4 qiang2 wall/ CL:面[mian4];堵[du3]
5 坚强 jian1 qiang2 staunch/ strong
5 qiang1 gun/ firearm/ rifle/ spear/ CL:支[zhi1];把[ba3]
5 强调 qiang2 diao4 to emphasize (a statement)/ to stress
5 强烈 qiang2 lie4 intense/ (violently) strong
5 qiang3 fight over/ to rush/ to scramble/ to grab/ to rob/ to snatch
6 抢劫 qiang1 jie2 to rob/ looting
6 强制 qiang2 zhi4 to enforce/ enforcement/ forcibly/ compulsory
6 抢救 qiang3 jiu4 rescue
6 强迫 qiang3 po4 to compel/ to force
6 顽强 wan2 qiang2 tenacious/ hard to defeat
6 口腔 kou3 qiang1 oral cavity
6 勉强 mian3 qiang3 to do with difficulty/ to force sb to do sth/ reluctant/ barely enough

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A07 32 332
你 呛到 我 了 , 这里 不能 抽烟 。 + คุณกำลังสำลักผมคุณไม่ควรจะสูบบุหรี่ที่นี่ + Bạn đang nghẹn tôi, bạn không nên hút thuốc ở đây. + You're choking me, you're not supposed to smoke here. + Du erwürgst mich, du sollst hier nicht rauchen. + Mi state soffocando, non dovreste fumare qui. + Tu m'étouffes, tu ne devrais pas fumer ici. + Me estás asfixiando, no se supone que fumes aquí. + Je verstikt me, je bent niet verondersteld om hier te roken. + ( nǐ qiāngdào wǒ le·, zhèlǐ bùnéng chōuyān.)
A07 50 350
不要 强迫 她 做 这件 事 。 + อย่าบังคับให้เธอทำเช่นนั้น + Đừng ép buộc cô ấy làm điều đó. + Don't force her to do it. + Zwingen Sie sie nicht dazu. + Non costringerla a farlo. + Ne la force pas à le faire. + No la obligues a hacerlo. + Dwing haar niet af om het te doen. + ( búyào qiángpò tā zuò zhèjiàn shì.)
A14 10 660
良好的 口腔 卫生 能 预防 牙龈 问题 。 + สุขอนามัยทางทันตกรรมที่ดีจะช่วยป้องกันโรคเหงือกได้ + Vệ sinh răng miệng tốt sẽ ngăn ngừa bệnh nướu răng. + Good dental hygiene will prevent gum disease. + Eine gute Zahnhygiene beugt Zahnfleischerkrankungen vor. + Una buona igiene dentale previene le malattie gengivali. + Une bonne hygiène dentaire préviendra les maladies des gencives. + Una buena higiene dental prevendrá la enfermedad de las encías. + Goede tandhygiëne voorkomt tandvleesaandoeningen. + ( liánghǎode· kǒuqiāng wèishēng néng yùfáng yáyín wèntí.)
B15 9 1709
之前 有一个 时钟 挂 在 窗户旁边的 墙上 。 + มีนาฬิกาบนผนังอยู่ใกล้หน้าต่าง + Từng có một cái đồng hồ trên tường gần cửa sổ. + There was a clock on the wall near the window. + Da war eine Uhr an der Wand in der Nähe des Fensters. + C' era un orologio sul muro vicino alla finestra. + Il y avait une horloge sur le mur près de la fenêtre. + Había un reloj en la pared cerca de la ventana. + Er stond een klok op de muur bij het raam. + ( zhīqián yǒuyīge· shízhōng guà zài chuānghùpángbiānde· qiángshàng.)
B15 25 1725
为什么 银行外面 有 警察 ? — 刚刚 有人 抢劫 。 + ทำไมตำรวจถึงอยู่นอกธนาคาร? - มีการโจรกรรม + Tại sao cảnh sát lại ở bên ngoài ngân hàng? - Đã có một vụ cướp. + Why are the police outside the bank? — There was a robbery. + Warum ist die Polizei außerhalb der Bank? Es gab einen Raubüberfall. + Perché la polizia è fuori dalla banca? C' era una rapina. + Pourquoi la police est à l'extérieur de la banque? Il y a eu un vol. + ¿Por qué la policía está fuera del banco? Hubo un robo. + Waarom is de politie buiten de bank? Er was een roofoverval. + (wèishéme yínhángwàimiàn yóu jǐngchá? — gānggāng yǒurén qiǎngjié.)
B15 28 1728
十 年前 , 这个 学校 有 五百个 学生 , 现在有 超过 一千个 学生 。 + เมื่อสิบปีก่อนมีเด็ก ๆ 500 คนเข้าโรงเรียน ตอนนี้มีมากกว่าหนึ่งพัน + Mười năm trước trong trường có năm trăm trẻ em. Bây giờ ở đó có hơn một nghìn. + Ten years ago there were five hundred (500) children in the school. Now there are more than a thousand. + Vor zehn Jahren waren fünfhundert (500) Kinder in der Schule. Jetzt sind es mehr als tausend. + Dieci anni fa c' erano cinquecento (500) bambini a scuola. Ora ce ne sono più di mille. + Il y a dix ans, il y avait cinq cents (500) enfants à l'école. Maintenant, il y en a plus d'un millier. + Hace diez años había quinientos (500) niños en la escuela. Ahora hay más de mil. + Tien jaar geleden waren er vijfhonderd (500) kinderen op de school. Nu zijn er meer dan duizend. + (shí niánqián, zhège· xuéxiào yóu wúbǎige· xuéshēng, xiànzài yǒu chāoguò yīqiānge· xuéshēng.)
C01 36 2036
我 要加强 锻炼 。 — 我 要开始 多做 运动 了。 + ฉันต้องการออกกำลังกายมากขึ้น - ฉันต้องเริ่มต้นทำงานเพิ่มเติม + Tôi cần thực hành nhiều hơn. > Tôi cần bắt đầu làm ra nhiều thành phẩm hơn. + I need to get more exercise. — I need to start working out more. + Ich brauche mehr Bewegung. Ich muss anfangen, mehr zu trainieren. + Ho bisogno di fare più esercizio fisico. Ho bisogno di iniziare a lavorare di più. + Je dois faire plus d'exercice. Je dois commencer à faire plus de sport. + Necesito hacer más ejercicio. Necesito empezar a trabajar más. + Ik moet meer beweging krijgen. Ik moet meer gaan uitwerken. + ( wǒ yàojiāqiáng duànliàn. — wǒ yàokāishǐ duōzuò yùndòng le·.)
C06 22 2272
米莱娜的 弟弟 因为 抢劫 入狱 。 — 米莱娜的弟弟 在 监狱里 。 + พี่ชาย Milena อยู่ในคุกสำหรับการโจรกรรม - เขาอยู่ในคุก + Em trãi Milena đang ở trong nhà tù vì ăn cướp. ? Anh ấy đang ngồi tù. + Milena's brother's in prison for robbery. — He's in jail. + Milenas Bruder sitzt wegen Raubüberfall im Gefängnis. Er ist im Gefängnis. + Fratello di Milena in prigione per rapina. È in carcere. + Le frère de Milena est en prison pour vol qualifié. Il est en prison. + El hermano de Milena está preso por robo. Está en la cárcel. + Milena's broertjes in de gevangenis voor overvallen. Hij zit in de gevangenis. + (mǐláinàde· dìdì yīnwèi qiǎngjié rùyù. — mǐláinàde· dìdì zài jiānyùli·.)
C07 23 2323
警方 想 询问 两名 男子 关于 上周 抢劫的 事。 + ตำรวจต้องการสัมภาษณ์ชายสองคนเกี่ยวกับการโจรกรรมเมื่อสัปดาห์ที่แล้ว + Cảnh sát muốn phỏng vấn hai người đàn ông về vụ cướp tuần trước. + The police want to interview two (2) men about the robbery last week. + Die Polizei will zwei (2) Männer wegen des Raubüberfalls in der vergangenen Woche befragen. + La polizia vuole intervistare due (2) uomini sulla rapina della scorsa settimana. + La police veut interroger deux (2) hommes à propos du vol de la semaine dernière. + La policía quiere entrevistar a dos (2) hombres sobre el robo la semana pasada. + De politie wil vorige week twee (2) mannen ondervragen over de roofoverval. + (jǐngfāng xiǎng xúnwèn liǎngmíng nánzi· guānyú shàngzhōu qiǎngjiéde· shì.)
C11 49 2549
警方 始终 没有 找到 抢劫案的 赃款 。 + ตำรวจไม่เคยพบเงินที่ถูกขโมยมาในการปล้นทรัพย์ + Cảnh sát không bao giờ tìm thấy số tiền bị mất trong vụ trộm. + The police never found the money stolen in the robbery. + Die Polizei hat das Geld, das bei dem Überfall gestohlen wurde, nie gefunden. + La polizia non ha mai trovato il denaro rubato nella rapina. + La police n' a jamais trouvé l'argent volé lors du vol. + La policía nunca encontró el dinero robado en el robo. + De politie vond het gestolen geld nooit terug in de diefstal. + (jǐngfāng shǐzhōng méiyǒu zhǎodào qiǎngjiéànde· zāngkuǎn.)
C16 24 2774
这家 公司的 快速成长 归功于 强劲的 产品 需求量 。 + บริษัท เติบโตขึ้นอย่างรวดเร็วเนื่องจากความต้องการผลิตภัณฑ์ของ บริษัท ที่แข็งแกร่ง + Công ti phát triển nhanh nhờ nhu cầu mạnh về các sản phẩm của nó. + The company grew quickly due to a strong demand FOR its products. + Das Unternehmen wuchs schnell aufgrund der starken Nachfrage nach seinen Produkten. + L' azienda è cresciuta rapidamente a causa di una forte domanda per i suoi prodotti. + L'entreprise a connu une croissance rapide grâce à une forte demande pour ses produits. + La empresa creció rápidamente debido a una fuerte demanda de sus productos. + Het bedrijf groeide snel door een sterke vraag naar FOR haar producten. + ( zhèjiā gōngsīde· kuàisùchéngzhǎng guīgōngyú qiángjìnde· chánpǐn xūqiúliàng.)
C17 40 2840
警方 拿 枪 指着 嫌犯 , 命令 他 趴在 地上。 + ตำรวจชี้ปืนไปที่ผู้ต้องสงสัยและบอกให้เขานอนอยู่บนพื้น + Cảnh sát chĩa súng vào người bị tình nghi và bảo anh ta nằm xuống đất. + The police pointed their guns at the suspect and told him to lie on the ground. + Die Polizei richtete ihre Waffen auf den Verdächtigen und befahl ihm, sich auf den Boden zu legen. + La polizia ha puntato le loro armi contro il sospetto e gli ha detto di mentire a terra. + La police a pointé leurs armes sur le suspect et lui a dit de s'allonger sur le sol. + La policía apuntó con sus armas al sospechoso y le dijo que se acostara en el suelo. + De politie richtte hun wapens op de verdachte en vertelde hem dat hij op de grond moest liggen. + ( jǐngfāng ná qiāng zhǐzhe· xiánfàn, mìnglìng tā pāzài dìshàng.)
C17 41 2841
但 那个 男人 把 手 伸进了 口袋 , 这时 警察开始 对 他 开枪 。 + แต่ชายคนนั้นมาถึงกระเป๋าของเขาและนั่นคือตอนที่ตำรวจกำลังเริ่มยิงเขา + Nhưng anh ta lại đưa tay vào túi và đó là lúc cảnh sát bắt đầu bắn anh ta. + But the man reached for his pockets, and that's when the police started shooting at him. + Aber der Mann griff nach seinen Taschen, und da fing die Polizei an, auf ihn zu schießen. + Ma l' uomo ha raggiunto per le sue tasche, ed è quando la polizia ha iniziato a sparare contro di lui. + Mais l'homme tendait les poches, et c'est là que la police a commencé à lui tirer dessus. + Pero el hombre buscó sus bolsillos, y ahí fue cuando la policía empezó a dispararle. + Maar de man kwam voor zijn zakken en toen begon de politie op hem te schieten. + (dàn nàge· nánrén bǎ shǒu shēnjìnle· kǒudài, zhèshí jǐngchá kāishǐ duì tā kāiqiāng.)
C20 6 2956
警方 意外 开枪 打死了 一名 男子 。 他们 试图 掩盖 事实 真相 , 但 结果 成了 一件 大丑 闻 。 + ตำรวจบังเอิญยิงและฆ่าชายคนหนึ่ง พวกเขาพยายามปกปิดสิ่งที่เกิดขึ้นจริงๆ แต่มันก็กลายเป็นเรื่องอื้อฉาวใหญ่ + Cảnh sát vô tình bắn chết một người đàn ông. Họ cố gắng che đậy chuyện thực tế xảy ra nhưng nó trở thành một vụ lùm xùm lớn. + The police accidentally shot and killed a man. They tried to cover up what really happened, but it became a big scandal. + Die Polizei hat versehentlich einen Mann erschossen und getötet. Sie versuchten zu vertuschen, was wirklich geschah, aber es wurde ein großer Skandal. + La polizia ha accidentalmente sparato e ucciso un uomo. Hanno cercato di nascondere ciò che è realmente accaduto, ma è diventato un grande scandalo. + La police a accidentellement tiré et tué un homme. Ils ont essayé de cacher ce qui s'est vraiment passé, mais c'est devenu un grand scandale. + La policía accidentalmente disparó y mató a un hombre. Intentaron encubrir lo que realmente pasó, pero se convirtió en un gran escándalo. + De politie heeft per ongeluk een man doodgeschoten en vermoord. Ze probeerden te verdoezelen wat er werkelijk gebeurde, maar het werd een groot schandaal. + (jǐngfāng yìwài kāiqiāng dásǐle· yìmíng nánzi·. tāmen· shìtú yǎngài shìshí zhēnxiàng, dàn jiéguǒ chéngle· yíjiàn dàchǒuwén.)
Oxford 3000VieEng
城墙 chéngqiáng Mauer
金枪鱼 jīnqiāngyú Thunfisch
qiáng Wand
增强 zēng qiáng verstärken
抢劫 qiǎng jié Überfall
枪击 qiāng jī Schuss
强迫 qiáng pò zwingen
步枪 bù qiāng Gewehr
强调 qiáng diào betonen
强制 qiángzhì Zwang
打通一面墙 dǎtōng yī miàn qiáng eine Wand durchbrechen
强奸 qiángjiān vergewaltigen
强奸 qiángjiān Vergewaltigung
强迫的 qiángpò de gezwungen
标枪 biāoqiāng Speer
踉踉跄跄地走 liàngliàng-qiàngqiàng de zǒu stolpern
斜墙 xiéqiáng schräge Wand
强盗 qiángdào Räuber
肌肉强度 jīròu qiángdù Stärke des Muskels
手枪 shǒuqiāng Pistole
手枪子弹 shǒuqiāng zǐdàn Pistolenkugel
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * qiang2 wall Wand, Mauer +
B 加強 + * * jia1qiang2 strengthen/ enhance/ reinforce verstärken, +
B 堅強 + * * jian1qiang2 strong/ firm/ tough stark +
B + * * qiang1 gun/ spear Gewehr / Büchse / Feuerwaffe +
B + * * qiang2 powerful/ strong 1. stark, kräftig, mächtig 2. besser 3. etwas mehr siehe qiang3= zwingen, nötigen +
B 強大 + * * qiang2da4 big and powerful/ formidable beeindruckend, groß nund mächtig, großartig +
B 強盜 + * * qiang2dao4 robber/ bandit Räuber, Bandit, Pirat +
B 強調 + * * qiang2diao4 underline/ emphasize/ stress unterstreichen, betonen +
B 強度 + * * qiang2du4 intensity Intensität, Festigkeit +
B 強烈 + * * qiang2lie4 intense/ strong/ violent intensiv, stark, +
B + * * qiang3 snatch/ grab 1.entreißen, wegnehmen 2.rauben, plündern 3. wetteifern 4. etw eilig erledigen +
C 手槍 + * * shou3qiang1 handgun/ pistol Handfeuerwaffe, Pistole +
C 勉強 + * * mian3qiang3 barely enough/ reluctant/ force sb. to do sth./ manage mit letzter Kraft, mit Mühe und Not, unfreiwillig +
C 增強 + * * zeng1qiang2 reinforce-strengthen/ enhance/ strengthen/ reinforce verstärken, erhöhen, steigern +
C 頑強 + * * wan2qiang2 play-thing/toy/ thing/ certain performing folk art forms hartnäckig, zäh +
C 滿腔 + * * mang3qiang1 full bosom (of emotion) voll von etwas sein +
C 牆壁 + * * qiang2bi4 wall Wand, Mauer +
C 強迫 + * * qiang3po4 force/ compel/ coerce zwingen +
D 搶救 + * * qiang3jiu4 save retten, bergen, erste Hilfe leisten +
D 機槍 + * * ji1qiang1 scatter-gun Maschinengewehr +
D 發奮圖強 + * * fa1fen4 tu2 qiang2 work with a will to make the country strong mit festen Willen das Land zu erstarken +
D 口腔 + * * kou3qiang1 mouth/ oral cavity Mundhöhle +
D 槍斃 + * * qiang1bi4 execute by shooting erschießen, etwas beiseite legen +
D + * * qiang1 cavity/ antrum 1. Hohlraum (in einem menschlichen oder tierischen Körper), Höhle 2. Melodie, Ton 3. Akzent 4. Sprechen +
D 強化 + * * qiang2hua4 strengthen stärken +
D 強盛 + * * qiang2sheng4 powerful and prosperous mächtig und blühend +
D 富強 + * * fu4qiang2 rich and strong reich und mächtig +
D 強制 + * * qiang2zhi4 force/ oblige zwingen +
D 搶劫 + * * qiang3jie2 rob rauben, plündern +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu

Mcc SentencesGbEng
222 身体 强壮 + His body is very strong.
493 强壮 + He's very strong.
973 爬山虎 墙上 + The ivy is clinging to the wall.
1008 手枪 + I've got a pistol.
1181 玫瑰 属于 蔷薇科 植物 + Roses belong to the Rosaceae family.
1262 墙上 画有 + There's a drawing of a dragon on the wall.
1377 墙上 油漆 脱落 + The paint on the wall has come off.
1495 墙上 幅画 + There are two pictures hanging on the wall.
1518 强烈 金钱 欲望 + People have a strong desire for money.
1534 如果 不要 勉强 + If you don't want to eat, don't force yourself.
1641 + This wall is very high.
1722 变得 强壮 + He wants to be strong.
1756 小偷 抢夺 + The thief is stealing her bag.
1840 墙上 裂缝 + There are cracks on the wall.
1871 墙壁 + There is writing on the wall.
1928 正在 打孔 + He is drilling a hole in the wall.
2120 + He's snatched my bag.
2266 粉刷 墙壁 + She is painting the wall.
2399 抢劫 犯罪 + Robbery is a crime.
2467 鲨鱼 口腔 + This is the oral cavity of a shark.
2513 要是 不要 勉强 + Don't force yourself if you don't like it.
2581 颜色 均匀 + He applied the paint to the wall very evenly.
2594 秦朝 强大 + The Qin Dynasty was powerful.
2606 他们 砖墙 画画 + They are drawing on the brick wall.
2768 墙上 相框 + The picture frame on the wall is hanging crooked.
2775 他们 + They're painting a wall.
3046 双方 防御 能力 + Both sides possess very strong defensive capability.
3181 呛到 + He almost choked.
3248 标枪 + He's throwing a javelin.
3321 泥墙 + He's plastering the wall.
3325 口袋 掏出 + He drew a gun from his pocket.
3567 墙面 刷上 油漆 + He's painting the wall.
3587 推理 能力 适合 侦探 + His reasoning ability is very strong. He suits doing detective work.
3714 演员 阵容 非常 强大 我们 十分 欣赏 这个 节目 + All the cast were brilliant, and we really enjoyed the show.

他的身体很强壮。 Tā de shēntǐ hěn qiángzhuàng. His body is very strong. Sein Körper ist sehr stark.
他很强壮。 tā hěn qiángzhuàng. He's very strong. Er ist sehr stark.
爬山虎巴在墙上。 Páshānhǔ bā zài qiáng shàng. The ivy is clinging to the wall. Der Efeu klebt an der Wand.
我有一把手枪。 Wǒ yǒu yī bǎ shǒu qiāng. I've got a pistol. Ich habe eine Pistole.
墙上画有一条龙。 Qiáng shàng huà yǒu yītiáolóng. There's a drawing of a dragon on the wall. Da ist eine Zeichnung eines Drachens an der Wand.
玫瑰属于蔷薇科植物。 Méigui shǔyú qiángwēi kē zhíwù. Roses belong to the Rosaceae family. Rosen gehören zur Familie der Rosengewächse.
墙上的油漆脱落了。 Qiáng shàng de yóuqī tuōluò le. The paint on the wall has come off. Die Farbe an der Wand ist abgegangen.
墙上掛着两幅画。 Qiáng shàng guàzhe liǎng fú huà. There are two pictures hanging on the wall. An der Wand hängen zwei Bilder.
墙上有条裂缝。 Qiáng shàng yǒu tiáo lièfèng. There are cracks on the wall. An der Wand sind Risse.
人有强烈的金钱欲望。 Rén yǒu qiángliè de jīnqián yùwàng. People have a strong desire for money. Die Menschen haben ein starkes Verlangen nach Geld.
如果不想吃,就不要勉强。 Rúguǒ bùxiǎng chī,jiù bùyào miǎnqiǎng. If you don't want to eat, don't force yourself. Wenn du nichts essen willst, zwing dich nicht dazu.
这堵墙很高。 Zhè dǔ qiáng hěn gāo. This wall is very high. Diese Wand ist sehr hoch.
他想变得强壮。 Tā xiǎng biànde qiángzhuàng. He wants to be strong. Er will stark sein.
小偷在抢夺她的包。 Xiǎotōu zài qiǎngduó tā de bāo. The thief is stealing her bag. Der Dieb stiehlt ihre Tasche.
墙壁上有字。 Qiángbì shàng yǒu zì. There is writing on the wall. Da steht an der Wand.
他正在墻上打孔。 Tā zhèngzài qiáng shàng ǎkǒng. He is drilling a hole in the wall. Er bohrt ein Loch in die Wand.
他抢了我的包。 Tā qiǎng le wǒ de bāo. He's snatched my bag. Er hat meine Tasche geklaut.
她在粉刷墙壁。 Tā zài fěnshuā qiángbì. She is painting the wall. Sie malt die Wand.
抢劫是一种犯罪。 Qiǎngjié shì yī zhǒng fànzuì. Robbery is a crime. Raub ist ein Verbrechen.
这是鲨鱼的口腔。 Zhè shì shāyú de kǒuqiāng. This is the oral cavity of a shark. Das ist die Mundhöhle eines Hais.
要是你不爱吃,就不要勉强了。 yàoshi nǐ bù ài chī,jiù bùyào miǎnqiǎng le. Don't force yourself if you don't like it. Zwing dich nicht, wenn es dir nicht gefällt.
他把墙的颜色涂得很均匀。 Tā bǎ qiáng de yánsè tú de hěn jūnyún. He applied the paint to the wall very evenly. Er hat die Farbe sehr gleichmäßig auf die Wand aufgetragen.
秦朝很强大。 Qín cháo hěn qiángdà. The Qin Dynasty was powerful. Die Qin-Dynastie war mächtig.
他们在砖墙上画画。 Tāmen zài zhuānqiáng shàng huà huà. They are drawing on the brick wall. Sie zeichnen an der Mauer.
墙上的相框掛歪了。 Qiáng shàng de 【◎Fix:◎xiāng;◎xiàng】 kuàng guà wāi le. The picture frame on the wall is hanging crooked. Der Bilderrahmen an der Wand hängt schief.
他们在刷一堵墙。 Tāmen zài shuā yī dǔ qiáng. They're painting a wall. Sie malen eine Wand.
双方的防御能力都很强。 Shuāngfāng de fángyù nénglì dōu hěn 【◎Fix:◎qiáng;◎qiǎng】. Both sides possess very strong defensive capability. Beide Seiten besitzen eine sehr starke Verteidigungsfähigkeit.
他呛到了。 Tā 【◎Fix:◎qiāng;◎qiàng】 dào le. He almost choked. Er hat fast erstickt.
他在掷标枪。 Tā zài zhì biāoqiāng. He's throwing a javelin. Er wirft einen Speer.
他在泥墙。 Tā zài níqiáng. He's plastering the wall. Er verputzt die Wand.
他从口袋里掏出一把枪。 Tā cóng 【◎Fix:◎kǒudài;◎kǒudai】 lǐ tāo chū yī bǎ qiāng. He drew a gun from his pocket. Er zog eine Waffe aus seiner Tasche.
他给墙面刷上油漆。 Tā gěi qiáng miàn shuā shàng yóuqī. He's painting the wall. Er malt die Wand.
Lesson 022. Playing Sports and Exercising.
qiang2 + strong
Lesson 022. Playing Sports and Exercising.
Ni3 de shen1ti3 hen3 qiang2. + Your body is very strong.
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