11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 要求 + * * yao1qiu2 demand/ require/ claim/ ask bitten,Bitte,Wunsch +
A 不要 + * * bu4yao4 don't/ don't want to nicht dürfen +
A 重要 + * * zhong4yao4 important/ significant/ major wichtig +
A + * * yao4 want to/ wish to/ must/ shall/ ask for etw haben wollen, nach etw verlangen, bitten, lassen, fordern, mögen, wünschen, müssen, sollen, werden +
A 要是 + * * yao4shi in case/ if/ suppose wenn,falls +
A 需要 + * * xu1yao4 need/ want/ require/ demand brauchen,Notwendigkeit +
A 主要 + * * zhu3yao4 main/ major/ chief/ principal hauptsächlich +
B 不要緊 + * * bu4 yao4jin3 doesn't matter unwichtig, keine Ursache +
B 要緊 + * * yao4jin3 important/ essential Wichtig +
B 必要 + * * bi4yao4 necessary/ essential/ indispensable notwendig +
B 將要 + * * jiang1yao4 be going to/ will/ shall werden / im Begriff sein / bald +
B 只要 + * * zhi3yao4 so long as/ provided solange, wenn nur +
C 次要 + * * ci4yao4 secondary/ less important/ subordinate/ minor an zweiter Stelle, nachrangig, unwichtiger +
C + * * yao4 if/ suppose/ in case/ or 1. wichtig, Wesentliches 2. etw haben wollen, nach etw verlangen 3. bitten, lassen, fordern 4. mögen, wünschen 5. müssen, sollen 6. werden 7. wenn +
C 要不 + * * yao4bu4 if-not/ otherwise/ or else/ or sonst, andernfalls +
C 要不然 + * * yao4buran2 if-not-so/ otherwise/ or else/ or anderenfalls, oder sonst +
C 要不是 + * * yao4bu2shi4 if-not-be/ if the fact weren't that/ hadn't/ shouldn't falls nicht.. +
C 要點 + * * yao4dian3 important-point/ main point/ essential/ gist/ strongpoint wesentliche Punkte, Hauptpunkt, Schlüsselstützpunkt +
C 要好 + * * yao4hao3 want-good/ on good terms/ friendly to each other mit jn befreundet sein, mit jm auf gutem Fuß stehen +
D 首要 + * * shou3yao4 chief/ principal erstrangig, hauptsächlich +
D 要領 + * * yao4ling3 essential/ main points Hauptpunkte, Hauptgedanke, das Wesentliche +
D 要麼 + * * yao4me or oder, entweder...oder +
D 要命 + * * yao4 ming4 confoundedly/ awfully jm ums Leben bringen, furchtbar, äußerst, zu dumm +
D 要素 + * * yao4su4 factor/ element wesentlicher Faktor, wichtig +
D 綱要 + * * gang1yao4 compendium Disposition,Skizze, Grundriß +
D 簡要 + * * jian3yao4 in brief kurz und bündig +
D 提要 + * * ti2yao4 abstract Inhaltsangabe, Zusammenfassung, Hauptinhalt +
D 摘要 + * * zhai1yao4 summary/ brief das wichtigste notieren, Zusammenfassung +
D 紀要 + * * ji4yao4 summary Zusammenfassung +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu

Mcc SentencesGbEng
30 孩子们 + The children want to eat candy.
52 迟到 怎么办 + I'm going to be late. What should I do?
89 我们 爱护 地球 + We should love and protect our planet.
98 火车 + The train is about to leave.
99 要是 分手 + If you don't come, I am going to break up with you.
108 红灯 不要 马路 + Don't cross the road when the light is red.
192 把握 每次 面试 机会 + One must seize the chance of each interview.
211 吃饭 洗手 + We have to wash our hands before eating.
349 水稻 主要 农作物 + Rice is the main crop here.
374 实验 部分 重要 + The experimental part is very important.
388 知识 阅读 积累 + Knowledge is accumulated by reading.
449 开车 注意 安全 + We need to be cautious (lit., pay attention to safety) when driving.
477 老鼠 搬家 狂躁 可能 地震 噩兆 + When rats move house and cows and sheep become wild, it is a sign of an earthquake.
578 需要 帮助 + She needs help.
681 我们 需要 互相 帮助 + We need to help one another.
712 援助 非洲 需要 大量 资金 + Assistance to Africa requires significant funding.
729 群众 要求 政府 进行 改革 + The masses demand that the government reform.
746 我们 马上 就要 启程 + We're leaving in a moment.
778 儿子 得意 要胁 妈妈 + The son smugly coerces his mother.
779 要求 道歉 + She demanded he apologize.
790 飞机 将要 起飞 + The plane is about to take off.
814 我们 爱护 生命 + We should love and protect all lives.
841 农业 重要 + Agriculture is very important.
882 老板 工作 要求 严格 + The boss is strict with my work.
895 马路 遵守 交通 规则 + When crossing the road, we have to obey the traffic regulations.
908 好像 下雨 + It seems that it it is going to rain.
1081 挑战 自身 极限 + She wants to challenge her own limits.
1146 股票 风险 + You take a risk when you buy stock.
1154 人人 遵守 交通 规则 + Everyone should follow the traffic regulations.
1162 立志 成为 建筑师 + She aspired to become an architect.
1239 不要 怪罪 + Please don't blame me.
1272 回国 探亲 访友 + I am returning to my country to visit relatives and friends.
1318 航海 运输 重要 + Maritime transport is very important.
1325 要求 退职 + He asks for a retirement from his post.
1399 收入 交税 + Tax must be paid on every month's income.
1443 帐单 逾期 利息 + Interest is charged as a penalty for overdue bills.
1528 马路 人行 横道 + To cross the street, one should use the crosswalk.
1534 如果 不要 勉强 + If you don't want to eat, don't force yourself.
1538 节省 + You should be sparing with your money.
1559 宁可 吃饭 减肥 + I want to lose weight even if it means not eating.
1566 不要 浪费 资源 + Please don't waste resources.
1627 银行 注销 帐户 + I'm going to cancel my account at the bank.
1677 千万 不要 挑拨 夫妻 关系 + Never sow discord between husband and wife.
1702 明天 返校 + School starts again tomorrow.
1923 伤心 + Don't grieve too much.
1951 学生 尊敬 老师 + Students should respect their teachers.
1980 灾区 需要 支援 + The disaster area needs assistance.
1983 明天 俄罗斯 + I'm going to Russia tomorrow.
2027 不要 拖延 时间 + Don't stall for time.
2090 人类 想要 揭开 宇宙 奥秘 + Mankind seeks to uncover the secrets of the universe.
2110 符合 他们 要求 + This complies with their requirements.
2156 孕妇 户外 走走 + Pregnant women should often take walks outside .
2159 不要 迟到 藉口 + Don't make excuses for being late.
2168 需要 别人 施舍 + He depends on people's charity.
2172 进口 商品 征收 进口税 + An import tax is levied on imported goods.
2178 他们 这儿 逗留 + They're going to stay here for a few days.
2247 做错 不要 别人 + Don't blame others unfairly for things that you've done wrong.
2286 服药 掌握好 剂量 + Make sure that you have the correct dosage when taking medicine.
2305 饮酒 适量 + Alcoholic beverages should be consumed in moderation.
2339 火车 + She wants to take the train.
2361 怜悯 + You should show sympathy for the victims of the disaster.
2363 老师 要求 朗读 作文 + The teacher asks her to read her composition aloud.
2447 不要 打扰 工作 + Don't disturb my work!
2496 中国菜 趁热 + Chinese food should be eaten hot.
2513 要是 不要 勉强 + Don't force yourself if you don't like it.
2556 不要 招惹 小心 + Don't provoke this dog; be careful not to get bitten.
2607 他们 服兵役 + They are going to serve in the army.
2707 想要 政府 + He wants to overthrow the government.
2784 不要 冤枉 + Don't blame me unjustly.
2806 戳穿 谎言 + I will expose his lies.
2911 父亲 嘱咐 孩子 注意 安全 + The father tells his child to be careful.
2916 不要 喇叭 说话 + Don't speak with the megaphone aimed at me.
2942 飞机 快要 坠落 + The plane is about to crash.
2943 主宰 自己 命运 + I want to be master of my own destiny.
2964 我们 遏止 资源 浪费 + We should curb the waste of resources.
3012 圣诞节 相互 赠送 礼物 + People exchange gifts at Christmas.
3014 不要 妨碍 比赛 + Do not interfere with the game.
3048 攀岩 需要 毅力 + To do rock-climbing, you need tenacity.
3092 植物 需要 土壤 + Plants need soil.
3179 不要 欺凌 弱者 + Don't bully the weak.
3253 不要 诬告 + Don't falsely accuse me.
3269 潜水 需要 氧气罐 + Diving requires the use of an oxygen tank.
3282 删除 电脑 档案 + She wants to delete the files on her computer.
3286 不要 + Don't hide this from me.
3305 发言 简明 扼要 + Her speech is brief and to the point.
3358 想要 斩断 树枝 + He wants to cut this branch off.
3365 大家 站拢 拍照 + Everyone stand closer together, we're about to take a picture!
3376 不要 打电话 骚扰 + Don't harass me with telephone calls.
3383 咖啡 + I've ordered a cup of coffee.

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