spend money *
VNEN bỏ tiền đầu tư vào * to invest money in, spend money on *
VNEN bối cảnh lịch sử * historical event, happening *
VNEN bồi * (1) to build up with earth
(2) to strengthen, make strong, glue together
(3) houseboy, waiter
(4) to reimburse, compensate, restore, indemnify
VNEN bồi khoản * compensation *
VNEN bồi thường * compensation, damages; to compensate, make up for, pay damages *
VNEN bồi thường thiệt hại * to compensate for loss, damage *
VNEN bổ * (1) to hit, split, cleave, open (a fruit)
(2) nutritious, nourishing
(3) to add, complement, supplement
(4) to appoint, name
VNEN bộc lộ * to expose, uncover, reveal, divulge, disclose, open *
VNEN che tàn * make merry at the expense of others *
VNEN chi * to pay, spend; to cost; what *
VNEN chi dùng * to spend *
VNEN chi dụng * pay, spend, expend *
VNEN chi phí * cost, expense, expenditure *
VNEN chi thu * expenditures *
VNEN chi tiêu * to spend; spending *
VNEN chi tiêu quốc phòng * defense spending *
VNEN chim cánh cụt * penguin, aptenodytes *
VNEN chiêu hồi * open arms policy *
VNEN choai choãi * slightly split open *
VNEN chuyện ngày hôm nay * what happened today *
VNEN chuẩn bị để * to prepare (to have sth happen) *
VNEN chuẩn chi * to authorize (some expenditure) *
VNEN chuẩn mở * open standard *
VNEN chành * open wide (one’s mouth) *
VNEN chành bành * wide open *
VNEN chí thành * sincere, frank, candid, open-hearted *
VNEN chín cây * ripened on the tree *
VNEN chín vàng * yellow-ripened (fruits) *
VNEN chúm chím * to open slightly (one’s lips) *
VNEN chơi phiếm * to spend one’s time aimlessly *
VNEN chưa * not yet, yet (to happen) *
VNEN chưa hề vẩy ra trước đây * to have never happened before *
VNEN chưa kịp * to not yet be able to, not be able to do (before sth else happens) *
VNEN chưa not * yet, yet (to happen) *
VNEN chạng * wide open *
VNEN chấm phạt đền * penalty spot *
VNEN chất huyền phù * suspended matter *
VNEN chẩn y viện * dispensary *
VNEN chắc khó * unlikely (to happen) *
VNEN chết giả * suspended animation *
VNEN chỉ tiêu có ngữ * to spend within limits *
VNEN chịu ăn * open to bribery, corruptible, venal, bribable *
VNEN con lắc * pendulum *
VNEN cuộc chiến đấu giành tự do trong tay Anh Quốc * the struggle to gain independence *
VNEN cán viết * penholder *
VNEN cáo hưu * ask to retire on a pension *
VNEN cây viết * pen *
VNEN có một thời ở trong lính * to spend some time in the miliary *
VNEN có nơi * there is, there are places (where something happens) *
VNEN có thể xảy ra * can occur, can happen *
VNEN công chi * public spending, public expenditures *
VNEN công khai * open, public, publicly, in public; to publicize, make public *
VNEN công nhiên * publicly, openly *
VNEN công tác phí * expenses (for a business trip) *
VNEN căn cứ * according to; need, require; basis, base, based; to depend, be based *
VNEN căn cứ trên tình trạng * to depend on the situation *
VNEN cũng tùy * it depends *
VNEN cưỡi hổ * we have gone too far to draw back now, in for a penny, in *
VNEN cạn túi * penniless, flat broke *
VNEN cạy cửa * to force open a door *
VNEN cạy ra * to pry open, pry apart *
VNEN cải hối * to repent, be sorry *
VNEN cảnh huống * happening, situation, plight *
VNEN cảnh tỉnh * to awaken, open the eyes of *
VNEN cất miệng * open one’s mouth (to speak) *
VNEN cần thiết * indispensable, essential, necessary; necessity *
VNEN cầu treo * suspension bridge *
VNEN cắn chỉ * penciled with betel juice *
VNEN cặc * penis, cock, dick, prick *
VNEN cờ hiệu * pennant *
VNEN cờ đuôi nheo * pennon, pennant *
VNEN cởi mở * to open, start, liberalize, loosen, ease, relax; relaxed, easy, open, frank, friendly, open-minded *
VNEN cửa * door, window, entrance, opening *
VNEN cửa tay * opening of the sleeve *
VNEN dao nhíp * penknife, pocket-knife *
VNEN diễn biến * development, event, happening; to evolve unfold, happen *
VNEN diễn biến lịch sử * historical happenings *
VNEN diễn ra * to take place, occur, happen, unfold *
VNEN diễn ra như cũ * to happen just like before *
VNEN dung lượng bù * compensation capacity *
VNEN duy trì * to maintain, keep (open), preserve *
VNEN dái * genitals, penis *
VNEN dã ngoại * in the open air, outdoor *
VNEN dình chỉ * to cease, stop, suspend; stoppage, suspension, cessation *
VNEN dương * (1) ocean
(2) Yang - positive
(3) to show off, make known
(4) to open
(5) goat
VNEN dương vật * penis *
VNEN dải đất * belt of land, peninsula, strip of land *
VNEN dầu thông * oil of turpentine *
VNEN dẫn tới độc lập * to lead to independence *
VNEN dễ dãi * easy, tolerant, open, accommodating, easy-going *
VNEN dọn đường * to open up a path, pave the way *
VNEN dở * (1) quality, bad (tasting), uninteresting, poor, mediocre
(2) to open, get out
VNEN dựa dẫm * depend on *
VNEN dựa vào võ lực * to rely, depend on (military) force *
VNEN ghẹ * sentinel-crab; at someone’s expense *
VNEN giao diện bút điện tử * pen interface *
VNEN giãi * open (one’s heart), make known *
VNEN giãi giề * pour out confidences, open one’s heart *
VNEN giương mắt * to look at with wide open-eyes *
VNEN giảm chi tiêu * to decrease spending *
VNEN giảm tội * to mitigate a penalty *
VNEN giờ mở cửa * (store) opening hours *
VNEN giở sách ra * to open a book *
VNEN giữa trời * in the open air *
VNEN gác bút * put away one’s pen *
VNEN gặp trường hợp như vậy * if this happens, in this case *
VNEN gọt * to pare, whittle, sharpen (pencil), peel (fruit, etc.) *
VNEN gối đất nằm sương * sleep in the open *
VNEN hao * (1) to consume, use, spend, waste
(2) news
VNEN hao phí * to waste; to spend *
VNEN huy hoắc * squander, spend wastefully *
VNEN huyền phù * suspension *
VNEN hà hơi * blow with a wide-open mouth-give the kiss of life to, resuscitate *
VNEN hàm tiếu * begin to open *
VNEN hào phóng * open-handed *
VNEN * (1) to open one’s mouth
(2) (exclamation)
VNEN há hốc * gaping, open-mouthed; to gape, open wide one’s mouth *
VNEN há hốc miệng * gaping, open-mouthed *
VNEN há miệng * open mouthed; to open one’s mouth *
VNEN há mồm * mouth open, open mouthed; to open one’s mouth *
VNEN há rộng miệng * to open one’s mouth wide *
VNEN * to be ajar, slightly open *
VNEN hé môi * to open one’s lips *
VNEN hé mở * to open slightly, open halfway *
VNEN hé nở * (flower) to have just opened, bloomed *
VNEN hé răng * to open one’s lips, utter a word *
VNEN hình luật * penal code, criminal law *
VNEN hình pháp * penal *
VNEN hình phạt * penalty *
VNEN hòa vốn * to break even, recoup one’s investment or costs or expenses *
VNEN hưu bổng * retirement pension, social security *
VNEN hả miệng * to open one’s mouth *
VNEN hệch mồm * open one’s mouth, agape *
VNEN họp chợ * hold a market, open up a market *
VNEN hối * to repent, regret *
VNEN hối cải * show repentance and desire to redeem one’s faults *
VNEN hối hận * to regret, repent *
VNEN hối lỗi * to have remorse, repent *
VNEN hối xuất tự do * independent exchange range *
VNEN hồi * time (when something happened), when *
VNEN hồi hưu * retire (on a pension) *
VNEN hờ * (1) gap, be open
(2) so-called, self-styled
VNEN hời * cheap, inexpensive *
VNEN hở * (1) open, uncovered
(2) (final partical indicating surprise)
VNEN khai canh * develop, open new land *
VNEN khai giảng * to open (a school), begin (a course), start a new term *
VNEN khai học * open a course, open school *
VNEN khai hỏa * to open fire *
VNEN khai khẩu * open one’s mouth (and speak) *
VNEN khai mạc * to open, start, raise a curtain *
VNEN khai phong * open a (sealed) envelope *
VNEN khai trương * to open a shop *
VNEN khai ấn * open a seal *
VNEN khe * crevice, crack, opening *
VNEN khe hở * slit, groove, channel, furrow, slot, opening, split, crack, crevice *
VNEN khi * occasion, time (when something happens), when, at the time of, if *
VNEN khi đó * when that happens, when that occurs, then *
VNEN khoáng dã * open country *
VNEN khoản chi bất thường * an extraordinary expense *
VNEN khoản tiêu * expenditure *
VNEN khui * to unpack, unload (goods), open *
VNEN khui bia * to open a beer *
VNEN khui bia uống * to open a beer (to drink it) *
VNEN khui lon bia * to open a can of beer *
VNEN khui một lon bia * to open a can of beer *
VNEN khui rót * to open and pour (from a bottle) *
VNEN khánh kiệt * all spent, exhausted, used up *
VNEN khánh thành * to inaugurate, to open for public use *
VNEN khánh thành * to open, dedicate, inaugurate *
VNEN khô túi * penniless *
VNEN khôi nguyên * (first-place) winner, recipent (of an award), laureate *
VNEN không có gì xảy ra * nothing happened *
VNEN không dựa vào * independent *
VNEN không kém một xu * not a penny less *
VNEN không thể thiếu * indispensable *
VNEN không thể thiếu được * indispensable *
VNEN không để * to not allow, not let sth happen *
VNEN khơi * to enlarge, widen; open sea *
VNEN khởi chiến * open hostilities, start hostilities *
VNEN khởi hấn * open the hostilities *
VNEN kinh phí * expenditures, cost *
VNEN kiệt * (1) stingy, miserly
(2) exhaused, worn out, spent, used up
(3) outstanding, excellent
(4) blind alley
VNEN kể từ ngay * from the day (something happened) *
VNEN kể từ sau * since (something happened) *
VNEN làm * to do, work, make, function as, serve; to cause something to happen *
VNEN lãnh án tử hình * to receive the death penalty, be sentenced to death *
VNEN lùa * to slide into, penetrate, drive *
VNEN lúa đã bắt đầu chín * rice begins ripening *
VNEN lễ khai mạc * opening ceremonies *
VNEN lễ khánh thành * opening ceremony *
VNEN lệ * (1) custom, rule, regulation
(2) tear
(3) to depend on, rely on; servant
(4) to be shy
(5) epidemic
(6) lichee
(7) beautiful
(8) to encourage
VNEN lệ phí * cost, expense, fee *
VNEN lệ thuộc * dependent, subordinate; to depend *
VNEN lệ thuộc hoàn toàn * completely dependent *
VNEN lộ phí * travelling expenses *
VNEN lộ thiên * outdoor, open-air, open-cast *
VNEN lời mở đầu * opening words, forward *
VNEN miễn trừ * to exempt, dispense *
VNEN miệng * mouth, opening *
VNEN mài sắc * sharpen *
VNEN méo mó * crooked, wry, distorted, deformed, twisted, contorted, misshapen *
VNEN mất * (1) to die, pass away, vanish
(2) to lose, spend, take (money, time)
VNEN mất cả tháng * to spend an entire month *
VNEN mắc * (1) to be expensive
(2) to be caught (in a trap, disaster), hang on a peg
VNEN mắc quá * is too expensive, is very expensive *
VNEN mắc tiền * expensive *
VNEN mệnh một * happen to die *
VNEN mỏ lộ thiên * open-cast mine *
VNEN mở * to open, start, begin, turn on, set up *
VNEN mở cuộc họp * to open a meeting *
VNEN mở cuộc điều tra * to open an investigation *
VNEN mở cánh cửa * to open a door *
VNEN mở cửa * to open a door, open business *
VNEN mở cửa kinh tế * open door economy *
VNEN mở cửa ra * to open a door *
VNEN mở hội đàm * to open a conference *
VNEN mở lại đối thoại * to reopen a conversation, dialog *
VNEN mở lớn * to turn up, open wider *
VNEN mở miệng * to open one’s mouth to speak *
VNEN mở mắt * to open eyes to *
VNEN mở mắt ra * to open one’s eyes *
VNEN mở một vòng đàm phán * to open a round of talks *
VNEN mở ngỏ * open *
VNEN mở ngỏ kinh tế * open, free economy *
VNEN mở những liên lạc * to open communications *
VNEN mở nắp * to open *
VNEN mở nắp ra * to open a lid, take off a lid *
VNEN mở phiên họp * to open a meeting *
VNEN mở ra * to open; unfold, open out, spread out, unwind, uncoil, unroll, unfurl *
VNEN mở toang * open (the door) wide *
VNEN mở trương mục * to open an account *
VNEN mở đường * initiate, pave the way for, open the road (to something) *
VNEN mở đường cho * to open the door to (something), allow (something), make way for (something) *
VNEN mở đầu * to begin, initiate, start, open *
VNEN ngoam ngoáp * open (wide) one’s mouth *
VNEN ngoài trời * outside, outdoors, (in the) open-air *
VNEN ngoác * open wide (one’s mouth) *
VNEN ngoác miệng ra ngáp * to yawn with the mouth wide open *
VNEN ngoáp * gape (for air, said of fish), open one’s mouth *
VNEN ngoạc * open wide *
VNEN nguồn tin riêng * independent news source *
VNEN ngòi bút * (pen) nib *
VNEN ngũ giác * pentagonal *
VNEN ngũ giác đài * the pentagon *
VNEN ngưng * (1) to cease, stop, suspend, delay, interrupt
(2) to clot, condense
VNEN ngọc hành * penis *
VNEN ngỏ * to be open (door); to reveal, express *
VNEN ngỏ lòng * open one’s heart *
VNEN ngủ nhờ * to spend the night at somebody’s house *
VNEN ngủ qua đem * to spend, pass, sleep through the night *
VNEN nhu cầu không thể thiếu * indispensable requirement, need; sine qua non *
VNEN nhà kỷ niệm độc lập * Independence Hall (Philadelphia) *
VNEN nhà trừng giới * prison, penitentiary, reformatory *
VNEN nhìn nhận nền độc lập của Vietnamese * to recognize the independence of VN *
VNEN nhíp xe * springs, spring suspension *
VNEN như không * as if nothing had happened *
VNEN nhập cốt * to penetrate *
VNEN nhập trội hơn xuất * to receive more than one spends *
VNEN nhẵn túi * have empty pocket, have not a penny left, broke *
VNEN nhếch * open slight, part a corner (of one’s lips, mouth), unround, stretch *
VNEN nhờ * (1) thanks to, owing to
(2) to turn over, be dependent on, reply on
(3) to ask (a favor), request, please
VNEN nhờ cạy * to rely, depend on *
VNEN nhờ cậy * depend on someone for *
VNEN nhờ vả * to depend on (somebody) for help, resort to *
VNEN nhụt * blunt, get damped, get dampened, weaken *
VNEN những việc xảy ra * happenings, events, goings-on *
VNEN ném tiền qua cửa sổ * to spend one’s money extravagantly *
VNEN nét * stroke, line (of pen), line, feature *
VNEN nét bút * handwriting, calligraphy, stroke of the pen *
VNEN nói thẳng * to speak frankly, openly, directly, plainly *
VNEN nói toạc * to speak openly, frankly *
VNEN nói toạc các ý nghĩ mình * to state one’s opinions openly, freely *
VNEN nơm nớp * (be) on tenterhooks, (be) in a state of suspense; fearful, nervous *
VNEN nương * (1) to handle with care
(2) field, terrace
(3) to rely on
(4) girl, young woman
(5) to lean on, depend on
VNEN nương bóng * to depend on, rely on *
VNEN nương cậy * depend on (somebody) for help *
VNEN nương tựa * to lean on, depend on, rely on *
VNEN nước độc lập * independent country, nation *
VNEN nạy cái nắp lên * to prize a lid open *
VNEN nền độc lập * independence *
VNEN nội thuộc * be under foreign domination, dependent (on) *
VNEN nở * (1) to develop, blossom, open up
(2) to hatch
(3) rise, expand
VNEN nứt ra * to split open *
VNEN phanh * (1) to open up, dissect
(2) brake
VNEN phanh ngực áo * to open one's shirt *
VNEN phung phá * spend extravagantly, squander, throw (money) about *
VNEN phân phối độc lập * independent distributor *
VNEN phí * to waste, squander; expenses *
VNEN phí tổn * charge, cost, expense *
VNEN phướn * Buddhist pennon *
VNEN phạt * to punish; penalty, punishment, fine *
VNEN phạt tiền * pecuniary penalty *
VNEN phạt đền * penalty *
VNEN phấp phỏng * be on tenterhooks, be in anxious suspense *
VNEN phần phụ * appendage, complement *
VNEN phần thưởng * prize, recompense *
VNEN phụ lục * appendix, addendum, supplement *
VNEN phụ thuộc * secondary, dependent, subordinate, dependent on; accessory *
VNEN phụ thuộc gia đình * to be dependent upon one’s family *
VNEN phụ thuộc hàm * functional dependency *
VNEN phục quốc * to restore national sovereignty, regain national independence *
VNEN pê nan ti * penalty *
VNEN pê ni xi lin * penicillin *
VNEN quy chính * become repentant *
VNEN quán xuyến * to penetrate thoroughly *
VNEN quân phí * army expenditures *
VNEN quý * (1) valuable, noble, precious expensive; to esteem, value
(2) quarter, three months
VNEN quả tim * heart-heart-shaped pendant *
VNEN quản bút * penholder *
VNEN quốc dụng * national expenditures *
VNEN quỹ bù trừ * compensatory fund *
VNEN ra khơi * to head for the open sea, get to the open sea, put or go *
VNEN ra sao thì ra * whatever happens, happens *
VNEN riêng * alone, only, separate, particular, private, personal, independent; as for *
VNEN ruột thừa * appendix *
VNEN rất dễ xảy ra * very likely to happen *
VNEN rẻ * cheap, inexpensive *
VNEN rẻ mạt * very inexpensive, dirt-cheap *
VNEN rẻ tiền * cheap, inexpensive *
VNEN rỉ hơi * to open one’s mouth, speak up *
VNEN rọc * to cut open *
VNEN sau khi * following; after (something happens) *
VNEN suy tư * meditation, reflection, contemplation; to think, reflect, consider; pensive *
VNEN sám hối * to repent, show repentance *
VNEN sườn hở * open flank *
VNEN sảy * to happen, occur, take place *
VNEN sắp sửa xảy ra * about to happen *
VNEN sẽ xảy ra * will happen, will take place *
VNEN sịch * to stir (move suddenly) to happen suddenly *
VNEN sổ hưu * retirement pension book *
VNEN sổ thu chi * receipts and expenses register *
VNEN sộp * swell, luxurious open-handed, generous *
VNEN sự kiện quan trọng * important happenings, events, fact *
VNEN tay bắt mặt mững * to receive someone with open arms *
VNEN teng beng * tattered, torn open *
VNEN thanh đấu cho độc lập * to struggle for independence *
VNEN thao láo * wide open *
VNEN thiết bị bù * compensator *
VNEN thiết bị bù công suất phản kháng * reactive power compensator *
VNEN thiết dụng * indispensable, necessity *
VNEN thu chi * receipts and expenses, income and expenditure or expenses *
VNEN thuần phác * frank, open, guileless, unsophisticated, simple *
VNEN thuồng luồng * serpent like monster *
VNEN thái độ cởi mở * open, relaxed behavior *
VNEN tháo * to dismantle, take apart, open, unwrap, untie, release, unbind *
VNEN thâm nhuần * to penetrate, permeate, soak in, imbibe, impregnate *
VNEN thâm nhập * to penetrate, infiltrate *
VNEN thì ra * actually, it just happens that *
VNEN thì sao * what about, how about, then what (will happen)? *
VNEN thót * (1) to jump
(2) to pull in, suck in
(3) club-foot
(4) to rush through (an opening)
VNEN thông huyền * see through, penetrate the mysteries *
VNEN thù lao * reward, compensation, remuneration *
VNEN thơ ngỏ * open letter *
VNEN thư pháp * calligraphy, penmanship *
VNEN thấm * (1) to be sufficient
(2) to penetrate, permeate, absorb, suck, grasp, sink into
VNEN thấm thía * (1) to penetrate, pierce
(2) to suffice, be sufficient, be enough
VNEN thất khiếu * seven openings of one’s head (two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and a mouth) *
VNEN thấu * (1) to pass, penetrate, get through, understand
(2) to mix; to collect, gather
VNEN thấu thị * (of eye) penetrating *
VNEN thấu triệt * penetrate to the heart of the matter *
VNEN thẳng góc * perpendicular *
VNEN thỏm * penetrate, go through easily *
VNEN thợ mộc * carpenter *
VNEN thực chi * real expense *
VNEN ti hí mắt lươn * to half open the eyes *
VNEN tin cậy * to trust, rely, depend on; reliable *
VNEN tiêu * (black) pepper; to spend (money) *
VNEN tiêu dùng * to consume, spend *
VNEN tiêu pha * spend, expend, consume *
VNEN tiêu phí * to spend, expend, waste *
VNEN tiêu tiền * to spend money *
VNEN tiêu xài * to spend (money) *
VNEN tiền bồi thường * (monetary) compensation *
VNEN tiền mất tật mang * to spend money (on a quack doctor) *
VNEN tiền phạt * fine, monetary penalty *
VNEN tiền tiêu * pocket money, spending money, allowance; expenses *
VNEN toang * wide open *
VNEN toang hoác * wide open *
VNEN toác * cleft, split, cloven, be wide open *
VNEN toét miệng cười * to open one’s mouth to smile *
VNEN treo * to hang, suspend *
VNEN treo giò * to suspend (a soccer player), ground (a pilot) *
VNEN triển khai * to deploy, open out, unfold *
VNEN trông cậy * to depend, rely on *
VNEN trông vào * to look to, depend on *
VNEN trơ như đá * stiff as tone (to be unrepentant, unashamed) *
VNEN trương * to open, show; to expand, swell *
VNEN trước ngày * before (the day something happens) *
VNEN trạm xá * dispensary, infirmary, (local) hospital *
VNEN trầm tư * meditative, contemplative, thoughtful, pensive *
VNEN trắng tay * cleared out, without a penny, penniless *
VNEN trọng hình * severe penalty *
VNEN trổ * to burst, open to show, display *
VNEN trớn trác * have eyes wide-open (because of anger or agony) *
VNEN trợn * to glower, open wide (eyes) *
VNEN trợn mắt * to open one’s eye, have one’s eyes open *
VNEN trợn trạo * have eyes wide-open (in anger or agony) *
VNEN trừng phạt * to punish, discipline, penalize *
VNEN trừng trừng * (of eyes) wide open; to glare (at), stare *
VNEN tuyên bố độc lập * to declare independence *
VNEN tuyên ngôn Độc Lập * Declaration of Independence *
VNEN tuếch toác * wide open *
VNEN tuồng luông * in the open, unprotected, barefaced, exposed *
VNEN tái diễn * to happen again, re-occur *
VNEN tên chữ * pseudonym, pen-name, nom de plume *
VNEN tòng thuộc * to depend upon *
VNEN tù treo * suspended sentence *
VNEN tùy * to accompany, follow; to depend on, be up to *
VNEN tùy khả năng * to depend on ability *
VNEN tùy theo * according to, in accordance with, depending on *
VNEN tùy thuộc * to depend, be dependent *
VNEN tùy thuộc nặng * to depend heavily *
VNEN tùy thuộc nặng vào sự tin tưởng * to depend heavily on trust, confidence *
VNEN tùy thuộc vào * to depend on *
VNEN tùy từng trường hợp * to depend on the situation *
VNEN tư lự * pensive, thoughtful *
VNEN tạm ngừng * pause, suspend *
VNEN tất yếu * indispensable, vital, essential, necessary *
VNEN tếch toác * be wide open *
VNEN tọa thực sơn băng * small expenses empty a full purse *
VNEN tốn * to cost, be costly; to spend, use, pay for *
VNEN tốn kém * expensive, costly *
VNEN tốn tiền * expensive *
VNEN tổn * (1) to damage, harm
(2) expensive, costly
VNEN tổn phí * cost, expenditure, outlay, expense *
VNEN từng xu từng cắc * every penny and every dime *
VNEN tử hình * death penalty; to be sentanced to death *
VNEN tử tù * prisoner under death penalty or sentence *
VNEN tử tội * capital punishment, death penalty *
VNEN tự chủ * independence, self-governing, self-control *
VNEN tự lập * self-made, independent *
VNEN tự điển gì cũng mắc * all kinds of dictionaries are expensive *
VNEN vin * rely upon, pull down (a tree branch) lop off (a branch) depend on (argument) *
VNEN viên chức Ngũ Giác đài * Pentagon official *
VNEN viết * pen; to write, record *
VNEN viết chì * pencil *
VNEN việc mở * opening *
VNEN viện phí * hospital expenses, hospital fees *
VNEN vuông góc * perpendicular, square *
VNEN vì lý do gì khiến * this has caused (something to happen) *
VNEN vót * to sharpen, whittle *
VNEN vùng cấm địa * penalty area *
VNEN văn nghiệp * pen, profession of letters, literary *
VNEN văn võ * civil and military, the pen and the sword *
VNEN vạch * to expose, uncover, open; to trace, draw; line *
VNEN vạch mắt * to open the eyes of somebody *
VNEN về vườn * to be discharged or dismissed from office, be pensioned *
VNEN vội vã tiến tới độc lập * to move quickly towards independence *
VNEN vỡ mủ * to burst, open *
VNEN vỡ ra * to break open, burst *
VNEN vừa mới * recently, just (happened) *
VNEN vừa quá * recent, just happened *
VNEN vừa xảy ra * to have just occurred, just happened *
VNEN xuyên suốt * to complete penetration *
VNEN xuất nhập * expenditures and receipts *
VNEN xài * to use; to spend (money) *
VNEN xài tiền * to spend money *
VNEN xâm nhập * to infiltrate, penetrate, break into *
VNEN xòe * to spread, stretch; open, spread *
VNEN xảy * to happen *
VNEN xảy ra * to happen, occur *
VNEN xảy ra rất thường * to happen a lot, take place often *
VNEN xẩy * to happen, occur, arise *
VNEN xẩy ra * to happen, occur, arise *
VNEN xử công khai * to try in open court *
VNEN y xá * dispensary, infirmary *
VNEN ái hối * penance, contrition *
VNEN án phí * legal fee(s), legal expenses *
VNEN án treo * suspended sentence *
VNEN án tử hình * death-sentence, death penalty *
VNEN áp chót * penultimate, last but one, next to last *
VNEN âm hành * penis *
VNEN ân hận * to (feel) regret, be sorry, repent *
VNEN ân thưởng * to reward; reward, recompense *
VNEN ít tốn kém nhất * least expensive *
VNEN ăn bám * to be a parasite, live at someone else’s expense *
VNEN ăn báo cô * to be a parasite, be dependant *
VNEN ăn bảo * to live at someone else’s expense *
VNEN ăn ghé * to be a hanger-on, feed on the expense of others *
VNEN ăn gỏi * to eat uncooked food, spend too much *
VNEN ăn hại * to be a parasite, live at the expense of another *
VNEN ăn năn * to regret, repent, show remorse, show repentance *
VNEN ăn sài * to spend money *
VNEN ăn tiêu * to spend money *
VNEN ăn xài * to spend (money) *
VNEN ăn đường * to spend during travel *
VNEN đang lúc ăn thì * while eating (something happened) *
VNEN đi guốc trong bụng * to penetrate somebody’s *
VNEN đi nghỉ * take (have) a rest, go to rest-spend one’s holiday *
VNEN đi rừng * to go into the woods, penetrate into a forest *
VNEN điều * (1) thing, matter, item; article (of penal code, constitution)
(2) smoking pipe
(3) bird [=chim]
VNEN đàng hoàng * open, normal, decent; properly, correctly *
VNEN đá ráp * rough sharpening stone *
VNEN đã xảy ra * to have happened, have occurred, have taken place *
VNEN đình bản * to suspend, stop publication *
VNEN đình chỉ * to stop, cease, suspend *
VNEN đúng vào lúc mà * at the precise moment that (something happened) *
VNEN đường hoàng * openly, in the open *
VNEN đất trống * open land, empty space *
VNEN đầu tiên kể từ khi * since (the time something happened) *
VNEN đầu óc cởi mở * open minded *
VNEN đầy cữ * having spent one’s period of abstinence *
VNEN đắt * to be expensive *
VNEN đắt giá * dear, expensive *
VNEN đắt tiền * to be expensive *
VNEN đặc phí * special fees, special expenditure *
VNEN đặt bút * to put pen to paper *
VNEN đền * (1) to compensate for, return, make up for
(2) temple
VNEN đền mạng * pay retributive compensation for a murder *
VNEN để hở * leave oneself wide open *
VNEN để ngỏ * to leave open *
VNEN đồ dùng cá nhân * personal objects (e.g. pen, comb) *
VNEN đồng hồ quả lắc * pendulum-clock, grandfather clock *
VNEN đồng xu * cent, penny *
VNEN độc lập * independent; independence *
VNEN độc lập cá nhân * personal independence *
VNEN độc lập hoàn toàn * completely, fully independent *
VNEN độc lập tự do * independence and freedom *
VNEN ấm ức * full of pent-up anger, full of pent-up resentment *
VNEN ống bút * a pen *
VNEN ồn ào khánh thành * to open with much fanfare *
VNEN ở thị trường tự do * on the open market *
VNEN * (1) to be fat (said of a pig)
(2) to depend on
VNEN ỷ lại * to depend, rely on others *
VNEN mở miệng hỏi * to open one’s mouth to ask *

GNOT: to happen Existentia • occurrence, non-occurrence
GNOT: to open Qualitative • accessibility
GNOT: open Qualitative • accessibility
GNOT: (in)expensive Qualitative • value
SNOT: pension Daily life • income
SNOT: names of hobbies, e.g. carpentry, Free time, entertainment • hobbies and interests
SNOT: open Free time, entertainment • exhibitions, museums, etc.
SNOT: opening-hours Free time, entertainment • exhibitions, museums, etc.
SNOT: to push to push open the door Travel • accommodation
SNOT: to open Travel • entering and leaving a country
SNOT: pen friend Relations with other people • correspondence
SNOT: pen Relations with other people • correspondence
SNOT: pencil Relations with other people • correspondence
SNOT: ball point/ ball pen/biro Relations with other people • correspondence
SNOT: to spend Shopping • prices
SNOT: P (penny) Shopping • prices

A1 pen (n.)

OXF3000: cây bút pen

OTOP: pen * Animals Animal homes
OTOP: pen * Culture Writing and publishing
OTOP: pen * Nature Animal farming

BNC6000 : pen [ Rank: 3115 ] n 👪

OPD : Open your book. A classroom
OPD : Pick up the pencil. A classroom
OPD : Put down the pencil. A classroom
OPD : pencil A classroom
OPD : (pencil) eraser A classroom
OPD : pen A classroom
OPD : pencil sharpener A classroom
OPD : Fourth of July / Independence Day Calendar Events
OPD : expensive ring Describing Things
OPD : $.01 = 1 C, a penny, 1 cent Money
OPD : electric can opener A Kitchen
OPD : carpenter Household Problems and Repairs
OPD : can opener Kitchen Utensils
OPD : suspenders Shoes and Accessories
OPD : it is too expensive. Describing Clothes
OPD : eyebrow pencil Personal Hygiene
OPD : Opening an Account The Bank
OPD : Don't open your door to strangers. Public Safety
OPD : can opener Emergency Procedures
OPD : carpenter Jobs and Occupations A-C
OPD : electric pencil sharpener An Office
OPD : perpendicular line Mathematics
OPD : Declaration of Independence U.S. History
OPD : The Yucatan Peninsula North America and Central America
OPD : peninsula Geography and Habitats
OPD : penguin Birds, Insects, and Arachnids
OPD : mystery / suspense Entertainment

FN: pen n Prison
FN: pen v Text_creation

VSLW123 đã ☊ (S) marker used to indicate something has happened vsl1
VSLW123 đắt/mắc ☊ (S) expensive vsl1
VSLW123 mở ☊ (S) to open vsl1
VSLW123 tùy theo ☊ (S) to depend on vsl2
VSLW123 xảy ra ☊ (S) to happen vsl2
VSLW123 cởi mở ☊ (S) open-minded vsl2
VSLW123 cởi mở ☊ (S) to be open-hearted, to be open-minded vsl3
VSLW123 chi phí ☊ (S) expenditure vsl3
VSLW123 tiền hưu trí ☊ (S) retirement pension vsl3
VSLW123 tiêu xài ☊ (S) to spend vsl3
VSLW123 cởi mở ☊ (S) open-hearted, effusive vsl3
VSLW123 chi phí ☊ (S) expenditure vsl3
VSLW123 tiền hưu trí ☊ (S) retirement pension vsl3
VSLW123 tiêu xài ☊ (S) to spend vsl3
VSLW123 cởi mở ☊ (S) open-hearted, effusive vsl3
VSLW123 nhờ vào ☊ (S) thank to, to depend on vsl3
VSLW123 mở ☊ (S) to turn on, to open vsl3
VSLW123 tùy theo ☊ (S) to depend on vsl3
VSLW123 tự lập ☊ (S) independence vsl3
VSLW123 tiêu xài ☊ (S) spending vsl3
VSLW 45 Cũng tùy ☊ (S) it depends [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 Tùy vào ☊ (S) it depends on [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 rẻ ☊ (S) inexpensive, cheap [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 Bản Tuyên ngôn Độc lập ☊ (S) Declaration of Independence [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 khai giảng ☊ (S) to start a new school year, opening [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 chi phí ☊ (S) costs, expenses [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bù đắp ☊ (S) to make up for, to compensate for, offset [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 độc lập ☊ (S) independent/ independently [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 giá rẻ ☊ (S) inexpensive price [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bút ☊ (S) pen [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 khai trương ☊ (S) grand opening [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tổng kinh phí ☊ (S) total expenditure [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 kinh phí ☊ (S) expenditure, cost [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 lương hưu ☊ (S) pension [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 đình chỉ ☊ (S) to suspend [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hình phạt ☊ (S) penalty [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 mở ra ☊ (S) to open up [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 kinh phí ☊ (S) expenditure [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 lễ ra quân ☊ (S) opening ceremony [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 ☊ (S) to compensate [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 lương hưu ☊ (S) pension [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 phụ thuộc vào ☊ (S) to depend on [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bán đảo ☊ (S) peninsula [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 Lầu Năm Góc ☊ (S) The Pentagon [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 cởi mở ☊ (S) openhearted, openness [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 mở đường ☊ (S) to open a way, to pave a way [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 thâm nhập ☊ (S) to penetrate [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 đình chỉ ☊ (S) to suspend [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 bỏ thời gian ☊ (S) to spend time on doing something [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 méo mó ☊ (S) distorted / misshapen [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 đường lắt léo ☊ (S) serpentine path [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 vụ đình chỉ ☊ (S) suspension [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Năm triệu à? Hơi đắt. Có loại nào rẻ hơn không, cô? Five million? Quite expensive. Is there any cheaper one, Miss? vsl2
VSLS Dạ, dùng cũng tốt lắm. Tôi mở cho ông xem thử nhé? Also quite good. I'll open for you (to a male) to take a look, all right? vsl2
VSLS Ồ, giá như vậy là hơi đắt! Oh, a cost like that is quite expensive! vsl2

DUOS Tôi mở quyển thực đơn. I open the menu. Verbs 1
DUOS Tôi mở quyển sách của cô ấy. I open her book. Verbs 1
DUOS Cô ấy mở cửa sổ và nói xin chào. She opens the window and says hello. Objects
DUOS Cái tivi rất đắt. The tv is very expensive. Adjectives 1
DUOS đắt expensive. Adjectives 1
DUOS Anh ấy không độc lập. He is not independent. Adjectives 1
DUOS độc lập independent Adjectives 1
DUOS Một quốc gia độc lập An independent country Countries 1
DUOS My secretary is a diligent and independent person. Attributes
DUOS Đứa trẻ đang mở cái tủ lạnh. The child is opening the refrigerator. Objects 2
DUOS Đây là cái bút chì thứ bảy. This is the seventh pencil. Objects 2
DUOS bút chì pencil Objects 2
DUOS Chúng tôi sẽ mở một quán cà phê. We will open a coffee shop. Places
DUOS Bố mẹ của tôi muốn tôi dành thời gian học tiếng Anh. My parents want me to spend time studying English. Verbs 3
DUOS dành spend Verbs 3
DUOS Mọi đứa trẻ ở đây đều có bút chì. Every kid here has a pencil. Determiners
DUOS Không ai muốn điều này xảy ra. Nobody wants this to happen. Verbs 4
DUOS xảy ra happen Verbs 4
DUOS Thợ mộc carpenter Jobs 2
DUOS Chúng tôi tuyên bố độc lập. We declare independence. Verbs 5
DUOS Họ vẫn không ăn năn. They still do not repent. Reduplicative Words
DUOS ăn năn repent Reduplicative Words

50L Nhưng cửa sổ còn mở. * But the windows are open. 019
50L Bạn có đồ mở hộp không? * Do you have a tin opener / can opener (am.)? 021
50L Bạn có đồ mở chai không? * Do you have a bottle opener? 021
50L Cái này đắt quá. * That’s too expensive. 030
50L Tôi muốn một vé khứ hồi về Kopenhagen. * I’d like a return ticket to Copenhagen. 035
50L Chợ có mở cửa chủ nhật không? * Is the market open on Sundays? 044
50L Triển lãm / hội chợ có mở cửa thứ hai không? * Is the fair open on Mondays? 044
50L Cuộc trưng bày có mở cửa thứ ba không? * Is the exhibition open on Tuesdays? 044
50L Sở thú có mở cửa thứ tư không? * Is the zoo open on Wednesdays? 044
50L Viện bảo tàng có mở cửa thứ năm không? * Is the museum open on Thursdays? 044
50L Phòng tranh có mở cửa thứ sáu không? * Is the gallery open on Fridays? 044
50L Ở đâu có chim cánh cụt? * Where are the penguins? 045
50L Bây giờ có một cú đá phạt đền. * Now there is a penalty. 051
50L Tôi cần bút bi và bút dạ. * I need pens and markers. 054
50L Nhưng mà đừng có đắt quá. * But nothing too expensive. 056
50L Chúng tôi sắp được tiền hưu trí. * We will soon receive our pension. 057
50L Và bảo hiểm sức khoẻ cao. * And health insurance is expensive. 057
50L Tôi muốn mở một tài khoản ngân hàng. * I would like to open an account. 062
50L Cái nhẫn này có đắt không? * Is the ring expensive? 067
50L đắt và rẻ * expensive and cheap 070
50L Xe hơi đắt. * The car is expensive. 070
50L Tôi cần một cái bút bi. * I need a pen. 071
50L Ở đây có giấy và bút không? * Is there a sheet of paper and a pen here? 071
50L Xe hơi này đắt tiền. * The car is expensive. 082
50L Anh ấy có một chiếc xe hơi đắt tiền. * He has an expensive car. 082
50L Khách sạn tuy thoải mái, nhưng mà đắt / mắc quá. * The hotel was comfortable, but too expensive. 100
50L Bao giờ là giờ mở cửa của bảo tàng? * What time is the museum open? 101