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VNEN am hiểu cặn kẽ về gì * to know something inside and out *
VNEN biên * (1) to write down, make a note (of something)
(2) to weave (basket)
(3) to edit, compile
(4) edge, limit, border
VNEN biết * to know, know how to do (something) be aware of *
VNEN biết thế * had I known (then one would have done something else) *
VNEN biểu lộ bản chất * to show the nature (of something) *
VNEN buông xuôi * to let (something) run its course *
VNEN buồn mình * to have a desire to do something, have one’s itch *
VNEN buồn rầu * sad, sorrowful, unhappy morose; uninteresting; to want to, feel like (doing something) *
VNEN buộc lòng * to be obliged, forced, compelled (to do something); against one’s will *
VNEN bàn lùi * argue to refuse (to do something), argue somebody out of doing *
VNEN bàn ra * dissuade from, talk somebody out of doing something *
VNEN bèo bọt * lentil and foam, something humble and insignificant *
VNEN bòng bong * something mixed up *
VNEN bạn * friend, associate, companion, comrade (in something) *
VNEN bạn đọc * reader (someone reading something) *
VNEN bảo * (1) to say, order, tell (someone to do something)
(2) to insure
(3) to protect, guard
(4) precious, valuable
VNEN bảo đừng * to forbid (someone from doing something) *
VNEN bất cứ khi nào * whenever (something happens) *
VNEN bẩm * (1) to report, say (something to someone above you)
(2) polite particle
(3) to give, endow
VNEN bắc * (1) to build (across something), put up
(2) north, northern, Chinese
(3) ferry boat
VNEN bắt được * to find something by chance; to seize, catch *
VNEN bề ngoài * appearance, externals, outside (of something); exterior, outward *
VNEN bỉ thử * this and that, here and there, then and now, you and I, both (something), mutually *
VNEN bị từ chối * to be refused (something) *
VNEN bị ép buộc * to be forced (to do something) *
VNEN bọt bèo * foam and lentil (something humble and insignificant) *
VNEN bỏ dở * to leave something unfinished *
VNEN bỏ vạ bỏ vật * to leave something lying around *
VNEN bổ sung * to add, complete, supplement, make good (on something) *
VNEN bộ óc * the brains (of something), mind *
VNEN bộp * sound of something falling *
VNEN ca gản * bold, daring, reckless enough (to do something) *
VNEN can * (1) to stop, dissuade
(2) to concern, involve
(3) to dissuade, stop someone from doing something, interfere, break up
(4) symbol of the Chinese zodiac
(5) shield
(6) liver
(7) to accuse
VNEN can gián * to advise against doing something *
VNEN can ngăn * to advise (against something), dissuade *
VNEN canh ti * to go shares (with somebody) (in something) *
VNEN chia đều * to divide or share something equally or fairly between or among *
VNEN cho phép * to permit, allow, authorize, give permission (to do something) *
VNEN cho ăn * to feed, give somebody something to eat *
VNEN cho đang * not to have the heart to do something *
VNEN chuyện khác * something else *
VNEN chuyện khó * something difficult *
VNEN chuyện đáng lo * something worth worrying about, concern *
VNEN châu ngọc * pearls and gem, something precious *
VNEN chòng vòng * wait till (something) is over *
VNEN chôn giấu * to bury (as a means of hiding something) *
VNEN chúc * to wish (someone something) *
VNEN chơi ngu * to act stupidly, do something dumb *
VNEN chưa chi đã * it is too early to do something *
VNEN chậm * to delay, do something slowly; slow *
VNEN chẳng biết mô tê gì cả * to know anything at all, not to make head or tail of something *
VNEN chịu * to be influenced by; to sustain, bear, accept, be subject to, experience (something unpleasant, difficult), endure, stand, put up with; on credit *
VNEN chọn ngày * to fix or set or choose the date (for something) *
VNEN chớ * but, and; do not, let’s not; should not, do not (do something); (indicates assurance, certainty) *
VNEN chớ nên * one shouldn’t (do something); don’t *
VNEN chợt thấy * to see (something) all of a sudden *
VNEN coi trọng * to attach much importance to something, appreciate *
VNEN coi đây là * to regard something, see something as *
VNEN con gì * (used at the end of a sentence to denote that something has long started) *
VNEN con gì nữa * (used at the end of a sentence to denote that something has long started) *
VNEN cuốn sử * history book, history (of something) *
VNEN cà riềng cà tỏi * to pick holes in something, find fault *
VNEN cách làm * way to do something *
VNEN cái gọi là * something called, the thing called *
VNEN cái lạ * something unknown, the unknown, the unusual *
VNEN cái quen * something known, the usual (thing) *
VNEN cáo chung * to announce (the end of something) *
VNEN cát biết * knowledge (of something) *
VNEN có bụng * intentional, have intention, plan to do something *
VNEN có chuyện gì * there is something *
VNEN có dịp * to have the opportunity, occasion (to do something) *
VNEN có hứng * to be in the mood to do something or for doing something, to *
VNEN có kết quả * effective; to benefit from, get something out of *
VNEN có một điều gì * there is something, there is a matter (that) *
VNEN có một điểm giống nhau * to have a point, something in common *
VNEN có nơi * there is, there are places (where something happens) *
VNEN có phương tiện và cơ hội * to have means and opportunity (to do something) *
VNEN có quyền * to have authority, right, power (to do something) *
VNEN có sao không * is something wrong?, what’s the matter *
VNEN có sự ám muội trong việc ấy * there’s something fishy about it *
VNEN có thói quen * to have, be in the habit (of doing something) *
VNEN công khai phủ nhận * to publicly deny (something) *
VNEN công phẫn * be indignant (at something, with something) *
VNEN cúi xin * ask humbly (somebody about something) *
VNEN cất công * to trouble oneself (to do something) *
VNEN cất lấy * to save something (for later), put something away (for later) *
VNEN cố chí * resolved, determined, decided (to do something) *
VNEN của lạ * something new, something different *
VNEN cứ * (1) to continue to, go on, keep on (doing something)
(2) evidence, proof
(3) still
VNEN cứ việc * not to hesitate to do something, be free or welcome to do *
VNEN dành giật * to fight over something, scramble for something, struggle for something *
VNEN dễ làm * easy to do; something easy to do *
VNEN dốc ngược * turn (something) upside down *
VNEN ghé tai * put one’s mouth close to someone’s ears and whisper something *
VNEN gia sức * to make efforts (to do something) *
VNEN giao hẹn * to promise conditionally to (do something); to agree *
VNEN gióng giả * repeatedly promise to do something *
VNEN giấm giúi * sly (something, into someone’s hands); do (something) stealthily *
VNEN giấu quanh * to beat about the bush in order to conceal something *
VNEN giầu * rich, having a lot of (something) *
VNEN giắt lưng * have something under your belt *
VNEN giằng xé * snatch and tear (something), get at someone’s throat *
VNEN giỏi hết sức * (to do something) very well *
VNEN giở giói * complicate matters (by doing something not absolutely necessary) *
VNEN giữ rịt * hold fast, keep something selfishly for oneself *
VNEN gán nợ * give (something) as payment of a debt *
VNEN gì đó * something like that *
VNEN gạ gẫm * to coax, cajole, wheedle (into doing something); make approaches to (a woman), make a pass at *
VNEN gần như không có * to have almost no (something) *
VNEN hai mươi mấy * twenty-something *
VNEN hay gì đó * or something like that *
VNEN hiểu dụ * make clear something to, the *
VNEN hiểu theo nghĩa đen * to take something literally *
VNEN hoãn lại cho đến khi * to postpone (something) until *
VNEN hò hét * shout and scream (for something) *
VNEN hóa phép * to change to or into something, metamorphose into *
VNEN hơi đâu * there’s no need to do something, it’s no use doing *
VNEN hư trương * show off, display (something essentially empty) *
VNEN hưởng dụng * to make use of something, profit from something *
VNEN hưởng hương vị * to enjoy the taste (of something) *
VNEN hưởng thụ thú * to enjoy the pleasure (of doing something) *
VNEN hỏng ăn * be deprived of something to eat, not be given to eat *
VNEN hồi * time (when something happened), when *
VNEN khai sanh * to declare the birth (of something) *
VNEN khi * occasion, time (when something happens), when, at the time of, if *
VNEN khiêng * to carry (something heavy, by two or more people) *
VNEN khiến khó * to make something difficult *
VNEN khuôn xếp * settle, see to (something) done satisfactorily *
VNEN không khác gì * no different from (something) *
VNEN không ngần ngại * to not hesitate (to do something) *
VNEN không phải là việc dễ làm * not (something) easy to do, no small feat *
VNEN không tài nào * to be unable to do something, cannot do *
VNEN không đủ sức * unable (to do something) *
VNEN khịt * to blow (something) out (of one’s nose) *
VNEN kiêng * to avoid, abstain (from something) *
VNEN ký nhận * acknowledge receipt (of something) by signing one’s name *
VNEN kẻo mà * in order to avoid doing something *
VNEN kể như * to consider, regard, view (something as something) *
VNEN kể từ ngay * from the day (something happened) *
VNEN kể từ sau * since (something happened) *
VNEN kỳ đảo * to pray (for something) *
VNEN kỷ niệm 52 năm * to celebrate, commemorate the 52nd anniversary (of something) *
VNEN lon xon * to do something in a hurry *
VNEN lu bù * very busy with something, knee-deep in something, up to one’s *
VNEN làm * to do, work, make, function as, serve; to cause something to happen *
VNEN làm cao * conceited, stuck up; to consider something beneath one’s dignity *
VNEN làm cho mọi người lầm tưởng * to make everyone believe (something that isn’t true) *
VNEN làm chuyện gì đó * to do something *
VNEN làm hai thì * to do something twice (because it wasn’t finished the first time) *
VNEN làm liều * run the risk (of doing something), run risks *
VNEN làm ngay * to do something right away *
VNEN làm ngay sốt sột * to do something at once *
VNEN làm nhuế nhóa cho xong chuyện * to do (something) perfunctorily for the sake of getting it done *
VNEN làm nhăng nhít cho qua * to do (something) by halves *
VNEN làm nửa vời * to do (something) by halves *
VNEN làm phá sản * to bankrupt (someone or something) *
VNEN làm phức tạp thêm * to complicate, make (something) more complicated, create (additional) complications *
VNEN làm sống lại * to make (something from the past) come alive again, revitalize, reincarnate, reanimate, bring back to life *
VNEN làm tròn số * to round something up or down *
VNEN lâm sự * be engaged with something, in case of need, should the *
VNEN lùi lại tới ngày thứ ba * to postpone something until Tuesday *
VNEN lúc đắc thời * when one has a chance, the opportunity (to do something) *
VNEN lạ hơn nữa là * (something) even stranger is (that) *
VNEN lại * (1) again; against, over again, back towards; resume, re-
(2) to come, reach, get to
(3) (indicates something is contrary to expectations)
VNEN lạo xạo * crunch, crushing sound (made by walking or driving on something) *
VNEN lễ lạt * gift, present, make a gift of something, present something *
VNEN lễ mễ * (carry something) with difficulty (because it is heavy) *
VNEN lộ đồ * roadmap, plan (for doing something) *
VNEN lời tâm sự * secret, something said in confidence *
VNEN men theo * to go along something, skirt *
VNEN mong sao * hope, hope for something *
VNEN mua trả góp * to buy something on credit, buy and pay in installments *
VNEN muối mặt * brazenly entreat (someone for something) *
VNEN muốn như vậy * to want that, want something (done a certain way) *
VNEN muốn nói gì thì nói * if you want to say something, say it *
VNEN muốn vậy * to want something to be like *
VNEN máu mê * passion (fro something), enthusiasm (for) *
VNEN mê mệt * be unconscious; go mad (on something), be infatuated (with something) *
VNEN * to touch, interfere with something *
VNEN móc túi * to take something out of one’s pocket *
VNEN mưu sự * to see to (something), make careful arrangements for *
VNEN mải * absorbed (in a task), engrossed (in something) *
VNEN mải mê * to be absorbed, engrossed (in something) *
VNEN mất công * wasted effort; to waste effort on something *
VNEN mất sức * to lose one’s health, lose strength, lose one’s ability (to do something) *
VNEN mầm mống * germ, seed, cause (of something bad) *
VNEN mặc ý * to allow (someone to do something) *
VNEN một bất ngờ * a surprise, something unexpected *
VNEN một chuyện * a thing, an issue, something *
VNEN một chuyện khác * something else *
VNEN một chuyện lạ * something strange, funny story *
VNEN một chuyện như vậy * something like this *
VNEN một chuyện quan trọng * something important *
VNEN một chuyện rất dễ làm * something very easy to do *
VNEN một chuyện rất quan trọng * something very important, a very important matter *
VNEN một cái gì * something *
VNEN một cái gì đó * something *
VNEN một ngày sau khi * a day after (something) *
VNEN một thứ gì còn sống * something alive *
VNEN một việc * something *
VNEN một việc cần làm ngay * something that needs to be done right away *
VNEN một việc gì * something *
VNEN một việc mà * something which, something that *
VNEN một việc nhỏ * something small *
VNEN một điều quan trọng * something important *
VNEN một điều đáng mừng * something to be happy about *
VNEN mở hàng * to make the first purchase in the day (of something) from someone *
VNEN mở đường * initiate, pave the way for, open the road (to something) *
VNEN mở đường cho * to open the door to (something), allow (something), make way for (something) *
VNEN ngang dọc * (do something) in one’s own sweet time (way) *
VNEN nghi ngại * be reluctant (to do something) because still in doubt *
VNEN nghinh tân * welcome something new, receive visitors *
VNEN nghinh tống * welcome something new, receive visitors *
VNEN nghiền vật gì thành bột * to grind something to dust *
VNEN nghĩ ra một chuyện * to think of something, have an idea *
VNEN nghĩ ra một chuyện khác * to think up something else, come up with another idea *
VNEN nghển cổ nhìn * to crane one’s neck to see something *
VNEN ngoáy * to get something out of a small hole *
VNEN nguệch ngoạc * to scribble, scrawl; to do something hastily or in haste or hurriedly *
VNEN ngã ngửa * fall on one’s back-be taken aback by something which comes as a *
VNEN ngó ngoáy * scrape round (in something hollow) *
VNEN ngược trở * back (where something came from) *
VNEN ngứa mắt * shock the eyes, feel uneasy at seeing something shocking the eyes *
VNEN ngứa tai * shock the ears, feel uncomfortable at hearing something shocking the ears *
VNEN ngứa tay * feel the urge of doing something *
VNEN nhân vật tranh đấu * fighter, person fighting for something *
VNEN nhét đầy * to be packed, crammed full of something *
VNEN nhúng vật gì vào nước * to dip something in a liquid *
VNEN nhưng lại * but (rather, as opposed to something previously said) *
VNEN nhận thấy một chuyện lạ * to see something strange *
VNEN nhận vơ * to claim something that is not one’s own *
VNEN nhận xét về cái gì * to comment on something *
VNEN nhịn * to endure, go without, suppress, abstain, refrain (from doing something) *
VNEN nhồi sọ * to stuff (someone with something) *
VNEN nhớ ra điều gì * to recall something *
VNEN nhớ đời * remember (something) all one’s life *
VNEN những ai * any, those (people) who (do something, are something) *
VNEN những cảm xúc * feelings (about something) *
VNEN những năm trước đó * several years before, prior (to something) *
VNEN nung cho nóng chảy ra * to heat (something) to the melting-point *
VNEN nuốt trộng * to swallow something up or whole *
VNEN nèo ai làm việc gì * to drag someone into doing something *
VNEN ném vào đầu * to throw (something) at someone’s head *
VNEN nêu tên * to name names, mention somebody or something by name *
VNEN nói chơi * to joke, say something jokingly *
VNEN nói gì * to say something *
VNEN nói một câu * to say something, say anything *
VNEN nói thêm một câu * to say something *
VNEN nói xa * refer indirectly (of something), allude (to something) *
VNEN nói đi nói lại * to say something over and over again *
VNEN nóng * hot, burning, anxious (to do something), hot-tempered, quick-tempered *
VNEN nạn cháy * fire (as something destructive) *
VNEN nếu không được * if one cannot, if something is not possible *
VNEN nộp đơn * to hand in a request, give up, hand over, submit an application, register one’s name (for something) *
VNEN nỡ nào * have the heart to do something *
VNEN phong tặng * grant (somebody, something, something to somebody) *
VNEN phong văn * get wind (of something) *
VNEN phía trái * the wrong side (of something) *
VNEN phóng hỏa * to set fire to something, set something on fire *
VNEN phương tiện kỹ thuật * technology (as a means of doing something) *
VNEN phải làm sao * must do (something) *
VNEN phản ứng thụ động * passive reaction (to something) *
VNEN phần hướng dẫn * instructions (for doing something) *
VNEN phần mình * one’s part, share (of something) *
VNEN phần nào ~ phần nào * partly (to do something), partly (to do something else) *
VNEN phụ ơn * be ungrateful (to somebody for something) *
VNEN phủi tay * to wash one’s hands of something *
VNEN quan tâm * to pay attention, take an interest, concern; interest (in something) *
VNEN quy chụp * to accuse, label someone (as something) *
VNEN quy kết * to accuse, attribute (something to somebody or something) *
VNEN quyết ý * set one’s mind on (something), be determined to *
VNEN quyền * (1) acting (president, etc.)
(2) authority, power
(3) right (to do something)
VNEN quở phạt * reproach somebody with something reproach bitterly *
VNEN ra tay * to begin, start (to do something) *
VNEN rành * to master (a subject), know something well; to be clear *
VNEN rời tay * to let go of (somebody, something), part with; to rest *
VNEN sau khi * following; after (something happens) *
VNEN so đo * compare the advantages and disadvantages (of something) *
VNEN sút giảm trầm trọng * to reduce the severity (of something) *
VNEN sơ chế * subject (something) to preliminary treatment *
VNEN sản xuất tại chỗ * to produce (something) locally *
VNEN sẽ tệ hại hơn * (something) will get worse, deteriorate *
VNEN sốt ruột * anxious, eager, dying (to do something), impatient *
VNEN sốt ruột mong * to await something anxiously, eagerly *
VNEN sửa sai * to correct a fault, make something right (again), right as wrong *
VNEN sự hiện diện * presence (of something, someone) *
VNEN sự say sưa * drunkenness, absorption (in something) *
VNEN ta không nên trông đợi * one should not expect (something) *
VNEN tai nghe mắt thấy * to hear something with one’s own ears *
VNEN thiên * (1) thousand
(2) partial (to), favorable, pro-(something)
(3) heaven, sky, God, heavenly, divine, celestial
(4) (classifier for articles, novels, chapters)
(5) to move, shift, change
(6) section, part, piece
VNEN thiện chí * good will, philanthropic; will (to do something) *
VNEN thách thức * to challenge (someone or something); challenge *
VNEN thọc * to thrust (something into something) *
VNEN thở dốc * to get out of breath, be breathless from something or from *
VNEN thứ gì * something, what thing, whatever, what *
VNEN thừa biết * to be well aware (of something, that) *
VNEN thừa sức * to be quite capable of doing something *
VNEN tiết lộ chi tiết * to release details (about something) *
VNEN tiện việc theo dõi * to make something easier to follow, understand *
VNEN trao lại * to return (something to someone) *
VNEN trong việc * regarding, in the matter of; in (doing something) *
VNEN trui * to dip (something hot) into water *
VNEN trung tu * repair (parts of something) *
VNEN tránh hẳn * to abstain, refrain (from doing something) *
VNEN trót * entire, whole; (to do something) by mistake, accidentally *
VNEN trót dại * to make a mistake in doing something *
VNEN trông giống như * to look like (something) *
VNEN trước ngày * before (the day something happens) *
VNEN trả ơn * to show one’s gratitude towards somebody for something *
VNEN trấn lột * (slang) attack and rob somebody of something, mugging *
VNEN trừ tiệt * to extirpate, eradicate, root something out, to *
VNEN tìm cơ hội * to look for an opportunity (to do something) *
VNEN tìm nháo cả lên * to scurry here and there looking for (someone, something) *
VNEN tìm phương tiện * to look for a way (to do something) *
VNEN tìm sự an ủi trong việc gì * to find solace in something *
VNEN tót vời * something that passes the common standard *
VNEN tơ lơ mơ * have a smattering of something *
VNEN tương đối hóa * relativization, make something relative (to something else) *
VNEN tưởng bở * to imagine that something is easy to do *
VNEN tưởng thật * to believe something is true *
VNEN tố giác * to denounce, inform (on someone), accuse someone of something *
VNEN tống khứ * to get rid of, dispose of (somebody or something) *
VNEN tự ý * to do something on one’s own accord; unilaterally, on one’s own *
VNEN vi phạm quyền lợi * to violate someone’s right (to something) *
VNEN việc chinh phục * victory, conquest (over, of something) *
VNEN việc học * (the) study (of something) *
VNEN việc phải làm * necessity, something that has to be done *
VNEN vuốt đuôi * to say or do something to please someone somebody *
VNEN vây quanh * to surround; around, about, surrounding (something) *
VNEN vì lý do gì khiến * this has caused (something to happen) *
VNEN vô can * not to be involved (in something) *
VNEN văng tê * to do something thoughtlessly and immediately *
VNEN vấn đề liên quan tới * issue relating to (something) *
VNEN vật dụng * materials (used in something) *
VNEN vật gì * anything, something *
VNEN vỗ ngực * to beat one’s breast while boasting something *
VNEN với * with, and; to join (someone), reach for (something) *
VNEN vục * scoop something, up with an instrument *
VNEN vừa * (1) to have just done something
(3) reasonable, right, suitable, fitting; to fit (clothes)
VNEN vừa đủ * just enough (to do something) *
VNEN xeo * to lift up with a crowbar, lever something up *
VNEN xin hãy * please (do something) *
VNEN xin được phép * to ask permission, leave (to do something) *
VNEN xuất vốn * to invest (in something), provide funds *
VNEN xấu mặt * to lose face, be ashamed of somebody or something *
VNEN àm một cái gì cho bạn bè * to do something for one’s friends *
VNEN ách * (1) yoke (literally and figuratively)
(2) very full (of something), bloated
(3) adjutant
(4) to come to a standstill, stop (completely)
(5) calamity, disaster
(6) ace
VNEN âu đành * consent (to something) *
VNEN ép ai làm việc gì * to force someone to do something *
VNEN ôm vật gì trong nách * to carry something under one’s arms *
VNEN ăn khớp * to be well fitted (for something) *
VNEN ăn nhập * to concern, relate to something, have to do with, be relevant *
VNEN ăn tái * to eat something underdone *
VNEN đang lúc ăn thì * while eating (something happened) *
VNEN điều dễ hiểu * something easy to understand *
VNEN điều không thể tránh * something unavoidable, inescapable *
VNEN điều này đối với tôi rất mới lạ * this something very unusual for me *
VNEN điều nên mừng * something to he happy about *
VNEN điều đáng * something that should be, something that deserves to be *
VNEN điều đáng ghi nhận ở đây * something worth nothing here *
VNEN điều đáng lo ngại * something to be concerned about *
VNEN đoái hoài * to deign, condescend, take notice of something *
VNEN đành * to have no choice (but to do something), resign oneself to do sth *
VNEN đành chịu * to resign oneself (to do something) *
VNEN đánh giá cao * to value something highly, hold something in high regard *
VNEN đánh giá xác thực * to judge something’s true value *
VNEN đánh giờ * to consider the right time for doing something *
VNEN đúng cách * the correct way, right way (of doing something) *
VNEN đúng vào lúc mà * at the precise moment that (something happened) *
VNEN đưa * to take, give, conduct, lead, bring (something or someone) *
VNEN được hỏi về * to be asked about (something) *
VNEN đầu tiên kể từ khi * since (the time something happened) *
VNEN đắc thời * to have the opportunity (to do something) *
VNEN đặt mua * to place an order (to buy something) *
VNEN đặt một điêu kiện * to set a condition (for something) *
VNEN để * (1) in order to, so, so that; to allow, permit; to put, place, let (someone do something) *
VNEN để bụng * to have (something) in one’s mind *
VNEN để phần * to put by someone’s share, save a portion (of something) *
VNEN để rõ ràng hơn * to make something clearer, clarify *
VNEN để thời giờ * to set aside, allow oneself time (to do something) *
VNEN để ý một điều * to pay attention to sth, notice something *
VNEN định bụng * to intend (to do something) *
VNEN ở phía trái * on the wrong side (of something) *
VNEN ỡm ờ * do something in a familiar way *
VNEN ỷ eo * reproach someone with something *

GNOT: to put something right Qualitative • correctness/incorrectness
GNOT: to make something better Qualitative • correctness/incorrectness

OTOP: methi * Food and drink Herbs and spices

OPD : offer something Everyday Conversation
OPD : explain something Everyday Conversation

VSLW123 đang ☊ (S) marker used to indicate something is in progress vsl1
VSLW123 đã ☊ (S) marker used to indicate something has happened vsl1
VSLW123 vậy ☊ (S) particle placed at the end of the question to ask more about something vsl1
VSLW123 giùm/giúp/hộ ☊ (S) do something for somebody vsl2
VSLW123 một cái gì đó ☊ (S) something vsl3
VSLW123 một cái gì đó ☊ (S) something vsl3
VSLW123 lăng xê ☊ (S) to promote someone or something vsl3
VSLW 45 biếu/tặng ☊ (S) to give somebody something in a respectful way [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 rót ☊ (S) to pour something into a container [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 gắn bó ☊ (S) to be tight with ..., to be very closely connected with something [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 tường tận ☊ (S) to know something very well [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 chạy chọt ☊ (S) to buy one's way into something [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 xoay chuyển ☊ (S) turn something around [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 dốc tâm dốc lực ☊ (S) to make every effort to do something [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 bỏ thời gian ☊ (S) to spend time on doing something [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 ăn gan hùm ☊ (S) to dare to do something bravely (fig.) [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 một điều nhịn là chín điều lành ☊ (S) putting up with someone / something [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 nhổ ☊ (S) to pluck, to pull something [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Cô Hà, cô cho tôi hỏi một chút, được không? Miss Hà, can I ask you something? vsl1

DUOS Có cái gì đó ở dưới cửa sổ. There is something under the window. Determiners
DUOS gì (đó) something Determiners

50L Bạn có uống gì không? * Will you drink something? 024
50L Tôi muốn món gì không có thịt. * I’d like something without meat. 032
50L Tôi muốn món gì mà không cần lâu. * I’d like something that won’t take much time. 032
50L Bạn có gì để đọc không? * Do you have something to read? 036
50L Ở đây có gì để ăn và uống được không? * Can one get something to eat and to drink here? 036
50L Bạn có thể giới thiệu cho tôi chút gì không? * Could you recommend something? 046
50L Tôi muốn viết. * I want to write something. 071
50L Tôi muốn uống gì đó. * I want to drink something. 072
50L Tôi muốn ăn gì đó. * I want to eat something. 072
50L Tôi muốn hỏi bạn vài chuyện. * I want to ask you something. 072
50L Tôi muốn nhờ bạn vài chuyện. * I want to ask you for something. 072
50L Tôi muốn mời bạn đến chơi. * I want to treat you to something. 072
50L Tôi bây giờ hỏi nhanh vài chuyện được không? * May I just ask something? 075
50L Tôi bây giờ nói nhanh vài chuyện được không? * May I just say something? 075
50L Gì nữa – không gì nữa * something else – nothing else 102
50L Bạn muốn uống gì nữa không? * Would you like to drink something else? 102
50L Có gì rồi – chưa có gì hết * something already – nothing yet 102
50L Bạn ăn gì chưa? * Have you already eaten something? 102