1 ling2 zero/ nought/ zero sign/ fractional/ fragmentary/ odd (of numbers)/ (placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one)/ fraction/ (in mathematics) remainder (after division)/ extra/ to wither and fall/ to wither
3 数学 shu4 xue2 mathematics/ mathematical
3 ceng2 layer/ stratum/ laminated/ floor (of a building)/ storey/ classifier for layers/ repeated/ sheaf (math.)
4 流行 liu2 xing2 to spread/ to rage (of contagious disease)/ popular/ fashionable/ prevalent/ (math.) manifold
5 fang1 square/ power or involution (mathematics)/ upright/ honest/ fair and square/ direction/ side/ party (to a contract; dispute etc)/ place/ method/ prescription (medicine)/ upright or honest/ just when/ only or just/ classifier for square things/ abbr. for s
5 后果 hou4 guo3 consequences/ aftermath
5 交换 jiao1 huan4 to exchange/ to swap/ to switch (telecom)/ commutative (math)/ to commute
5 qie1 to cut/ to slice/ tangent (math)
5 cheng2 to ride/ to mount/ to make use of/ to avail oneself of/ to take advantage of/ to multiply (mathematics)/ Buddhist sect or creed
6 联络 lian2 luo4 communication/ to get in touch with/ to contact/ connection (math.)
6 运算 yun4 suan4 (mathematical) operation

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET toán math

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
C20 40 2990
龙卷风 过后 , 他们 发现了 很多 被 连 根 拔起的 树木 和 被 吹倒的 房屋 。 + ในเหตุการณ์พายุทอร์นาโดพวกเขาค้นพบต้นไม้และบ้านที่ถูกทำลายมาก + Ở nơi chịu ảnh hưởng của cơn lốc, người ta phát Trung quốc ra rất nhiều cây bật gốc và nhà đã bị quật đổ. + In the aftermath of the tornado, they discovered a lot of uprooted trees and houses that had been blown down. + In der Folgezeit des Tornados entdeckten sie viele entwurzelte Bäume und Häuser, die niedergebrannt worden waren. + All' indomani del tornado, scoprirono molti alberi e case sradicate che erano state abbattute. + Au lendemain de la tornade, ils ont découvert beaucoup d'arbres déracinés et de maisons détruites par le vent. + Después del tornado, descubrieron muchos árboles desarraigados y casas que habían sido derribadas. + In de nasleep van de tornado ontdekten ze veel ontwortelde bomen en huizen die waren afgeblazen. + ( lóngjuǎnfēng guòhòu, tāmen· fāxiànle· hěnduō bèi lián gēn báqǐde· shùmù hé bèi chuīdǎode· fángwū.)
Cô ấy là giáo viên. Cô ấy dạy toán cho bọn trẻ. + She's a teacher. She teaches math to children.
Ở nơi chịu ảnh hưởng của cơn lốc, người ta phát Trung quốc ra rất nhiều cây bật gốc và nhà đã bị quật đổ. + In the aftermath of the tornado, they discovered a lot of uprooted trees and houses that had been blown down.

Chúng tôi không phải là các nhà toán học. + We are not mathematicians.

nhà toán học + mathematician

Ai muốn trở thành một nhà toán học? + Who wants to be a mathematician? (= become)

Các nhà khoa học làm việc với các nhà toán học. + The scientists work with the mathematicians.

Nhà toán học mang kính trước khi làm việc. + The mathematician wears glasses before working.

Tôi ghét học môn toán. + I hate math.

Những người thông minh thường xuyên học môn toán tốt. + Smart people usually study math well.

môn toán + math

toán + math

Nhiều khái niệm môn toán cũng xuất hiện trong môn vật lý. + Many math concepts also appear in physics.
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-4 Mathematik + mathematics +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-4 Mein Bruder und ich sind sehr unterschiedlich. Er interessiert sich für Mathematik, ich für Sprachen.  + unterschiedlich My brother and I are very different. He's interested in mathematics, I'm interested in languages.  Anh trai tôi và tôi rất khác nhau. Ông quan tâm đến toán học, tôi quan tâm đến ngôn ngữ. +
Exercise 10-4 Hans kann gut im Kopf rechnen.  + Kopf Hans knows how to do his math.  Hans biết làm thế nào để làm toán học của mình. +
Exercise 13-6 Er unterrichtet Mathematik an der Volkshochschule. + unterrichten He teaches mathematics at the adult education centre. Ông dạy toán học tại trung tâm giáo dục người lớn. +
Exercise 13-6 Mein Neffe ist in Mathematik sehr gut. + Mathematik My nephew is very good at mathematics. Cháu trai của tôi rất giỏi toán học. +
Exercise 13-7 Meine Tochter kann gut rechnen.  + rechnen My daughter's good at math.  Con gái tôi giỏi toán. +
Exercise 13-8 Eva hat immer sehr gute Noten in Mathematik.  + Note Eva always has very good grades in mathematics.  Eva luôn có điểm số rất tốt trong toán học. +
Exercise 20-4 In Deutsch ist Ihr Sohn sehr gut, aber in Mathematik sind seine Leistungen nur durchschnittlich.  + durchschnittlich In German your son is very good, but in mathematics his achievements are only average.  Ở Đức con trai của bạn rất tốt, nhưng trong toán học thành tích của ông chỉ là trung bình. +
Exercise 26-7 Die Rechnung stimmt nicht.  + stimmen The math is wrong.  Toán học là sai. +
Exercise 35-9 Die Rechnung stimmt nicht. Der Kellner hat mich betrogen.  + betrügen* The math is wrong. The waiter cheated on me.  Toán học là sai. Người phục vụ đã lừa dối tôi. +
Exercise 37-7 Er ist schwach in Rechnen.  + schwach He's weak in math.  Anh ấy yếu trong toán học. +
Exercise 44-5 Unsere Tochter ist sehr intelligent. Sie kann sehr gut rechnen.  + intelligent Our daughter is very intelligent. She's very good at math.  Con gái chúng ta rất thông minh. Cô ấy rất giỏi toán. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
math School and Subjects 10
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Aromatherapie + aromatherapy + Alternative medicine B
+ + + + 103 Education Mathematik + mathematics + School and university subjects A
+ + + + 103 Education Mathe + maths + School and university subjects A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 數學 + * * shu4xue2 mathematics Mathematik +
C 後果 + * * hou4guo3 consequence/ aftermath/ (negative) outcome Folge, Nachwirkungen +
D 演算 + * * yan3suan4 perform mathematical calculations mathematische Aufgaben lösen +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
bottom + I was always bottom of the class in math. Ich war in Mathe immer der letzte der Klasse.
concept + He can't grasp the basic concepts of mathematics. Er kann die Grundkonzepte der Mathematik nicht verstehen.
examination + to sit an examination in mathematics eine Prüfung in Mathematik ablegen
immediate + in the immediate aftermath of the war unmittelbar nach dem Krieg
mathematics + the school mathematics curriculum den Lehrplan der Schule für Mathematik
mathematics + He worked out the very difficult mathematics in great detail. Er arbeitete die sehr schwierige Mathematik in allen Einzelheiten.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
255 数学题 + This math problem is very difficult.
436 老师 我们 数学 + The teacher is teaching us math.
527 数学 + He's doing math.
574 数学题 容易 + This math problem is easy.
1434 复杂 + This [math] problem is very complex.
3116 惟独 数学 + Math is the only subject in which he can't do well.
3298 数学 练习簿 + This is my exercise book for math.

这道数学题很难。 Zhè dào shùxué tí hěn nán. This math problem is very difficult. Dieses mathematische Problem ist sehr schwierig.
这道数学题很容易。 Zhè dào shùxué tí hěn róngyì. This math problem is easy. Dieses Matheproblem ist einfach.
老师教我们数学。 Lǎoshī jiāo wǒmen shùxué. The teacher is teaching us math. Der Lehrer unterrichtet uns Mathematik.
他在算数学。 Tā zài suànshù xué. He's doing math. Er macht Mathe.
这道题很复杂。 Zhè dào tí hěn fùzá. This [math] problem is very complex. Dieses[Mathe] Problem ist sehr komplex.
惟独数学他学不好。 Wéidú shùxué tā xué bù hǎo. Math is the only subject in which he can't do well. Mathe ist das einzige Fach, in dem er nicht gut abschneiden kann.
这是我的数学练习簿。 Zhè shì wǒ de shùxué liànxíbù. This is my exercise book for math. Das ist mein Übungsbuch für Mathe.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

Mathias remit l’objet dans sa poche + Mathias returned the object into his pocket

Mathieu s’abrita derrière le pilier + Mathieu took shelter behind the pillar

elle peut être traduite dans un langage mathématique précis + it can be translated into a precise mathematical language

j’ai enseigné les mathématiques et les finances + I taught mathematics and finance

les mathématiques vous aident à vous connaître + math helps you know yourself

ses aptitudes en mathématiques me désespèrent + his aptitude for mathematics left me in despair
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 math +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
toán + + math