VNEN chức danh * office * 103

2 上班 shang4 ban1 to go to work/ to be on duty/ to start work/ to go to the office
3 办公室 ban4 gong1 shi4 an office/ business premises/ a bureau/ CL:間|间[jian1]
5 邮局 you2 ju2 post office/ CL:家[jia1];個|个[ge4]
5 担任 dan1 ren4 to hold a governmental office or post/ to assume office of/ to take charge of/ to serve as
6 宣誓 xuan1 shi4 to swear an oath (of office)/ to make a vow
6 上任 shang4 ren4 take office
6 参谋 can1 mou2 staff officer/ give advice
6 司令 si1 ling4 commanding officer
6 职位 zhi2 wei4 post/ office/ position
6 报社 bao4 she4 general office of a newspaper/ newspaper office/ CL:家[jia1]
6 机关 ji1 guan1 mechanism/ gear/ machine-operated/ office/ agency/ organ/ organization/ establishment/ institution/ body/ strategum/ scheme/ intrigue/ plot/ trick/ CL:個|个[ge4]
6 竞选 jing4 xuan3 to take part in an election/ to run for office
6 就职 jiu4 zhi2 take office/ assume a post

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET văn phòng bác sĩ doctor's office
2000VIET văn phòng office
2000VIET bưu điện post office

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
die Post post office Bưu điện
Entschuldigung, wo ist die Post? Excuse me, where is the post office? Xin lỗi, bưu điện đâu rồi?
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
012 0191
I work at an office.
015 0244
She works at an office.
026 0478
I will pick you up at the office.
043 0803
Where is the tourist information office?
054 1026
Where are the office supplies?
061 1163
Where is the nearest post office?
061 1164
Is the post office far from here?
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A02 2 52
请帮 我 跑 一趟 邮局 好吗 ? + คุณสามารถวิ่งไปที่ที่ทำการไปรษณีย์ได้ไหม? + Bạn có thể chạy đến bưu điện cho tôi được không? + Could you run to the post office for me? + Könntest du für mich zur Post laufen? + Potresti correre all' ufficio postale per me? + Tu pourrais aller à la poste pour moi? + ¿Podrías correr a la oficina de correos por mí? + Kunt u voor mij naar het postkantoor rennen? + ( qǐngbāng wǒ pǎo yítàng yóujú hǎomā?)
B01 10 1010
有人 每天 打扫 办公室 , 办公室 每天都 被打扫 。 + ใครทำความสะอาดสำนักงานทุกวัน สำนักงานได้รับการทำความสะอาดทุกวัน + Có người lau dọn văn phòng hàng ngày. Văn phòng được lau dọn hàng ngày. + Somebody cleans the office every day. The office is cleaned every day. + Jemand putzt jeden Tag das Büro. Das Büro wird täglich gereinigt. + Ogni giorno qualcuno pulisce l' ufficio. L' ufficio è pulito ogni giorno. + Quelqu'un nettoie le bureau tous les jours. Le bureau est nettoyé tous les jours. + Alguien limpia la oficina todos los días. La oficina se limpia todos los días. + Iemand reinigt het kantoor elke dag. Het kantoor wordt dagelijks schoongemaakt. + ( yǒurén měitiān dásǎo bàngōngshì, bàngōngshì měitiāndōu bèi dásǎo.)
B01 11 1011
昨天 有人 打扫了 办公室 。 昨天 办公室 被打扫 了 。 + ใครบางคนทำความสะอาด Offi เมื่อวานนี้ - สำนักงานถูกทำความสะอาดเมื่อวานนี้ + Có người đã lau dọn văn phòng hôm qua. Văn phòng đã được lau dọn hôm qua. + Somebody cleaned the offi yesterday. — The office was cleaned yesterday. + Jemand hat gestern das Büro sauber gemacht. Das Büro wurde gestern gereinigt. + Qualcuno ha pulito il offi ieri. L' ufficio è stato pulito ieri. + Quelqu'un a nettoyé le bureau hier. Le bureau a été nettoyé hier. + Alguien limpió la oficina ayer. La oficina fue limpiada ayer. + Iemand heeft gisteren het offi schoongemaakt. Het kantoor is gisteren schoongemaakt. + ( zuótiān yǒurén dásǎole· bàngōngshì. zuótiān bàngōngshì bèi dásǎo le·.)
B01 29 1029
邮票 在 邮局 出售 。 + แสตมป์จะจำหน่ายในที่ทำการไปรษณีย์ + Tem được bán ở bưu điện. + Stamps are sold at the post office. + Briefmarken werden bei der Post verkauft. + I francobolli vengono venduti all' ufficio postale. + Les timbres sont vendus à la poste. + Los sellos se venden en la oficina de correos. + Postzegels worden verkocht op het postkantoor. + ( yóupiào zài yóujú chūshòu.)
B02 13 1063
办公室 正在 清扫中 。 + สำนักงานกำลังได้รับการทำความสะอาดในขณะนี้ + Văn phòng giờ đang được lau dọn. + The office is being cleaned right now. + Das Büro wird gerade gereinigt. + L' ufficio è in fase di pulizia. + Le bureau est en train d'être nettoyé. + La oficina está siendo limpiada ahora mismo. + Het kantoor wordt nu schoongemaakt. + (bàngōngshì zhèngzài qīngsǎozhōng.)
B02 14 1064
办公室 每天 会 被 打扫 。 + สำนักงานได้รับการทำความสะอาดทุกวัน + Văn phòng ngày nào cũng được lau dọn. + The office is cleaned every day. + Das Büro wird täglich gereinigt. + L' ufficio è pulito ogni giorno. + Le bureau est nettoyé tous les jours. + La oficina se limpia todos los días. + Het kantoor wordt dagelijks schoongemaakt. + (bàngōngshì měitiān huì bèi dásǎo.)
B02 29 1079
办公室 正在 打扫中 。 + สำนักงานกำลังได้รับการทำความสะอาด - สำนักงานกำลังทำความสะอาด + Văn phòng đang được lau dọn. + The office is being cleaned. — The office is getting cleaned. + Das Büro wird gerade gereinigt. Das Büro wird gerade gereinigt. + L' ufficio viene pulito. L' ufficio viene pulito. + Le bureau est en cours de nettoyage. Le bureau est nettoyé. + La oficina está siendo limpiada. La oficina se está limpiando. + Het kantoor wordt schoongemaakt. Het kantoor wordt schoongemaakt. + (bàngōngshì zhèngzài dásǎozhōng.)
B02 37 1087
我 现在 不能用 我的 办公室 , 正在 刷油漆。 + ฉันไม่สามารถใช้งานสำนักงานของฉันได้ในขณะนี้ มันกำลังถูกทาสี + Tôi không thể dùng văn phòng ngay bây giờ được. Nó đang được sơn. + I can't use my office right now. It's being painted. + Ich kann mein Büro im Moment nicht benutzen. Es wird gemalt. + Non posso usare il mio ufficio ora. Sta per essere dipinto. + Je ne peux pas utiliser mon bureau pour l'instant. Il est en train d'être peint. + No puedo usar mi oficina ahora mismo. Está siendo pintado. + Ik kan mijn kantoor nu niet gebruiken. Het wordt geschilderd. + (wǒ xiànzài bùnéngyòng wǒde· bàngōngshì, zhèngzài shuāyóuqī.)
B03 4 1104
这几间 办公室 不是 每天 打扫 。 + สำนักงานเหล่านี้ไม่ได้รับการทำความสะอาดทุกวัน + Mấy văn phòng này không được dọn dẹp hàng ngày. + These offices aren't cleaned every day. + Diese Büros werden nicht jeden Tag gereinigt. + Questi uffici non vengono puliti ogni giorno. + Ces bureaux ne sont pas nettoyés tous les jours. + Estas oficinas no se limpian todos los días. + Deze kantoren worden niet dagelijks gereinigd. + (zhèjǐjiān bàngōngshì búshì měitiān dásǎo.)
B03 5 1105
办公室 昨天 打扫过了 。 + สำนักงานได้รับการทำความสะอาดเมื่อวานนี้ สำนักงานได้ทำความสะอาดเมื่อวานนี้ + Văn phòng hôm qua không được dọn. + The office was cleaned yesterday. The office got cleaned yesterday. + Das Büro wurde gestern gereinigt. Das Büro wurde gestern gereinigt. + L' ufficio è stato pulito ieri. L' ufficio è stato pulito ieri. + Le bureau a été nettoyé hier. Le bureau a été nettoyé hier. + La oficina fue limpiada ayer. La oficina fue limpiada ayer. + Het kantoor is gisteren schoongemaakt. Het kantoor is gisteren gereinigd. + ( bàngōngshì zuótiān dásǎoguòle·.)
B15 36 1736
可以 打 电话 到 你 办公室 吗 ? + สามารถโทรหาคุณที่ออฟฟิศได้หรือไม่? + Gọi điện cho cậu ở cơ quan có vấn đề gì không? + Is it okay to call you at the office? + Ist es in Ordnung, dich im Büro anzurufen? + Va bene chiamarla in ufficio? + On peut vous appeler au bureau? + ¿Puedo llamarte a la oficina? + Is het goed om u op kantoor te bellen? + ( kéyí dǎ diànhuà dào nǐ bàngōngshì mā?)
B16 4 1754
这间 办公室里 没法 工作 , 噪音 太大了 。 + เป็นไปไม่ได้ที่จะทำงานในออฟฟิศนี้ มีเสียงรบกวนมากเกินไป + Không thể làm việc trong văn phòng này được. Có quá nhiều tiếng ồn. + It's impossible to work in this office. There's too much noise. + Es ist unmöglich, in diesem Büro zu arbeiten. Da ist zu viel Lärm. + E' impossibile lavorare in questo ufficio. C' è troppo rumore. + C'est impossible de travailler dans ce bureau. Il y a trop de bruit. + Es imposible trabajar en esta oficina. Hay demasiado ruido. + Het is onmogelijk om in dit kantoor te werken. Er is teveel lawaai. + (zhèjiān bàngōngshìli· méifǎ gōngzuò, zàoyīn tàidàle·.)
B18 29 1879
我的 一个 朋友 被 逮捕了 。 据称 他 袭警 。 + เพื่อนของฉันถูกจับกุม มันถูกกล่าวหาว่าเขาโดนเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจ + Một người bạn của tôi mới bị bắt. Người ta buộc tội anh ấy đánh một cảnh sát. + A friend of mine has been arrested. It's alleged that he hit a police officer. + Ein Freund von mir wurde verhaftet. Es wird behauptet, dass er einen Polizisten geschlagen hat. + Un mio amico è stato arrestato. Si presume che abbia colpito un ufficiale di polizia. + Un de mes amis a été arrêté. Il aurait frappé un policier. + Un amigo mío ha sido arrestado. Se alega que golpeó a un oficial de policía. + Een vriend van mij is gearresteerd. Het is beweerd dat hij een politieagent sloeg. + (wǒde· yīge· péngyǒu bèi dáibǔle·. jùchēng tā xíjǐng.)
B18 32 1882
听说 爱弥儿 打了 警察 , 但 我 不相信。 + Emil ควรจะโดนเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจ แต่ฉันไม่เชื่อ + Emil bị cho là đã đánh một cảnh sát nhưng tôi không tin. + Emil is supposed to have hit a police officer but I don't believe it. + Emil soll einen Polizisten geschlagen haben, aber ich glaube es nicht. + Emil dovrebbe aver colpito un poliziotto, ma non credo. + Emil est censé avoir frappé un policier, mais je n' y crois pas. + Emil debería haber golpeado a un oficial de policía, pero no puedo creerlo. + Emil wordt verondersteld een politieagent te hebben geraakt, maar ik geloof het niet. + (tīngshuō àimír dǎle· jǐngchá, dàn wǒ bùxiāngxìn.)
B19 15 1915
海关 用 很怀疑的 眼神 看着 我 , 让 我 把行李 打开 。 + เจ้าหน้าที่ศุลกากรมองฉันอย่างน่าสงสัยและขอให้ฉันเปิดกระเป๋าของฉัน + Nhân viên bán hàng nhìn tôi nghi ngờ và bảo tôi mở túi của tôi ra. + The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and asked me to open my bag. + Der Zollbeamte sah mich misstrauisch an und bat mich, meine Tasche zu öffnen. + Il funzionario delle dogane mi guardò con sospetto e mi chiese di aprire la borsa. + L'agent des douanes me regarda avec méfiance et me demanda d'ouvrir mon sac. + El agente de aduanas me miró sospechosamente y me pidió que abriera mi maleta. + De douanebeambte keek mij verdacht aan en vroeg me mijn tas te openen. + (hǎiguān yòng hěnhuáiyíde· yǎnshén kànzhe· wǒ, ràng wó bǎ xínglí dǎkāi.)
C02 1 2051
我 之前 工作的 那间 公司 太可怕了 , 我 讨厌 在 那里 工作 。 + สำนักงานที่ฉันทำงานที่นั่นน่ากลัว ฉันเกลียดการทำงานที่นั่น + Văn phòng chỗ tôi làm việc rất kinh khủng. Tôi ghét làm việc ở đó. + The office I worked at was horrible. I hated working there. + Das Büro, in dem ich gearbeitet habe, war schrecklich. Ich habe es gehasst, dort zu arbeiten. + L' ufficio in cui ho lavorato era orribile. Ho odiato lavorare lì. + Le bureau où je travaillais était horrible. Je détestais travailler là-bas. + La oficina en la que trabajaba era horrible. Odiaba trabajar allí. + Het kantoor waar ik werkte was verschrikkelijk. Ik had er een hekel aan werken. + (wǒ zhīqián gōngzuòde· nàjiān gōngsī tàikěpàle·, wó tǎoyàn zài nàli· gōngzuò.)
C06 13 2263
我 得 先 去 银行 , 然后 再 去 趟 邮局 。 + ฉันต้องไปที่ธนาคารแล้วฉันจะไปที่ที่ทำการไปรษณีย์ + Tôi phải ra ngân hàng rồi tôi sẽ ra bưu điện. + I have to go to the bank, and then I'm going to the post office. + Ich muss zur Bank und dann zur Post. + Devo andare in banca, e poi vado all' ufficio postale. + Je dois aller à la banque, puis à la poste. + Tengo que ir al banco y luego a la oficina de correos. + Ik moet naar de bank, en dan ga ik naar het postkantoor. + ( wó děi xiān qù yínháng, ránhòu zài qù tàng yóujú.)
C11 34 2534
卡米拉 给 我 看了 她 儿子的 照片 , 他 是个警察 。 + Camila แสดงภาพของลูกชายของเธอซึ่งเป็นเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจ + Camilia đưa tôi bức ảnh của con cô ấy, người đang là cảnh sát. + Camila showed me a picture of her son, who is a police officer. + Camila zeigte mir ein Foto ihres Sohnes, der Polizist ist. + Camila mi ha mostrato una foto di suo figlio, che è un poliziotto. + Camila m' a montré une photo de son fils, qui est policier. + Camila me mostró una foto de su hijo, que es policía. + Camila liet mij een foto zien van haar zoon, die politieagent is. + (kámǐlā géi wǒ kànle· tā érzi·de· zhàopiàn, tā shìge· jǐngchá.)
C20 15 2965
不要 和 警察 争辩 , 否则 最后 你 会 被 逮捕 。 + อย่าโต้เถียงกับเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจหรือคุณเพิ่งถูกจับ + Đừng cãi nhau với cảnh sát nếu không kết quả chỉ là cậu sẽ bị bắt thôi. + Don't argue with the police officer or you'll just end up getting arrested. + Diskutieren Sie nicht mit dem Polizisten, sonst werden Sie verhaftet. + Non litigare con l' agente di polizia o si finirà solo per essere arrestato. + Ne discutez pas avec le policier ou vous finirez par vous faire arrêter. + No discuta con el oficial de policía o acabará siendo arrestado. + Probeer niet te ruziën met de politieagent of je wordt gewoon gearresteerd. + ( búyào hé jǐngchá zhēngbiàn, fǒuzé zuìhòu nǐ huì bèi dáibǔ.)
Bưu điện có gần đây không? + Is the post office near here?
Tôi làm việc ở văn phòng. + I work in an office.
Chúng tôi đã đến bưu điện nhưng chúng tôi không đến ngân hàng. + We went to the post office, but we didn't go to to the bank.
Lilianne đang ở văn phòng. Cô ấy đã ở đó từ lúc bảy giờ. + Lilianne's in her office. She's been there since seven o'clock(7:00).
Cậu đã đưa cho bưu điện địa chỉ mới nhà chúng ta chưa? + Have you given the post office our new address yet?
Có người lau dọn văn phòng hàng ngày. Văn phòng được lau dọn hàng ngày. + Somebody cleans the office every day. The office is cleaned every day.
Có người đã lau dọn văn phòng hôm qua. Văn phòng đã được lau dọn hôm qua. + Somebody cleaned the offi yesterday. — The office was cleaned yesterday.
Tem được bán ở bưu điện. + Stamps are sold at the post office.
Văn phòng giờ đang được lau dọn. + The office is being cleaned right now.
Văn phòng ngày nào cũng được lau dọn. + The office is cleaned every day.
Văn phòng đang được lau dọn. + The office is being cleaned. — The office is getting cleaned.
Tôi không thể dùng văn phòng ngay bây giờ được. Nó đang được sơn. + I can't use my office right now. It's being painted.
Mấy văn phòng này không được dọn dẹp hàng ngày. + These offices aren't cleaned every day.
Văn phòng hôm qua không được dọn. + The office was cleaned yesterday. The office got cleaned yesterday.
Gọi điện cho cậu ở cơ quan có vấn đề gì không? + Is it okay to call you at the office?
Không thể làm việc trong văn phòng này được. Có quá nhiều tiếng ồn. + It's impossible to work in this office. There's too much noise.
Một người bạn của tôi mới bị bắt. Người ta buộc tội anh ấy đánh một cảnh sát. + A friend of mine has been arrested. It's alleged that he hit a police officer.
Emil bị cho là đã đánh một cảnh sát nhưng tôi không tin. + Emil is supposed to have hit a police officer but I don't believe it.
Nhân viên bán hàng nhìn tôi nghi ngờ và bảo tôi mở túi của tôi ra. + The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and asked me to open my bag.
Văn phòng chỗ tôi làm việc rất kinh khủng. Tôi ghét làm việc ở đó. + The office I worked at was horrible. I hated working there.
Tôi phải ra ngân hàng rồi tôi sẽ ra bưu điện. + I have to go to the bank, and then I'm going to the post office.
Camilia đưa tôi bức ảnh của con cô ấy, người đang là cảnh sát. + Camila showed me a picture of her son, who is a police officer.
Đừng cãi nhau với cảnh sát nếu không kết quả chỉ là cậu sẽ bị bắt thôi. + Don't argue with the police officer or you'll just end up getting arrested.

Tôi đi đến văn phòng ngay lập tức. + I go to the office immediately.

văn phòng + office

Bưu điện có màu vàng. + The post office is yellow.

bưu điện + post office
SNOT Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre ticket office phòng bán vé +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre booking office +
SNOT Travel • public transport booking office +
SNOT Travel • public transport lost property office +
SNOT Travel • public transport information office +
SNOT Travel • holidays tourist office +
SNOT Relations with other people • war and peace officer +
SNOT Services • post post office bưu điện +
SNOT office cơ quan +
Oxford 3000VieEng
văn phòng office
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-3 Arztpraxis + doctor's office +
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-3 Sprechstunde + office hours +
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-4 Wohnungsamt + housing office +
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-1 Fundbüro + 1. lost and found, 2. lost property office +
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-2 Post + 1. post office, 2. mail +
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-2 Postfach + post office box +
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-1 Stelle + 1. place, 2. position, 3. office, 4. part +
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-9 Büro + office +
16-1. Amt, Behörde Exercise 16-1-1 Amt + office +
16-1. Amt, Behörde Exercise 16-1-1 Standesamt + civil registry office +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-6 Wo ist das Ausländeramt?  + wo Where's the immigration office?  Văn phòng nhập cư ở đâu? +
Exercise 1-7 Das Büro ist von 13 bis 15 Uhr geschlossen. + von The office is closed from 13 to 15 o' clock. Văn phòng đóng cửa từ 13 đến 15 o 'clock. +
Exercise 2-3 Ab heute bleibt unser Büro nachmittags geschlossen.  + heute From today our office will be closed in the afternoon.  Từ hôm nay văn phòng của chúng tôi sẽ đóng cửa vào buổi chiều. +
Exercise 4-1 Die Post ist ganz in der Nähe.  + Nähe The post office is close by.  Bưu điện gần đó. +
Exercise 4-2 Mein Mann arbeitet bei der Post.  + Mann My husband works at the post office.  Chồng tôi làm việc tại bưu điện. +
Exercise 5-3 Zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr bleibt unser Büro geschlossen.  + zwischen Between Christmas and New Year our office is closed.  Giữa Giáng Sinh và Năm mới văn phòng của chúng tôi đóng cửa. +
Exercise 5-5 Mein Kollege scheint krank zu sein. Er war heute nicht im Büro.  + scheinen* My colleague seems to be sick. He wasn't at the office today.  Đồng nghiệp của tôi dường như bị bệnh. Anh ta không có mặt tại văn phòng hôm nay. +
Exercise 6-2 Ich glaube, der Chef ist heute nicht im Büro.  + glauben I don't think the boss is in the office today.  Tôi không nghĩ rằng ông chủ là trong văn phòng ngày hôm nay. +
Exercise 6-3 Ich muss noch schnell zur Post, dann komme ich.  + dann  I have to get to the post office, then I'll be there.  Tôi phải đến bưu điện, sau đó tôi sẽ ở đó. +
Exercise 7-9 Die Schüler mussten einzeln zum Direktor kommen.  + einzeln The students had to come individually to the principal's office.  Các sinh viên phải đến từng cá nhân với văn phòng hiệu trưởng. +
Exercise 9-3 Die Apotheke ist gleich links neben der Post.  + neben The pharmacy is just to the left of the post office.  Hiệu thuốc chỉ ở bên trái bưu điện. +
Exercise 10-5 Die Möbel in diesem Büro sind ziemlich modern. + modern The furniture in this office is pretty modern. Đồ nội thất trong văn phòng này khá hiện đại. +
Exercise 11-5 Bis 17 Uhr können Sie mich im Büro erreichen.  + erreichen You can reach me at the office by 5 pm.  Bạn có thể liên lạc với tôi tại văn phòng trước 5 giờ chiều. +
Exercise 11-5 Hast du die Möglichkeit, mich vom Büro aus anzurufen?  + Möglichkeit Do you have a chance to call me from the office?  Bạn có cơ hội gọi cho tôi từ văn phòng? +
Exercise 12-4 Unser Büro bleibt samstags geschlossen.  + Büro Our office is closed on Saturdays.  Văn phòng của chúng tôi đóng cửa vào những ngày thứ bảy. +
Exercise 12-4 Ich möchte in einem Büro arbeiten. + Büro I want to work in an office. Tôi muốn làm việc trong văn phòng. +
Exercise 12-4 Hier meine Nummer im Büro und meine Privatnummer.  + privat Here's my number in the office and my home number.  Đây là số của tôi trong văn phòng và số nhà của tôi. +
Exercise 13-3 Ich war krank. Deshalb war ich nicht im Büro.  + deshalb I was sick. That's why I wasn't at the office.  Tôi đa bị ôm. Đó là lý do tại sao tôi không ở văn phòng. +
Exercise 13-5 Meine Frau arbeitet bei der Post.  + Post My wife works at the post office.  Vợ tôi làm việc tại bưu điện. +
Exercise 14-3 Er arbeitet im örtlichen Postamt.  + örtlich He works at the local post office.  Anh ta làm việc tại bưu điện địa phương. +
Exercise 15-4 Der Brief muss zur Post.  + müssen* The letter has to go to the post office.  Bức thư phải đến bưu điện. +
Exercise 15-8 Der Drucker im Büro ist kaputt und druckt nicht mehr.  + Drucker The printer in the office is broken and doesn't print anymore.  Máy in trong văn phòng bị hỏng và không in nữa. +
Exercise 16-4 Er hat die Arztpraxis neu eröffnet.  + Arztpraxis He reopened the doctor's office.  Anh mở lại phòng bác sĩ. +
Exercise 16-4 Am Mittwoch bleibt die Arztpraxis geschlossen. + Arztpraxis The doctor's office will be closed on Wednesday. Văn phòng của bác sĩ sẽ đóng cửa vào Thứ Tư. +
Exercise 16-5 Im Büro ist leider der Lift kaputt.  + Lift The elevator's broken in the office.  Thang máy bị hỏng trong văn phòng. +
Exercise 16-6 Das Wohnungsamt ist hier rechts.  + rechts The housing office is right here.  Văn phòng nhà ở ngay tại đây. +
Exercise 16-8 In diesem Gebäude sind nur Büros.  + Gebäude There are only offices in this building.  Chỉ có văn phòng trong tòa nhà này. +
Exercise 18-2 Sie müssen die Geburt Ihres Kindes beim Standesamt melden.  + Geburt You must report the birth of your child to the registry office.  Bạn phải báo cáo sự ra đời của con mình tới cơ quan đăng ký. +
Exercise 18-4 Sein Büro liegt in der Innenstadt.  + Innenstadt His office is downtown.  Văn phòng của ông là trung tâm thành phố. +
Exercise 19-6 Wenn Sie Fragen zur Wahl haben, können Sie ins Bürgerbüro gehen.  + Bürgerbüro If you have any questions, you can go to the Citizens' Office.  Nếu bạn có thắc mắc, bạn có thể đến Văn phòng Công dân. +
Exercise 19-6 Durch die Vereinbarung eines Termins vermeiden Sie Wartezeiten im Bürgerbüro.  + Bürgerbüro By arranging an appointment, you can avoid waiting times in the citizen's office.  Bằng cách sắp xếp cuộc hẹn, bạn có thể tránh thời gian chờ đợi trong văn phòng công dân. +
Exercise 19-7 Ich habe das Päckchen zur Post gebracht.  + Päckchen I took the package to the post office.  Tôi mang gói hàng đến bưu điện. +
Exercise 20-7 Diese zwei Pakete müssen zur Post. Könntest du das für mich erledigen?  + erledigen These two parcels have to go to the post office. Could you do that for me?  Hai bưu kiện này phải đến bưu điện. Bạn có thể làm điều đó cho tôi không? +
Exercise 21-1 Heute ist der Chef nicht mehr da. Sonst ist er um diese Zeit immer im Büro.  + sonst The boss is no longer here today. He's usually in the office at this hour.  Ông chủ không còn ở đây hôm nay. Anh ấy thường ở văn phòng vào giờ này. +
Exercise 22-2 Er ist Beamter bei der Polizei.  + Beamte He's a police officer.  Anh ấy là sĩ quan cảnh sát. +
Exercise 22-2 Das Geschäft liegt direkt gegenüber der Post.  + gegenüber The business is located directly opposite the post office.  Kinh doanh trực tiếp đối diện bưu điện. +
Exercise 22-3 Das Finanzamt hat seine schwierige Lage weitgehend berücksichtigt.  + berücksichtigen The tax office has largely taken its difficult situation into account.  Cơ quan thuế phần lớn đã tính đến tình hình khó khăn. +
Exercise 23-1 Eine Tante von mir war Beamtin und bekommt jetzt eine sehr gute Pension.  + Pension An aunt of mine was an officer and now she's getting a very good pension.  Một cô của tôi là một sĩ quan và bây giờ cô ấy đang nhận được một khoản trợ cấp rất tốt. +
Exercise 23-5 Ich habe meine Schwester zur Post geschickt. Sie soll ein Paket abholen.  + schicken I sent my sister to the post office. Tell her to pick up a package.  Tôi đã đưa em gái tôi đến bưu điện. Nói với cô ấy để lấy một gói. +
Exercise 23-8 Herr Müller kommt gleich zurück. Sie können inzwischen in seinem Büro warten.  + inzwischen Mr. Miller will be right back. You can wait in his office by now.  Ông Miller sẽ trở lại ngay. Bạn có thể đợi trong văn phòng của mình bây giờ. +
Exercise 25-3 Das Postamt ist ganz nah.  + nah The post office is close by.  Bưu điện gần đó. +
Exercise 27-1 Ich brauche eine schriftliche Bestätigung für das Amt.  + Bestätigung I need a written confirmation for the office.  Tôi cần có văn bản xác nhận cho văn phòng. +
Exercise 28-5 Ich habe auf der Post ein Paket aufgegeben.  + aufgeben* I left a package at the post office.  Tôi để lại một gói tại bưu điện. +
Exercise 28-7 Hast du das Paket zur Post gebracht?  + Paket Did you take the package to the post office?  Bạn đã mang gói hàng đến bưu điện chưa? +
Exercise 31-9 Das Büro des Bürgermeisters ist im Rathaus.  + Bürgermeister The mayor's office is in the town hall.  Văn phòng của thị trưởng là ở thị trấn. +
Exercise 31-9 Willst du mir den Brief mitgeben? Ich gehe sowieso zur Post.  + sowieso You wanna give me the letter? I'm going to the post office anyway.  Bạn muốn cho tôi lá thư? Tôi sẽ đi đến bưu điện. +
Exercise 32-1 Die Ämter haben heute geschlossen.  + Amt The offices are closed today.  Các văn phòng đóng cửa hôm nay. +
Exercise 32-1 Wissen Sie, wo das Ordnungsamt ist? + Amt Do you know where the Office of Public Order is? Bạn có biết nơi mà Văn phòng Công bố là? +
Exercise 32-8 Das Paket liegt auf der Post für Sie bereit.  + bereit The package is ready for you at the post office.  Gói đã sẵn sàng cho bạn tại bưu điện. +
Exercise 33-8 Ich hatte heute Ärger im Büro. Ich habe mich mit einem Kollegen gestritten.  + Ärger I had trouble at the office today. I had a fight with a colleague.  Tôi đã gặp rắc rối tại văn phòng hôm nay. Tôi đã có một cuộc chiến với một đồng nghiệp. +
Exercise 34-4 Manchmal bleibe ich freiwillig länger im Büro.  + freiwillig Sometimes I volunteer to stay in the office longer.  Đôi khi tôi tình nguyện ở lại văn phòng lâu hơn. +
Exercise 34-8 Welches Amt ist für diese Genehmigung zuständig?  + zuständig Which office is responsible for this authorisation?  Văn phòng nào chịu trách nhiệm cho sự ủy quyền này? +
Exercise 35-4 Sie müssen aufs Wohnungsamt gehen. + Wohnungsamt You need to go to the landlord's office. Bạn cần đến văn phòng chủ nhà. +
Exercise 36-5 Sie haben Ihren Schirm verloren. Da fragen Sie am besten im Fundbüro.  + Fundbüro You lost your umbrella. You should ask at the lost and found office.  Bạn đã mất chiếc ô của bạn. Bạn nên hỏi tại văn phòng bị mất và tìm thấy. +
Exercise 37-6 Die Arbeitserlaubnis bekommen Sie vom Ausländeramt.  + Arbeitserlaubnis The work permit is issued by the Foreigners' Registration Office.  Giấy phép lao động do Phòng Đăng ký Người nước ngoài cấp. +
Exercise 38-4 Ich soll beim Arbeitsamt meinen Lebenslauf abgeben.  + Lebenslauf I'm supposed to turn in my résumé at the employment office.  Tôi phải chuyển hồ sơ của mình tại văn phòng tuyển dụng. +
Exercise 39-6 Sein Büro ist am Ende des Flurs. + Flur His office is at the end of the hall. Văn phòng của ông là ở cuối hội trường. +
Exercise 41-1 Die Hochzeit ist am 3. Mai im Standesamt Weilburg. + Standesamt The wedding is on May 3rd at the Weilburg registry office. Đám cưới là vào ngày 3 tháng 5 tại văn phòng đăng ký Weilburg. +
Exercise 41-8 Er bemüht sich um eine Stelle bei der Post.  + bemühen He's trying to get a job at the post office.  Anh ấy đang cố tìm việc làm tại bưu điện. +
Exercise 42-9 Unter der Voraussetzung, dass er einverstanden ist, soll er dieses Amt übernehmen.  + Voraussetzung Provided that he agrees, he shall assume this office.  Với điều kiện là anh ta đồng ý, anh ta sẽ đảm nhiệm chức vụ này. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
office The Workplace 3
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Einwohnermeldeamt + residents' registration office + Public buildings and gardens A
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Fremdenverkehrsbüro + tourist information office + Public buildings and gardens A
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Verkehrsamt + tourist information office + Public buildings and gardens A
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Praxis + practice, office + Medical facilities A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Kinokasse + cinema box office + Cinema and film A
+ + + + 103 Media and popular culture Redaktion + editorial office + Print media A
+ + + + 103 Media and popular culture Pressestelle + press office + Print media B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Gepäckaufbewahrung + left luggage office + General B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Verkehrsamt + tourist information office + Tourism B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Fahrkartenausgabe + ticket office + Rail transport B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Wechselstube + currency exchange office + General C
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Fundbüro + lost property office + General C
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Zollbeamte + customs officer + Personnel C
+ + + + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Standesamt + registry office + Marriage and divorce C
+ + + + 103 Industry Büroangestellte(r) + office worker, white-collar worker + Personnel A
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce Betrieb + business, concern, operation, office + The firm A
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce Zweigstelle + branch office + The firm B
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce Hauptgeschäfts-führer(in) + chief executive officer + Ownership, management and personnel B
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce Hauptverwaltung + head office + The firm C
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce Bezirksbüro + area office + The firm C
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce Büroverwaltung + office management + Ownership, management and personnel C
+ + + + 103 Employment Arbeitsamt + employment office + Application and training A
+ + + + 103 Employment Polizist(in) + police officer + Jobs, trades and professions A
+ + + + 103 Employment Berufsberater(in) + careers officer + Application and training B
+ + + + 103 Employment Verkehrspolizist(in) + traffic police officer + Jobs, trades and professions B
+ + + + 103 Employment Steuerbeamte(r) + tax officer + Jobs, trades and professions C
+ + + + 103 Employment Auskunftsbeamte(r) + information officer + Jobs, trades and professions C
+ + + + 103 Employment Zollbeamte(r) + customs officer + Jobs, trades and professions C
+ + + + 103 Employment Gefängniswärter(in) + prison officer + Jobs, trades and professions C
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Büroangestellte(r) + office worker + Personnel A
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Büroleiter(in) + office manager + Personnel A
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Laufbursche + errand boy, office boy + Personnel A
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Büro + office + Offices A
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Informationsbüro + information office + Offices A
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Büroparty + office party + Offices A
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Sekretärinnenzimmer + secretary's office + Offices A
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Schreibzimmer + (typist's) office + Offices A
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Offnungszeiten + office hours + Offices A
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Büromöbel + office furniture + Office equipment and materials A
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Vorzimmer + receptionist's office, outer office + Offices B
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Chefzimmer + executive's office + Offices B
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Bürogebäude + office building + Offices B
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Bürohaus + office block + Offices B
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Büroautomatisierung + office automation + Computing and typing B
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Bürogehilfe + office junior + Personnel C
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Büro der Bauleitung + site office + Offices C
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Kanzlei + office [of lawyer, notary] + Offices C
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Bürorangeleien + office politics + Offices C
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Großraumbüro + open-plan office + Offices C
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Vorverkaufstelle + (advance) booking office + Offices C
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Büroartikel + office supplies + Office equipment and materials C
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Bürobedarf + office supplies + Office equipment and materials C
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Post + post, mail, post office + Post A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Postamt + post office + Post A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Bundespost + Federal Post Office + Post A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Telebrief + fax sent via the post office + Post A
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Postfach + box number, post office box + Post B
+ + + + 103 Law Polizist(in) (in Zivil) + (plain-clothes) police officer + Police and investigation A
+ + + + 103 Law Bewährungshelfer(in) + probation officer + Justice C
+ + + + 103 Finance Finanzamt + tax office + Taxation A
+ + + + 103 Finance Postsparkasse + Girobank, Post Office Savings Bank + Banks and bank staff B
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Militär + (army) officer + Military A
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Offizier(in) + officer + Military A
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Unteroffizier(in) + noncommissioned officer (NCO) + Military A
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Stabsoffizier(in) + staff officer + Military A
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Nachrichtenoffizier(in) + intelligence officer + Military C
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations sich zur Wahl stellen + to run [for an office], stand + Elections B
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations Amt + department, (political) office + Government B
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations Innenministerium + Home Office, Ministry of the Interior,Department of the Interior (USA) + Government B
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations Außenministerium + Foreign Office, Foreign Ministry, State Department (USA) + Government B
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations Amtsinhaber(in) + officeholder + Government C
+ + + + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Sozialamt + social security office + Social services A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 郵局 + * * you2ju2 post office Postamt +
A 辦公室 + * * ban4gong1shi4 office Büro +
B 坐班 + * * zuo4 ban1 work in the office in office hours während der Arbeitszeiten arbeiten, Arbeitszeiten einhalten +
B + * * guan1 officer 1. für jm/etw sorgen, sich um jn/etw kümmern 2. benachrichtigen, jm etw mündlich mitteilen offiziell (?) +
B 機關 + * * ji1guan1 mechanism/ office Anstalt +
B 擔任 + * * dan1ren4 assume the office of/ hold the post of eine Stelle bekleiden, +
C 軍官 + * * jun1guan1 military officer/ army officer Offizier +
C + * * hui4 converge/ transfer funds through a post office or bank 1. zusammenfließen, zusammenlaufen, zusammenströmen 2. sammeln 3. (Geld) anweisen, Geld überweisen 4. Sammlung, Ansammlung +
C 匯款 + * * hui4 kuan3 transfer funds through a post office or bank/ remittance Geldüberweisung +
C 職員 + * * zhi2yuan2 job-person/ office worker/ staff member/ staffer/ clerk Angestellter +
C 將軍 + * * jiang1jun1 general/ high-ranking military officer Schach bieten, General, hoher Offizier +
C 司令 + * * si1ling4 commander/ commanding officer Befehlshaber +
C 報社 + * * bao4she4 newspaper office Zeitungsbüro, Pressebüro +
C 教研室 + * * jiao4yan2shi4 teaching and research section/ teaching staff office Forschung und Lehre Bereich +
C + * * ju2 bureau/ office/ administration/ shop/ part/ portion 1. Schachbrett 2.Partie, Satz 3. Lage, Situation 4.Intrige, Falle , Schlinge 5.Grenze, Schranke 6. Amt, Büro, Behörde 7. Geschäftshaus, Laden +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
accommodation + The building plans include much needed new office accommodation. Die Baupläne beinhalten dringend benötigte neue Büroräume.
along + You'll find his office just along the corridor. Sie finden sein Büro am Korridor.
arm + The officer grabbed him by the arm (= grabbed his arm). Der Offizier packte ihn am Arm (= packte seinen Arm).
arms + Police officers in the UK do not usually carry arms. Polizeibeamte in Großbritannien tragen in der Regel keine Waffen.
army + an army officer ein Offizier
around + This is our new office—Kay will show you around. Das ist unser neues Büro - Kay führt Sie herum.
ban + There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office. Im Buero soll es ein absolutes Rauchverbot geben.
bank + I need to go to the bank (= the local office of a bank). Ich muss zur Bank (= Geschäftsstelle einer Bank) gehen.
base + The company has its base in New York, and branch offices all over the world. Das Unternehmen hat seinen Sitz in New York und Niederlassungen weltweit.
block + an office block ein Bürogebäude
blow up + A police officer was killed when his car blew up. Ein Polizist wurde getötet, als sein Auto explodierte.
break + The movie broke all box-office records. Der Film brach alle Kassenrekorde.
call + call sb/sth: I called the office to tell them I'd be late. jdn. /etw.[Akk] anrufen: Ich rief im Büro an, um ihnen zu sagen, dass ich zu spät komme.
career + a careers adviser/officer (= a person whose job is to give people advice and information about jobs) Berufsberater (= eine Person, deren Aufgabe es ist, Berufsberater/-berater zu sein und Informationen über die Berufe zu geben)
central + The organization has a central office in York. Die Organisation hat eine Zentrale in York.
chain + The mayor wore his chain of office. Der Bürgermeister trug seine Amtskette.
check + 'Is Mary in the office?' 'Just a moment. I'll go and check.' Ist Mary im Büro? Einen Augenblick. Ich gehe mal nachsehen."
check + Customs officers have the right to check all luggage going through customs. Zollbeamte haben das Recht, alle Gepäckstücke, die durch den Zoll.
chief + the Chief Education Officer der Schulvorstand
chief + the chief financial officer of the company dem Finanzvorstand der Gesellschaft
clerk + an office clerk ein Bürokaufmann
click + The police officer clicked a pair of handcuffs around his wrists. Der Polizeibeamte klickte sich ein Paar Handschellen um die Handgelenke.
colleague + a colleague of mine from the office ein Kollege von mir aus dem Büro
complete + Work on the office building will be complete at the end of the year. Die Arbeiten am Bürogebäude werden Ende des Jahres abgeschlossen sein.
construction + Our new offices are still under construction (= being built). Unsere neuen Büroräume befinden sich noch im Bau (=in Bau).
control + a pest control officer ein Kammerjäger
customs + a customs officer ein Zollbeamter
defeat + Staying late at the office to discuss shorter working hours rather defeats the object of the exercise! Spät im Büro zu bleiben, um über kürzere Arbeitszeiten zu diskutieren, macht den Gegenstand der Übung eher zunichte!
defend + defend sb/yourself/sth from/against sb/sth: All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks. jdn. /Yourself/etw.[Akk] vor jdm. /etw.[Dat] verteidigen: Alle unsere Offiziere sind ausgebildet, sich gegen Messerangriffe zu verte
departure + His sudden departure threw the office into chaos. Sein plötzlicher Abgang warf das Büro ins Chaos.
deserted + The office was completely deserted. Das Büro war völlig verlassen.
design + design sth: to design a car/a dress/an office etw.[Akk] für die Gestaltung eines Autos, eines Kleiders oder eines Büros entwerfen
direct + A police officer was directing the traffic. Ein Polizist leitete den Verkehr.
disturb + Do not disturb (= a sign placed on the outside of the door of a hotel room, office, etc.) Nicht stören (= ein Schild, das außen an der Tür eines Hotelzimmers, Büros etc. angebracht ist)
either + The offices on either side were empty. Die Büros auf beiden Seiten waren leer.
end + His office is the room at the other end of the corridor. Sein Büro ist das Zimmer am anderen Ende des Ganges.
environmental + an environmental health officer ein Umweltmediziner
equipment + office equipment Büroeinrichtung
exercise + I don't get much exercise sitting in the office all day. Ich habe nicht viel Bewegung, den ganzen Tag im Büro zu sitzen.
explosion + Bomb Squad officers carried out a controlled explosion of the device. Bombenkommandooffiziere führten eine kontrollierte Explosion des Gerätes durch.
fifth + My office is on the fifth floor. Mein Büro ist im fünften Stock.
find + We've found a great new restaurant near the office. Wir haben ein tolles neues Restaurant in der Nähe des Büros gefunden.
fire + The officer ordered his men to fire. Der Offizier befahl seinen Männern zu schießen.
floor + Her office is on the second floor. Ihr Büro ist im zweiten Stock.
form + Help arrived in the form of two police officers. Hilfe kam in Form von zwei Polizisten.
freeze + The police officer shouted 'Freeze!' and the man dropped the gun. Der Polizist rief:"Keine Bewegung!" und der Mann ließ die Waffe fallen.
furniture + garden/office, etc. furniture Garten-/Büromöbel, etc.
garage + an underground garage (= for example under an office building) eine Tiefgarage (= z. B. unter einem Bürogebäude)
go around/round (to...) + I went round to the post office. Ich bin zur Post gegangen.
guide + The health and safety officer will guide you through the safety procedures. Der Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsbeauftragte führt Sie durch die Sicherheitsvorschriften.
gun + Should police officers carry guns? Sollen Polizisten Waffen tragen?
gun + The police officers drew their guns (= took them out so they were ready to use). Die Polizisten zogen ihre Waffen (= holten sie raus, damit sie einsatzbereit waren).
hall + I headed for Scott's office down the hall. Ich ging zu Scotts Büro am Ende des Flurs.
handle + We can handle up to 500 calls an hour at our new offices. In unseren neuen Büroräumen können wir bis zu 500 Anrufe pro Stunde abwickeln.
heaven + It was heaven being away from the office for a week. Es war himmlisch, für eine Woche vom Büro weg zu sein.
hide + hide yourself (+ adv.prep.): She hides herself away in her office all day. sich verstecken (+ Adv. Vorbereitung): Sie versteckt sich den ganzen Tag in ihrem Büro.
highway + Highway patrol officers closed the road. Autobahnpolizisten haben die Straße gesperrt.
hold + How long has he held office? Seit wann ist er im Amt?
hour + What are your office hours? Wie sind Ihre Öffnungszeiten?
hour + Clients can now contact us by email out of hours (= when the office is closed). Kunden können uns jetzt auch außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten (= wenn das Büro geschlossen ist) per E-Mail kontaktieren.
imagine + imagine doing sth: She imagined walking into the office and handing in her resignation. sich vorstellen, etw. zu tun: Sie stellte sich vor, ins Büro zu gehen und ihren Rücktritt einzureichen.
increasingly + Increasingly, training is taking place in the office rather than outside it. Zunehmend findet die Ausbildung nicht außerhalb, sondern im Büro statt.
junior + office juniors Bürogehilfen
lady + a tea lady (= a woman who serves tea in an office) eine Teedame (= eine Frau, die Tee im Büro serviert)
let + They decided to let out the smaller offices at low rents. Sie beschlossen, die kleineren Büros zu niedrigen Mieten zu vermieten.
located + The offices are conveniently located just a few minutes from the main station. Die Büros befinden sich nur wenige Minuten vom Hauptbahnhof entfernt.
make + This room would make a nice office. Dieser Raum wäre ein schönes Büro.
move + I'm being moved to the New York office. Ich werde ins New Yorker Büro verlegt.
navy + an officer in the navy/the Navy ein Offizier in der Navy/Navy
network + The office network allows users to share files and software, and to use a central printer. Das Office-Netzwerk ermöglicht es Benutzern, Dateien und Software gemeinsam zu nutzen und einen zentralen Drucker zu verwenden.
normal + We are open during normal office hours. Wir sind während der üblichen Bürozeiten geöffnet.
note + note (that)...: Please note (that) the office will be closed on Monday. Hinweis (das)...: Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Büro am Montag geschlossen ist.
note sth down + The police officer noted down details of the burglary. Der Polizeibeamte notierte Details des Einbruchs.
occupy + He occupies an office on the 12th floor. Er hat ein Büro im 12. Stock.
occupy + occupy sb/sth/yourself with sb/sth: She occupied herself with routine office tasks. jdn. /etw.[Akk] mit jdm. /etw.[Dat] beschäftigen: Sie beschäftigte sich mit Routineaufgaben im Büro.
occupy + occupy sb/sth/yourself (in) doing sth: She occupied herself doing routine office tasks. sich[Akk] mit etw.[Dat] beschäftigen: Sie beschäftigte sich mit Büroalltagstätigkeiten.
office + She held office as a cabinet minister for ten years. Sie war zehn Jahre lang Kabinettsministerin.
office + How long has he been in office? Wie lange ist er schon im Amt?
office + The party has been out of office (= has not formed a government) for many years. Die Partei ist seit vielen Jahren aus dem Amt (= keine Regierung gebildet).
office + The present government took office in 2009. Die jetzige Regierung hat 2009 ihr Amt angetreten.
office + to seek/run for office um nach einem Amt zu suchen/laufen
office + to stand for office für Amt zu stehen
office + the office of treasurer das Amt des Schatzmeisters
office + The company is moving to new offices on the other side of town. Das Unternehmen zieht in neue Büroräume auf der anderen Seite der Stadt.
office + Are you going to the office today? Gehst du heute ins Büro?
office + an office job ein Bürojob
office + office workers Büromitarbeiter
office + Some people have to share an office. Manche Leute müssen sich ein Büro teilen.
office + Come into my office. Kommen Sie in mein Büro.
office + the local tourist office das örtliche Fremdenverkehrsamt
office + a ticket office eine Kasse
officer + army/airforce/naval, etc. officers Armee/Luftwaffe, Offiziere etc.
officer + a commissioned/non-commissioned officer Beauftragter/nicht-unteroffizier
officer + The matter was passed on to me, as your commanding officer. Die Angelegenheit wurde an mich weitergeleitet, als Ihr kommandierender Offizier.
officer + an environmental health officer ein Umweltmediziner
officer + a customs/prison/welfare officer Zoll/Gefängnis/Sozialhilfebeamter
officer + officers of state (= ministers in the government) Staatsbeamte (= Minister in der Regierung)
officer + the officer in charge of the case der zuständige Beamte
officer + the investigating officer der Untersuchungsbeamte
officer + Yes, officer, I saw what happened. Ja, Officer, ich habe gesehen, was passiert ist.
order + The officer ordered them to fire. Der Offizier befahl ihnen zu schießen.
organized + a well-organized office ein gut organisiertes Büro
take sb's/sth's place, take the place of sb/sth + Computers have taken the place of typewriters in most offices. In den meisten Büros haben Computer den Platz von Schreibmaschinen eingenommen.
plan + The architect is drawing up plans for the new offices. Der Architekt plant die neuen Büroräume.
plan + plan (to do sth): There are no plans to build new offices. planen (etw. tun): Es gibt keine Pläne, neue Büros zu bauen.
plot + plot sth: Military officers were suspected of plotting a coup. Verschwörung von etw.: Militärbeamte wurden verdächtigt, einen Staatsstreich geplant zu haben.
politics + I don't want to get involved in office politics. Ich will mich nicht in die Büropolitik einmischen.
post office + Where's the main post office? Wo ist das Hauptpostamt?
post office + You can buy your stamps at the post office. Sie können Ihre Briefmarken bei der Post kaufen.
post office + a post office counter ein Postschalter
post office + He works for the Post Office. Er arbeitet für die Post.
preparation + preparation (to do sth): We made preparations to move to new offices. Vorbereitung (um etw. zu tun): Wir haben uns auf den Umzug in neue Büroräume vorbereitet.
prepared + The police officer read out a prepared statement. Der Polizeibeamte las eine vorbereitete Erklärung vor.
prison + Ten prison officers and three inmates needed hospital treatment following the riot. Zehn Gefängnisbeamte und drei Häftlinge mussten nach dem Aufstand im Krankenhaus behandelt werden.
in progress + Work on the new offices is now in progress. Die Arbeiten an den neuen Büroräumen sind im Gange.
proposal + proposal to do sth: a proposal to build more office accommodation Vorschlag, etw.[Akk] zu tun: Vorschlag für den Bau von mehr Büroräumen
public + He spent much of his career in public office (= working in the government). Er verbrachte einen Großteil seiner Karriere im öffentlichen Dienst (= Regierungsamt).
punch + Hill threw a punch at the police officer. Hill hat einen Schlag auf den Polizisten geworfen.
put + I was put in charge of the office. Ich wurde mit dem Büro beauftragt.
rank + officers of junior/senior rank Offiziere von Junioren/Senior Ranges
rank + officers, and other ranks (= people who are not officers) Offiziere und andere Dienstgrade (= Personen, die keine Offiziere sind)
rather + In the end he had to walk—or rather run—to the office. Am Ende musste er schließlich ins Büro laufen - oder besser gesagt, ins Büro laufen.
reality + The paperless office is still far from being a reality. Das papierlose Büro ist noch lange nicht Realität.
reason + He wants to keep them all in his office for reasons best known to himself. Er will sie alle in seinem Büro behalten, aus Gründen, die er am besten kennt.
regulation + Under the new regulations spending on office equipment will be strictly controlled. Die Ausgaben für Büroausstattung werden nach den neuen Verordnungen streng kontrolliert.
removal + events leading to the removal of the president from office Ereignisse, die zur Amtsenthebung des Präsidenten führen
reveal + reveal how, what, etc...: Officers could not reveal how he died. enthüllen, wie, was, usw...: Offiziere konnten nicht verraten, wie er starb.
right now + He's not in the office right now. Er ist gerade nicht im Büro.
on sale + Tickets are on sale from the booking office. Tickets sind an der Vorverkaufskasse erhältlich.
security + The visit took place amidst tight security (= the use of many police officers). Der Besuch fand inmitten einer engen Sicherheitslage statt (= Einsatz vieler Polizisten).
senior + a senior officer/manager/lecturer ein leitender Angestellter/Manager/Dozent
space + floor/office/shelf, etc. space Stockwerk/Büro/Regal etc.
split + split sth between sb/sth: His time is split between the London and Paris offices. etw.[Akk] zwischen jdm. /etw.[Dat] aufteilen: Seine Zeit wird zwischen den Büros in London und Paris aufgeteilt.
stamp + The Post Office has issued a commemorative stamp to mark the event. Die Post hat eine Gedenkmarke zur Erinnerung an das Ereignis herausgegeben.
stay + I'm staying late at the office tonight. Ich bleibe heute Abend lange im Büro.
street + My office is at street level (= on the ground floor). Mein Büro befindet sich auf Straßenniveau (= im Erdgeschoss).
superior + my superior officer mein Vorgesetzter
take + I'll take the call in my office. Ich nehme den Anruf in meinem Büro entgegen.
take + The police officer took my name and address. Der Polizist nahm meinen Namen und meine Adresse an.
term + during the president's first term of/in office während der ersten Amtszeit des Präsidenten
ticket + a ticket office/machine/collector eine Kasse/Maschine/Sammler/Sammelstelle
to + I walked to the office. Ich bin ins Büro gelaufen.
the unexpected + Police officers must be prepared for the unexpected. Polizeibeamte müssen auf Unvorhergesehenes vorbereitet sein.
up + We live just up the road, past the post office. Wir wohnen direkt an der Straße, am Postamt vorbei.
upstairs + We've converted the upstairs into an office. Wir haben das Obergeschoss in ein Büro umgewandelt.
van + a police van (= for carrying police officers or prisoners) einen Polizeiwagen (= für die Beförderung von Polizeibeamten oder Häftlingen)
virus + There's a virus going around the office. Es gibt einen Virus im Büro.
walk + The office is ten minutes' walk from here. Das Büro ist zehn Minuten zu Fuß von hier entfernt.
want + want sth: We'll want more furniture for the new office. etw.[Akk] haben wollen: Wir wollen mehr Möbel für das neue Büro.
weekend + The office is closed at the weekend. Am Wochenende ist das Büro geschlossen.
weekend + The office is closed on the weekend. Am Wochenende ist das Büro geschlossen.
window + There was a long line of people at the box-office window. Da war eine lange Schlange von Leuten am Schalter.
worker + farm/factory/office workers Landwirtschafts-/Fabrik-/Büroangestellte

Mcc SentencesGbEng
411 办公室 宽敞 并且 明亮 + The office is very spacious and bright.
450 办公室 安装 电话 + A phone has been installed in the office.
544 这里 政府 办公厅 + This is a government office.
874 外贸局 工作 + He's working in the foreign trade office.
941 离开 公司 + He's just left the office.
1254 邮局 寄信 + I'm going to the post office to mail a letter.
1279 移民局 申请 签证 + I go to the immigration office to apply for the visa.
1436 他去 邮局 汇款 + He's going to the post office to remit some money to his family.
1685 办公室 分隔成 + The office has been separated into several small spaces.
2070 邮局 营业 几点 + What time does the post office close?
3021 警官 犯人 + The police officer is escorting the prisoner.
3165 总理 犯罪 遭到 罢黜 + The new prime minister was dismissed from office for breaking the law.
3277 警官 训练 警犬 + The police officer is training the police dog.
3313 这里 曾经 政府 衙门 + This place was once a government office.
3577 + It is a little bit inappropriate to smoke in the office.

办公室很宽敞,并且很明亮。 Bàngōngshì hěn kuānchang,bìngqiě hěn míngliàng. The office is very spacious and bright. Das Büro ist sehr geräumig und hell.
办公室里安装了电话。 Bàngōngshì lǐ ānzhuāng le diànhuà. A phone has been installed in the office. Im Büro wurde ein Telefon installiert.
这里是政府办公厅。 Zhèlǐ shì zhèngfǔ bàngōngtīng. This is a government office. Das ist ein Regierungsbüro.
他在外贸局工作。 Tā zàiwài mào jú gōngzuò. He's working in the foreign trade office. Er arbeitet im Außenwirtschaftsbüro.
他刚离开公司。 Tā gāng líkāi gōngsī. He's just left the office. Er hat gerade erst das Büro verlassen.
我去邮局寄信。 Wǒ qù yóujú jìxìn. I'm going to the post office to mail a letter. Ich gehe zur Post, um einen Brief zu schicken.
我去移民局申请签证。 Wǒ qù yímín jú shēnqǐng qiānzhèng. I go to the immigration office to apply for the visa. Ich gehe zur Einwanderungsbehörde, um das Visum zu beantragen.
他去邮局给家里汇款。 tā qù yóujú gěi jiā lǐ huìkuǎn. He's going to the post office to remit some money to his family. Er geht zur Post, um seiner Familie Geld zu überweisen.
办公室被分隔成几小块。 Bàngōngshì bèi fēngé chéng jǐ xiǎo kuài. The office has been separated into several small spaces. Das Büro wurde in mehrere kleine Räume aufgeteilt.
邮局营业到几点? yóujú yíngyè dào jǐ diǎn? What time does the post office close? Wann schließt das Postamt?
警官押着犯人。 Jǐngguān yāzhe fànrén. The police officer is escorting the prisoner. Der Polizeibeamte eskortiert den Gefangenen.
新总理因犯罪遭到罢黜。 Xīn zǒnglǐ yīn fànzuì zāodào bàchù. The new prime minister was dismissed from office for breaking the law. Der neue Premierminister wurde wegen Gesetzesübertretung entlassen.
警官在训练警犬。 Jǐngguān zài xùnliàn jǐngquǎn. The police officer is training the police dog. Der Polizist trainiert den Polizeihund.
这里曾经是政府衙门。 Zhèlǐ céngjīng shì zhèngfǔ yámen. This place was once a government office. Dieser Ort war mal ein Regierungsbüro.
Lesson 027. Working in China. Office Vocabulary.
ban4gong1shi4 + office
Lesson 027. Working in China. Office Vocabulary.
Zhe4 shi4 wo3 de ban4gong1shi4. + This is my office.
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Hu4shi xiao3jie, Wang2 yi1sheng1 jin1tian1 zai4 ma? + Miss nurse, is doctor Wang in the office today?
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il veut vous voir dans son bureau immédiate- ment + he wants to see you in his office immediately

il perd son emploi à l’office des jardins + he lost his job at the gardening office

il craint de perdre ses meilleurs officiers + he fears losing his best officers

vous serez convoquée au commissariat + you will be summoned to the police office

mon bureau était en face du studio + my office is across from the studio

les clés seront au secrétariat + the keys are at the secretary’s office

la poste vous dédommagera de la détérioration des colis + the post office will reimburse you for damaged packages
01033458-n office
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 office +
+ + + + 103 office +
+ + + + 103 office +
+ + + + 103 office +
+ + + + 103 office +
+ + + + 103 office +
+ + + + 103 office +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
office văn phòng + +
văn phòng + + office