VNEN khăn áo * garb * 103


11000 Common Composites

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Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
der Müll garbage rác thải
Kannst du den Müll bitte rausbringen? Can you take out the garbage, please? Bạn có thể đưa ra rác, xin vui lòng?
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A02 13 63
垃圾 不要 丢在 这里 。 + อย่าทิ้งขยะ (ถังขยะครอก) ที่นี่ + Đừng ném rác (rác, rác) ở đây. + Don't throw garbage (trash, litter) here. + Werfen Sie hier keinen Müll (Müll, Müll, Müll). + Non gettare rifiuti (cestino, rifiuti) qui. + Ne jetez pas de déchets ici. + No tires basura aquí. + Gooi hier geen vuilnis (vuil, rommel) weg. + ( lājī búyào diūzài zhèlǐ.)
A02 14 64
垃圾 需要 分类 。 + ขยะต้องแยกออกเพื่อการรีไซเคิล + Các thùng rác cần phải được tách ra để tái chế. + The garbage needs to be separated for recycling. + Der Müll muss für das Recycling getrennt werden. + I rifiuti devono essere separati ai fini del riciclaggio. + Les ordures doivent être triées pour le recyclage. + Es necesario separar la basura para reciclarla. + Het afval moet worden gescheiden voor recycling. + ( lājī xūyào fēnlèi.)
A11 49 549
哪里 有 垃圾桶 ? + ที่ขยะสามารถ? + Thùng rác ở đâu? + Where's the garbage can? + Wo ist die Mülltonne? + Dove è la spazzatura può? + Où est la poubelle? + ¿Dónde está el cubo de basura? + Waar is de vuilnisbak? + ( nǎlǐ yǒu lājītǒng?)
A11 50 550
我 可以把 垃圾 丢 这边 吗 ? + ฉันสามารถทิ้งขยะของฉันไปที่นี่ได้ไหม? + Tôi có thể ném rác ra không? + Can I throw my garbage away here? + Kann ich meinen Müll hier wegwerfen? + Posso buttare via i miei rifiuti qui? + Je peux jeter mes ordures ici? + ¿Puedo tirar mi basura aquí? + Kan ik mijn afval hier weggooien? + ( wǒ kěyǐbǎ lājī diū zhèbiān mā?)
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
5-3. Haushalt Exercise 5-3-3 Mülltonne + garbage can +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 14-2 Wo soll ich die Müllsäcke hinstellen?  + Sack Where should I put the garbage bags?  Tôi nên đặt túi rác ở đâu? +
Exercise 17-7 Wir müssen den Müll trennen! + Müll We have to separate the garbage! Chúng ta phải tách rác ra! +
Exercise 17-7 Wann kommt die Müllabfuhr?  + Müllabfuhr When's the garbage truck coming?  Khi xe chở rác đến? +
Exercise 17-7 Die Müllabfuhr kommt dreimal pro Woche. + Müllabfuhr Garbage truck comes three times a week. Xe chở rác thải ba lần một tuần. +
Exercise 17-8 Bitte entsorgen Sie Ihren Müll in den Mülltonnen draußen. + Mülltonne Please dispose of your garbage in the dustbins outside. Xin vứt bỏ rác của bạn vào thùng rác bên ngoài. +
Exercise 39-2 Kannst du bitte den Abfall in die Mülltonne werfen? + Abfall Can you please throw the garbage in the trash can? Bạn có thể xin ném rác vào thùng rác không? +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Household Müll + rubbish, garbage, refuse + Cleaning B
+ + + + 103 Containers Müllbeutel + rubbish bag, garbage bag + Bags B
+ + + + 103 Employment Müllfahrer(in) + dustman, garbage man/woman + Jobs, trades and professions B
+ + + + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Müll + rubbish, garbage, refuse + Environment A
+ + + + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Abfall + rubbish, garbage, refuse + Environment A
+ + + + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Abfalldeponie + rubbish/garbage dump + Environment B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B 垃圾 + * * la1ji1 garbage/ rubbish Abfall +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
bag + a black plastic rubbish/garbage bag ein schwarzer Plastikmüll/Müllbeutel
collect + collect sth (from...): What day do they collect the rubbish/garbage? etw.[Akk] einsammeln (von...): An welchem Tag sammeln sie den Müll?
collection + refuse/garbage collection Müllabfuhr/Müllabfuhr
dump + a garbage dump eine Müllhalde
garbage + garbage collection Garbage Collection
garbage + Don't forget to take out the garbage. Vergiss nicht, den Müll rauszubringen.
garbage + Throw it in the garbage. Wirf es in den Müll.
garbage + 'You mean you believe all that garbage?' he said. Du glaubst diesem ganzen Müll? sagte er.
put sth out + to put the garbage/trash out den Müll rauszuschmeißen
tie up, tie sth up + to tie up a garbage bag einen Müllsack zusammenzubinden,

Mcc SentencesGbEng
2907 这里 堆放 很多 垃圾 + A great deal of garbage has piled up here.
3038 垃圾 + I'm going to throw out the garbage.
3145 东西 扔到 垃圾箱 + Please throw the things into the garbage can.
3609 剩饭 倒进 垃圾桶 + She threw the leftovers in the garbage.

这里堆放了很多垃圾。 Zhèlǐ duīfàng le hěn duō lājī. A great deal of garbage has piled up here. Hier hat sich eine Menge Müll angesammelt.
我去扔垃圾。 Wǒ qù rēng lājī. I'm going to throw out the garbage. Ich werfe den Müll raus.
请把东西扔到垃圾箱里。 Qǐng bǎ dōngxi rēng dào lājīxiāng lǐ. Please throw the things into the garbage can. Bitte werfen Sie die Sachen in den Mülleimer.
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+ + + + 103 garb +
+ + + + 103 garb +
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