1 duo1 many/ much/ a lot of/ numerous/ multi-
2 jiu4 at once/ right away/ only/ just (emphasis)/ as early as/ already/ as soon as/ then/ in that case/ as many as/ even if/ to approach/ to move towards/ to undertake/ to engage in/ to suffer/ subjected to/ to accomplish/ to take advantage of/ to go with (of f
3 ji3 how much/ how many/ several/ a few
4 许多 xu3 duo1 many/ a lot of/ much
4 千万 qian1 wan4 ten million/ countless/ many/ one must by all means
6 连年 lian2 nian2 successive years/ over many years
6 若干 ruo4 gan1 a certain number or amount/ how many?/ how much?
6 饱经沧桑 bao3 jing1 cang1 sang1 having lived through many changes

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Das ist eine Stadt in Deutschland. It's a city in Germany. Đó là một thành phố ở Đức.
Das liegt in Ostdeutschland. That is in eastern Germany. Đó là ở miền đông nước Đức.
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
007 0090
Berlin is in Germany.
025 0450
I still make many mistakes.
038 0709
How many stops are there before downtown / the city centre?
057 1100
There are too many unemployed people in this country.
062 1192
I’m expecting a transfer from Germany.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A11 2 502
她 总是 有 说不完的 秘密 。 + เธอมีความลับมากมาย + Cô ấy có rất nhiều bí mật. + She's got so many secrets. + Sie hat so viele Geheimnisse. + Ha tanti segreti. + Elle a tellement de secrets. + Tiene tantos secretos. + Ze heeft zoveel geheimen. + ( tā zǒngshì yǒu shuōbùwánde· mìmì.)
A14 9 659
我 爱 吃 甜食 , 所以 有 很多 蛀牙 。 + ฉันมีฟันหวานและฟันผุหลาย + Tôi có một chiếc răng ngọt ngào và nhiều răng cửa. + I've got a sweet tooth and many cavities. + Ich habe eine Naschkatze und viele Löcher. + Ho un dente dolce e molte cavità. + J'ai une dent sucrée et beaucoup de caries. + Soy goloso y tengo muchas caries. + Ik heb een zoete tand en veel holtes. + ( wǒ ài chī tiánshí, suǒyǐ yǒu hěnduō zhùyá.)
A19 45 945
你 每天 抽 几包 烟 ? + คุณสูบบุหรี่กี่วันต่อวัน? + Bao nhiêu gói thuốc lá bạn hút mỗi ngày? + How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke per day? + Wie viele Packungen Zigaretten rauchen Sie pro Tag? + Quanti pacchetti di sigarette fuma al giorno? + Combien de paquets de cigarettes fumez-vous par jour? + ¿Cuántos paquetes de cigarrillos fuma al día? + Hoeveel pakjes sigaretten rook je per dag? + ( nǐ měitiān chōu jǐbāo yān?)
B01 44 1044
瑞士 有 几种 语言 ? + มีกี่ภาษาที่พูดในสวิตเซอร์แลนด์? + Có bao nhiêu ngôn ngữ được nói ở Thuỵ Sĩ? + How many languages are spoken in Switzerland? + Wie viele Sprachen werden in der Schweiz gesprochen? + Quante lingue sono parlate in Svizzera? + Combien de langues sont parlées en Suisse? + ¿Cuántas lenguas se hablan en Suiza? + Hoeveel talen worden er in Zwitserland gesproken? + ( ruìshì yóu jǐzhóng yǔyán?)
B02 1 1051
很多 英国的 电视节目 会在 美国的 电视台 播出 。 + หลายโปรแกรมของอังกฤษปรากฏบนโทรทัศน์อเมริกัน + Nhiều chương trình của Anh được tạp chí trên truyền hình Mĩ. + Many British programs are shown on American television. + Viele britische Programme werden im amerikanischen Fernsehen ausgestrahlt. + Molti programmi britannici sono proiettati sulla televisione americana. + De nombreuses émissions britanniques sont diffusées à la télévision américaine. + Muchos programas británicos se emiten en la televisión estadounidense. + Veel Britse programma's worden op de Amerikaanse televisie vertoond. + ( hěnduō yīngguóde· diànshìjiémù huìzài měiguóde· diànshìtái bōchū.)
B04 44 1194
菲律宾 说 很多种 语言 。 + มีหลายภาษาที่พูดกันในฟิลิปปินส์ + Có nhiều ngôn ngữ được nói ở Philippines. + Many different languages are spoken in the Philippines. + Auf den Philippinen werden viele verschiedene Sprachen gesprochen. + Molte lingue diverse sono parlate nelle Filippine. + De nombreuses langues différentes sont parlées aux Philippines. + En Filipinas se hablan muchos idiomas diferentes. + In de Filippijnen worden veel verschillende talen gesproken. + (fēilǜbīn shuō hěnduōzhóng yǔyán.)
B09 40 1440
路德维希 每天都 穿 一样的 衣服 , 他的 衣服一定 不多 。 + ลุดวิกสวมเสื้อผ้าแบบเดียวกันทุกวัน เขาต้องไม่มีเสื้อผ้ามากมาย + Ludwig ngày nào cũng mặc cùng một bộ quần áo. Anh ấy hẳn là không có nhiều quần áo. + Ludwig wears the same clothes every day. He must not have many clothes. + Ludwig trägt jeden Tag die gleiche Kleidung. Er muss nicht viele Kleider haben. + Ludwig indossa gli stessi vestiti ogni giorno. Non deve avere molti vestiti. + Ludwig porte les mêmes vêtements tous les jours. Il ne doit pas avoir beaucoup de vêtements. + Ludwig usa la misma ropa todos los días. No debe tener mucha ropa. + Ludwig draagt elke dag dezelfde kleding. Hij mag niet veel kleren hebben. + (lùdéwéixī měitiāndōu chuān yíyàngde· yīfú, tāde· yīfú yídìng bùduō.)
B11 10 1510
很多 国家 , 男性 必须要 服兵役 。 + ในหลายประเทศชายต้องทำหน้าที่รับราชการทหาร + Ở nhiều nước, đàn ông phải thực Trung quốc nghĩa vụ quân sự. + In many countries, men must do military service. + In vielen Ländern müssen Männer Militärdienst leisten. + In molti paesi, gli uomini devono prestare servizio militare. + Dans de nombreux pays, les hommes doivent faire leur service militaire. + En muchos países, los hombres deben hacer el servicio militar. + In veel landen moeten mannen militaire dienstplicht vervullen. + ( hěnduō guójiā, nánxìng bìxūyào fúbīngyì.)
B14 12 1662
这间 餐厅 非常 安静 , 里面 人 不多 。 + ร้านนี้เงียบมาก มีคนไม่มากที่นี่ + Nhà hàng này rất yên tĩnh. Không có nhiều người ở đây. + This restaurant is very quiet. There aren't many people here. + Dieses Restaurant ist sehr ruhig. Es sind nicht viele Leute hier. + Questo ristorante è molto tranquillo. Non ci sono molte persone qui. + Ce restaurant est très calme. Il n' y a pas beaucoup de monde ici. + Este restaurante es muy tranquilo. No hay mucha gente aquí. + Dit restaurant is zeer rustig gelegen. Er zijn hier niet veel mensen. + (zhèjiān cāntīng fēicháng ānjìng, lǐmiàn rén bùduō.)
B14 13 1663
一支 足球队 有 几个 球员 ? + มีผู้เล่นกี่คนในทีมฟุตบอลบ้าง? + Có bao nhiêu cầu da trọng một đội bóng đá. + How many players are there on a football team? + Wie viele Spieler gibt es in einer Fußballmannschaft? + Quanti giocatori ci sono in una squadra di calcio? + Combien y a-t-il de joueurs dans une équipe de football? + ¿Cuántos jugadores hay en un equipo de fútbol? + Hoeveel spelers zijn er op een voetbalploeg? + ( yīzhī zúqiúduì yóu jǐge· qiúyuán?)
B14 23 1673
这个 班 有 几个 学生 ? — 二十个 。 + มีนักเรียนกี่คนในชั้นเรียน? -ยี่สิบ. + Có bao nhiêu học sinh ở trong lớp? - Hai mươi. + How many students are there in the class? —Twenty. + Wie viele Schüler gibt es in der Klasse? Zwanzig. + Quanti studenti ci sono in classe? Venti. + Combien y a-t-il d'élèves dans la classe? Vingt. + ¿Cuántos estudiantes hay en la clase? Veinte. + Hoeveel studenten zitten er in de klas? Twintig. + (zhège· bān yóu jǐge· xuéshēng? — èrshíge·.)
B15 1 1701
这条 路 很危险 , 发生过 很多次 车祸 。 + ถนนสายนี้อันตรายมาก มีอุบัติเหตุเกิดขึ้นมากมาย + + This road is very dangerous. There have been many accidents on it. + Diese Straße ist sehr gefährlich. Es hat viele Unfälle gegeben. + Questa strada è molto pericolosa. Ci sono stati molti incidenti. + Cette route est très dangereuse. Il y a eu beaucoup d'accidents. + Este camino es muy peligroso. Ha habido muchos accidentes en él. + Deze weg is zeer gevaarlijk. Er zijn veel ongelukken op gebeurd. + (zhètiáo lù hěnwēixiǎn, fāshēngguò hěnduōcì chēhuò.)
B15 18 1718
开会 有 很多 人 吗 ? — 没有 , 人 很少 。 + มีผู้คนจำนวนมากเข้าร่วมประชุมหรือไม่? - ไม่น้อยมาก + Có nhiều người trong buổi họp không? Không, rất ít. + Were there many people at the meeting? — No, very few. + Waren viele Leute bei der Versammlung? Nein, sehr wenige. + C' erano molte persone alla riunione? No, molto pochi. + Y avait-il beaucoup de monde à la réunion? Non, très peu. + ¿Había mucha gente en la reunión? No, muy pocos. + Waren er veel mensen aanwezig op de bijeenkomst? Nee, weinigen. + (kāihuì yóu hěnduō rén mā? — méiyǒu, rén hěnshǎo.)
B15 21 1721
二十 年前 这里 没多少 游客 , 现在 很多了。 + เมื่อยี่สิบปีก่อนมีนักท่องเที่ยวไม่มากนัก ขณะนี้มีจำนวนมาก + Hai mươi năm trước không có nhiều duy nhất du lịch ở đây. Bây giờ có rất nhiều. + Twenty years ago there weren't many tourists here. Now there are a lot. + Vor zwanzig Jahren gab es hier nicht viele Touristen. Jetzt gibt es viele. + Vent' anni fa non c' erano molti turisti qui. Ora ci sono molte cose. + Il y a 20 ans, il n' y avait pas beaucoup de touristes ici. Maintenant, il y en a beaucoup. + Hace 20 años no había muchos turistas aquí. Ahora hay muchos. + Twintig jaar geleden waren er hier niet veel toeristen. Nu zijn er veel. + (èrshí niánqián zhèli· méiduōshǎo yóukè, xiànzài hěnduōle·.)
B18 13 1863
你 去过 巴西 , 对 吧 ? — 对 , 好几次了。 + คุณเคยไปบราซิลแล้วใช่ไหม - ใช่หลาย ๆ ครั้ง + Cậu từng đến Brazil rồi phải không? - Đúng, nhiều lần rồi. + You've been to Brazil, haven't you? — Yes, many times. + Du warst in Brasilien, nicht wahr? Ja, viele Male. + Sei stato in Brasile, non sei tu? Sì, molte volte. + Vous êtes allé au Brésil, n'est-ce pas? Oui, plusieurs fois. + Has estado en Brasil, ¿verdad? Sí, muchas veces. + Je bent naar Brazilië geweest, nietwaar? Ja, vele malen. + ( nǐ qùguò bāxī, duì ba·? — duì, háojǐcìle·.)
B19 17 1917
有 多少 人 去 开会 ? + มีผู้เข้าร่วมประชุมกี่คน? + Có bao nhiêu người tới cuộc họp không? + How many people came to the meeting? + Wie viele Leute kamen zu dem Treffen? + Quante persone sono venute alla riunione? + Combien de personnes sont venues à la réunion? + ¿Cuánta gente vino a la reunión? + Hoeveel mensen kwamen er naar de vergadering? + ( yǒu duōshǎo rén qù kāihuì?)
C02 26 2076
许多 车祸 都是 因为 人们 驾驶 速度 太快 所造成的 。 + อุบัติเหตุจำนวนมากเกิดจากคนขับรถเร็วเกินไป + Nhiều vụ tai nạn là làm người ta lái xe quá nhanh. + Many accidents are caused by people driving too fast. + Viele Unfälle werden durch zu schnelles Fahren verursacht. + Molti incidenti sono causati da persone che guidano troppo velocemente. + Beaucoup d'accidents sont causés par des personnes conduisant trop vite. + Muchos accidentes son causados por personas que conducen demasiado rápido. + Veel ongevallen worden veroorzaakt door mensen die te snel rijden. + (xǔduō chēhuò dōushì yīnwèi rénmen· jiàshǐ sùdù tàikuài suǒzàochéngde·.)
C06 46 2296
美金 是 许多 国家的 货币 。 + ดอลลาร์เป็นสกุลเงินของหลายประเทศ + Dollar là đồng tiền của nhiều quốc gia. + The dollar is the currency of many countries. + Der Dollar ist die Währung vieler Länder. + Il dollaro è la valuta di molti paesi. + Le dollar est la monnaie de nombreux pays. + El dólar es la moneda de muchos países. + De dollar is de valuta van veel landen. + (měijīn shì xǔduō guójiāde· huòbì.)
C08 34 2384
如果 人们 开车 的时候 都 更加 谨慎 , 交通意外 就 不会 那么 多了。 + ถ้าคนขับรถอย่างระมัดระวังมากขึ้นจะไม่มีอุบัติเหตุมากมาย + Nếu mọi người lái xe chịu cẩn thận thì sẽ không có nhiều tai nạn đến thế. + If people drove more carefully, there wouldn't be so many accidents. + Wenn die Leute vorsichtiger fahren würden, gäbe es nicht so viele Unfälle. + Se le persone guidassero con più attenzione, non ci sarebbero così tanti incidenti. + Si les gens conduisaient plus prudemment, il n' y aurait pas tant d'accidents. + Si la gente condujera con más cuidado, no habría tantos accidentes. + Als mensen zorgvuldiger zouden rijden, zouden er niet zoveel ongelukken gebeuren. + ( rúguǒ rénmen· kāichē de·shíhou· dōu gèngjiā jǐnshèn, jiāotōngyìwài jiù búhuì nàme duōle·.)
C09 14 2414
这里的 游客 不是 很多 。 + มีนักท่องเที่ยวไม่มากนักที่นี่ - มีนักท่องเที่ยวไม่มากนัก + Không có nhiều khác du lịch ở đây. > Không có nhiều khác du lịch ở đây. + There aren't many tourists here. — There aren't a lot of tourists here. + Es gibt nicht viele Touristen hier. Es gibt nicht viele Touristen hier. + Non ci sono molti turisti qui. Qui non ci sono molti turisti. + Il n' y a pas beaucoup de touristes ici. Il n' y a pas beaucoup de touristes ici. + No hay muchos turistas aquí. No hay muchos turistas aquí. + Er zijn hier niet veel toeristen. Er zijn hier niet veel toeristen. + (zhèlǐde· yóukè búshì hěnduō.)
C09 15 2415
你 认识 很多 人 吗 ? + คุณรู้หรือไม่ว่าคนจำนวนมาก? - คุณรู้จักคนจำนวนมากหรือไม่? + + Do you know many people? — Do you know a lot of people? + Kennen Sie viele Leute? Kennen Sie viele Leute? + Conoscete molte persone? Conoscete molte persone? + Connaissez-vous beaucoup de gens? Connaissez-vous beaucoup de gens? + ¿Conoces a mucha gente? ¿Conoces a mucha gente? + Ken je veel mensen? Ken je veel mensen? + (nǐ rènshi· hěnduō rén mā?)
C09 34 2434
我 和 迪帕克的 想法 完全 不同 , 我 常常 不同意 他的 看法 。 + Deepak และฉันมีความคิดที่แตกต่างกันมาก ฉันไม่เห็นด้วยกับหลายความคิดเห็นของเขา + Ngày và tôi có ý khác nhau. Tôi không đồng ý kẹp tóc-hair clip nhiều ý định của anh ấy. + Deepak and I have very different ideas. I don't agree with many of his opinions. + Deepak und ich haben sehr unterschiedliche Vorstellungen. Ich stimme nicht mit vielen seiner Meinungen überein. + Deepak e io abbiamo idee molto diverse. Non sono d' accordo con molte delle sue opinioni. + Deepak et moi avons des idées très différentes. Je ne suis pas d'accord avec bon nombre de ses opinions. + Deepak y yo tenemos ideas muy diferentes. No estoy de acuerdo con muchas de sus opiniones. + Diep en ik heb heel verschillende ideeën. Ik ben het niet eens met veel van zijn meningen. + (wǒ hé dípàkède· xiángfǎ wánquán bùtóng, wǒ chángcháng bùtóngyì tāde· kànfǎ.)
C09 49 2449
你 可以 住在 这两家 酒店 其中 一间 。 — 你可以 住在 这几家 酒店中的 其中 一间 。 + คุณสามารถเข้าพักที่โรงแรมเหล่านี้ได้ (2) - คุณสามารถเข้าพักที่โรงแรมเหล่านี้ได้ (มาก) + Cậu có thể ở một trong hai duy nhất khách sạn này. > Cậu duy nhất ở khách sạn nào cũng được. + You could stay at either of these hotels. (2) — You could stay at any of these hotels. (many) + Sie könnten in jedem dieser Hotels übernachten. (2) - Sie können in jedem dieser Hotels übernachten. (viele) + Si potrebbe soggiornare in uno di questi hotel. (2) - Potrà soggiornare in uno qualsiasi di questi hotel. (molti) + Vous pourriez loger dans l'un de ces hôtels. (2) - Vous pouvez séjourner dans n'importe lequel de ces hôtels. (nombreux) + Podrías quedarte en cualquiera de estos hoteles. (2) - Podrás alojarte en cualquiera de estos hoteles. (muchos) + U kunt in een van deze hotels verblijven. (2) - U kunt in elk van deze hotels verblijven. (veel) + ( ní kéyǐ zhùzài zhèliǎngjiā jiǔdiàn qízhōng yìjiān. — ní kéyǐ zhùzài zhèjǐjiā jiǔdiànzhōngde· qízhōng yìjiān.)
C13 17 2617
我 认识的 人 没有 你 多 。 + ฉันไม่ทราบว่าคนจำนวนมากเท่าที่คุณทำ - ฉันรู้จักคนน้อยกว่าที่คุณทำ + Tôi không biết nhiều người bằng cậu. > Tôi biết ít người hơn cậu. + I don't know as many people as you do. — I know fewer people than you do. + Ich kenne nicht so viele Leute wie Sie. Ich kenne weniger Leute als du. + Non conosco tante persone come voi. Conosco meno persone di voi. + Je ne connais pas autant de gens que toi. Je connais moins de gens que toi. + No conozco a tanta gente como tú. Conozco menos gente que tú. + Ik ken niet zoveel mensen als jij. Ik ken minder mensen dan u. + (wǒ rènshi·de· rén méiyóu nǐ duō.)
C15 33 2733
我们 上周 坐了 邮轮 , 邮轮上 人 不多 。 + เราไปล่องเรือเมื่อสัปดาห์ที่แล้วและมีคนไม่มากบนเรือ + Chúng tôi đã đi trên một con du thuyền tuần trước và không có nhiều người trên tàu. + We went on a cruise last week, and there weren't many people on the ship. + Wir waren letzte Woche auf einer Kreuzfahrt, und es waren nicht viele Leute auf dem Schiff. + Abbiamo fatto una crociera la settimana scorsa, e non c' erano molte persone sulla nave. + Nous avons fait une croisière la semaine dernière, et il n' y avait pas beaucoup de monde sur le bateau. + Fuimos a un crucero la semana pasada y no había mucha gente en el barco. + Vorige week zijn we op een cruise gegaan, en er waren niet veel mensen op het schip. + ( wǒmen· shàngzhōu zuòle· yóulún, yóulúnshàng rén bùduō.)
C16 27 2777
事实上 , 一个人 住 有 很多 好处 。 + ในความเป็นจริงมีข้อดีหลายประการที่ต้องอาศัยอยู่คนเดียว + Thực tế, có nhiều ưu điểm khi sống một mình. + In fact, there are many advantages TO living alone. + Tatsächlich gibt es viele Vorteile, wenn man alleine lebt. + In realtà, ci sono molti vantaggi per vivere da soli. + En fait, il y a de nombreux avantages à vivre seul. + De hecho, hay muchas ventajas de vivir solo. + In feite zijn er veel voordelen TO leven alleen. + (shìshíshàng, yīgèrén zhù yóu hěnduō hǎochù.)
C16 36 2786
科学家们 多年 以来 一直 在寻找 问题的 答案。 + นักวิทยาศาสตร์ได้พยายามแก้ไขปัญหามาหลายปีแล้ว + Các nhà khoa học vẫn nghiên cứu một giải pháp cho vấn đề trong nhiều năm. + The scientists have been working on a solution TO the problem FOR many years. + Die Wissenschaftler arbeiten seit vielen Jahren an einer Lösung des Problems. + Gli scienziati hanno lavorato su una soluzione al problema per molti anni. + Les scientifiques travaillent sur une solution au problème depuis de nombreuses années. + Los científicos han estado trabajando en una solución al problema por muchos años. + De wetenschappers hebben jarenlang gewerkt aan een oplossing voor het probleem FOR. + ( kēxuéjiāmen· duōnián yǐlái yìzhí zàixúnzhǎo wèntíde· dáàn.)
C16 42 2792
很多 欧洲语言的 差别 其实 不大 。 + มีความแตกต่างเล็กน้อยระหว่างภาษายุโรปหลายภาษา + Có những khác biệt nhỏ giữa các ngôn ngữ châu Âu. + There are minor differences between many European languages. + Zwischen vielen europäischen Sprachen gibt es geringfügige Unterschiede. + Vi sono lievi differenze tra molte lingue europee. + Il existe des différences mineures entre de nombreuses langues européennes. + Hay pequeñas diferencias entre muchas lenguas europeas. + Er zijn kleine verschillen tussen veel Europese talen. + ( hěnduō ōuzhōuyǔyánde· chābié qíshí bùdà.)
C17 15 2815
有些 小孩儿 让 父母 感到 骄傲 , 而 另 一些则 让 父母 觉得 丢脸。 + เด็กหลายคนทำให้พ่อแม่ของพวกเขาภูมิใจในขณะที่บางคนทำให้พ่อแม่ของพวกเขารู้สึกอับอาย + Nhiều đứa trẻ làm bố mẹ chúng tự hào trong khi một số khác làm bố mẹ chúng xấu hổ. + Many children make their parents proud, while some make their parents ashamed. + Viele Kinder machen ihre Eltern stolz, während andere ihre Eltern beschämen. + Molti bambini fanno dei loro genitori orgogliosi, mentre alcuni si vergognano dei loro genitori. + Beaucoup d'enfants font la fierté de leurs parents, tandis que d'autres font honte à leurs parents. + Muchos niños hacen que sus padres se sientan orgullosos, mientras que otros hacen que sus padres se sientan avergonzados. + Veel kinderen maken hun ouders trots, terwijl sommigen hun ouders schamen. + ( yǒuxiē xiǎoháir ràng fùmú gǎndào jiāoào, ér lìng yìxiē zé ràng fùmǔ juéde· diūliǎn.)
C17 19 2819
很多 国家 都 不能 包容 外国人 。 + หลายประเทศไม่อดทนต่อชาวต่างชาติ + Nhiều nước không khoan dung với người nước ngoài. + Many countries are not tolerant of foreigners. + Viele Länder sind gegenüber Ausländern nicht tolerant. + Molti paesi non tollerano gli stranieri. + De nombreux pays ne tolèrent pas les étrangers. + Muchos países no toleran a los extranjeros. + Veel landen zijn niet tolerant tegenover buitenlanders. + (hěnduō guójiā dōu bùnéng bāoróng wàiguórén.)
C19 23 2923
你 从 你的 大学 教育中 收获了 什么 ? — 除了 专业 学位 之外 , 我 还 交了 很多 一辈子 的 好朋友 。 + สิ่งที่คุณได้รับออกจากการศึกษาวิทยาลัยของคุณหรือไม่ - นอกจากระดับมืออาชีพแล้วฉันยังทำให้เพื่อนหลาย ๆ คนมีชีวิตอยู่ + Cậu đã được gì từ giáo dục đại học? - Bên cạnh cái bằng chuyên môn, tôi cũng có nhiều bạn trong đời. + What did you get out of your college education? — Besides a professional degree, I also made many friends for life. + Was hast du von deiner College-Ausbildung gekriegt? Neben einem Berufsexamen habe ich auch viele Freunde fürs Leben gefunden. + Che cosa è uscito dalla scuola universitaria? Oltre ad una laurea professionale, ho anche fatto molti amici per tutta la vita. + Qu'avez-vous retiré de vos études collégiales? En plus d'un diplôme professionnel, je me suis aussi fait beaucoup d'amis pour la vie. + ¿Qué obtuviste de tu educación universitaria? Además de un título profesional, hice muchos amigos para toda la vida. + Wat heb je uit je studie gehaald? Naast een professionele graad heb ik ook veel vrienden voor het leven gemaakt. + (nǐ cóng nǐde· dàxué jiàoyùzhōng shōuhuòle· shéme? — chúle· zhuānyè xuéwèi zhīwài, wǒ hái jiāole· hěnduō yībèizi·de· hǎopéngyǒu.)
Họ không biết nhiều người. + They don't know many people.
Họ không có nhiều bạn. + They don't have many friends.
Họ không đọc nhiều. Họ không có nhiều sách. + They don't read much. They don't have many books.
Shakira là một người thú vị. Cô ấy từng làm nhiều nghề khác nhau và từng sống ở nhiều nơi. + Shakira's an interesting person. She's had many different jobs and has lived in many places.
Brazil đã từng vô địch Giải bóng đá thế giới bao nhiêu lần? + How many times has Brazil won the World Cup?
Cô ấy đã làm được nhiều nghề khác nhau. + She's had many different jobs.
Không ai sống trong những căn nhà kia cả. Ở đó không bỏ đã được nhiều năm. + Nobody lives in those houses. They've been empty for many years.
Shakespeare là một nhà văn và đã viết nhiều kịch và thơ. + Shakespeare was a writer and wrote many plays and poems.
Bạn tôi đã viết được nhiều cuốn sách. Shakespeare, đã viết nhiều kịch và thơ. + My friend has written many books. Shakespeare wrote many plays and poems.
Bạn tôi là một nhà văn và đã viết được nhiều cuốn sách. + My friend is a writer, and has written many books.
Mira đi du lịch rất nhiều. Cô ấy đã đến thăm được rất nhiều nước. + Mira travels a lot. She's visited many countries.
Cô ấy làm hoạ sĩ. Cô ấy đã giành được nhiều giải thưởng cho nhưng bức vẽ của mình. + She's a painter. She's won many prizes for her paintings.
Có bao nhiêu ngôn ngữ được nói ở Thuỵ Sĩ? + How many languages are spoken in Switzerland?
Nhiều chương trình của Anh được tạp chí trên truyền hình Mĩ. + Many British programs are shown on American television.
Có nhiều ngôn ngữ được nói ở Philippines. + Many different languages are spoken in the Philippines.
Ludwig ngày nào cũng mặc cùng một bộ quần áo. Anh ấy hẳn là không có nhiều quần áo. + Ludwig wears the same clothes every day. He must not have many clothes.
Ở nhiều nước, đàn ông phải thực Trung quốc nghĩa vụ quân sự. + In many countries, men must do military service.
Nhà hàng này rất yên tĩnh. Không có nhiều người ở đây. + This restaurant is very quiet. There aren't many people here.
Có bao nhiêu cầu da trọng một đội bóng đá. + How many players are there on a football team?
Có bao nhiêu học sinh ở trong lớp? - Hai mươi. + How many students are there in the class? —Twenty.
+ This road is very dangerous. There have been many accidents on it.
Có nhiều người trong buổi họp không? Không, rất ít. + Were there many people at the meeting? — No, very few.
Hai mươi năm trước không có nhiều duy nhất du lịch ở đây. Bây giờ có rất nhiều. + Twenty years ago there weren't many tourists here. Now there are a lot.
Cậu từng đến Brazil rồi phải không? - Đúng, nhiều lần rồi. + You've been to Brazil, haven't you? — Yes, many times.
Có bao nhiêu người tới cuộc họp không? + How many people came to the meeting?
Nhiều vụ tai nạn là làm người ta lái xe quá nhanh. + Many accidents are caused by people driving too fast.
Dollar là đồng tiền của nhiều quốc gia. + The dollar is the currency of many countries.
Nếu mọi người lái xe chịu cẩn thận thì sẽ không có nhiều tai nạn đến thế. + If people drove more carefully, there wouldn't be so many accidents.
Không có nhiều khác du lịch ở đây. > Không có nhiều khác du lịch ở đây. + There aren't many tourists here. — There aren't a lot of tourists here.
+ Do you know many people? — Do you know a lot of people?
Ngày và tôi có ý khác nhau. Tôi không đồng ý kẹp tóc-hair clip nhiều ý định của anh ấy. + Deepak and I have very different ideas. I don't agree with many of his opinions.
Cậu có thể ở một trong hai duy nhất khách sạn này. > Cậu duy nhất ở khách sạn nào cũng được. + You could stay at either of these hotels. (2) — You could stay at any of these hotels. (many)
Tôi không biết nhiều người bằng cậu. > Tôi biết ít người hơn cậu. + I don't know as many people as you do. — I know fewer people than you do.
Chúng tôi đã đi trên một con du thuyền tuần trước và không có nhiều người trên tàu. + We went on a cruise last week, and there weren't many people on the ship.
Thực tế, có nhiều ưu điểm khi sống một mình. + In fact, there are many advantages TO living alone.
Các nhà khoa học vẫn nghiên cứu một giải pháp cho vấn đề trong nhiều năm. + The scientists have been working on a solution TO the problem FOR many years.
Có những khác biệt nhỏ giữa các ngôn ngữ châu Âu. + There are minor differences between many European languages.
Nhiều đứa trẻ làm bố mẹ chúng tự hào trong khi một số khác làm bố mẹ chúng xấu hổ. + Many children make their parents proud, while some make their parents ashamed.
Nhiều nước không khoan dung với người nước ngoài. + Many countries are not tolerant of foreigners.
Cậu đã được gì từ giáo dục đại học? - Bên cạnh cái bằng chuyên môn, tôi cũng có nhiều bạn trong đời. + What did you get out of your college education? — Besides a professional degree, I also made many friends for life.

+ Many animals are very smart.

+ Around the square are the streets with many lights.

Họ cần bao nhiêu áo khoác? + How many coats do they need?

Bạn có bao nhiêu quả táo? + How many apples do you have?

Họ xuất bản nhiều quyển sách. + They publish many books.

Có bao nhiêu đại dương? + How many oceans are there?

Đức + Germany

Hàn Quốc và Ấn Độ có nhiều món ăn ngon. + South Korea and India have many delicious dishes.

Bạn biết bao nhiêu quốc gia? + How many nations do you know?

Bạn biết bao nhiêu ngôn ngữ? + How many languages do you know?

Bạn biết bao nhiêu doanh nhân? + How many businessmen do you know?

Nhiều nhà sư là người ăn chay. + Many monks are vegetarians (vegans).

Người nông dân dùng nhiều cái liềm. + The farmer uses many sickles.

Họ nói nước Indonesia có nhiều con rồng. + They say Indonesia has many dragons

Cờ của nước có bao nhiêu màu ? + How many colors does the flag of the Netherlands have?

Có bao nhiêu khách hàng đang mua rau trong siêu thị? + How many customers are buying vegetables in the supermarket?

Anh ấy dùng nhiều tài khoản. + He uses many accounts.

Anh ấy bán nhiều loại quạt. + He uses many kinds of fans.

Khoá học này có nhiều cấp độ. + This course has many levels.

Chương trình này có nhiều giải thưởng. + This program has many prizes.

Có bao nhiêu loại mạng máy tính? + How many computer networks are there?

Nhà báo dùng nhiều mạng xã hội để làm việc. + The journalist uses many social networks to work.

Hôm nay, thời tiết đã thay đổi nhiều lần. + Today the weather changed many times.

Có nhiều hoa và cây trên ngọn đồikia. + There are many flowers and trees on that hill.

Chính phủ Mỹ có nhiều kế hoạch phát triển kinh tế. + The American government has many economic development plans.

Đội của anh ấy có bao nhiêu cầu thủ? + How many players has his team?

Cô ấy có bao nhiêu điểm? + How many points does she have?

Có bao nhiêu tôn giáo trên thế giới? + How many religions are there in the world?

Có nhiều viện bảo tàng nổi tiếng ở đây. + There are many famous museums here.

Cuốn sách đó đã được viết bởi nhiều tác giả. + That book was written by many authors.

Mười người có bao nhiêu bàn tay? + How many hands do ten people have?

Một con cá mập có bao nhiêu cái răng? + How many teeth does a shark have?

Cái máy đó có nhiều chi tiết phức tạp. + That machine has many complicated details.

Nhiều khái niệm môn toán cũng xuất hiện trong môn vật lý. + Many math concepts also appear in physics.

Ngân hàng có nhiều giao dịch mỗi ngày. + The bank has many transactions every day.

Thị trường chứng khoán luôn chứa nhiều rủi ro. + The stock market always contains many risks.

Cả nước Đức và nước Pháp tham gia tổ chức đa quốc gia đó. + Both Germany and France participate in that multinational organisation.

Thí nghiệm này bao gồm nhiều phương pháp phức tạp. + This experiment includes many complicated methods.

Kế hoạch du lịch của tôi bao gồm cả nước Đức và nước Anh. + My travelling plan includes both Germany and England.

Việt Nam có nhiều thần thoại và truyền thuyết. + Vietnam has many mythologies and legends.

Tuy nhiên, nhiều người chỉ trích đạo Khổng vì nó không phù hợp với xã hội hiện đại. + However, many people criticize Confucianism because it is not suitable wit

Nhiều người Việt Nam chỉ thờ tổ tiên của họ. + Many Vietnamese only worship their ancestors.

Nhiều người đã chết trong nội chiến. + Many people died in the civil war.

Một xã hội bao gồm nhiều giai cấp. + A society comprises of many classes.

Nước Mỹ đã có bao nhiêu thuộc địa? + How many colonies did the United States have?

Nhiều người tin vào sự tuyên truyền của họ. + Many people believe in their propaganda.

Có nhiều ứng dụng trong máy tính của tôi. + There are many applications in my computer.

Anh ấy luôn có rất nhiều lý do. + He always has many reasons.

Chính phủ đã huy động nhiều xe thiết giáp. + The government mobilized many armored cars.

Không quân của họ không có nhiều trực thăng. + Their airforce does not have many helicopters.

Có nhiều câu chuyện huyền bí về chiếc chìa khoá đó. + There are many paranormal stories about that key.

Họ phải bóc lịch vì công ty của họ trốn thuế. + They have to go to jail, because their comany evades tax.

Bạn đã đến những địa danh nao ở Việt Nam? + How many places have you visited in Vietnam?

Bạn du lịch tới bao nhiêu nước rồi? + How many countries have you been?

Bạn du lịch tới bao nhiêu nước rồi? + How many countries have you travelled to?

Bạn mang theo bao nhiêu kiẹn hành lý? + How many bags are you checking in?

Còn bao nhiêu điểm dưng nữa mới đến Hồ Hoàn Kiếm? + How many stops before Hoan Kien Lake?

Thuê bao nhiêu ngày + For how many days?

Rất cám ơn sự tham dự của quý vị + Many thanks for your attention

Cho bao nhiêu người? + For how many people?

Phải mất bao lâu thì séc mới được thanh toán? + How many days will it take for the cheques to clear?

Anh muốn mua bao nhiêu? + How many would you like?

Trong một tập có bao nhiêu cái? + How many are there in a book?

Muốn cái này đến Đức kịp Giáng Sinh thì tôi phải gửi muộn nhất là khi nào? + What's the last date I can post this to Germany to arrive in time for Christmas?
GNOT Temporal • repetitiousness many times +
GNOT Quantitative • quantity determiners many nhiều +
GNOT Quantitative • quantity determiners how many bao nhiêu +
GNOT Quantitative • quantity determiners how many mấy +
Oxford 3000VieEng
nhiều many
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-3 Viele Studierende hängen finanziell von ihren Eltern ab.  + abhängen* Many students depend on their parents for financial support.  Nhiều sinh viên phụ thuộc vào cha mẹ của họ để hỗ trợ tài chính. +
Exercise 1-3 Einige sind für das Gesetz, aber viele sind auch dagegen.  + einige Some are in favour of the law, but many are against.  Một số ủng hộ luật pháp, nhưng nhiều người chống lại. +
Exercise 1-4 Mein Freund hat viele Hobbys wie zum Beispiel Kochen, Tanzen, Fußballspielen.  + zum Beispiel My boyfriend has many hobbies such as cooking, dancing, playing football.  Bạn trai tôi có nhiều sở thích như nấu ăn, khiêu vũ, chơi bóng đá. +
Exercise 1-5 z. B. Norddeutschland, Nordbahnhof, Nordwind, ... + Norden e. g. Northern Germany, Nordbahnhof, Nordwind,... e. g. Bắc Đức, Nordbahnhof, Nordwind, ... +
Exercise 1-5 z. B. Süddeutschland, Südbahnhof, Südwind, ... + Süden e. g. Southern Germany, Südbahnhof, Südwind,... e. g. Nam Đức, Südbahnhof, Südwind, ... +
Exercise 1-5 Der Ort liegt ganz im Westen von Deutschland.  + Westen The village is located in the very west of Germany.  Làng nằm ở phía tây của Đức. +
Exercise 1-5 Berlin ist die Hauptstadt von Deutschland.  + Hauptstadt Berlin is the capital of Germany.  Berlin là thủ đô của Đức. +
Exercise 1-8 Wie viele Buchstaben hat das Alphabet Ihrer Sprache?  + Alphabet How many letters does the alphabet of your language have?  Có bao nhiêu chữ cái bảng chữ cái của ngôn ngữ của bạn? +
Exercise 1-9 Wie oft muss ich dir das denn noch sagen?  + oft How many times do I have to tell you?  Tôi phải nói với bạn bao nhiêu lần? +
Exercise 2-4 Hier gibt es zu viele Autos. Das ist meine persönliche Meinung.  + persönlich There are too many cars here. That's my personal opinion.  Có quá nhiều xe ô tô ở đây. Đó là ý kiến ​​cá nhân của tôi. +
Exercise 2-5 Wie viele hast du gezählt?  + zählen How many did you count?  Bạn đã đếm bao nhiêu +
Exercise 2-9 Wie viele Fremdsprachen kannst du?  + Fremdsprache How many foreign languages can you speak?  Bạn có thể nói được bao nhiêu ngôn ngữ nước ngoài? +
Exercise 3-1 Ich habe mich an das Leben in Deutschland gewöhnt.  + Leben I have got used to living in Germany.  Tôi đã từng sống ở Đức. +
Exercise 3-4 In Deutschland leben ungefähr 82 Millionen Menschen.  + Million About 82 million people live in Germany.  Khoảng 82 triệu người sống ở Đức. +
Exercise 3-5 Deutschland ist ein schönes Land.  + Land Germany is a beautiful country.  Đức là một đất nước xinh đẹp. +
Exercise 4-7 Über viele Dinge denke ich jetzt anders als früher.  + jetzt I think about many things differently now than before.  Bây giờ tôi nghĩ về nhiều điều khác biệt hơn trước đây. +
Exercise 5-1 Bei uns im Haus wohnen viele junge Leute.  + jung Many young people live in our house.  Nhiều thanh niên sống trong nhà chúng tôi. +
Exercise 5-2 Viele Wörter haben mehrere Bedeutungen.  + mehrere Many words have several meanings.  Nhiều từ có nhiều nghĩa. +
Exercise 5-6 Wie viel Grad hat es?  + Grad How many degrees does it have?  Nó có bao nhiêu độ? +
Exercise 5-8 Es sind viele Wolken am Himmel.  + Wolke There are many clouds in the sky.  Có rất nhiều đám mây trên bầu trời. +
Exercise 6-5 Es gibt viele gute Sachen auf der Welt.  + Welt There are many good things in the world.  Có rất nhiều điều tốt đẹp trên thế giới. +
Exercise 7-1 In Deutschland ist es üblich, früh zu Abend zu essen.  + üblich In Germany, it is common practice to eat early in the evening.  Ở Đức, thường là ăn tối vào buổi tối. +
Exercise 7-6 Die Sprachschule hat viele Studenten von der Universität Mainz.  + Universität The language school has many students from the University of Mainz.  Trường ngôn ngữ có nhiều sinh viên từ Đại học Mainz. +
Exercise 8-4 Die Zugspitze ist der höchste Berg in Deutschland.  + Berg The Zugspitze is the highest mountain in Germany.  Zugspitze là ngọn núi cao nhất nước Đức. +
Exercise 8-5 Im Internet findest du auch viele Übungen zum Selbstlernen.  + Internet On the Internet you will also find many self-learning exercises.  Trên Internet, bạn cũng sẽ tìm thấy nhiều bài tập tự học. +
Exercise 9-1 In der Forschung werden viele Versuche gemacht.  + Versuch Many experiments are carried out in research.  Nhiều thí nghiệm được thực hiện trong nghiên cứu. +
Exercise 9-4 Es gibt zu viele Dinge zu tun!  + Ding There are too many things to do!  Có quá nhiều việc phải làm! +
Exercise 11-5 Es bleiben noch viele Möglichkeiten offen.  + Möglichkeit Many possibilities remain open.  Nhiều khả năng vẫn mở. +
Exercise 13-1 Viele Jugendliche gehen gerne in die Disko.  + Jugendliche Many young people like to go to the disco.  Nhiều thanh thiếu niên thích đi chơi disco. +
Exercise 13-2 Er hat viele Bekannte in der Geschäftswelt. + Bekannte He has many acquaintances in the business world. Ông có nhiều người quen trong thế giới kinh doanh. +
Exercise 13-6 Sie unterrichtet seit vielen Jahren an dieser Schule.  + unterrichten She has been teaching at this school for many years.  Cô đã giảng dạy tại trường này trong nhiều năm. +
Exercise 14-3 Das Lehrbuch enthält viele Abbildungen. + Abbildung The textbook contains many illustrations. Sách giáo khoa có nhiều minh hoạ. +
Exercise 14-4 Durch den Sturm gab es besonders in Süddeutschland schwere Schäden.  + besonders  The storm caused severe damage, especially in southern Germany.  Bão gây ra thiệt hại nghiêm trọng, đặc biệt là ở miền nam nước Đức. +
Exercise 14-5 Ich möchte gerne meine Familie nach Deutschland nachholen.  + nachholen I would like to bring my family back to Germany.  Tôi muốn đưa gia đình trở về Đức. +
Exercise 14-8 Fremdsprachen kann man an vielen Volkshochschulen lernen.  + Volkshochschule Foreign languages can be learned at many adult education centres.  Có thể học ngoại ngữ tại nhiều trung tâm giáo dục người lớn. +
Exercise 15-2 Wir kennen uns seit vielen Jahren.  + seit We've known each other for many years.  Chúng tôi đã quen nhau trong nhiều năm. +
Exercise 15-2 Seit ich in Deutschland wohne, lerne ich Deutsch.  + seit Since I have been living in Germany, I have been learning German.  Vì tôi đã sống ở Đức nên tôi đã học tiếng Đức. +
Exercise 15-4 Das werde ich ihm nie vergessen, dass er mir so oft geholfen hat!  + vergessen* I'll never forget that he helped me so many times!  Tôi sẽ không bao giờ quên rằng anh đã giúp tôi rất nhiều lần! +
Exercise 17-5 Wie lange bist du schon in Deutschland?  + lange How long have you been in Germany?  Bạn đã ở Đức bao lâu rồi? +
Exercise 17-8 Wie viele Einwohner hat diese Stadt?  + Einwohner How many inhabitants does this city have?  Có bao nhiêu cư dân thành phố này? +
Exercise 17-8 In vielen Berufen braucht man heute Sprachkenntnisse.  + Kenntnisse In many professions you need language skills today.  Trong nhiều ngành nghề ngày nay bạn cần kỹ năng ngôn ngữ. +
Exercise 17-9 Auf dem Bildschirm finden Sie viele Symbole.  + Symbol There are many icons on the screen.  Có rất nhiều biểu tượng trên màn hình. +
Exercise 18-1 Die Firma musste viele ihrer Angestellten entlassen.  + Firma The company had to lay off many of its employees.  Công ty đã phải sa thải nhiều nhân viên của công ty. +
Exercise 18-1 Das Rathaus ist schon viele Jahrhunderte alt.  + Jahrhundert The town hall is many centuries old.  Tòa thị chính là nhiều thế kỷ. +
Exercise 18-4 In den Vororten werden viele neue Häuser gebaut.  + Vorort Many new houses are being built in the suburbs.  Nhiều căn nhà mới đang được xây dựng ở ngoại ô. +
Exercise 18-5 Sie nimmt an vielen schulischen Aktivitäten teil.  + Aktivität She participates in many school activities.  Cô tham gia vào nhiều hoạt động của trường. +
Exercise 18-5 Er vertiefte sich in vielerlei kulturelle Aktivitäten.  + Aktivität He deepened his knowledge in many cultural activities.  Ông đã làm sâu sắc thêm kiến ​​thức của mình trong nhiều hoạt động văn hoá. +
Exercise 19-5 Viele Ausländer lernen in der Volkshochschule Deutsch. + Ausländer Many foreigners learn German in the adult education centre. Nhiều người nước ngoài học tiếng Đức ở trung tâm giáo dục người lớn. +
Exercise 19-8 Dieses Geschäft hat viele Kunden.  + Kunde This business has many customers.  Kinh doanh này có nhiều khách hàng. +
Exercise 19-9 Wie viele Gepäckstücke haben Sie?  + Stück How many bags do you have?  Bạn có bao nhiêu bao? +
Exercise 20-2 Das Kinderbuch ist mit vielen lustigen Zeichnungen illustriert.  + Zeichnung The children's book is illustrated with many funny drawings.  Cuốn sách dành cho thiếu nhi được minh hoạ bằng nhiều bản vẽ hài hước. +
Exercise 20-4 Dieses Buch enthält zahlreiche Bilder.  + enthalten*  This book contains many pictures.  Cuốn sách này có nhiều hình ảnh. +
Exercise 20-6 Das ist die Theorie. In der Praxis ist vieles ganz anders.  + Praxis That's the theory. In practice, many things are quite different.  Đó là lý thuyết. Trên thực tế, rất nhiều thứ khác nhau. +
Exercise 21-1 Wie viele Zimmer brauchen Sie? – Mir genügt eine 2-Zimmer-Wohnung.  + genügen How many rooms do you need? I only need a two-room apartment.  Bạn cần bao nhiêu phòng? Tôi chỉ cần một căn hộ hai phòng. +
Exercise 21-4 Ich verbinde mit diesem Urlaub viele schöne Erinnerungen.  + verbinden* I associate this holiday with many beautiful memories.  Tôi kết hợp kỳ nghỉ này với nhiều kỷ niệm đẹp. +
Exercise 22-4 Heute sieht man viele Sterne am Himmel.  + Stern Today you can see many stars in the sky.  Hôm nay bạn có thể nhìn thấy nhiều ngôi sao trên bầu trời. +
Exercise 22-5 Gentechnik ist ein rotes Tuch für viele Umweltschützer.  + Tuch Genetic engineering is a red rag for many environmentalists.  Kỹ thuật di truyền là một giọt đỏ cho nhiều nhà môi trường. +
Exercise 23-2 Hamburg ist der größte Hafen in Deutschland.  + Hafen Hamburg is the largest port in Germany.  Hamburg là cảng lớn nhất ở Đức. +
Exercise 24-3 Wie viele Zigaretten rauchst du am Tag? + Zigarette How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? Bạn hút bao nhiêu điếu thuốc mỗi ngày? +
Exercise 25-4 Er hat davon viele Vorteile.  + Vorteil It has many advantages.  Nó có nhiều ưu điểm. +
Exercise 25-5 Viele Touristen besuchen jedes Jahr diese Insel. + Tourist Many tourists visit this island every year. Nhiều du khách đến hòn đảo này hàng năm. +
Exercise 25-5 Hier haben viele neue Bars aufgemacht.  + Bar Many new bars have opened here.  Nhiều quầy bar mới đã mở ở đây. +
Exercise 25-6 Die Hörtexte vermitteln ein lebendiges Bild des Lebens in Deutschland.  + lebendig The listening texts convey a lively picture of life in Germany.  Các bài hát nghe truyền đạt một bức tranh sinh động của cuộc sống ở Đức. +
Exercise 25-7 Wie viele Kilometer sind es von hier bis zum Bahnhof? + Kilometer How many kilometers are there from here to the station? Có bao nhiêu cây số từ đây đến ga? +
Exercise 25-7 Haben Sie eine Karte von Norddeutschland?  + Karte Do you have a map of Northern Germany?  Bạn có một bản đồ của Bắc Đức? +
Exercise 25-7 Diese Landschaft ist typisch für den Norden Deutschlands.  + Landschaft This landscape is typical for the north of Germany.  Phong cảnh này đặc trưng cho miền bắc nước Đức. +
Exercise 26-3 Der Bodensee ist der größte See in Deutschland.  + See Lake Constance is the largest lake in Germany.  Hồ Constance là hồ lớn nhất ở Đức. +
Exercise 26-7 Das Wetter in Deutschland könnte besser sein. – Das stimmt.  + stimmen The weather in Germany could be better. That's right.  Thời tiết ở Đức có thể tốt hơn. Đúng rồi. +
Exercise 26-7 Meiner Meinung nach gibt es hier zu viele Autos.  + Meinung In my opinion, there are too many cars here.  Theo tôi, có quá nhiều xe ô tô ở đây. +
Exercise 26-8 Der Sturm hat viele Häuser zerstört.  + zerstören The storm has destroyed many homes.  Bão đã phá hủy nhiều ngôi nhà. +
Exercise 27-3 Viele Kinder fürchten sich vor Hunden.  + fürchten Many children are afraid of dogs.  Nhiều trẻ em sợ chó. +
Exercise 28-5 Am Grund dieses Sees gibt es viele Pflanzen.  + Grund At the bottom of this lake there are many plants.  Ở dưới cùng của hồ này có rất nhiều cây. +
Exercise 29-3 Er hat viele gute Taten getan.  + Tat He has done many good deeds.  Ngài đã làm nhiều việc lành. +
Exercise 29-3 Bei der Schiffskatastrophe gab es viele Opfer.  + Opfer There were many victims of the shipwreck.  Có rất nhiều nạn nhân của vụ đắm tàu. +
Exercise 30-1 Für den Geburtstagstisch brauchen wir viele Blumen und Kerzen.  + Kerze For the birthday table we need many flowers and candles.  Đối với bàn sinh nhật chúng ta cần nhiều hoa và nến. +
Exercise 30-6 Hier haben viele neue Geschäfte aufgemacht.  + aufmachen Many new stores have opened here.  Nhiều cửa hàng mới đã mở ở đây. +
Exercise 30-7 Dafür gibt es in der Geschichte zahlreiche Beispiele.  + zahlreich There are many examples of this in history.  Có nhiều ví dụ về điều này trong lịch sử. +
Exercise 30-9 In Deutschland gibt es meist nur einmal am Tag eine warme Mahlzeit.  + Mahlzeit In Germany, there is usually only a warm meal once a day.  Ở Đức, thường chỉ có một bữa ăn nóng mỗi ngày một lần. +
Exercise 31-7 Bei diesem Unglück gab es viele Verletzte.  + Unglück There were many injured in this disaster.  Có nhiều người bị thương trong thảm họa này. +
Exercise 32-2 An diese Zeit habe ich viele schöne Erinnerungen.  + Erinnerung I have many beautiful memories of this time.  Tôi có nhiều kỷ niệm đẹp của thời đại này. +
Exercise 32-2 Das Foto bringt viele schöne Erinnerungen zurück.  + Erinnerung The photo brings back many beautiful memories.  Hình ảnh mang lại nhiều kỷ niệm đẹp. +
Exercise 33-9 Nach dem Regen wachsen viele Pilze im Wald.  + Pilz After the rain, many mushrooms grow in the forest.  Sau khi mưa, nhiều nấm mọc trong rừng. +
Exercise 34-5 Viele Wohnungen wurden durch das Unwetter schwer beschädigt.  + beschädigen Many apartments were badly damaged by the storm.  Nhiều căn hộ đã bị hư hỏng nghiêm trọng do bão. +
Exercise 34-6 Viele Demonstranten wurden verhaftet.  + verhaften  Many demonstrators were arrested.  Nhiều người biểu tình đã bị bắt. +
Exercise 34-7 In der Urlaubszeit gibt es viele Wohnungseinbrüche.  + Einbruch During the holiday season, there are many burglaries.  Trong mùa lễ, có rất nhiều kẻ trộm. +
Exercise 35-2 Das Werk hat viele Mitarbeiter.  + Werk The plant has many employees.  Nhà máy có nhiều nhân viên. +
Exercise 35-4 Viele Ausländer bitten in der Bundesrepublik um politisches Asyl.  + Asyl Many foreigners ask for political asylum in Germany.  Nhiều người nước ngoài yêu cầu tị nạn chính trị ở Đức. +
Exercise 35-4 Viele Flüchtlinge bitten um Asyl.  + Asyl Many refugees ask for asylum.  Nhiều người tị nạn xin tị nạn. +
Exercise 35-5 Der spanische König ist in Deutschland zu Besuch.  + König The Spanish king is visiting Germany.  Vua Tây Ban Nha đang thăm viếng nước Đức. +
Exercise 37-3 Diese Sängerin ist ein großer Star in Deutschland.  + Star This singer is a great star in Germany.  Ca sĩ này là một ngôi sao nổi tiếng ở Đức. +
Exercise 37-3 Es gibt viele verschiedene Völker auf der Welt.  + Volk There are many different peoples in the world.  Có rất nhiều dân tộc khác nhau trên thế giới. +
Exercise 37-4 In diesem Stadtteil wohnen viele Künstler. Neben uns wohnt ein Musiker.  + Künstler Many artists live in this part of the city. There's a musician next to us.  Nhiều nghệ sĩ sống ở khu vực này của thành phố. Có một nhạc sĩ bên cạnh chúng tôi. +
Exercise 38-2 Viele Schüler und Studenten jobben in den Ferien.  + jobben  Many pupils and students work during the holidays.  Nhiều học sinh và sinh viên làm việc trong những ngày nghỉ. +
Exercise 38-9 Meine Großmutter hat uns viele Märchen erzählt.  + Märchen My grandmother told us many fairy tales.  Bà tôi kể cho chúng ta nhiều câu chuyện cổ tích. +
Exercise 39-2 Viele Gebrauchsgegenstände werden aus Kunststoff hergestellt.  + Kunststoff Many commodities are made of plastic.  Nhiều hàng hoá được làm bằng nhựa. +
Exercise 39-3 Viele Pilzarten sind giftig.  + giftig Many species of mushrooms are poisonous.  Nhiều loài nấm độc. +
Exercise 40-1 Das Auto hat nicht genug Raum für so viele Koffer. + Raum The car doesn't have enough room for so many suitcases. Chiếc xe không có đủ chỗ cho rất nhiều va li. +
Exercise 40-3 Auf der Autobahn waren so viele Laster. Deshalb hat es so lange gedauert. + Laster There were so many trucks on the highway. That's why it took so long. Có rất nhiều xe tải trên xa lộ. Đó là lý do tại sao phải mất nhiều thời gian. +
Exercise 41-1 Es gibt viele traditionelle Hochzeitsbräuche.  + traditionell There are many traditional wedding rituals.  Có rất nhiều nghi lễ cưới truyền thống. +
Exercise 41-8 Ich lebe jetzt hier in Deutschland. Das ist meine neue Heimat.  + Heimat I live here in Germany now. This is my new home.  Tôi sống ở đây tại Đức. Đây là ngôi nhà mới của tôi. +
Exercise 42-5 Ich bin vor zwei Jahren nach Deutschland gekommen. Seitdem lerne ich Deutsch.  + seitdem I came to Germany two years ago. Since then I have been learning German.  Tôi đã đến Đức hai năm trước đây. Từ đó tôi học tiếng Đức. +
Exercise 42-5 Viele Veränderungen haben seitdem stattgefunden.  + seitdem Many changes have taken place since then.  Nhiều thay đổi đã xảy ra kể từ đó. +
Exercise 42-9 Deutschland ist eine parlamentarische Demokratie. + Demokratie Germany is a parliamentary democracy. Đức là một nền dân chủ của nghị viện. +
Exercise 43-1 Sie hat viele junge Künstler gefördert.  + fördern She has supported many young artists.  Cô đã hỗ trợ nhiều nghệ sĩ trẻ. +
Exercise 43-1 Viele Firmen präsentieren sich im Internet.  + präsentieren Many companies present themselves on the Internet.  Nhiều công ty xuất hiện trên Internet. +
Exercise 43-3 Die Mehrheit der Menschen in Deutschland besitzt ein Handy. + Mehrheit The majority of people in Germany own a mobile phone. Đa số người ở Đức sở hữu một chiếc điện thoại di động. +
Exercise 43-5 Die Firma hat viele Mitarbeiter entlassen.  + entlassen*  The company has dismissed many employees.  Công ty đã sa thải nhiều nhân viên. +
Exercise 43-7 Er hat schon an vielen Fortbildungen teilgenommen. + Fortbildung He has already participated in many advanced training courses. Anh đã tham gia nhiều khóa học nâng cao. +
Exercise 43-7 Viele Frauen opfern ihre Karriere für ihre Familien. + Karriere Many women sacrifice their careers for their families. Nhiều phụ nữ hy sinh sự nghiệp của họ cho gia đình họ. +
Exercise 45-1 Wie viele Aufnahmen soll ich machen?  + Aufnahme How many shots should I take?  Tôi nên chụp bao nhiêu lần? +
Exercise 45-4 Er hat viele Feinde.  + Feind He has many enemies.  Anh ta có nhiều kẻ thù. +
Exercise 45-4 Die Bundeswehr in Deutschland hat viele Soldaten.  + Soldat The Bundeswehr in Germany has many soldiers.  Bundeswehr ở Đức có nhiều binh lính. +
Exercise 45-7 Eine große Hochzeit mit vielen Leuten ist bei uns Tradition.  + Tradition A big wedding with many people is our tradition.  Một đám cưới lớn với nhiều người là truyền thống của chúng tôi. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Size and quantity wie viel + how much, how many + Capacity, volume and quantity A
+ + + + 103 Size and quantity vielerlei + many different, all kinds of + Capacity, volume and quantity B
+ + + + 103 Time des Öfteren (elev.) + on many occasions + Time phrases C
+ + + + 103 Media and popular culture in Deutschland hergestellt + made in Germany + Advertising A
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Deutschland + Germany + Geographical names and peoples A
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BRD) + Federal Republic of Germany + Geographical names and peoples A
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace die Zahl der in Deutschland stationierten Streitkräfte + the number of troops deployed in Germany + Military B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 許多 + * * xu3duo1 many/ much/ a lot of viele +
A 多少 + * * duo1shao how many/ how much wieviele,wieviel +
A + * * ji3 how many/ a few/ some 1. wieviele 2. einige, mehrere +
C 有限 + * * you3xian4 have-limit/ limited/ finite/ not many in number begrenzt, beschränkt +
D + * * zhong4 many 1.viel, zahlreich, zahllos 2. eine Menge Menschen, Massen +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
access + Many divorced fathers only have access to their children at weekends (= they are allowed by law to see them only at weekends). Viele geschiedene Väter haben nur am Wochenende Zutritt zu ihren Kindern (= sie dürfen sie laut Gesetz nur am Wochenende sehen).
acquire + How did the gallery come to acquire so many Picassos? Wie ist die Galerie dazu gekommen, so viele Picassos zu erwerben?
again + I've told you again and again (= many times) not to do that. Ich habe dir immer wieder gesagt (= viele Male), das nicht zu tun.
allied + Many civilians died as a result of allied bombing. Viele Zivilisten starben an den Folgen alliierter Bombardierungen.
already + There are far too many people already. We can't take any more. Es gibt schon viel zu viele Leute. Wir können nicht mehr.
anger + Many people never really express any anger. Viele Menschen bringen nie wirklich Ärger zum Ausdruck.
angle + You can look at the issue from many different angles. Sie können das Thema aus vielen verschiedenen Blickwinkeln betrachten.
any + Please let me know how many people are coming, if any. Bitte lassen Sie mich wissen, wie viele Leute kommen, falls es welche gibt.
anywhere + Many of these animals are not found anywhere else. Viele dieser Tiere sind nirgendwo anders zu finden.
at + How many people were there at the concert? Wie viele Personen waren bei dem Konzert anwesend?
attack + Germany's attack has been weakened by the loss of some key players through injury. Der Angriff Deutschlands wird durch den Verlust einiger Schlüsselspieler durch Verletzungen geschwächt.
attend + We'd like as many people as possible to attend. Wir möchten, dass so viele Leute wie möglich daran teilnehmen.
attend + How many people attend church every Sunday? Wie viele Leute gehen jeden Sonntag in die Kirche?
attention + He called (their) attention to the fact that many files were missing. Er machte (ihre) Aufmerksamkeit darauf aufmerksam, dass viele Akten fehlen.
be + He had been abroad many times. Er war mehrmals im Ausland gewesen.
bed + oyster beds (= an area in the sea where there are many oysters ) Austernbänke (= ein Gebiet im Meer mit vielen Austern)
beer + beers brewed in Germany in Deutschland gebraute Biere
before + It may be many years before the situation improves. Es kann viele Jahre dauern, bis sich die Situation bessert.
between + Switzerland lies between France, Germany, Austria and Italy. Die Schweiz liegt zwischen Frankreich, Deutschland, Österreich und Italien.
between + Many changes took place between the two world wars. Zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen gab es viele Veränderungen.
block + After today's heavy snow, many roads are still blocked. Nach dem heftigen Schneefall von heute sind noch immer viele Strassen gesperrt.
border + Denmark's border with Germany Dänemarks Grenze zu Deutschland
breed + Many animals breed only at certain times of the year. Viele Tiere brüten nur zu bestimmten Jahreszeiten.
bring + The revolution brought many changes. Die Revolution brachte viele Veränderungen.
carry + Police in many countries carry guns. Die Polizei ist in vielen Ländern bewaffnet.
cast + an all-star cast (= including many well-known actors) eine All-Star-Besetzung (= mit vielen bekannten Schauspielern)
catch + How many fish did you catch? Wie viele Fische haben Sie gefangen?
cause + cause sth for sb: The bad weather is causing problems for many farmers. jdm. etw.[Akk] verursachen: Das schlechte Wetter bereitet vielen Bauern Probleme.
charity + Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine. Viele Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen schickten Geld, um den Opfern der Hungersnot zu helfen.
cheat + Many people feel cheated by the government's refusal to hold a referendum. Viele Menschen fühlen sich durch die Weigerung der Regierung, ein Referendum abzuhalten, betrogen.
choose + choose to do sth: Many people choose not to marry. etw.[Akk] nicht heiraten: Viele Menschen entscheiden sich dafür, nicht zu heiraten.
clean + cleaner cars (= not producing so many harmful substances) sauberere Autos (= weniger schädliche Stoffe)
client + a lawyer with many famous clients ein Anwalt mit vielen namhaften Mandanten
close + The college has close links with many other institutions. Die Hochschule unterhält enge Beziehungen zu vielen anderen Institutionen.
combination + Many course combinations are possible. Viele Kurskombinationen sind möglich.
command + There were many disagreements over the command of the peacekeeping forces. Es gab viele Meinungsverschiedenheiten über das Kommando der Friedenstruppen.
comparison + The education system bears/stands no comparison with (= is not as good as) that in many Asian countries. Das Bildungssystem steht/trägt keinen Vergleich mit (= ist nicht so gut wie) dem vieler asiatischer Länder.
compete + compete to do sth: There are too many magazines competing to attract readers. konkurrieren um etw. zu tun: Es gibt zu viele Zeitschriften konkurrieren, um die Leser anzulocken.
conflict + Many of these ideas appear to be in conflict with each other. Viele dieser Ideen scheinen im Konflikt miteinander zu stehen.
contribute + contribute to sth: Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many ways. Beitrag zu etw. leisten: Einwanderer haben in vielerlei Hinsicht zur britischen Kultur beigetragen.
control + Many biological processes are controlled by hormones. Viele biologische Prozesse werden durch Hormone gesteuert.
count + count (up) how many...: She began to count up how many guests they had to invite. count (up) how many...: Sie begann zu zählen, wie viele Gäste sie einladen mussten.
danger + How many factory workers are in danger of losing their jobs? Wie viele Arbeiter in der Fabrik laufen Gefahr, ihren Arbeitsplatz zu verlieren?
dead + Many believe the peace plan is dead. Viele glauben, der Friedensplan sei tot.
declare + Germany declared war on France on 1 August 1914. Deutschland hat Frankreich am 1. August 1914 den Krieg erklärt.
depend on/upon sth + depend how, what, etc...: Whether we need more food depends on how many people turn up. hängt davon ab, wie, was, usw...: Ob wir mehr Nahrung brauchen, hängt davon ab, wie viele Menschen auftauchen.
depress + it depresses sb to do sth: It depresses me to see so many young girls smoking. es deprimiert mich jdm., etw. zu tun: Es deprimiert mich, so viele junge Mädchen rauchen zu sehen.
depth + Many dolphins can dive to depths of 200 metres. Viele Delphine können bis zu 200 Meter tief tauchen.
different + They are sold in many different colours. Sie werden in vielen verschiedenen Farben verkauft.
disadvantage + Many children in the class suffered severe social and economic disadvantage. Viele Kinder in der Klasse litten unter schweren sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Nachteilen.
discipline + Lack of discipline at home meant that many pupils found it difficult to settle in to the ordered environment of the school. Da es zu Hause an Disziplin fehlte, konnten sich viele Schülerinnen und Schüler nur schwer in die geordnete Umgebung der Schule einl
divorced + Many divorced men remarry and have second families. Viele geschiedene Männer heiraten wieder und haben zweite Familien.
effect + I can certainly feel the effects of too many late nights. Ich kann die Auswirkungen zu vieler Spätnächte spüren.
election + How many candidates are standing for election? Wie viele Kandidaten stellen sich zur Wahl?
employ + employ sb: How many people does the company employ? jdn. beschäftigen: Wie viele Mitarbeiter beschäftigt das Unternehmen?
empty + Many factories emptied their waste into the river. Viele Fabriken haben ihre Abfälle in den Fluss geleert.
enemy + Birds are the natural enemies of many insect pests (= they kill them). Vögel sind die natürlichen Feinde vieler Insektenschädlinge (= sie töten sie).
enter + enter sb/sth for sth: How many students have been entered for the exam? jdn. /etw.[Akk] für etw.[Akk] eintragen: Wie viele Studenten sind für die Prüfung angemeldet?
estimate + estimate how many, large, etc...: It is hard to estimate how many children suffer from dyslexia. schätzen, wie viele, große usw...: Es ist schwer einzuschätzen, wie viele Kinder an Legasthenie leiden.
example + This dictionary has many examples of how words are used. Dieses Wörterbuch enthält viele Beispiele für die Verwendung von Wörtern.
for example + There is a similar word in many languages, for example in French and Italian. Ein ähnliches Wort gibt es in vielen Sprachen, z. B. in Französisch und Italienisch.
expect + expect (that)...: Many people were expecting (that) the peace talks would break down. erwarten (das)...: Viele Leute haben erwartet, dass die Friedensgespräche scheitern würden.
experiment + Many people do not like the idea of experiments on animals. Die Idee von Tierversuchen gefällt vielen Menschen nicht.
face + How many faces does a cube have? Wie viele Gesichter hat ein Würfel?
fail + Many diets fail because they are boring. Viele Diäten scheitern, weil sie langweilig sind.
faithful + I have been a faithful reader of your newspaper for many years. Ich bin seit vielen Jahren ein treuer Leser Ihrer Zeitung.
fault + Many people live in poverty through no fault of their own. Viele Menschen leben ohne eigenes Verschulden in Armut.
feature + Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks. Viele der im Prospekt vorgestellten Hotels bieten spezielle Angebote für Wochenendaufenthalte an.
finance + He took a job to finance his stay in Germany. Er nahm einen Job an, um seinen Aufenthalt in Deutschland zu finanzieren.
flat + Many large old houses have been converted into flats. Viele große alte Häuser wurden zu Wohnungen umgebaut.
flood + The heavy rain has caused floods in many parts of the country. Die heftigen Regenfälle haben in vielen Teilen des Landes zu Überschwemmungen geführt.
form + form sth: I formed many close friendships at college. etw.[Akk] formen: Ich habe viele enge Freundschaften am College geschlossen.
frighten sb/sth away/off, frighten sb/sth away from sth + The high prices have frightened off many customers. Die hohen Preise haben viele Kunden verschreckt.
full + Many people don't use their computers to their full potential. Viele Menschen nutzen ihren Computer nicht voll aus.
growth + His book describes the growth of nationalism in Germany before the Second World War. Sein Buch beschreibt das Wachstum des Nationalismus in Deutschland vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.
harmful + Many household products are potentially harmful. Viele Haushaltsprodukte sind potenziell schädlich.
have + How many driving lessons have you had so far? Wie viele Fahrstunden hatten Sie bisher?
by heart + I've dialled the number so many times I know it by heart. Ich habe die Nummer so oft gewählt, dass ich sie auswendig kenne.
heavy + Many young people today are too heavy (= fat). Viele Jugendliche sind heutzutage zu schwer (= fett).
history + Many people throughout history have dreamt of a world without war. Viele Menschen in der Geschichte haben von einer Welt ohne Krieg geträumt.
how + How many people were there? Wie viele Personen waren dort?
identify + Many of those arrested refused to identify themselves (= would not say who they were). Viele der Festgenommenen weigerten sich, sich zu identifizieren (= wollten nicht sagen, wer sie waren).
impose + This system imposes additional financial burdens on many people. Dieses System stellt für viele Menschen eine zusätzliche finanzielle Belastung dar.
indoors + Many herbs can be grown indoors. Viele Kräuter können in Innenräumen angebaut werden.
ingredient + Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries. Kokosnuss ist eine Grundzutat für viele Currys.
interest + There are many places of interest near the city. In der Nähe der Stadt gibt es viele Sehenswürdigkeiten.
interpret + interpret sth: The data can be interpreted in many different ways. etw.[Akk] interpretieren: Die Daten können auf vielfältige Weise interpretiert werden.
introduction + The book lists plants suitable for the British flower garden, among them many new introductions. Das Buch listet Pflanzen auf, die für den britischen Blumengarten geeignet sind, darunter viele Neueinführungen.
invent + Many children invent an imaginary friend. Viele Kinder erfinden einen imaginären Freund.
involve + Many of the crimes involved drugs. Viele der Verbrechen betrafen Drogen.
involve + How many vehicles were involved in the crash? Wie viele Fahrzeuge waren an dem Unfall beteiligt?
involve + involve sb (in sth/in doing sth): We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations. jdn. (an etw.[Dat] beteiligen/etw.[Dat]: Wir wollen möglichst viele Menschen an den Feierlichkeiten beteiligen.
job + Many women are in part-time jobs. Viele Frauen sind Teilzeitbeschäftigte.
junior + She has coached many of our leading juniors. Sie hat viele unserer führenden Junioren trainiert.
late + I've had too many late nights recently (= when I've gone to bed very late). Ich hatte in letzter Zeit zu viele späte Nächte (= wenn ich sehr spät ins Bett gegangen bin).
lay + The hens are not laying well (= not producing many eggs). Die Hühner legen nicht gut (= wenig Eier).
layer + How many layers of clothing are you wearing? Wie viele Schichten Kleidung tragen Sie?
layer + There were too many layers of management in the company. Es gab zu viele Führungsebenen im Unternehmen.
learn + learn to do sth: I soon learned not to ask too many questions. lernen, etw.[Akk] zu tun: Bald lernte ich, nicht zu viele Fragen zu stellen.
leave + How many tickets do you have left? Wie viele Karten hast du noch?
leg + How many legs does a centipede have? Wie viele Beine hat ein Tausendfüßler?
life + Commuting is a part of daily life for many people. Das Pendeln gehört für viele Menschen zum Alltag.
life + Many of these children have led very sheltered lives (= they have not had many different experiences). Viele dieser Kinder haben ein sehr behütetes Leben geführt (= sie haben nicht viele verschiedene Erfahrungen gemacht).
life + The floods caused a massive loss of life (= many people were killed). Die Überschwemmungen forderten massive Todesopfer (= viele Menschen starben).
live + This moment will live in our memory for many years to come. Dieser Moment wird uns noch viele Jahre in Erinnerung bleiben.
lose + Many people lost their lives (= were killed). Viele Menschen verloren ihr Leben (= wurden getötet).
lot + 'How many do you need?' 'A lot.' Wie viele brauchen Sie? "Viele."
machine + Machines have replaced human labour in many industries. In vielen Industriezweigen haben Maschinen die menschliche Arbeit abgelöst.
manufacturing + Many jobs in manufacturing were lost during the recession. Viele Arbeitsplätze in der Produktion gingen während der Rezession verloren.
many + We don't have very many copies left. Wir haben nicht mehr viele Exemplare.
many + You can't have one each. We haven't got many. Ihr könnt nicht jeden haben. Wir haben nicht viele.
many + Many people feel that the law should be changed. Viele Menschen sind der Meinung, dass das Gesetz geändert werden sollte.
many + Many of those present disagreed. Viele der Anwesenden waren anderer Meinung.
many + How many children do you have? Wie viele Kinder haben Sie?
many + There are too many mistakes in this essay. Es gibt zu viele Fehler in diesem Aufsatz.
many + He made ten mistakes in as many (= in ten) lines. Er machte zehn Fehler in genauso vielen (= in zehn) Zeilen.
many + New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers. Neue Fahrer haben doppelt so viele Unfälle wie erfahrene Fahrer.
many + Don't take so many. Nimm nicht so viele.
many + I've known her for a great many (= very many) years. Ich kenne sie seit vielen (= sehr vielen) Jahren.
many + Even if one person is hurt that is one too many. Selbst wenn eine Person verletzt ist, ist das eine zu viel.
many + It was one of my many mistakes. Es war einer meiner vielen Fehler.
many + a many-headed monster ein vielköpfiges Monster
as many as... + There were as many as 200 people at the lecture. An der Vorlesung nahmen bis zu 200 Personen teil.
miss + miss (sb/sth): How many goals has he missed this season? miss (sb/etw.): Wie viele Tore hat er in dieser Saison verfehlt?
missing + Many soldiers were listed as missing in action. Viele Soldaten wurden als vermisst gemeldet.
number + Huge numbers of (= very many) animals have died. Sehr viele (= sehr viele) Tiere sind gestorben.
number + The course will have to be repeated owing to pressure of numbers (= too many students). Der Kurs muss wegen des Drucks der Zahlen (= zu viele Studenten) wiederholt werden.
object + object (to sb/sth): Many local people object to the building of the new airport. object (to sb/etw.): Viele Einheimische wenden sich gegen den Bau des neuen Flughafens.
off + How many days did you take off? Wie viele Tage hast du frei genommen?
office + The party has been out of office (= has not formed a government) for many years. Die Partei ist seit vielen Jahren aus dem Amt (= keine Regierung gebildet).
officially + Many of those living on the streets are not officially homeless. Viele der Straßenbewohner sind nicht offiziell obdachlos.
keep/leave your options open + At the moment I'm keeping my options open and applying for as many different jobs as possible. Im Moment halte ich mir meine Optionen offen und bewerbe mich um möglichst viele verschiedene Jobs.
original + The room still has many of its original features. Der Raum hat noch viele seiner ursprünglichen Merkmale.
other + Two buildings were destroyed and many others damaged in the blast. Zwei Gebäude wurden zerstört und viele andere bei der Explosion beschädigt.
part + a plant that grows in many parts of the world eine Pflanze, die in vielen Teilen der Welt wächst
take part (in sth) + How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games? Wie viele Länder haben an den letzten Olympischen Spielen teilgenommen?
pay + pay (with sth): Many people paid with their lives (= they died). pay (mit etw.[Dat]: Viele Menschen haben mit ihrem Leben bezahlt (= sie starben).
people + Many young people are out of work. Viele Jugendliche sind arbeitslos.
perform + A computer can perform many tasks at once. Ein Computer kann viele Aufgaben gleichzeitig ausführen.
photocopy + Make as many photocopies as you need. Machen Sie so viele Fotokopien, wie Sie brauchen.
pill + pill-popping (= the act of taking too many pills or using illegal drugs) Pillenknallen (= die Einnahme von zu vielen Pillen oder illegalen Drogen)
place + The town has many excellent eating places. Die Stadt hat viele ausgezeichnete Restaurants.
point + Many people suffer from mental illness at some point in their lives. Viele Menschen leiden irgendwann im Leben an psychischen Erkrankungen.
population + areas of dense/sparse population (= where many/not many people live) Gebiete mit dichter/dichter Besiedlung (= in denen viele/nicht viele Menschen leben)
practise + practise as sth: She practised as a barrister for many years. als Rechtsanwältin praktizieren: Sie war jahrelang als Rechtsanwältin tätig.
preference + Many people expressed a strong preference for the original plan. Viele Menschen äußerten eine starke Präferenz für den ursprünglichen Plan.
press + The event is bound to attract wide press coverage (= it will be written about in many newspapers). Die Veranstaltung wird in der Presse sicherlich viel Beachtung finden (= es wird in vielen Zeitungen darüber geschrieben).
print sth off/out + How many copies shall I print out? Wie viele Exemplare soll ich ausdrucken?
print + How many sets of prints would you like? Wie viele Abzüge möchten Sie?
private + a programme to return many of the state companies to private ownership ein Programm zur Rückführung vieler staatlicher Unternehmen in Privateigentum
professional + Many of the performers were very professional. Viele der Darsteller waren sehr professionell.
public + There have been many complaints from members of the public. Es gab viele Beschwerden aus der Öffentlichkeit.
pupil + How many pupils does the school have? Wie viele Schüler hat die Schule?
raise + The book raises many important questions. Das Buch wirft viele wichtige Fragen auf.
recent + There have been many changes in recent years. In den letzten Jahren hat es viele Veränderungen gegeben.
recover + It can take many years to recover from the death of a loved one. Es kann viele Jahre dauern, bis man sich vom Tod eines geliebten Menschen erholt hat.
reference + The library contains many popular works of reference (= reference books). Die Bibliothek enthält viele populäre Nachschlagewerke (= Fachbücher).
regret + it is regretted that...: It is to be regretted that so many young people leave school without qualifications. bedauert man, dass...: Es ist bedauerlich, dass so viele Jugendliche die Schule ohne Abschluss verlassen.
regulation + too many rules and regulations zu viele Regeln und Vorschriften
relate to sth/sb + Many adults can't relate to children. Viele Erwachsene können sich nicht auf Kinder beziehen.
result in sth + The cyclone has resulted in many thousands of deaths. Der Zyklon hat Tausende von Toten gefordert.
result in sth + result sb/sth doing sth: These policies resulted in many elderly people suffering hardship. jdn. /etw. etw.[Akk] tun lassen: Diese Politik führte dazu, dass viele ältere Menschen in Not geraten sind.
rightly + Rightly or wrongly, many older people are afraid of violence in the streets. Zu Recht oder zu Unrecht haben viele ältere Menschen Angst vor Gewalt auf der Straße.
role + In many marriages there has been a complete role reversal (= change of roles) with the man staying at home and the woman going out to work. In vielen Ehen gab es einen kompletten Rollentausch (= Rollenwechsel) mit dem Mann zu Hause und der Frau, die zur Arbeit ging.
rumour + Many of the stories are based on rumour. Viele der Geschichten basieren auf Gerüchten.
sad + It's a sad fact that many of those killed were children. Es ist eine traurige Tatsache, dass viele von denen, die getötet wurden, Kinder waren.
sad + sad (that...): It is sad that so many of his paintings have been lost. traurig (das...): Es ist traurig, dass so viele seiner Gemälde verloren gegangen sind.
scale + to achieve economies of scale in production (= to produce many items so the cost of producing each one is reduced) Skaleneffekte in der Produktion zu erzielen (= viele Artikel herzustellen, so dass die Kosten für die Herstellung jedes einzelnen re
scene + Italy was the scene of many demonstrations at that time. In Italien gab es damals zahlreiche Demonstrationen.
security + The visit took place amidst tight security (= the use of many police officers). Der Besuch fand inmitten einer engen Sicherheitslage statt (= Einsatz vieler Polizisten).
sell + The book sold well and was reprinted many times. Das Buch verkaufte sich gut und wurde mehrfach nachgedruckt.
separate + The war separated many families. Der Krieg trennte viele Familien.
serve + serve sb (as sth): He served the family faithfully for many years (= as a servant). jdm. dienen (als etw.): Er hat der Familie viele Jahre treu gedient (= als Diener).
short + a short book (= taking a short time to read, because it does not have many pages) ein kurzes Buch (= wenig Zeit zum Lesen, da es nicht viele Seiten hat)
smoke + How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? Wie viele Zigaretten rauchst du pro Tag?
sort + There are all sorts of activities (= many different ones) for kids at the campsite. Auf dem Campingplatz gibt es alle möglichen Aktivitäten (= viele verschiedene) für Kinder.
spoil + Don't eat too many nuts—you'll spoil your appetite (= will no longer be hungry at the proper time to eat). Essen Sie nicht zu viele Nüsse - Sie verderben Ihren Appetit (= werden nicht mehr hungrig zu essen zur rechten Zeit).
stair + How many stairs are there up to the second floor? Wie viele Treppen gibt es bis zum zweiten Stockwerk?
star + She was the star of many popular television series. Sie war der Star vieler beliebter Fernsehserien.
state + state how, what, etc...: State clearly how many tickets you require. Geben Sie an, wie, was, usw...: Geben Sie deutlich an, wie viele Tickets Sie benötigen.
still + We stayed in a village where time has stood still (= life has not changed for many years). Wir blieben in einem Dorf, wo die Zeit stehen geblieben ist (= das Leben hat sich seit vielen Jahren nicht verändert).
story + It was many years before the full story was made public. Es dauerte viele Jahre, bis die ganze Geschichte veröffentlicht wurde.
story + Many years later I returned to Africa but that's another story (= I am not going to talk about it now). Viele Jahre später kehrte ich nach Afrika zurück, aber das ist eine andere Geschichte (= ich werde jetzt nicht darüber sprechen).
strain + The transport service cannot cope with the strain of so many additional passengers. Der Transportservice kann die Belastung durch so viele zusätzliche Fahrgäste nicht verkraften.
strength + The ability to keep calm is one of her many strengths. Die Fähigkeit, Ruhe zu bewahren, ist eine ihrer vielen Stärken.
subject + books on many different subjects Bücher zu vielen verschiedenen Themen
suffer + Many companies are suffering from a shortage of skilled staff. Viele Unternehmen leiden unter Fachkräftemangel.
sugar + How many sugars do you take in coffee? Wie viele Zucker nimmst du Kaffee zu dir?
supply + supply sb/sth: Local schools supply many of the volunteers. jdn. /etw.[Akk] mit jdm. /etw.[Dat] versorgen: Lokale Schulen versorgen viele der Freiwilligen.
support + She supported her husband through many difficult times. Sie unterstützte ihren Mann durch viele schwierige Zeiten.
be supposed to do/be sth + You're supposed to buy a ticket, but not many people do. Man soll ein Ticket kaufen, aber nicht viele Leute tun das.
surprised + You'd be surprised how many people voted for him. Sie wären überrascht, wie viele Leute für ihn gestimmt haben.
surprising + It's surprising how many people applied for the job. Es ist erstaunlich, wie viele Leute sich um den Job beworben haben.
survive + Many birds didn't survive the severe winter. Viele Vögel haben den strengen Winter nicht überlebt.
suspicious + Many were suspicious of reform. Viele waren der Reform misstrauisch gegenüber.
teach + teach sb sth: Our experience as refugees taught us many valuable lessons. jdm. etw.[Akk] beibringen: Unsere Erfahrungen als Flüchtlinge haben uns viele wertvolle Lektionen gelehrt.
term + Many students now have paid employment during term. Viele Studenten haben jetzt während des Semesters eine bezahlte Beschäftigung.
thanks + thanks (for sth): Many thanks for your support. Danke (für etw.): Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!
thus + Many scholars have argued thus. Viele Gelehrte haben so argumentiert.
thus + The universities have expanded, thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education. Die Universitäten haben sich vergrößert, so dass viele mehr Menschen die Chance auf eine Hochschulausbildung haben.
time + How many times (= how often) do I have to tell you not to do that? Wie oft (= wie oft) muss ich dir sagen, dass du das nicht tun sollst?
timetable + I have a busy timetable this week (= I have planned to do many things). Ich habe diese Woche einen vollen Terminkalender (= ich habe mir viel vorgenommen).
unhappy + Many people are deeply unhappy about the way the government has handled this matter. Viele Menschen sind zutiefst unzufrieden mit der Art und Weise, wie die Regierung mit dieser Angelegenheit umgegangen ist.
value + The arrival of canals was of great value to many industries. Die Ankunft von Kanälen war für viele Industriezweige von großem Wert.
variety + Apples come in a great many varieties. Äpfel gibt es in sehr vielen Sorten.
visitor + Do you get many visitors? Bekommst du viele Besucher?
war + It was the year Britain declared war on Germany. Es war das Jahr, in dem Großbritannien Deutschland den Krieg erklärte.
warning + Many people continue to ignore warnings about the dangers of sunbathing. Viele Menschen ignorieren weiterhin Warnungen vor den Gefahren des Sonnenbadens.
wet + It was the wettest October for many years. Es war der feuchteste Oktober seit vielen Jahren.
win + How many states did the Republicans win? Wie viele Staaten haben die Republikaner gewonnen?
win + She won the admiration of many people in her battle against cancer. Sie gewann die Bewunderung vieler Menschen in ihrem Kampf gegen den Krebs.
winter + Many British birds winter in Africa. Viele britische Vögel überwintern in Afrika.
world + French is spoken in many parts of the world. Französisch wird in vielen Teilen der Welt gesprochen.
worry + worry (for/to sb): Mugging is a real worry for many old people. Sorgen (für/an jdn.): Überfall ist für viele alte Leute eine echte Sorge.
yet + Prices were cut yet again (= once more, after many other times). Die Preise wurden erneut gesenkt (= wieder, nach vielen anderen Zeiten).

Mcc SentencesGbEng
18 很多 外国 朋友 + I've got many foreign friends.
121 街上 很多 + There are many people in the street.
134 街上 聚集 很多 民众 + Many people have gathered in the street.
185 道路 两旁 很多 + There are many trees on both sides of the road.
234 公路 汽车 太多 + There are too many cars on the highway.
237 我们 学校 很多 海外 留学生 + There are many foreign students in our school.
263 很多 + There are many trees alongside the road.
291 电脑 用途 广 + Computers have many uses.
314 很多 星星 + There are many stars in the sky.
318 很多 + There are many ships at the river bank.
354 街上 行人 很多 + There are many people in the street.
363 小摊 很多 蔬菜 + Many vegetables are on display at the stall.
421 超市 各种各样 水果 + There are many kinds of fruit in the supermarket.
524 院子 很多 + There are a lot of flowers in the yard. ((There are many flowers in the yard.))
534 语言 + How many languages do you speak?
586 亚洲 一共 国家 + How many countries are there in Asia altogether?
612 虽然 但是 很多 没有 放弃 + Though exhausted from running, many refused to give up.
614 国有 很多 建筑 + There are many ancient buildings in China.
670 这里 树木 很多 + There are many trees here.
748 很多 追求 金钱 + Many people pursue money.
817 很多 女性 朋友 + He has many female friends.
825 这儿 衣服 款式 很多 + There are many styles of clothes here.
827 德国 + I've been to Germany.
886 地上 很多 落叶 + There are many fallen leaves on the ground.
921 桌子 很多 工具 + There are many tools on the desk.
986 + How many stories are there in this building?
1045 这里 多空 座位 + There are many vacant seats.
1061 周围 环绕 很多 + There are many trees around the lake.
1117 很多 铁锅 + There are many iron pots and pans in my home.
1124 没有 预料 到来 这么 朋友 + I didn't expect that so many friends would come.
1255 不少 寄生虫 + There are many parasites on the bodies of cats and dogs.
1331 很多 电线 + There are many electrical wires here.
1383 这里 很多 彩色 铅笔 + There are many colored pencils.
1426 国有 很多 漂亮 山川 河流 + There are many beautiful mountains and rivers in China.
1442 交游 广 朋友 很多 + She's very sociable and has many friends.
1471 很多 + There are many cars on the bridge.
1615 市中心 很多 高楼 建筑 + There are many high buildings in the city center.
1670 书架 很多 字典 + There are many dictionaries on the bookshelf.
1701 很多 公园 樱花 + Many people go to the park to see the cherry blossoms.
1747 埃及 很多 文化 古迹 + There are many historical sites in Egypt.
1803 很多 小贩 + There are many peddlers selling vegetables by the riverside.
1863 沙滩 很多 贝壳 + There are many shells on the shore.
1899 他们 辈子 很多 地方 + They've been to many places in their lifetime.
2032 案件 涉及到 很多 + Many people are involved in this case.
2041 桌上 多空 碗盘 + There are many empty dishes on the table.
2227 灯泡 + How many watts is this electric bulb?
2262 获得 很多 荣誉 勳章 + She's received many medals of honor.
2276 外语 很多 词彙 + Learning a foreign language requires learning many words.
2306 象重 + How many tons does this elephant weigh?
2329 纽约 很多 摩天大楼 + There are many skyscrapers in New York.
2359 港湾 很多 渔船 + There are many fishing vessels in the harbor.
2470 很多 惧怕 闪电 + Many people are afraid of lightning.
2632 泰国 很多 庙宇 + There are many temples in Thailand.
2842 钱包 英镑 + How many English pounds do you have in your wallet?
3119 一直 瞎忙 + He's always busy with many petty matters without much result.
3240 笔筒 许多 + There are many pens in the pen container.
3612 塑料 口袋 不够 不下 那么 馒头 + This plastic bag is not big enough to hold so many buns.
3626 这个 淡水 许多 + There are many fish in this freshwater lake.
3651 很多 犯罪 贫穷 密切 相关 + Many would say that crime and poverty interrelate/are interrelated (with one another).
3653 多谢 关照 + Many thanks for your help. (..looking after..)
3661 很多 误以为 大猩猩 野蛮 动物 + Many people mistakenly think, that the gorilla is a savage animal.

我有很多外国朋友。 Wǒ yǒu hěn duō wàiguó péngyou. I've got many foreign friends. Ich habe viele ausländische Freunde.
街上有很多人。 Jiēshang yǒu hěn duō rén. There are many people in the street. Es gibt viele Leute auf der Straße.
街上聚集了很多民众。 Jiēshang jùjí le hěn duō mínzhòng. Many people have gathered in the street. Viele Menschen haben sich auf der Straße versammelt.
道路两旁有很多树。 Dàolù liǎngpáng yǒu hěn duō shù. There are many trees on both sides of the road. Auf beiden Seiten der Straße gibt es viele Bäume.
小摊上摆着很多种蔬菜。 Xiǎotān shàng bǎi zhe hěn duōzhǒng shūcài. Many vegetables are on display at the stall. Viele Gemüsesorten sind an der Verkaufsstelle ausgestellt.
超市里有各种各样的水果。 Chāo shìlǐ yǒu gèzhǒnggèyàng de shuǐguǒ. There are many kinds of fruit in the supermarket. Im Supermarkt gibt es viele Obstarten.
公路上的汽车太多了。 Gōnglù shàng de qìchē tài duō le. There are too many cars on the highway. Es sind zu viele Autos auf der Autobahn.
我们学校有很多海外留学生。 Wǒmen xuéxiào yǒu hěn duō hǎiwài liúxuéshēng. There are many foreign students in our school. Es gibt viele ausländische Schüler in unserer Schule.
路边有很多树。 Lù biān yǒu hěn duō shù. There are many trees alongside the road. Es gibt viele Bäume entlang der Straße.
电脑的用途很广。 Diànnǎo de yòngtú hěn guǎng. Computers have many uses. Computer haben viele Einsatzmöglichkeiten.
天上有很多星星。 Tiānshàng yǒu hěn duō xīngxing. There are many stars in the sky. Es gibt viele Sterne am Himmel.
江边有很多船。 Jiāngbiān yǒu hěn duō chuán. There are many ships at the river bank. Es gibt viele Schiffe am Flussufer.
街上的行人很多。 Jiēshang de xíngrén hěn duō. There are many people in the street. Es gibt viele Leute auf der Straße.
院子里种了很多花。 Yuànzi lǐ zhǒng le hěn duō huā. There are a lot of flowers in the yard. ((There are many flowers in the yard.)) Im Hof sind viele Blumen. (Es sind viele Blumen im Hof.)
你会说几种语言? Nǐ huì shuō jǐ zhǒng yǔyán? How many languages do you speak? Wie viele Sprachen sprechen Sie?
亚洲一共有几个国家? Yàzhōu yīgòng yǒu jǐgè guójiā? How many countries are there in Asia altogether? Wie viele Länder gibt es in Asien insgesamt?
这里的树木很多。 Zhèlǐ de shùmù hěn duō. There are many trees here. Hier gibt es viele Bäume.
桌子上有很多工具。 Zhuōzi shàng yǒu hěn duō gōngjù. There are many tools on the desk. Es gibt viele Werkzeuge auf dem Schreibtisch.
虽然跑得很累,但是很多人都没有放弃。 Suīrán pǎo de hěn lèi,dànshì hěn duō rén dōu méiyǒu fàngqì. Though exhausted from running, many refused to give up. Obwohl sie erschöpft vom Laufen waren, weigerten sich viele, aufzugeben.
中国有很多古建筑。 Zhōngguó yǒu hěn duō gǔ jiànzhù. There are many ancient buildings in China. Es gibt viele antike Gebäude in China.
很多人都追求金钱。 Hěn duō rén dōu zhuīqiú jīnqián. Many people pursue money. Viele Menschen verfolgen Geld.
他有很多女性朋友。 Tā yǒu hěn duō nǚxìng péngyou. He has many female friends. Er hat viele weibliche Freunde.
这儿的衣服款式很多。 Zhèr de yīfu kuǎnshì hěn duō. There are many styles of clothes here. Es gibt viele Arten von Kleidung hier.
我去过德国。 Wǒ qùguò Déguó. I've been to Germany. Ich war in Deutschland.
地上有很多落叶。 Dìshang yǒu hěn duō luòyè. There are many fallen leaves on the ground. Es gibt viele gefallene Blätter auf dem Boden.
这栋楼有几层? Zhè dòng lóu yǒu jǐ céng? How many stories are there in this building? Wie viele Stockwerke gibt es in diesem Gebäude?
这里有很多空座位。 Zhèlǐ yǒu hěn duō kōng zuòwèi. There are many vacant seats. Es gibt viele freie Plätze.
湖的周围环绕着很多树。 Hú de zhōuwéi huánrào zhe hěn duō shù. There are many trees around the lake. Rund um den See gibt es viele Bäume.
我没有预料到来了这么多朋友。 Wǒ méiyǒu yùliào dàolái le zhème duō péngyou. I didn't expect that so many friends would come. Ich hatte nicht erwartet, dass so viele Freunde kommen würden.
我家里有很多铁锅。 Wǒ jiā lǐ yǒu hěn duō tiě guō. There are many iron pots and pans in my home. Es gibt viele eiserne Töpfe und Pfannen in meinem Haus.
猫狗的身上有不少寄生虫。 Māo gǒu de shēnshang yǒu bùshǎo jìshēngchóng. There are many parasites on the bodies of cats and dogs. Es gibt viele Parasiten auf den Körpern von Katzen und Hunden.
这有很多股电线。 Zhè yǒu hěn duō gǔ diànxiàn. There are many electrical wires here. Hier gibt es viele elektrische Leitungen.
这里有很多彩色铅笔。 Zhèlǐ yǒu hěn duōcǎi 【◎Fix:◎sè;◎shǎi】 qiānbǐ. There are many colored pencils. Es gibt viele Buntstifte.
中国有很多漂亮的山川河流。 Zhōngguó yǒu hěn duō piàoliang de shānchuān héliú. There are many beautiful mountains and rivers in China. Es gibt viele schöne Berge und Flüsse in China.
她交游甚广,朋友很多。 Tā jiāoyóu shèn guǎng,péngyou hěn duō. She's very sociable and has many friends. Sie ist sehr gesellig und hat viele Freunde.
桥上有很多车。 Qiáo shàng yǒu hěn duō chē. There are many cars on the bridge. Auf der Brücke sind viele Autos.
市中心有很多高楼建筑。 Shì zhōngxīn yǒu hěn duō gāolóu jiànzhù. There are many high buildings in the city center. Im Stadtzentrum gibt es viele hohe Gebäude.
书架上有很多本字典。 Shūjià shàng yǒu hěn duō běnzì diǎn. There are many dictionaries on the bookshelf. Es gibt viele Wörterbücher auf dem Bücherregal.
很多人去公园赏樱花。 Hěn duō rén qù gōngyuán shǎng yīnghuā. Many people go to the park to see the cherry blossoms. Viele Menschen gehen in den Park, um die Kirschblüten zu sehen.
埃及有很多文化古迹。 Āijí yǒu hěn duō wénhuà gǔjì. There are many historical sites in Egypt. Es gibt viele historische Stätten in Ägypten.
河边有很多小贩在卖菜。 Hébiān yǒu hěn duō xiǎofàn zài mài cài. There are many peddlers selling vegetables by the riverside. Es gibt viele Hausierer, die Gemüse am Flussufer verkaufen.
沙滩上有很多贝壳。 Shātān shàng yǒu hěn duō bèiké. There are many shells on the shore. An der Küste gibt es viele Muscheln.
他们这辈子去过很多地方。 Tāmen zhè bèizi qùguò hěn duō 【◎Fix:◎dìfang;◎dìfāng】. They've been to many places in their lifetime. Sie waren schon an vielen Orten in ihrem Leben.
这个案件涉及到很多人。 zhège ànjiàn shèjí dào hěn duō rén. Many people are involved in this case. Viele Menschen sind an diesem Fall beteiligt.
桌上有很多空碗盘。 Zhuō shàng yǒu hěn duō kōng wǎn pán. There are many empty dishes on the table. Es gibt viele leere Teller auf dem Tisch.
学外语得学很多词彙。 Xué wàiyǔ de xué hěn duō cí huì. Learning a foreign language requires learning many words. Um eine Fremdsprache zu lernen, müssen viele Wörter gelernt werden.
这只灯泡是几瓦的? Zhè zhī dēngpào shì jǐ 【◎Fix:◎wǎ;◎wà】 de? How many watts is this electric bulb? Wieviel Watt ist diese Glühbirne?
她获得了很多荣誉勳章。 Tā huòdé le hěn duō róngyù xūn zhāng. She's received many medals of honor. Sie hat viele Ehrenmedaillen erhalten.
这头象重几吨? Zhè tóu xiàng zhòng jǐ dūn? How many tons does this elephant weigh? Wie viele Tonnen wiegt dieser Elefant?
纽约有很多摩天大楼。 Niǔyuē yǒu hěn duō mótiān dàlóu. There are many skyscrapers in New York. Es gibt viele Wolkenkratzer in New York.
港湾了有很多渔船。 Gǎngwān le yǒu hěn duō yúchuán. There are many fishing vessels in the harbor. Im Hafen gibt es viele Fischereifahrzeuge.
很多人惧怕闪电。 Hěn duō rén jùpà shǎndiàn. Many people are afraid of lightning. Viele Menschen haben Angst vor dem Blitz.
泰国有很多庙宇。 Tàiguó yǒu hěn duō miàoyǔ. There are many temples in Thailand. Es gibt viele Tempel in Thailand.
你钱包里有几英镑? Nǐ qiánbāo lǐ yǒu jǐ yīngbàng? How many English pounds do you have in your wallet? Wie viele englische Pfund hast du in deiner Brieftasche?
他一直在瞎忙。 Tā yīzhí zài xiāmáng. He's always busy with many petty matters without much result. Er ist immer mit Kleinigkeiten beschäftigt, ohne viel Erfolg.
笔筒里有许多笔。 Bǐtǒng lǐ yǒu xǔduō bǐ. There are many pens in the pen container. Es befinden sich viele Stifte in der Box.
Lesson 004. Introducing People. Nationalities and Occupations.
De2guo2 + Germany
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
ji3 + which / how many
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
Ni3 you3 ji3ge4? + How many do you have?
Lesson 011. Buying and Bargaining in Chinese.
duo1 + a lot / many
Lesson 011. Buying and Bargaining in Chinese.
hen3 duo1 + many
Lesson 011. Buying and Bargaining in Chinese.
tai4 duo1 + too many
Lesson 025. Colours and Numbers. Review.
Duo1shao3 shu4zi4? + how many numbers
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Sheng4dan4jie2 de shi2hou hen3 duo1 ren2 jia1 li3 fang4 yi1 ke4 Sheng4dan4shu4. + When it is Christmas, many people put at home a Christmas tree.
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Yi1ban1 lai2 shuo1 hen3 duo1ren2 ba3 Sheng4dan4 li3wu4 fang4 zai4 yi1 ge4 da4 de hong2se4 de wa4zi li3mian4. + Generally speaking many people put the Christmas gifts inside a big, red sock.
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Ni3 ke3yi3 ju3 ji3 gong1jin1 de gang4ling2? + How many kilos barbell can you lift?
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
ji3 gong1jin1? + how many kilograms?
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Ni3 ke3yi3 zuo4 duo1shao yang3wo4-qi3zuo4? + How many sit-ups can you do?
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il y a bien des points sur lesquels je voudrais faire des commentaires + there are many points on which I would like to comment

il est en mesure de révéler beaucoup de choses + he’s in a position to reveal many things

ensemble, ils ont changé beaucoup de choses + together, they changed many things

nous avons été nombreux à soutenir son innocence + many of us supported his innocence

une vie publique exige de nombreux sacrifices + public life requires many sacrifices

le ferry fera plusieurs voyages + the ferry will make many trips

elle l’a prouvé à maintes reprises + she proved it many times

beaucoup de travailleurs gagnent le salaire minimum + many workers earn minimum wage

combien de sites Internet avez-vous? + how many websites do you have?

la clinique a beaucoup de patients, mais je peux vous aider + the clinic has many patients, but I can help you

les agriculteurs subissent déjà beaucoup de catastrophes naturelles + farmers are already suffering from many natural disasters

trop d’ événements néfastes sont survenus cette année + too many harmful events took place this year

il y a plein de femmes musulmanes qui ont écrit des livres + many Muslim women have written books

beaucoup d’entre eux devront déclarer faillite + many of them will have to declare bankruptcy

cet oiseau a beaucoup plus de plumes blanches + this bird has many white feathers

de nombreux barrages ont été érigés par la police + many barricades were erected by the police

de nombreuses autoroutes ont dû être fermées + many highways had to be closed

trop de questions vont rester en suspens + too many questions will remain unresolved

la restauration emploie beaucoup de jeunes + catering employs many young people

beaucoup de ces différences sont minimes + many of these differences are minimal

il y a beaucoup de controverses au sujet des châtiments corporels + there are many controversies about corporal punishment

divers éléments nous procurent cet avantage concurrentiel + many factors bring us this competitive advantage

beaucoup venaient de familles aisées + many came from well-to-do families

beaucoup de processus sont probablement déjà irréversibles + many processes are probably already irreversible

comme beaucoup de mes compatriotes, j’ai eu l’occasion de voyager + like many of my compatriots, I had the chance to travel

des tas de choses étaient arrivées + many things happened

nous recevons de nombreuses lettres de félicitations + we receive many letters of congratulation

beaucoup seraient désireux de vous rencontrer + many people would be happy to meet you

il existe de nombreux débouchés dans plusieurs branches + there are several openings in many branches

beaucoup de laïcs ont plus de charité qu’eux + many lay clergy have more charity than they do
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 many +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
many nhiều + +