like: old
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VNEN già * old *

cổ cổ cũ, cổ điển, đồ cổ old

all words:
VNEN Cựu Ước * Old Testament *
VNEN Khoan đã! * Hold on (a second)! *
VNEN Lạc Vịet * old name for Vietnam *
VNEN Ngôi đền Vàng Kinkaku-gi * the Golden Temple *
VNEN Nôm * Nom (old Vietnamese writing system based on Chinese characters) *
VNEN Việt Nam ngày xưa * former Vietnam, Vietnam of old *
VNEN an hưởng tuổi già * to pass one’s old age peacefully *
VNEN anh * (1) young man, elder brother, first cousin (son of parent’s older sibling), form of address to a young man
(2) England, (Great) Britain
(3) canary
(4) infant
(5) flower
(6) male hero
VNEN anh chồng * brother in law (husband’s oldest brother) *
VNEN anh con nhà bác * first cousin (son of parent’s older sibling) *
VNEN anh cả * eldest brother, oldest brother *
VNEN anh vợ * brother in law (wife’s older brother) *
VNEN binh * (1) soldier, military
(2) see bênh
VNEN binh gia * military man, soldier *
VNEN binh lính * soldiers, troops *
VNEN binh mã * solders and horses; army *
VNEN binh sĩ tinh nhuệ * elite troops, elite soldier *
VNEN biểu huynh * (older) male cousin on the maternal side or on the paternal aunt’s side *
VNEN biệu tỉ * (older) female cousin on the maternal side or on the paternal aunt’s side *
VNEN buôn buốt * feeling a rather sharp pain, feeling a rather biting cold *
VNEN buốt * feeling a sharp pain, feeling a biting cold; sharp, biting, cutting *
VNEN buột tay * slip, loose hold *
VNEN bà cụ * old lady, old woman *
VNEN bà cụ hơi nghểnh ngãng * the old lady is a little hard of hearing *
VNEN bà già * old woman, old lady *
VNEN bà lão * old woman, old lady *
VNEN bàn mảnh * to hold private discussions *
VNEN bào huynh * brothers by the same mother, older brother, elder brother *
VNEN * (1) one hundred, many
(2) father’s older sibling
(3) to sow, spread
(4) to embrace, hug
(5) to count
(6) cypress
(7) hegemony
VNEN bác * (1) uncle, father’s older brother
(2) wise, learned
(3) to scramble (eggs)
(4) cannon
(5) ample, wide
(6) to reject
VNEN bác ruột * parent’s older brother *
VNEN bám trụ * hold on to (a military position) *
VNEN bánh xèo * rice pancake folded in half (and filled) *
VNEN bén gót * to hold a candle to; to reach, catch up *
VNEN bình phong * (folding) screen *
VNEN bíu * to cling to, hold to *
VNEN bóp thuốc lá * cigarette holder *
VNEN * (1) old man, elder
(2) bed pan, chamber pot
VNEN * (1) worthwhile
(2) old servant
VNEN bút đàm * to hold a written conversation (using Chinese characters) *
VNEN bạch kim * platinum, white gold *
VNEN bạch đầu quân * old men’s militia *
VNEN bạn cũ * old friend *
VNEN bạn già * friend in old age *
VNEN bạo * (1) bold, brave, daring, fearless
(2) cruel, wicked
VNEN bạo dạn * bold, daring, fearless, unafraid *
VNEN bạo gan * audacious, courageous, fearless, bold *
VNEN bạo miệng * make bold with one’s speech *
VNEN bấm bụng * to hold back laughter *
VNEN bất giác nhớ đến một câu chuyện cũ * suddenly, an old story came to his mind *
VNEN bấu * to hold fast to with one’s fingers, pinch, scratch, claw *
VNEN bấu víu * to hold fast, grip, grasp, cling *
VNEN bậc cửa * doorstep, threshold (of a door) *
VNEN bậu * (1) threshold
(2) you
VNEN bậu cửa * threshold *
VNEN bắt gặp bạn cũ giữa đường * to run into an old friend in the street *
VNEN bặt * completely silent, giving no sign of life; to hold one’s breath, stop crying *
VNEN bẻ * (1) to criticize
(2) to bend, break, pick (fruit), fold, pin
VNEN bẻ cổ áo * to fold down a collar *
VNEN bệ cửa * threshold *
VNEN bệnh binh * sick soldier *
VNEN bỉnh * to hold *
VNEN bỉnh quyền * to hold power *
VNEN bị cảm nhảy mũi * to sneeze because of a cold *
VNEN bị mắng một trận nên thân * to get a sound scolding *
VNEN bịt mũi * to hold one’s nose *
VNEN bịt mắt * to blindfold *
VNEN bỏ phiếu bầu cử * to vote, hold an election *
VNEN bộ óc khủng long * dinosaur mentality, old way of thinking *
VNEN bộ đội * troops, solders, army *
VNEN bộ đội ẩn nấu trong rừng * the solders hide, take refuge in the jungle *
VNEN bội phần * many, numerous, manifold *
VNEN bột vàng * gold dust *
VNEN bụm * to hold *
VNEN bụng đói cật rét * hungry and cold, in misery, in great *
VNEN bủ * old man, old woman *
VNEN ca gản * bold, daring, reckless enough (to do something) *
VNEN cao niên * aged, old, elder(ly) *
VNEN cao tuổi * advanced in years, elderly, old *
VNEN cao đàm * talk profusely (about), hold forth (on) *
VNEN chiếm giữ * to appropriate, withhold *
VNEN chiếm hữu * to hold, own, possess *
VNEN chiến binh * combatant, fighter, soldier *
VNEN chiến tranh lạnh * the Cold War *
VNEN cho tôi biết ngay * told me right away *
VNEN cho đến già * until one grows old *
VNEN chuyện xưa * an old story *
VNEN chuẩn độ * standard, title (of gold), grade content (of ore) *
VNEN chìa tay ra * to extend one’s hand, hold out one’s hand *
VNEN chúc thọ * to wish a long life, birthday (for an old person) *
VNEN chơi trèo * to keep company with older (wealthier) people *
VNEN chưa đầy 12 tuổi * was not yet 12 years old *
VNEN chưởng * to hold, manage *
VNEN chảy máu vàng * heavy drain on the gold reserve *
VNEN chấp * (1) to reproach, bear a grudge
(2) to give (an advantage)
(3) to hold, approve, manage, execute
(4) juice
VNEN chếp * fold *
VNEN chết cóng * to die from cold, become numb or stiff from the cold *
VNEN chết già * to die a natural death, die of old age *
VNEN chỉ huy binh sĩ * to command troop, soldiers *
VNEN chị * older sister, you (to young woman), your wife, Miss *
VNEN chủ hộ * head of a household *
VNEN chủ tài khoản * account holder *
VNEN chứa * to contain, hold, store, keep, lodge (persons) *
VNEN chứa đựng * to contain, hold *
VNEN chửi mắng * to abuse and scold *
VNEN co ro * shriveled up (from cold) *
VNEN con cả * oldest child, firstborn *
VNEN con mụ * shrew, old hag *
VNEN con mụ khó tính * an old hag of a woman *
VNEN con rạ * second oldest child *
VNEN con so * first child, oldest child *
VNEN cuốn ngược * reverse folding *
VNEN cá vàng * gold-fish *
VNEN cán viết * penholder *
VNEN cát vàng * gold dust *
VNEN câm * mute, unable to speak; to be quiet, shut up, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN câm mồm * to keep quiet, keep one’s mouth shut, shut up, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN câu thúc * to detain, hold *
VNEN có chứa * to have, contain, hold *
VNEN cô lô nhần * soldier of the colonial troops *
VNEN căm * (1) to bear, hold a grudge
(2) spoke (of a wheel)
VNEN * old, former, used *
VNEN cũ rích * old-fashioned, obsolete *
VNEN cơ hàn * hunger and cold, misery, wretchedness *
VNEN cơm nguội * cold rice *
VNEN cạo gió * (scratch the wind) coin rubbing (an old folk remedy) *
VNEN cả * (1) oldest, biggest; old
(2) both, everyone, all (of), entire, whole
(3) even, also, as well
(4) at all
VNEN cả binh sĩ Mỹ lẫn binh sĩ Afghanistan * both US and Afghani soldiers *
VNEN cả gan * bold, having plenty of pluck *
VNEN cảm * (1) to catch cold, have a cold
(2) to feel, feeling
(3) to dare
VNEN cảm gió * to catch cold *
VNEN cảm hàn * to catch cold, catch a chill *
VNEN cảm mạo * to be indisposed (by a cold), catch a cold *
VNEN cảm phong * to catch a cold *
VNEN cảm thấy ớn lạnh * to feel cold, have chills, shiver *
VNEN cấm cố * to detail, hold *
VNEN cấp dưỡng * to provide relief for (old or disabled person) *
VNEN cầm * (1) to hold, take hold of, arrest, capture
(2) to pawn
(3) guitar, lute, musical instrument
(4) bird
VNEN cầm chắc * to be very sure, absolutely positive; to hold tight, hold fast *
VNEN cầm cân nẩy mực * to hold the balance *
VNEN cầm cây súng * to hold a gun *
VNEN cầm cả hai tay * to hold with both hands *
VNEN cầm lấy * to (hold and) take *
VNEN cầm quyền * to hold power, be in power *
VNEN cầm súng * to hold a weapon *
VNEN cầm sẵn * to hold ready *
VNEN cầm tay * mobile, portable, handheld; to hold in one’s hand *
VNEN cầm trong tay * to hold in one’s hand *
VNEN cầm trên tay * to hold in one’s hand *
VNEN cầm đũa * to hold chopsticks *
VNEN cầm được * to hold back *
VNEN cầm được nước mắt * to hold back tears *
VNEN cầm đằng chuôi * have a hold over someone, play safe *
VNEN cắm sừng * to cuckold *
VNEN cọm già * that old sourpuss *
VNEN cọm rọm * old and worn out *
VNEN cố * (1) to make an effort, try (very hard)
(2) great grandfather
(3) to pawn
(4) reason
(5) old, former, late (deceased)
(6) intentional, premeditated
(7) firm, strong
(8) innate, original
(9) to look after, care for, turn one’s head
VNEN cố cựu * old acquaintance, old friends *
VNEN cố giao * old acquaintance, old friend *
VNEN cố hữu * (1) old friend
(2) innate, natural
(3) chronic, always existing
VNEN cố lão * old man, aged man, elder *
VNEN cố nhân * old friend *
VNEN cố thủ * to stand one’s ground, hold one’s ground, stand firm *
VNEN cố tri * old acquaintance, old friend *
VNEN cố đô * former, old capital (city) *
VNEN cổ * (1) neck, collar
(2) ancient, old, out of date, old fashioned
(3) drum
(4) merchant
(5) blind
(6) leg
(7) share, stock
VNEN cổ hủ * outdated, old-fashioned *
VNEN cổ kính * ancient, antique, old; antiquity *
VNEN cổ lệ * old custom *
VNEN cổ lỗ sĩ * obsolete, superannuated, old-fashioned, outdated *
VNEN cổ lục * book of ancient histories, old records, old writings *
VNEN cổ ngạn * old proverb *
VNEN cổ ngữ * archaism, ancient language, old saying *
VNEN cổ nhân * men of old, the people of the very distant past *
VNEN cổ phong * ancient, old custom *
VNEN cổ thi * old-style poetry, ancient poetry *
VNEN cổ thụ * ancient tree, century-old tree, very old tree *
VNEN cổ truyền * age-old, traditional *
VNEN cổ xưa * old, ancient *
VNEN cổ đông * shareholder *
VNEN cổ độ * old pier, old landing place *
VNEN cửa nhà * house, household *
VNEN cửu hình * the nine punishments (of old China and Vietnam) *
VNEN cự * to delegate, raise, move; to scold, oppose, resist *
VNEN cực hàn * very cold *
VNEN cựu * old, ancient, former *
VNEN cựu chiến binh * veteran, former soldier *
VNEN cựu giao * old acquaintance *
VNEN cựu hiềm * old scores *
VNEN cựu thần * old official *
VNEN cựu thế giới * old world *
VNEN cựu thời * old time, former time *
VNEN cựu ước * old testament *
VNEN dang hai tay ra * to hold out both hands *
VNEN dao xếp * folding knife *
VNEN diễn biến * development, event, happening; to evolve unfold, happen *
VNEN diễn ra * to take place, occur, happen, unfold *
VNEN dung * to tolerate, bear, hold *
VNEN dung lượng * capacity, volume, content; to have a capacity of, hold *
VNEN dê già * old voluptuary, dirty old man, old goat *
VNEN dê xồm * he-goat with big goatee, old goat, lecher *
VNEN dũng cảm * brave, courageous, bold, fearless *
VNEN dạn * daring, bold, brazen *
VNEN dạn người * bold, daring, be tamed *
VNEN dọn dẹp nhà cửa * to arrange, put a household into order, clean one’s house *
VNEN dức lác * reprove, scold *
VNEN dừng * to stop, hold, halt *
VNEN dự bị * (1) reservists (solders)
(2) to prepare
VNEN dự thẩm * hold an inquiry into (a legal case); inquirer *
VNEN ghì * to tighten, hold tight *
VNEN ghì chặt * to hold tight *
VNEN ghìm * to pull (up, back), restrain, reign in, hold back *
VNEN ghìm cương * to reign in, restrain, hold back *
VNEN ghìm cương lạm phát * to hold back inflation, keep inflation down *
VNEN ghế xếp * folding seat, folding stool, folding chair *
VNEN gia chánh * domestic science (housework, cooking, needlework); head of a household, family *
VNEN gia chính * household affairs, household chores *
VNEN gia cụ * household equipment *
VNEN gia thuộc * relatives, people in the family, household staff *
VNEN gia thần * mandarin’s household butler (manager) *
VNEN gia tộc * family, household *
VNEN gia đình * family, household *
VNEN giai lão * grow old together (as husband and wife) *
VNEN già * old *
VNEN già cấc * old and shriveled up *
VNEN già cỗi * old and stunted fruit-tree *
VNEN già giặn * mature, experienced, having an old head on young *
VNEN già khú đế * very old, a decrepit person *
VNEN già khằn * old and shriveled *
VNEN già khọm * old and decrepit *
VNEN già lão * very old *
VNEN già nua * old, aged *
VNEN già sọm * old and decrepit *
VNEN già yếu * old and weak, infirm *
VNEN giàn giáo * scaffold, scaffolding *
VNEN giá buốt * biting cold *
VNEN giá rét * cold, frosty *
VNEN giá vàng * price of gold *
VNEN giáo mác * cold steel (weapons in former times), spears and swords *
VNEN giáp binh * armor-clad solider, troops, soldiery *
VNEN giáp sĩ * armor-clad soldiers, troops *
VNEN gió heo may * autumnal cold breeze *
VNEN gió rét * cold wind *
VNEN giũ * (1) to keep, guard, hold, protect
(2) to shake
VNEN giương cao * to hold aloft, raise high (up) *
VNEN giữ * to keep, hold, stay, guard, maintain, protect, reserve *
VNEN giữ bí mật * to hold, keep a secret *
VNEN giữ chặt * to hold tightly *
VNEN giữ chức vụ * to hold an office *
VNEN giữ im lặng * to keep quiet, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN giữ miệng * be cautious in one’s words, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN giữ một vai trò trọng yếu * to hold an important, vital role *
VNEN giữ quyền hành * to hold, keep, stay in power *
VNEN giữ rịt * hold fast, keep something selfishly for oneself *
VNEN giữ tầm * to hold *
VNEN giữ vai trò * to have, hold a role *
VNEN giữ vị trí * to maintain, hold a position *
VNEN giữ vững * hold fast *
VNEN gái già * spinster, old maid, bachelor girl, maiden aunt *
VNEN gấp * (1) to be X times more than
(2) to fold, close
(3) urgent, pressing, in a hurry
VNEN gấp nếp * folding *
VNEN gấp đôi * to double; double, twice as much, twofold *
VNEN gập * to fold, close (a book) *
VNEN gắt * strong, violent, harsh, biting; to grumble, scold, chide *
VNEN gối xếp * folding pillow *
VNEN hao binh tổn tướng * to lose soldiers and officers *
VNEN heo may * ay coldish north-westerly wind (blowing in autumn) *
VNEN hiệp nghị * agreement; to meet and discuss, hold discussions, have talks *
VNEN ho gió * light cough caused by a cold *
VNEN hoàng kim * gold *
VNEN hoàng liên * goldthread *
VNEN huy chương vàng * gold medal *
VNEN hàm súc * to contain, hold *
VNEN hàn huyên * hot and cold; to ask about someone’s health *
VNEN hàn lộ * cold dew *
VNEN hành vân * a kind of traditional old tune *
VNEN hôm nay trời lạnh * it’s cold (out) today *
VNEN hôm trời lạnh * cold (weather) day *
VNEN hơi lạnh * cold air, cold gas; slightly cold *
VNEN hơi đồng * money, gold *
VNEN hầm tàu * hold *
VNEN họp chợ * hold a market, open up a market *
VNEN hồi xưa * old times, of old, the old days *
VNEN hội chẩn * to hold a consultation *
VNEN hờ ơ * indifferent, cold *
VNEN hủ * old, outmoded, rotten *
VNEN hủ nho * old-fashioned and narrow-minded scholar *
VNEN in đậm * to print in bold(face) *
VNEN khi tôi vừa 15 tuổi * when I was only 15 years old *
VNEN khi vừa đủ tuổi * when he was old enough *
VNEN khoan * (1) to drill, bore, auger, splice
(2) wide, broad, generous
(3) relaxed, slow, adagio
(4) wait, hold on
VNEN khoang * hold (of a ship, airplane, boat) *
VNEN khoang hành lý * luggage hold *
VNEN khoanh tay * fold one’s arms (in front of one’s chest) *
VNEN khuôn * mold, model, shape, pattern *
VNEN khuôn vàng thước ngọc * golden rule *
VNEN khánh hạ * hold great rejoicings *
VNEN khạp nước * jug holding water *
VNEN khỉ già * old monkey! *
VNEN khọm già * gruffy old person *
VNEN khố đỏ * native soldier *
VNEN kim * needle, pin; metal, gold, hand (on a watch) *
VNEN kim bản vị * gold standard *
VNEN kim hôn * golden wedding *
VNEN kim khánh * stone-gong shaped gold medal *
VNEN kim khôi * gold helmet *
VNEN kim mã ngọc đường * gold-horse and jade house, privileges of a mandarin *
VNEN kim môn * golden door, noble family *
VNEN kim ngân * gold and silver *
VNEN kim nhũ * golden powder *
VNEN kim thoa * gold hairpin *
VNEN kim thạch * like gold stone, unshakeable (friendship) *
VNEN kim tiền * money, gold coin (used as a medal given *
VNEN kim tuyến * gold or silver lamé *
VNEN kim ốc * golden palace, royal apartments *
VNEN kiêm * as well as, hold more than one position at a time; earn *
VNEN kiêm dụng * with a twofold purpose *
VNEN kiên trì * keep firmly (to), hold (stand, keep) one’s ground, stick to *
VNEN kiêu binh * service-proud military man, arrogant soldier *
VNEN kiềm * (1) to hold back, restrain
(2) basic, alkali
VNEN kiểu cũ * old-fashioned *
VNEN kìm giữ * to hold (retain, restrain) one’s anger *
VNEN kìm hãm * to hold back, inhibit, check, limit, restrict *
VNEN kình ngạc * whale and crocodile, brave and strong soldiers *
VNEN kính lão * reading glasses (for old people) *
VNEN kỳ nho * old scholar *
VNEN kỵ mã * mounted soldier, cavalryman *
VNEN la * (1) to shout, yell, scold
(2) mule
(3) gong, cymbals
VNEN la mắng * to scold *
VNEN la rầy * to scold, rebuke *
VNEN la sát * scold, termagant, shrew *
VNEN luyện binh * to drill soldiers *
VNEN luống tuổi * old, advanced (in age) *
VNEN làm chơi ăn thật * money for jam, money for old rope *
VNEN làm lính * to be a soldier *
VNEN làm lễ * to hold a ceremony, observe a ritual, celebrate a holiday *
VNEN làm rẽ * tenancy farming, hold land on lease-hold system, pay half of *
VNEN làm tiệc * to prepare a banquet, hold a party *
VNEN làm ăng kết * to make, hold an investigation, investigate *
VNEN lành lạnh * a little chilly, slightly cold *
VNEN lá sách * manyplies, manifold *
VNEN lâu đời * long-standing, old *
VNEN lãnh đạm * cold, chilly, apathetic, indifferent *
VNEN lãnh đạm với người nào * to be cold with someone *
VNEN lão * (1) old, old man
(2) Dao (of Daoism)
VNEN lão bà * old lady *
VNEN lão bộc * old servant *
VNEN lão già * old man *
VNEN lão hóa * to get old, age *
VNEN lão mẫu * old mother *
VNEN lão nhiêu * old man (over years old) exempt from duties and *
VNEN lão ta * that old guy *
VNEN lão thần * old official in court *
VNEN lão ông * old man *
VNEN lên lão * attain, reach old age *
VNEN lính * soldier, private, policeman; military *
VNEN lính Mỹ * American soldier *
VNEN lính ma lính kiểng * soldier in name only (receives pay but doesn’t fight) *
VNEN lính mũ xanh * green beret (soldier) *
VNEN lính tráng * soldier *
VNEN lính tuần * soldier or guard on patrol, patrolman, patrolwoman *
VNEN lính tập * (obsolete) soldiers *
VNEN lính đánh thuê * soldier of fortune, mercenary *
VNEN lòng vàng * heart of gold, goodness, kindness *
VNEN lưu giữ * to stop, keep, detain, hold, store *
VNEN lưu thủy * name of an old musical air *
VNEN lạnh * cold *
VNEN lạnh buốt * icy, chilling, freezing cold *
VNEN lạnh gáy * be cold with fear *
VNEN lạnh lùng * cold, distant, frigid, indifferent *
VNEN lạnh lẽo * cold, out (of a light) *
VNEN lạnh mình * to grow cold, shiver, feel a chill *
VNEN lạnh người * to get the chills, grow cold, feel one’s blood freeze *
VNEN lạnh ngắt * very cold *
VNEN lạnh tanh * stone-cold *
VNEN lạnh toát * very cold *
VNEN lẫm cẫm * be confused (because of old age), a little crazy *
VNEN lằn * fold, wrinkle *
VNEN lặng thinh * silent, quiet; to keep one’s mouth shut, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN lớn tuổi * older, advanced in years, elderly *
VNEN lớn tuổi hơn * older (than) *
VNEN lờ lững * indifferent, grow cold, lose interest (in) *
VNEN lờ phờ * indifferent, cold, listless *
VNEN lợn sề * old sow *
VNEN lợt lạt * light, cold, indifferent *
VNEN lửa cháy âm ỉ * the fire is smoldering *
VNEN mang quốc tịch Mỹ * to hold US citizenship, be a US citizen *
VNEN meo * moldy, perished *
VNEN miệt thị * despise, hold in contempt, disdain *
VNEN mái chìa * (architecture) drip-molding *
VNEN máu lạnh * cold-blooded *
VNEN máy gia dụng * household appliance *
VNEN mùa lạnh * cold season *
VNEN mạ vàng * gilded, gold-plated, gold-covered; to gild *
VNEN mạnh dạn * bold, forcible *
VNEN mạo muội * bold, blind, awkward; to presume, venture *
VNEN mắng * to scold, reproach, reprove *
VNEN mắng chửi * to heap insults on somebody, scold and curse, vituperate *
VNEN mắt hao mí * eyelid with two folds (considered attractive) *
VNEN mắt một mí * eyelid with a single fold (considered less attractive) *
VNEN mẹ già * old mother *
VNEN mẹ mốc * old and poor woman *
VNEN mế * (dialect) old woman; (dialect) urinate, make water, piss, pee *
VNEN mịt mắt * to blindfold *
VNEN mỏ vàng * gold mine *
VNEN mốc * (1) moldy, musty, mildewed; mildew, mold
(2) landmark, boundary
VNEN mốc meo * moldy *
VNEN mốc thếch * moldy *
VNEN mồ hôi trộm * cold perspiration, night sweat *
VNEN mộ binh * to recruit soldiers *
VNEN một người bạn cũ * an old friend *
VNEN một thời vàng son * golden age, heyday *
VNEN một tuổi rưỡi * a year and a half old *
VNEN một ông thầy đồ nệ cổ * an old-fogy of a Chinese scholar *
VNEN mở ra * to open; unfold, open out, spread out, unwind, uncoil, unroll, unfurl *
VNEN mụ * hag, old woman *
VNEN mừng tuổi * express New Year’s Day wishes (to someone for being a year older) *
VNEN nam phụ lão ấu * young and old (alike), everybody (regardless of sex and age) *
VNEN nghe kể * to hear told *
VNEN nghiệp chủ * owner of an estate, property owner, proprietor, holder *
VNEN nghè * (1) holder of doctor’s degree in Sino-Vietnamese classics
(2) small roadside temple
VNEN nghĩa huynh * adopted older brother *
VNEN nghĩa quyên * hold a charity drive *
VNEN nghị hòa * to hold peace talks *
VNEN nguyên * acting, holding a post temporarily; to be intact, unaltered, brand new, original; in full; all, whole, entire *
VNEN nguyệt lão * the old man in the moon, god of marriages *
VNEN nguội * cool, cold *
VNEN nguội lạnh * very cold *
VNEN nguội ngắt * freezing terribly cold (of food) *
VNEN nguội điện * be cold in death pop off *
VNEN ngàn đời * a long time ago (10000 years), age-old, centuries-old *
VNEN ngày trước * before, in the past, previously, in the old days, in former times *
VNEN ngày xưa * (1) once upon a time
(2) formerly, old times, old days
VNEN ngày xưa đó * of those times, of former times, of old *
VNEN ngũ kim * five metals (gold, silver, copper, iron and tin) *
VNEN người chồng mọc sừng * a cuckold *
VNEN người già * senior citizen, old folk or people, the elderly, the old *
VNEN người già yếu * old, weak people *
VNEN người lính * soldier *
VNEN người lớn tuổi * adult, older person *
VNEN người xưa * people of old, of former times, the ancients *
VNEN ngưỡng * threshold *
VNEN ngưỡng cửa * threshold, doorstep *
VNEN ngưỡng giá trị * threshold value *
VNEN ngưỡng điều trị * threshold treatment *
VNEN ngạch * threshold (of a door)-scale (of taxes) *
VNEN ngấy sốt * shiver with cold, feel feverish *
VNEN ngẩng đầu * to hold one’s head up, hold one’s head high *
VNEN ngậm * to hold, keep; to bear, endure; to close (mouth, lips) *
VNEN ngậm miệng * shut (close) one’s mouth-keep silent, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN ngắm * to behold, view, gaze upon, contemplate; to take aim at *
VNEN ngồi lì * to sit motionless, sit stubbornly, hold a sit-in *
VNEN ngộ cảm * to catch (a) cold *
VNEN ngộ gió * catch a cold in a strong wind *
VNEN ngụy quân * puppet army or troops, puppet soldier *
VNEN ngự tiền * of the royal household, in the presence of the emperor *
VNEN ngựa quen đường cũ * to lapse back into one’s old ways *
VNEN nhiễm lạnh * to catch a cold *
VNEN nhà an dưỡng * old folks home, convalescent home, rest-home, health farm, sanatorium *
VNEN nhà cửa * house, household, possessions, belongings *
VNEN nhà kim hoàn * goldsmith *
VNEN như chuối chín cây * too old *
VNEN nhấm nhẳng * blow hot and cold, shuffle *
VNEN nhịn thở * to hold one’s breath *
VNEN nhịp may * a golden opportunity *
VNEN nhớ mong bạn cũ * to long to see an old friend *
VNEN nhỡ thì * (of women) too old to get married *
VNEN những người lớn tuổi * seniors, the elderly, old people *
VNEN non gan * not bold enough, somewhat chicken-hearted, be a chicken *
VNEN nuốt nước mắt * to hold back one’s tears *
VNEN nêu cao * to intensify, heighten, uphold *
VNEN nín * to be silent, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN nín thở * to hold one’s breath *
VNEN nói cứng * put on a bold front *
VNEN nói lẫn * talk nonsense (because of old age) *
VNEN nón dấu * soldier’s conical hat *
VNEN nón gõ * small bamboo hat (once worn by soldiers) *
VNEN nông hộ * farmer household *
VNEN nước giải khát * cold drink, soft drink, drinking water *
VNEN nước lạnh * cold water *
VNEN nắm * to grab, take, seize, hold, grasp; handful, fistful *
VNEN nắm chức * to take, hold an office *
VNEN nắm giữ * to seize, hold *
VNEN nắm giữ quyền binh * to hold power *
VNEN nắm tay nhau * to hold each other’s hands *
VNEN nắm đằng chuôi * to hold the handle of a knife, play safe *
VNEN nắn * to model, mold, set *
VNEN nặn * model, mold *
VNEN nếp * (1) crease, fold
(2) glutinous
VNEN nền vàng * yellow, gold background *
VNEN nội nhân * my wife, my old woman *
VNEN phong hàn * indisposition (due to cold, bad weather) *
VNEN phá giải * win a prize as a challenger, win a prize from the holder *
VNEN phòng tạm giữ * holding cell *
VNEN phải gió * faint from a cold *
VNEN phấn khích * excited, emboldened *
VNEN phục cổ * to revive the past, restore the old *
VNEN quan quân * officers and soldiers, government army, armed forces *
VNEN quang gánh * rattan or bamboo frame (to hold loads at the end of a *
VNEN que hàn * soldering stick *
VNEN quát * (1) to shout, yell, scold loudly
(2) to contain, include
VNEN quát mắng * to yell at, scold loudly *
VNEN quát tháo * to yell at, scold loudly *
VNEN quân lính * soldiers, troops *
VNEN quân nhân dự bị * reserve soldier, reservist *
VNEN quân sĩ * soldiers, warriors, men *
VNEN quý mến * to esteem, hold in esteem *
VNEN quản bút * penholder *
VNEN quần áo mốc thếch * clothes gray with mold *
VNEN quở * to scold, reprove *
VNEN quở mắng * chide, scold, reprove *
VNEN quở trách * scold severely, dress down *
VNEN quỳnh tương * (old) good wine *
VNEN quỹ thọ * old-age fund *
VNEN ra hè * hold a ceremony for the end of summer *
VNEN riu ríu * to smolder *
VNEN rèn nguội * forge cold *
VNEN rét * cold *
VNEN rét buốt * piercingly cold *
VNEN rét cóng * freezing cold *
VNEN rét căm căm * a piercing cold *
VNEN rét cắt ruột * cold piercing wind *
VNEN rét dài * cold in January (of lunar calendar) *
VNEN rét lộc * cold in the second lunar month *
VNEN rét mướt * cold *
VNEN rét ngọt * biting cold *
VNEN rét như cắt * piercing cold *
VNEN rét nàng bân * cold in the third lunar month *
VNEN rét đài * cold in the first lunar month *
VNEN róng * scaffolding *
VNEN rầy * (1) to scold, annoy, bother, pester
(2) cereal pest
(3) rail
VNEN rầy lạ * to scold, reprimand *
VNEN rẻ rúng * think little of, slight, hold cheap *
VNEN rỉa ráy * harass with scolding, harass with humiliating remarks *
VNEN sai nha * soldiery and clerkdom (in district offices) *
VNEN siết lấy * to encircle, grip, hold *
VNEN sách vở cũ * old book *
VNEN sâu đậm * strong; bold (type) *
VNEN sóm sém * old and toothless *
VNEN sùng mộ * hold in high esteem *
VNEN súc * (1) to raise (animals)
(2) bale, bundle
(3) to rinse
(4) to hold, contain, arrest
VNEN sọm người * get older than one’s age *
VNEN sổ vàng * golden book *
VNEN sở hữu * property; to own, hold *
VNEN sự lạnh lùng * coldness, indifference *
VNEN tam bội * be threefold *
VNEN tham bát bỏ mâm * to kill the goose that laid the golden eggs *
VNEN thao * (1) raw silk, silk tassle
(2) sheath
(3) to hold tight, squeeze, clasp
(4) to exercise, drill
VNEN thao túng * to hold and release, do as one pleases, sway, control *
VNEN theo kiểu cũ * to follow the old pattern, way *
VNEN thiên hình vạn trạng * multiform, manifold *
VNEN thiên tuế * a thousand years old; cycad *
VNEN thiếc hàn * solder *
VNEN thiện tiện * freely, without restrain, boldly *
VNEN thong thả đã * Hold it! (wait?) *
VNEN thành lũy * fortifications, bastion, rampart, stronghold, defense works *
VNEN thành trì * bastion, stronghold *
VNEN thám hoa * third highest academic title in old system *
VNEN thám sát * investigate, look (into), hold an inquiry (into); exploration, reconnaissance *
VNEN thét lác * scold, shout at *
VNEN thét mắng * chide or scold or reprimand noisily *
VNEN thò tay * to reach with one’s hand, stretch out one’s hand, hold out one’s hand *
VNEN thư liệu * folder (computer) *
VNEN thương binh * wounded soldier, wounded veteran *
VNEN thương bệnh binh * wounded and sick soldiers *
VNEN thước gấp * folding rule *
VNEN thước xếp * a folding ruler *
VNEN thưởng lãm * to enjoy a work of art, admire behold *
VNEN thấy lạnh mình * to feel cold *
VNEN thập bội * (to increase) tenfold *
VNEN thằng lính Mỹ * American soldier *
VNEN thẹp * edge old bit; cunt *
VNEN thế hệ lớn tuổi * the older generation *
VNEN thế nghị * old friendship *
VNEN thết tiệc * to give a banquet, hold or have a party *
VNEN thọ chung * (of old people) die, pass away *
VNEN thờ ơ * indifferent, apathetic, cold; indifference *
VNEN thợ hàn * solderer *
VNEN thợ kim hoàn * goldsmith, jeweler *
VNEN thử vàng * to test for gold *
VNEN tiến quân * to advance, march solders, troops *
VNEN tiền đầu bất lợi * not get to the first base, stumble at the threshold *
VNEN tiểu chủ * small shopkeeper, yeoman, smallholder *
VNEN tiểu hàn * slight cold *
VNEN tiểu nông * smallholder, small farmer *
VNEN tiệm rượu * bar, liquor store, place where alcohol is sold *
VNEN to gan * audacious, bold, daring *
VNEN to gan lớn mật * bold, daring, audacious *
VNEN toán cảm tử * suicide team (of soldiers) *
VNEN toát mồ hôi lạnh * to break out in a cold sweat *
VNEN trang kim * gold paper *
VNEN triển khai * to deploy, open out, unfold *
VNEN trong thời gian chiến tranh lạnh * during the Cold War *
VNEN truyện cổ tích * legend, fairy tale, old story *
VNEN trá càng * gold plated *
VNEN trách cứ * to hold someone responsible *
VNEN trách mắng * to scold, reprimand *
VNEN trán nhăn và tuổi già * a forehead furrowed by old age *
VNEN trâng tráo * bold, shameless, brazen *
VNEN trên ngưỡng của ý thức * above the threshold of consciousness *
VNEN trì * (1) to hold, support, persistent
(2) late, slow, tardy
(3) pond
(4) courtyard
(5) to run a race
VNEN tròn mười một tuổi * to turn, become 11 (years old) *
VNEN trơ mặt * brazen, bold-faced *
VNEN trơ tráo * boldfaced, impudent *
VNEN trước thềm * before, in front of, on the verge, threshold of *
VNEN trưởng tôn * oldest grandson *
VNEN trạng nguyên * first doctoral candidate (under old system) *
VNEN trả bằng vàng * to pay in gold *
VNEN trấn phong * folding-screen *
VNEN trần * (1) to be half naked, drawn (sword)
(2) ceiling
(3) dust; world, life
(4) to be old
(5) to display, expose, explain
VNEN trần hủ * old-fashioned, outmoded *
VNEN trần mễ * old rice (used in medicine) *
VNEN trẻ già * young and old (alike) *
VNEN trọng * heavy, important; to think high of, hold in esteem *
VNEN trọng thị * to hold in high esteem *
VNEN trời lạnh * cold weather *
VNEN trữ kim * gold reserve *
VNEN tuổi già * old age *
VNEN tuổi hạc * hoary age, old age *
VNEN tuổi tôi * one year old *
VNEN tuổi từ 15 đến 42 * aged 15 to 42, from 15 to 42 years old *
VNEN tài chủ * owner, proprietor, landlord, landowner, household *
VNEN tàn nhẫn * heartless, ruthless, atrocious, cold, blunt *
VNEN táo * (1) jujube
(2) constipated
(3) kitchen god
(4) bold, daring
VNEN táo báo * bold, daring *
VNEN táo bạo * bold, reckless, daring *
VNEN táo gan * overbold, daring *
VNEN táo tợn * bold, daring *
VNEN tân binh * to recruit; new soldier, new recruit *
VNEN tòng cổ * to follow traditions, follow old customs; from the remotest times *
VNEN tăng gấp đôi * to double, increase twofold *
VNEN tạm giam * to hold temporarily, be in temporary custody *
VNEN tấc đất tấc vàng * an inch of soil is an inch of gold *
VNEN tập trận * military exercise; to hold maneuvers, hold military exercises *
VNEN tề gia * manage one’s household *
VNEN tề gia nội trợ * run a household (effectively) *
VNEN tọa đàm * to hold an informal talk *
VNEN tốt đen * common soldier, cannon fodder *
VNEN tồn đọng * unsold; shortcomings *
VNEN tợn * bold, mighty *
VNEN tứ khổ * the four sufferances (birth, old age, disease, death) *
VNEN tử thủ * to hold out, hold or stand fast *
VNEN u già * old (female) servant *
VNEN uẩn tàng * to hoard, collect, hold *
VNEN uốn nắn * to shape, strengthen, mold (character) *
VNEN via * old, the old parents *
VNEN viên ngoại * notable (the title for a commoner of some means in old *
VNEN viện dưỡng lão * old folks’ home *
VNEN vàng * gold, yellow *
VNEN vàng cốm * gold nuggets *
VNEN vàng lá * sheet gold *
VNEN vàng mười * pure gold *
VNEN vàng nguyên chất * pure gold *
VNEN vàng ngọc * valuable, golden *
VNEN vàng nén * gold ingot, gold bar *
VNEN vàng quỳ * thin goldleaf *
VNEN vàng ròng * pure gold *
VNEN vàng son * peak, summit, high point, éclat; gold and red *
VNEN vàng tiền tệ * monetary gold *
VNEN vàng tây * gold and copper alloy *
VNEN vàng y * pure gold *
VNEN vàng đen * black gold, oil maldonite *
VNEN vàng đá * gold and stone, loyalty, love *
VNEN vàng ối * golden red *
VNEN vá sống * cold patching (tires) *
VNEN vênh * to wrap, buckle, hold up; warped *
VNEN * billfold, wallet, purse, handbag; to compare, liken *
VNEN ví tiền * billfold, wallet *
VNEN víu * to hang or hold on to, cling to, lay hold of *
VNEN vòng mép * punishment inflicted upon he pupils (in the old days) (draw a *
VNEN vòng vây * blockade, stranglehold *
VNEN vô kể * innumerable, countless, incalculable, numberless, untold *
VNEN vô liêm sỉ * bold-faced, brazen-faced, thick-skinned, barefaced, shameless, indecent *
VNEN võ biền * military, soldierly *
VNEN vú bõ * nurse, old servant *
VNEN vú già * old maid servant *
VNEN vấu via * to grasp, cling, hold tight to *
VNEN về già * to get old, grow old *
VNEN vệ * (1) edge, side (of a road, etc.)
(2) to protect
(3) group of 500 soldiers
VNEN vệ quốc * defend one’s country, solders of the national defense army *
VNEN vị nể * to consider or regard highly, hold in high esteem *
VNEN vịn * to seize, catch, hold, lean on *
VNEN vỡ da * mold, cast *
VNEN xa xưa * in the old days, in olden times, long ago *
VNEN xem bói * to have one’s fortune told, consult a fortune-teller *
VNEN xoắn * to twist, turn; to hold, hang onto *
VNEN xoắn xít * to grab, clutch, hold, cling to, stick to *
VNEN xưa * ancient, old *
VNEN xưa rồi * out of date, old-fashioned *
VNEN xếp * (1) to order, arrange, put in order, pile, fold
(2) master, boss
VNEN xệu xạo * mumble (of toothless old man) *
VNEN xố hữu * old friend *
VNEN xống * old clothes, togs duds *
VNEN âm binh * ghost soldier *
VNEN âm phong * ghost wind, cold wind *
VNEN âm ỉ * smoldering, dull and lasting; to smolder *
VNEN èo èo * scold loudly and persistently *
VNEN ôm bụng * to hold one’s sides (with laughter) *
VNEN ôm mặt khóc * to hold one’s face and cry, cry in one’s hands *
VNEN ôm đầu * to hold one’s head in one’s hands *
VNEN ôn cố tri tân * to revise the old in order to know the new *
VNEN ông cụ * elderly gentleman, old gentleman, old man; father *
VNEN ông già * old man *
VNEN ông lão * old gentleman, gentleman advanced in years *
VNEN ăn cướp * to rob, burglarize, raid, hold up, hijack *
VNEN đi lính * to become a soldier, enter the military *
VNEN điền hộ * land-holding household, cultivator, tiller *
VNEN điều đình * to bargain, arrange, hold talks, negotiate *
VNEN đoàn quân * group of solders, force *
VNEN đài liệt sĩ * tomb of the unknown soldier, war memorial *
VNEN đánh bò cạp * shiver from cold with teeth clattering *
VNEN đánh giá cao * to value something highly, hold something in high regard *
VNEN đánh gió * rub out a cold *
VNEN đánh đeo * hold to *
VNEN đâm liều * to become bold *
VNEN đói rét * hungry and cold, very poor *
VNEN đóng quân * garrison; to quarter (troops, soldiers) *
VNEN đóng vai trò then chốt trong * to hold a vital role in *
VNEN đóng vai trò trọng yếu * to hold, play an important role *
VNEN đót * cigarette-holder *
VNEN đại thụ * great and old tree *
VNEN đại đởm * daring, bold, audacious *
VNEN đạt ngưỡng * to reach a threshold, level *
VNEN đảo vũ * hold a prayer for rain *
VNEN đầu bạc răng long * old age *
VNEN đầu râu tóc bạc * (signs of) old age *
VNEN đầy năm * exactly one year old *
VNEN đầy tuổi * exactly one year old (of a baby) *
VNEN đắt chân * gain a foothold *
VNEN đề cao * to uphold, raise, heighten, think highly of *
VNEN đồ cũ * old thing *
VNEN độ tứ tuần * about forty years old *
VNEN đội ngũ * ranks (of soldiers, workers) *
VNEN đớt rét * cold spell *
VNEN đời xưa * days of old, ancient times *
VNEN đỡ * to help, assist (by assuming burden), parry, ward off, turn aside, prop, hold up, relieve *
VNEN đợt rét ác * severe cold spell *
VNEN đứng thẳng * to hold oneself erect, stand up straight *
VNEN đứng tên * to hold in one’s name (e.g. stock) *
VNEN đứng vững * to keep one’s foothold *
VNEN đứng ở ngưỡng cửa * to stand at the threshold, stand on the doorstep *
VNEN đựng * to contain, hold *
VNEN ấm lạnh * warm and cold, how someone is doing *
VNEN ắng lặng * hold one’s tongue, be silent *
VNEN ỏ hàn * soldering-iron *
VNEN ốc sạo * bold and arrogant *
VNEN ống quyển * (1) paper-holding bamboo pipe
(2) shin
VNEN ống vôi * cylindrical lime holder *
VNEN ống đót * cigarette-holder *
VNEN ớn lạnh * to have chills, shake, shudder (from cold) *
VNEN lạnh như tiền * cold as ice *
VNEN thấy lạnh * to feel cold *

GNOT: cold Spatial • temperature
GNOT: cold Spatial • temperature
GNOT: to get cold/hot/warm Spatial • temperature
GNOT: I am… (years old) Qualitative • age
GNOT: a(n) X year old boy/girl Qualitative • age
GNOT: How old are you (is he/she etc.)? Qualitative • age
GNOT: old Qualitative • age
GNOT: old age Qualitative • age
GNOT: gold Qualitative • material
SNOT: old Free time, entertainment • exhibitions, museums, etc.
SNOT: soldier Relations with other people • war and peace
SNOT: to have a cold Health and body care • ailments– accidents

A1 old (adj.)

OXF3000: old

OTOP: old * Culture Describing art
OTOP: old * Family and life stages Old age
OTOP: old * Family and life stages Old age

BNC6000 : old [ Rank: 132 ] a 👪

OPD : cold Weather
OPD : 6-year-old boy Adults and Children
OPD : 10-year-old girl Adults and Children
OPD : hold Childcare and Parenting
OPD : cold Feelings
OPD : candle holder A Living Room
OPD : magazine holder A Living Room
OPD : cold water A Bathroom
OPD : toothbrush holder A Bathroom
OPD : pot holders Kitchen Utensils
OPD : cell phone holder Shoes and Accessories
OPD : Fold the laundry. Doing the Laundry
OPD : folding card table A Garage Sale
OPD : folding chair A Garage Sale
OPD : cold Illnesses and Medical Conditions
OPD : cold tablets A Pharmacy
OPD : be 18 or older Civic Rights and Responsibilties
OPD : soldier Jobs and Occupations P-W
OPD : put the caller on hold Office Skills
OPD : scaffolding Construction
OPD : file folder An Office
OPD : marigold Flowers
OPD : goldfish Domestic Animals and Rodents
OPD : wash cothes in cold water Energy and Conservation

FN: old a Age

VSLW123 chị ☊ (S) you (to a female about your age or little older) vsl1
VSLW123 anh ☊ (S) you (second person, for young man, same age or older vsl1
VSLW123 ☊ (S) you (for madam, old woman) vsl1
VSLW123 con cả ☊ (S) first child, oldest child vsl1
VSLW123 già ☊ (S) old vsl1
VSLW123 tuổi ☊ (S) age, year(s) old vsl1
VSLW123 ướp lạnh ☊ (S) kept cold, refrigerated vsl1
VSLW123 ☊ (S) old vsl1
VSLW123 cảm ☊ (S) cold, illness vsl2
VSLW123 cố đô ☊ (S) old/former capital vsl2
VSLW123 ☊ (S) old (thing) vsl2
VSLW123 cử nhân ☊ (S) Bachelor (holder of degree) vsl2
VSLW123 ôm ☊ (S) to hold in arm, to hug vsl2
VSLW123 ngày xưa ☊ (S) old days vsl3
VSLW123 mắng ☊ (S) to scold vsl3
VSLW123 đống vàng ☊ (S) a pile of gold vsl3
VSLW123 đống vàng ☊ (S) a pile of gold vsl3
VSLW123 cổ ☊ (S) old, ancient, antique vsl3
VSLW123 lượng vàng ☊ (S) ounce of gold vsl3
VSLW123 cũ kĩ ☊ (S) very old (thing) vsl3
VSLW123 phố cổ ☊ (S) ancient city, old city vsl3
VSLW123 xa xưa ☊ (S) long time ago, the old days vsl3
VSLW 45 vàng ☊ (S) gold [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 sao vàng ☊ (S) gold star [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 giữ ☊ (S) to hold [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hộ gia đình ☊ (S) household [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hộ khẩu ☊ (S) household register [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 già ☊ (S) old [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 điểm tựa ☊ (S) upholder, support [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hộ dân ☊ (S) household [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 ngưỡng ☊ (S) threshold [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nữ công gia chánh ☊ (S) household arts, domestic science [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 lạnh lùng ☊ (S) cold/ indifferent [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 lối mòn suy nghĩ ☊ (S) old way of thinking [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 vừa bán vừa la ☊ (S) selling and scolding [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 tam giác vàng ma tuý ☊ (S) drug Golden Triangle [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 lẫn lộn vàng thau ☊ (S) confusion between gold and brass [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 bám lấy cái ghế ☊ (S) to hold on to the position [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Anh cho tôi một chai bia 333 ướp lạnh. Get me a cold 333 beer. vsl1
VSLS Ở ga Sài Gòn, người ta bán vé đến mấy giờ, hả chị? At Saigon Train Station, until when tickets are sold? vsl1
VSLS Buổi sáng người ta bán vé đến 11 giờ rưỡi. In the morning, tickets are sold until 11:30. vsl1
VSLS Em út anh ấy năm nay mới 6 tuổi. His youngest sibling is just 6 years old this year. vsl1
VSLS Hôm nay trông anh có vẻ mệt. Chắc là anh bị cảm, phải không? Today you (to a male) look tired. You must have a cold, right? vsl2
VSLS Vâng. Tôi bị cảm từ tối hôm qua. Yes. I had a cold since yesterday evening. vsl2
VSLS Rồi. Tôi đã uống hai viên thuốc cảm rồi. (I did) already. I took two cold pills. vsl2
VSLS Ông ấy khoảng 40 tuổi, cao, hơi mập, mắt xanh... He is about 40 years old, tall, chubby, blue eyes... vsl2

DUOS Anh ấy mua một cái bàn cũ. He buys an old table. Adjectives 1
DUOS Một tờ báo cũ An old newspaper Adjectives 1
DUOS old Adjectives 1
DUOS Bạn nghĩ cô ấy bao nhiêu tuổi? How old do you think she is? Dates and Time
DUOS Anh trai và chị gái The older brother and the older sister Family
DUOS Anh tôi không đánh giá cao sự cố gắng của tôi. My older brother does not appreciate my efforts. Verbs 2.5
DUOS Họ giàu vì họ xuất khẩu vàng. They are rich because they export gold. Verbs 3
DUOS Anh trai của tôi luôn dậy sau tôi. My older brother always gets up after me. Verbs 4
DUOS Nước lạnh hay nóng? Is the water cold or hot? Adjectives 2
DUOS Bên ngoài rất lạnh. It is very cold outside. Adjectives 2
DUOS lạnh cold Adjectives 2
DUOS Cả họ và tôi đều thích vàng. Both they and me like gold. Economics
DUOS vàng gold Economics
DUOS Anh ấy sẽ đầu tư vào thị trường vàng. He will invest in the gold market. Economics
DUOS thị trường vàng gold market Economics
DUOS Những đứa trẻ muốn phát huy truyền thống của mình. The children want to uphold their tradition. Verbs 5
DUOS phát huy uphold Verbs 5
DUOS lính soldier Military
DUOS Những người lính không thể nhắm. The soldiers cannot take aim. Military
DUOS Những người lính đang bắt đầu đổ bộ. The soldiers are starting to land. Military
DUOS Những người lính đã cố thủ để bảo vệ thủ đô. The soldiers stood their ground to protect the capital. Military
DUOS Chúng tôi đã rất sợ khi anh ấy nói chochúng tôi về lời nguyền của anh ấymặc dù chúng tôi đã biết đó  We were very afraid when he told us about his curse, although we knew that Paranormality
DUOS Cô ấy luôn lạnh lùng với tôi. She is always cold to me. Reduplicative Words
DUOS lạnh lùng cold Reduplicative Words
DUOS Tôi luôn muốn gắt gỏng một ai đó mỗi khi tôi nghĩ về con khỉ đó. I always wants to scold someone whenever I think about that monkey. Reduplicative Words
DUOS gắt gỏng scold Reduplicative Words
DUOS Anh ấy sẽ bị trúng gió trong thời tiết lạnh. He will be sick in cold weather Informal Expressions

50L Mùa đông lạnh. * The winter is cold. 018
50L Trời lạnh. * It is cold. 018
50L Hôm nay trời lạnh. * It is cold today. 018
50L Bạn hãy đi vào khu phố cổ. * Go to the old city. 027
50L Thức ăn nguội rồi. * The food is cold. 032
50L Khu phố cổ ở đâu? * Where is the old city? 043
50L Toà nhà này xây bao lâu rồi? * How old is the building? 044
50L Nước này lạnh quá. * The water is too cold. 052
50L Đang là mùa đông và lạnh. * It is winter and it is cold. 060
50L già và trẻ * old and young 070
50L Ông của chúng tôi rất già. * Our grandfather is very old. 070
50L Nó lạnh. * It is cold. 079
50L Tôi không uống, bởi vì nó lạnh. * I’m not drinking it because it is cold. 079
50L Một bà già * an old lady 080
50L Một bà già sống ở trên đó. * An old lady lives at the top. 081
50L Rượu vang này chắc cũ rồi. * The wine is definitely old. 093
50L Tôi đoán rằng nó cũ rồi. * I think that it is old. 093
50L Tôi không ngửi thấy gì nếu tôi bị chứng sổ mũi. * I can’t smell anything when I have a cold. 097
50L Càng già, càng thấy thoải mái. * The older one gets, the more complacent one gets. 100