VNEN hay lắm * very good * 103 VNEN khá lắm * very good * 103


11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Ja, sehr gut! Yes, very good. Vâng rất tốt.
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
025 0452
Your pronunciation is very good.
056 1073
This is very good quality.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B04 43 1193
你 喜欢 这部 电影 吗 ? — 喜欢 , 我 觉得很不错 。 + คุณชอบภาพยนตร์ไหม - ใช่ฉันคิดว่ามันดีมาก + Cậu có thích bộ phim không? Có, tôi nghĩ là nó rất hay. + Did you like the movie? — Yes, I thought it was very good. + Hat Ihnen der Film gefallen? Ja, ich fand es sehr gut. + Ti è piaciuto il film? Sì, pensavo che fosse molto buono. + Tu as aimé le film? Oui, je pensais que c'était très bien. + ¿Te gustó la película? Sí, me pareció muy bueno. + Had je de film leuk gevonden? Ja, ik vond het erg goed. + (ní xǐhuan· zhèbù diànyǐng mā? — xǐhuan·, wǒ juéde· hěnbúcuò.)
B08 33 1383
你 会 游泳 吗 ? — 会 , 但 游得 不是 很好。 + คุณว่ายน้ำเป็นหรือไม่? - ใช่ แต่ฉันไม่ใช่นักว่ายน้ำที่เก่งมาก + Cậu có biết bơi không? - Có nhưng tôi bơi không giỏi lắm. + Can you swim? — Yes, but I'm not a very good swimmer. + Kannst du schwimmen? Ja, aber ich bin kein sehr guter Schwimmer. + Riesci a nuotare? Sì, ma non sono un nuotatore molto buono. + Tu sais nager? Oui, mais je ne suis pas un très bon nageur. + ¿Sabes nadar? Sí, pero no soy muy buen nadador. + Kun je zwemmen? Ja, maar ik ben geen goede zwemmer. + ( nǐ huì yóuyǒng mā? — huì, dàn yóude· búshì hénhǎo.)
B09 47 1447
网球 选手 必须 打得 非常 好 才能 成为 职业选手 。 + นักเทนนิสต้องเล่นได้ดีมาก + Một tay quần vợt phải rất giỏi mới có thể chơi chuyên quản lý. + A tennis player must be very good to play professionally. + Ein Tennisspieler muss sehr gut sein, um professionell zu spielen. + Un giocatore di tennis deve essere molto buono per giocare professionalmente. + Un joueur de tennis doit être très bon pour jouer professionnellement. + Un tenista debe ser muy bueno para jugar profesionalmente. + Een tennisspeler moet erg goed zijn om professioneel te spelen. + (wǎngqiú xuǎnshǒu bìxū dǎde· fēicháng hǎo cáinéng chéngwéi zhíyè xuǎnshǒu.)
B10 27 1477
这 是 一本 好书 , 你 该读一读 。 + เป็นหนังสือที่ดีมาก คุณควรอ่านมัน + Quyển sách này rất hay. Cậu nên đọc nó. + It's a very good book. You should read it. + Es ist ein sehr gutes Buch. Du solltest es lesen. + È un libro molto buono. Dovresti leggerlo. + C'est un très bon livre. Tu devrais le lire. + Es un libro muy bueno. Deberías leerlo. + Het is een heel goed boek. U moet het lezen. + ( zhè shì yìbén hǎoshū, nǐ gāidúyīdú.)
B11 11 1511
我 眼睛 不太好 , 我 须要 戴 眼镜儿 。 + ตาของฉันไม่ดีมาก ฉันต้องสวมแว่นตา + Mắt tôi không được tốt lắm. Tôi phải đeo kính. + My eyes are not very good. I have to wear glasses. + Meine Augen sind nicht sehr gut. Ich muss eine Brille tragen. + I miei occhi non sono molto buoni. Devo indossare occhiali. + Mes yeux ne sont pas très bons. Je dois porter des lunettes. + Mis ojos no son muy buenos. Tengo que llevar gafas. + Mijn ogen zijn niet erg goed. Ik moet een bril dragen. + ( wó yǎnjīng bútàihǎo, wǒ xūyào dài yǎnjìngr.)
B18 20 1870
你 会 弹 钢琴 , 对 吧 ? — 嗯 , 但 我 弹得 不太好 。 + คุณสามารถเล่นเปียโนได้หรือไม่? - ใช่ แต่ฉันไม่ค่อยดี + Cậu biết chơi dương cầm phải không? - Đúng, nhưng tôi không giỏi lắm. + You can play the piano, can't you? — Yes, but I'm not very good. + Du kannst Klavier spielen, nicht wahr? Ja, aber ich bin nicht sehr gut. + Si può suonare il pianoforte, non è possibile? Sì, ma non sono molto buono. + Tu peux jouer du piano, n'est-ce pas? Oui, mais je ne suis pas très bon. + Puedes tocar el piano, ¿verdad? Sí, pero no soy muy bueno. + Je kunt piano spelen, nietwaar? Ja, maar ik ben niet erg goed. + ( nǐ huì tán gāngqín, duì ba·? — ń, dàn wǒ tánde· bútàihǎo.)
B18 23 1873
电影 不好看 吧 ? — 嗯 , 非常 烂 。 + ภาพยนตร์เรื่องนี้ไม่ค่อยดีเท่าไหร่? - ไม่เป็นไร + Bộ phim không hay lắm phải không? - Phải, chán kinh khủng. + The movie wasn't very good, was it? — No, it was terrible. + Der Film war nicht sehr gut, oder? Nein, es war schrecklich. + Il film non era molto buono, era vero? No, era terribile. + Le film n'était pas très bon, hein? Non, c'était terrible. + La película no fue muy buena, ¿verdad? No, fue terrible. + De film was niet erg goed, toch? Nee, het was verschrikkelijk. + ( diànyǐng bùhǎokàn ba·? — ń, fēicháng làn.)
B20 8 1958
你 在 试穿 新外套 , 但 不太喜欢 。 你 说:" 我 穿起来 不怎么 好看 吧 ?" + คุณกำลังลองเสื้อใหม่และไม่ชอบมัน คุณพูดว่า "นี่ดูไม่ค่อยดีกับฉันใช่ไหม?" + Bạn đang thử một chiếc áo khoác mới và bạn không thích nó. Bạn nói: "Cái này tôi mặc trông không đẹp lắm nhỉ?" + You're trying on a new jacket and don't like it. You say, "This doesn't look very good on me, does it?" + Du probierst eine neue Jacke an und magst sie nicht. Du sagst:"Das steht mir nicht besonders gut, oder?" + Stai cercando una nuova giacca e non ti piace. Tu dici:"Questo non mi sembra molto bello, lo fa? + Vous essayez une nouvelle veste et vous n'aimez pas ça. Tu dis:"Ça ne me va pas très bien, hein?" + Te estás probando una chaqueta nueva y no te gusta. Dices:"Esto no me queda muy bien, ¿verdad?" + Je probeert een nieuw jasje aan en houdt er niet van. Je zegt,"Dit ziet er niet erg goed uit op mij,"? + (nǐ zài shìchuān xīnwàitào, dàn bútàixǐhuan·. nǐ shuō:" wǒ chuānqǐlái bùzěnme hǎokàn ba·? ")
C04 14 2164
安娜斯塔西亚 是个 不错的 学生 , 她 肯定 能通过 考试 。 + Anastasia เป็นนักเรียนที่ดีมาก เธอต้องผ่านการสอบ + Mông lớn là một học sinh rất giỏi. Cô ấy chắc chắn sẽ qua kì thi. + Anastasia's a very good student. She's bound to pass the exam. + Anastasia ist eine sehr gute Schülerin. Sie muss die Prüfung bestehen. + Anastasia è uno studente molto buono. È tenuta a superare l' esame. + Anastasia est une très bonne élève. Elle doit passer l'examen. + Anastasia es muy buena estudiante. Está obligada a aprobar el examen. + Anastasia is een zeer goede student. Ze moet het examen halen. + ( ānnàsītǎxīyǎ shìge· búcuòde· xuéshēng, tā kěndìng néngtōngguò kǎoshì.)
C05 36 2236
我们的 旅行 很不错 。 + เรามีการเดินทางที่ดีมาก + Chúng tôi đã có một chuyến đi rất hay. + We had a very good trip. + Wir hatten eine sehr gute Reise. + Abbiamo avuto un viaggio molto buono. + Nous avons fait un très bon voyage. + Tuvimos un muy buen viaje. + We hadden een zeer goede reis. + ( wǒmen·de· lǚxíng hěnbúcuò.)
C08 7 2357
电影 本身 没有 特别 好看 , 但 我 喜欢 它的配乐 。 + ภาพยนตร์เรื่องนี้ไม่ค่อยดีนัก แต่ฉันชอบเพลง + Bản thân bộ phim thì không hay lắm nhưng tôi thích phần nhạc. + The movie itself wasn't very good, but I loved the music. + Der Film selbst war nicht sehr gut, aber ich liebte die Musik. + Il film in sé non era molto buono, ma ho amato la musica. + Le film lui-même n'était pas très bon, mais j'ai adoré la musique. + La película en sí no era muy buena, pero me encantaba la música. + De film zelf was niet erg goed, maar ik hield van de muziek. + (diànyíng běnshēn méiyǒu tèbié hǎokàn, dàn wó xǐhuan· tāde· pèiyuè.)
C08 32 2382
新的 餐厅 非常 好 , 我 昨天晚上 去了 那里吃饭 。 + ร้านอาหารใหม่เป็นสิ่งที่ดีมาก ฉันไปที่นั่นเมื่อคืนนี้ + Cái nhà hàng mới rất tuyệt. Tôi đã đến đấy tối qua. + The new restaurant is very good. I went there last night. + Das neue Restaurant ist sehr gut. Ich war letzte Nacht dort. + Il nuovo ristorante è molto buono. Sono andato lì ieri sera. + Le nouveau restaurant est très bon. J' y suis allé hier soir. + El nuevo restaurante es muy bueno. Fui allí anoche. + Het nieuwe restaurant is zeer goed. Ik ben er gisteravond geweest. + (xīnde· cāntīng fēicháng hǎo, wǒ zuótiānwǎnshàng qùle· nàli· chīfàn.)
C09 38 2438
这两家 餐厅 都 非常 不错 。 + ร้านอาหารทั้งสองแห่งดีมาก ร้านอาหารทั้งสองแห่งนี้ดีมาก + Cả hai nhà hàng đều rất tốt. > Cả hai nhà hàng này đều rất tốt. + Both restaurants are very good. — Both of these restaurants are very good. + Beide Restaurants sind sehr gut. Beide Restaurants sind sehr gut. + Entrambi i ristoranti sono molto buoni. Entrambi questi ristoranti sono molto buoni. + Les deux restaurants sont très bons. Ces deux restaurants sont très bons. + Ambos restaurantes son muy buenos. Ambos restaurantes son muy buenos. + Beide restaurants zijn zeer goed. Beide restaurants zijn zeer goed. + (zhèliǎngjiā cāntīng dōu fēicháng búcuò.)
C10 10 2460
公共汽车服务 非常 好 , 每 十 分钟 就 有 一趟 车 。 + บริการรถประจำทางดีมาก มีรถบัสทุกสิบ (10) นาที + Dịch vụ xe bus rất tốt. Cứ mười phút lại có một xe bus. + The bus service is very good. There's a bus every ten (10) minutes. + Die Busverbindung ist sehr gut. Alle zehn (10) Minuten fährt ein Bus. + Il servizio di autobus è molto buono. C' è un autobus ogni dieci (10) minuti. + Le service de bus est très bon. Il y a un bus toutes les dix (10) minutes. + El servicio de autobús es muy bueno. Hay un autobús cada diez (10) minutos. + De busdienst is zeer goed. Er is om de tien (10) minuten een bus. + (gōnggòngqìchēfúwù fēicháng hǎo, měi shí fēnzhōng jiù yǒu yítàng chē.)
C12 12 2562
维塔莱 很 擅长讲 有趣的 故事 , 他 可以 非常 风趣 。 + ไวเทลดีมากในการเล่าเรื่องตลก เขาน่าขบขันมาก + Vitale rất giỏi kể chuyện cười. Anh ấy rất hài hước. + Vitale is very good at telling funny stories. He can be very amusing. + Vitale ist sehr gut darin, lustige Geschichten zu erzählen. Er kann sehr amüsant sein. + Vitale è molto bravo a raccontare storie divertenti. Può essere molto divertente. + Vitale est très douée pour raconter des histoires drôles. Il peut être très amusant. + Vitale es muy bueno contando historias graciosas. Puede ser muy divertido. + Vitale is erg goed in het vertellen van grappige verhalen. Hij kan erg amusant zijn. + (wéitǎlái hěn shànchángjiáng yǒuqùde· gùshì, tā kéyǐ fēicháng fēngqù.)
Cái khách sạn này chả tốt lắm. Tại sao nó lại đắt thế? + This hotel isn't very good. Why is it so expensive?
Chúng tôi đã đi xem phim, nhưng bộ phim không hay lắm. Chúng tôi không thích nó. + We went to the movies, but the film wasn't very good. We did not enjoy it.
Thời tiết hôm qua không tốt lắm. + The weather wasn't very good yesterday.
Cậu có thích bộ phim không? Có, tôi nghĩ là nó rất hay. + Did you like the movie? — Yes, I thought it was very good.
Cậu có biết bơi không? - Có nhưng tôi bơi không giỏi lắm. + Can you swim? — Yes, but I'm not a very good swimmer.
Một tay quần vợt phải rất giỏi mới có thể chơi chuyên quản lý. + A tennis player must be very good to play professionally.
Quyển sách này rất hay. Cậu nên đọc nó. + It's a very good book. You should read it.
Mắt tôi không được tốt lắm. Tôi phải đeo kính. + My eyes are not very good. I have to wear glasses.
Cậu biết chơi dương cầm phải không? - Đúng, nhưng tôi không giỏi lắm. + You can play the piano, can't you? — Yes, but I'm not very good.
Bộ phim không hay lắm phải không? - Phải, chán kinh khủng. + The movie wasn't very good, was it? — No, it was terrible.
Bạn đang thử một chiếc áo khoác mới và bạn không thích nó. Bạn nói: "Cái này tôi mặc trông không đẹp lắm nhỉ?" + You're trying on a new jacket and don't like it. You say, "This doesn't look very good on me, does it?"
Mông lớn là một học sinh rất giỏi. Cô ấy chắc chắn sẽ qua kì thi. + Anastasia's a very good student. She's bound to pass the exam.
Chúng tôi đã có một chuyến đi rất hay. + We had a very good trip.
Bản thân bộ phim thì không hay lắm nhưng tôi thích phần nhạc. + The movie itself wasn't very good, but I loved the music.
Cái nhà hàng mới rất tuyệt. Tôi đã đến đấy tối qua. + The new restaurant is very good. I went there last night.
Cả hai nhà hàng đều rất tốt. > Cả hai nhà hàng này đều rất tốt. + Both restaurants are very good. — Both of these restaurants are very good.
Dịch vụ xe bus rất tốt. Cứ mười phút lại có một xe bus. + The bus service is very good. There's a bus every ten (10) minutes.
Vitale rất giỏi kể chuyện cười. Anh ấy rất hài hước. + Vitale is very good at telling funny stories. He can be very amusing.

Chúng tôi rất tốt. + We are very good.

Chơi thể thao rất tốt cho các đứa trẻ. + Playing sports is very good for the children.

Cô ấy là một diễn viên rất giỏi + She is a very good actress.

Tôi đang trong tâm trạng rất tốt. + I am in a very good mood
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-10 prima + very good +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 8-1 Sie tanzt sehr gut.  + tanzen She's a very good dancer.  Cô ấy là một vũ công rất tốt. +
Exercise 8-2 Das Konzert war sehr gut. + Konzert The concert was very good. Buổi hòa nhạc rất hay. +
Exercise 10-9 Dieses Parfüm riecht sehr gut.  + riechen* This perfume smells very good.  Nước hoa này có mùi rất tốt. +
Exercise 13-2 In diesem Restaurant gibt es sehr guten Wein.  + Wein There is very good wine in this restaurant.  Có rất tốt rượu vang trong nhà hàng này. +
Exercise 13-6 Mein Neffe ist in Mathematik sehr gut. + Mathematik My nephew is very good at mathematics. Cháu trai của tôi rất giỏi toán học. +
Exercise 13-8 Eva hat immer sehr gute Noten in Mathematik.  + Note Eva always has very good grades in mathematics.  Eva luôn có điểm số rất tốt trong toán học. +
Exercise 16-2 Meine Tochter kann sehr gut zeichnen.  + zeichnen My daughter is very good at drawing.  Con gái tôi rất giỏi vẽ. +
Exercise 20-4 In Deutsch ist Ihr Sohn sehr gut, aber in Mathematik sind seine Leistungen nur durchschnittlich.  + durchschnittlich In German your son is very good, but in mathematics his achievements are only average.  Ở Đức con trai của bạn rất tốt, nhưng trong toán học thành tích của ông chỉ là trung bình. +
Exercise 21-7 Dieser Film hat sehr gute Kritiken bekommen.  + Kritik This movie got very good reviews.  Bộ phim này có đánh giá rất tốt. +
Exercise 22-1 Ich habe mich sehr gut mit ihm unterhalten.  + unterhalten*  I had a very good conversation with him.  Tôi đã có một cuộc trò chuyện rất tốt với anh ta. +
Exercise 22-8 Die Verbindung ist sehr gut. Ich kann direkt fahren und muss nicht umsteigen.  + Verbindung The connection is very good. I can drive directly and don't have to change trains.  Kết nối là rất tốt. Tôi có thể lái xe trực tiếp và không phải thay đổi tàu hỏa. +
Exercise 23-1 Eine Tante von mir war Beamtin und bekommt jetzt eine sehr gute Pension.  + Pension An aunt of mine was an officer and now she's getting a very good pension.  Một cô của tôi là một sĩ quan và bây giờ cô ấy đang nhận được một khoản trợ cấp rất tốt. +
Exercise 24-2 Diese Metzgerei hat sehr gute Wurst. + Metzgerei This butcher's shop has very good sausage. Cửa hàng bán thịt này có xúc xích rất tốt. +
Exercise 25-4 Der Film war toll. Die Schauspieler waren sehr gut.  + Schauspieler The movie was great. The actors were very good.  Bộ phim là tuyệt vời. Các diễn viên rất tốt. +
Exercise 26-9 Wir haben in unserem Betrieb sehr gute Arbeitsbedingungen.  + Bedingung We have very good working conditions in our company.  Chúng tôi có điều kiện làm việc rất tốt trong công ty của chúng tôi. +
Exercise 31-8 Es war eine tolle Party. Die Stimmung war sehr gut.  + Stimmung It was a great party. The atmosphere was very good.  Đó là một bữa tiệc tuyệt vời. Bầu không khí rất tốt. +
Exercise 32-6 Der Film ist sehr gut, zumindest sagt das Peter.  + zumindest The movie is very good, at least that's what Peter says.  Bộ phim rất hay, ít nhất đó là những gì Peter nói. +
Exercise 36-2 Das neue Waschmittel ist sehr gut.  + Mittel The new detergent is very good.  Các chất tẩy rửa mới là rất tốt. +
Exercise 38-7 Er hat heute sehr gute Laune. + Laune He's in a very good mood today. Anh ấy đang trong tình trạng rất tốt hôm nay. +
Exercise 44-5 Unsere Tochter ist sehr intelligent. Sie kann sehr gut rechnen.  + intelligent Our daughter is very intelligent. She's very good at math.  Con gái chúng ta rất thông minh. Cô ấy rất giỏi toán. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Education sehr gut + very good (top formal grade) + Assessment and qualifications B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
always + This painting is very good—Ellie always was very good at art (= so it is not very surprising). Dieses Gemälde ist sehr gut - Ellie war schon immer sehr gut in der Kunst (= also nicht sehr überraschend).
bone + She had a beautiful face with very good bone structure. Sie hatte ein wunderschönes Gesicht mit sehr guter Knochenstruktur.
card + I've never been very good at cards. Ich war noch nie sehr gut im Kartenspielen.
chance + chance of sth: Nowadays a premature baby has a very good chance of survival. Chance auf etw.: Heutzutage hat ein Frühgeborenes eine sehr gute Überlebenschance.
company + The children are very good company (= pleasant to be with) at this age. Die Kinder sind in diesem Alter sehr gute Gesellschaft (= angenehme Gesellschaft).
condition + Conditions are ideal (= the weather is very good) for sailing today. Die Bedingungen sind ideal (= das Wetter ist sehr gut) für das Segeln heute.
drawing + I'm not very good at drawing. Ich bin nicht sehr gut im Zeichnen.
employer + They're very good employers (= they treat the people that work for them well). Sie sind sehr gute Arbeitgeber (= sie behandeln die Leute, die für sie arbeiten, gut).
fit + It was a meal fit for a king (= of very good quality). Es war eine Mahlzeit für einen König (= von sehr guter Qualität).
good + good (to sb): He was very good to me when I was ill. gut (zu jdm.): Er war sehr gut zu mir, als ich krank war.
good + good (of sb) (to do sth): It was very good of you to come. Gut von jdm. (von jdm.) (etw. tun): Es war sehr nett von Ihnen zu kommen.
good + good (about sth): I had to take a week off work but my colleagues were very good about it. gut (über etw.): Ich musste eine Woche frei nehmen, aber meine Kollegen hatten kein Problem damit.
good + He is a very good man. Er ist ein sehr guter Mann.
good + He's very good with children. Er kann sehr gut mit Kindern umgehen.
good + This is very good news. Das sind sehr gute Nachrichten.
good + Sorry, my English is not very good. Tut mir leid, mein Englisch ist nicht sehr gut.
handle + She's very good at handling her patients. Sie ist sehr gut darin, mit ihren Patienten umzugehen.
highly + His teachers think very highly of him (= have a very good opinion of him). Seine Lehrer schätzen ihn sehr (= eine sehr gute Meinung von ihm haben).
job + He certainly knows his job (= is very good at his job). Er kennt seinen Job (= ist sehr gut in seinem Job).
no + 'It's not very good, is it?' 'No, you're right, it isn't (= I agree).' Es ist nicht sehr gut, oder? "Nein, du hast Recht, das stimmt nicht."
part + She was very good in the part. Sie war sehr gut in der Rolle.
reason + We have every reason (= have very good reasons) to feel optimistic. Wir haben allen Grund (= sehr gute Gründe), optimistisch zu sein.
save + I'm not very good at saving. Ich bin nicht sehr gut im Sparen.
sense + He has a very good sense of direction (= finds the way to a place easily). Er hat einen sehr guten Orientierungssinn (= findet den Weg zu einem Ort leicht).
sight + She has very good sight. Sie hat sehr gute Sicht.
smell + Dogs have a very good sense of smell. Hunde haben einen sehr guten Geruchssinn.
taste + He has very good taste in music. Er hat einen sehr guten Musikgeschmack.
well + These animals make very good pets if treated well (= with kindness). Diese Tiere sind sehr gute Haustiere, wenn sie gut behandelt werden (= mit Freundlichkeit).
while + While Tom's very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless. Tom ist zwar sehr gut in der Wissenschaft, aber sein Bruder ist absolut hoffnungslos.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
587 身体 情况 良好 + You're in very good health.
620 音乐 好听 + The music is very good.
861 木头 建筑 材料 + Wood is a very good construction material.
1003 这些 丝绸 品质 + The quality of the silk is very good.
1101 发达 国家 社会 福利 + Social benefits in the developed countries are very good.
1289 身体 情况 良好 + Your health is very good.
1833 方案 + Hmm, this is a very good plan.
2181 女儿 + My daughter is a very good girl.
2353 平衡 能力 + Her balance is very good.
2705 郊外 空气 + The air in the suburbs is very good.

您的身体情况良好。 nín de shēntǐ qíngkuàng liánghǎo. You're in very good health. Sie sind bei guter Gesundheit.
音乐很好听。 Yīnyuè hěn hǎotīng. The music is very good. Die Musik ist sehr gut.
木头是很好的建筑材料。 Mùtou shì hěn hǎo de jiànzhù cáiliào. Wood is a very good construction material. Holz ist ein sehr guter Baustoff.
这些丝绸的品质很好。 Zhèxiē sīchóu de pǐnzhì hěn hǎo. The quality of the silk is very good. Die Qualität der Seide ist sehr gut.
发达国家的社会福利很好。 Fādá guójiā de shèhuì fúlì hěn hǎo. Social benefits in the developed countries are very good. Die Sozialleistungen in den entwickelten Ländern sind sehr gut.
你的身体情况良好。 Nǐ de shēntǐ qíngkuàng liánghǎo. Your health is very good. Deine Gesundheit ist sehr gut.
嗯,这个方案很好! 【◎Fix:◎Ǹg;◎Ňg;◎Ńg】,zhège fāng'àn hěn hǎo! Hmm, this is a very good plan. Hmm, das ist ein sehr guter Plan.
我的女儿很乖。 Wǒ de nǚ'ér hěn guāi. My daughter is a very good girl. Meine Tochter ist ein sehr braves Mädchen.
她的平衡能力很好。 Tā de pínghéng nénglì hěn hǎo. Her balance is very good. Ihre Balance ist sehr gut.
郊外的空气很好。 Jiāowài de kōngqì hěn hǎo. The air in the suburbs is very good. Die Luft in den Vororten ist sehr gut.
Lesson 001. Greetings in Chinese.
hen3 hao3 + very good
Lesson 030. Quick Review. Directions and Location.
di2que4 hen3 hao3 + indeed very good
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
Zhi4liang4 hen3 hao3. + The quality is very good.
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
Zhe4li3 de huan2jing4 hen3 hao3. + The environment here is very good.
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
Wo3 de sheng1huo2 hen3 hao3. + My life is very good.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
ting2 hao3 de + very good
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Ni3men de jian4shen1fang2 que4shi2 hen3 bu4cuo4. + Your gym is indeed very good.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

nous ne faisons pas du très bon travail + we are not doing very good work

j’ai été bonne? très, très bonne + was I good? very, very good
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