like: mở mang các thành phố
Intermediate Level Advanced Level
Composite Words Listening Comprehension Oxford Topics Duolingo Topics 315 Activities



VNEN mở mang các thành phố * urban development *

[ mở ] : to open, start, begin, turn on, set up

[ mang ] : to carry, wear, bear

[ các ] : (1) (pluralizer); these, various; (2) council chambers; (3) card; (4) to pay (additionally) as part of a deal

[ thành ] : (1) citadel, fortress, wall; (2) to, into; (3) to succeed; (4) to become; (5) honest, sincere

[ mở ] : open
[ mở ] : openly

[ mang ] : carry

[ các ] : the

[ thành ] : finished
