VNEN cao lâu * restaurant * 103 VNEN hiệu ăn * restaurant * 103 VNEN hàng cơm * restaurant * 103 VNEN hàng ăn * restaurant * 103 VNEN phạn điếm * restaurant * 103 VNEN tiệm ăn * restaurant * 103

1 饭馆 fan4 guan3 restaurant/ CL:家[jia1]
5 餐厅 can1 ting1 dining-hall/ dining-room/ restaurant/ CL:間|间[jian1];家[jia1]
6 打包 da3 bao1 to wrap/ to pack/ to ask for a doggy bag (at a restaurant)

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET nhà hàng restaurant

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
030 0560
Is there a restaurant nearby?
042 0785
Is there a good restaurant around here?
045 0857
There is a restaurant over there.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A02 26 76
这是 间 连锁餐厅 。 + นี่คือร้านอาหารแฟรนไชส์ + Đây là một nhà hàng nhượng quyền thương mại. + This is a franchise restaurant. + Das ist ein Franchise-Restaurant. + Questo è un ristorante in franchising. + C'est un restaurant franchisé. + Este es un restaurante de franquicia. + Dit is een franchiserestaurant. + ( zhèshì jiān liánsuǒcāntīng.)
A07 14 314
我 觉得 这间 餐厅的 水准 比较高 。 + ฉันคิดว่าร้านนี้มีมาตรฐานสูง + Tôi nghĩ rằng nhà hàng này có tiêu chuẩn cao. + I think this restaurant's got high standards. + Ich denke, dieses Restaurant hat einen hohen Standard. + Penso che questo ristorante abbia standard elevati. + Je pense que ce restaurant a des standards élevés. + Creo que este restaurante tiene altos estándares. + Ik denk dat dit restaurant hoge normen heeft gekregen. + ( wǒ juéde· zhèjiān cāntīngde· shuǐzhǔn bǐjiàogāo.)
A11 40 540
车站 那边 新开了 一间 麻辣火锅 , 你 吃过了吗 ? + มีร้านอาหารหม้อร้อนรสเผ็ดใหม่ที่สถานีคุณเคยลองไหม + Có một nhà hàng nóng cay nóng của nhà ga, bạn đã thử nó? + There's a new spicy hot pot restaurant by the station, have you tried it? + Es gibt ein neues scharfes Hot Pot Restaurant am Bahnhof, hast du es schon mal ausprobiert? + C' è un nuovo ristorante di pentola piccante dalla stazione, l' avete provato? + Il y a un nouveau restaurant épicé près de la gare, tu as essayé? + Hay un nuevo restaurante picante en la estación, ¿lo has probado? + Er is een nieuw pittig heet potrestaurant bij het station, heeft u het geprobeerd? + ( chēzhàn nàbiān xīnkāile· yìjiān málàhuǒguō, nǐ chīguòle· mā?)
A11 41 541
我 不喜欢 去吃 烧烤 , 因为 吃完 衣服 都是味道 。 + ฉันไม่ชอบกินอาหารที่ร้านย่างเพราะมันทำให้เสื้อผ้าของฉันเหม็นมากขึ้น + Tôi không thích ăn ở một nhà hàng nướng 'vì nó stinks lên quần áo của tôi. + I don't like to eat at a grill restaurant 'cause it stinks up my clothes. + Ich mag es nicht, in einem Grillrestaurant zu essen, weil es meine Kleidung stinkt. + Non mi piace mangiare in un ristorante alla griglia' causa che puzza i miei vestiti. + Je n'aime pas manger au restaurant du grill parce que ça pue dans mes vêtements. + No me gusta comer en un restaurante a la parrilla porque apesta mi ropa. + Ik eet niet graag bij een grillrestaurant' want het stinkt mijn kleren op. + ( wǒ bùxǐhuan· qùchī shāokǎo, yīnwèi chīwán yīfú dōushì wèidào.)
B01 4 1004
她 五 年前 是 餐厅的 服务员 。 + เมื่อห้าปีก่อนเธอเป็นพนักงานเสิร์ฟในร้านอาหาร + Năm năm về trước cô ấy làm hầu bàn trong một nhà hàng. + Five years ago she was a waitress in a restaurant. + Vor fünf Jahren war sie Kellnerin in einem Restaurant. + Cinque anni fa era cameriera in un ristorante. + Il y a cinq ans, elle était serveuse dans un restaurant. + Hace cinco años era camarera en un restaurante. + Vijf jaar geleden was ze serveerster in een restaurant. + (tā wǔ niánqián shì cāntīngde· fúwùyuán.)
B08 22 1372
听说 你 赢了 钱 , 你 要用 这些 钱 来做 什么 ? — 我 还没 决定 , 可能会 开个 餐厅。 + ฉันได้ยินว่าคุณได้เงินมาบ้าง คุณจะทำอะไรกับมัน? - ฉันยังไม่ตัดสินใจ ฉันอาจจะเปิดร้านอาหาร + Tôi nghe nói cậu thắng được ít tiền. Cậu định làm gì với số tiền đấy? - Tôi chưa quyết định. Có thể tôi sẽ mở nhà hàng. + I hear you won some money. What are you going to do with it? — I haven't decided yet. I might open a restaurant. + Wie ich höre, hast du etwas Geld gewonnen. Was wirst du damit machen? Ich habe mich noch nicht entschieden. Vielleicht eröffne ich ein Restaurant. + Sento che lei ha vinto un po' di soldi. Cosa ne farete? Non ho ancora deciso. Potrei aprire un ristorante. + Il paraît que tu as gagné de l'argent. Qu'allez-vous en faire? Je n'ai pas encore décidé. Je pourrais ouvrir un restaurant. + He oído que ganaste algo de dinero. ¿Qué vas a hacer con él? Aún no lo he decidido. Podría abrir un restaurante. + Ik hoor dat u geld hebt gewonnen. Wat gaat u ermee doen? Ik heb nog niet besloten. Ik zou een restaurant kunnen openen. + (tīngshuō nǐ yíngle· qián, nǐ yàoyòng zhèxiē qián láizuò shéme? — wǒ háiméi juédìng, kěnénghuì kāige· cāntīng.)
B09 28 1428
这 是 市区 最有人气的 餐厅 , 一定 很好吃。 + เป็นร้านอาหารยอดนิยมในเมืองดังนั้นอาหารต้องดี + Đấy là nhà hàng đắt độc đáo nhất thị trấn nên thức ăn chắc chắn phải ngon. + It's the most popular restaurant in town, so the food must be good. + Es ist das beliebteste Restaurant der Stadt, also muss das Essen gut sein. + E' il ristorante più popolare della città, quindi il cibo deve essere buono. + C'est le restaurant le plus populaire de la ville, donc la nourriture doit être bonne. + Es el restaurante más popular de la ciudad, así que la comida debe ser buena. + Het is het populairste restaurant van de stad, dus het eten moet goed zijn. + (zhè shì shìqū zuìyǒurénqìde· cāntīng, yídìng hénhǎochī.)
B13 41 1641
咱们 晚上 在 家 吃饭 吗 ? — 不要 , 咱们去 餐厅 吃 吧 。 + เราควรทานอาหารเย็นที่บ้านไหม - ไม่ลองไปที่ร้านอาหาร + Chúng ta có nên ăn tối ở nhà không? - Không, đi ăn nhà hàng đi. + Should we have dinner at home? — No, let's go to a restaurant. + Sollen wir zu Hause zu Abend essen? Nein, lass uns in ein Restaurant gehen. + Dovremmo cenare a casa? No, andiamo al ristorante. + On dîne à la maison? Non, allons au restaurant. + ¿Cenamos en casa? No, vamos a un restaurante. + Moeten we thuis eten? Nee, laten we naar een restaurant gaan. + ( zánmen· wǎnshàng zài jiā chīfàn mā? — búyào, zánmen· qù cāntīng chī ba·.)
B14 11 1661
这 附近 有什么 餐厅 吗 ? — 有的 。 — 没有。 + มีร้านอาหารอยู่ใกล้ ๆ หรือไม่? - ใช่แล้วล่ะ. - ไม่มีไม่ได้ + Có nhà hàng nào gần giá không? - Có. Không. + Are there any restaurants near here? — Yes, there are. — No, there aren't. + Gibt es hier in der Nähe irgendwelche Restaurants? Ja, die gibt es. Nein, gibt es nicht. + Ci sono ristoranti nelle vicinanze? Sì, ci sono. No, non ci sono. + Il y a des restaurants près d'ici? Oui, il y en a. Non, il n' y en a pas. + ¿Hay algún restaurante cerca de aquí? Sí, las hay. No, no los hay. + Zijn er restaurants in de buurt? Ja, dat zijn er. Nee, dat is niet het geval. + ( zhè fùjìn yǒushéme cāntīng mā? — yǒude·. — méiyǒu.)
B14 12 1662
这间 餐厅 非常 安静 , 里面 人 不多 。 + ร้านนี้เงียบมาก มีคนไม่มากที่นี่ + Nhà hàng này rất yên tĩnh. Không có nhiều người ở đây. + This restaurant is very quiet. There aren't many people here. + Dieses Restaurant ist sehr ruhig. Es sind nicht viele Leute hier. + Questo ristorante è molto tranquillo. Non ci sono molte persone qui. + Ce restaurant est très calme. Il n' y a pas beaucoup de monde ici. + Este restaurante es muy tranquilo. No hay mucha gente aquí. + Dit restaurant is zeer rustig gelegen. Er zijn hier niet veel mensen. + (zhèjiān cāntīng fēicháng ānjìng, lǐmiàn rén bùduō.)
B14 39 1689
这家 旅店里面 有 餐厅 吗 ? — 没有 , 恐怕没有 。 + มีร้านอาหารในโรงแรมแห่งนี้หรือไม่? - ไม่ฉันไม่กลัว + Có nhà hàng trong khách sạn này không? - Không, tôi e là không. + Is there a restaurant in this hotel? — No, I'm afraid not. + Gibt es in diesem Hotel ein Restaurant? Nein, leider nicht. + C' è un ristorante in questo hotel? No, ho paura di no. + Y a-t-il un restaurant dans cet hôtel? Non, j'ai bien peur que non. + ¿Hay un restaurante en este hotel? No, me temo que no. + Is er een restaurant in dit hotel? Nee, ik ben bang niet. + ( zhèjiā lǚdiànlǐmiàn yǒu cāntīng mā? — méiyǒu, kǒngpà méiyǒu.)
B20 4 1954
你 发现到 餐厅的 价格 很高 。 你 说 :" 好贵 啊 , 是 吧 ?" + คุณสังเกตเห็นราคาร้านอาหารที่สูงมาก คุณพูดว่า "มันแพงมากใช่มั้ย?" + Bạn để ý thấy giá cả của nhà hàng rất cao. Bạn nói: "Giá đắt quá phải không?" + You notice the restaurant prices are very high. You say, "It's pretty expensive, isn't it?" + Man merkt, dass die Restaurantpreise sehr hoch sind. Du sagst:"Es ist ziemlich teuer, nicht wahr?" + Si nota che i prezzi del ristorante sono molto alti. Dite:"E' piuttosto costoso, non è vero? + Vous remarquez que les prix des restaurants sont très élevés. Tu dis:"C'est assez cher, n'est-ce pas?" + Se nota que los precios de los restaurantes son muy altos. Dices:"Es bastante caro, ¿no?" + U merkt dat de restaurantprijzen zeer hoog zijn. Je zegt:"Het is behoorlijk duur, nietwaar? + ( nǐ fāxiàndào cāntīngde· jiàgé hěngāo. nǐ shuō :" hǎoguì a, shì ba·? ")
C04 16 2166
我 是 第二个 对 餐厅 经理 抱怨的 客人 。 + ฉันเป็นลูกค้ารายที่สองที่บ่นกับผู้จัดการร้านอาหาร + Tôi là thứ duy nhất hải phàn nàn với quản lí nhà hàng. + I was the second customer to complain to the restaurant manager. + Ich war der zweite Kunde, der sich beim Restaurantleiter beschwerte. + Sono stato il secondo cliente a lamentarmi con il gestore del ristorante. + J'étais le deuxième client à me plaindre au gérant du restaurant. + Fui el segundo cliente en quejarme al gerente del restaurante. + Ik was de tweede klant die klaagde bij de restaurantmanager. + (wǒ shì dìèrge· duì cāntīng jīnglǐ bàoyuànde· kèrén.)
C08 32 2382
新的 餐厅 非常 好 , 我 昨天晚上 去了 那里吃饭 。 + ร้านอาหารใหม่เป็นสิ่งที่ดีมาก ฉันไปที่นั่นเมื่อคืนนี้ + Cái nhà hàng mới rất tuyệt. Tôi đã đến đấy tối qua. + The new restaurant is very good. I went there last night. + Das neue Restaurant ist sehr gut. Ich war letzte Nacht dort. + Il nuovo ristorante è molto buono. Sono andato lì ieri sera. + Le nouveau restaurant est très bon. J' y suis allé hier soir. + El nuevo restaurante es muy bueno. Fui allí anoche. + Het nieuwe restaurant is zeer goed. Ik ben er gisteravond geweest. + (xīnde· cāntīng fēicháng hǎo, wǒ zuótiānwǎnshàng qùle· nàli· chīfàn.)
C09 38 2438
这两家 餐厅 都 非常 不错 。 + ร้านอาหารทั้งสองแห่งดีมาก ร้านอาหารทั้งสองแห่งนี้ดีมาก + Cả hai nhà hàng đều rất tốt. > Cả hai nhà hàng này đều rất tốt. + Both restaurants are very good. — Both of these restaurants are very good. + Beide Restaurants sind sehr gut. Beide Restaurants sind sehr gut. + Entrambi i ristoranti sono molto buoni. Entrambi questi ristoranti sono molto buoni. + Les deux restaurants sont très bons. Ces deux restaurants sont très bons. + Ambos restaurantes son muy buenos. Ambos restaurantes son muy buenos. + Beide restaurants zijn zeer goed. Beide restaurants zijn zeer goed. + (zhèliǎngjiā cāntīng dōu fēicháng búcuò.)
C09 39 2439
两家 餐厅 都 不贵 。 — 我们 去的 两家 餐厅都 不贵 。 + ร้านอาหารไม่แพง - ร้านอาหารทั้งสองแห่งที่เราไปก็ไม่มีราคาแพง + Cả hai nhà hàng này đều không đắt. > Cả hai nhà hàng mà chúng tôi đến đều không đắt. + Neither restaurant is expensive. — Neither of the restaurants we went to was expensive. + Keines der beiden Restaurants ist teuer. Keines der Restaurants, in die wir gingen, war teuer. + Nessuno dei due ristoranti è costoso. Nessuno dei ristoranti a cui siamo andati era costoso. + Aucun des deux restaurants n'est cher. Aucun des restaurants où nous sommes allés n'était cher. + Ningún restaurante es caro. Ninguno de los restaurantes a los que fuimos era caro. + Geen van beide restaurants is duur. Geen van de restaurants waar we naartoe gingen was duur. + ( liǎngjiā cāntīng dōu búguì. — wǒmen· qùde· liǎngjiā cāntīng dōu búguì.)
C09 40 2440
咱们 去 哪家 餐厅 都 行 。 我 都 可以 。 + เราสามารถไปที่ร้านอาหารได้ ฉันไม่แคร์ + Chúng tôi có thể đi một trong hai nhà hàng. Tôi không quan tâm. + We can go to either restaurant. I don't care. + Wir können in jedes der beiden Restaurants gehen. Das ist mir egal. + Possiamo andare in entrambi i ristoranti. Non mi importa. + On peut aller dans n'importe quel restaurant. Je m'en fiche. + Podemos ir a cualquier restaurante. A mí no me importa. + We kunnen naar beide restaurants gaan. Het maakt me niet uit. + ( zánmen· qù nǎjiā cāntīng dōu xíng. wǒ dōu kéyǐ.)
C09 41 2441
两家 餐厅 我 都 没去过 。 + ฉันไม่ได้ไปร้านอาหารทั้งสองแห่ง + Cả hai nhà hàng tôi đều chưa đến. + I haven't been to either of those restaurants. + Ich war in keinem dieser Restaurants. + Non sono stato in nessuno di quei ristoranti. + Je ne suis allé dans aucun de ces restaurants. + No he ido a ninguno de esos restaurantes. + Ik ben niet naar een van die restaurants geweest. + ( liǎngjiā cāntīng wǒ dōu méiqùguò.)
C11 10 2510
我 在 餐厅 看到 和 你 一起的 那个 男人 是谁 ? + ผู้ชายคนไหนที่ฉันเห็นคุณด้วยในร้านอาหาร? + Julius là một người cậu có thể tin tưởng. + Who was that man I saw you with in the restaurant? + Wer war der Mann, mit dem ich dich im Restaurant gesehen habe? + Chi era quell' uomo con cui ti ho visto nel ristorante? + Qui était cet homme avec qui je t'ai vu au restaurant? + ¿Quién era el hombre con el que te vi en el restaurante? + Met wie was die man met wie heb ik je in het restaurant gezien? + (wǒ zài cāntīng kàndào hé nǐ yìqǐde· nàge· nánrén shì shuí?)
C15 47 2747
在 我妈 看来 , 这家 餐厅的 食物 最好吃 。 + ในความคิดของแม่ฉันอาหารที่ร้านนี้ดีที่สุด + Theo ý người mẹ tôi, thức ăn ở nhà hàng này là tuyệt nhất. + in my mother's opinion, the food at this restaurant is the best. + meiner Mutter zufolge ist das Essen in diesem Restaurant das Beste. + a parere di mia madre, il cibo in questo ristorante è il migliore. + pour ma mère, la nourriture de ce restaurant est la meilleure. + la comida de este restaurante es la mejor. + naar de mening van mijn moeder is het eten in dit restaurant het beste. + (zài wǒmā kànlái, zhèjiā cāntīngde· shíwù zuìhǎochī.)
Họ luôn thích đi ăn nhà hàng. + They always like to eat in restaurants.
Năm năm về trước cô ấy làm hầu bàn trong một nhà hàng. + Five years ago she was a waitress in a restaurant.
Tôi nghe nói cậu thắng được ít tiền. Cậu định làm gì với số tiền đấy? - Tôi chưa quyết định. Có thể tôi sẽ mở nhà hàng. + I hear you won some money. What are you going to do with it? — I haven't decided yet. I might open a restaurant.
Đấy là nhà hàng đắt độc đáo nhất thị trấn nên thức ăn chắc chắn phải ngon. + It's the most popular restaurant in town, so the food must be good.
Chúng ta có nên ăn tối ở nhà không? - Không, đi ăn nhà hàng đi. + Should we have dinner at home? — No, let's go to a restaurant.
Có nhà hàng nào gần giá không? - Có. Không. + Are there any restaurants near here? — Yes, there are. — No, there aren't.
Nhà hàng này rất yên tĩnh. Không có nhiều người ở đây. + This restaurant is very quiet. There aren't many people here.
Có nhà hàng trong khách sạn này không? - Không, tôi e là không. + Is there a restaurant in this hotel? — No, I'm afraid not.
Bạn để ý thấy giá cả của nhà hàng rất cao. Bạn nói: "Giá đắt quá phải không?" + You notice the restaurant prices are very high. You say, "It's pretty expensive, isn't it?"
Tôi là thứ duy nhất hải phàn nàn với quản lí nhà hàng. + I was the second customer to complain to the restaurant manager.
Cái nhà hàng mới rất tuyệt. Tôi đã đến đấy tối qua. + The new restaurant is very good. I went there last night.
Cả hai nhà hàng đều rất tốt. > Cả hai nhà hàng này đều rất tốt. + Both restaurants are very good. — Both of these restaurants are very good.
Cả hai nhà hàng này đều không đắt. > Cả hai nhà hàng mà chúng tôi đến đều không đắt. + Neither restaurant is expensive. — Neither of the restaurants we went to was expensive.
Chúng tôi có thể đi một trong hai nhà hàng. Tôi không quan tâm. + We can go to either restaurant. I don't care.
Cả hai nhà hàng tôi đều chưa đến. + I haven't been to either of those restaurants.
Julius là một người cậu có thể tin tưởng. + Who was that man I saw you with in the restaurant?
Theo ý người mẹ tôi, thức ăn ở nhà hàng này là tuyệt nhất. + in my mother's opinion, the food at this restaurant is the best.

nhà hàng + restaurant

Họ muốn biết danh sách rượu ở nhà hàng này. + They want to know the wine list in this restaurant.

Tôi không đại diện cho nhà hàng đó. + I do not represent that restaurant.

Ăn tại nhà hàng. + Eat in a restaurant

Nhà hàng có thực đơn set 3 món. + The restaurant has a three-course set menu.
SNOT Travel • public transport restaurant nhà hàng +
restaurant tiệm ăn +
Oxford 3000VieEng
nhà hàng restaurant
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-4 Restaurant + restaurant +
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-4 Gasthaus + inn, restaurant +
13-2. Wirtschaft, Industrie Exercise 13-2-1 Wirtschaft + 1. economy, 2. restaurant, pub +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 2-6 Am Samstag ist unser Lokal geschlossen. Wir haben eine Veranstaltung.  + Samstag Our restaurant is closed on Saturday. We have an event.  Nhà hàng của chúng tôi đóng cửa vào Thứ 7. Chúng tôi có một sự kiện. +
Exercise 4-1 Mein Vater arbeitet in einem Restaurant.  + Vater My father works in a restaurant.  Bố tôi làm việc trong một nhà hàng. +
Exercise 5-7 Soviel ich weiß, hat dieses Restaurant heute Ruhetag.  + soviel I understand this restaurant's closed for the day.  Tôi hiểu rằng nhà hàng này đã đóng cửa trong ngày. +
Exercise 6-3 Im Bahnhofsrestaurant isst man wirklich sehr gut.  + wirklich In the station restaurant you really eat very well.  Trong nhà hàng nhà ga bạn thực sự ăn rất ngon. +
Exercise 7-7 Wir essen heute im Restaurant.  + Restaurant We're having dinner at the restaurant today.  Chúng tôi đang ăn tối tại nhà hàng hôm nay. +
Exercise 7-7 Wann öffnet das Restaurant?  + Restaurant When does the restaurant open?  Khi nào thì nhà hàng mở cửa? +
Exercise 7-7 Kennen Sie ein gutes Restaurant hier in der Nähe?  + Restaurant Do you know a good restaurant near here?  Bạn có biết một nhà hàng tốt gần đây không? +
Exercise 7-7 Ich kann es mir nicht leisten, in einem so teuren Restaurant zu essen.  + Restaurant I can't afford to eat in a restaurant that expensive.  Tôi không có khả năng ăn trong một nhà hàng đắt tiền. +
Exercise 7-7 Ich kann dieses Restaurant empfehlen. + Restaurant I can recommend this restaurant. Tôi có thể giới thiệu nhà hàng này. +
Exercise 7-8 Früher war dort drüben einmal ein Restaurant. + drüben There used to be a restaurant over there once. Đã từng có một nhà hàng ở đó một lần. +
Exercise 12-6 Nach dem Theater gehen wir in ein Restaurant. + Theater After the theatre we go to a restaurant. Sau khi đi nhà hát chúng tôi đi đến nhà hàng. +
Exercise 13-1 Am Samstag ist unser Lokal geschlossen. Wir haben eine Veranstaltung.  + Veranstaltung Our restaurant is closed on Saturday. We have an event.  Nhà hàng của chúng tôi đóng cửa vào Thứ 7. Chúng tôi có một sự kiện. +
Exercise 13-2 In diesem Restaurant gibt es sehr guten Wein.  + Wein There is very good wine in this restaurant.  Có rất tốt rượu vang trong nhà hàng này. +
Exercise 14-8 Ich gehe nie wieder in dieses Restaurant.  + nie I'm never going to that restaurant again.  Tôi sẽ không bao giờ đi đến nhà hàng đó. +
Exercise 16-4 Das Restaurant ist im Erdgeschoss.  + Erdgeschoss The restaurant is on the ground floor.  Nhà hàng nằm ở tầng trệt. +
Exercise 16-5 Das Restaurant war fast leer.  + leer The restaurant was almost empty.  Nhà hàng gần như trống rỗng. +
Exercise 17-1 Das Restaurant hat jeden Tag geöffnet.  + jeder The restaurant is open every day.  Nhà hàng mở cửa hàng ngày. +
Exercise 22-4 Können Sie mir ein gutes Restaurant empfehlen?  + empfehlen* Can you recommend a good restaurant?  Bạn có thể giới thiệu một nhà hàng tốt? +
Exercise 25-5 Wollen wir uns in die Bar setzen oder ins Restaurant?  + Bar Shall we sit down at the bar or at the restaurant?  Chúng ta có ngồi xuống quầy bar hay ở nhà hàng không? +
Exercise 26-4 Wo gibt es hier in der Umgebung ein Restaurant? + Umgebung Where is there a restaurant in the area? Ở đâu có nhà hàng trong khu vực? +
Exercise 27-4 Im mittleren Wagen ist das Zugrestaurant.  + Wagen In the middle car is the restaurant.  Ở giữa xe là nhà hàng. +
Exercise 29-4 Ursprünglich wollte ich in einem Restaurant arbeiten. Aber dann bin ich Busfahrerin geworden.  + ursprünglich I was originally planning to work in a restaurant. But then I became a bus driver.  Ban đầu tôi đã lên kế hoạch làm việc trong một nhà hàng. Nhưng rồi tôi trở thành tài xế xe buýt. +
Exercise 32-1 Das Lokal ist bekannt für seine Spezialitäten.  + Lokal The restaurant is famous for its specialties.  Nhà hàng nổi tiếng với các món đặc sản. +
Exercise 34-1 Ich arbeite seit einem Monat in einer Gaststätte.  + Gaststätte I've been working in a restaurant for a month.  Tôi đã làm việc trong một nhà hàng trong một tháng. +
Exercise 34-1 Hast du gut gegessen in dieser Gaststätte?  + Gaststätte Have you eaten well in this restaurant?  Bạn đã ăn trong nhà hàng này chưa? +
Exercise 39-5 Das Restaurant war schrecklich voll.  + schrecklich The restaurant was awfully crowded.  Các nhà hàng đã được awfully đông đúc. +
Exercise 40-5 Seine Ehegattin arbeitet in einem Restaurant.  + Ehegattin His wife works in a restaurant.  Vợ ông làm việc trong một nhà hàng. +
Exercise 44-3 Das Restaurant ist bekannt für seine feine Küche.  + fein The restaurant is known for its fine cuisine.  Nhà hàng nổi tiếng với các món ăn ngon. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
restaurant Downtown 14
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Restaurant + restaurant + Shops A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Fastfoodrestaurant + fast food restaurant + Entertainment and dining A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Fischrestaurant + seafood restaurant + Entertainment and dining A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Speisewagen + restaurant car + Rail transport A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Gaststätte + restaurant + Entertainment and dining B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Restaurantkette + restaurant chain + Entertainment and dining B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Luxusrestaurant + first-class restaurant + Entertainment and dining B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Restaurantführer + restaurant guide + Entertainment and dining B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Gastwirt(in) + restaurant owner/manager + Personnel B
+ + + + 103 Employment Wirt(in) + owner of restaurant, innkeeper + Jobs, trades and professions A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 飯店 + * * fan4dian4 restaurant/ hotel Hotel,Restaurant +
B 餐廳 + * * can1ting1 restaurant/ dining room Restaurant +
C 飯館 + * * fan4guan3 restaurant/ eatery/ luncheonette Restaurant, Hotel +
C 餐車 + * * can1che1 dinning car/ restaurant car Speisewagen +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
bar + The hotel has a restaurant, bar and swimming pool. Das Hotel verfügt über Restaurant, Bar und Swimmingpool.
bathroom + Where's the bathroom? (= for example in a restaurant) Wo ist das Badezimmer? (= zum Beispiel in einem Restaurant)
can + We can eat in a restaurant, if you like. Wir können in einem Restaurant essen, wenn Sie wollen.
charge + The restaurant charged £20 for dinner. Das Restaurant kostet £20 für das Abendessen.
cheap + a cheap restaurant/hotel ein günstiges Restaurant / Hotel
cheerful + a bright, cheerful restaurant ein helles, fröhliches Restaurant
choose + There are plenty of restaurants to choose from. Es gibt viele Restaurants zur Auswahl.
committee + The committee has/have decided to close the restaurant. Das Komitee hat beschlossen, das Restaurant zu schließen.
decorate + Photographs of actors decorated the walls of the restaurant. Fotos von Schauspielern schmückten die Wände des Restaurants.
disappointment + That new restaurant was a big disappointment. Das neue Restaurant war eine große Enttäuschung.
either + I know a good Italian restaurant. It's not far from here, either. Ich kenne ein gutes italienisches Restaurant. Es ist auch nicht weit von hier.
elegant + an elegant room/restaurant ein elegantes Zimmer/Restaurant
elsewhere + Our favourite restaurant was closed, so we had to go elsewhere. Unser Lieblingsrestaurant war geschlossen, also mussten wir woanders hingehen.
excited + The new restaurant is nothing to get excited about (= not particularly good). Das neue Restaurant ist nichts, worüber man sich freuen kann (= nicht besonders gut).
expensive + an expensive car/restaurant/holiday ein teures Auto/Restaurant/Ferien
far + far (from, away, below, etc.): The restaurant is not far from here. weit (von, weg, unten, etc.): Das Restaurant ist nicht weit von hier.
fashionable + a fashionable address/resort/restaurant eine modische Adresse/Restaurant
find + We've found a great new restaurant near the office. Wir haben ein tolles neues Restaurant in der Nähe des Büros gefunden.
have + I'll have the salmon (= for example, in a restaurant). Ich nehme den Lachs (= zum Beispiel in einem Restaurant).
you know + You know that restaurant round the corner? It's closed down. Kennen Sie das Restaurant um die Ecke? Es ist geschlossen.
meal + to go out for a meal (= to go to a restaurant to have a meal) Essen gehen (= in ein Restaurant gehen, um zu essen)
be meant to be sth + This restaurant is meant to be excellent. Dieses Restaurant soll exzellent sein.
out + Let's go out this evening (= for example to a restaurant or club). Lassen Sie uns heute Abend ausgehen (= z. B. in ein Restaurant oder einen Club).
out + He got thrown out of the restaurant. Er wurde aus dem Restaurant geworfen.
profit + There isn't much profit in running a restaurant these days. Es bringt heutzutage nicht viel, ein Restaurant zu führen.
rank + (+ adv./prep.): The restaurant ranks among the finest in town. (+ Adv. /Vorbereitung.): Das Restaurant zählt zu den besten der Stadt.
recommend + The hotel's new restaurant comes highly recommended (= a lot of people have praised it). Das neue Restaurant des Hotels ist sehr empfehlenswert (= viele Leute haben es gelobt).
request + You are requested not to smoke in the restaurant. Im Restaurant darf nicht geraucht werden.
reservation + I'll call the restaurant and make a reservation. Ich rufe im Restaurant an und mache eine Reservierung.
resident + The hotel restaurant is open to non-residents. Das Hotelrestaurant ist für Nichtansässige geöffnet.
restaurant + an Italian restaurant ein italienisches Restaurant
restaurant + We had a meal in a restaurant. Wir haben in einem Restaurant gegessen.
restaurant + We went out to a restaurant to celebrate. Wir gingen in ein Restaurant, um zu feiern.
restaurant + a restaurant owner ein Restaurantbesitzer
restaurant + a self-service restaurant ein Selbstbedienungsrestaurant
sector + service-sector jobs (= in hotels, restaurants, etc.) Jobs im Dienstleistungssektor (= in Hotels, Gaststätten usw.)
ship + There are two restaurants on board ship. Es gibt zwei Restaurants an Bord.
smoking + Would you like smoking or non-smoking? (= for example, in a restaurant) Möchten Sie rauchen oder nicht rauchen? (= zum Beispiel in einem Restaurant)
staff + a staff restaurant/meeting ein Personalrestaurant / Meeting
star + What star rating does this restaurant have? Welche Sternebewertung hat dieses Restaurant?
table + A table for two, please (= in a restaurant). Ein Tisch für zwei Personen (= in einem Restaurant).
table + I'd like to book a table for tonight (= in a restaurant). Ich möchte einen Tisch für heute Abend reservieren (= im Restaurant).
there + There's a restaurant around the corner. Es gibt ein Restaurant um die Ecke.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
1050 餐厅 环境 不错 + The restaurant is quite nice inside.
1895 餐厅 兼职 + She has a part-time job in a restaurant.
1948 他们 餐厅 吃饭 + They're eating in a restaurant.
2443 餐厅 气氛 不错 + The atmosphere in this restaurant is quite nice.
3594 现在 有钱人 高档 酒店 座无虚席 + There sure are a lot of rich people these days. Even in this kind of upscale restaurant, there's not a single empty seat.
3751 饭店的 女服务员 + She is a waitress in a restaurant.

这家餐厅的环境很不错。 Zhè jiā cāntīng de huánjìng hěn bùcuò. The restaurant is quite nice inside. Das Restaurant ist sehr schön im Inneren.
她在餐厅兼职。 Tā zài cāntīng jiānzhí. She has a part-time job in a restaurant. Sie hat einen Teilzeitjob in einem Restaurant.
他们在餐厅吃饭。 Tāmen zài cāntīng chīfàn. They're eating in a restaurant. Sie essen in einem Restaurant.
这家餐厅的气氛很不错。 Zhè jiā cāntīng de qìfēn hěn bùcuò. The atmosphere in this restaurant is quite nice. Die Atmosphäre in diesem Restaurant ist sehr schön.
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
can1ting1 + restaurant
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
jia1 + m. for banks, restaurants, companies etc
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
yi1 jia1 can1ting1 + one restaurant
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

ensuite il va au restaurant + then he’s going to the restaurant

j’avais pensé l’emmener au restaurant + I thought about taking her out to the restaurant

le feu a démarré dans l’escalier d’un restaurant + the fire broke out in the stairwell of a restaurant
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 restaurant +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
restaurant quán ăn, tiệm ăn, nhà ăn, nhà hàng + +
nhà hàng + + restaurant