Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Ngày mai ở đây có một buổi tiệc. There’s a party here tomorrow. Morgen gibt es hier eine Party.
Ở gần đây có quán ăn không? Is there a restaurant nearby? Gibt es hier in der Nähe ein Restaurant?
Toa ăn ở đâu? – Ở đầu tầu. And where is the dining car? – At the front. Und wo ist der Speisewagen? – Am Anfang.
Ở đâu có quán ăn ngon không? Is there a good restaurant around here? Wo gibt es hier ein gutes Restaurant?
Ở kia có một quán ăn. There is a restaurant over there. Dort ist ein Restaurant.
Nhưng mà tôi sắp xong rồi. But I’ll be finished soon. Aber gleich bin ich fertig.
Tôi ngừng làm việc ngay khi nào tôi 60 tuổi. I will stop working as soon as I am 60. Ich höre auf zu arbeiten, sobald ich 60 bin.
Ngay khi nào tôi có một chút thì giờ. As soon as I have a moment. Sobald ich einen Moment Zeit habe.
Tôi đã ngủ quên, nếu không tôi đã đến đúng giờ. I overslept; otherwise I’d have been on time. Ich hatte verschlafen, sonst wäre ich pünktlich gewesen.
Tôi đã bị lỡ xe buýt, nếu không tôi đã đến đúng giờ. I missed the bus; otherwise I’d have been on time. Ich hatte den Bus verpasst, sonst wäre ich pünktlich gewesen.
Tôi đã không tìm thấy đường, nếu không tôi đã đến đúng giờ. I didn’t find the way / I got lost; otherwise I’d have been on time. Ich hatte den Weg nicht gefunden, sonst wäre ich pünktlich gewesen.
Bạn càng làm việc nhanh, bạn càng xong sớm. The faster you work, the earlier you will be finished. Je schneller du arbeitest, desto früher bist du fertig.
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

j’aurais donné ma vie pour lui + I would have given my life for him

t’aurais pu rencontrer mon copain + you could’ve met my buddy

tu aurais dû me tuer quand tu en as eu l’occasion + you should have killed me when you had the chance

ensuite il va au restaurant + then he’s going to the restaurant

cela n’aurait évidemment rien empêché + apparently that wouldn’t have prevented anything

le vote aura lieu aujourd’hui + the vote will take place today

je n’aurais qu’à décrire ce que je voyais + all I had to do was describe what I saw

il aurait mieux fait d’étudier sérieusement + it would have been better for him to have studied seriously

le transfert aura lieu sous deux semaines + the transfer will take place in two weeks

cela aura un impact sur la consommation + this will have an impact on consumption

la cérémonie aurait dû se dérouler la veille + the ceremony should have taken place the night before

un héros lui aurait sauvé la vie + a hero would have saved her life

il y aurait eu un petit scandale dans le famille + there was a little scandal in the family

j’aurais aimé qu’il soit des nôtres + I would have preferred him to be on our side

fermez bien les volets, il y aura de la tempête + close the shutters tightly, a storm is coming

il l’aura l’autorité légitime de le faire + he will have the legitimate authority to do so

on aurait sûrement des images satellites animées + we must surely have animated satellite imagery

j’avais pensé l’emmener au restaurant + I thought about taking her out to the restaurant

l’univers est stable et l’homme y aura toujours sa place + the universe is stable and mankind will always have its place

il y aura une révision périodique du régime + there will be periodic regime change

selon le reportage, son intervention aurait été annulée + according to the report his talk was canceled

le feu a démarré dans l’escalier d’un restaurant + the fire broke out in the stairwell of a restaurant

il lui a prédit qu’elle aurait un enfant + he predicted that she would have a child

le contraire aurait été moins surprenant + the opposite would have been less surprising

cela aurait pour effet de relancer l’économie + this will produce an economic recovery

une vingtaine de personnes auraient été interpellées + about 20 persons were apparently summoned

je donnerais ma chemise à quiconque en aurait besoin + I would give my shirt to anyone who needed it

on n’aurait pas fait mieux nous-mêmes + we wouldn’t have done better ourselves

cet assassinat n’aurait pas de motivations politiques + this assassination presumably lacks political motives

une fois qu’on aura balayé, ce sera à nouveau impeccable + once we’ve swept it, it will be impeccable again

j’aurais dû enlever mon manteau et le jeter par la fenêtre + I should have removed my coat and thrown it out the window

il aurait organisé l’acheminement des explosifs + he allegedly organized the shipment of explosives

jamais je ne vous aurais insulté de propos délibérés + I never would have insulted you deliberately

on ne saurait trouver de justification au terrorisme + there’s no justification for terrorism

la restauration emploie beaucoup de jeunes + catering employs many young people

il aurait dû me léguer la maison tout entière + he should have bequeathed me the whole house

j’aurais appris à faire du beurre, du fromage + I would have learned to make butter and cheese

il n’y aura pas d’élargissement de la Communauté + there will be no expansion of the Community

tu aurais dû nous en aviser + you should have told us about it

les insultes ne sauraient se substituer + the insults can’t be smoothed over

le compromis danois aura un statut équivalent + the Danish compromise will have an equivalent status

quand tu auras soixante-dix ans, tu seras toujours toi + when you’re seventy years old, you’ll still be yourself

mon père m’aurait sévèrement corrigé + my father would have severely disciplined me

il y aura aussi un régime d’harmonisation des lois environnementales + there will also be a system for harmonizing environmental laws
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
Wordnet FrenchFra
aura +
aura +
aura +
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie