4 抽烟 chou1 yan1 to smoke (a cigarette; tobacco)
5 戒烟 jie4 yan1 to give up smoking
6 烟花爆竹 yan1 hua1 bao4 zhu2 fireworks and crackers

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
024 0423
Do you smoke?
024 0424
I used to.
024 0426
Does it disturb you if I smoke?
031 0575
Do you have cigarettes?
031 0576
Do you have an ashtray?
037 0685
A window seat, non-smoking, please.
072 1383
Would you like to smoke?
072 1386
I would like to smoke.
072 1387
Would you like a cigarette?
075 1447
May we smoke here?
075 1448
Is smoking allowed here?
076 1477
Do you have an ashtray?
076 1478
Do you smoke cigars?
076 1479
Do you smoke cigarettes?
076 1480
Do you smoke a pipe?
083 1610
He took a cigarette.
090 1755
Were you allowed to smoke in the airplane?
091 1769
You smoke too much – don’t smoke so much!
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A02 29 79
有 禁 烟 区 吗 ? + คุณมีที่นั่งที่ไม่สูบบุหรี่หรือไม่? + Bạn có chỗ ngồi không hút thuốc không? + Do you have non-smoking seats? + Haben Sie Nichtrauchersitze? + Avete posti non fumatori? + Avez-vous des sièges non-fumeurs? + ¿Tiene asientos para no fumadores? + Heeft u niet roken stoelen? + ( yǒu jìn yān qū mā?)
A07 32 332
你 呛到 我 了 , 这里 不能 抽烟 。 + คุณกำลังสำลักผมคุณไม่ควรจะสูบบุหรี่ที่นี่ + Bạn đang nghẹn tôi, bạn không nên hút thuốc ở đây. + You're choking me, you're not supposed to smoke here. + Du erwürgst mich, du sollst hier nicht rauchen. + Mi state soffocando, non dovreste fumare qui. + Tu m'étouffes, tu ne devrais pas fumer ici. + Me estás asfixiando, no se supone que fumes aquí. + Je verstikt me, je bent niet verondersteld om hier te roken. + ( nǐ qiāngdào wǒ le·, zhèlǐ bùnéng chōuyān.)
A16 40 790
不可以 抽烟 。 + ห้ามสูบบุหรี่. + Không hút thuốc. + Do not smoke. + Nicht rauchen. + Non fumare. + Ne pas fumer. + No fume. + Niet roken. + ( bùkěyǐ chōuyān.)
A19 30 930
你 想抽 根 烟 吗 ? + คุณต้องการบุหรี่ไหม? + Bạn có muốn một điếu thuốc không? + Do you want a cigarette? + Willst du eine Zigarette? + Volete una sigaretta? + Tu veux une cigarette? + ¿Quieres un cigarrillo? + Wilt u een sigaret? + ( nǐ xiǎngchōu gēn yān mā?)
A19 44 944
你 会 抽烟 吗 ? + คุณสูบบุหรี่หรือไม่? + Bạn hút thuốc lá? + Do you smoke tobacco? + Rauchen Sie Tabak? + Fumate tabacco? + Fumez-vous du tabac? + ¿Fuma tabaco? + Rookt u tabak? + ( nǐ huì chōuyān mā?)
A19 45 945
你 每天 抽 几包 烟 ? + คุณสูบบุหรี่กี่วันต่อวัน? + Bao nhiêu gói thuốc lá bạn hút mỗi ngày? + How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke per day? + Wie viele Packungen Zigaretten rauchen Sie pro Tag? + Quanti pacchetti di sigarette fuma al giorno? + Combien de paquets de cigarettes fumez-vous par jour? + ¿Cuántos paquetes de cigarrillos fuma al día? + Hoeveel pakjes sigaretten rook je per dag? + ( nǐ měitiān chōu jǐbāo yān?)
B10 46 1496
我 觉得 人们 不应该 抽烟 。 + ฉันไม่คิดว่าคนควรสูบบุหรี่ + Tôi nghĩ mọi người không nên hút thuốc. + I don't think people should smoke. + Ich denke nicht, dass die Leute rauchen sollten. + Non credo che le persone debbano fumare. + Je ne pense pas que les gens devraient fumer. + No creo que la gente deba fumar. + Ik denk niet dat mensen moeten roken. + (wǒ juéde· rénmen· bùyīnggāi chōuyān.)
Oxford 3000VieEng
吸烟 xīyān rauchen
吸烟者 xīyānzhě Raucher
不吸烟者 bùxīyānzhě Nichtraucher
烟灰缸 yānhuīgāng Aschenbecher
香烟 xiāngyān Zigarette
烟斗 yān dǒu Pfeife
烟草 yān cǎo Tabak
香烟 xiāng yān Zigarre
烟雾 yānwù Rauch
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B 吸煙(抽煙) + * * xi1 yan1 smoke rauchen +
C 香煙 + * * xiang1yan1 fragrant-smoke/ cigarette/ incense smoke Zigarette +
C + * * yan1 smoke/ tobacco/ cigarette/ opium 1. Zigarette, Tabak 2. Rauch, Qualm, Dunst +
C 煙囪 + * * yan1cong1 smoke-hole/ chimney/ funnel/ stovepipe Kamin, Schornstein +
D 煙草 + * * yan1cao3 tobacco Tabak +
D 煙卷兒 + * * yan1juan3'er cigarette Zigarette +
D 煙霧 + * * yan1wu4 smoke Rauchschwaden, Nebel, Dampf +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu

Mcc SentencesGbEng
210 昨天 开始 戒烟 + I've stopped smoking as of yesterday.
448 这里 不许 吸烟 + Smoking is not permitted here.
830 未必 能够 戒烟 + She'll never give up smoking.
1007 吸烟 损害 健康 + Smoking is harmful to your health.
1259 抽烟 + She's smoking.
1260 树林 烟雾 弥漫 + Mist fills the forest.
1976 烟囱 正在 冒烟 + The chimney is giving off smoke.
2421 爸爸 戒烟 + I advised my father to give up smoking.
2563 天空 烟雾 笼罩 + The sky is shrouded in smoke.
2597 决心 戒烟 + She's determined to give up smoking.
2694 中国 除夕 放烟火 + Fireworks are let off on New Year's Eve in China.
2967 烟瘾 + He is heavily addicted to smoking.
3314 嗜好 吸烟 + She's a habitual smoker.
3529 战场 硝烟 弥漫 + The battlefield was filled with gunsmoke.
3577 + It is a little bit inappropriate to smoke in the office.

我从昨天开始戒烟。 wǒ cóng zuótiān kāishǐ jièyān. I've stopped smoking as of yesterday. Ich rauche seit gestern nicht mehr.
这里不许吸烟。 Zhèlǐ bùxǔ xīyān. Smoking is not permitted here. Rauchen ist hier nicht erlaubt.
她未必能够戒烟。 Tā wèibì nénggòu jièyān. She'll never give up smoking. Sie wird das Rauchen nie aufgeben.
吸烟损害健康。 xīyān sǔnhài jiànkāng. Smoking is harmful to your health. Rauchen ist gesundheitsschädlich.
她在抽烟。 Tā zài chōuyān. She's smoking. Sie raucht.
树林里烟雾弥漫。 Shùlín lǐ yānwù mímàn. Mist fills the forest. Nebel erfüllt den Wald.
烟囱正在冒烟。 Yāncōng zhèngzài màoyān. The chimney is giving off smoke. Der Schornstein gibt Rauch ab.
我劝爸爸戒烟。 Wǒ quàn bàba jièyān. I advised my father to give up smoking. Ich habe meinem Vater geraten, das Rauchen aufzugeben.
天空被烟雾笼罩着。 Tiānkōng bèi yānwù lǒngzhào zhe. The sky is shrouded in smoke. Der Himmel ist in Rauch gehüllt.
她决心戒烟。 Tā juéxīn jièyān. She's determined to give up smoking. Sie ist entschlossen, das Rauchen aufzugeben.
在中国,除夕会放烟火。 Zài Zhōngguó,chúxī huì fàng yānhuǒ. Fireworks are let off on New Year's Eve in China. Am Silvesterabend in China wird das Feuerwerk entfacht.
他的烟瘾很大。 Tā de yānyǐn hěn dà. He is heavily addicted to smoking. Er ist stark abhängig vom Rauchen.
她嗜好吸烟。 Tā shìhào xīyān. She's a habitual smoker. Sie raucht gewöhnlich.
战场上硝烟弥漫。 Zhànchǎng shàng xiāoyān mímàn. The battlefield was filled with gunsmoke. Das Schlachtfeld war voller Waffenrauch.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng
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Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
Yān khói + + yān Khói + +