VNEN nhoi * emerge * 103

3 出现 chu1 xian4 to appear/ to arise/ to emerge/ to show up
5 产生 chan3 sheng1 to arise/ to come into being/ to come about/ to give rise to/ to bring into being/ to bring about/ to produce/ to engender/ to generate/ to appear/ appearance/ emergence/ generation/ production/ yield
5 紧急 jin3 ji2 urgent/ emergency
6 涌现 yong3 xian4 to emerge in large numbers/ to spring up/ to emerge prominently
6 层出不穷 ceng2 chu1 bu4 qiong2 more and more emerge/ innumerable succession/ breeding like flies (idiom)
6 戒备 jie4 bei4 to take precautions/ to guard against (emergency)
6 展现 zhan3 xian4 to come out/ to emerge
6 呈现 cheng2 xian4 to appear/ to emerge/ present (a certain appearance)/ demonstrate
6 救济 jiu4 ji4 emergency relief/ to help the needy with cash or goods

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Das ist ein Notfall. It's an emergency. Đó là một trường hợp khẩn cấp.
die Notaufnahme emergency ward phường cấp cứu
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin

Đây là một trường hợp khẩn cấp! + This is an emergency!

trường hợp khẩn cấp + emergency

khẩn cấp + emergency

Gọi xe cấp cứu, đây là một trường hợp khẩn cấp! + Call the ambulance, this is an emergency!

Cửa thoát hiễm + Emergency Exit
SNOT Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre emergency exit +
Oxford 3000VieEng
hiện ra emerge
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-2 Notfall + emergency +
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-5 Notausgang + emergency exit +
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-2 Notruf + emergency call +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 12-2 Wählen Sie die 112 in einem Notfall.  + wählen Dial 112 in an emergency.  Quay số 112 trong trường hợp khẩn cấp. +
Exercise 27-9 Der Notausgang ist gleich hier bei der Treppe.  + Notausgang Emergency exit is right here by the stairs.  Thoát khẩn cấp là ngay bên dưới cầu thang. +
Exercise 28-1 Wir haben einen Notfall. Bitte schicken Sie einen Krankenwagen.  + Notfall We have an emergency. Please send an ambulance.  Chúng tôi có trường hợp khẩn cấp. Xin vui lòng gửi một xe cứu thương. +
Exercise 28-1 Im Notfall rufen Sie bitte diese Nummer an.  + Notfall In case of emergency, please call this number.  Trong trường hợp khẩn cấp, vui lòng gọi số này. +
Exercise 28-1 Im Notfall kannst du bei uns übernachten. + Notfall In case of emergency you can stay overnight with us. Trong trường hợp khẩn cấp, bạn có thể ở lại qua đêm với chúng tôi. +
Exercise 28-5 Der Notruf hat die Nummer 112.  + Notruf Emergency call 112.  Cuộc gọi khẩn cấp 112. +
Exercise 28-5 Ein Notruf kann von jedem Telefon aus immer kostenlos erfolgen.  + Notruf An emergency call can always be made free of charge from any telephone.  Cuộc gọi khẩn cấp luôn có thể được thực hiện miễn phí từ bất kỳ điện thoại nào. +
Exercise 30-6 Die Notaufnahme ist gleich hier links.  + Notaufnahme Emergency room's right here on the left.  Phòng cấp cứu ngay phía bên trái. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Notausgang + emergency exit + Features of buildings B
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Notdienst + emergency services + Medical treatment A
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Notarzt + emergency doctor + Medical personnel and specialities B
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Notaufnahme + emergency room + Medical facilitie B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Notlandung + emergency landing + Air transport A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Notausgang + emergency exit + Air transport C
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations Nothilfe + emergency aid + International relations A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 出來 + * * chu1 lai2 come out/ emerge herauskommen, hervorkommen +
C + * * yong3 gush/ pour/ surge/ rise/ spring/ well/ emerge 1. hervorquellen, sprudeln ,fluten, strömen, 2. aufsteigen, hochsteigen, emporsteigen siehe: *chong1 +
D 層出不窮 + * * ceng2 chu1 bu4 qiong2 emerge in endlessly nacheinander hinauskommen, nacheinander hervorkommen +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
aid + economic/humanitarian/emergency aid wirtschaftliche/humanitäre/Nothilfe
calm + It is important to keep calm in an emergency. Es ist wichtig, im Notfall Ruhe zu bewahren.
cool + He has a cool head (= he stays calm in an emergency). Er hat einen kühlen Kopf (= er bleibt im Notfall ruhig).
declare + declare sth: The government has declared a state of emergency. etw.[Akk] erklären: Die Regierung hat den Notstand ausgerufen.
emerge + emerge (from sth): The swimmer emerged from the lake. taucht auf (aus etw.[Dat]): Der Schwimmer tauchte aus dem See auf.
emerge + She finally emerged from her room at noon. Sie kam schließlich gegen Mittag aus ihrem Zimmer.
emerge + He emerged from the shadows. Er kam aus dem Schatten.
emerge + emerge (into sth): We emerged into bright sunlight. taucht auf (in etw.): Wir tauchten in helles Sonnenlicht auf.
emerge + No new evidence emerged during the investigation. Bei den Ermittlungen sind keine neuen Beweise aufgetaucht.
emerge + it emerges that...: It emerged that the company was going to be sold. es stellt sich heraus, dass...: Es stellte sich heraus, dass das Unternehmen verkauft werden sollte.
emerge + After the elections opposition groups began to emerge. Nach den Wahlen begannen sich Oppositionsgruppen herauszubilden.
emerge + emerge as sth: He emerged as a key figure in the campaign sich als etw. entpuppen: Er wurde zur Schlüsselfigur in der Kampagne
emergency + The government has declared a state of emergency following the earthquake. Die Regierung hat nach dem Erdbeben den Ausnahmezustand ausgerufen.
emergency + This door should only be used in an emergency. Diese Tür sollte nur im Notfall benutzt werden.
emergency + the emergency exit (= to be used in an emergency) der Notausgang (= im Notfall zu benutzen)
emergency + The government had to take emergency action. Die Regierung musste Sofortmaßnahmen ergreifen.
emergency + The pilot made an emergency landing in a field. Der Pilot landete im Notfall auf einem Feld.
emergency + I always have some extra cash with me for emergencies. Ich habe immer Geld für Notfälle dabei.
emergency + The government has been granted emergency powers (= to deal with an emergency). Der Regierung sind Notstandsbefugnisse übertragen worden (= Notstandsbewältigung).
exit + The emergency exit is at the back of the bus. Der Notausgang befindet sich hinten am Bus.
expense + financial help to meet the expenses of an emergency finanzielle Hilfe zur Deckung der Kosten eines Notfalls
explain + explain to sb who, how, etc...: She explained to them what to do in an emergency. jdm. erklären, wer, wie, usw...: Sie erklärte ihnen, was im Notfall zu tun ist.
lorry + Emergency food supplies were brought in by lorry. Die Nahrungsmittelsoforthilfe wurde per Lastkraftwagen gebracht.
measure + a temporary/an emergency measure eine vorübergehende/eine Notfallmaßnahme
operation + operation (on sb/sth) (for sth): Doctors performed an emergency operation for appendicitis last night. Operation (an jdm. /etw.) (für etw.): Ärzte haben gestern Abend eine Notoperation wegen Blinddarmentzündung durchgeführt.
picture + From newspaper reports a picture emerges of a country barely under control. Aus Zeitungsberichten geht ein Bild eines Landes hervor, das kaum unter Kontrolle ist.
procedure + emergency/safety/disciplinary procedures Notfall/Sicherheit/Disziplinarverfahren
receive + receive sth: Emergency cases will receive professional attention immediately. etw.[Akk] erhalten: Notfälle werden sofort professionell behandelt.
safe + It would be safer to take more money with you in case of emergency. Es wäre sicherer, im Notfall mehr Geld mitzunehmen.
session + an emergency session of Congress eine Notfallsitzung des Kongresses
supply + The UN has agreed to allow the supply of emergency aid. Die UNO hat sich bereit erklärt, die Lieferung von Soforthilfe zuzulassen.
talk + Union representatives walked out of emergency talks aimed at reaching a pay settlement. Die Gewerkschaftsvertreter sind aus den Notgespraechen zur Tarifeinigung ausgestiegen.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
3188 火车 驶出 隧道 + The train emerged from the tunnel.

火车驶出了隧道。 Huǒchē shǐ chū le suìdào. The train emerged from the tunnel. Der Zug kam aus dem Tunnel.
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
ji2zhen3 + emergency
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

la police était en état d’alerte maximum + the police were in a full state of emergency

prépare-toi pour un atterrissage d’urgence + prepare yourself for an emergency landing

il y a un dispositif d’urgence + there’s an emergency apparatus

j’ai eu une urgence à domicile + I had an emergency at home

nous pensons que le système solaire est issu d’une étoile + we think the solar system emerged from a star
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 emerge +
+ + + + 103 emerge +
+ + + + 103 emerge +
+ + + + 103 emerge +
+ + + + 103 emerge +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie