Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Tôi vẫn có nhiều lỗi lắm. I still make many mistakes. Ich mache noch viele Fehler.
Ngoài ra còn có cảnh đẹp nào nữa không? Are there any other places of interest? Welche Sehenswürdigkeiten gibt es außerdem noch?
Xin một phần sữa chua nữa ạ. Another yoghurt, please. Bitte noch einen Joghurt.
Xin muối và hạt tiêu nữa ạ. Some salt and pepper also, please. Bitte noch Salz und Pfeffer.
Xin một ly nước nữa ạ. Another glass of water, please. Bitte noch ein Glas Wasser.
Còn hai chỗ trống nữa không? Are there two seats available? Sind noch zwei Plätze frei?
Có còn vé cho nhà hát nữa không? Are tickets for the theatre / theater (am.) still available? Gibt es noch Karten fürs Theater?
Có còn vé xem phim không? Are tickets for the cinema / movies (am.) still available? Gibt es noch Karten fürs Kino?
Có còn vé xem thi đấu bóng đá không? Are tickets for the football / soccer am. game still available? Gibt es noch Karten für das Fußballspiel?
Còn chỗ trống không? Are seats still available? Gibt es noch freie Plätze?
Tôi chưa bao giờ ở đây. I’ve never been here before. Ich war noch nie hier.
Chưa, chưa xong. No, not yet. Nein, noch nicht.
Bạn có muốn thêm xúp nữa không? Do you want some more soup? Möchtest du noch Suppe?
Nhưng mà một xuất kem nữa. But another ice cream. Aber noch ein Eis.
70 năm về trước ông còn trẻ. 70 years ago he was still young. Vor 70 Jahren war er noch jung.
Tôi còn phải làm việc nữa. I still have to work. Ich muss noch arbeiten.
Tôi không ở lại, bởi vì tôi còn phải làm việc nữa. I am not staying because I still have to work. Ich bleibe nicht, weil ich noch arbeiten muss.
Tôi còn phải đi nữa. I have to drive. Ich muss noch fahren.
Tôi không uống, bởi vì tôi còn phải đi nữa. I’m not drinking it because I have to drive. Ich trinke es nicht, weil ich noch fahren muss.
Anh ấy vẫn còn ở lại, mặc dù đã muộn rồi. He stayed a while although it was late. Er ist noch geblieben, obwohl es schon spät war.
Đã muộn / trễ rồi. Tuy vậy anh ấy vẫn còn ở lại. It was already late. Nevertheless, he stayed a while. Es war schon spät. Trotzdem ist er noch geblieben.
Một lần rồi – chưa bao giờ already – not yet schon einmal – noch nie
Chưa, chưa bao giờ. No, not yet. Nein, noch nie.
Còn – không nữa a little longer – not much longer noch – nicht mehr
Bạn còn ở đây lâu nữa không? Will you stay here a little longer? Bleiben Sie noch lange hier?
Gì nữa – không gì nữa something else – nothing else noch etwas – nichts mehr
Bạn muốn uống gì nữa không? Would you like to drink something else? Möchten Sie noch etwas trinken?
Có gì rồi – chưa có gì hết something already – nothing yet schon etwas – noch nichts
Chưa, tôi chưa ăn gì hết. No, I haven’t eaten anything yet. Nein, ich habe noch nichts gegessen.
Ai nữa – không ai nữa. someone else – no one else noch jemand – niemand mehr
Có ai còn muốn cà phê nữa không? Does anyone else want a coffee? Möchte noch jemand einen Kaffee?
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * hai2 still/ yet/ even more/ also/ fairly 1. noch, nach wie vor 2.noch mehr 3. (sowohl..) als auch 4.leidlich, passabel, nicht sonderlich gut , aber auch nicht gerade schlecht 5. selbst, sogar siehe: huan4 +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

tu as encore menti à ta femme + you lied once again to your wife

il avait moins d’excuses encore que ses complices + he had even less excuses than his accomplices did

je peux, aujourd’hui encore, en réciter + even today I can still recite some of them

ces exemples sont encore bien pauvres + these examples are still very weak

encore une fois, j’exprime ma frustration + once again, I express my frustration

la jeune femme baisse encore un peu plus la tête + the young woman bows her head a little lower

nous serions encore à voter ce soir + we would still be here tonight voting

il veut y investir encore plus d’argent + he wants to invest even more money in it

j’avoue que j’étais encore plutôt naïf + I admit I was still somewhat naïve

apparemment, ces moulins tournent encore + apparently, these mills are still turning

encore une fois, j’insiste fortement + again, I strongly insist

l’anglais est encore plus latin que le français + English is more Latin than French is

leurs recherches sont encore au stade préliminaire + their research is still at the preliminary stage

nous avons encore un département de relation publique + we still have a public relations department

encore cinquante mètres et il tourna—à gauche + fifty more meters and he turned—to the left

ces problèmes sociaux sont des blessures qui ne sont pas encore guéries + these social problems are wounds that remain unhealed

le policier ignore si l’ordonnance est encore en vigueur + the policeman doesn’t know whether the ruling is still in effect

ma préférence va toujours et encore à la poésie + my preference is still and forever poetry

y a-t-il encore un pilote dans l’avion? + is there still a pilot in the airplane?

certaines attributions en matière nucléaire relèvent encore des états + some preroga- tives relative to nuclear power still depend on the states

le racisme, lui, subsiste encore + but racism still remains

en septembre, le dollar cotait encore 1.20 euro + In September, the dollar still stood at 1.20 euros

il vire encore une fois à droite + he turns right one more time

cette affirmation cache encore bien des ambiguïtés + this assertion still hides several ambiguities

j’ai tenté de grimper encore un échelon, pour lui échapper + I tried to crawl up one more rung to escape him

la police des mœurs harcèle encore les jeunes + the vice squad is still harassing the youth

j’ai encore vu un fantôme dans ma maison + I saw a ghost in my house again

pire encore, il est médiocre et inefficace + even worse, he is mediocre and inefficient

encore quelques minutes. les renforts arrivent + a few more minutes. the reinforcements are arriving

leur itinéraire n’est pas encore fixé + their itinerary is not yet set

le danger d’avalanches est encore faible + avalanche danger is still low

c’est vrai que les bons scores me font plaisir + it’s true that I enjoy good scores

par terre s’empilaient encore des paniers et des caisses + still more baskets and boxes were piling up on the ground

leur nombre est en déclin, mais ils sont encore assez nombreux + their number is declining, but they are still numerous enough

la jeunesse étudiante est encore une jeunesse dorée + student youthfulness is still golden youthfulness

nous voulons maintenant hisser la barre encore plus haut + now we want to raise the bar even higher
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
Wordnet FrenchFra
core +
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie