like: gain
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Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN an dưỡng * to rest (to regain one’s health), convalesce *
VNEN biểu tình phản đối nhà nước * to demonstrate against the government *
VNEN buộc lòng * to be obliged, forced, compelled (to do something); against one’s will *
VNEN bài * (1) text, lesson, (newspaper) article
(2) (playing) card
(3) against, vs., anti-
(4) [CL for speeches, newspaper articles]
(5) Mandarin symbol of office
(6) to arrange, display
(7) means, way, method, procedure
VNEN bài xích * to be opposed to, against; opposition *
VNEN bán hóa giá * bargain sale *
VNEN bán lỗ * to sacrifice, sell at a loss or disadvantage, bargain away *
VNEN bán tống bán tháo * to sacrifice, bargain away, to *
VNEN bán đổ bán tháo * to sacrifice, bargain away, barter *
VNEN bắt lỗi * incriminate, bring a charge against *
VNEN bị kỳ thị * to be discriminated against, suffer discrimination *
VNEN bớt một thêm hai * to bargain *
VNEN bở * (1) crumbly
(2) gainful, profitable
VNEN can gián * to advise against doing something *
VNEN can ngăn * to advise (against something), dissuade *
VNEN chinh phạt * to mount a punitive expedition (against a smaller nation) *
VNEN chiếm * to occupy, take up, make up, seize, take possession, gain, usurp, win *
VNEN châm chọc * to sneer, taunt, indulge in personalities against *
VNEN chạm vào * to bump against, collide into *
VNEN chạy vát * (navy) beat to windward, against the wind, off the wind *
VNEN chỉ lại * point again *
VNEN chỉnh lý * to readjust, rearrange, arrange again *
VNEN chống * oppose, against; anti- *
VNEN chống hạn * fight against drought *
VNEN chống lại * to resist, oppose, be against *
VNEN cuộc chiến đấu giành tự do trong tay Anh Quốc * the struggle to gain independence *
VNEN cuộc đấu tranh chống tham nhũng * fight or struggle against corruption *
VNEN cày đảo * plough again or anew or over, plough for the second time to *
VNEN cánh sinh * to come to life again, restore to life *
VNEN cò kè * to bargain, haggle *
VNEN có ác cảm với người nào * to have an enmity against someone *
VNEN căm gan * bear deep resentment against *
VNEN căm giận * to feel a deep resentment against, deeply resent *
VNEN cải táng * to rebury, bury again *
VNEN cọ quẹt vào nhau * to rub against each other *
VNEN cụng * collide, knock, hit, strike (against) *
VNEN dè chừng * guard against-foresee the eventuality of *
VNEN * to press (on, against) *
VNEN dằn mặt * forewarn (against opposition or resistance) *
VNEN dựa * to lean on, stand against, incline, be based (on) *
VNEN dựa vào * to lean against, rely on, be based on; using *
VNEN ghe phen * time and again *
VNEN giành lại * to regain *
VNEN giành lại thực quyền * to regain power *
VNEN giữ tiết * keep one’s chastity (said of a widow who does not marry again) *
VNEN gương vỡ lại lành * the broken mirror made whole again, the *
VNEN ho he * act against, perform hostile activities against, speak up *
VNEN hoàn hồn * to recover from a shock, regain consciousness, come to *
VNEN hoãn binh * put off the fighting, postpone a battle-temporize, try to gain *
VNEN hoạnh tài * ill-gotten gains *
VNEN hám lợi * eager or greedy for gain, mercantile *
VNEN hơn thiệt * pros and cons, gain and loss *
VNEN học kinh nghiệm * to gain experience *
VNEN học đi học lại * to study over and over again *
VNEN kháng nghị * protest against (some resolution) *
VNEN khống cáo * bring or lodge a complaint (against), appeal (against) *
VNEN khởi loạn * rebel, rise (against an established authority) *
VNEN khởi nghĩa * rise up in arms (against an oppressive rule) *
VNEN kiện * (1) ware (as in software)
(2) to sue, charge, bring suit against
VNEN kình * (1) opposed, pitted against
(2) whale
VNEN kỵ * (1) death anniversary
(2) opposed to, against, abstain from, phobia
(3) jealous
VNEN lai tỉnh * to come to, regain consciousness *
VNEN luận tội * to bring an accusation against somebody *
VNEN làm loạn * to rebel, vise up against *
VNEN làm lại * to do again, rework *
VNEN làm sống lại * to make (something from the past) come alive again, revitalize, reincarnate, reanimate, bring back to life *
VNEN lên cân * to gain weight, put on weight, get fatter *
VNEN lũng đoạn * to monopolize, gain command, control of *
VNEN lại * (1) again; against, over again, back towards; resume, re-
(2) to come, reach, get to
(3) (indicates something is contrary to expectations)
VNEN lại hồn * pull oneself together, regain self-control (after a fright) *
VNEN lại nổ ra giao tranh * fighting has again broken out *
VNEN lấy lại * to take back, regain *
VNEN lấy lại bình tĩnh * to regain one’s composure *
VNEN lấy lại bình tỉnh * to regain one’s composure *
VNEN lần nữa * again, another time *
VNEN lập lại * to reestablish, take up again, repeat, say again *
VNEN lập lại câu nói * to start talking again *
VNEN lời lỗ * profit and loss, gains and losses *
VNEN lợi * (1) to be profitable, advantageous, gainful; profit
(2) gum (tissue in mouth)
VNEN lợi lộc * benefit, profit, gain, income *
VNEN lợi nhuận * gains, profits *
VNEN ma sát * to rub against *
VNEN mua thời giờ * to gain time, win time *
VNEN mưu lợi * to look for profit, gain *
VNEN mượn đầu heo nấu cháo * to use borrowed property for one’s own gain *
VNEN mặc cả * to bargain, haggle, negotiate *
VNEN một lần nữa * once again, one more time *
VNEN nhìn lại * to look back, look again, take another look *
VNEN nhắc đi nhắc lại * to repeat again and again *
VNEN nhủng nhẳng cưỡng lời cha mẹ * to refuse to listen to and act against one’s parents advice *
VNEN nào ngờ * against all expectations, unexpectedly *
VNEN nói lại * to repeat, say again *
VNEN nói xỏ * utter ironical innuendoes against *
VNEN nói đi nói lại * to say something over and over again *
VNEN nổi dậy chống áp bức * to rise up against oppression *
VNEN oán * to resent, feel resentment against *
VNEN oán hờn * feel resentment against, resent *
VNEN oán thù * feel resentment and hatred against, resent and hate *
VNEN phòng bị * to take precautions against, be vigilant *
VNEN phòng chống * to guard against, prevent *
VNEN phòng giữ * prevent, guard against *
VNEN phòng hờ * provide against all eventualities, keep at hand for eventual use *
VNEN phản tiến hóa * to be against progress, move backwards *
VNEN phục * (1) to admire and respect, esteem, submit, yield
(2) clothes
(3) be accustomed to, bear (climate)
(4) again, anew; to repeat, reply, recover, recuperate
(5) to prostrate oneself; to lie in ambush
VNEN phục quốc * to restore national sovereignty, regain national independence *
VNEN phục sinh * to be reborn, born again *
VNEN phủ * to cover, overlay; palace, residence; not, not, against *
VNEN quay giáo * turn one’s arms against *
VNEN quả thực * fruits, gains; really, truly *
VNEN sau * again; next; after, behind, afterwards *
VNEN so với * in comparison with, (as) compared with or to, against; to compare with *
VNEN sửa sai * to correct a fault, make something right (again), right as wrong *
VNEN tay làm hàm nhai * no pain, no gains *
VNEN tham tài * greedy for gain *
VNEN thi đấu * to compete, play a match against somebody, enter *
VNEN thuật lại * to retell, tell again *
VNEN thành danh * to achieve (gain) fame *
VNEN thư khế * contract, transaction, deal, bargain *
VNEN thắng thế * to have the advantage, gain ground *
VNEN ton hót * to denounce, inform (on, against); to flatter, win over, coax, wheedle, cajole *
VNEN tranh tụng * institute proceedings against someone *
VNEN trái * [CL for bombs, grenades, fruit]; left (opposite of right); against, contrary to, wrong *
VNEN trái lệ * against regulations *
VNEN trái phép * illegal, against the law, unlawful *
VNEN trái ý * against somebody’s will *
VNEN trùng phùng * meet again *
VNEN trúng * to hit; to catch, win, gain *
VNEN trả bữa * to regain appetite (after an illness) *
VNEN trả thù * to take revenge, avenge, make reprisals, retaliate (against) *
VNEN trấn trạch * protect one’s new or newly built house against evil *
VNEN trận chiến chống Nga * the struggle against Russia *
VNEN trở lại * to come back, return; again *
VNEN tu bổ * to repair, fix, restore, mend, set right again *
VNEN tái * again; rare, half done, pale *
VNEN tái diễn * to happen again, re-occur *
VNEN tái hồi * to return again *
VNEN tái kiến * to meet again, see again *
VNEN tái lai * come again, come back, return *
VNEN tái ngộ * to meet again, see again *
VNEN tái nhóm * to meet again, reconvene *
VNEN tái phạm * to relapse, commit again *
VNEN tái tạo * to re-create, recycle, establish again *
VNEN tông phái * knock against, strike against, hit against; sect *
VNEN tăng trọng * gain weight *
VNEN tạt * to dash, splash (into), lash against *
VNEN tỉnh dậy * to wake up, regain consciousness; conscious *
VNEN tỉnh táo ra * to feel better, like oneself again *
VNEN tội ác chống nhân loại * crime against humanity *
VNEN va chạm * to collide, bump, knock against *
VNEN va quệt * to knock against, strike (against) *
VNEN vào nhau * into each other, against each other *
VNEN vả lại * and, again, moreover, in addition, subsequently, besides *
VNEN vập * to run into, against *
VNEN vị lợi * for gain, self-interested, utilitarian *
VNEN xói * to wash, erode, flow against *
VNEN xơ múi * profit, gain *
VNEN áp * (1) to press (up to, against), place against, approach, get close
(2) to detain
(3) to pawn
VNEN áp cái giá sách vào tường * to stand a bookcase against the wall *
VNEN ép sát vào * to press tightly against *
VNEN ăn già * to continue gambling in an attempt to win bigger gains *
VNEN ăn giá * to strike a bargain, come to terms, agree on a price *
VNEN ăn người * to gain advantage over others by one’s wits, get the better *
VNEN đi bước nữa * to marry again or a second time, to *
VNEN đi ngược lại * to go against, be contrary to; to turn back, backtrack, retrace one’s steps *
VNEN đi ngược lại ý muốn * to go against someone’s will *
VNEN điều đình * to bargain, arrange, hold talks, negotiate *
VNEN đúc lết những kinh nghiệm * to gather, gain experience *
VNEN được thua * gain or loss, result *
VNEN đắt chân * gain a foothold *
VNEN đụp * patch over again *
VNEN đứng dựa * to stand against, lean against *
VNEN đừng bén mảng đến nhà tao nữa * don’t darken my door again *
VNEN ẩm hận * to nurse a grudge against *
VNEN ống chống âm thanh * earplugs (to protect against sound) *

GNOT: against Spatial • relative position
GNOT: again Temporal • repetitiousness
GNOT: again and again Temporal • repetitiousness
GNOT: I’m against… Qualitative • acceptability, unacceptability
SNOT: against Free time, entertainment • sports

B1 gain (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: lợi gain
OXF3000N lợi lợi ích giành được kiếm được đạt tới gain

BNC6000 : gain [ Rank: 2651 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : gain [ Rank: 1132 ] v 👪

OPD : bargain A Garage Sale

FN: gain n Change_position_on_a_scale
FN: gain v Change_position_on_a_scale
FN: gain v Getting
FN: gain v Change_of_quantity_of_possession

VSLW123 hẹn gặp lại ☊ (S) see you again vsl1
VSLW123 bình phục ☊ (S) to recover, be well again vsl3
VSLW123 bình phục ☊ (S) to recover, be well again vsl3
VSLW 45 Xin nói lại. ☊ (S) Please say it again [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 Xin đọc lại. ☊ (S) Please read again [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 trở lại ☊ (S) again [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 phòng chống ☊ (S) to protect against [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 phiếu thuận ≠ phiếu chống ☊ (S) vote in favor ≠ vote against [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 chống lại chế độ ☊ (S) against the regime [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 chinh phục ☊ (S) to conquer (lit) to gain trust / love from . . (fig) [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 mặc cả ☊ (S) to bargain [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 chống tiêu cực ☊ (S) to fight against wrongdoing [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Tạm biệt và hẹn gặp lại Goodbye and see you again.Goodbye and see you later. Common Phrases
DUOS Hẹn gặp lại! See you again! Common Phrases
DUOS Tôi lại thấy con rùa của bạn. I see your turtle again. Adverbs
DUOS lại again Adverbs
DUOS Tôi sẽ chiến đấu chống lại bạn. I will fight against you. History
DUOS chống lại against History
DUOS Chúng tôi không chống chính phủ. We are not against the government. Military
DUOS Tôi không chống chiến tranh, nhưng tôi ủng hộ hoà bình. I am not against war, but I support peace. Military
DUOS chống against Military
DUOS Hẹn gặp lại bạn tại thiên đường! See you again in heaven Paranormality

50L Ngày mai tôi làm việc lại. * Tomorrow I will work again. 012
50L Đội Đức đá với đội Anh. * The German team is playing against the English one. 051
50L Bạn hãy sớm đến thăm lại chúng tôi! * Do visit us again soon! 092