1 打电话 da3 dian4 hua4 to make a telephone call
1 wei4 hello (interj.; esp. on telephone)/ hey/ to feed (sb or some animal)
2 手机 shou3 ji1 cell phone/ cellular phone/ mobile phone/ CL:部[bu4]
3 照片 zhao4 pian4 photo/ photograph/ picture/ CL:張|张[zhang1];套[tao4];幅[fu2]
3 jie1 to receive/ to answer (the phone)/ to meet or welcome sb/ to connect/ to catch/ to join/ to extend/ to take one's turn on duty/ take over for sb
4 gua4 to hang or suspend (from a hook etc)/ (of a telephone call) to hang up/ to be worried or concerned/ to make a phone call (topolect)/ to register or record/ to hitch/ classifier for sets or clusters of objects
4 复印 fu4 yin4 to photocopy/ to duplicate a document
4 坚持 jian1 chi2 to continue upholding/ to remain committed to/ persistence/ to persist/ to uphold/ to insist on/ persevere
5 摄影 she4 ying3 to take a photograph/ photography/ to shoot (a movie)
5 pai1 to pat/ to clap/ to slap/ fly-swatter/ racket/ to take (a photograph)
5 麦克风 mai4 ke4 feng1 microphone (loanword)
5 维护 wei2 hu4 to defend/ to safeguard/ to protect/ to uphold/ to maintain
5 主持 zhu3 chi2 to take charge of/ to manage or direct/ to preside over/ to uphold/ to stand for (eg justice)/ to host (a TV or radio program etc)
5 占线 zhan4 xian4 busy (telephone)
5 合影 he2 ying3 joint photo/ group photo
6 虚假 xu1 jia3 false/ phony/ pretense
6 登陆 deng1 lu4 to land/ to come ashore/ to make landfall (of typhoon etc)/ to log in
6 话筒 hua4 tong3 microphone
6 摄取 she4 qu3 absorb (nutrition)/ take a photo
6 曝光 bao4 guang1 exposure (e.g. of photosensitive material)/ to expose (a scandal to the public)
6 恐惧 kong3 ju4 fear/ dread/ phobia
6 智能 zhi4 neng2 intelligent/ able/ smart (phone; system; bomb etc)
6 台风 tai2 feng1 hurricane/ typhoon
6 比喻 bi3 yu4 metaphor/ analogy/ figure of speech/ figuratively
6 捍卫 han4 wei4 defend/ uphold/ safeguard
6 变质 bian4 zhi4 to degenerate/ to go bad/ to deteriorate/ metamorphosis
6 形态 xing2 tai4 shape/ form/ pattern/ morphology

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
die Telefonnummer phone number số điện thoại
Wie ist deine Telefonnummer? What's your phone number? Số điện thoại của bạn là gì?
Wie ist Ihre Telefonnummer? What's your phone number? Số điện thoại của bạn là gì?
Meine Telefonnummer ist 0735455577. My phone number is 0735455577. Số điện thoại của tôi là 0735455577.
das Handy cell phone điện thoại di động
die Handy-Nummer cell phone number Số điện thoại di động
Ich habe kein Handy. I don't have a cell phone. Tôi không có điện thoại di động.
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
026 0465
Don’t you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you?
030 0546
There is no telephone in the room.
041 0773
Where is the nearest telephone?
041 0774
Do you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you?
044 0829
Can one take photographs?
055 1053
I’m looking for a photo equipment store.
055 1059
I’m looking for a photo shop to buy a roll of film.
061 1173
Where is the nearest telephone booth?
061 1175
Do you have a telephone directory?
071 1369
I need a telephone.
071 1371
Is there a telephone here?
071 1373
I want to take photographs.
084 1626
Do you have the telephone number? I had it just now.
085 1645
I was talking on the phone all the time.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A01 14 14
这是 房东 电话 。 + นี่คือหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของเจ้าของบ้าน + Đây là số điện thoại của chủ nhà. + This is the landlord's phone number. + Das ist die Telefonnummer des Vermieters. + Questo è il numero di telefono del proprietario. + C'est le numéro de téléphone du propriétaire. + Este es el número de teléfono del propietario. + Dit is het telefoonnummer van de verhuurder. + ( zhèshì fángdōng diànhuà.)
A02 8 58
需要 两张 照片 。 + จำเป็นต้องมีภาพถ่ายสองรูป + Cần có hai ảnh. + Two photos are required. + Zwei Fotos sind erforderlich. + Sono necessarie due foto. + Deux photos sont requises. + Se requieren dos fotos. + Er zijn twee foto's nodig. + ( xūyào liǎngzhāng zhàopiàn.)
A04 20 170
请问 电话线 接口 在 哪 ? + เต้าเสียบโทรศัพท์อยู่ที่ไหน + Đâu là ổ cắm điện thoại? + Where is the phone outlet? + Wo ist die Telefonsteckdose? + Dove si trova la presa telefonica? + Où est la prise téléphonique? + ¿Dónde está el enchufe del teléfono? + Waar is de telefoonuitgang? + ( qǐngwèn diànhuàxiàn jiēkǒu zài nǎ?)
A04 38 188
台风 要来了 。 + ไต้ฝุ่นกำลังจะมาถึง + Một cơn bão đang đến. + A typhoon is coming. + Ein Taifun kommt. + Sta arrivando un tifone. + Un typhon arrive. + Viene un tifón. + Er komt een tyfoon. + ( táifēng yàoláile·.)
A07 7 307
我的 手机 死机 了 。 + โทรศัพท์มือถือของฉันล้มเหลว + Điện thoại di động của tôi bị lỗi. + My cellphone crashed. + Mein Handy ist abgestürzt. + Il mio cellulare si è schiantato. + Mon portable s'est planté. + Mi celular se estrelló. + Mijn mobiele telefoon crashte. + ( wǒde· shǒujī sǐjī le·.)
A10 2 452
你 可以帮 我 复印 吗 ? + คุณสามารถทำสำเนาสำหรับฉันได้หรือไม่? + Bạn có thể photocopy cho tôi được không? + Can you make a photocopy for me? + Können Sie eine Fotokopie für mich anfertigen? + Puoi fare una fotocopia per me? + Tu peux me faire une photocopie? + ¿Puedes hacerme una fotocopia? + Kunt u een fotokopie voor mij maken? + ( nǐ kěyǐbāng wǒ fùyìn mā?)
A10 26 476
你 知道 可以去 哪 修 手机 吗 ? + คุณรู้ไหมว่าฉันสามารถรับโทรศัพท์มือถือได้ที่ไหน? + Bạn có biết tôi có thể mua điện thoại di động ở đâu? + Do you know where I can get a cellphone repaired? + Wissen Sie, wo ich ein Handy reparieren lassen kann? + Sapete dove posso riparare un cellulare? + Tu sais où je peux faire réparer un portable? + ¿Sabes dónde puedo reparar un celular? + Weet u waar ik een mobiele telefoon kan laten repareren? + ( nǐ zhīdào kěyǐqù nǎ xiū shǒujī mā?)
A10 34 484
可以 电话 预约 吗 ? + เราสามารถนัดหมายทางโทรศัพท์ได้หรือไม่? + Chúng tôi có thể lấy hẹn bằng điện thoại không? + Can we make an appointment by phone? + Können wir telefonisch einen Termin vereinbaren? + Possiamo fissare un appuntamento per telefono? + Peut-on prendre rendez-vous par téléphone? + ¿Podemos hacer una cita por teléfono? + Kunnen we telefonisch een afspraak maken? + ( kěyǐ diànhuà yùyuē mā?)
A11 17 517
你 必须 早点 回来 , 否则 台风 就要 来了 。 + คุณต้องย้อนกลับไปก่อนเพราะไต้ฝุ่นกำลังจะมาถึง + Bạn cần phải trở lại sớm vì một cơn bão sắp tới. + You need to get back early because a typhoon's coming. + Du musst früher zurückkommen, weil ein Taifun kommt. + Hai bisogno di tornare indietro presto perché arriva un tifone. + Tu dois rentrer tôt parce qu'un typhon arrive. + Tienes que volver temprano porque viene un tifón. + Je moet vroeg terugkomen omdat een tyfoon komt. + ( nǐ bìxū zǎodiǎn huílái, fǒuzé táifēng jiùyào láile·.)
B01 18 1018
电话 是 什么时候 发明的 ? + โทรศัพท์ถูกคิดค้นเมื่อไหร่? + Điện thoại được phát minh khi nào? + When was the telephone invented? + Wann wurde das Telefon erfunden? + Quando è stato inventato il telefono? + Quand le téléphone a-t-il été inventé? + ¿Cuándo se inventó el teléfono? + Wanneer is de telefoon uitgevonden? + ( diànhuà shì shémeshíhou· fāmíngde·?)
B01 24 1024
电话 是 贝尔 在 一八七六年 发明的。 + โทรศัพท์ถูกประดิษฐ์ขึ้นโดย Bell ในปี ค.ศ. 1876 (1876) + Điện thoại được Bell phát minh năm 1879. + The telephone was invented by Bell in eighteen seventy-six (1876). + Das Telefon wurde von Bell in achtzehn sechsundsiebzig (1876) erfunden. + Il telefono è stato inventato da Bell in diciotto settantasei anni (1876). + Le téléphone a été inventé par Bell en dix-huit cent soixante-seize (1876). + El teléfono fue inventado por Bell en dieciocho setenta y seis (1876). + De telefoon werd door Bell uitgevonden in achttienënzeventig (1876). + (diànhuà shì bèiěr zài yībāqīliùnián fāmíngde·.)
B01 34 1034
我的 手机 前几天 被 偷了 。 + โทรศัพท์ของฉันถูกขโมยไม่กี่วันก่อน + Điện thoại của tôi bị trộm mấy ngày trước. + My phone was stolen a few days ago. + Mein Handy wurde vor ein paar Tagen gestohlen. + Il mio telefono è stato rubato pochi giorni fa. + On m' a volé mon téléphone il y a quelques jours. + Me robaron el teléfono hace unos días. + Mijn telefoon is een paar dagen geleden gestolen. + (wǒde· shǒujī qiánjǐtiān bèi tōule·.)
B04 1 1151
这张 照片 有 年头 了 , 是 很久 以前 拍的。 + นี่เป็นภาพเก่า ๆ มันใช้เวลานานมาแล้ว + + This is a very old photograph. It was taken a long time ago. + Dies ist ein sehr altes Foto. Es wurde vor langer Zeit aufgenommen. + Questa è una foto molto antica. Ci è voluto molto tempo fa. + C'est une très vieille photo. Elle a été prise il y a longtemps. + Esta es una fotografía muy antigua. Fue tomada hace mucho tiempo. + Dit is een zeer oude foto. Het heeft lang geleden geduurd. + (zhèzhāng zhàopiàn yǒu niántóu le·, shì hénjiú yǐqián pāide·.)
B09 17 1417
电话 响了 八次 莎米亚 都没接 。 她 肯定是不在 家 。 + โทรศัพท์ดังขึ้นแปดครั้ง (8 ครั้ง) และ Samiya ไม่ตอบ เธอต้องไม่อยู่บ้าน + Chuông điện thoại reo tám lần mà Samiya không nghe. Cô ấy hẳn là đã không ở nhà. + The phone rang eight (8) times and Samiya didn't answer. She must not be at home. + Das Telefon klingelte acht (8) Mal und Samiya antwortete nicht. Sie darf nicht zu Hause sein. + Il telefono ha suonato otto (8) volte e Samiya non ha risposto. Non deve essere a casa sua. + Le téléphone a sonné huit (8) fois et Samiya n' a pas répondu. Elle ne doit pas être chez elle. + El teléfono sonó ocho (8) veces y Samiya no contestó. No debe estar en casa. + De telefoon belde acht (8) keer en Samiya antwoordde niet. Ze mag niet thuis zijn. + (diànhuà xiǎngle· bācì shāmíyǎ dōuméijiē. tā kěndìngshì búzài jiā.)
B09 30 1430
电话 在响 , 我 知道 不是 找 我 的 , 肯定是 找 你 的 。 + เสียงเรียกเข้าของโทรศัพท์ ฉันรู้ว่าไม่ใช่สำหรับฉัน มันต้องเป็นสำหรับคุณ + Chuông điện thoại đang reo. Tôi biết nó không phải của tôi. Chắc chắn nó phải là của cậu. + The phone's ringing. I know it's not for me. It must be for you. + Das Telefon klingelt. Ich weiß, dass es nicht für mich ist. Es muss für dich sein. + Il telefono squilla. So che non è per me. Deve essere per voi. + Le téléphone sonne. Je sais que ce n'est pas pour moi. Ça doit être pour vous. + El teléfono está sonando. Sé que no es para mí. Debe ser para ti. + De telefoon rinkelt. Ik weet dat het niet voor mij is. Het moet voor u zijn. + ( diànhuà zàixiǎng, wǒ zhīdào búshì zháo wǒ de·, kěndìngshì zháo nǐ de·.)
B14 20 1670
快 看 ! 报纸上 有 你哥的 照片 。 + ดู! มีรูปพี่ชายของคุณอยู่ในหนังสือพิมพ์! + Nhìn anh! Có ảnh của anh, cậu trên mặt báo! + Look! There's a photo of your brother in the newspaper! + Schauen Sie! Da ist ein Foto von deinem Bruder in der Zeitung! + Guarda! C' è una foto di tuo fratello sul giornale! + Regarde! Il y a une photo de ton frère dans le journal! + ¡Mira! ¡Hay una foto de tu hermano en el periódico! + Kijk! Er staat een foto van je broer in de krant! + (kuài kàn! bàozhǐshàng yóu nǐgēde· zhàopiàn.)
B14 46 1696
今天早上 有 我的 语音留言 吗 ? + มีข้อความโทรศัพท์สำหรับฉันเมื่อเช้านี้หรือไม่? + Có tin nhắn điện thoại nào cho tôi sáng nay không? + Are there any phone messages for me this morning? + Gibt es heute Morgen irgendwelche Telefonnachrichten für mich? + Ci sono messaggi telefonici per me questa mattina? + Y a-t-il des messages pour moi ce matin? + ¿Hay algún mensaje telefónico para mí esta mañana? + Zijn er vanochtend telefoonberichten voor mij? + (jīntiānzǎoshàng yóu wǒde· yǔyīnliúyán mā?)
B14 47 1697
昨天 有 我的 语音留言 吗 ? + มีข้อความโทรศัพท์สำหรับฉันเมื่อวานไหม + Có tin nhắn điện thoại nào cho tôi hôm qua không? + Were there any phone messages for me yesterday? + Gab es gestern irgendwelche Telefonnachrichten für mich? + Ieri c' erano messaggi telefonici per me? + Y avait-il des messages pour moi hier? + ¿Había algún mensaje telefónico para mí ayer? + Waren er gisteren telefoonberichten voor mij? + (zuótiān yóu wǒde· yǔyīnliúyán mā?)
B15 7 1707
这 周末 会有 台风 。 + จะมีไต้ฝุ่นสุดสัปดาห์นี้ + Sẽ có bão vào cuối tuần này. + There will be a typhoon this weekend. + An diesem Wochenende wird es einen Taifun geben. + Ci sarà un tifone questo fine settimana. + Il y aura un typhon ce week-end. + Habrá un tifón este fin de semana. + Dit weekend is er een tyfoon. + ( zhè zhōumò huìyǒu táifēng.)
C01 35 2035
这台 复印机 好象 坏了 。 — 试试按 那个 绿色 按钮 。 + เครื่องถ่ายเอกสารดูเหมือนจะไม่ทำงาน - ลองกดปุ่มสีเขียว + Máy photocopy hình như không hoạt động. - Thử ấn nút màu xanh lá cây xem. + The photocopier doesn't seem to be working. — Try pressing the green button. + Der Fotokopierer scheint nicht zu funktionieren. Versuchen Sie, den grünen Knopf zu drücken. + La fotocopiatrice non sembra funzionare. Provare a premere il pulsante verde. + Le photocopieur ne semble pas fonctionner. Essayez d'appuyer sur le bouton vert. + La fotocopiadora no parece estar funcionando. Intente pulsar el botón verde. + Het kopieerapparaat lijkt niet te werken. Druk op de groene knop. + (zhètái fùyìnjī hǎoxiàng huàile·. — shìshìàn nàge· lǜsè ànniǔ.)
C01 38 2038
我的 手机 要 充电 。 + โทรศัพท์มือถือของฉันต้องถูกเรียกเก็บเงิน - โทรศัพท์มือถือของฉันต้องชาร์จ + Điện thoại di động của tôi cần được nạp cọc. > Điện thoại di động của tôi cần nạp cọc. + My cellphone needs to be charged. — My cellphone needs charging. + Mein Handy muss aufgeladen werden. Mein Handy muss aufgeladen werden. + Il mio cellulare deve essere caricato. Il mio cellulare ha bisogno di ricarica. + Mon portable doit être chargé. Mon téléphone portable a besoin d'être rechargé. + Mi celular necesita ser cargado. Mi celular necesita carga. + Mijn mobiele telefoon moet worden opgeladen. Mijn mobiele telefoon moet worden opgeladen. + (wǒde· shǒujī yào chōngdiàn.)
C03 46 2146
我 留了 我的 电话号码 给 健治 , 这样 他 就能 联系到 我 了 。 + ฉันออกจากเคนจิไปยังหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของฉันเพื่อให้เขาสามารถติดต่อฉันได้ + Tôi đã để lại cho Kenji số điện thoại của tôi để anh ấy có thể liên lạc với tôi. + I left Kenji my phone number so he'd be able to contact me. + Ich habe Kenji meine Telefonnummer hinterlassen, damit er mich kontaktieren kann. + Ho lasciato Kenji il mio numero di telefono per potermi contattare. + J'ai laissé mon numéro de téléphone à Kenji pour qu'il puisse me contacter. + Le dejé a Kenji mi número de teléfono para que me contactara. + Ik verliet Kenji mijn telefoonnummer, zodat hij mij kon contacteren. + (wǒ liúle· wǒde· diànhuàhàomá gěi jiànzhì, zhèyàng tā jiù néng liánxìdào wǒ le·.)
C11 44 2544
怡娟 没有 手机 , 所以 很难 跟 她 联系 。 + Yijuan ไม่มีโทรศัพท์ซึ่งทำให้ยากที่จะติดต่อเธอ + Di Quyên không có điện thoại gây khó khăn cho việc liên lạc với cô ấy. + Yijuan doesn't have a phone, which makes it difficult to contact her. + Yijuan hat kein Telefon, was es schwierig macht, sie zu erreichen. + Yijuan non ha un telefono cellulare, il che rende difficile contattarla. + Yijuan n' a pas de téléphone, ce qui rend difficile de la contacter. + Yijuan no tiene teléfono, lo que dificulta contactar con ella. + Yijuan heeft geen telefoon, waardoor het moeilijk is om contact met haar op te nemen. + ( yíjuān méiyǒu shǒujī, suóyí hěnnán gēn tā liánxī.)
C14 14 2664
我 会开着 手机 , 免得 我 妈 打来 。 + ฉันจะปล่อยให้โทรศัพท์ของฉันในกรณีที่แม่ของฉันโทร + Tôi sẽ để điện thoại bật chỉ để phòng khi mẹ tôi gọi. + I'll leave my phone on just in case my mother calls. + Ich lasse mein Telefon an, nur für den Fall, dass meine Mutter anruft. + Lascio acceso il telefono solo nel caso in cui mia madre chiami. + Je laisserai mon téléphone allumé au cas où ma mère appellerait. + Dejaré el teléfono encendido por si acaso llama mi madre. + Ik laat mijn telefoon gewoon aanstaan voor het geval mijn moeder belt. + (wǒ huìkāizhe· shǒujī, miǎnde· wǒ mā dǎlái.)
C14 15 2665
我 会把 我的 手机 号码 给 你 , 以防 你 需要 联系 我 。 + ฉันจะให้หมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของฉันในกรณีที่คุณจำเป็นต้องติดต่อฉัน + Tôi sẽ đưa cậu số điện thoại để có lúc cậu cần liên lạc với tôi. + I'll give you my phone number in case you need to contact me. + Ich gebe Ihnen meine Telefonnummer für den Fall, dass Sie mich kontaktieren müssen. + Vi darò il mio numero di telefono nel caso abbiate bisogno di contattarmi. + Je vous donnerai mon numéro de téléphone au cas où vous auriez besoin de me contacter. + Te daré mi número de teléfono por si necesitas contactar conmigo. + Ik zal u mijn telefoonnummer geven voor het geval u contact met mij moet opnemen. + ( wǒ huìbá wǒde· shǒujī hàomá géi nǐ, yǐfáng nǐ xūyào liánxī wǒ.)
C14 26 2676
我 刚 坐下 电话 就 响了 。 + โทรศัพท์ดังขึ้นขณะที่ฉันนั่งลง + Điện thoại reo đúng lúc tôi ngồi xuống. + The phone rang just as I sat down. + Das Telefon klingelte, als ich mich hinsetzte. + Il telefono ha suonato come mi sono seduto. + Le téléphone a sonné pendant que je m'asseyais. + El teléfono sonó justo cuando me senté. + De telefoon belde net toen ik ging zitten. + ( wǒ gāng zuòxià diànhuà jiù xiǎngle·.)
C14 28 2678
我 没 联系上 大卫 , 因为 他 当时 在 日本出差 , 手机 在 那边 不能用 。 + ฉันไม่สามารถติดต่อดาวิดในขณะที่เดินทางไปทำงานในญี่ปุ่นและโทรศัพท์มือถือของเขาไม่ได้ทำงานที่นั่น + Tôi không thể liên lạc với David khi anh ấy đang đi công tác ở Nhật Bản, và điện thoại di động của anh ấy không hoạt động ở đó. + I couldn't contact David as he was on a business trip in Japan and his cellphone doesn't work there. + Ich konnte David nicht erreichen, da er auf einer Geschäftsreise in Japan war und sein Handy dort nicht funktioniert. + Non ho potuto contattare David perché era in viaggio d' affari in Giappone e il suo cellulare non funziona lì. + Je n'ai pas pu contacter David car il était en voyage d'affaires au Japon et son portable ne fonctionne pas là-bas. + No pude contactar a David porque estaba de viaje de negocios en Japón y su celular no funciona allí. + Ik kon niet contact opnemen met David omdat hij op zakenreis was in Japan en zijn mobiele telefoon daar niet werkt. + ( wǒ méi liánxìshàng dàwèi, yīnwèi tā dāngshí zài rìběn chūchāi, shǒujī zài nàbiān bùnéngyòng.)
C14 47 2697
你 出去 的时候 有 通 电话 打来 找 你 。 + มีโทรศัพท์ติดต่อคุณขณะที่คุณออกไป + Có một cuộc điện thoại cho cậu lúc cậu ra ngoài. + There was a phone call for you while you were out. + Es gab einen Anruf für Sie, während Sie unterwegs waren. + C' era una telefonata per voi mentre eravate fuori. + Il y a eu un appel pour toi pendant que tu étais dehors. + Hubo una llamada telefónica para ti mientras estabas fuera. + Er was een telefoontje voor u onderweg. + (nǐ chūqù de·shíhou· yǒu tōng diànhuà dǎlái zháo nǐ.)
C16 4 2754
我 没见过 负责 营销的 那位 女士 , 但 我 跟 她 通过 几次 电话 。 + ฉันไม่เคยพบผู้หญิงคนนี้ดูแลด้านการตลาด แต่ฉันได้พูดคุยกับเธอทางโทรศัพท์ไม่กี่ครั้ง + Tôi chưa bao giờ gặp người phụ nữ chịu trách nhiệm marketing nhưng tôi đã nói chuyện với cô ấy qua điện thoại vài lần. + I've never met the woman in charge OF marketing, but I've spoken to her on the phone a few times. + Ich habe die Frau, die für Marketing zuständig ist, noch nie getroffen, aber ich habe ein paar Mal mit ihr telefoniert. + Non ho mai incontrato la donna responsabile del marketing, ma le ho parlato al telefono alcune volte. + Je n'ai jamais rencontré la femme en charge du marketing, mais je lui ai parlé au téléphone plusieurs fois. + Nunca he conocido a la encargada de marketing, pero he hablado con ella por teléfono varias veces. + Ik heb nog nooit ontmoet de vrouw die verantwoordelijk is voor marketing OF marketing, maar ik heb een paar keer met haar gesproken aan de telefoon. + (wǒ méijiànguò fùzé yíngxiāode· nàwèi nǚshì, dàn wǒ gēn tā tōngguò jǐcì diànhuà.)
C16 12 2762
我的 联络 信息 都在 名片 上 。 要 找 我 最简单的 方式 就是 写 电子邮件 或是 打 我 手 机 。 + ข้อมูลการติดต่อทั้งหมดของฉันอยู่ในนามบัตรของฉัน แต่ง่ายที่สุดที่จะได้รับการสนับสนุนจากฉันทางอีเมลหรือโทรศัพท์มือถือ + Tất cả các thông tin liên hệ của tôi đều nằm trên danh thiếp của tôi nhưng cách dễ nhất để liên lạc với tôi là bằng thư điện tử hoặc điện thoại di động. + All of my contact information is on my business card, but it's easiest to get ahold of me BY email or cellphone. + Alle meine Kontaktinformationen sind auf meiner Visitenkarte, aber es ist am einfachsten, mich per E-Mail oder Handy zu erreichen. + Tutte le mie informazioni di contatto sono sul mio biglietto da visita, ma è più facile per ottenere di me da perdere via e-mail o cellulare. + Toutes mes coordonnées sont sur ma carte de visite, mais il est plus facile de me joindre PAR courriel ou téléphone cellulaire. + Toda mi información de contacto está en mi tarjeta de visita, pero es más fácil conseguirme por correo electrónico o teléfono celular. + Al mijn contactgegevens staan op mijn visitekaartje, maar het is het makkelijkst om mij te onthouden via e-mail of mobiele telefoon. + (wǒde· liánluò xìnxī dōuzài míngpiàn shàng. yào zháo wǒ zuìjiǎndānde· fāngshì jiùshì xiě diànzi·yóujiàn huòshì dá wǒ shǒujī.)
C16 29 2779
我的 手机里 有 所有的 家庭照 。 + ฉันมีรูปถ่ายทั้งหมดของครอบครัวของฉันในโทรศัพท์มือถือของฉัน + Tôi có tất cả ảnh chụp gia đình tôi trong điện thoại di động. + I have all the photos OF my family in my cellphone. + Ich habe alle Fotos meiner Familie auf meinem Handy. + Ho tutte le foto della mia famiglia nel mio cellulare. + J'ai toutes les photos de ma famille dans mon portable. + Tengo todas las fotos de mi familia en mi celular. + Ik heb alle foto's van mijn familie in mijn mobiele telefoon. + (wǒde· shǒujīli· yóu suóyǒude· jiātíngzhào.)
C19 36 2936
演唱会 因为 台风 取消了 。 + คอนเสิร์ตต้องถูกเรียกออกเนื่องจากพายุไต้ฝุ่น + Buổi hòa nhạc phải hoãn lại vì bão. + The concert had to be called off because of the typhoon. + Das Konzert musste wegen des Taifuns abgesagt werden. + Il concerto ha dovuto essere interrotto a causa del tifone. + Le concert a dû être annulé à cause du typhon. + El concierto tuvo que ser cancelado por el tifón. + Het concert moest vanwege de tyfoon worden afgeroepen. + (yǎnchànghuì yīnwèi táifēng qǔxiāole·.)
Số điện thoại của cậu là gì? + What's your phone number?
Người đàn ông trong ảnh này là ai thế? + Who's the man in this photo?
Điện thoại đang kêu. + The phone is ringing.
Họ không biết số điện thoại của tôi. + They don't know my phone number.
Anh ấy có chụp ảnh không? + Does he take photographs?
Anh ấy có đang chụp ảnh không? + Is he taking a photograph?
Điện thoại của cậu có máy ảnh không? + Does your phone have a camera?
Hỏi xem anh ấy có điện thoại thông minh không. - Không, anh ấy không có điện thoại thông minh. + Ask if he has a smart phone. — No, he hasn't got a smart phone.
Tôi không có số điện thoại của cậu. + I don't have your phone number.
Điện thoại của tôi đâu? - Tôi không biết. Tôi không cầm nó. + Where's my phone? — I don't know. I don't have it.
Tôi đã nói chuyện với anh ấy hôm qua qua điện thoại. + I spoke with him yesterday on the phone.
Jose đang làm gì khi điện thoại kêu? + What was Jose doing when the phone rang?
Jose đã làm gì khi điện thoại kêu? + What did Jose do when the phone rang?
Anh ấy dừng đọc sách và trả lời điện thoại. + He stopped reading and answered the phone.
Bạn của cậu phải trả tiền điện thoại. Hỏi cô ấy xem cô ấy đã trả tiền điện thoại chưa. + Your friend has to pay her phone bill. Ask her if she has paid her phone bill yet.
Điện thoại được phát minh khi nào? + When was the telephone invented?
Điện thoại được Bell phát minh năm 1879. + The telephone was invented by Bell in eighteen seventy-six (1876).
Điện thoại của tôi bị trộm mấy ngày trước. + My phone was stolen a few days ago.
+ This is a very old photograph. It was taken a long time ago.
Chuông điện thoại reo tám lần mà Samiya không nghe. Cô ấy hẳn là đã không ở nhà. + The phone rang eight (8) times and Samiya didn't answer. She must not be at home.
Chuông điện thoại đang reo. Tôi biết nó không phải của tôi. Chắc chắn nó phải là của cậu. + The phone's ringing. I know it's not for me. It must be for you.
Nhìn anh! Có ảnh của anh, cậu trên mặt báo! + Look! There's a photo of your brother in the newspaper!
Có tin nhắn điện thoại nào cho tôi sáng nay không? + Are there any phone messages for me this morning?
Có tin nhắn điện thoại nào cho tôi hôm qua không? + Were there any phone messages for me yesterday?
Sẽ có bão vào cuối tuần này. + There will be a typhoon this weekend.
Máy photocopy hình như không hoạt động. - Thử ấn nút màu xanh lá cây xem. + The photocopier doesn't seem to be working. — Try pressing the green button.
Điện thoại di động của tôi cần được nạp cọc. > Điện thoại di động của tôi cần nạp cọc. + My cellphone needs to be charged. — My cellphone needs charging.
Tôi đã để lại cho Kenji số điện thoại của tôi để anh ấy có thể liên lạc với tôi. + I left Kenji my phone number so he'd be able to contact me.
Di Quyên không có điện thoại gây khó khăn cho việc liên lạc với cô ấy. + Yijuan doesn't have a phone, which makes it difficult to contact her.
Tôi sẽ để điện thoại bật chỉ để phòng khi mẹ tôi gọi. + I'll leave my phone on just in case my mother calls.
Tôi sẽ đưa cậu số điện thoại để có lúc cậu cần liên lạc với tôi. + I'll give you my phone number in case you need to contact me.
Điện thoại reo đúng lúc tôi ngồi xuống. + The phone rang just as I sat down.
Tôi không thể liên lạc với David khi anh ấy đang đi công tác ở Nhật Bản, và điện thoại di động của anh ấy không hoạt động ở đó. + I couldn't contact David as he was on a business trip in Japan and his cellphone doesn't work there.
Có một cuộc điện thoại cho cậu lúc cậu ra ngoài. + There was a phone call for you while you were out.
Tôi chưa bao giờ gặp người phụ nữ chịu trách nhiệm marketing nhưng tôi đã nói chuyện với cô ấy qua điện thoại vài lần. + I've never met the woman in charge OF marketing, but I've spoken to her on the phone a few times.
Tất cả các thông tin liên hệ của tôi đều nằm trên danh thiếp của tôi nhưng cách dễ nhất để liên lạc với tôi là bằng thư điện tử hoặc điện thoại di động. + All of my contact information is on my business card, but it's easiest to get ahold of me BY email or cellphone.
Tôi có tất cả ảnh chụp gia đình tôi trong điện thoại di động. + I have all the photos OF my family in my cellphone.
Buổi hòa nhạc phải hoãn lại vì bão. + The concert had to be called off because of the typhoon.

Món phở + Pho / noodle soup

phở  + Pho / noodle soup

Tôi nghĩ đứa trẻ muốn ăn phở. + I think the child wants to eat pho.

điện thoại + phone / telephone

Cái điện thoại + the phone

Phở không rẻ. + The pho is not cheap.

+ Pho is not cheap.

Chiếc điện thoại hiện đại ở đâu? + Where is the modern phone?

Phở truyền thống. + Traditional Pho

Cái điện thoại thật tiện lợi. + The phone is really handy / convenient.

Họ mua không những máy tính mà còn điện thoại. + They buy not only computers, but also phones.

Bạn thích cái điện thoại nào nhất? + Which phone do you like most?

ảnh + photo

Cô ấy thấy một cái điện thoại ở trạm xe buýt. + She sees a phone at the bus stop.

Ai đã phát minh điện thoại? + Who invented the phone?

Đây là một cái điện thoại thân thiện với môi trường. + This is an environment-friendly phone.

Phở là một món ăn phổ biến ở Việt Nam. + Pho is a popular dish in Vietnam.

Anh ấy là một nhà nhiếp ảnh nổi tiếng. + He is a famous photographer.

nhà nhiếp ảnh + photographer

Những đứa trẻ muốn phát huy truyền thống của mình. + The children want to uphold their tradition.

phát huy + uphold

Trước khi đi, rôi muốn chụp một ảnh với bạn? + Before leaving can I take a photo with you?

Tôi cần phải đi photocopy. + I need to do some photocopying.

Máy photocopy ở đâu? + Where's the photocopier.

Máy photocopy bị tắc rồi + The photocopier's jammed.

Bạn có muốn tôi trả lời điện thoại không? + Would you like me to answer the phone?

Tôi sẽ phô tô, nếu bạn muốn. + I'll do the photocopying, if you like.

Tôi vừa bị mất điện thoại + My phone's been stolen!

Vui lòng tắt điện thoại di dộng và các thiết bị điện tư khác. + Please turn off all your mobile phones and electronic devices.

Xin quý khách vui lòng tắt điện thoại di đọng và các thiết điện tử khác. + Please turn off all your mobile phones and electronic devices.

Số điện thoại của bạn là gì? + What's your phone number?

Cho mình số điện thoại của bạn được không? + Could I take your phone number?

Để tôi xem điện thoại đã nhé. + Let me check my phone

Tôi cần phải đi photocopy. + I need to do some photocopying.

Máy photocopy ở đâu? + Where's the photocopier?

Máy photocopy bị tắc rồi. + The photocopier is jammed.

Gọi điện thoại + Make a phone call

Chụp ảnh + Take a photo

Trước khi rời đi, anh có thể chụp ảnh với em không? + Before I leave, can I take a photo with you.

Trên điện thoại + On the phone

Tôi muốn gửi bưu phấm này tới Hải Phong. + I would like to mail this parcel to Hai Phong.

Thợ chụp ảnh + Photographer

Điên thoại bàn + Telephone
SNOT Personal identification • telephones, fax and e-mail telephone điện thoại +
SNOT • telephones, fax and e-mail public telephone điện thoại công cộng +
SNOT Personal identification • telephones, fax and e-mail to call/to phone/to ring up gọi  +
SNOT Personal identification • telephones, fax and e-mail telephone number +
SNOT Personal identification • telephones, fax and e-mail 0 (as pronounced in telephone +
SNOT House and home, environment • services telephone +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • radio, TV, etc., record/gramophone record +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • intellectual and artistic pursuits names of art forms e.g. painting, photography, sculpture +
SNOT Services • telephone telephone booth +
SNOT Services • telephone phone booth +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-3 Apparat + 1. phone, 2. apparatus +
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-1 Telefon + 1. telephone, 2. phone +
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-1 Festnetz + fixed-line network, conventional telephone network +
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-1 Mobiltelefon + cellular phone +
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-1 Handy + mobile phone +
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-1 Telefonzelle + phone box +
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-1 Anruf + (phone) call +
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-5 telefonieren + to phone   (telefoniert, telefonierte, hat telefoniert) +
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-5 anrufen + to phone   (ruft an, rief an, hat angerufen) +
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-4 Foto + photograph +
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-4 Fotografie + photography +
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-7 fotografieren + to photograph, to take a photo   (fotografiert, fotografierte, hat fotografiert) +
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-7 aufnehmen + 1. to receive, 2. to record, 3. to ingest, to absorb, 4. to incorporate, to admit, 5. to take a photograph   (nimmt auf, nahm auf, hat aufgenommen) +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 2-1 Soll ich dir meine Urlaubsfotos zeigen?  + zeigen Shall I show you my vacation photos?  Tôi có cho tôi xem ảnh kỳ nghỉ của tôi không? +
Exercise 2-3 Kann ich meine Telefonnummer hinterlassen?  + hinterlassen* Can I leave my phone number?  Tôi có thể để lại số điện thoại của tôi? +
Exercise 2-4 Darf ich eure Urlaubsfotos ansehen?  + ansehen* May I look at your vacation photos?  Tôi có thể xem ảnh của bạn trong kỳ nghỉ không? +
Exercise 2-4 Darf ich bitte Ihr Telefon benutzen?  + Telefon May I use your phone, please?  Tôi có thể sử dụng điện thoại của bạn không? +
Exercise 2-4 Haben Sie Telefon?  + Telefon Do you have a phone?  Bạn có điên thoại không? +
Exercise 2-4 Das können Sie per Telefon erledigen. + Telefon You can do that over the phone. Bạn có thể làm điều đó qua điện thoại. +
Exercise 3-5 Wissen Sie zufällig die Telefonnummer von Andreas?  + wissen* Do you happen to know Andreas' phone number?  Bạn có biết số điện thoại của Andreas? +
Exercise 4-2 Kurz vor 8 Uhr hat das Telefon geklingelt.  + kurz  The phone rang just before 8:00.  Điện thoại reo trước 8:00. +
Exercise 4-6 Können Sie dieses Foto vergrößern?  + Foto Can you enlarge this photo?  Bạn có thể phóng to ảnh này không? +
Exercise 5-5 Hast du das Foto mit Blitz gemacht?  + Blitz Did you take the photo with lightning?  Bạn đã chụp ảnh với sét? +
Exercise 6-6 Sag mal, gibt es hier ein Telefon?  + sagen Is there a phone here?  Có điện thoại ở đây không? +
Exercise 8-7 Das Foto wanderte von Hand zu Hand.  + wandern The photo moved from hand to hand.  Ảnh chuyển từ tay này sang tay khác. +
Exercise 9-8 Dieses Handy kann praktisch alles, was ein Computer kann.  + praktisch This mobile phone can do virtually anything a computer can do.  Điện thoại di động này có thể làm hầu như bất cứ điều gì một máy tính có thể làm. +
Exercise 11-1 Können Sie das Foto vergrößern?  + vergrößern Can you enlarge the photo?  Bạn có thể phóng to ảnh không? +
Exercise 11-6 Auf dem Foto kann man kaum etwas erkennen.  + erkennen* You can hardly see anything in the photo.  Bạn khó có thể nhìn thấy bất cứ điều gì trong bức ảnh. +
Exercise 12-1 Können Sie den Apparat bitte etwas leiser stellen?  + Apparat Can you turn the phone down, please?  Bạn có thể bật điện thoại xuống, xin vui lòng? +
Exercise 13-2 Ich gebe dir meine Telefonnummer für den Fall, dass etwas passiert.  + Fall I'll give you my phone number in case something happens.  Tôi sẽ cung cấp cho bạn số điện thoại của tôi trong trường hợp một cái gì đó xảy ra. +
Exercise 13-4 Hat er auch seine Telefonnummer angegeben?  + angeben* Did he give his phone number, too?  Ông ta cũng cho biết số điện thoại của mình? +
Exercise 13-4 Ich kann abends zu einem günstigeren Tarif telefonieren.  + Tarif I can make a cheaper phone call in the evening.  Tôi có thể gọi điện thoại rẻ hơn vào buổi tối. +
Exercise 13-5 Ist hier in der Nähe eine Telefonzelle?  + Telefonzelle Is there a phone booth nearby?  Có một gian hàng điện thoại gần đó không? +
Exercise 13-5 Ich rufe dich von einer Telefonzelle aus an. + Telefonzelle I'll call you from a payphone. Tôi sẽ gọi cho bạn từ một chiếc điện thoại. +
Exercise 14-1 Ich habe kein Festnetztelefon, aber ein Handy.  + Handy I don't have a landline, but I have a cell phone.  Tôi không có điện thoại cố định, nhưng tôi có điện thoại di động. +
Exercise 14-1 Soll ich Ihnen meine Handynummer geben?  + Handy Shall I give you my cell phone number?  Tôi sẽ cho bạn số điện thoại di động của tôi? +
Exercise 14-1 Heutzutage haben sogar kleine Kinder ein eigenes Handy.  + Handy Nowadays, even small children have their own mobile phone.  Ngày nay, ngay cả trẻ nhỏ cũng có điện thoại di động riêng. +
Exercise 14-1 Ich muss mein Handy aufladen. + Handy I need to recharge my phone. Tôi cần nạp tiền điện thoại. +
Exercise 14-3 Die Nummer finden Sie im örtlichen Telefonbuch.  + örtlich The number can be found in the local phone book.  Bạn có thể tìm thấy số điện thoại trong sổ điện thoại địa phương. +
Exercise 15-3 Das Telefon klingelt.  + klingeln The phone rings.  Điện thoại reo. +
Exercise 15-7 Er hängt den ganzen Tag am Telefon.  + hängen* He's on the phone all day.  Anh ta đang gọi điện thoại cả ngày. +
Exercise 16-2 Ich bin gleich fertig, ich muss nur noch schnell telefonieren.  + schnell I'm almost done, I just have to make a quick phone call.  Tôi gần như đã xong, tôi chỉ cần gọi điện thoại nhanh thôi. +
Exercise 17-2 Wenn Sie Fragen haben, rufen Sie uns an. Wir haben eine extra Telefonnummer eingerichtet.  + einrichten If you have any questions, please call us. We've set up an extra phone number.  Nếu bạn có bất kỳ câu hỏi, xin vui lòng gọi cho chúng tôi. Chúng tôi đã thiết lập một số điện thoại bổ sung. +
Exercise 17-7 Ich habe eine Bitte. Kann ich mal Ihr Handy benutzen?  + Bitte I have a request. Can I use your cell phone?  Tôi có một yêu cầu. Tôi có thể sử dụng điện thoại di động của bạn? +
Exercise 20-1 Ihr Handy ist kaputt? Wir schicken es an den Hersteller zurück und lassen es reparieren.  + Hersteller Your phone is broken? We send it back to the manufacturer and have it repaired.  Điện thoại của bạn bị hỏng? Chúng tôi gửi lại cho nhà sản xuất và sửa chữa. +
Exercise 20-7 Ich muss kurz telefonieren.  + telefonieren I need to make a phone call.  Tôi cần gọi điện thoại. +
Exercise 20-7 Mein Mann telefoniert gerade. Er ruft Sie zurück.  + telefonieren My husband's on the phone. He'll call you back.  Chồng tôi trên điện thoại. Anh ấy sẽ gọi lại cho bạn. +
Exercise 20-7 Er hat lange mit mir telefoniert. + telefonieren He's been on the phone with me a long time. Anh ấy đã điện thoại với tôi một thời gian dài. +
Exercise 21-5 Meine Tochter bekommt viele Anrufe auf ihrem Handy.  + Anruf My daughter gets a lot of calls on her cell phone.  Con gái tôi được nhiều cuộc điện thoại di động. +
Exercise 23-8 Ist das ein aktuelles Foto?  + aktuell Is that a recent photo?  Đây có phải là bức ảnh gần đây? +
Exercise 24-9 Ich habe mir deine Telefonnummer aufgeschrieben.  + aufschreiben* I wrote down your phone number.  Tôi đã ghi lại số điện thoại của bạn. +
Exercise 27-1 Ich dachte, ich könnte es per Telefon erledigen. + per I thought I could do it over the phone. Tôi nghĩ rằng tôi có thể làm điều đó qua điện thoại. +
Exercise 27-3 Es ist verboten, in der Ausstellung zu fotografieren!  + fotografieren It is forbidden to take photographs in the exhibition!  Không được chụp ảnh trong triển lãm! +
Exercise 27-3 Ich interessiere mich für Fotografie.  + Fotografie I am interested in photography.  Tôi quan tâm đến nhiếp ảnh. +
Exercise 27-4 Bitte wirf einen Blick auf dieses Foto. + Blick Please take a look at this photo. Hãy xem ảnh này. +
Exercise 27-9 Wir können Ihnen einen günstigen Vertrag für Ihr Mobiltelefonanbieten.  + Mobiltelefon We can offer you a favorable contract for your mobile phone.  Chúng tôi có thể cung cấp cho bạn một hợp đồng thuận lợi cho điện thoại di động của bạn. +
Exercise 27-9 Du solltest dein Mobiltelefon ausschalten. + Mobiltelefon You should turn off your cell phone. Bạn nên tắt điện thoại di động. +
Exercise 28-1 Er hat uns seine neue Telefonnummer mitgeteilt. + mitteilen He gave us his new phone number. Ông đưa cho chúng tôi số điện thoại mới của ông. +
Exercise 28-3 Die Polizei hat ein Foto des Verdächtigen veröffentlicht.  + veröffentlichen Police have released a photo of the suspect.  Cảnh sát đã phát hành một bức ảnh của nghi can. +
Exercise 28-5 Ein Notruf kann von jedem Telefon aus immer kostenlos erfolgen.  + Notruf An emergency call can always be made free of charge from any telephone.  Cuộc gọi khẩn cấp luôn có thể được thực hiện miễn phí từ bất kỳ điện thoại nào. +
Exercise 29-9 Frau Müller, Sie werden am Telefon verlangt.  + verlangen Mrs. Müller, you're wanted on the phone.  Bà Müller, bạn đang muốn trên điện thoại. +
Exercise 32-2 Das Foto bringt viele schöne Erinnerungen zurück.  + Erinnerung The photo brings back many beautiful memories.  Hình ảnh mang lại nhiều kỷ niệm đẹp. +
Exercise 32-7 Diese Telefonnummer kann man sich gut merken.  + merken This phone number is easy to remember.  Số điện thoại này rất dễ nhớ. +
Exercise 33-7 Das Telefon klingelt, kannst du bitte abnehmen?  + abnehmen* The phone's ringing, can you pick it up, please?  Điện thoại của chuông, bạn có thể nhặt nó lên, xin vui lòng? +
Exercise 35-4 Ihr seid euch sehr ähnlich. Auf dem Foto kann man euch beide nicht unterscheiden.  + unterscheiden* You two are very alike. In the photo, you two are indistinguishable.  Hai người rất giống nhau. Trong bức ảnh, hai bạn không thể phân biệt được. +
Exercise 35-6 Seine Freundlichkeit war nur Schein.  + Schein His kindness was a phoney one.  Sự tử tế của Ngài là một điều giả dối. +
Exercise 36-2 Ich habe meine Telefonrechnung eingezahlt.  + einzahlen I paid my phone bill.  Tôi đã thanh toán hóa đơn điện thoại của tôi. +
Exercise 41-9 Es ist gefährlich, gleichzeitig zu telefonieren und zu fahren.  + gefährlich It's dangerous to talk on the phone and drive at the same time.  Thật nguy hiểm khi nói chuyện điện thoại và lái xe vào cùng một thời điểm. +
Exercise 43-3 Die Mehrheit der Menschen in Deutschland besitzt ein Handy. + Mehrheit The majority of people in Germany own a mobile phone. Đa số người ở Đức sở hữu một chiếc điện thoại di động. +
Exercise 43-6 Wer hat eigentlich das Telefon erfunden?  + erfinden* Who invented the phone?  Ai phát minh ra điện thoại? +
Exercise 45-1 Die Aufnahme zeigt das Brandenburger Tor.  + Aufnahme The photo shows the Brandenburg Gate.  Ảnh cho thấy cổng Brandenburg. +
Exercise 45-1 Der Fotograf machte eine Aufnahme von dem Hochzeitspaar.  + Aufnahme The photographer took a picture of the wedding couple.  Nhiếp ảnh gia đã chụp ảnh cặp vợ chồng. +
Exercise 45-5 Ich wusste nichts von der Existenz dieses Fotos.  + Existenz I didn't know this photo existed.  Tôi không biết bức ảnh này đã tồn tại. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Household Polstermöbel + piece of upholstered furniture + Furniture C
+ + + + 103 Household Polsterung + upholstery (padding) + Furniture C
+ + + + 103 Household Polsterstoff + upholstery fabric + Furniture C
+ + + + 103 The animal world sich in etw verwandeln + to metamorphose into sth + Animal behaviour C
+ + + + 103 Weather Taifun + typhoon + Wind and storms C
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Sinfonie (Symphonie) + symphony + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Saxofon + saxophone + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Saxofonist(in) + saxophonist + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Foto + photo + Photography A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Lichtbild + photograph + Photography A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Fotografie + photograph + Photography A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Fotografie + photography + Photography A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Fotograf(in) + photographer + Photography A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts (etw) fotografieren + to photograph sth; take photographs + Photography A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts etw aufnehmen + to photograph sth + Photography A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts fotogen + photogenic + Photography A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Teleobjektiv + telephoto lens + Photography B
+ + + + 103 Media and popular culture Fotoreporter(in) + press photographer + Print media B
+ + + + 103 Literature and literary criticism Metapher + metaphor + Style B
+ + + + 103 Literature and literary criticism Aphorismus + aphorism + Genres C
+ + + + 103 Literature and literary criticism aphoristisch + aphoristic + Style C
+ + + + 103 Literature and literary criticism Anapher + anaphora + Style C
+ + + + 103 Speaking (mit jmdm) telefonieren + to speak on the telephone (with sb) + Conversing A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Kopfhörer + headphones + Air transport B
+ + + + 103 Science Phosphat + phosphate + Physical sciences C
+ + + + 103 Science Fotosynthese + photosynthesis + Biological sciences C
+ + + + 103 Employment Fotograf(in) + photographer + Jobs, trades and professions A
+ + + + 103 Employment Telefonist(in) + telephone operator, telephonist + Jobs, trades and professions A
+ + + + 103 Employment Polsterer + upholsterer + Jobs, trades and professions B
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Fotokopierer + photocopier + Office equipment and materials A
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Kopie + photocopy + Office equipment and materials A
+ + + + 103 The office and computing etw kopieren + to photocopy sth, duplicate sth + Office equipment and materials A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Telefon + telephone + Telephone A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Fernsprecher + telephone + Telephone A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Fernsprechapparat + telephone + Telephone A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications das Telefon läutet/klingelt + the telephone is ringing + Telephone A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications am Apparat + on the phone + Telephone A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Handy + mobile phone, cell(ular) phone + Telephone A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Telefonbuch + telephone book + Telephone A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications den Hörer abnehmen + to answer the phone + Telephone A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications ans Telefon gehen + to answer the phone + Telephone A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications den Hörer auflegen/einhängen + to hang up the phone + Telephone A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications mit jmdm telefonieren + to speak with sb on the phone + Telephone A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications telephonieren + to make a phone call + Telephone A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Telefonzelle + telephone booth + Telephone A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Autotelefon + car phone + Telephone B
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications ein mobiles Telefon + a mobile phone + Telephone B
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications ein schnurloses Telefon + a cordless phone + Telephone B
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications ein tragbares Telefon + a portable phone + Telephone B
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Kartentelefon + card telephone + Telephone B
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Telefonkarte + telephone card + Telephone B
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Fernsehtelefon + videophone + Telephone B
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Telefongebühren + telephone rates + Telephone B
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Fern(sprech)amt + (telephone) exchange + Telephone C
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Vermittlungsstelle + telephone exchange; switchboard + Telephone C
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Münzfernsprecher + coin-operated phone + Telephone C
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications es knackt in der Telefonleitung + the telephone is crackling + Telephone C
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications eine Telefonleitung anzapfen + to tap a phone line + Telephone C
+ + + + 103 Law eine Lücke im Gesetz + a loophole in the law + Justice B
+ + + + 103 Law Phantombild + Identikit®/Photofit® picture + Police and investigation C
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations Xenophobie + xenophobia + Immigration and asylum C
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations xenophob + xenophobic + Immigration and asylum C
+ + + + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Phosphat + phosphate + Environment C
+ + + + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues phosphatfrei + phosphate-free/containing phosphates + Environment C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 電話 + * * dian4hua4 telephone/ phone/ phone call Telefon +
A 照相 + * * zhao4 xiang4 take a picture (or photograph) eine Aufnahme machen, fotographieren +
B 擁護 + * * yong1hu4 support/ uphold unterstützen, befürworten +
B 照片(相片) + * * zhao4pian4 photo/ photograph Lichtbild, Foto, Aufnahme, Photographie +
B 公用電話 + * * gong1yong4 dian4hua4 public phone öffentliches Telefon +
C 主持 + * * zhu3chi2 manage-control/ direct/ preside over/ manage/ uphold leiten, verwalten,befürworten, eintreten +
C 拍攝 + * * pai1she4 shoot (a photograph; movie; video clip; etc.)/ film mit einer Kamera aufnehmen, filmen,fotographieren +
C 攝影 + * * she4 ying3 take a photo/ shoot a film eine Aufnahme machen,fotografieren, e. Film drehen +
C 照相機 + * * zhao4xiang4ji1 take-photo-machine/ camera Kamera, Fotoapparat +
C 窟窿 + 窿* * ku1long hollow/ hole/ cavity/ loophole/ flaw Loch,Höhle,Hohlraum,Fehlbetrag, Schuld +
C 形態 + * * xing2tai4 shape-state/ form/ shape/ pattern/ morphology Form, Gestalt, Morphologie +
D 颱風 + * * tai2feng1 typhoon Taifun +
D + * * lin2 phosphorus Phosphor (P) +
D 變形 + * * bian4 xing2 metamorphose aus der Form geraten, deformiert werden +
D 梧桐 + * * wu2tong2 phoenix tree Firmiana simplex, Platanenblättrige Sterkulie, Chinesischer Schirmbaum, +
D 鳳凰 + * * feng4huang2 phoenix Phönix +
D 鐮刀 + * * lian2dao1 reaphook Sichel +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
accompany + The text is accompanied by a series of stunning photographs. Der Text wird von einer Reihe beeindruckender Fotografien begleitet.
address + I'll give you my address and phone number. Ich gebe Ihnen meine Adresse und Telefonnummer.
leave/let sb alone + She's asked to be left alone but the press photographers follow her everywhere. Sie soll in Ruhe gelassen werden, aber die Pressefotografen folgen ihr überall hin.
always + That phone's always ringing. Das Telefon klingelt immer.
angle + The photo was taken from an unusual angle. Das Foto wurde aus einem ungewöhnlichen Blickwinkel aufgenommen.
answer + to answer the phone (= to pick up the phone when it rings) das Telefon abheben (= das Telefon abnehmen, wenn es klingelt)
back + I found some old photos at the back of the drawer. Ich habe ein paar alte Fotos auf der Rückseite der Schublade gefunden.
background + a photograph with trees in the background ein Foto mit Bäumen im Hintergrund
be + I tried phoning but there was no answer. Ich habe versucht anzurufen, aber es kam keine Antwort.
bet + You can bet (that) the moment I sit down, the phone will ring. Sie können darauf wetten, dass das Telefon klingelt, sobald ich mich hinsetze.
bill + the telephone/electricity/gas bill die Telefon-/Elektrizitäts-/Gasrechnung
black and white + black-and-white photos Schwarz-Weiß-Fotos
I don't blame you/her, etc. (for doing sth) + 'I just slammed the phone down when he said that.' 'I don't blame you!' Ich habe gerade den Hörer runtergehauen, als er das sagte. "Ich mache dir keinen Vorwurf!"
break down + The telephone system has broken down. Die Telefonanlage ist ausgefallen.
by + The telephone is by the window. Das Telefon ist am Fenster.
case + a severe case of typhoid ein schwerer Typhusfall
cell phone + cell phone users Handynutzer
cell phone + I talked to her on my cell phone. Ich habe mit ihr auf meinem Handy gesprochen.
cell phone + The use of cellular phones is not permitted on most aircraft. Die Benutzung von Mobiltelefonen ist in den meisten Flugzeugen nicht erlaubt.
change + Do you have any change for the phone? Haben Sie Kleingeld fürs Telefon?
chat + chat (to/with sb): My kids spend hours chatting on the phone to their friends. Chat (mit/nach jdm.): Meine Kinder verbringen Stunden damit, mit ihren Freunden am Telefon zu chatten.
check over/through sth + We checked through the photographs to make sure there were none missing. Wir haben die Fotos durchgesehen, um sicherzugehen, dass nichts fehlt.
clear + The photo wasn't very clear. Das Foto war nicht sehr klar.
clear + The voice on the phone was clear and strong. Die Stimme am Telefon war klar und stark.
close + Take a close look at this photograph. Sehen Sie sich dieses Foto genau an.
colour + colour photography/printing Farbfotografie/Druck
combine + This model combines a telephone and fax machine. Dieses Modell kombiniert Telefon und Faxgerät.
come across sb/sth + She came across some old photographs in a drawer. Sie fand ein paar alte Fotos in einer Schublade.
common + They share a common interest in photography. Sie haben ein gemeinsames Interesse an der Fotografie.
competition + a music/photo, etc. competition Wettbewerb Musik/Foto, etc.
connect + We're waiting for the telephone to be connected. Wir warten auf die Verbindung zum Telefon.
contact + The organization put me in contact with other people in a similar position (= gave me their addresses or telephone numbers). Die Organisation stellte mich in Kontakt mit anderen Leuten in einer ähnlichen Position (= mir ihre Adressen oder Telefonnummern geg
contact + Here's my contact number (= temporary telephone number) while I'm away. Hier ist meine Telefonnummer (= temporäre Telefonnummer), während ich weg bin.
contact + I'll give you my contact details (= telephone number, email address, etc.). Ich gebe Ihnen meine Kontaktdaten (= Telefonnummer, E-Mail-Adresse, etc.).
conversation + a telephone conversation ein Telefongespräch
copy + copy sth (from sth) (into/onto sth): She copied the phone number into her address book. etw.[Akk] von etw.[Dat] kopieren (von etw.[Dat] in/auf etw.[Akk]: Sie hat die Telefonnummer in ihr Adressbuch kopiert.
could + Could I use your phone, please? Könnte ich bitte Ihr Telefon benutzen?
cross + We seem to have a crossed line (= a telephone call that interrupts another call because of a wrong connection). Wir haben anscheinend eine überquerte Leitung (= ein Telefonat, das einen weiteren Anruf wegen einer falschen Verbindung unterbricht
cut sb/sth off + They were cut off for not paying their phone bill. Sie wurden abgeschnitten, weil sie ihre Telefonrechnung nicht bezahlt hatten.
dead + Suddenly the phone went dead. Plötzlich ist das Telefon tot.
decorate + Photographs of actors decorated the walls of the restaurant. Fotos von Schauspielern schmückten die Wände des Restaurants.
discuss + discuss sth: I'm not prepared to discuss this on the phone. etw.[Akk] besprechen: Ich bin nicht bereit, das am Telefon zu besprechen.
either + You can keep one of the photos. Either of them—whichever you like. Du kannst eins der Fotos behalten. Eines von beiden - was immer Sie wollen.
engaged + I phoned earlier but you were engaged (= using your phone). Ich habe vorhin angerufen, aber Sie waren verlobt (= Ihr Telefon benutzen).
engineer + They're sending an engineer to fix the phone. Sie schicken einen Techniker, der das Telefon repariert.
enquiry + a telephone enquiry eine telefonische Anfrage
entry + There have been some impressive entries in the wildlife photography section (= impressive photographs). Es gab einige beeindruckende Einträge in der Tierfotografie (= eindrucksvolle Fotos).
even now/then + I've shown him the photographs but even now he won't believe me. Ich habe ihm die Fotos gezeigt, aber selbst jetzt glaubt er mir nicht.
exact + He started to phone me at the exact moment I started to phone him (= at the same time). Er fing an, mich anzurufen, in dem Moment, als ich anfing, ihn anzurufen (= zur selben Zeit).
exhibition + an exhibition of old photographs eine Ausstellung alter Fotografien
explain + explain who, how, etc...: He explained who each person in the photo was. erklären, wer, wie, usw...: Er erklärte, wer jede Person auf dem Foto war.
explain + explain why, how, etc...: Well, that doesn't explain why you didn't phone. Erklären Sie warum, wie, warum, usw...: Nun, das erklärt nicht, warum Sie nicht angerufen haben.
far + Who is that on the far left of the photograph? Wer ist das ganz links auf dem Foto?
film + to study film and photography Film und Fotografie studieren
finish + finish with sth: The symphony finishes with a flourish. mit etw.[Dat] enden: Die Symphonie endet mit einer Blütezeit.
flash + flash photography Blitzfotografie
flood + Telephone calls came flooding in from all over the country. Aus dem ganzen Land kamen Telefonanrufe.
focus + The children's faces are badly out of focus (= not clearly shown) in the photograph. Die Kindergesichter sind auf dem Foto schlecht unscharf (= nicht deutlich zu erkennen).
follow sth up + You should follow up your phone call with an email or a letter. Sie sollten Ihren Anruf mit einer E-Mail oder einem Brief nachbereiten.
frame + The photograph had been framed. Das Foto war gerahmt.
free + 'Can I use the phone?' 'Please, feel free (= of course you can use it).' Kann ich telefonieren? "Bitte, zögern Sie nicht (= natürlich können Sie es benutzen)."
hardly + We had hardly sat down to supper when the phone rang. Wir hatten uns kaum zum Essen hingesetzt, als das Telefon klingelte.
at home + I phoned you last night, but you weren't at home. Ich habe dich gestern Abend angerufen, aber du warst nicht zu Hause.
honour + upholding the honour of your country die Ehre deines Landes zu verteidigen,
illustrate + illustrate sth with sth: His lecture was illustrated with photos taken during the expedition. etw.[Akk] mit etw.[Dat] illustrieren: Sein Vortrag wurde mit Fotos der Expedition illustriert.
include + include doing sth: Your duties include typing letters and answering the telephone. etw.[Akk] tun: Zu Ihren Pflichten gehört es, Briefe zu tippen und das Telefon zu beantworten.
install + He's getting a phone installed tomorrow. Er lässt morgen ein Telefon installieren.
instruction + He phoned you on my instructions. Er rief Sie an, nach meinen Anweisungen.
into + Speak clearly into the microphone. Sprechen Sie deutlich in das Mikrofon.
invent + I wish mobile phones had never been invented! Ich wünschte, das Handy wäre nie erfunden worden!
involve + involve doing sth: The test will involve answering questions about a photograph. etw.[Akk] zu tun haben: Der Test beinhaltet die Beantwortung von Fragen zu einem Foto.
it + It's your mother on the phone. Es ist deine Mutter am Telefon.
just + Just my luck (= the sort of bad luck I usually have). The phone's not working. Nur mein Glück (= das Pech, das ich sonst immer habe). Das Telefon funktioniert nicht.
line + If you hold the line (= stay on the telephone and wait), I'll see if she is available. Wenn Sie die Leitung halten (= am Telefon bleiben und warten), sehe ich nach, ob sie erreichbar ist.
little + A little while later the phone rang. Wenig später klingelte das Telefon.
look + look (to sb) like sb/sth: That photograph doesn't look like her at all. jdm. wie jdn. /etw.[Dat] aussehen: Dieses Foto sieht ihr überhaupt nicht ähnlich.
memory + The photos bring back lots of good memories. Die Fotos bringen viele gute Erinnerungen zurück.
middle + The phone rang in the middle of the night. Das Telefon klingelte mitten in der Nacht.
might + Might I use your phone? Darf ich mal telefonieren?
mobile phone + Please make sure all mobile phones are switched off during the performance. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Handys während der Vorstellung ausgeschaltet sind.
moment + At that very moment, the phone rang. In diesem Moment klingelte das Telefon.
new + Do you have her new phone number? Hast du ihre neue Telefonnummer?
normal + My day began in the normal way, and then I received a very strange phone call. Mein Tag begann auf die normale Weise, und dann erhielt ich einen sehr seltsamen Anruf.
number + My phone number is 266998. Meine Telefonnummer ist 266998.
number + I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number (= wrong telephone number). Es tut mir leid, ich glaube, Sie haben die falsche Nummer (= falsche Telefonnummer).
of + a photo of my dog ein Foto meines Hundes
offence + The photo may cause offence to some people. Das Foto kann für manche Menschen eine Beleidigung darstellen.
on + We spoke on the phone. Wir haben telefoniert.
out of order + The phone is out of order. Das Telefon ist kaputt.
order + order (sth) (for sb): Will you order for me while I make a phone call? order (etw) (für jdn.): Bestellen Sie für mich, während ich telefoniere?
original + Only original documents (= not photocopies) will be accepted as proof of status. Als Statusnachweis werden nur Originaldokumente (= keine Fotokopien) akzeptiert.
original + Send out the photocopies and keep the original. Senden Sie die Fotokopien und bewahren Sie das Original auf.
our + We showed them some of our photos. Wir haben ihnen einige unserer Fotos gezeigt.
over + She wouldn't tell me over the phone. Sie hat es mir nicht am Telefon gesagt.
packet + A packet of photographs arrived with the mail. Ein Fotopaket kam mit der Post.
passport + a passport photo ein Passfoto
patience + It takes time and patience to photograph wildlife. Es braucht Zeit und Geduld, um Wildtiere zu fotografieren.
pause + She paused the DVD and went to answer the phone. Sie pausierte die DVD und ging zum Telefon.
permit + permit sb/yourself to do sth: Visitors are not permitted to take photographs. jdm. selbst erlauben, etw. zu tun: Besucher dürfen nicht fotografieren.
personal + Please keep personal phone calls to a minimum. Bitte halten Sie persönliche Telefonate möglichst gering.
phone + I have to make a phone call. Ich muss telefonieren.
phone + The phone rang and Pat answered it. Das Telefon klingelte und Pat ging ran.
phone + They like to do business by phone/over the phone. Sie machen Geschäfte gerne telefonisch/telefonisch.
phone + His phone must be switched off. Sein Telefon muss ausgeschaltet sein.
phone + I hadn't got my phone with me. Ich hatte mein Handy nicht dabei.
phone + a phone bill eine Telefonrechnung
phone + to pick up the phone um ans Telefon zu gehen
phone + to put the phone down das Telefon auflegen
phone + He left the phone off the hook as he didn't want to be disturbed. Er ließ den Hörer aus dem Telefonbuch, weil er nicht gestört werden wollte.
phone in + Listeners are invited to phone in with their comments. Die Zuhörer sind eingeladen, sich mit ihren Kommentaren anzurufen.
phone sth in + I need you to phone the story in before five. Du musst die Story noch vor fünf Uhr anrufen.
photo + a colour/black-and-white photo ein Farb-/Schwarzweißfoto
photo + a passport photo ein Passfoto
photo + a photo album (= a book for keeping your photos in) ein Fotoalbum (= ein Buch zum Aufbewahren Ihrer Fotos)
photo + I'll take a photo of you. Ich werde ein Foto von dir machen.
photocopy + Make as many photocopies as you need. Machen Sie so viele Fotokopien, wie Sie brauchen.
photocopy + a photocopied letter ein kopierter Brief
photocopy + Can you get these photocopied for me by 5 o'clock? Können Sie die bis fünf Uhr für mich fotokopieren lassen?
photocopy + I seem to have spent most of the day photocopying. Ich habe den ganzen Tag fotokopiert.
photograph + aerial/satellite photographs Luftbild/Satellitenaufnahmen
photograph + colour photographs Farbfotos
photograph + His photograph appeared in the local paper. Sein Foto erschien in der Lokalzeitung.
photograph + Please enclose a recent passport-sized photograph of yourself. Bitte fügen Sie ein aktuelles Passfoto von sich selbst bei.
photograph + I spent the day taking photographs of the city. Ich verbrachte den Tag damit, Fotos von der Stadt zu machen.
photograph + photograph sb/sth: He has photographed some of the world's most beautiful women. jdn. /etw.[Akk] fotografieren: Er hat einige der schönsten Frauen der Welt fotografiert.
photograph + a beautifully photographed book (= with good photographs in it) ein schön fotografiertes Buch (= mit guten Fotos darin)
photograph + photograph sb/sth + adj.: She refused to be photographed nude. jdn. /etw.[Akk] fotografieren + adj.Sie weigerte sich, nackt fotografiert zu werden.
photograph + photograph sb/sth doing sth: They were photographed playing with their children. jdn. /etw.[Akk] bei etw.[Dat] fotografieren: Sie wurden beim Spielen mit ihren Kindern fotografiert.
photographer + a wildlife/fashion/portrait photographer Tier-/Mode Fotografen/Porträtfotograf
photography + colour/flash/aerial, etc. photography Farb-/Blitzlicht/Luftbildaufnahmen, etc.
photography + fashion photography by David Burn Modefotografie von David Burn
photography + Her hobbies include hiking and photography. Zu ihren Hobbys gehören Wandern und Fotografie.
photography + the director of photography (= the person who is in charge of the actual filming of a film/movie, programme, etc.) der/die Regisseur/in der Kamera (= die Person, die für das eigentliche Filmen eines Films, eines Programms usw. verantwortlich ist)
photography + Did you see the film about Antarctica? The photography was superb! Hast du den Film über die Antarktis gesehen? Die Fotografie war großartig!
pick sb/sth up + The survivors were rescued after their sounds were picked up by a television crew's microphone. Die Überlebenden wurden gerettet, nachdem ihre Geräusche vom Mikrofon eines Fernsehteams aufgenommen worden waren.
point + 'That's my mother,' she said, pointing at a photo on the wall. Das ist meine Mutter, sagte sie und zeigte auf ein Foto an der Wand.
pose + The delegates posed for a group photograph. Die Delegierten posierten für ein Gruppenfoto.
pose + They posed briefly for photographs before driving off. Sie stellten sich kurz für Fotos auf, bevor sie losfuhren.
previously + The book contains a number of photographs not previously published. Das Buch enthält eine Reihe von Fotografien, die bisher nicht veröffentlicht wurden.
print + The photo was printed in all the national newspapers. Das Foto wurde in allen überregionalen Zeitungen abgedruckt.
produce + A phone call to the manager produced the result she wanted. Ein Anruf beim Manager brachte das gewünschte Ergebnis.
publication + The newspaper continues to defend its publication of the photographs. Die Zeitung verteidigt weiterhin die Veröffentlichung der Fotos.
put sth down + She put the phone down on me (= ended the call before I had finished speaking). Sie legte das Telefon auf mich (= beendete den Anruf, bevor ich mit dem Sprechen fertig war).
quiet + Could you keep the kids quiet while I'm on the phone? Könntest du die Kinder ruhig halten, während ich telefoniere?
receive + receive sth: to receive a letter/present/phone call etw.[Akk] erhalten, um einen Brief/Präsent/Telefonanruf entgegenzunehmen
reception + There was very poor reception on my phone. Der Empfang auf meinem Handy war sehr schlecht.
reference + Keep the list of numbers near the phone for easy reference. Halten Sie die Liste der Nummern in der Nähe des Telefons für eine einfache Referenz.
replace + to replace the handset (= after using the telephone). zum Auflegen des Hörers (= nach Verwendung des Telefons).
reproduce + The photocopier reproduces colours very well. Der Kopierer reproduziert Farben sehr gut.
in reverse + The secret number is my phone number in reverse. Die geheime Nummer ist meine Telefonnummer in umgekehrter Richtung.
ring + Will you answer the telephone if it rings? Gehst du ans Telefon, wenn es klingelt?
save + save sb doing sth: If you phone for an appointment, it'll save you waiting. jdm. etw.[Akk] ersparen: Wenn Sie einen Termin vereinbaren, sparen Sie sich das Warten.
search + I found these photos while searching among some old papers. Diese Fotos habe ich bei der Suche in alten Papieren gefunden.
make sense + John wasn't making much sense on the phone. John hat am Telefon nicht viel Sinn gemacht.
separately + They were photographed separately and then as a group. Sie wurden einzeln und dann als Gruppe fotografiert.
service + the ambulance/bus/telephone, etc. service Ambulanz/Bus/Telefon etc.
session + a photo/recording/training, etc. session eine Foto-/Aufnahme-/Trainingssession etc.
several + If you're looking for a photo of Alice you'll find several in here. Wenn du nach einem Foto von Alice suchst, findest du mehrere hier.
sharp + The photograph is not very sharp (= there are no clear contrasts between areas of light and shade). Das Foto ist nicht sehr scharf (= es gibt keine deutlichen Kontraste zwischen Licht- und Schattenbereichen).
show + She had objected to a photo showing her in a bikini. Sie hatte Einwände gegen ein Foto, das sie in einem Bikini zeigt.
sick + Emma has just called in sick (= telephoned to say she will not be coming to work because she is ill). Emma hat sich gerade krank gemeldet (= telefoniert, um zu sagen, dass sie nicht zur Arbeit kommen wird, weil sie krank ist).
signal + All I get is a busy signal when I dial his number (= his phone is being used). Alles was ich bekomme, ist ein Besetztzeichen, wenn ich seine Nummer wähle (= sein Telefon wird benutzt).
signal + I couldn't get a signal on my cell phone. Ich konnte kein Signal auf meinem Handy empfangen.
since + Cath hasn't phoned since she went to Berlin. Cath hat nicht angerufen, seit sie in Berlin war.
skill + skill in/at sth/doing sth: What made him remarkable as a photographer was his skill in capturing the moment. Geschick in/an etw. zu tun: Was ihn als Fotograf bemerkenswert machte, war seine Fähigkeit, den Moment einzufangen.
speak + 'Can I speak to Susan?' 'Speaking.' (= at the beginning of a telephone conversation) Kann ich mit Susan sprechen? "Sprechen." (= zu Beginn eines Telefongesprächs)
specifically + The newspaper, or more specifically, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the photographs. Die Zeitung, genauer gesagt der Redakteur, wurde wegen Veröffentlichung der Fotos vor Gericht gestellt.
stand + a bicycle/microphone/cake, etc. stand Fahrradständer/Mikrofon/Kuchenständer etc.
stick + I stuck the photos into an album. Ich habe die Fotos in ein Album geklebt.
stop + stop (doing sth): That phone never stops ringing! stop (etw. tun): Das Telefon hört nie auf zu klingeln!
study + Scientists are studying photographs of the planet for signs of life. Wissenschaftler untersuchen Fotografien des Planeten auf Lebenszeichen.
survey + an aerial survey (= made by taking photographs from an aircraft) eine Luftbildvermessung (= durch Fotografieren aus einem Flugzeug)
swear + I could have sworn (= I am sure) I heard the phone ring. Ich hätte schwören können (= ich bin mir sicher), dass ich das Telefon klingeln hörte.
take + to take a photograph/picture/snapshot of sb/sth ein Foto/Bild/Bild/Schnappschuss von jdm. /etw.[Dat] machen
take + to have your picture/photo taken um Ihr Foto machen zu lassen
talk + We talked on the phone for over an hour. Wir haben über eine Stunde telefoniert.
telephone + The telephone rang and Pat answered it. Das Telefon klingelte und Pat ging ran.
telephone + You can reserve seats over the telephone. Sie können telefonisch Plätze reservieren.
telephone + I need to make a telephone call. Ich muss telefonieren.
telephone + telephone lines/networks/services Telefonleitungen/Netze/Services
telephone + Please write or telephone for details. Bitte schreiben Sie uns oder rufen Sie uns an.
telephone + He telephoned to say he'd be late. Er rief an und sagte, dass er zu spät kommt.
telephone + telephone sth: You can telephone your order 24 hours a day. etw.[Akk] telefonieren: Sie können Ihre Bestellung rund um die Uhr telefonisch entgegennehmen.
telephone + I was about to telephone the police. Ich wollte gerade die Polizei anrufen.
than + I'd rather email than phone, if that's OK by you. Ich würde lieber mailen als telefonieren, wenn Sie einverstanden sind.
thank you + thank you (for doing sth): Thank you very much for sending the photos. vielen Dank (für das Tun von etw.): Vielen Dank für die Zusendung der Fotos.
the + The phone rang. Das Telefon klingelte.
there + Hello, is Bob there please? (= used when calling sb on the phone) Hallo, ist Bob bitte da? (= wird verwendet, wenn man jdn. am Telefon anruft)
this + Hello, this is Maria Diaz (= on the telephone). Hallo, hier ist Maria Diaz (= am Telefon).
twist + The telephone cable has got twisted (= wound around itself). Das Telefonkabel ist verdrillt (= um sich selbst gewickelt).
understand + No one is answering the phone—I can't understand it. Niemand geht ans Telefon - ich kann es nicht verstehen.
urgent + Her voice sounded urgent on the phone. Ihre Stimme klang am Telefon dringend.
use + use sth: Can I use your phone? etw.[Akk] benutzen: Kann ich telefonieren?
as well (as sb/sth) + She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer. Sie ist eine begabte Musikerin und Fotografin.
when + He had just drifted off to sleep when the phone rang. Er war gerade eingeschlafen, als das Telefon klingelte.
whistle + The microphone was making a strange whistling sound. Das Mikrofon machte ein seltsames Pfeifton.
who + Who are you phoning? Wen rufst du an?
will + He would spend hours on the telephone. Er verbrachte Stunden am Telefon.
wind + wind up: It was one of those old-fashioned gramophones that winds up. es war eines dieser altmodischen Grammophone, das sich in die Luft jagt.
wire + The telephone wires had been cut. Die Telefonleitungen waren durchtrennt.
wish + He sat by the phone, wishing it would ring. Er saß am Telefon und wünschte, es würde klingeln.
work + The phone isn't working. Das Telefon funktioniert nicht.
in writing + All telephone reservations must be confirmed in writing. Alle telefonischen Reservierungen müssen schriftlich bestätigt werden.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
71 手机 可以 拨打 国际 电话 + This cell phone can make international calls.
310 电话 号码 + This is my telephone number.
450 办公室 安装 电话 + A phone has been installed in the office.
457 大量 照片 + He has taken a large number of photos.
460 一下 电话 + Please answer the phone.
604 她们 提供 电话 服务 + They provide telephone service.
649 告诉 电话 号码 + Please tell me the telephone number.
717 法律 维护 正义 + The law upholds justice.
760 我们 合影 + Let's take a group photo.
990 拐角处 电话亭 + There is a telephone booth at the corner.
1027 手机 充电 + The mobile phone is being charged.
1067 摄影 兴趣 + He's interested in photography.
1359 她们 拍照 + He's taking photos for them.
1493 电话 掛上 + He hung up the phone.
1571 电话 号码 + This is my telephone number.
1651 耳机 音乐 + She is listening to music through earphones.
1808 台风 + The typhoon is coming.
2057 摄影 感兴趣 + She's very interested in photography.
2125 电话 号码 + He's dialing a telephone number.
2144 台风 + The typhoon is blowing violently.
2269 出去 外头 台风 + Don't go out, there's a typhoon blowing!
2574 总是 随身 携带 手机 + She always carries her mobile phone with her.
2601 相框 没有 照片 + There's no photograph in the frame.
2665 凤凰 传说 动物 + The phoenix is a legendary animal.
2677 这里 经常 受到 台风 袭击 + This place is frequently hit by typhoons.
2916 不要 喇叭 说话 + Don't speak with the megaphone aimed at me.
2949 手机 可能 放出 轻微 辐射 + Cell phones may emit a little radiation.
2959 我们 常用 蜜蜂 比喻 勤劳 + We often use bees as a metaphor for diligent people.
3126 使用 手机 + Please do not use your cell phone.
3333 这些 照片 拍得 清晰 + These photos are very clear.
3376 不要 打电话 骚扰 + Don't harass me with telephone calls.

这部手机可以拨打国际电话。 Zhè bù shǒu jī kěyǐ bō dǎ guójì diànhuà. This cell phone can make international calls. Dieses Handy kann internationale Anrufe tätigen.
这是我的电话号码。 Zhè shì wǒ de diànhuà hàomǎ. This is my telephone number. Das ist meine Telefonnummer.
办公室里安装了电话。 Bàngōngshì lǐ ānzhuāng le diànhuà. A phone has been installed in the office. Im Büro wurde ein Telefon installiert.
他拍了大量的照片。 Tā pāi le dàliàng de zhàopiān. He has taken a large number of photos. Er hat eine große Anzahl von Fotos gemacht.
请接一下电话。 Qǐng jiē yīxià diànhuà. Please answer the phone. Bitte gehen Sie ans Telefon.
请告诉我电话号码。 Qǐng gàosu wǒ diànhuà hàomǎ. Please tell me the telephone number. Bitte geben Sie mir die Telefonnummer.
手机在充电。 Shǒu jī zài chōngdiàn. The mobile phone is being charged. Das Mobiltelefon wird aufgeladen.
她们提供电话服务。 Tāmen tígōng diànhuà fúwù. They provide telephone service. Sie bieten Telefonservice an.
法律维护正义。 fǎlǜ wéihù zhèngyì. The law upholds justice. Das Gesetz hält Gerechtigkeit aufrecht.
我们来合影吧。 Wǒmen lái héyǐng ba. Let's take a group photo. Machen wir ein Gruppenfoto.
拐角处有一个电话亭。 Guǎijiǎo 【◎Fix:◎chù;◎chǔ】 yǒu yīgè diànhuà tíng. There is a telephone booth at the corner. An der Ecke gibt es eine Telefonzelle.
他对摄影有兴趣。 Tā duì shèyǐng yǒu xìngqù. He's interested in photography. Er interessiert sich für Fotografie.
他在给她们拍照。 Tā zài gěi tāmen pāizhào. He's taking photos for them. Er macht Fotos für sie.
他把电话掛上了。 Tā bǎ diànhuà guà shàng le. He hung up the phone. Er hat aufgelegt.
这是我的电话号码。 Zhè shì wǒ de diànhuà hàomǎ. This is my telephone number. Das ist meine Telefonnummer.
我戴着耳机听音乐。 Wǒ dàizhe ěrjī tīngyīn lè. She is listening to music through earphones. Sie hört Musik über Kopfhörer.
台风来了。 Táifēng lái le. The typhoon is coming. Der Taifun kommt.
她对摄影很感兴趣。 Tā duì shèyǐng hěn gǎnxìngqù. She's very interested in photography. Sie interessiert sich sehr für Fotografie.
他在拨一个电话号码。 Tā zài bō yīgè diànhuà hàomǎ. He's dialing a telephone number. Er wählt eine Telefonnummer.
台风刮得很猛。 Táifēng guā de hěn měng. The typhoon is blowing violently. Der Taifun bläst heftig.
'别出去,外头正刮着台风! 'Bié chūqu,wàitou zhèng guāzhe táifēng! Don't go out, there's a typhoon blowing! Geh nicht raus, da bläst ein Taifun!
这里经常受到台风的袭击。 Zhèlǐ jīngcháng shòudào táifēng de xíjī. This place is frequently hit by typhoons. Hier trifft es öfter Taifune.
她总是随身携带手机。 Tā zǒngshì suíshēn xiédài shǒu jī. She always carries her mobile phone with her. Sie hat immer ihr Handy dabei.
相框里没有照片。 【◎Fix:◎Xiāng;◎Xiàng】 kuàng lǐ méiyǒu zhàopiān. There's no photograph in the frame. Da ist kein Foto im Rahmen.
凤凰是传说中的一种动物。 Fènghuáng shì chuánshuō zhòngdì yī zhǒng dòngwù. The phoenix is a legendary animal. Der Phönix ist ein legendäres Tier.
我们常用蜜蜂比喻勤劳的人。 Wǒmen chángyòng mìfēng bǐyù qínláo de rén. We often use bees as a metaphor for diligent people. Wir benutzen Bienen oft als Metapher für fleißige Menschen.
不要用喇叭对着我说话! Bùyào yòng lǎba duìzhe wǒ shuōhuà! Don't speak with the megaphone aimed at me. Sprechen Sie nicht mit dem Megaphon, das auf mich zielt.
手机可能会放出轻微的辐射。 Shǒu jī kěnéng huì fàngchū qīngwēi de fúshè. Cell phones may emit a little radiation. Mobiltelefone können etwas Strahlung abgeben.
请勿使用手机。 Qǐngwù shǐyòng shǒu jī. Please do not use your cell phone. Bitte benutzen Sie Ihr Handy nicht.
这些照片拍得很清晰。 Zhèxiē zhàopiān pāi de hěn qīngxī. These photos are very clear. Diese Fotos sind sehr klar.
不要打电话骚扰我。 Bùyào dǎ diànhuà sāorǎo wǒ. Don't harass me with telephone calls. Belästigen Sie mich nicht mit Telefonaten.
Lesson 013. My Family.
zhao4pian4 + picture / photo
Lesson 015. Making Phone Calls in Chinese.
wei4 + hello (telephone)
Lesson 015. Making Phone Calls in Chinese.
dian4hua4 + telephone call / telephone
Lesson 015. Making Phone Calls in Chinese.
da3 dian4hua4 + to make a telephone call / to call s.o.
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
dian4hua4 ka3 + phone card
Lesson 040. Can You Fix It?
Wo3 de dian4hua4 you3 wen4ti2.Ni3 hui4 xiu1li3 ma? + Something is wrong with my phone. Can you fix it?
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
da3 dian4hua4 jiao4 jiu4hu4che1 + to make a phone call for an ambulance
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Qing3 ni3 bang1 wo3 da3 dian4hua4 jiao4 jiu4hu4che1. + Please help me to make a phone call to call the ambulance.
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
chui1 sa4ke4si1guan3 + to play saxophone
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
sa4ke4si1guan3 + saxophone
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
chui1 sa4ke4si1 + to play saxophone
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
sa4ke4si1 + saxophone
Lesson 055. Movies and TV.
zhao4pian4 + photo
Lesson 055. Movies and TV.
pai1 zhao4pian4 + to take photos
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je décrochais le téléphone sans rien dire à personne + I picked up the telephone receiver without saying anything to anyone

vous permettez que j’utilise votre téléphone? + would you allow me to use your telephone?

je suis au courant, il a téléphoné + I’m aware of it, he telephoned

il y a presque 10 millions de lignes téléphoniques + there are almost 10 million telephone lines

il a reçu des appels téléphoniques menaçants + he received menacing telephone calls

t’as bien installé son micro? + did you set up his microphone correctly?

il prétend avoir un portable + he claims to have a mobile phone

les téléphones ne marchent pas + the telephones don’t work

je peux voir la photo? + can I see the photo?

l’utilisation du canal sémaphore est suspendue + the use of a semaphore channel is discontinued

ils ont affiché ma photo dans tous les bâtiments + they posted my photo in all the buildings

le service téléphonique est un lien de sécurité + telephone service is a connection for safety

j’ai essayé de vous téléphoner chez vous + I tried to telephone you at your place

ça va être dramatique pour la facture de téléphone + the telephone bill will be spectacular

je me suis enfin décidé à décrocher le téléphone + I finally decided to pick up the telephone receiver

nous devons parler français avec les francophones + we should speak French with francophones

ils préfèrent donner des interviews téléphoniques + he prefers being interviewed on the telephone

vos photographies m’ont fait passer des heures inoubliables + I have spent several unforgettable hours with your photographs

ton téléphone est en panne + your telephone doesn’t work

je suis en quelque sorte son photographe non officiel + I’m somewhat of his unofficial photographer

j’achèterai un portable et je t’appellerai + I’ll buy a cell phone and I’ll call you

allons nous faire photographier aux îles + let’s go get photographed in the islands
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
pho phở + +