like: close
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN a mi * close or intimate friend; to flatter *
VNEN anh em bạn * good, close (sibling-like) friend *
VNEN bao * (1) how much, many, so much, so many, some, any
(2) envelope, bag, pack, case, sleeve; to cover, enclose
VNEN bàng cận * to be close by *
VNEN bàng tiếp * close by, neighboring, neighbor, next, adjacent *
VNEN bám sát * to follow close or hard on somebody’s heels *
VNEN bãi trường * school vacation, school dismissed; to close a school, shut a school *
VNEN bén mảng * to approach, near, come close to, come near *
VNEN bít * to close up, fill up, block *
VNEN bạn thân * intimate friend, close friend, dear friend *
VNEN bạn tri âm * close friend *
VNEN bấm gáy * clip close *
VNEN bế * (1) to carry in one’s arms (a child), pick up
(2) close
VNEN bế môn * to close the door *
VNEN bế môn tỏa cảng * to close (sea)ports *
VNEN bế mạc * to adjourn, close, conclude, end, wind up *
VNEN bế quan tỏa cảng * closed door, harbor policy *
VNEN bế tỏa * to close, block, blockade *
VNEN bồ * (1) friend, pal, chum; close
(2) basket
(3) reed, rush
VNEN bộc lộ * to expose, uncover, reveal, divulge, disclose, open *
VNEN bụm miệng * to gag, close one’s mouth *
VNEN chính sách bế quan tỏa cảng * the closed-door policy *
VNEN chít chung * all over, close together *
VNEN chật chội * narrow, closed in *
VNEN chặc chẽ * tight, close *
VNEN chặt * (1) fast, close, tight; solid
(2) to cut, chop down
VNEN chặt chẽ * tight, close *
VNEN cái chỗ gần nhất * the closest place *
VNEN cái tủ đựng quần áo * closet, dresser, wardrobe *
VNEN cười híp mắt * smile and half close the eye *
VNEN cấm đạo * blocked road, no thoroughfare, road closed *
VNEN cầu tiêu * toilet, bathroom, latrine, water closet *
VNEN cận * near, close to *
VNEN cận cảnh * close-up, foreground *
VNEN cận lân * close neighbors *
VNEN cố kết * rally, unite closely *
VNEN cụp * to close, hang loose, lower *
VNEN dim * half-close (one’s eyes) *
VNEN dấp dính * slimily wet, half-closed *
VNEN dẹp tiệm * to close up shop, stop trading *
VNEN ghé tai * put one’s mouth close to someone’s ears and whisper something *
VNEN giáp * (1) bordering, near, adjacent, close to, before
(2) 1st cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac
VNEN gấp * (1) to be X times more than
(2) to fold, close
(3) urgent, pressing, in a hurry
VNEN gần * near, close to (place, time) *
VNEN gần chết * about to die, close to death *
VNEN gần giống * to closely resemble *
VNEN gần gũi * near, close (by) *
VNEN gần gũi với * to be close to, near to *
VNEN gần gặn * near, close by *
VNEN gần gụi * keep in close touch with the masses *
VNEN gần kề * close at hand *
VNEN gần ngót * almost, close to, nearly *
VNEN gần nhà * nearby, close to one’s home *
VNEN gần như vậy * this close *
VNEN gần trưa * close to noon *
VNEN gập * to fold, close (a book) *
VNEN gập lại * to close (book) *
VNEN gập sách lại * to close a book *
VNEN gắn liền * to connect closely, go with, be related to, join *
VNEN gặng * to question closely *
VNEN hấp him * half-closed (eyes) *
VNEN hấp hơi * stuffy, close *
VNEN hệ thống tự động đóng lại * automatic recloser system *
VNEN họ gần * close (family) relation *
VNEN hợp tác chặt chẽ với nhau * to work closely together, cooperate closely with each other *
VNEN khoảng gần * approximately, close to, near *
VNEN khách tri âm * close friend *
VNEN khép * to shut, close (down), condemn *
VNEN khép cửa * to close (a door) *
VNEN khép cửa lại * to reclose (a door) *
VNEN khép hờ * to close (but not completely) *
VNEN khít * close, tight, well-joined, flush, next to *
VNEN khít khao * close, tight *
VNEN khóa lại * to relock, reclose *
VNEN khóa sổ * to close an account, close a list *
VNEN khảo vấn * question closely (cadidaties) *
VNEN kim lan * close friend *
VNEN kiểm soát chặt chẽ * to control tightly, closely *
VNEN * (1) to follow closely, trail
(2) basket
(3) embankment
(4) latania
VNEN kèm * to go along with, guide; to include, add, enclose *
VNEN kèm theo * along with, together with; to include, enclose, attach, accompany *
VNEN kín đáo * discrete, secret, close *
VNEN kề * close to, near to; to move close to *
VNEN lim dim * half-closed eyes *
VNEN liên hệ chặt chẽ với nhau * to be closely related to each other *
VNEN lầm lì * taciturn, close-mouthed, silent *
VNEN lắng nghe * to listen (closely, carefully) *
VNEN lồng * to enclose, include, contain *
VNEN lồng trong ngoặc * to enclose in parentheses *
VNEN lộ * (1) street, road
(2) to come out, divulge, disclose, reveal
VNEN máy bay cường kích * close-support aircraft, ground-attack aircraft, fighter bomber *
VNEN máy cắt tự động đóng lặp lại * recloser *
VNEN mật * (1) honey, molasses
(2) gall, bile
(3) secret, confidential, classified
(4) dense, thick, close, intimate
VNEN mật thiết * close, intimate, near *
VNEN ngót * (1) almost, close to, nearly
(2) to diminish, decrease, become more compact
VNEN người bạn thân * close, dear, intimate friend *
VNEN ngậm * to hold, keep; to bear, endure; to close (mouth, lips) *
VNEN ngậm miệng * shut (close) one’s mouth-keep silent, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN ngồi khít khịt * to sit (very) close together *
VNEN ngồi sát nhau * to sit close to each other *
VNEN nheo * to look with one eye, close one eye slightly *
VNEN nheo mắt nhắm đích * to close one’s eye and aim at the target *
VNEN nhà ở áp cánh đồng * the house is close to a field *
VNEN như chân với tay * to be very close to somebody, be very intimate with somebody *
VNEN như cá với nước * close-knit, inseparable *
VNEN như hình với bóng * close-knit, inseparable *
VNEN như môi với răng * close-knit, inseparable *
VNEN nhắm * to aim at, target; to train; to close, shut (one’s eyes) *
VNEN nhắm mắt * to close one’s eyes, ignore *
VNEN nhắm nghiền * close (one’s eyes) tightly *
VNEN phòng xép * storage closet, cupboard *
VNEN quan thiết * closely connected, closely related *
VNEN quây * to enclose *
VNEN rào * fence; to enclose, shut in *
VNEN rò rỉ * to leak (out), disclose; leaky *
VNEN siết chặt * to draw tight, close (ranks) *
VNEN sát * (1) to stay close to; close, tight
(2) to kill
(3) scratched, bruised
(4) to examine
VNEN sát sườn * close to one, directly concerning (affecting) one *
VNEN sát sạt * very close *
VNEN sâu sát * having a deep understanding of, in very close touch with *
VNEN sít * very close *
VNEN sít sao * close-knit *
VNEN sít sịt * very very close *
VNEN sự thân thiết * intimacy, familiarity, closeness, friendship *
VNEN tan * to dissolve, disperse, evaporate, break up, rout, dissipate, melt, thaw, be over, be close to *
VNEN thanh toán * to clean up, close (account), dispose of, liquidate, murder *
VNEN theo dõi sát * to follow closely *
VNEN theo sát * to follow closely *
VNEN thiết cốt * very close, be essential *
VNEN thu hẹp * to narrow, close (a gap, distance), restrict, reduce, curtail *
VNEN thâm giao * very close *
VNEN thân * (1) intimate, close, dear
(2) person, body
(3) ninth year of the Chinese zodiac (“monkey”)
VNEN thân cận * close, intimate *
VNEN thân hữu * close, initiate friend *
VNEN thân mật * intimate, very close *
VNEN thân nhau * to be close to each other, be good friends *
VNEN thân nhau vô cùng * to be very close, be very good friends *
VNEN thân với * closely acquainted with *
VNEN thấu lộ * to disclose, reveal *
VNEN thật chặt * very tight, very close *
VNEN thắm thiết * close, intimate *
VNEN thều thào * (1) easy-going, lacksidasical
(2) to speak with a weak voice (as one close to death)
VNEN tiến gần tới * to approach, get close to *
VNEN tiến tới gần * to get close to, come up to, advance towards *
VNEN tiến đến * move in, move close to *
VNEN tiến đến gần * to get close(r) *
VNEN tiếp nối * to proceed, follow closely *
VNEN tiết lộ * to divulge, disclose, reveal; disclosure *
VNEN tiết lộ thêm chi tiết * to disclose, divulge more details *
VNEN trám * to caulk, stop, close, fill (tooth); filling (tooth) *
VNEN tâm tri * close, intimate *
VNEN tên chưa được tiết lộ * the name has not yet been disclosed, revealed *
VNEN tít mắt thành ngữ * close the eyes *
VNEN tỏa cảng * to close a harbor, seaport *
VNEN tới gần * to approach, get close to *
VNEN tới quá gần * to get too close *
VNEN tủ * chest, cupboard, wardrobe, closet *
VNEN tủ quần áo * closet, wardrobe. dresser, chest of drawers *
VNEN tủ áo * closet, wardrobe *
VNEN việc kiểm soát chặt chẽ * tight, close control *
VNEN vuốt mắt * to close somebody’s eyes *
VNEN vào lúc thị trường đóng cửa * at the close of trading, at the end of the market day *
VNEN xiết chặt * to grab, draw tight, close (ranks) *
VNEN xử kín * to try or hear in camera or private, try or hear behind closed doors *
VNEN áp * (1) to press (up to, against), place against, approach, get close
(2) to detain
(3) to pawn
VNEN áp sát * to get close to, come alongside *
VNEN áp sát vào * to get close to *
VNEN ép sát * to press closely, press tightly *
VNEN ép sát xuống đất * pressed close to the ground *
VNEN đi sâu đi sát * to keep in close touch with *
VNEN đinh hương * close (kind of spice) *
VNEN đáo đầu * draw to a close, near its end *
VNEN đính * to enclose, attach *
VNEN đóng * to close, shut, build, drive (nail), play, act (in a play) *
VNEN đóng bít * to close up, fill a gap *
VNEN đóng cánh cửa * to close the door *
VNEN đóng cánh cửa lại * to close the door *
VNEN đóng cửa * to close the door, shut the door *
VNEN đóng cửa lại * to close the door *
VNEN đóng cửa đối với thế giới bên ngoài * to close the door on the outside world *
VNEN đóng khung * to circle, enclose, frame *
VNEN đóng miệng * to close one’s mouth, keep one’s mouth shut *
VNEN đúng * (1) correct, exact, sharp (of time), accurate, correct
(2) to bind (book); to close, shut; to pay; to build, (3) to fit with, go with, agree with, be in accord with
(4) to play (a role), act
VNEN đưa con người lại gần nhau hơn * to bring people closer together *
VNEN đạy * to close (with a lid) *
VNEN đặc kịt * compact, close, dense *
VNEN đứng gác * to close, cordon off *
VNEN đứng kề kề * to stand very close to *
VNEN ở khoảng cách gần * nearby, close by, short-range *
VNEN ở sát * to be close to *
VNEN hẹp lại * to make narrow, to begin to close *

GNOT: close (to) Spatial • distance
GNOT: to close Qualitative • accessibility
GNOT: closed Qualitative • accessibility
SNOT: closed Free time, entertainment • exhibitions, museums, etc.
SNOT: to close Free time, entertainment • exhibitions, museums, etc.

A1 close (adj.)
A1 close (v.)

OXF3000: gần close
OXF3000N gần (mqh) thân thiết chặt chẽ đóng khép kết thúc close

OTOP: close * Family and life stages Family background
OTOP: close * Family and life stages Friends
OTOP: close * Personality and emotio Embarrassment

BNC6000 : close [ Rank: 774 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : close [ Rank: 1277 ] adv 👪
BNC6000 : close [ Rank: 664 ] v 👪

OPD : Close your book. A classroom
OPD : closet A Bedroom

FN: close to a
FN: close a Social_connection
FN: close a Margin_of_resolution
FN: close a Attention
FN: close a Gradable_proximity
FN: close v Closure
FN: close v Body_movement
FN: close v Locale_closure

VSLW123 đây ☊ (S) this (here, close at hand) vsl1
VSLW123 bạn thân ☊ (S) close friend vsl1
VSLW123 đóng ☊ (S) to close vsl1
VSLW123 tủ ☊ (S) closet vsl2
VSLW123 thân (bạn...) ☊ (S) close (...friend) vsl2
VSLW123 đóng cửa ☊ (S) to close a door vsl2
VSLW123 bạn thân ☊ (S) closed friend vsl3
VSLW123 kế bên ☊ (S) nearby, closeby,close at hand vsl3
VSLW 45 bạn thân ☊ (S) close friend [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 chặt chẽ ☊ (S) closely, tightly [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 cận ☊ (S) close to, approaching to [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 giáp (cận) ☊ (S) close to [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bám sát ☊ (S) to stick, to follow closely [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 gắn bó ☊ (S) to be tight with ..., to be very closely connected with something [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 sát ☊ (S) close, closely [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 sát ☊ (S) closely [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 khui ☊ (S) to disclose [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 bị lộ ☊ (S) to be disclosed [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Thỉnh thoảng đi thăm một vài người bạn thân. Sometimes I go visit a few close friends. vsl2

50L Cửa nhà đã khóa. * The front door is closed. 019
50L Hãy đóng cửa sổ, trước khi bạn đi ra ngoài. * Close the window before you go out. 096