11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Ich möchte sechs Eier bitte. I would like six eggs, please. Tôi muốn sáu quả trứng, xin vui lòng.
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A02 44 94
我 要 炒蛋 。 + ฉันต้องการไข่กวน + Tôi muốn trứng chiên. + I'd like scrambled eggs. + Ich hätte gerne Rührei. + Mi piacerebbero le uova strapazzate. + Je voudrais des œufs brouillés. + Me gustaría huevos revueltos. + Ik zou graag roerei willen. + ( wǒ yào chǎodàn.)
A02 45 95
请给 我 荷包蛋 。 + กรุณาทำให้ไข่ของฉันแดดขึ้น + Hãy làm cho trứng của tôi nắng lên. + Please make my eggs sunny-side up. + Bitte machen Sie meine Eier mit der Sonnenseite nach oben. + Si prega di fare le mie uova lato sole su. + S'il vous plaît, faites que mes œufs soient ensoleillés. + Por favor, haz que mis huevos estén soleados. + Maak mijn eieren alstublieft zonnig naar boven. + ( qǐnggěi wǒ hébāodàn.)
B17 49 1849
艾伯特 不吃 肉 。 — 这样 啊 ? 那 他 吃 鸡蛋 吗 ? + อัลเบิร์ไม่กินเนื้อสัตว์ - เขาไม่ได้? เขากินไข่ไหม + Albert không ăn thịt. Thế à? Anh ấy có ăn trứng không? + Albert doesn't eat meat. — He doesn't? Does he eat eggs? + Albert isst kein Fleisch. Er weiß es nicht? Isst er Eier? + Albert non mangia carne. Non lo fa? Mangia uova? + Albert ne mange pas de viande. Il n'en a pas? Il mange des oeufs? + Albert no come carne. ¿No lo hace? ¿Come huevos? + Albert eet geen vlees. Hij niet? Eet hij eieren? + ( àibótè bùchī ròu. — zhèyàng a? nà tā chī jīdàn mā?)
C18 43 2893
她 是个 生活 简单的 女人 , 只 吃 面包 和鸡蛋 。 + เธอเป็นผู้หญิงที่เรียบง่ายและอาศัยอยู่บนขนมปังและไข่ + Cô ấy là một phụ nữ rất đơn giản và chỉ sống bằng bánh mì và trứng. + She is a very simple woman, and lives on just bread and eggs. + Sie ist eine sehr einfache Frau und lebt von Brot und Eiern. + Lei è una donna molto semplice, e vive solo di pane e uova. + C'est une femme très simple, elle ne vit que de pain et d'oeufs. + Es una mujer muy sencilla, y vive sólo de pan y huevos. + Ze is een zeer eenvoudige vrouw, en leeft op gewoon brood en eieren. + (tā shìge· shēnghuó jiǎndānde· nǚrén, zhǐ chī miànbāo hé jīdàn.)
C20 32 2982
把 牛奶 喝完 、 把 鸡蛋 吃光的 人 , 要 再买一些 回来 , 顺便 买点儿 卫生纸 。 + ใครที่ใช้นมและไข่ทั้งหมดควรออกไปและซื้อเพิ่มอีก และรับกระดาษชำระบางส่วนในขณะที่คุณอยู่ที่นั้น + Bất cứ ai đã dùng hết sữa và trứng nên ra ngoài và mua thêm. Và hãy lấy một ít giấy vệ sinh khi đấy là bạn. + Whoever used up all the milk and eggs should go out and buy some more. And get some toilet paper while you're at it. + Wer die ganze Milch und Eier verbraucht hat, sollte rausgehen und noch mehr kaufen. Und besorgen Sie sich Toilettenpapier, wenn Sie schon dabei sind. + Chi ha consumato tutto il latte e le uova dovrebbe andare fuori e comprare un po' di più. E ottenere un po' di carta igienica mentre siete ad esso. + Celui qui a consommé tout le lait et les œufs devrait aller en acheter d'autres. Et prends du papier toilette pendant que tu y es. + Quien haya usado toda la leche y los huevos debería comprar más. Y consigue papel higiénico mientras lo haces. + Wie alle melk en eieren heeft opgebruikt, moet er nog wat meer kopen. En krijg wat toiletpapier terwijl je er bij bent. + ( bǎ niúnǎi hēwán, bǎ jīdàn chīguāngde· rén, yào zài mǎiyìxiē huílái, shùnbiàn máidiǎnr wèishēngzhǐ.)
Albert không ăn thịt. Thế à? Anh ấy có ăn trứng không? + Albert doesn't eat meat. — He doesn't? Does he eat eggs?
Cô ấy là một phụ nữ rất đơn giản và chỉ sống bằng bánh mì và trứng. + She is a very simple woman, and lives on just bread and eggs.
Bất cứ ai đã dùng hết sữa và trứng nên ra ngoài và mua thêm. Và hãy lấy một ít giấy vệ sinh khi đấy là bạn. + Whoever used up all the milk and eggs should go out and buy some more. And get some toilet paper while you're at it.

Tôi mua trứng để nấu ăn. + I buy eggs for cooking.

Tôi trộn ba quả trứng với bột này. + I mix three eggs with this powder.
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 5-8 Bei uns ist es Tradition, an Ostern Eier zu färben und für die Kinder zu verstecken.  + Ostern It is our tradition to dye eggs at Easter and hide them for the children.  Đó là truyền thống của chúng tôi để nhuộm trứng vào buổi lễ Phục Sinh và ẩn chúng cho trẻ em. +
Exercise 9-5 Mischen Sie Mehl mit zwei Eiern.  + mischen Mix the flour with two eggs.  Trộn bột với hai quả trứng. +
Exercise 15-4 Er isst zum Frühstück immer zwei Spiegeleier.  + Frühstück He always eats two fried eggs for breakfast.  Anh ấy luôn ăn hai quả trứng chiên vào bữa sáng. +
Exercise 15-4 Sie briet Eier zum Frühstück.  + Frühstück She made eggs for breakfast.  Cô ấy làm trứng cho bữa sáng. +
Exercise 18-7 Die Eier sind faul. + faul The eggs are rotten. Các quả trứng bị thối. +
Exercise 19-2 Hühner legen Eier.  + Huhn Chickens lay eggs.  Gà đẻ trứng. +
Exercise 26-2 Sie holt bei einem Bauern frische Eier. + Bauer She's getting fresh eggs from a farmer. Cô ấy đang lấy trứng tươi từ một nông dân. +
Exercise 33-5 Für den Teig braucht man Mehl, Eier, Wasser und Salz.  + Mehl The dough requires flour, eggs, water and salt.  Bột đòi hỏi bột mì, trứng, nước và muối. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
eggs Back From the Market 7
+ + + + 103 The animal world Gelege + clutch of eggs + Mammals C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
addition + Pasta's basic ingredients are flour and water, sometimes with the addition of eggs or oil. Die Grundzutaten der Teigwaren sind Mehl und Wasser, manchmal mit Eiern oder Öl.
beat + beat sth (up): Beat the eggs up to a frothy consistency. etw.[Akk] aufschlagen: Die Eier schaumig schlagen.
bird + a bird's nest with two eggs in it ein Vogelnest mit zwei Eiern darin
breakfast + Do you want bacon and eggs for breakfast? Möchtest du Speck und Eier zum Frühstück?
combine + combine sth with sth: Combine the eggs with a little flour. etw.[Akk] mit etw.[Dat] vermischen: Eier mit etwas Mehl verrühren.
combine + combine A and B (together): Combine the eggs and the flour. A und B (zusammen) mischen: Eier und Mehl mischen.
dozen + two dozen eggs zwei Dutzend Eier
egg + The female sits on the eggs until they hatch. Das Weibchen sitzt auf den Eiern, bis sie schlüpfen.
egg + The fish lay thousands of eggs at one time. Die Fische legen Tausende von Eiern auf einmal.
egg + crocodile eggs Krokodil-Eier
egg + bacon and eggs Speck und Eier
egg + fried/poached/scrambled eggs Rührei/Rührei
egg + ducks'/quails' eggs Enten- /Eichel-Eier
grade + grade sth/sb from... to...: Eggs are graded from small to extra large. Sortierung von... bis...: Die Eier werden von klein bis extra groß sortiert.
infect + eggs infected with salmonella salmonellenverseuchte Eier
lay + The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests. Der Kuckuck legt seine Eier in andere Vogelnester.
lay + new-laid eggs Neulegeeier
lay + The hens are not laying well (= not producing many eggs). Die Hühner legen nicht gut (= wenig Eier).
mixture + Add the eggs to the mixture and beat well. Die Eier dazugeben und gut schlagen.
pack + He found a part-time job packing eggs. Er fand einen Teilzeitjob, Eier packen.
plenty + plenty of eggs/money/time reichlich Eier/Geld/Zeit
reproduce + Most reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land. Die meisten Reptilien vermehren sich, indem sie Eier auf Land legen.
separate + separate sth: Separate the eggs (= separate the yolk from the white). etw.[Akk] trennen: Die Eier trennen (= Eigelb vom Eigelb trennen).
take turns (in sth/to do sth) + The male and female birds take turns in sitting on the eggs. Männliche und weibliche Vögel sitzen abwechselnd auf den Eiern.
without + You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. Man kann kein Omelett machen, ohne Eier zu zerbrechen.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
1472 鸡蛋 面粉 在一起 + Eggs and flour are mixed together.
2891 母鸡 孵卵 + The hen is sitting on her eggs. (or The hen is brooding.)
3234 小心 蛋壳 掉到 面粉 + Be careful not to let any eggshell drop into the flour.
3516 怂恿 他们 赌博 + He eggs them on to gamble.
3783 我往平底锅里打了两个鸡蛋 平底锅 两个 鸡蛋 + I cracked two eggs into the frying pan.

鸡蛋和面粉混在一起。 Jīdàn huómiàn fěn hùn zài yīqǐ. Eggs and flour are mixed together. Eier und Mehl werden vermischt.
母鸡在孵卵。 Mǔjī zài fūluǎn. The hen is sitting on her eggs. (or The hen is brooding.) Die Henne sitzt auf ihren Eiern. (oder Die Henne brütet.)
他怂恿他们赌博。 Tā sǒngyǒng tāmen dǔbó. He eggs them on to gamble. Er legt ihnen Eier aufs Spiel.
小心把蛋壳掉到面粉里。 Xiǎoxīn bǎ dànké diào dào miànfěn lǐ. Be careful not to let any eggshell drop into the flour. Achten Sie darauf, dass keine Eierschale in das Mehl fällt.
Lesson 029. Buying Food in a Supermarket.
ji1dan4 + eggs / chicken eggs
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

n’oublie pas de chercher tes œufs de Pâques + don’t forget to look for your Easter eggs
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 eggs +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
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Wiktionary VietnameseVie