2 gao1 high/ tall/ above average/ loud/ your (honorific)/ surname Gao
2 yin1 overcast (weather)/ cloudy/ shady/ Yin (the negative principle of Yin and Yang)/ negative (electric.)/ feminine/ moon/ implicit/ hidden/ genitalia
3 yun2 cloud/ CL:朵[duo3]
4 xiang3 to make a sound/ to sound/ to ring/ loud/ classifier for noises
4 duo3 flower/ earlobe/ fig. item on both sides/ classifier for flowers; clouds etc
5 nian4 to read/ to study (a degree course)/ to read aloud/ to miss (sb)/ idea/ remembrance/ twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿; 20)
6 xia2 red clouds
6 浓厚 nong2 hou4 dense/ thick (fog; clouds etc)/ to have a strong interest in/ deep/ fully saturated (color)
6 响亮 xiang3 liang4 loud and clear/ resounding
6 晴朗 qing2 lang3 sunny and cloudless
6 喇叭 la3 ba5 horn (automobile; alarm siren; musical etc) which produces a sound/ loudspeaker/ brass wind instrument/ trumpet/ suona 鎖吶|锁呐[suo3 na4]
6 朗读 lang3 du2 read aloud/ read loudly and clearly
6 he1 to scold in a loud voice/ to yawn

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET mây cloud
2000VIET đọc to read aloud

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
016 0270
The cloud is grey / gray (am.).
016 0279
What colour / color (am.) is the cloud? Grey / Gray (am.).
048 0907
A little too loud.
084 1637
I could not understand him because the music was so loud.
091 1766
You laugh so loudly – don’t laugh so loudly!
097 1896
I can’t understand anything when the music is so loud.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A20 12 962
大声 说出 你的 名字 。 + พูดชื่อของคุณออกมาดัง ๆ + Nói to tên của bạn. + Say your name out loud. + Sag deinen Namen laut aus. + Dite il vostro nome ad alta voce. + Dites votre nom à voix haute. + Di tu nombre en voz alta. + Zeg uw naam luidruchtig. + ( dàshēng shuōchū nǐde· míngzì.)
B04 41 1191
我们 半夜 被 大声的 音乐 吵醒了 。 + พวกเราตื่นขึ้นมาด้วยเสียงดนตรีที่กลางดึก + Chúng tôi bị tiếng nhạc để đánh thức giữa đêm. + We were woken up by loud music in the middle of the night. + Mitten in der Nacht wurden wir von lauter Musik geweckt. + Siamo stati svegliati dalla musica ad alto volume in piena notte. + Nous avons été réveillés par une musique forte au milieu de la nuit. + Nos despertó la música fuerte en medio de la noche. + Midden in de nacht werden we gewekt door luide muziek. + (wǒmen· bànyè bèi dàshēngde· yīnyuè cháoxǐngle·.)
B15 44 1744
今天 天气 不是 很好 , 是 阴天 。 + สภาพอากาศไม่ดีเท่าวันนี้ ตอนนี้เมฆหนา. + Thời tiết hôm nay không đẹp. Trời nhiều mây. + The weather isn't so nice today. It's cloudy. + Das Wetter ist heute nicht so schön. Es ist bewölkt. + Il tempo non è così bello oggi. È nuvoloso. + Il ne fait pas si beau aujourd'hui. C'est nuageux. + El tiempo no es tan bueno hoy. Está nublado. + Het weer is vandaag de dag niet zo mooi. Het is bewolkt. + (jīntiān tiānqì búshì hénhǎo, shì yīntiān.)
C12 40 2590
音乐 实在 是 太大声了 , 大 到 好几 公里外就 能听见 。 + เพลงดังมากจนคุณได้ยินเสียงจากหลายไมล์ + Âm nhạc để đến nỗi mà tôi có thể nghe thấy nó cách giá hàng dặm. + The music was so loud that you could hear it from miles away. + Die Musik war so laut, dass man sie meilenweit hören konnte. + La musica era così alta da poterla ascoltare a chilometri di distanza. + La musique était si forte qu'on pouvait l'entendre à des kilomètres. + La música era tan fuerte que se podía oír a kilómetros de distancia. + De muziek was zo luid dat je het van mijlenver weg kon horen. + (yīnyuè shízài shì tàidàshēngle·, dà dào háojǐ gōnglǐwài jiù néngtīngjiàn.)
C17 39 2839
嫌犯 对着 警方 大声 吼 。 + ผู้ต้องสงสัยตะโกนใส่ตำรวจอย่างมาก + Người bị tình nghi đang quát cảnh sát rất đến. + The suspect was shouting at the police very loudly. + Der Verdächtige schrie die Polizei sehr laut an. + Il sospetto gridava molto forte alla polizia. + Le suspect criait très fort à la police. + El sospechoso gritaba a la policía muy fuerte. + De verdachte schreeuwde hard naar de politie. + (xiánfàn duìzhe· jǐngfāng dàshēng hǒu.)
Chúng tôi bị tiếng nhạc để đánh thức giữa đêm. + We were woken up by loud music in the middle of the night.
Thời tiết hôm nay không đẹp. Trời nhiều mây. + The weather isn't so nice today. It's cloudy.
Âm nhạc để đến nỗi mà tôi có thể nghe thấy nó cách giá hàng dặm. + The music was so loud that you could hear it from miles away.
Người bị tình nghi đang quát cảnh sát rất đến. + The suspect was shouting at the police very loudly.

mây + cloud

Trong cái rủi còn có cái may. + Every cloud has a silver lining!

Tôi hanh phúc như đang trên mây. + I am on cloud nine
GNOT Qualitative • audibility loud ồn +
a little bit too loud Hơi ồn quá +
Oxford 3000VieEng
lớn loud
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
3-2. Sprache, Schrift Exercise 3-2-6 vorlesen + to read aloud   (liest vor, las vor, hat vorgelesen) +
3-2. Sprache, Schrift Exercise 3-2-7 laut + loud +
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-2 Wolke + cloud +
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-3 Lautsprecher + loudspeaker +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-2 Können Sie bitte ein bisschen lauter sprechen?  + ein bisschen Can you please speak a little louder?  Bạn có thể nói một tiếng lớn hơn không? +
Exercise 2-5 Lass uns gehen. Hier ist es mir zu laut.  + laut Let's get going. It's too loud in here.  Chúng ta hãy đi. Nó quá lớn ở đây. +
Exercise 2-5 Können Sie bitte etwas lauter sprechen?  + laut Can you please speak a little louder?  Bạn có thể nói một tiếng lớn hơn không? +
Exercise 2-5 Sprich lauter!  + laut Speak louder!  Nói to lên! +
Exercise 5-6 Der Himmel ist bedeckt.  + Himmel The sky is cloudy.  Trời nhiều mây. +
Exercise 5-8 Es sind viele Wolken am Himmel.  + Wolke There are many clouds in the sky.  Có rất nhiều đám mây trên bầu trời. +
Exercise 5-8 Der Himmel überzog sich plötzlich mit dunklen Wolken.  + Wolke The sky suddenly covered with dark clouds.  Bầu trời bỗng chốc phủ mây đen. +
Exercise 5-8 Der Himmel war mit Wolken bedeckt.  + Wolke The sky was covered with clouds.  Bầu trời bao phủ bởi những đám mây. +
Exercise 12-5 Aus dem Radio kam laute Musik.  + Musik There was loud music coming out of the radio.  Có tiếng nhạc phát ra từ radio. +
Exercise 13-3 Es war bewölkt, deshalb nahm ich meinen Regenschirm mit.  + deshalb It was cloudy, so I took my umbrella with me.  Trời rất đục, vì vậy tôi mang ô của tôi cùng tôi. +
Exercise 15-8 Bitte achten Sie auch auf die Lautsprecher-Ansagen am Bahnhof.  + Lautsprecher Please also pay attention to the loudspeaker announcements at the station.  Hãy chú ý đến các thông báo loa ở trạm. +
Exercise 16-3 Ich kann Sie kaum verstehen. Sprechen Sie bitte lauter.  + verstehen* I can barely hear you. Please speak louder.  Tôi hầu như không thể nghe thấy bạn. Xin hãy nói to hơn. +
Exercise 22-8 Kannst du bitte lauter sprechen? Die Verbindung ist sehr schlecht.  + Verbindung Can you please speak louder? The connection is very bad.  Bạn có thể nói chuyện to hơn được không? Kết nối là rất xấu. +
Exercise 23-4 Ich kann Sie kaum verstehen. Bitte sprechen Sie lauter.  + kaum I can barely hear you. Please speak louder.  Tôi hầu như không thể nghe thấy bạn. Xin hãy nói to hơn. +
Exercise 30-4 Kinder, hört bitte auf, so laut zu schreien. – Ich muss arbeiten.  + schreien* Kids, please stop screaming so loud. I have to work.  Trẻ em, hãy ngừng la hét to. Tôi phải làm việc. +
Exercise 31-6 Ich bin kein Fan von lauter Musik.  + Fan I'm not a fan of loud music.  Tôi không phải là fan của âm nhạc to. +
Exercise 36-3 Nicht eine einzige Wolke war am Himmel.  + einzig Not a single cloud was in the sky.  Không một đám mây duy nhất ở trên trời. +
Exercise 40-9 Es war sehr mutig von dir, deine Meinung laut zu sagen.  + mutig It was very brave of you to say your opinion out loud.  Nó rất dũng cảm của bạn để nói lên ý kiến ​​của bạn. +
Exercise 42-4 Das Radio ist zu laut. Kannst du es ein wenig leiser drehen?  + Radio The radio's too loud. Can you turn it down a little bit?  Đài phát thanh quá lớn. Bạn có thể biến nó xuống một chút được không? +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Weather Wolke + cloud + Clouds A
+ + + + 103 Weather wolkig + cloudy + Clouds A
+ + + + 103 Weather halbbedeckt + partly cloudy + Clouds A
+ + + + 103 Weather Wolkendecke + cloud cover + Clouds A
+ + + + 103 Weather sich bewölken + to cloud over, become overcast + Clouds B
+ + + + 103 Weather bewölkt + cloudy + Clouds B
+ + + + 103 Weather der Himmel ist leicht bewölkt + there is only light cloud cover + Clouds B
+ + + + 103 Weather Gewitterwolke + storm cloud, thundercloud + Clouds B
+ + + + 103 Weather Bewölkung + cloud (cover) + Clouds C
+ + + + 103 Weather Bewölkungsauflockerung + breaking up of the cloud cover + Clouds C
+ + + + 103 Weather Bewölkungszunahme + increase in the cloud cover + Clouds C
+ + + + 103 Weather Wolkenfetzen + wisp of cloud + Clouds C
+ + + + 103 Weather Wolkenbruch + cloudburst + Rain C
+ + + + 103 Weather Platzregen + downpour, cloudburst + Rain C
+ + + + 103 Perception laut + loud + Sound A
+ + + + 103 Perception lautstark + loud + Sound A
+ + + + 103 Perception Krach + loud noise, racket; crash, bang + Sound A
+ + + + 103 Colour and light grell + garish, gaudy, loud + Colours B
+ + + + 103 Size and quantity anschwellen + to swell, grow louder, rise, grow + Increase and decrease C
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Lautsprecher + loudspeaker + General B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport über Lautsprecher + over the loudspeakers + General B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * yun2 cloud 1. < lit > sagen 2. Wolke +
A + * * du2 read/ read aloud 1. laut lesen, vorlesen 2. lesen 3. lernen, studieren +
A + * * nian4 read aloud; study; attend school 1. an jn denken, an etw. denken, gedenken, vermissen 2.lernen, eine Schule besuchen 3. vorlesen +
A + * * xiang3 make a sound/ ring/ noisy/ loud 1. Laut, Schall, Geräusch 2. tönen, ertönen, klingen, knallen 3. laut 4. Echo +
A + * * da4 big/ great/ loud 1. groß, riesig, gewaltig 2. Größe 3. Alter 4. sehr, höchst, völlig 5. der Erste 6. sehr, ganz +
A 大聲 + * * da4 sheng1 loudly mit lauter Stimme,laut +
A + * * yin1 cloudy/ overcast/ sinister 1. Yin, weibliches Prinzip, 2.Mond 3. Schatten 4. Rückseite 5. bewölkt 6. versteckt, geheim 7. negativ 8 . (weibliche) Genitalien +
B 朗讀 + * * lang3du1 read aloud laut lesen +
B + * * duo3 measure word for flower or cloud Zählwort für Blumen oder Wolken +
C 喇叭 + * * la3ba trumpet/ horn/ suona horn/ loudspeaker/ speaker Lautsprecher, Brass Windinstrument, Trompete +
C 響亮 + * * xiang3liang4 loud-bright/ loud and clear/ sonorous/ resonant klingend und hell, laut und klar +
C 朗誦 + * * lang3song4 read aloud with expression/ recite/ declaim vortragen, rezitieren +
C + * * hou3 roar/ howl/ shout/ yell/ generate loud sound 1. brüllen, heulen (z.B eines Löwens) 2. heulen, brausen , tosen (des Winds) +
C 陰天 + * * yin1tian1 cloudy-day/ overcast day/ gloomy day bedeckter Himmel, bewölkt +
D 雲彩 + * * yun2cai cloud Wolke +
D 烏雲 + * * wu1yun2 dark clouds dunkle Wolken +
D + * * xia2 rosy clouds von der Sonne gefärbte Wolken, Morgenrot oder Abendrot +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
aloud + The teacher listened to the children reading aloud. Der Lehrer hörte den Kindern beim Vorlesen zu.
aloud + He read the letter aloud to us. Er las uns den Brief laut vor.
aloud + 'What am I going to do?' she wondered aloud. Was soll ich nur tun? fragte sie sich laut.
amazed + amazed (that)...: I was banging so loudly I'm amazed (that) they didn't hear me. erstaunt (das)...: Ich habe so laut geklopft, dass ich erstaunt bin, dass sie mich nicht gehört haben.
announce + + speech: 'Now boarding flight 897, destination Seattle,' the loudspeaker announced. Rede:' Jetzt einsteigender Flug 897, Zielort Seattle,' kündigte der Lautsprecher an.
beat + several loud beats on the drum mehrere laute Beats auf der Trommel
behind + The sun disappeared behind the clouds. Die Sonne verschwand hinter den Wolken.
black + black storm clouds schwarze Sturmwolken
breathing + Heavy (= loud) breathing was all I could hear. Schweres (= lautes) Atmen war alles, was ich hören konnte.
burst + The sun burst through the clouds. Die Sonne brach durch die Wolken.
calm + a calm, cloudless day ein ruhiger, wolkenloser Tag
clock + Ellen heard the loud ticking of the clock in the hall. Ellen hörte das laute Ticken der Uhr im Flur.
cloud + The sun went behind a cloud. Die Sonne ging hinter einer Wolke.
cloud + It was scorching and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Es war sengend und es gab keine Wolke am Himmel.
cloud + The plane was flying in cloud most of the way. Das Flugzeug flog die meiste Zeit in Wolke.
dare + She said it as loudly as she dared. Sie sagte es so laut, wie sie es wagte.
dark + The dark clouds in the sky meant that a storm was coming. Die dunklen Wolken am Himmel bedeuteten, dass ein Sturm aufkam.
disappear + The plane disappeared behind a cloud. Das Flugzeug verschwand hinter einer Wolke.
dust + A cloud of dust rose as the truck drove off. Als der Lastwagen wegfuhr, erhob sich eine Staubwolke.
excuse me + Guy sneezed loudly. 'Excuse me,' he said. Der Kerl hat laut geniest. "Entschuldigung", sagte er.
explosion + There were two loud explosions and then the building burst into flames. Es gab zwei laute Explosionen und dann brach das Gebäude in Flammen auf.
form + Storm clouds are forming on the horizon. Am Horizont bilden sich Gewitterwolken.
give + He gave a loud cry (= cried out loudly) and fell to the floor. Er schrie laut (= laut) und fiel zu Boden.
hardly + There was hardly a cloud in the sky. Es war kaum eine Wolke am Himmel.
high + streaks of high cloud Wolkenstriche
in + He spoke in a loud voice. Er sprach mit lauter Stimme.
jump + A loud bang made me jump. Ein lauter Knall ließ mich springen.
laugh + to laugh loudly/aloud/out loud laut zu lachen/laut/laut/laut/laut
loud + loud laughter lautes Lachen
loud + a deafeningly loud bang ein ohrenbetäubend lauter Knall
loud + She spoke in a very loud voice. Sie sprach mit einer sehr lauten Stimme.
loud + That music's too loud—please turn it down. Die Musik ist zu laut, bitte leise.
loudly + She screamed as loudly as she could. Sie schrie so laut sie konnte.
loud and clear + The message is coming through loud and clear. Die Botschaft kommt laut und deutlich durch.
out loud + I laughed out loud. Ich habe laut gelacht.
out loud + Please read the letter out loud. Bitte lesen Sie den Brief laut vor.
low + low clouds niedrige Wolken
lung + She has a fine pair of lungs! (= she can sing or shout loudly) Sie hat ein schönes Paar Lungen! (= sie kann laut singen oder schreien)
mass + The sky was full of dark masses of clouds. Der Himmel war voll von dunklen Wolkenmassen.
match + The dark clouds matched her mood. Die dunklen Wolken stimmten mit ihrer Stimmung überein.
neighbourhood + He shouted so loudly that the whole neighbourhood could hear him. Er schrie so laut, dass ihn die ganze Nachbarschaft hören konnte.
out + Read it out loud. Lies es laut vor.
pop + The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop. Der Korken kam mit einem lauten Knall aus der Flasche.
raise + I've never heard him even raise his voice (= speak louder because he was angry). Ich habe ihn nie seine Stimme erheben hören (= lauter sprechen, weil er wütend war).
read + He read the poem aloud. Er las das Gedicht laut vor.
ring + The doorbell rang loudly. Es klingelte laut.
ring + He gave a couple of loud rings on the doorbell. Er klingelte mit ein paar lauten Ringen an der Türklingel.
sharp + In sharp contrast to her mood, the clouds were breaking up to reveal a blue sky. In scharfem Kontrast zu ihrer Stimmung brachen die Wolken auf, um einen blauen Himmel zu enthüllen.
shine + The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky. Die Sonne schien strahlend hell am wolkenlosen Himmel.
sing + He was dancing around and singing at the top of his voice (= very loudly). Er tanzte herum und sang mit lauter Stimme (= sehr laut).
smoke + Clouds of thick black smoke billowed from the car's exhaust. Wolken von dicken schwarzen Rauchschwaden aus dem Auspuff des Autos.
spray + A cloud of fine spray came up from the waterfall. Aus dem Wasserfall kam eine Wolke feiner Gischt.
strong + a strong voice (= loud) eine starke Stimme (= laut)
sun + A pale wintry sun shone through the clouds. Eine blasse winterliche Sonne schien durch die Wolken.
swear + She fell over and swore loudly. Sie fiel um und fluchte laut.
there + Suddenly there was a loud bang. Plötzlich gab es einen lauten Knall.
thick + Thick cloud covered the sky. Dicke Wolken bedeckten den Himmel.
threaten + threaten sth: The clouds threatened rain. etw.[Akk] bedrohen: Die Wolken drohten zu regnen.
tip + tip sth (+ adv./prep.): She tipped her head back and laughed loudly. etw.[Akk] kippen (+ Adv. /Vorbereitung): Sie kippte den Kopf zurück und lachte laut.
tonight + Tonight will be cloudy. Heute Nacht wird es bewölkt sein.
up + She went straight up to the door and knocked loudly. Sie ging direkt zur Tür und klopfte laut an.
visible + The moon was just visible between the clouds. Der Mond war nur zwischen den Wolken zu sehen.
voice + to speak in a deep/soft/loud/quiet, etc. voice in einer tiefen/weichen/lautstarken/leisen/leisen Stimme zu sprechen, etc.
voice + to raise/lower your voice (= to speak louder/more quietly) deine Stimme zu heben/erniedrigen (= lauter/leiser sprechen)

Mcc SentencesGbEng
433 大声 一点 + Please speak louder.
868 喇叭 + The horn is too loud.
899 太阳 消失 云层 后面 + The sun is disappearing behind the clouds.
997 天边 白云 + There is a patch of white clouds on the horizon.
1123 根据 天气 预报 显示 今天 晴间多云 + According to the weather forecast, it will be partially cloudy today.
1286 天边 布满 朝霞 + The horizon is full of glowing clouds.
1713 天气 阴沉 + The weather is cloudy.
2169 白云 衬托 天空 + The white clouds make the sky look much bluer.
2344 天空 布满 乌云 + The sky is covered by dark clouds.
2363 老师 要求 朗读 作文 + The teacher asks her to read her composition aloud.
2553 高兴 大声 呐喊 + He is so happy that he shouted out loud.
3345 摩天 大厦 高耸入云 + The skyscrapers reach to the clouds.
3525 蟋蟀 叫声 响亮 + The crickets' chirping is loud and clear.

请大声一点。 Qǐng dàshēng yīdiǎn. Please speak louder. Sprechen Sie lauter.
喇叭太响了。 Lǎba tài xiǎng le. The horn is too loud. Das Horn ist zu laut.
太阳消失在云层后面。 Tàiyáng xiāoshī zài yúncéng hòumian. The sun is disappearing behind the clouds. Die Sonne verschwindet hinter den Wolken.
天边有一片白云。 Tiānbiān yǒu yī piàn báiyún. There is a patch of white clouds on the horizon. Am Horizont sind weiße Wolken zu sehen.
根据天气预报显示,今天晴间多云。 Gēnjù tiānqì yùbào xiǎnshì,jīntiān qíng 【◎Fix:◎jiān;◎jiàn】 duōyún. According to the weather forecast, it will be partially cloudy today. Nach der Wettervorhersage wird es heute teilweise bewölkt sein.
天边佈满了朝霞。 Tiānbiān bù mǎn le zhāoxiá. The horizon is full of glowing clouds. Der Horizont ist voller glühender Wolken.
天气阴沉。 Tiānqì yīnchén. The weather is cloudy. Das Wetter ist wolkig.
白云衬托得天空很蓝。 Báiyún chèntuō de tiānkōng hěn lán. The white clouds make the sky look much bluer. Die weißen Wolken lassen den Himmel viel blauer aussehen.
他高兴得大声呐喊。 Tā gāoxìng de dàshēng nàhǎn. He is so happy that he shouted out loud. Er ist so glücklich, dass er laut geschrien hat.
天空佈满了乌云。 Tiānkōng bù mǎn le wūyún. The sky is covered by dark clouds. Der Himmel ist von dunklen Wolken bedeckt.
老师要求她朗读她的作文。 Lǎoshī yāoqiú tā lǎngdú tā de zuòwén. The teacher asks her to read her composition aloud. Die Lehrerin bittet sie, ihre Komposition laut vorzulesen.
摩天大厦高耸入云。 Mótiān dàshà gāosǒng-rùyún. The skyscrapers reach to the clouds. Die Wolkenkratzer reichen bis zu den Wolken.
蟋蟀的叫声很响亮。 Xīshuài de jiào shēng hěn xiǎngliàng. The crickets' chirping is loud and clear. Das Zirpen der Grillen ist laut und deutlich.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je n’ai pas frappé vraiment fort + I didn’t knock very loudly

quelques petits nuages se roulaient en boule dans le ciel + a few small clouds somersaulted through the sky

le ciel était partiellement dégagé + the skies were partly cloudy

le soleil avait dissipé les nuages + the sun dispersed the clouds

j’étais équipée pour flotter par-dessus les nuages + I was outfitted to float above the clouds

un grand nuage noir emmitoufle la crête des montagnes + a large black cloud hugged the crest of the mountains
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 loud +
+ + + + 103 loud +
+ + + + 103 loud +
+ + + + 103 loud +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie