Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Bạn ở bao lâu? How long will you be staying? Wie lange bleiben Sie?
Tôi ở nhà. I’m staying at home. Ich bleibe zu Hause.
Chúng tôi thích ở trong nhà vào mùa đông. We like to stay home in winter. Im Winter bleiben wir gern zu Hause.
Tôi muốn ở nhà. I want to stay at home. Ich will zu Hause bleiben.
Bạn muốn ở lại đây không? Do you want to stay here? Willst du hier bleiben?
Bạn muốn ở lại đến mai không? Do you want to stay till tomorrow? Wollen Sie bis morgen bleiben?
Tại sao bạn không ở lại? Why don’t you stay? Warum bleibst du nicht?
Tôi không ở lại, bởi vì tôi còn phải làm việc nữa. I am not staying because I still have to work. Ich bleibe nicht, weil ich noch arbeiten muss.
Chúng tôi đã không định ở lâu. We did not want to stay long. Wir wollten nicht lange bleiben.
Trong kỳ nghỉ mấy đứa con tôi đã được phép ở ngoài lâu. During the holidays the children were allowed to remain outside late. In den Ferien durften die Kinder lange draußen bleiben.
Xin ông cứ ngồI, ông Müller! Remain seated, Mr. Miller! Bleiben Sie sitzen, Herr Müller!
Anh ấy nằm trên giường thay cho làm việc. He lies in bed instead of working. Er liegt im Bett, anstatt dass er arbeitet.
Anh ấy vẫn còn ở lại, mặc dù đã muộn rồi. He stayed a while although it was late. Er ist noch geblieben, obwohl es schon spät war.
Đã muộn / trễ rồi. Tuy vậy anh ấy vẫn còn ở lại. It was already late. Nevertheless, he stayed a while. Es war schon spät. Trotzdem ist er noch geblieben.
Bạn còn ở đây lâu nữa không? Will you stay here a little longer? Bleiben Sie noch lange hier?
Không, tôi không ở đây lâu nữa. No, I won’t stay here much longer. Nein, ich bleibe nicht mehr lange hier.
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

ils restent à l’école le plus longtemps possible + they remain at school as long as possible

il en reste du café ou pas? + is there some coffee left or not?

il restera pour quelques mois + he will stay for a few months

le temps qu’il te reste, trouve une solution + in the remaining time, find a solution

on va seulement rester quelques jours, ma chérie + we’re only going to stay a few days, my dear

moi je reste ici + I’m going to stay here

le marché des maisons est resté stable + the housing market has remained stable

c’est tout. le reste, je m’en fous + that’s all. for the rest, I couldn’t give a sh*t

elle n’a pas d’autres choix que de rester + she has no other choice but to stay

tu ne peux pas m’obliger à rester! + you can’t force me to stay!

le reste de la route était en construction + the rest of the road was under construction

il vous reste une minute pour conclure + you have one minute to conclude

cette soirée restera gravée dans nos mémoires + this evening will remain engraven in our memory

une émission de télé passe, les écrits restent + a TV show disappears, but writings persist

le couple qui prie ensemble reste ensemble + the couple that prays together stays together

il reste un chapitre à écrire + one chapter remains to be written

le jeune reste sous statut scolaire + the young man remains in student status

le ciel est resté bleu au-dessus de Paris + the sky remained blue over Paris

le reste se divisait en trois fractions sensiblement égales + the rest was divided in three largely equal amounts

ose me dire que tu vas rester ici! + dare to tell me that you will stay here!

je reste là. je ne bouge pas + I’ll stay here. I won’t budge

le marché reste très dynamique jusqu’à présent + the markets remain very volatile at present

la cause de ces troubles reste mal connue + the cause of these troubles remains relatively unknown

il ne leur reste donc qu’une option + so they only have one option left

ce que nous avons accompli reste insuffisant + what we accomplished is still inadequate

je ne peux pas rester debout, sans rien faire + I can’t remain standing, doing nothing

laisse-le tranquille, reste tranquille + leave it alone, settle down

les études sur les effets biologiques des radiations sont restées rares + studies on biological effects of radiation have been rare

les deux pieds doivent rester en permanence dans le triangle + both feet must remain in the triangle

la demande interne reste bridée par la montée du chômage + internal demand remains flat due to the climb in unemployment

ma curiosité reste insatisfaite sur certains points + my curiosity remains unsatisfied on a few points

l’ajustement reste aussi insuffisant + the adjustment is still inadequate

reste là. c’est un support moral + stay there. it’s a moral support

les prix resteront vraisemblablement stables + the prices will likely remain stable

trop de questions vont rester en suspens + too many questions will remain unresolved

éteignez les phares! restez où vous êtes! + turn off the lights! stay where you are!

mon objectif premier : rester authentique + my main objective: to remain authentic

le monde scientifique reste en majorité sceptique + the scientific world for the most part remains sceptical

après cela, je suis resté inconscient pendant 24 heures + afterwards, I was unconscious for 24 hours

elle reste extrêmement naïve sur le sujet + she remains extremely naïve on the topic

ce vice mineur me reste, la familiarité + I still have one minor vice: being too familiar

il reste à convaincre les indigènes de vendre leurs terres + the natives still have to be convinced to sell their lands

ils restèrent debout sur la plate-forme + they remained standing on the platform

l’accès en resterait théoriquement interdit aux femmes seules + access would theoretically remain forbidden to unaccompanied women

les négociateurs restent pratiquement muets + the negotiators are practically keeping mum

nous devons rester vigilants et critiques + we must remain vigilant and critical

le plasma reste confiné à la surface du solide + the plasma remains confined to the surface of the solid

je veux rester performant et ne pas avoir une fin de carrière + I want to stay productive and not have my career end

on dit que le spaghetti est cuit s’il reste collé + they say that spaghetti is cooked if it sticks together
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
Wordnet FrenchFra
reste +
reste +
reste +
reste +
reste +
reste +
reste +
reste +
reste +
reste +
reste +
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie